Translation Of Riyad Salihin Imam Nawawi



Praise be to Allah, the One, the Mighty, the Glorious and the Forgiving, the One who turns night into day as a reminder for those who think and as an insight for those who learn. He is the One who awakens those who are chosen among His creatures where they are not preoccupied with the affairs of the world alone but are also preoccupied so that they draw closer to Him, use their minds and so that they are busy seeking His guidance and guidance. He helps them to always obey Him so that they are able to abandon sinful deeds and helps them to always increase their provisions for their happiness in the hereafter. And He is the One who keeps them away from the things that anger Allah and cause them to perish, and keeps them from being swayed by the vagaries of life.


That is why I praise Allah with all my heart and give thanks without ceasing and testify that there is no God worthy of worship except Allah, the Most Compassionate, Gracious and Merciful. And I also bear witness that Muhammad, peace be upon him, is his servant and messenger, his beloved and favorite, the Prophet who guides to the right path and leads to the straight religion. Grace and prosperity be upon him and the other prophets and their families and the righteous.


Then after that, Allah ta’ala says:


“And I did not create the jinn and mankind but that they should worship Me. I do not desire any sustenance from them, nor do I desire that they should feed Me.” (QS. Adh Dhariyat: 56-57)


This verse explains that jinn and humans were created by Allah only for worship. Hence they should pay attention to what they were created for and ignore the deception of the world with zuLud, because the world will be corrupted and is only a shelter, not for fun and not an eternal place.


Therefore, only those who are sober and of sound mind will not be deceived by the busyness of this world and will always worship Allah.


Allah ta’ala has said:


“Verily, the example of the life of this world is like the rain that We send down from the sky, and because of it the plants of the earth become fertile. Some of them are eaten by man and livestock. And when the earth had attained its beauty and adorned itself with ornaments, and its owners thought that they were sure to possess it, then suddenly there came upon it Our punishment by night or by day, and We made its plants like plants that had been cut as if they had never grown before. Thus We show the signs of Our power to those who think”. (QS. Yunus: 214)


The verses of the Qur’an that are similar to the verse above are numerous. So it is fitting that one of the Arab poets said:


“Verily there are clever servants of Allah. They do not attach importance to the world for fear of fitnah.


“They are very careful of the world, and then understand that it is not a place to live in forever.


“They consider that the world is like an ocean, and they use righteous deeds as their vessel.


Thus I have explained the above about the state of the world, our state and the purpose for which Allah created us all. It is only natural that the believer should devote himself to following in the footsteps of the chosen ones and acting in accordance with the path taken by those who are of sound mind and take note of what I have warned about.


The best way is always to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), who was the first and the last of the best and the most honorable. May Allah bestow mercy and well-being upon him and the other Prophets.


Allah ta’ala says:


“Help one another in goodness and piety.” (Al Maidah: 3)


The saheeh hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) is that he said:


“Allah will always help His servant as long as he helps his brother.”


The Prophet also said:


“Whoever points out a good deed will be rewarded with the same reward as the one who does it.”


Indeed the Prophet said:


“Whoever invites to goodness will be rewarded like the reward of those who follow him, and that does not diminish the reward of the followers in the least.”


The Prophet also said to Ali (may Allah be pleased with him):


“By Allah, if Allah gives a person life because of your teachings then that is better for you than you giving away red-red cattle”.


I felt the desire to compile a book of saheeh hadiths covering everything that can lead to a safe journey to the Hereafter and to guide a person to perfect behavior, both physically and mentally. The hadiths that I have compiled include recommendations, threats and instructions for achieving perfection, such as the hadith of zuhud, mental training, moral education, medicine for the heart, maintenance of the body and so on,


I have made every effort not to include hadeeths that are not saheeh, and we have quoted from well-known hadeeths. In fact, before mentioning the hadiths, I have included a few verses from the Qur’an in each chapter and added comments where necessary.


When I mention “Muttafagun ‘Alaihi” at the end of a hadith, it means that the hadith was narrated: Bukhari-Muslim.


When this book is finished, I hope that it will serve as a guide for people of good will and as a deterrent against all kinds of evil and destruction.


And I hope that whoever benefits from this book will pray for us, our parents, our teachers and all Muslims.


It is only to Allah that we surrender in all matters and it is only to Him that we rely. He is the One who is sufficient and the best of those who are entrusted. There is no effort and no power except with the help of Allah, the Glorious, the Wise.







Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “They are not commanded except to worship Allah sincerely and to observe the religion of rectitude, and to establish prayer and pay the alms. That is the straight religion.” (QS. Al Bayyinah: 5)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “The flesh and blood of the sacrifices do not reach Him, but what reaches Him is the piety of all of you.” (al-Haj: 37)


Allah ta’ala says: “Say: If you conceal, or if you reveal what is in your bosoms, Allah knows it.” (Ali Imran: 29)


(1) From Amirul Mukminin Abu Hafsh ‘Umar bin Khattab bin Nufail bin Abdul ‘Uzza bin Riyah bin Abdullah bin Qurth bin Razah bin “Adi bin Ka’ab bin Luayyi bin Ghalib Al Quraysh Al Adawi ra. he said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Verily, the validity of every deed depends on its intention. And what a person earns is in accordance with his intention. Whoever migrates for the sake of Allah and His Messenger, his migration will be accepted by Allah and His Messenger. And whoever hijrahs because of the worldly gain he is pursuing or because of the woman he wants to marry, then his hijrah will only get what he intends in his hijrah.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


(2). Ummil Mukminin Umm Abdillah Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “There will be an army that will attack the Ka’bah. When they reach an open field, they will be destroyed from the foremost to the last. ‘Ā’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) asked: “O Messenger of Allah, how is it that they will be destroyed from the foremost to the last, when there are those who are not with them, those who are in the market and those who are not helping them?”. The Prophet replied: “They will be destroyed from the first to the last, then they will be resurrected according to their intentions”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


(3). Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “There was no hijrah after the conquest of Makkah, but there is fighting in the way of Allah and the intention to always do good. Therefore, if you are called to fight, then go.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


(4). Abu Abdillah bin Jabir bin Abdillah Al Anshari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “We were with the Prophet in a battle, then the Prophet said: “Verily, in the city of Madinah there are some people who, if you cross the road or cross the valley, they will always follow you. No one can prevent them except sickness”. In one narration, “except that they are always with you in seeking reward”. (HR Muslim)


(5). Narrated by Bukhari, from Anas ra. he said: “We were with the Prophet when he returned from the battle of Tabuk, and he said: “Verily, there are some people left behind in Madinah who accompany us in and out of villages and across valleys. Nothing prevents them except an excuse”. (HR. Bukhari)


(6). Abu Yazid Ma’an bin Yazid bin Al Akhnas, whose father and grandfather were companions, said: “My father Yazid used to take out some dinars (gold) in charity, and they were left with someone in the mosque to be given to the poor who begged. So I came to the mosque and asked for the dinar. Then I came to my father with the dinar, and he said: “By Allah, I did not give the alms to you. Then I brought the incident to the Prophet’s attention, and the Prophet said: “Har Yazid, for you what you intended and for you hat Ma’an what you took”. (HR Bukhari)


(7). Abu Ishag Sa’ad bin Abi Waqas Malik bin Uhaib bin Abdi Manaf bin Zuhrah bin Kilab bin Murrah bin Ka’ab bin Luayyi Al Qurasyi Az Zuhriyyi (may Allah be pleased with him), one of the ten people guaranteed entry into Paradise, said: “When I was sick during the farewell pilgrimage, the Messenger of Allah visited me, and I said: “O Messenger of Allah, I am very sick as you can see, and I have a lot of wealth and I have only one daughter to inherit, so can I give two-thirds of my wealth in charity? The Prophet replied: “No”. I asked: “half”? He replied: “Not allowed”. I asked again: “One third, O Messenger of Allah?” He replied: “One-third is enough and big enough. Indeed, if you leave your heirs rich it is better than poor, so that they are forced to beg others. “And if you spend your wealth on something that you intend for the pleasure of Allah, you will be rewarded by Him, even the spending that you give your wife. I asked: “O Messenger of Allah, am I going to part with my companions soon?” The Prophet replied “You are not going to part yet. You will still add to the deeds that you intend to seek the pleasure of Allah so that the degree of your nobility continues to increase. And you will die after others have used you and some have even lost because of you. Then the Prophet prayed: “O Allah, continue for my companions their hijrah and do not return them back (i.e. the places they had left i.e. Makkah). But the disappointment was that Sa’d bin Khaulah, who was always loved by the Messenger of Allah, died in Makkah”. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)


(8). Abu Hurairah Abdur Rahman bin Sakhr (ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Verily, Allah does not see the shape of your body nor your face, but Allah sees your heart”. (HR. Muslim)


(9). Abu Musa Abdullah bin Qais Al Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Once the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) was asked about a man who fights because of his courage, fights because of his tribalism and fights because of jealousy: which of these is fighting in the way of Allah?” The Prophet replied: “Whoever fights solely to uphold the word of Allah (the religion of Allah), then that is called fighting in the way of Allah”. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)


(10). Abu Bakrah Nufai’ bin Al Harith Ats Tsagabi reported that the Prophet said: “When two Muslims face each other with their swords, the one who kills and the one who is killed will both be in Hell”. Abu Bakrah asked: “O Messenger of Allah, the one who kills is naturally included in hell, but why is the one who is killed also in hell?”. The Prophet replied: “Because he intended to kill his opponent”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


(11). Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The prayer of a man in congregation has more reward than praying alone in the marketplace or in his house, twenty degrees. This is because if a man completes his ablution and goes to the mosque, with no other purpose than to pray, he will be elevated one degree for every step he takes and one sin will be forgiven from him until he enters the mosque When he is in the mosque, he is considered to have prayed while he is still waiting for the next prayer, and the angels will continue to ask for mercy for one of you all as long as he is sitting at the place of prayer and praying, O Allah, have mercy on him, forgive his sins and accept his repentance” so long as he does not make noise or break his wudoo’ in the mosque”. (HR Bukhari and Muslim)


(12). Abul Abbas Abdullah ibn Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Verily, Allah records good deeds and evil deeds, then explains them. Whoever intends to do a good deed and does not do it, Allah records for him one good deed. And whoever intends to do a good deed and is able to do it will receive ten good deeds, perhaps increased to seven hundred times or more. On the other hand, whoever intends to do evil and fails to do it, Allah will record for him one good. And whoever intends to do evil and does it, Allah will record for him one evil”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


(13). Abu Abdur Rahman Abdullah bin Umar bin Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say: “In the time before you there were three men traveling until they had to spend the night in a cave. Suddenly while they were in the cave, a large rock fell from a hill and covered the door of the cave so that they could not get out. One of them said: “There is no one who can save us unless we all pray to Allah, mentioning the good deeds that we have done.” One of them said: “There is no one who can save us, unless we all pray to Allah, mentioning the good deeds that we have done. One of them said: O Allah, I used to have a father and mother who were old and decrepit, and I was in the habit of not giving anyone milk before them (i.e. my father and mother), either family or servants. So one day I was looking for wood and came home so late that I found them both fast asleep. I continued to milk them for their drinking supply. When I found them sleeping, I was reluctant to wake them up, and I did not give milk to my family and slaves until I had given it to my parents. So I waited for them until dawn and finally they woke up and drank the milk that I had given them. Yet all that night my children were crying at my feet. O Allah, if I am doing this for Your pleasure, then move the stone that covers this cave.” So the stone moved, but they could not get out. The second of them prayed: “O Allah, I have a cousin whom I love very much”. In another narration it is said: “I loved my cousin as much as a man loves a woman, so I wanted to commit adultery with her, but she always refused. After a few years she was in trouble, so she came to me, so I gave her one hundred dinars on the promise that she would give herself to me to be treated as I wished”. In another narration it is said: “When I was between her legs she said: “Fear Allah and do not break my membranes except in a lawful way”. So I immediately got up from her even though I loved her very much and I gave up the dinar that I had given her. O Allah, if I am doing this solely for Your pleasure, then move the stone that covers this cave”. So the rock moved aside a little, but they could not get out of the cave. The third man (of them) said: “O Allah, I used to be an employer and had many employees. We gave them all their wages in full except for one who could not wait to collect it. Then I increased the salary of the one who did not take it so that it became a lot. After a few years he came to me to collect his salary that had been left behind and said: “O servant of Allah, give me my old salary”. So I said. “All the wealth that is before you, including camels, cows, goats and those who tend them, is your salary”. The man said: “O servant of Allah, do not mock me”. I replied. “I am not mocking you”. Then the man took all the wealth that was in front of him without leaving any behind. “O Allah, if I am doing this for the sake of Your pleasure, then remove the stone that covers this cave.” Then suddenly, the stone moved aside. So suddenly the stone moved aside so that they could all get out safely.” (HR, Bukhari and Muslim)







The scholars are of the view that repentance from sin is obligatory. This is the case if the sin committed has nothing to do with fellow human beings, meaning that it is directly related to Allah. So the way to repent must fulfill three conditions, namely:


  1. Stopping the sin.
  2. Regret for all his actions.
  3. Intention not to repeat the sin again.


If he does not fulfill these three requirements, his repentance will not be accepted.


If the sin involved a fellow human being, then his repentance must fulfill four conditions, namely the three conditions mentioned above plus one more condition, namely: Settle the matter with the rightful person by apologizing to him.


If it had to do with property, then he must return it. If the sin was related to an oath or accusation, then he must apologize. And if the sin is related to the issue of swearing, then his repentance is to ask for it to be legalized. A person who commits a sin must immediately repent of all his sins. Hence, if a person repents for only some of his sins, then the other sins will still not be forgiven.


There are many verses of the Qur’an, Prophetic hadiths and scholarly consensus that oblige us to repent immediately, including the following.


Allah says: “Repent ye all unto Allah, O ye who believe, that ye may prosper”. (QS. An Nur: 31)


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “Seek forgiveness from your Lord, and then repent to Him”. (QS. Hud: 3)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “O you who believe, repent to Allah with true repentance”. (QS. At Tahrim: 8)


(1). Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say: “By Allah, I recite istighfar and repent to Allah every day more than seventy times”. (HR. Bukhari)


(2).Al Aghar bin Yasar Al Muzanni (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “O people, repent to Allah and seek His forgiveness, for I repent one hundred times every day.” (HR. Muslim)


(3). Abu Hamzah Anas bin Malik Al Anshari, a servant of the Messenger of Allah, reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “Verily, Allah is pleased with the repentance of His servant more than He is pleased with one of you who finds his camel that was lost in the middle of the desert.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In the Muslim narration it is said: “Indeed, Allah is more pleased with the repentance of His servant than with the pleasure of one of you who was riding in the middle of the desert, and his animal left him, while the vehicle was full of food and drink, so he despaired of ever finding it again. So he took shelter under a tree and lay down in utter despair and disappointment. Unexpectedly, when he woke up from his sleep suddenly his vehicle was back in front of him complete with provisions, so he immediately grabbed the wheel and said: “O Allah, you are my slave, and I am your Lord”. He uttered the words by mistake because of his great joy.”


(4). Abu Musa Abdullah bin Qais Al Ash’ari reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, Allah always stretches His hand to accept the repentance of those who do evil in the daytime, and stretches His hand in the afternoon to accept the repentance of those who do evil at night. This will continue until the sun rises from the west (i.e. until the Day of Resurrection).” (HR Muslim),


(5). Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever repents before the sun rises from the west, Allah will accept his repentance”. (HR. Muslim)


(6). Abu Abdur Rahman Abdullah bin Umar bin Khattab reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, Allah accepts the repentance of a servant before his life reaches his throat (before he is about to die)”. (HR. At Turmudzi)


(7). Zir bin Hubaisy reported: “I came to Shafwan bin Assal to ask about wiping the shoes, so he said: “What have you come here for, O Zir?”. I replied: “To seek knowledge”. Shafwan said: “The angels spread their wings for the one who seeks knowledge because they are pleased with what he seeks”. I asked: “I don’t really understand how to wipe over the khufoof after defecating and urinating, and you are one of the companions of the Prophet. So I have come here to ask you whether you have heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) speak about it.” Shafwan replied: “Yes, he told us not to take off our shoes for three days and nights except for janabat when we are on a journey or traveling. The permission not to take off the khufoof is only for minor impurity, such as defecation, bowel movement or sleeping. Then I asked him again: “Have you ever heard him talk about love?”. Shafwan replied: “Yes, we were with the Messenger of Allah (saw) on a journey when a Bedouin called out in a loud voice, saying: “O Muhammad (peace be upon him)”, then the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) answered him with a loud voice also similar to the voice of Haum. So I warned the Bedouin. Lower your voice a little in the presence of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) because such behavior is prohibited. The Bedouin replied: “By Allah, I cannot lower my voice”. Then the Bedouin asked: “How can one love a group of people but not be allowed to gather with them?”. The Prophet said: “A person will be gathered with those he loves tomorrow on the Day of Judgment”. He used to tell us so much that he mentioned a door in the west that is as wide as a journey of 40 or 70 years. One of the narrators from the region of Syria, Shofwan, said: “Allah created that door at the same time as He created the heavens and the earth, and it is always open for repentance, and it will not be closed until the sun rises from the west (before the Day of Resurrection)”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


(8). Abu Said bin Malik bin Sinan Al Khudri reported that the Prophet said: “Once upon a time there was a man who killed 99 people. Then he searched for the most pious person in the land, which finally he was shown to a priest. The murderer went to the priest and told him what had happened, that he had killed 99 people. He asked the priest: “Is there still a way to repent?” The priest replied: “Your repentance is not acceptable”. So the man killed the priest so that the number of people he had killed was one hundred. Then he searched for the most pious man in the land and was finally shown to a very pious man. When he was shown, he explained that he had killed a hundred people, was there any way to repent? The pious man replied: “Yes, there is a way to repent”. Who can prevent repentance? Go there, for the people there are devoted to the worship of their Lord, so do as they do. And do not return to your hometown, for it is the domain of criminals.


So the man went away. When he reached the middle of the road he suddenly died, so the angel of mercy and the angel of punishment quarreled. The angel of mercy said: “He went to repent to Allah with all his heart”. The angel of punishment said: “Surely he has not done any good”. Then an angel came in the form of a human being and made him judge between them. The angel said: “Measure the distance that the criminal has traveled between where he has left and where he is going, then where he is closer, include him among the people there. Finally, he measured the area and found that it was closer to the good village, which he was aiming for by about an inch, so the Angel of Mercy took his soul”. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)


In another narration in the Sahih it is said: “He is nearer, by an inch, to the good region, so he is grouped with the good people”. In another narration it is also said: “Allah commands the destination earth to come closer and commands the abandoned earth (the area of the criminal) to move away so that the good area is found only an inch closer, then finally he is forgiven”. In another narration it is said: “Allah inclines his heart towards the good area”.


(9). Abdullah bin Ka’ab bin Malik, who was the commander of Ka’ab ra. from his son when he was blind where he said: “I heard Ka’ab bin Malik (peace be upon him) narrate about himself when he was separated from the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) in the battle of Tabuk. “He (Ka’ab b. Malik) said: “I have never lagged behind the Messenger of Allah in a battle, except in the battle of Tabuk. Only I was left behind in the battle of Badr but no one was blamed for being left behind in the battle of Badr because the Messenger of Allah went out only to intercept the caravan of Quraysh, but Allah met them with their enemy unexpectedly. As for me, I witnessed with the Messenger of Allah the night of Bayt al-Maqabah when we pledged allegiance to Islam, and I do not like to think of the night of Bayt al-Maqabah as being like the battle of Badr, although that battle is often mentioned.


As for the story of my being left behind in the battle of Tabuk, I have never felt stronger or lighter than I did when I was left behind in the battle of Tabuk. By Allah, I had never prepared two vehicles except for the battle of Tabuk. And usually the Messenger of Allah when going to war always disguised it with another purpose. But in the battle of Tabuk, the Prophet did not disguise it because he would fight in the dry season and would travel very far and would face a very large enemy. Therefore, the Prophet emphasized to the Muslims to be fully prepared and serious in fighting. And also the Prophet PBUH. told the real direction of the destination. The Muslims at that time were quite large in number, and their names were not recorded in a book, so if someone did not participate in the war, he probably thought that the Messenger of Allah would not know about it as long as there was no revelation from Allah.


The Messenger of Allah went out to fight the battle of Tabuk during the fruit season. I, on the other hand, felt more inclined towards that war. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and the Muslims were ready and I was planning for the next day. Then I went home but when I got home I did not do anything and I said to myself: “I am capable of fighting at any time”. But the situation continued to drag on until the Messenger of Allah and the Muslims were ready to leave. And I went home to get ready. But when I got home I could not do anything. It also dragged on until the Messenger of Allah and the Muslims left for war. After the Messenger of Allah left, I felt sad because if I went out, I did not meet any friends of the Muslims except hypocrites, or weak people who were given mercy by Allah SWT. The Messenger of Allah did not mention my name when he arrived at Tabuk. While at Tabuk, he sat among the Muslims and asked: “What is Ka’ab bin Malik doing?” A man from Banu Salamah said: “O Messenger of Allah, he was blocked by the cloth of his coat and he was only looking at the cloth of his coat”. Then Muadz bin Jabal ra. said to the man from Banu Salamah: “Evil, what are you saying”. O Allah, we have not seen Ka’b except for his goodness. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not respond to this statement, and at the same time, the shadow of a person was seen which was vague due to the effect of a mirage, so the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “May it be Khaitsamah”. Suddenly when he arrived, he was Khaitsamah Al Anshari, the one who had given one saa’ (2 1/2 kg) of palm wine when he was criticized by the hypocrites.


Ka’b ibn Malik said: “When the news came that the Messenger of Allah had come from Tabuk, my grief came and I almost lied to tell what had actually happened to me. Because I wanted to avoid his wrath and also I had asked the whole family to find an excuse. After the Messenger of Allah (saws) actually came, all my falsehoods (where I would have lied) disappeared and I was sure that I would not be saved from it by any excuse. So it was better for me to confess the truth to the Messenger of Allah. And in the morning the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) came and proceeded to the mosque as was his custom when he arrived from a long journey to perform the two rak’ahs of voluntary prayer. At that time, the people who did not participate in the war came to present their excuses and swear, which was approximately 80 people. The Prophet accepted their excuses and asked for forgiveness. As for the inner matter, it was left to Allah, until it came to my turn. So when I greeted him, the Messenger of Allah smiled sarcastically and said: “Come here”. I came and sat in front of him. Then the Prophet said: “What is the reason why you did not come, even though you had prepared a vehicle?”. I replied: O Messenger of Allah, had I been sitting before the people of this world instead of you I would have been able to come up with an excuse to save myself from his wrath because I am quite capable of arguing, but by Allah, I am sure that if I now tell a lie to you which you may accept and be pleased with me, Allah may be angry with me and if I now tell the truth you may be sorry for me, but I can still expect forgiveness from Allah. By Allah, there is no excuse for me: and by Allah, I felt very strong and very capable when I did not join the war with you. Finally the Messenger of Allah said: “What you say is the truth go and wait for Allah’s decision about you”. When I left the people of Banu Salamah followed, saying: “By Allah, you have never committed a sin other than this, why don’t you apologize to the Messenger of Allah?” It is enough for you if the Messenger of Allah asks forgiveness for you.


Ka’ab b. Malik said: “By Allah, almost all of them blamed me so that I would have intended to return to the Messenger of Allah and would have denied myself. So I asked the people of Banu Salamah: “Is there anyone who would accept a decision like mine?”. They replied: “Yes, there are two people who said what you said. And both of them also received a judgment like the judgment given to you”. I asked: “Who are those two people?”. They answered: “Murrah bin Rabiah Al Amiri and Hilal bin Umayyah Al Waqifi”.


Ka’ab b. Malik said: “When they mentioned the names of the two righteous men who had participated in the battle of Badr, I felt reassured that I had two friends who could be used as examples. So I did not withdraw my confession. Then the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) forbade the companions to speak to the three of us. So the people stayed away from us, and the three of us were like strangers for 50 days. My two friends who did not participate in the battle of Tabuk stayed at home and cried constantly. As for me, the youngest and strongest of the three who did not participate in the war, I still went out of the house and participated in the prayers with the Muslims and went to the market as well However, no one greeted me, rather I came to the gathering of the Messenger of Allah and greeted him while watching the lips of the Messenger of Allah if the lips of the Messenger of Allah moved in response to my greeting, then I approached the Messenger of Allah during prayer while glancing at him, and when I glanced at him he turned his face away from me. Then after a long time of such occurrences, one day I climbed the wall of the house of Abu Qatadah, my cousin brother whom I liked the most, and I greeted him. But by Allah, he did not answer my greeting. So I said to him: “O Abu Qatadah, by Allah I want to hear your answer whether you know that I still love Allah and His Messenger?”. Abu Qatadah did not answer either, so I repeated this question two, three times, and still he remained silent and did not answer, only saying: Allah and His Messenger know better. So my tears flowed and I quickly climbed the wall of Qatadah’s house to return. And one day I was walking in the marketplace. Suddenly a farmer from the Levant who used to sell food in the city of Medina said: “Who would like to show me to Ka’b bin Malik”, so everyone pointed at me. Then the farmer approached me with a letter from the king of Khassan in which he said: “Furthermore, I want to tell you that I heard that you were ostracized by your friends. But Allah has not made you despicable and you are not someone who deserves to be wasted. Therefore I am absolutely willing to help you’. After reading this letter I said: “Well this is also a test”. And immediately I wanted to burn the letter.


After 40 days had passed since this incident, a messenger of the Messenger of Allah came to my house and told me that the Messenger of Allah had told me to stay away from my wife. I asked: “Should I divorce my wife?” He replied: No, just do not have intercourse with her, and the same was sent to my two friends who were in the same situation. So after receiving the news I told my wife. I hope that you will return to your family home until you receive a verdict from Allah about this matter. Meanwhile, the wife of Hilal bin Umayyah came to the Messenger of Allah to inform him that Hilal bin Umayyah was an old man who had no servant. So do you mind if I serve him? The Prophet replied: “That’s fine, but never have intercourse with you”. Hilal’s wife said: “By Allah, Hilal b. Umayyah has no desire to do such a thing, and by Allah, he has been crying ever since he received that decision until now”. Then some of my family begged me to ask the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) for permission regarding the matter of my wife, because he had allowed Hilal’s wife to serve her husband. So I replied: “I will not ask the Messenger of Allah’s permission about my wife because I am a young man”. Then I remained alone for ten days until the fifty days were completed” i.e. since the Prophet’s prohibition on the companions talking to us. And on the fiftieth day, while I was praying the morning prayer in the upper part of our house, at which time I was contemplating my fate as signaled by Allah, in the Qur’an, that it had become cramped living in this world, suddenly I heard a very loud shout. O Ka’ab bin Malik welcome this good news. So immediately I made a prostration of gratitude because I was sure that the Prophet had told his companions that Allah had accepted our repentance this morning. So people came to congratulate me. Some of them ran, some used vehicles, and some went up the hill shouting. When the one who delivered the good news came, I took off my shirt and gave it to him because of my joy. By Allah, I had no clothes except the one I gave him, so when I went to the Messenger of Allah, I had to borrow someone else’s clothes. I went to the Messenger of Allah and the people who met me congratulated me on the acceptance of my repentance by Allah. Finally, I arrived at the Prophet’s mosque, where the Prophet was sitting surrounded by his companions, and Talhah bin Ubaidillah (may Allah be pleased with him) got up to shake my hand and congratulate me. By Allah, none of the Muhajirin rose up except Talhah.


Ka’ab b. Malik said: “When I greeted the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), his face lit up with joy and he said: “Rejoice on the best day since you were born to your mother”. I asked: “Is this decree from you or directly from Allah?”. He replied: “It is directly from Allah, the Lord of Glory and Majesty”. And usually when the Prophet was happy, his face shone like the hemisphere of the moon. We are all familiar with that. Then when I sat in front of him I said: “O Messenger of Allah, as the completion of my repentance, I will give all my wealth to Allah and His messenger”. The Prophet said: “No, hold back some of your wealth because that is better for you”. I said again: “I will withhold my share that I earned in the battle of Khaibar, O Messenger of Allah. Verily, Allah has saved me because of my honesty, and as the completion of my repentance I will not speak for the rest of my life except what is right”. By Allah, I do not know of anyone among the Muslims who has been tested by Allah for his truthfulness like me. By Allah, I have never deliberately lied since I made such a promise to the Messenger of Allah until today. And I hope that Allah will preserve me until the end of my life. Then the verse of the Qur’an was revealed which means:


“Verily, Allah accepted the repentance of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), the Muhajirin and the Anshor who had followed him in time of trouble, after the hearts of some of them had almost gone astray, and Allah accepted their repentance. Verily, Allah is merciful to them. And as for the three whose repentance was delayed, until when it became apparent to them that the earth was wide, and their hearts were narrow, and they felt that there was no refuge for them from the law of Allah, except to return to the mercy of Allah. Then Allah will grant them repentance that they may repent. Indeed, Allah is the Most Receptive of repentance, the Most Merciful. O you who believe, fear Allah, and be with those who are righteous.”


Ka’ab ibn Malik said: “By Allah, I have never experienced a greater favor from Allah than the blessing of entering Islam, which is greater than my truthfulness in the presence of the Messenger of Allah so that I do not lie. Had I lied, I would have been destroyed just as the people before me were destroyed.”


Indeed, Allah said to those who lied when the revelation was delivered to them with a tone of cynicism exceeding the cynicism of someone who says to his neighbor with the words that mean:


“They (the hypocrites) will swear to you by the name of Allah, when you return to them, that you should turn away from them. So turn away from them, for indeed they are unclean and filthy and their place is Jahannam in recompense for what they have done. They will swear to you that you may be pleased with them. But if you are pleased with them, then indeed Allah is not pleased with those who are unjust”.


Ka’ab ibn Malik said: “The three of us were left out of the matter that was brought before the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), meaning that the repentance of the three of us was withheld from those whom the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) had accepted because they had taken an oath. Because of this oath, the Messenger of Allah accepted them outwardly and asked Allah for forgiveness. As for their hearts, they were left to Allah. As for the three of us, we will wait until we receive a direct verdict from Allah.”


The word of Allah which reads: “And as for the three whose repentance was delayed,” meaning that the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) did not leave us out of the war, but he delayed us and kept us quiet (unlike those who swear) when he gave his excuse, then he accepted it. (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)


In one narration it is said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) at the time of the battle of Tabuk set out on a Thursday. And it was his custom to travel on Thursdays.” In another narration it is said: “Usually, when he came from traveling in the morning, he would go straight to the mosque and pray two rak’ahs and then sit in the mosque.”


  1. Abu Nujaid Imran bin Al Husain Al Khuzali reported that a woman from the tribe of Juhainah who had become pregnant through adultery came to the Messenger of Allah and said: “O Messenger of Allah, I have been subjected to the hadd punishment, so perform it!” So the Prophet called her guardian and said: “Treat this woman well. When she gives birth, bring her here.” So the woman’s guardian did so, and after the woman gave birth, she was brought to the Prophet, who tied her clothes and stoned her. And after the woman died, the Prophet prayed for her. Then Umar ra. said: “O Messenger of Allah, why did you pray for this woman when she had committed adultery?” He replied: “This woman has truly repented. If her repentance had been distributed among the seventy inhabitants of Madinah, it would have been sufficient. Have you ever found anyone more excellent than someone who has unreservedly surrendered himself to Allah, the Glorious, the Exalted?”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Ibn Abbas and Anas bin Malik reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “If the son of Adam (man) had one valley of gold, he would want to have two valleys, and there is nothing that can fill his mouth (meaning nothing that stops his greed for the world) except the ground. (meaning death). And Allah always accepts the repentance of anyone who repents”. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)


12 From Abuu Hurairah ra. He said that the Messenger of Allah said: “Allah laughs with joy when He sees two people who kill each other, but both enter Paradise. One fought in the cause of Allah and was killed, then the killer repented to Allah and then converted to Islam and was killed while fighting (martyrdom)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).








Allah ta’ala says: “O you who believe, be patient, and establish your patience.” (al-Imran: 200)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Indeed, We will surely tempt you with fear, hunger, want of wealth, souls and fruits. And give good news to those who are patient.” (QS. Al Baqarah: 155)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Indeed, it is only those who are patient whose reward is unlimited.” (Az Zumar: 10)


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “Blessed is the one who is patient and forgives, for that is one of the noblest of deeds.” (Ash-Shura: 43)


Allah says: “Make patience and prayer your helpers. Verily, Allah is with those who are patient.” (Al Bagarah: 153)


Allah ta’ala says: “Indeed We will test you all so that We may know which of you truly strives and which of you is patient”. (QS. Muhammad: 31)


The verses enjoining patience and explaining its virtues are numerous in the Qur’an.


  1. Abu Malik Al Harith bin Ashim Al Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Cleanliness (purity) is part of faith, and the utterance of ALHAMDULILLAH can fill the scales, and the utterance of SUBHAANALLAAH and ALHAMDULILLAH can fill what is between heaven and earth, prayer is light, charity is proof of faith, patience is a lamp (light) and the Qur’an is an argument against what you like and what you dislike. All people in the morning sell themselves, some free themselves and some destroy themselves”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Said Sa’d bin Malik bin Sinan Al Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “There were some Anshor companions who asked the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), so he gave them. Then they asked him again and he gave them to them until he ran out of what he had”. When he gave them what was in his hand, he said to them: “Whatever good there is in me I will not hide from you. Whoever protects his honor, Allah will protect him. And whoever has enough, Allah will have enough, and whoever is patient, Allah will make him patient. And there is no better or more generous gift from Allah than the gift of patience”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Yahya Shuhaib bin Sinan (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “It is indeed very admirable the state of the believer, because all his affairs are very good for him. And that is not possible except for the believer, that is, when he gets pleasure he is grateful, so gratitude is better for him. And when he is afflicted with hardship, he is patient, and patience is good for him”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Anas ra. he said, that when the Prophet was seriously ill (before his death) then Fatimah ra. said: “How much my father is suffering”. The Prophet said: “Your father will not suffer again after today”. When he passed away, Fatimah said: “O father you have fulfilled the call of God. O my father Paradise is the place. O my father to Jibril we announced his death”. Then when the Messenger of Allah was buried, Fatimah said: “Have you scattered the soil over the grave of the Messenger of Allah. ?”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Abu Zayd Usamah bin Zayd bin Harithah, the servant, lover and beloved son of the Prophet said: “One of the Prophet’s daughters sent someone to inform the Prophet that her son was dying and that the Prophet was expected to come immediately. So the Prophet returned the messenger saying: “Indeed it is the right of Allah to take, give and determine everything that has been determined on His side. So be patient and ask Allah for reward”. Then the messenger came again and asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to come. So finally he along with Sa’d bin Ubadah, Muadz bin Jabal, Ubai bin Ka’ab, Zaid bin Tsabit and some other companions came. So the sick child was brought to the Messenger of Allah and then sat on his lap while he was breathing hard, so his tears fell. So Sa’d asked: “Why are you crying, shedding tears?”. He replied: “These tears are a mercy that Allah grants to the hearts of His servants”. In another narration it is said: “Into the hearts of those servants whom He wills. And indeed Allah will have mercy on His servants who have compassion for each other”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. From Shuhaib ra. that the Prophet said: “There was once a king who had a sorcerer. When the sorcerer became old, he said to his king: “I am now an old man, so send me a young man to teach him magic”. So the king sent a young man to learn magic from him. When the young man walked to the place of the sorcerer, he happened to meet a priest. And the young man listened to what the priest said and finally he arrived late at the magician’s place. When the young man arrived at the magician’s place, the young man was beaten by the magician for being late, the incident was conveyed to the priest, then the priest said: “If you fear the sorcerer then say that your keluArq holds you back and if you fear your keluArq then say that the sorcerer holds you back”. One day when he was walking down the street suddenly in the middle of the road there was a very large animal that stopped people from passing. At that moment the youth said: “Today I will find out, which sorcerer or preacher has the most correct teachings?” The young man picked up a stone and said: “O Allah, if the priest’s teaching is more to your liking, then kill this huge beast so that people can pass by.” Then the stone was thrown at the huge beast. So he threw the stone at the huge beast, and immediately it died so that the people could continue their journey safely.


So he went to the priest and told him what had happened. The priest said: “My son, you are now superior to me because you have known what I have known. And later you will get a test. But remember not to mention my name when you are tested”. Then the young man received a gift from Allah so that he could cure blindness, stripes, and other types of diseases. Shortly thereafter, news came that a friend of the king was sick with an eye that was almost blind and had been tried everywhere but had not recovered. And he came to the young man with many gifts, saying: “If you can cure my illness then I will do whatever you ask”. The young man replied: “I cannot cure anyone. The one who can heal is Allah. If you believe in Allah, then I will pray to Allah to heal you”. So the man believed in Allah and his illness was cured. The healed man came to the king and the king was amazed and asked: “Who healed your eye?”..:


He replied: “My Lord”, the king then asked him again: “Do you have a Lord besides me?” He replied: “My Lord and your Lord is Allah SWT”. Hearing this answer, the king became very angry and tortured him so that the man pointed to the young man who had helped him. Then the young man was called and asked by the king: “My son, your magic has exceeded the limit so that you can heal the blind, the striped and this and that”.


The young man replied: “Surely it is Allah who can heal”. Hearing this, the king became angry and tortured the young man until he finally pointed out the name of the priest. So the priest was called and said to him: “Return to your former religion”. But the priest did not want to. Finally the king told him to take a saw and put it on his head and sawed the priest in half.


Then the king’s friend was called and told to leave the apama of God and return to his original religion. But even this man refused. Finally, he also received the punishment of being sawed from the top of his head until it was split in two.


Then the young man was also called and said to him: “Return to your former religion”. But the young man still refused. So the king ordered his troops to take the young man to the hill, and when he got there to force him to return to his original religion, and if he did not want to then throw him off the hill to die. When they reached the hill, the young man prayed: “O Allah, spare me from their evil as You will”. Suddenly the hill shook and the troops fell down dead. And the young man returned to the king. The king asked him: “Where did the army take you?” He replied: “Allah has spared me from their evil”. Then the king ordered the other soldiers to take the young man into the boat and when it reached the middle of the sea to offer him again to leave his religion and return to his original religion, and if he refused then throw him into the sea. When he reached the middle of the sea, he prayed: “O Allah, spare me from their evil according to Your will”. Then the boat capsized and all the soldiers drowned. The young man went to the king, and the king said: “What can my army do?”. The young man replied: “Allah has spared me from their evil”. Then the young man said: “O king, you will not be able to kill me unless you obey my command”. The king asked: “What do you want?”. The young man replied: “You must gather all your people in a large field. Then hang me on a pole, and take my arrow from its quiver, and place it on its bow. Then recite: BISMILLAAHI RABBIL GHULAAM (In the name of Allah, the Lord of this youth) then release the arrow at me. If you do this, you will kill me.”


So immediately the king gathered all his people in a large field and hung the young man on a pole, then he took an arrow from his quiver and placed it in his bow then he recited: BISMILLAAHI RABBIL GHULAAM. Then the arrow fell on the youth’s temple and the youth put his hand on the temple and died.


At that time the people said: “We believe in the Lord of the young man”, so that belief in Allah became prevalent in the community. Then someone addressed the king and said: “Do you know, what you were afraid of has now happened, that is, all your people who used to believe in you have turned to believe in the Lord of the young man”. Immediately the king ordered a large ditch to be made at each crossroads and a fire to be lit in it. Anyone who passed by was told to give up his religion and return to the king’s religion. If he refused, he was burned in the fire. After this was done, among the many people who were tortured was a woman carrying her baby. When ordered to leave her religion she refused, so the baby was pulled to be thrown into the fire, Seeing that the mother could not bear to have her baby burned, but suddenly the baby spoke: “O mother, be patient for you are on the path of righteousness”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) once came across a woman crying over a grave and said: “Be devoted to Allah and be patient”. The woman replied: “Go away from here, for you are not afflicted with the calamity that I am”. The woman did not know that the Prophet was speaking. When someone informed her, she went to the Prophet’s house and found no doorkeeper, so she entered without any difficulty and said: “I did not know that it was you, O Messenger of Allah.” So Nat, peace be upon him, said: “Verily, patience is only on the first day of the calamity” (narrated by Bu-khari and Muslim).


In a Muslim narration it is said: “The woman wept for her son who had just died”.


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “There is no reward for my believing servant whom I have taken away from the people of this world and he expects from Me nothing but the reward of Paradise”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. ‘Ā’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that she asked the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) about the plague, and he told her that the plague is a punishment from Allah, given to whomever He wills, but Allah sees it as a mercy for those who believe. So a person who is in an area where the plague occurs if he is patient and sincere that he will not be infected if he has not been willed by Him, he will get a reward like the reward of a martyr”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) say: “Verily, Allah has said: “If I test one of My servants by blindfolding him in both eyes, and he is patient, I will reward him with Paradise”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Atha’ ibn Abi Rabah reported: “Ibn ‘Abbas said to me: “Would you like me to tell you about a woman who is one of the people of Paradise?”. I replied: “Yes, I will”. Ibn ‘Abbas said: “That is the black woman who once came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and said: “Verily, I have a father and I have epilepsy so that I am exposed, so pray for me to Allah that my illness will be cured”. The Prophet said: “If you are patient then you will get Paradise, and if you still ask me to pray for you I do not mind”. The woman said: “I will be patient, but pray to Allah that my private parts will no longer be exposed”. So the Prophet prayed for her”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Abdur Rahman Abdullah bin Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “It was as if I remembered the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) telling the story of the Prophets of old when they were beaten by their people and were covered in blood, and he wiped the blood from his face and recited: “ALLAAHUMMAGHFIR LIQAUMII FAINNAHUM LAA YUKMINUUN (O Allah, forgive my people, they are ignorant)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Said and Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “There is no Muslim who is afflicted with misfortune, poverty, grief, pain and sorrow to the extent of being pricked by a thorn, except that Allah will atone for him with that which afflicts him”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I entered the Prophet’s place while he was suffering from heatstroke”. So I said: “O Messenger of Allah, you are really very sick with fever”. He replied: “Yes, my fever is twice the fever of an ordinary person among you”. I asked: “Then you will get double the reward”. He replied: “Yes, that is the case”. There is no Muslim who is afflicted with an affliction, be it a thorn or something else, except that Allah will cover his faults and expiate his sins as the leaves fall from the tree.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Whomsoever Allah wills to be good, a test or calamity will befall him”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Anas reported that the Prophet said: “Let not one of you wish to die because of a hardship. So if the situation is forced, then say: “ALLAAHUMMA AHYINII MAA KAANATIL HAYAATU KHAIRAN LII (O Allah, continue our life as long as life is still good for me, and die immediately if death is better for us)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Abdullah Khabbab bin Arat ra. he said: “We complained to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) while he was lying in the shade of the Ka’bah with his turban on, and we said: “Do you not ask for help for us? Did you not pray for us?”. The Prophet said: “There was a man before you who was planted alive, there was a man who was sawed in two from the top of his head, and there was a man who was combed with an iron comb through his flesh and bones, but these things did not shake his faith and religion. By Allah, Allah would have spread Islam evenly from Shan’a (Yemen) to Hadramaut, where no one fears anything but Allah’s wrath more than a sheep fears a wolf.


But you are very hasty” (HR Bukhari).


In one narration it is said: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) was lying down with his turban on, we had just met the polytheists who tortured us with a very severe torture”.


  1. Ibn Mas’ud reported: “When the battle of Hunain was over, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) favored some of the leading men of the Quraysh who had recently converted to Islam in the distribution of the ghanimah (booty). So he gave one hundred camels to Al Agra’ bin Habis, one hundred camels to Uyainah bin Hishn and some leading men of the Quraysh, until someone said: “By Allah, this division of the booty is not fair and does not seem to be for the sake of Allah”. So I (Ibn Mas’ud ra.) said: “By Allah, I will convey these words to the Messenger of Allah”. Then I came to him and told him what the man had told me. Upon hearing the report, the Prophet’s face suddenly changed to that of a red dolphin, and he said: “Who is just when Allah and His Messenger are unjust?” He continued: “May Allah have mercy on Prophet Moses, for he has been hurt more than I have been hurt, but he is patient”. I (Ibn Mas’ud ra.) said: “Surely I will not convey such news to the Messenger of Allah again after this incident”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Anas reported: The Messenger of Allah said: “If Allah wants His servant to be good, He will hasten his punishment in this world. And if Allah wants His servant to be evil, then He delays the recompense of his sin so that it will be demanded on the Day of Resurrection.”


  1. The Prophet said: “Verily, the magnitude of the reward depends on the magnitude of the test. If Allah loves a people, He will surely test them. If Allah loves a people, He will test them. Whoever is pleased, Allah will be pleased and whoever is displeased, Allah will be displeased”. (HR. Tirmidzi)


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Abu Talhah had a sick child. When Abu Talhah went out traveling suddenly his son died. When Abu Talhah came home he asked “How is my son?” Umm Sulaim (the boy’s mother) replied: “He is very calm”. Then Ummu Sulaim (Abu Talhah’s wife) served food and Abu Talhah ate. After that his wife said: “Bury the child”. Then in the morning Talhah came to the Messenger of Allah and told him about it. The Prophet asked: “Did you have intercourse with your wife?”. Abu Talhah replied: “Yes”. So the Prophet prayed: “ALLAAHUMMA BAARIKLAHUMAA (O Allah, bless this married couple)”. Then from their intercourse that night a child was born. So Abu Talhah ordered Anas ra. to bring the baby to the Prophet with some dates.


Upon reaching the Prophet, he asked: “Is there anything accompanying this baby?”. She replied: “Yes, here are some dates”. Then he took the dates that were brought, chewed them until they were soft and then took them out of his mouth and put them in the baby’s mouth. And the baby was named “ABDULLAH”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


In the hadith narrated by Bukhari it is said that Ibn Uyainah said: “There was a companion of Anshor who said: “I saw nine children who were good at reading the Qur’an. What is meant is the sons of Abdullah.


In a hadith narrated by Muslim it is said: “When Abu Talhah’s son Ummu Sulaim died. Umm Sulaim advised her family that the matter of her dead son should not be told to Abu Talhah. Let him tell it himself.


Then Abu Talhah came, and his wife immediately served food for him. After eating then his wife invited jokes until finally fell on copulation. After her husband was satisfied, his wife said: “O Abu Talhah, what do you think if a group of people lend something to a family then that person asks for it back. Is it appropriate for the family to withhold it?”. Abu Talhah replied: “It is not appropriate”. His wife said: “Let your son go”. Hearing this Abu Talhah became angry and said: “Why did you keep quiet until I had intercourse with you and then you told me about the condition of our son?”.


Then Abu Talhah came to the Messenger of Allah and told him about it. The Messenger of Allah said: “BAARAKALLAAHU FII LAILATIKUMAA (O Allah, bless them both that night)”. Then the wife of Talhah was blessed.


Then the Messenger of Allah traveled with Abu Talhah and Umm Sulaim. When they were about to re-enter the city of Medina suddenly Ummu Sulaim’s stomach felt sick so that she could not continue the journey. So the Prophet detained Abu Talhah to join the Prophet and the Prophet continued traveling alone. Then Abu Talhah prayed: “O Allah, indeed I am very happy to go out into the city with the Messenger of Allah, but now I am detained as you know”. Suddenly Umm Sulaim said: “O Abu Talhah the pain in my stomach is now gone, let us continue our journey”. When they had entered Medina and reached her house, her stomach pain returned, and Ummu Sulaim gave birth to a son. And she said to me: “Let no one give this child any tits until you bring it to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)”. So early in the morning I brought the baby to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)”.


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “It is not called a strong man who is victorious in wrestling, but a strong man is one who can control his passions when he is angry”. (HR Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Sulaiman bin Shurad (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “While I was sitting with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), two men suddenly started cursing at each other, and one of them was red in the face and tense in the neck. So the Messenger of Allah said: “I know of a sentence which, if it is recited, removes what is happening, namely : A’UDZU BILLAAHI MINASY SYAITHAANIR RAJIIM (I seek refuge with Allah from the temptation of the accursed shaitan). So the Companions told the angry man that the Prophet had told you to seek refuge with Allah from the temptation of the accursed devil.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Muadz bin Anas reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever can restrain his anger when he is able to vent it, then tomorrow on the Day of Resurrection Allah will call him in front of all His creatures and he will be told to choose the beautiful angel he wants”, (HR, Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man came to the Prophet and said: “Advise me”. The Prophet said: “Do not be angry”. The man repeatedly asked the Prophet for advice but the Prophet still replied: “Do not be angry”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “There is no end to the calamities that befall the believer, whether he is a man or a woman, whether they be to himself, to his relatives, or to his wealth, until he appears before Allah without sin”. (HR. At Turmudzi)


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When Uyainah came to Madinah, he stayed at the place of his nephew Al Hur bin Qais, who was close to Caliph ‘Umar hin Khattab, because ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) deliberately appointed people who were well versed in the Qur’an as friends and consultants, both young and old. Uyainah said to his nephew: “O my nephew, you are the closest person to the emirul mukminin. Please allow me to go to him”. Then his nephew asked for permission, so Umar gave him permission. When Uyainah entered he said: “O son of Al-Khattab, by Allah you have not given us much and you have not been fair in punishing us”. Umar became so angry that he almost hit Uyainah. But immediately Al Hurr bin Qais said: “O Amirul Mukminin, Allah has said to His Prophet (peace be upon him): KHUDZIL ‘AFWA WAKMUR BIL ‘URFI WA A’RIDH ANIL JAAHILIN (Give forgiveness, and urge to do good and do not pay attention to the ignorant). But this man was among the ignorant. By Aliah, it is as if Umar had never heard the verse that Al Hur recited earlier, even though Umar was a very careful person with the book of Allah”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “Verily, there will be after me selfishness and some things that are forbidden. The Companions asked: “What would you advise us to do in the event of that?”. He replied: “You should speak the truth as you know it and ask Allah for your right.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Yahya Usaid bin Hudair (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Someone from the Companions of Anshor said: “O Messenger of Allah, why don’t you employ me as you have employed so-and-so?”. He replied: “Indeed, after me you will find people who are selfish, so be patient until you meet me at the lake of kautsar”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Ibrahim Abdullah ibn Abu Aufa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was one day waiting for the enemy to attack him until the sun was about to set, when the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) rose up in the midst of his companions and said: “O people, do not expect to meet the enemy and ask Allah for safety. If you encounter them then be patient, and know that paradise lies in the shade of the sword.” Then the Prophet prayed: “ALLAAHUMMA MUNZILAL KITAABI WA MUJRIYASH SHAHAABI WA HAAZIMAL AHZAAB IHZIMHUM WAN. SHURNAA ‘ALAIHIM” (O Allah, the One who revealed the book, the One who runs the clouds and the One who defeats the enemy. Defeat them and help us to defeat them)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).








Allah, the Almighty, says: “O you who believe, fear Allah and be with the truthful.” (QS. At Taubah: 119)


Allah says: “And those who are truthful, both men and women”. (QS. Al Ahzab: 35)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “If they were truthful to Allah, that would be better for them”. (QS. Muhammad: 21)


  1. Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, truthfulness leads to goodness and goodness leads to Paradise. A person will be written in the sight of Allah as a very truthful person if he always acts truthfully. And lying leads to evil. And evil leads to hell. A person who lies tends to always lie until he is written with Allah as a liar”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Muhammad Al Hasan bin Ali bin Abi Talib ra. said: “I have memorized from the teachings of the Prophet: “Leave what you doubt and do what you do not doubt. Verily, truthfulness leads to tranquility, and lying leads to doubt.” (HR. At Tirmidzi)


  1. Abu Sufyan Shakhr bin Harb ra. in his long hadith about the story of Hirakleus, where Hirakleus asked: “What did the Prophet command you?”. Abu Sufyan said the Prophet said: “Worship Allah, and never associate Him with anything leave the teachings of your ancestors, and he commanded us to pray, to be honest, to forgive and to be kind to our relatives”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Tsabit, some say Abu Said, and some say Abul Walid Sahl bin Hunaif, he was a companion of the expert Badr ra. that the Prophet said: “Whoever asks Allah for a martyrdom, Allah will grant him the rank of a martyr, even if he dies on his bed.” (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “There was one of the Prophets who, when he went to war, said to his people: “Do not follow me the man who has just married and has not yet been with his wife, or the man who has just built a house and has not yet finished it, or the man who has bought a sheep or a camel and is waiting for the birth of his child”. So the Prophet set out with his companion. When he had approached the hamlet he was aiming at about the time of asr or almost sunset, then the Prophet said to the Sun: “O sun, you are commanded and I am commanded. O Allah, hold him back to help us”. So the sun was held back so that the Prophet could take possession of the hamlet. Then the ghanimah (booty) was gathered and fire was brought to eat it. But the fire would not eat it, so the Prophet said: “Maybe among all of you there are those who are not sincere so that the fire does not want to eat ram. pasannya. So each group was told to send a messenger for allegiance”. | Suddenly one of them had a sticky hand that could not be released from the Prophet’s hand. So the Prophet said: “In your group there is a person who betrays / is not sincere, and all those who are in your group must pledge allegiance to me”. After pledging allegiance there were two or three people whose hands were sticky with the Prophet’s hand. Finally the Prophet said: “You are the ones who are not sincere”. Then they brought gold the size of an ox’s head and placed it in front of the Prophet, then fire came and consumed it, Therefore it is not lawful for the booty of war to be owned by someone before us. Then Allah made the booty lawful for us, knowing our weakness. So because we were weak, Allah made the booty lawful for us”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Khalid Hakim bin Hizam (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The seller and the buyer are both free to choose before parting. If they are truthful and honest and forthright in their dealings, they will be blessed. On the other hand, if they conceal and lie, their trade will not be blessed”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)









Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “He is the One who sees you when you stand up and sees your movements when you are prostrating yourself.” (QS. Ash-Shuara: 118 – 119)


Allah ta’ala says: “He is with you wherever you are”.


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Verily, nothing is hidden from Allah, whether it is in the earth or in the heavens.” (QS. Ali Imran: 5)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Allah knows the treacherous glances of the eyes and knows what is hidden in the hearts.” (al-Mukmin: 19)


Allah says: “Verily, your Lord is always watching”. (QS. Al Fajr: 14)


There are many other verses that discuss this issue in the Qur’an.


  1. Umar ibn Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “One day while we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), a man appeared who was dressed in white and his hair was very black. It was not known where he had come from and none of the companions knew anything about him. The man continued to sit near the Prophet and leaned his knees against the Prophet’s knees and placed his palms on the Prophet’s thighs and said: “O Muhammad, tell me about Islam”. The Prophet replied: “Islam is to confess that there is no God but Allah and that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the messenger of Allah, to establish prayer, to give alms, to fast in the month of Ramadan, and to make Hajj to the House of Allah if one is able to make the journey”. The man said: “You are right”. We were all amazed at the man’s attitude where he asked something but also confirmed it. The man asked again: “Tell me about faith”. The Prophet replied: “Faith is that you believe in Allah, the angels of Allah, the books of Allah, the messengers of Allah and believe in the last day and believe wholeheartedly in the destiny of Allah, both good and bad destiny of Allah”. The man said: “You are right”. Then he asked again: “Tell me about Ihsan”. He replied: “Ihsan means that you worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you cannot see Allah as if you see Him, then be sure that Allah sees you.” The man asked again: “Tell me about when the Hour will come”. He replied: “The one who is asked does not know more than the one who asks”. The man continued to ask about the signs. The Prophet replied: “When a slave gives birth to his master’s child, and the poor people who have no shoes and are naked are herding goats but they are competing to build a large building”. The man then left and we remained pensive for a while. Then the Prophet asked, “O Umar, do you know who that man was”. Umar replied: “Allah and His messenger know better”. The Prophet said: “Verily the man who asked the question is Gabriel. He has come to teach you about your religion”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Dharr Jundub bin Junadah and Abu Abdur Rahman Muadz bin Jabal reported that the Prophet said: “Have taqwa (fear of Allah) wherever you are. And follow evil deeds with good deeds because good deeds can erase them. And associate with people with good manners”. (HR. Turmudzi)


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “One day I was following the Prophet and he said: “O young man, I will teach you some things, namely : ,


– Keep the commands of Allah, and you will be kept by Allah. And keep the prohibitions of Allah, and you will find Allah always before you.

– When you ask, ask Allah. And when you ask for help, ask Allah for help.

– You know that if the whole of mankind were to come together and agree to help, they would not be able to help except what Allah has decreed.

– And likewise, if they agreed to harm you, they would not be able to harm you in the least except what He has decreed for you.


The pen has been lifted and the writings in the notebooks have disappeared. (HR. Tirmidhi)


In a hadith narrated by none other than Imam Turmudzi, it is said: “Keep the commandments of Allah and you will find Allah before you. And remember Allah when you are happy, and Allah will remember you when you are in trouble. Know that what slips away from you is not yours and what is yours will never slip away from you. Know that victory can be achieved with patience, and that joy can be achieved after hardship and that for every difficulty there will be ease”.


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he said: “Indeed, you are now doing deeds that you think are frivolous, very light, whereas in the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) they were part of the deeds that corrupted the religion”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, Allah is jealous. Allah is jealous when someone commits an act that Allah has forbidden”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that he heard the Prophet say: “Indeed there were three people from the Children of Israel, striped, bald and blind. Allah intended to test them so an angel was sent to him. The angel came to the striped man and asked him: “What do you want?”. The striped man replied: “I want a handsome face, good skin and the disappearance of the disease that causes people to be disgusted with me”. So the angel wiped the striped man. Suddenly the disease disappeared and his face turned handsome and his skin became smooth. The angel asked him again, “What treasure do you enjoy the most?” The striped man replied: “What treasure do you enjoy the most? The striped man replied: “Camels”. But someone else said “A cow”. Then he was given a camel that was ten months pregnant, while being prayed for: “BAARAKALLAAHU LAKA FIIHAA” (May Allah bless the grace you receive).


Then the angel came to the bald man and asked him: “What is the thing you enjoy the most?”. The bald man replied: “I wish for a neat head of hair and the disappearance of my disease that causes people to be disgusted with me”. The angel then rubbed the bald man and instantly the disease disappeared and his hair grew. The angel asked again: “What treasure do you delight in?”. The bald man replied: “I love cows”. Then he was given a pregnant cow, while being prayed for: “BAARAKALLAAHU LAKA FIIHAA” (May Allah bless the grace you receive).


Then the angel came to the blind man and asked: “What is the thing you want most?”. The blind man replied: “The return of my sight so that I can see people”. The angel wiped his eyes, and his eyes were opened so that he could see. The angel asked again: “What treasure do you enjoy the most?”. The blind man replied: “I love goats”. So he was given a pregnant goat. . After a few years, the camels, cows and goats that the angel had given him multiplied so much that they filled a field. Then the angel came in the form of a poor man, just as the striped man had been when he was not yet healed and not yet rich, and said: “I am a poor man, I have run out of provisions on the way and to this day no one wants to help me except Allah. I hope you will help me. I truly ask you for help in the name of the One who has given you a handsome face, smooth skin and wealth, i.e. I ask for a camel for my provisions on the way”. The striped man said: “I have many rights to give you. I cannot provide you with anything”. So the angel said: “If I am not mistaken I have known you before. Weren’t you a striped man and people were disgusted with you? Weren’t you poor then Allah gave you mercy?”. The striped man replied: “Indeed, my wealth is from my ancestors”. The angel said: “If you are lying, may Allah restore you to your former state”.


Then the angel came to the bald man in the same disguise as the bald man at that time, and said the same thing as he had said to the striped man. The bald man also gave the same answer as the striped man. Then the angel said: “If you are lying, may Allah return you to your original state”.


The angel proceeded to the blind man’s place, resembling the blind man as he had been, and said: “I am a poor man: “I have run out of provisions on the way and to this day no one has helped me except Allah. I hope you will help me. I am really asking you for help, by mentioning the One who has given you back your sight, that is, I am asking for a sheep for provisions on the way”. The blind man replied: “I used to be blind and then Allah restored my sight. So take what you want and leave what you dislike. By Allah, I do not burden you with anything of what you take for the sake of Allah”. The angel said: “Take care of your wealth, for you are only being tested and Allah is truly pleased with you and angry with your two friends”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim). .


  1. Abu Ya’la Shaddad bin Aus reported that the Prophet said: “The so-called intelligent person is the one who can take care of himself and is able to do something for his provision after death. And the dwarf is the one who indulges in his lusts but always hopes for various wishes from Allah.” (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “One of the characteristics of the perfection of Islam is that a person always leaves something that is of no use”. (HR. At Tur: mudzi)


  1. Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “A man will not be asked why he beat his wife”. (HR. Abu Daud)






Allah says: “O you who believe, fear Allah with true Taqwa”. (al-Imran:102).


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Fear Allah with all your might”. (QS. At Taghabun: 26)


Allah ta’ala says: “O you who believe, fear Allah and speak the truth.” (Al Ahzab: 70).


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Whoever has taqwa (piety) towards Allah, Allah will make a way out for him, and Allah will provide him with unsuspected provision.” (QS. At Thalag: 2 – 3)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “If you have taqwa (piety) towards Allah, then Allah will give you the understanding to distinguish between good and evil, and will erase your faults and forgive your sins. Allah is the One Who is great in His bounty.” (QS. Al Anfal: 29)


There are many verses about Taqwa in the Qur’an.


  1. From Abu Hurairah ra. he said: “Some people asked the Messenger of Allah: “O Messenger of Allah, who is the noblest person?”. He replied: “The most pious of you all”. The man asked again: “That is not what we are asking”. The Prophet replied: “Yusuf is the Prophet of Allah, the son of Allah’s prophet (i.e. Ya’kub) the son of Allah’s prophet (Isaac) and the son of Allah’s beloved (i.e. Ibrahim)”. They said again: “That is not what we are asking, O Messenger of Allah”. He said: “About the descendants of the Arabs whom you ask the best among them, both during the Jahiliyyah and during the Islamic period, is the one who understands the laws of Islam best among you all”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri reported that the Prophet said: “Verily this world is sweet and attractive and Allah has given it to you to manage, then Allah watches over you how you act. So beware of the world and women, for indeed the first time disaster befell the Children of Israel was because of women”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet prayed: “ALLAAHUMMA INNI AS ALUKAL HUDAA WATTUQAA WAL ‘AFAAFA WAL GHINA”. (O Allah, I ask you for guidance, ask for piety, ask for the preservation of honor and ask for wealth). (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Tharif Adiyyi bin Hatim Ath Thai (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Whoever takes an oath and thinks that he is pious to Allah by taking it, let him do something that will support his piety”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Umamah Shudai bin Ajlan Al Bahili (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) giving a sermon at the Farewell Pilgrimage, in which he said: “Be devoted to Allah, fulfill the five daily prayers, fast during the month of Ramadan, give zakat from your wealth and obey your rulers, then you will all be included in the Paradise of your Lord”. (HR. At Turmudzi).









Allah ta’ala says: “When the believers saw the allied groups, they said: “This is what Allah and His Messenger promised us”. And Allah and His Messenger were right, and such things did not add to them except faith and submission to Allah”. (QS. Al Ahzab: 22).


Allah ta’ala says: “Those (who obey Allah and His messenger) of whom some say: “Verily, the people have gathered an army to attack you, so fear them”. So their words increase their faith and they say: “Sufficient is Allah to be our helper and Allah is the best of protectors”. So they returned with (great) favor and bounty from Allah. They did not suffer any calamity; they followed the pleasure of Allah. And Allah has great bounty.” (al-Imran:173-44).


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Trust in the One who lives, who will never die”. (QS. Al Furqan: 58).


Allah says: “Only to Allah do the believers put their trust”. (Ali Imran: 122).


Allah says: “When you set out to do something, then put your trust in Allah”. (Al Imran: 159)


Allah says: “Whoever puts his trust in Allah, Allah will provide for him”. (QS. Ath Thalaq: 3).


Allah says: “Verily, those who believe, when the name of Allah is mentioned, their hearts tremble, and when the verses of Allah are recited, their faith increases. And to Allah alone do they surrender.” (QS. Al Anfal: 2).


The verses that talk about the virtue of tawakkal are many in the Qur’an.


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “It was shown to me the condition of the previous nations, then I saw a Prophet with a small group, a Prophet who was followed by one or two people only and even a Prophet who had no followers at all. Then there appeared to me a large group, which I thought was the group of my Ummah but it was not the group of my Ummah. So it was said to me: “This is the company of Prophet Moses and his followers but look to the horizon”. Then the Prophet looked there and suddenly I saw a large group, so it was said to me: “Look to the other horizon”. There I saw a large group as well. And it was said to me: “This is the group of your Ummah in which there are seventy thousand people who will enter Paradise without reckoning and without being tortured”. He then got up and went into his house. Then the people began to talk about who were among those who would enter Paradise without accountability and without being tortured. Some of them said: “Perhaps they are the companions of the Prophet”. Others said: “Perhaps they are those who were born Muslims and never associated partners with Allah”. And there were many other opinions. Then the Prophet came out and said to them: “These are people who have never been cursed and have never been cursed, they have never made fortune-telling by any means and it is only to Allah that they have put their trust”.


So Ukashah (ra) got up and said: “O Messenger of Allah, pray for me to be among them”. Then other people got up and said: “O Messenger of Allah, pray for me to Allah to be among them”. The Prophet replied: “You have all been preceded by, Ukkashah”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet said: “ALLAAHUMMA LAKA ASLAMTU, WA BIKA AAMAN.TU, WA ‘ALAIKA TAWAKKALTU, WA ILAIKA ANAITU WA BIKA KHASHAMTU. ALLAAHUMMA AUUDZU BI IZZATIKA LAA ILAAHA ILLAA ANTA AN TUDHIL. LANII. ANTAL HAYYUL LADZII LAA TAMUUTU, WAL JINNU WAL INSU YAMUUTUUNA (O Allah, only to You do we surrender, only to You do I trust wholeheartedly, to You do we put our trust, to You do we return and to You do we strive. O Allah, we seek refuge with Your glory that there is no God but You so that You will not lead us astray. You are the One who lives and will not die, while the jinn and humans will all die)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Ibn Abbas reported that he said: “HAS- BUUNALLAH is a phrase that was recited by Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) when he was thrown into the fire, and it was also recited by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) when the disbelievers said: “Verily the Quraysh have gathered an army against you. So fear them all”. But their words only increased the faith of the believers and they said: HASBUUNALLAH WA NIKMAL WAKIIL (It is enough that Allah be our helper and Allah is the best of protectors)”. (HR. Bukhari)


And in another narration, Ibn Abbas ra. said: “The last sentence uttered by Prophet Ibrahim when he was thrown into the fire was HASBUUNALLAAH WANIKMAL WAKIIL”.


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “There will enter Paradise the one whose soul is like that of a bird, i.e., who places his trust in Allah’s assurance for him”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he fought with the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in the direction of Najd (at the time of the battle of Dyatirriqa). When we returned, we suddenly fell asleep and stopped in a valley where there were many thorny trees. Then the Prophet divided his companions to split up and take shelter under the trees. The Prophet himself also took shelter under a tree and hung his sword. When we were all fast asleep, the Prophet suddenly called out to us while there was a Bedouin beside him, so the Prophet said: “This man drew my sword while I was sleeping, so I woke up and saw the drawn sword in his hand”. Then the Bedouin said: “Who can prevent you from my attack?”. The Prophet replied: “Allah”. He said this three times, then the Prophet did not reply to him and sat down.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim):


In another narration, Jabir ra. said: “We were with the Messenger of Allah fighting at Dzaturriqa’. When we reached a shady tree, we left the Messenger of Allah alone. Then a polytheist man came to the Prophet and drew his sword from the tree and said: “Do you fear me?”. The Prophet replied: “No”. The man said: “Who can prevent you from my attack?”. He replied: “Allah”. And according to the hadith narrated by Abu Bakr Al Ismaili in his saheeh it says: “The man asked: “Who can prevent you from this attack of mine?”. The Prophet replied: “Allah”. Then the sword fell from the man’s grasp, and the Prophet took the sword and said: “Who can prevent you from my attack?”. The man replied: “Be thou the best of those who return favors”. The Prophet said: “You should testify that there is no God but Allah and that I am the messenger of Allah”. The man replied: “I will not, but I promise that I will not fight you again and that I will not conspire with those who oppose you”. Then the Messenger of Allah released the polytheist and approached his companions saying: “I have come to you from the best of men”.


  1. Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported. “I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) say: “If you all put your trust in Allah earnestly, Allah will give you Rizqi as Allah gives Rizqi to birds, which go out in the morning on an empty stomach (hunger) and return in the evening on a full stomach”. (HR. At Tirmidhi)


  1. Abu Umarah Al Barra’ bin Azib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “O so-and-so, when you go to your bed, recite ALLAAHUMMA ASLAMTU NAESII ILAIKA, WA WAJAHTU WAJHII ILAIKA, WA FAWWADHTU AMRII ILAIKA WA ALJAKTU DHAHRII ILAIKA RAGHBATAN WA RAHBATAN ILAIKA, LAA MALJA-A WALAA MANJAA MINKA ILLAA ILAIKA, AAMANTU BI KITAABIKAL LADZII ANZALTA, WA NABIYYIKAL LADZII ARSALTA (O Allah, I surrender to You, I turn my face to Your presence, I submit all my affairs to You, and I lean my back on You because I hope and fear You. I believe in Your Book that You have revealed and in Your Prophet that You have sent), surely if you die that night you will die clean from sin and if you live until the morning then you will get good”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


In another narration, which was narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from Al Barra” he said, that the Prophet said to me: “When you want to sleep, perform ablution as you would for prayer, then lie on your right side. Then recite the supplication mentioned above and make it the end of what you recite.”


  1. Abu Bakr Ash Shiddiq Abdullah bin Uthman bin Amir bin Amr bin Ka’ab bin Sa’ad bin Taim bin Murrah bin Ka’ab bim Luayyi bin Ghalib Al Ourasyiyyi At Taimi ra. where he, his father and mother were companions of the Prophet. he said: “While we were in the cave of Tsur, I saw the polytheists’ feet right above our heads. So I said: “O Messenger of Allah, if one of them had looked at the soles of his feet they would have found us. The Prophet replied: “O Abu Bakr, what do you think of two people who are accompanied by the protection of Allah Almighty?”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Ummul Mukminin Umm Salamah, Hindun bint Abu Umayyah Hudzaifah Al Makhzumiyyah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) would always recite the supplication: “BIS MILLAAHI TAWAKKALTU ‘ALALLAAHI ALLAAHUMMA INNI AUDZUBIKA AN ADHILLA AU UDHALLA AU AZILLA AU UZALLA AU AZHLIMA AU UZHLIMA AU AIHALA AU YUJHALA ‘ALAYYA”. (By invoking the name of Allah, I surrender to Him. O Allah, I seek refuge with You from going astray or misguiding, slipping or derailing, mistreating or being mistreated and from being ignorant or being made a fool of)”. (Reported by Abu Daud, Tirmidhi and others with a saheeh chain of transmission)


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever goes out of his house and recites BISMILLAAHI TAWAKKALTU “ALALLAAHI WALAA HAULA WALAA QUWATA ILLAA BILLAAH (In the name of Allah I surrender to Him, there is no power or effort except with the help of Allah) then he is established by saying: “You have been guided, you have been secured, you have been preserved and you have been kept away from the shaytaan”. (narrated by Abu Daud, Tirmidhi, An Nasai and others) But according to the narration of Abu Daud ra. he added: “So the one shaitan said to his other friend : “How can you disturb a person who is guided, guaranteed and protected by Allah?”.


  1. Anas reported that he said: “At the time of the Prophet there were two brothers. One liked to come to the Prophet while the other was active in work. One day the one who worked hard complained to the Prophet about his brother, so the Prophet said: “Maybe you will be given Rizqi because of your brother”. (Reported by At-Tirmidhi)







Allah, may He be exalted, says: “Be steadfast in what you have been commanded.” (Sūrat Ash-Shura: 15)


Allah says: “Indeed, those who say Our Lord is Allah, then firmly establish their stance, angels will descend upon them (saying): “Fear not, nor be grieved, and rejoice in the Paradise which Allah has promised you”. We are your protectors in the life of this world and in the Hereafter: therein you obtain what you desire and obtain (also) what you ask for. As a dish (for you) from the Forgiving Lord.” (QS. Fushshilat: 30)


Allah says: “Those who say, ‘Our Lord is Allah,’ and they stand firm, there is no fear for them, nor do they mourn. They are the dwellers of Paradise, in which they will abide forever, as a reward for what they have done.” (QS. Al Ahqaf: 12-13)


  1. From Abu Amr, some say Abi Amrah Sufyan bin Abdullah ra. said “I said to the Messenger of Allah PBUH. “O Messenger of Allah, teach me a sentence that covers Islam, which I will not be able to ask anyone other than you”. He replied: “Say I believe in Allah and then hold fast to it”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “Be reasonable in your approach to Allah and be firm in your deeds. Know that none of you will be saved by his deeds alone”. The Companions asked: “Not even you, O Messenger of Allah. He replied: “Neither will I unless Allah bestows His mercy and grace”. (HR. Muslim)







Allah ta’ala says: “Say: “Verily, I want to warn you of one thing only, namely, that you should approach Allah (sincerely) two by two or alone, and then think.” (QS. As Saba’: 46)


Allah ta’ala says: “Surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of the day and the night, there are signs for those who understand. (Those who remember Allah while standing or sitting or lying down, and they think about the creation of the heavens and the earth (and say): “O our Lord, You have not created this in vain. Glory be to You.” (QS. Ali Imran 190 – 191)


Allah says: “Have they not considered how the camel was created, and how the heavens were raised up, and how the mountains were established, and how the earth was spread out? So warn, for indeed you are only a warner.” (QS. Al Ghashiyah: 17-21)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Do they not walk the earth and think?”. (Yusuf: 109)


There are many verses that discuss this issue in the Qur’an. The hadiths of the Prophet include:


  1. Abu Ya’la Shaddad bin Aus reported that the Prophet said: “A clever person is one who can take care of himself and likes to do charity for his death, while a dwarf is one who only obeys his lusts and hopes for wishful thinking to Allah”. (narrated by At-Tirmidhi)








Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Compel yourselves to do good.” (al-Baqarah: 148)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Hurry to the forgiveness of your Lord and to a paradise that encompasses the heavens and the earth, which is prepared for those who have taqwa.” (QS. Ali Imran: 133)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “Hurry up and do righteous deeds, because there will be a great disaster like the darkness of the night, where there is a person in the morning who believes but in the evening he disbelieves, in the evening he believes but in the morning he disbelieves. he is willing to sell his religion for the benefits of the world”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Sirwa’ah Ukbah bin Al Haris (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I was praying ‘Asr prayer behind the Prophet in Madinah, when suddenly when I finished the greeting, the Prophet immediately got up and stepped over the necks of the companions to go to one of his wife’s rooms so that the companions were very surprised at the Prophet’s haste. Shortly thereafter, the Prophet came out. And when he realized that his companions were very anxious about his haste, he said: “I remembered this piece of gold and I did not want to be held back by it so I ordered to distribute it”. (HR. Bukhari)


In another narration it is said: “I left a piece of gold that I should give in charity but I left it at home so I did not want it to stay at my house”.


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “On the day of the battle of Uhud, a man asked the Prophet. What would you say if I were killed?”. The Prophet replied: “In Paradise”. The Prophet replied: “In Paradise”. Then the man threw the date seeds that were in his hand and then he went out to fight until he was killed”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man came to the Prophet and asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what is the most rewarding charity?” The Prophet replied: “It is to give charity while you are still in good health, while you still love wealth, while you fear poverty and while you still want to be rich. And do not delay giving charity so that when the life has reached the throat then make a will, for so and so and for so and so, when the property is already the right of the heirs “. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) held a sword during the battle of Uhud and said: “Who would like to receive this sword?”. So everyone stretched out their hands, saying: “Me, me. Then the Prophet asked: “Who will accept this with responsibility?”. So all the people were silent, then Abu Dujanah ra. said: “I am ready to accept it with responsibility”. So the sword was finally given to the companion of Dujanah and he used it to cut the throats of the polytheists”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Zubayr ibn Addi (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “We came to complain to Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) about the suffering we faced from the cruelty of Al Hajjaj. So Anas ra. replied: “Be patient, verily there does not come a time except that the time behind it will be more severe in suffering (more evil) until you meet your Lord. I heard this from your prophet, peace be upon him”, (HR Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Hurry up to do good deeds before the arrival of seven things: 1. What are you waiting for other than poverty that will forget you from your obligations. 2. Or wealth that may lead to pride. 3. Or sickness that destroys the body. 4. Or old age that causes senility and exhaustion. 5. Or death that ends everything. 6. Or waiting for the Dajjal, even though he is the worst to wait for. 7. Or waiting for the coming of the Day of Judgment, even though the Hour is very heavy and frightening.” (HR. At Tirmidhi)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “I will give this flag to the one who truly loves Allah and His Messenger, and Allah will grant him victory”. Companion Umar ra. said: “I never wanted to be in charge except at this time, so I presented myself in the hope that I would be called by the Messenger of Allah (saw).


Suddenly the Messenger of Allah called Ali b. Abi Talib and handed him the flag and said: “Go forward and never look back before Allah gives you victory”. So Ali b. Abi Talib walked a few steps, then stopped but did not look back while shouting: “O Messenger of Allah, on what basis do I fight people?”, the Prophet replied: “Fight them until they confess that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. When they recognize this, their property and blood will be protected except by right. As for their matters of reckoning, that is up to Allah.” (HR. Muslim)








Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Those who strive to seek Our pleasure, We will indeed show them Our ways. Verily, Allah is indeed with those who do good.” (QS. Al Ankabut: 69)


Allah ta’ala says: “Mention always the name of your Lord and worship Him with diligence”. (OS. Al Muzamil: 8)


Allah ta’ala says: “Worship your Lord until you die (come to your belief)”. (OS. Al Hijr: 99)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Whoever does a good deed, even if it is the weight of an atom, will surely see the result.” (QS. Al Zilzal: 7)


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “Whatever good you do for yourselves, it will be rewarded in the sight of Allah as the best of rewards and the greatest of rewards”.


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “And whatever good you do, Allah knows it”. (QS. Al Baqarah: 197)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “That Allah has said: “Whoever antagonizes My beloved, I declare war on him. And there is nothing that My servant draws near to Me that I love more than doing what I have enjoined. That person will always draw near to Me by performing the obligatory acts so that I love him. And when I love him, it means that I am his hearing and his sight, and the hand with which he walks, and the feet with which he walks. If he asks Me, I will surely grant him, and if he seeks refuge with Me, I will surely protect him.” (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) narrated what Allah, the Glorious, the Exalted, said: “If a slave draws near to Me by an inch, I draw near to him by a cubit; if he draws near to Me by a cubit, I draw near to him by a foot; and if he draws near to Me by walking, I draw near to him by running”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet said: “There are two favors that most people lose by being deceived by them, namely health and opportunity”. (HR. Bakhari)


  1. ‘Ā’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) used to get up at night to pray, and his feet would swell. So I (Aisha ra.) asked him: “O Messenger of Allah, why do you do that, when Allah has forgiven all your sins, both past and future sins?”. He replied: “Should I not be a grateful servant”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that she said: “When the last ten days of the month of Ramadan came, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) would get up during the night and wake up his family, and he would be solemn and tie his belt (i.e. he would not approach his wives)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “A strong believer is better and more favored by Allah than a believer who is weak in faith. And each of them has its own good. So be eager to do what is beneficial for you and seek help from Allah, and do not be weak. Then if something befalls you do not say: “If I had done this, such and such would have happened”. Rather you should say: “Whatever Allah has decreed and willed will surely happen”. This is because the phrase “if only” gives way to the interference of the devil.” (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Hell is covered with pleasures, while Paradise is covered with displeasures.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abdullah Hudzaifah bin Yaman Al Anshari (he was known as the Intelpam of the Messenger of Allah) said: “One night I was praying with the Prophet and after Surah Fatihah he recited Surah Al Bagarah. At first I thought that he would bow at the hundredth verse, but after a hundred verses he continued reading. I said (to myself). “Maybe he will read one Surah Al Bagarah in one rak’ah”, but after finishing one Surah he started reading Surah An Nisa’ until the end and started reading Surah ‘Ali Imran until it was finished. He recited it with tartil every time there was a verse of tasbih then he recited tasbih, if there was a verse of ta’awudz then he also asked Allah for protection. After doing all that, then the Prophet ruku’ while reading: “SUBHAANA RABBIYAL AZHIM” (Glory be to my Lord, the Most Great). And his ruku’is almost as long as standing. Then get up (Ytidal) by saying “SAMI’ALLAAHU LIMAN HAMIDAH, RABBANAA LAKAL HAMDU” (Allah hears those who praise Him. O our Lord, to You alone is all praise). Then he got up and stood for a very long time almost as long as the ruku’. Then he prostrated and recited “SUBHAANA RABBIYAL A’LAA” (Glory be to my Lord, the Most Sublime), and his prostration was almost as long as his standing.” (HR. Muslim)


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I was praying with the Prophet one night. Then he stood for so long that I almost had bad intentions.” After he finished, he asked him: “What are you doing? When he finished, he asked: “What intention did you have?”. I replied: “I intended to sit down and leave the prayer with the Prophet”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Anas reported that the Prophet said: “There are three things that follow the deceased: his family, his property and his deeds. So the two, namely his family and property, return, and the one, namely his deeds, remains with him.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Paradise is nearer to one of you than the sandals he wears, as well as the state of hell”, (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Abu Firas Rabi’ah ibn Ka’ab Al Aslami, who was a servant of the Messenger of Allah and one of the members of the shuffah, said: “I spent the night with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) and I provided water for his ablutions and other needs, and he said: “Ask for it from me”. I said: “I ask to befriend you in Paradise, O Messenger of Allah”. He asked: “Is there no other request?”. I replied: “That is all, O Messenger of Allah.”. Finally he said: “Help me to control your lust by prostrating more”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Abdullah, some call him Abu Abdur Rahman Tsauban the slave of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Increase your prostration; indeed, you do not prostrate once but one degree is raised and one fault is expunged from you”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Shatwan Abdullah bin Bushr AL Aslanu (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah said: “The best of men is the one who lives a long life and does good deeds”. (HR At Tirmidzi)


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that at the time of the battle of Badr, his uncle Anas bin An Nadhr could not join the battle, so he regretted and said to the Prophet (peace be upon him): “O Messenger of Allah, I could not attend the first battle fought between the Muslims and the disbelievers, and if Allah had destined me to join the battle against the polytheists later, Allah himself would have witnessed how I fought”. And when the battle of Uhud took place, many Muslims fled, so he said: “O Allah, I apologize to You for what my fleeing companions have done, and I leave to You what the polytheists have done”. Then he came forward and approached Sa’d b. Muadz and said: “O Sa’d b. Muadz by the Lord of the Ka’bah, verily I smell the odor of Paradise near Uhud”. Then Sa’d said: “O Messenger of Allah, I am not able to do what he did”. Anas ra. said: “When the battle was over, I found over eighty sword wounds on him, one spear wound and one arrow thrust and he had been chopped or cut by the polytheists so that no one recognized him except his brother who recognized his fingers”. Then Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “We thought that the verse which reads: RIJAALUN SHADAQUL MAA ‘AAHADULLAAHA ALAIHI … was revealed in connection with the incident of believers similar to Anas bin An Nadher, which means “Those who keep what they promise to Allah”. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)


  1. Abu Mas’ud Uqbah bin Amr Al Anshari Al Badri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the verse about charity was revealed, we were carrying what we would give in charity on our backs. Then someone came with a lot of money to give in charity, so the hypocrites said that he wanted to be praised. And another man came who gave only one bushel in charity, and the hypocrites said: “Allah does not need only one bushel”. Finally, the verse “ALLADZIINA YALMIZUUNAL MUTHAWWI-INA MINAL MUKMINIINA FISH SHADAQAATI, WAL LADZIINA LAA YAJIDUUNA ILLAA JUHDAHUM … (The hypocrites are those who mock the believers who are sincere in giving alms and the believers who cannot give alms except with all their might)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Said bin Abdul Aziz reported from Rabiah bin Yazid reported from Abu Idris Al Khulani reported from Abu Dhar Jundub bin Junadah reported from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in narrating what Allah, the Almighty, said: “O My servants, I have indeed forbidden wrongdoing to Myself and I have also forbidden it to all of you, so let there be no persecution among you. O My servants, you are all lost except those whom I guide, so ask Me for guidance and I will surely guide you. O My servants, you are all in famine except those whom I feed, so ask Me for food. O My servant, you are all naked except those to whom I give clothing, so ask Me for clothing, and I will surely give you clothing. O My servants, you all commit sins by day and by night, and I am the Most Forgiving, so ask Me for forgiveness, and I will surely forgive your sins. O My servant, it is impossible for you all to do things that harm or benefit Me. O My servant, if the previous ummah and the last ummah, both from jinns and humans unite to obey and obey and have taqwa to Me, it will not increase the greatness of My kingdom in the slightest. O My servant, if the previous nations and the last nations, both from jinns and humans, are gathered in a wide field, then every soul prays its desire to Me and I fulfill it without exception, then it will not reduce the greatness of My kingdom in the slightest, except like the lifting of a needle from the ocean. O My servant, everything depends on your deeds, and We will take them into account, then I will reward you. So whoever gets good, thank Allah, and whoever gets misfortune, do not revile except for yourself.” (HR. Muslim).









Allah, may He be exalted, says: “And have We not prolonged your life in a manner sufficient for thinking for those who are willing to think, and (have We not) come to you a warner?” (QS. Al Fathir: 37)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Allah has given an opportunity to a person where Allah extends his age to sixty years”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. From Ibn Abbas ra. he said: “Umar included me in the army of the battle of Badr which consisted of old men as if I were equal to them. Then someone asked: “Why is this child included in our group, when we also have children who are the same age as him?”. Umar replied: “That is according to your opinion”. One day I was summoned by Umar and I came with my companions and I knew that Umar had summoned me to show them my merits, so Umar asked them: “What do you (former soldiers of Badr) say about the words of Allah which read “IDZAA JAA-A NASHRULLAAHI WAL FATH?”. One of them replied: “We are commanded to praise Allah and recite istighfar if we gain victory”. The other Companions fell silent, so Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) asked me: “Is this also your opinion, O Ibn Abbas?”. I replied: “No”. “Then what is your opinion?”. Umar asked. So I answered: “It was the death of the Messenger of Allah that Allah informed him of, of which Allah said: “IDZAA JAA-A NASHRULLAAHI WAL FATH” (When the help and victory of Allah comes), then it is a sign of the nearness of your death, O Muhammad. Therefore purify yourself by praising the name of your Lord and ask Him for forgiveness for He is the Most Forgiving. Then Umar said: “I do not know the content of this verse more than what you say”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “After the revelation of the verse IDZAA JAA-A NASHRULLAAHI WAL FATH, when he prayed, he would always recite: SUBHAANAKA RABBANAA WA BIHAMDIKA ALLAAHUMMAGHFIRLII (Glory be to You, our Lord, and by praising You, O Allah, forgive me)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


In another narration by Bukhari and Muslim, Aisha said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) would often in his bowing and prostration recite SUBHAANAKALLAAHUMMA RABBANAA WA BIHAMDIKA ALLAAHUMMAGHFIRLII in fulfillment of the Qur’anic command.


In a Muslim narration it is said: “The Messenger of Allah before he died recited: “SUBHAANAKALLAAHUMMA RABBANAA WABIHAMDIKA ALLAAHUMMAGHFIRLII, then Aisha asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what is the meaning of the phrase that you used to recite?”. The Prophet replied: “I am given a sign about my Ummah and when the signs occur, I recite IDZAA JAA-A NASHIRULLAAHI WAI. FATH … until the end”. In another Muslim narration it is said that the Prophet always recited SUBHANALLAAHI WABIHAMDIHI AS TAGHFIRULLAAHA WA ATUUBU ILAIHI?”. Aisha ra asked: “Why do I now see you reciting : SUBHANALLAAHI WABIHAMDIHI AS TAGHFIRULLAAHA WA ATUUBU ILAIHI?”. He replied: “I was told by Allah that I would see a sign concerning my Ummah, and when that sign occurs, then I should recite SUBHANALLAAHI WABIHAMDIHI ASTAGHFIRULLAAH WA ATUUBU ILAIH. And now I have indeed seen that sign, namely with the revelation of the letter which means: “When Allah’s help and victory come (with the conquest of Makkah) and you see people flocking to the religion of Allah, then praise the name of your Lord and seek forgiveness from Him. Indeed, He is the One who accepts repentance.”


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he said: “Verily, Allah, the Glorious, the Exalted, always continued to give revelations to the Messenger of Allah, especially when he was about to die”. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)


  1. Jabir reported that the Prophet said: “Every servant will be resurrected from his grave according to his condition at the time of death”. (Reported by Muslim)









Allah ta’ala says: “Whatever good you do, Allah knows it” (al-Bagarah: 197).


Allah ta’ala says: “And whatever you do of good, Allah will know it”. (QS. Al Bagarah: 215)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Whoever does a good deed, even if it is as heavy as an atom, will see its reward”. (QS. Al Zilzal)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Whoever does righteous deeds, his reward will be for himself.” (Ash Sajdah: 46)


There are many verses that discuss this issue in the Qur’an. And there are many hadiths that speak of this issue, but here we will cite only a few of them:


  1. Abu Dharr Jundub bin Junadah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I asked the Prophet: “O Messenger of Allah, what is the best charity?”. He replied: “Faith in Allah and striving in the way of Allah”. I asked again: “Freeing a slave which is the best?”. The Prophet replied: “Freeing the slave whom the master loves the most and who is the most expensive”. I asked: “If I cannot do that, what then?”. He replied: “You help workers and keep yourself busy so that your life is not wasted”. And I asked again: “O Messenger of Allah, if I cannot do so, what then?”. He replied: “Do not do evil to your fellow human beings, for that is charity for you”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Dharr reported that the Prophet said: “Every morning all the joints of the human body must be issued in charity. Every tasbi that is saying SUBHAANALLAAH is a charity, every tahmid that is saying ALHAMDULILLAAH is a charity, every tahlil that is saying LAAILAAHA ILLALLAHI is a charity, every takbir that is saying ALLAAHU AKBAR is a charity, encouraging good things is a charity, preventing from bad deeds is a charity. And all of the above can be replaced by praying two rak’ahs of Dhuha.” (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Dharr reported that the Prophet said: “I have been shown all the deeds of my people, including good deeds and bad deeds. I found a good deed among them is removing something annoying in the street. And I found a bad deed in the form of leaving the phlegm in the mosque uncovered (removed).” (HR. Muslim)



  1. Abu Dharr reported that some people asked the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him): “O Messenger of Allah, the rich people have bought the reward, i.e. they pray as we do, they fast as we fast, besides that they can still give their wealth in charity”. The Prophet said: “Has not Allah given you the opportunity to give in charity?”. Verily, every recitation of tasbih is a charity, every tahmid is a charity, every tahlil is a charity, enjoining good is a charity, and preventing evil is a charity. Even those of you who have intercourse with their wives are also charities.” The Companions asked: “O Messenger of Allah, is it included in the reward of the one who gives vent to his lust (intercourse with his wife)?”. He replied: “What do you think if he gives vent to his lust in an unlawful manner, would that not be a sin?”. On the other hand, if he gives vent to his lust in that which is lawful, he will be rewarded”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Dearr reported: “The Prophet said to me: “Do not ever despise the slightest good deed, even if it is only welcoming your brother with a radiant face”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Each joint of every human body has an obligation of charity for him. Every day on which the sun rises and one does justice to a disputant is charity. Helping a person to raise or lift goods onto his vehicle is charity. Removing a nuisance from the road is charity. Saying a kind word is a charity. Every step towards the place of prayer is a charity, and removing a nuisance from the road is a charity”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In a Muslim narration, Aisha ra. said: That the Messenger of Allah said: “Verily, there are three hundred and sixty joints in the human body. Whoever says takbir (i.e. ALLAAHU AKBAR), tahmid (saying ALHAMDU LILLAAH), tahhil (saying LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAH), tashbih (saying SUBHANALLAAH), istighfar (saying ASTAGHFIRULLAAH), and removes stones, pebbles, thorns or bones from the public road, or enjoins the good and forbids the evil three hundred and sixty times, he has walked that afternoon already kept away from the fire of hell”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever goes to the mosque in the morning or in the evening, Allah will prepare for him a meal in Paradise in the morning and in the evening”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “O women of Islam, let not a neighbor despise giving charity to his neighbor, even if it is only a sheep’s gravel”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Faith has six or seventy branches. The highest is the recitation of LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAH (There is no God but Allah) and the lowest is the removal of a nuisance from a public road. And shame is one of the branches of faith”‘. (HR, Bukhari, Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When a man was walking along the road, he suddenly felt thirsty and had to go down to a well to drink. Then when he came out of the well, suddenly there was a dog licking the ground because of thirst. So the man said: “Maybe this dog is thirsty like me”. He went down to the well again and filled his shoe with water and bit into it so that he could climb up. Then he gave the dog a drink. So Allah praised his deed and forgave his sin. The companions asked: “O Messenger of Allah, is helping animals rewarded?” He replied: “Helping every creature that has lymph will bring reward”. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)


In a hadith narrated by Bukhari it is said: “Then Allah praised the man’s deed and forgave him and admitted him to Paradise”. In another hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim it is said: “Once upon a time there was a dog circling around a well, about to die of thirst. Then a criminal from the Children of Israel saw the dog. He took off his shoe and used it to fetch water for the dog to drink. So the sins of that man were forgiven because of his good deed.”


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “I saw a man rejoicing in Paradise because he cut down a branch on the road that would have disturbed the Muslims.” (HR. Muslim)


In another narration it is said: “A man was walking and was disturbed by a branch that was on the road, so he said: “By Allah, I will remove this branch from the road so that it does not disturb the Muslims”. So he was admitted into Paradise.”


In the narration of Bukhari and Muslim it is said: “Once a man was walking on the road when he came across a thorn and removed it. So Allah praised him and forgave his sins.”


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever makes ablution and completes his ablution, then comes to the Friday prayer and listens and pays attention to the sermon, the sins committed between that day and the following Friday will be forgiven, plus three days. And whoever plays with stones during the sermon, his Jumu’ah will be in vain.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When a Muslim or believer performs ablution and washes his face, all the sins that his eyes have committed by seeing something forbidden come out of his face with the first drop of water or with the last drop of water. When he washes his hands, all the sins that his hands have committed by striking something unlawful come out with the ablution water or with the last drop of water. When he washes his feet, all the sins that his feet have committed by walking inappropriately come out with the ablution water or with the last drop of water, so that he comes out clean from sin”. (HR Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The five daily prayers, one Friday prayer to the next Friday prayer and the fasting of Ramadan to the next Ramadan make up for the sins that occurred between them, as long as the major sins are left behind.” (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Shall I tell you something that will expiate sins and raise your status in Paradise?”. The companions replied: “Yes, O Messenger of Allah.” He said: “Completing ablution in times of difficulty, increasing the number of steps to the mosque and waiting for prayer after prayer”. That is what you should prioritize”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Abu Musa Al Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever keeps the Fajr and ‘Asr prayers will enter Paradise”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Musa Al Ash’ari reported that the Prophet said: “When a person is sick or traveling, it is written that he should do the same deeds as he did when he was well.” (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Jabir reported that the Prophet said: “Every good deed is considered charity”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. From Jabir ra. he said, the Messenger of Allah said: “No Muslim plants a tree and it bears fruit and is eaten, but that which is eaten is charity, that which is plucked by a thief is charity, and that which is plucked by no one is charity”. (HR. Muslim)


Another narration states: “No Muslim plants a tree or crop and a human or animal eats it or a bird eats it, so it will be a charity for him until the Day of Resurrection”.


Another narration says: “If a Muslim plants a crop, and the crop is eaten by a human, animal or something else, it will be a charity for him.”


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The people of Banu Salimah had the initiative to move their house closer to the mosque. After the news was heard by the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), he said: “I heard that you had the initiative to move your house closer to the mosque”. They replied. “True, O Messenger of Allah.” Then he said: “O bani Salimah, remain in your current homes because your footsteps will be recorded. Remain in your current homes because your footsteps will be recorded.” (HR Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “Every step elevates one degree”. This was also narrated by Bukhari and Anas ra.


  1. Abdul Mundhir Ubayya bin Ka’ab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “There was a man I knew who was the farthest from the mosque but never forgot to pray in the mosque. So I asked him: “If you were to buy a donkey that could be ridden during the darkness of the night and the heat of the day, you would not get tired.” He replied: “If you were to buy a donkey, you would not get tired. He replied: “I do not like to live in a house close to the mosque. I want my journey to and from home to be recorded”. Then the Prophet said: “Allah has collected all the rewards for you”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “There are forty deeds of which the best is giving a sheep for milking. Whoever is able to do one of them, hoping only for pleasure and carrying out what he has promised, Allah will include him in Paradise because of his deed.” (HR. Bukhari)


23, From Adi bin Hatim ra. he said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah saying: “Save yourself from the punishment of Hell, even if you give half a date seed in charity.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In another narration it is said that the Prophet said: “Everyone without exception is confronted and speaks directly with God without passing through an interpreter, then he looks to the right and left and there is only his good or bad deeds, facing forward there is only hellfire ready to sting him, so protect yourself from hellfire even if you give alms with half a date seed, and whoever is unable to then enough with sweet words”.


  1. Anas reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “Verily, Allah is pleased with the one who, when he eats, praises Him, and when he drinks, praises Him”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Musa reported that the Prophet said: “It is obligatory for every Muslim to give charity”. A companion asked: “What if you have nothing?” He replied: “He should work with his hands so that he can utilize the fruits of his labor for himself and give them in charity”. He asked: “What if he is not able to do that?”. He replied: “Help the needy”. He asked again: “What if he is unable to do so?”. He replied: “He should enjoin what is good”. He asked again: “What if he is unable to do that?”. He replied: “He should prevent himself from committing an evil deed, for that is charity”. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)










Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Thaaha, We did not send down this Qur’an to you so that you would be miserable.” (al-Thaha 21)


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says: “Allah wants ease for you and does not want hardship for you.” (QS. Al Bagarah: 185)


  1. ‘Ā’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) entered the house of ‘Ā’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) and there was a woman there, so he asked her: “Who is that person?”. ‘Ā’ishah replied: “This is so-and-so who is famous for praying the most”. The Prophet said: “Ah, do your deeds according to your ability, Allah will not be satisfied with your deeds until you are satisfied with your own deeds. And the religious behavior most favored by Allah is that which is done continuously”. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A party of three came to the house of the Prophet’s wives to ask about the Prophet’s worship. After being informed, they seemed to think little of the Prophet’s acts of worship because he was a person whose sins had been forgiven, both past and future. One of them said: “I will pray all night long”. The second man said: “I will fast all my life”. The third man said: “I will abstain from women and will not marry forever”. Then the Prophet came to them and said: “All of you have said this, that, by Allah, I am the one who fears Allah more than all of you, yet I fast and break, I pray and sleep at night, and I also marry women. Whoever hates my Sunnah does not belong to my group.” (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)


  1. Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet said: “Perish those who exaggerate in religion”. He repeated it three times. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, religion is easy. Whoever makes it difficult will be crushed by it. So be moderate, and draw near to one another, and enlarge your hearts, and spend the morning, evening and a little of the night.” (HR. Bukhari)


In another narration it says: “Be temperate, and draw near to one another, and spend the morning, evening and a little of the night. Be generous, and you will reach your destination.”


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Prophet entered the mosque, he saw a rope stretched between two pillars, so he asked: “What is this rope?”. The Companions replied: “It was Zainab’s rope when she was too tired to stand in prayer so she used it to hold on to. The Prophet said: “Let go of the rope. You should pray when you are fresh. If you feel tired then you should sleep”. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: If one of you is sleepy while he is praying, then sleep first until his sleepiness disappears. Indeed, when one of you prays while sleepy, there is no possibility that his intention of reciting istighfar will instead stray into berating himself “. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)


  1. Abu Abdullah Jabir bin Samurah As Sawani ra. he said: “I often prayed with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and he performed the prayer moderately. Likewise, the delivery of the khutbah”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Juhaifah Wahab bin Abdullah ra. he said: “The Prophet had fraternized Salman Al Farisi with Abu Dardak on a fellow Muslim basis. One day when Salman visited Abu Dardak, he was met by Ummu Dardak (Abu Dardak’s wife) in her work clothes, then Salman asked: “Why are you dressed like this?”. Ummu Dardak replied: “Your brother Abu Dardak is now not concerned with the adornment of the world anymore”. Then Abu Dardak came and food was served, and he said to Salman: “Please eat, I am fasting”. Salman said: “I will not eat until you eat”. So Abu Dardak ate. When it was night time, “Abu Dardak got up to perform the night prayer, so Salman said to him: “Go to sleep”. So Abu Dardak slept. Finally, after the third of the night, Salman said: “Now it is time for us to get up together to perform the night prayer”. Then Salman said to him: “O my brother, indeed to your Lord there is a right that you must fulfill, as well as to yourself and your family all of which each have rights that you must fulfill. Therefore, do your duty in fulfilling their respective rights. Then after Salman’s visit last night Abu Dardak reported to the Prophet and he replied: “Salman’s words and actions are correct”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Abu Huhammad Abudullah bin Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet was told about what I had said, in which I swore: “By Allah, I will fast continuously during the day and at night I will wake up continuously throughout my life”, then the Prophet said: “Is it true that you swore this oath? Then I replied: “Yes, I have sworn, O Messenger of Allah”, he said: “Indeed, you will not be able to do that, so fast and break, sleep and get up for prayer, and fast three days every month because this good will be multiplied ten times and fasting three days can equal fasting for all time”. I said: “I am capable of fasting more than three days every month”. He replied: “Fast one day and break two days”. I said: “I am able to fast more than that”. He replied: “Fast one day and break one day. That is how the Prophet David (peace be upon him) fasted and that is the best fasting.”


In another narration it is said: “That is the best way of fasting”. I said again. “I am capable of fasting something even better”. He said: “There is no better way of fasting than that of the Prophet David (peace be upon him)”. Then Abu Muhammad said: “If I had accepted the Prophet’s recommendation of fasting three days every month, I would have preferred it to my family and wealth.” In another narration it says: “If I had accepted the Prophet’s recommendation of fasting three days every month, I would have preferred it to my family and wealth.


| In another narration it is said: “I heard that you fast every day and get up every night. Is that news true. I (Ibn Amr bin Ash) replied: “It is true, O apostle”. Then the Prophet said: “Do not do that. You should fast and break your fast, sleep and get up for the night prayer. Indeed, you have rights that you must fulfill, including fulfilling the rights of your eyes, wife and guests. And it is sufficient for you to fast three days every month, because the reward for that deed is multiplied ten times. And if you fast three days every month, it is the same as fasting for all time”. I felt strong and asked for more, so I said: “O apostle, I still feel strong”, he replied: “Fast the way Prophet David (peace be upon him) fasted and do not exceed it”. I asked: “How did Prophet David (peace be upon him) fast? ?”. He replied: “Half his age”. When he reached an old age, he regretted it and said: “Now I feel heavy, why did I not accept the leniency of the Prophet (peace be upon him)”.


In another narration, the Prophet said: “Is it true the news about you fasting throughout the ages and reciting the Qur’an all night long?”. I replied: “It is true, O Messenger of Allah, and all that I do is for the sake of goodness”. He said: “Fast like the way Prophet David (peace be upon him) fasted.


because David was the most diligent worshipper of all people. And recite the Qur’an once every month.” I said: “O Messenger of Allah, I am capable of doing more than that”. He said: “Recite the Qur’an once every 20 days”. I said: “O Messenger of Allah, I am able to do more than that”. He said: “Complete the Qur’an once every seven days”. And do not do more than that. I felt very strong and asked for more, then the Prophet said to me: “Verily you do not know, perhaps you will be prolonged in age”. It turned out that after reaching an old age I (Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash) regretted why I did not fulfill the leniency of the Prophet.


In another narration it is said: “Verily for your son there is a right that you must fulfill”.


In another narration it is said: “The one who fasts during his lifetime is not considered fasting”. He repeated this three times. ,


In another narration it is said: “The fasting most favored by Allah is the fasting in the manner of Prophet David. The prayer most favored by Allah is the prayer of the Prophet David, he slept half the night and woke up a third and slept again the last sixth, and he fasted a day and broke a day and he never ran away from his enemies.


In another narration it is said: “Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash said: “I was married to a noble woman by my father, and my father was very concerned about the state of my household, and always asked my wife about the state of her husband, when my wife was asked my wife replied: “My husband is a good man, it’s just that he has never invited to sleep together and seems indifferent since I came until now. Then this was conveyed to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and he said: “Bring him to me”. When I came to him, he asked me: “How was your fast?”. I replied: “Every day”. He asked: “How did you complete the Qur’an?” I replied: “Every night”. Then Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Ash continued the hadeeth as mentioned above. All the narrations of this hadeeth are found in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim.


  1. Abu Rib’i Hanzhalah bin Rabi’ Al Usyayyidi, one of the secretaries of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, reported: “I met Abu Bakr and he asked me: “How are you Hanzhalah?”. I replied: “Hanzhalah has become a hypocrite”. Abu Bakr said: “SUBHANALLAAH (Glory be to Allah) what are you saying?”. I replied: “At the Apostle’s side I obtained information about heaven and hell as if they were visible to my eyelids, but after arriving home to face my family and work affairs, I forgot all that, Abu Bakr said: “By Allah, we are also like that”. Then Abu Bakr and I went to the Messenger of Allah and I said: “Yes, Messenger of Allah. Hanzhalah is a hypocrite”. He said: “Why de. so”. I said: “When we are in your presence and you tell us about Paradise and Hell, it is as if we have seen it with our own eyes, but when we are out of your presence, mingling with our wives and children and dealing with our affairs, we often forget”. The Prophet said: “By the One in Whose hand is my soul, if you remain as you are before me and make dhikr, an angel will surely come down and shake your hand where you are, whether on the road or on your bed. But O Hanzhalah, one moment (you are worshipping Allah) and one moment (you are entertaining with your family and other affairs). He repeated this three times.” (HR Muslim)


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “While the Prophet was giving a sermon, a man stood up. Then he asked: “Who is he?”. The companions replied: “He is Abu Israel. He has vowed in the heat of the sun, not to sit down, not to take shelter under anything, not to speak and to fast continuously. Then he said: “Order him to speak, to take shelter, to sit down and order him to complete his fast”. (HR. Bukhari).








Allah says: “Has not the time come for those who believe to submit their hearts to the remembrance of Allah and to the truth that has been revealed to them, and let them not be like those to whom the Book was revealed before, then a long time passed over them and their hearts became hardened”? (QS. Al Hadiid: 16)


Allah says: “Then We followed behind them Isa the son of Maryam, and We gave him the Gospel and We made in the hearts of those who followed him a sense of courtesy and compassion. And they invented the rabbaniyah (not having a wife or husband and confining themselves to a monastery), which We did not make obligatory upon them, but (they themselves invented it) to seek the pleasure of Allah, and they did not maintain it with proper care.” (QS. Al Hadid: 27)


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “Do not be like a woman who unravels her firmly spun thread so that it becomes scattered again.” (QS. An Nahl: 92)


Allah ta’ala says: “Worship your Lord until belief comes to you (until death)” (OS Al Hijr: 99).


  1. Among the hadiths of the Prophet is the hadith narrated by Aisha in which the Prophet said: “The most favorable deeds to Allah are those that are done continuously”. This hadith has already been mentioned in the previous chapter.


  1. Umar ibn Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Whoever falls asleep without reciting a hizib or other recitation during the night, and then recites it in the morning, between the Fajr prayer and the Zhuhr prayer, it will be recorded for him as if he had recited it during the night”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah said to me: “Yes, Abdullah, do not be like so-and-so, who used to get up for the night prayer and then abandoned his habit.” (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)


  1. Aisha ra. said: “If the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) did not pray the night prayer, whether because of illness or otherwise, he would make up the twelve Rak’ahs during the day”. (HR, Muslim).








Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Whatever the Messenger commands, do it, and whatever he forbids, avoid it.” (QS. Al Asyr: 7)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “He (Muhammad) does not speak according to his own desires, but according to the revelation that was sent to him.” (QS. An Najm: 3-4)


Allah says: ” Say, Muhammad: “If you truly love Allah then follow me (the Prophet) and Allah will love you and forgive your sins”. (QS. Ali Imran: 31)


Allah ta’ala says: “Verily there is in the Messenger of Allah a good example for you all, for those who hope for the reward of Allah and the salvation of the Last Day”. (QS. Al Ahzab: 21)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “So by your Lord, they (in fact) do not believe until they make you judges in their disputes, then they feel no objection in their hearts to your judgment, and they accept it fully”. (QS. An Nisa’: 65)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “If you dispute about a matter, then refer it back to Allah and the Messenger, if you truly believe in Allah and the Last Day”. (QS. An Nisa’ : 59)


Allah ta’ala says: “Whoever obeys the Messenger obeys Allah”. (An Nisa’: 80)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Indeed, you are guided to the straight path, which is the path of Allah”. (Ash-Shura: 52)


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “So let those who transgress His commandments fear a trial or a painful punishment.” (QS. An Nur: 63)


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Call to mind what is recited in your homes (mothers), the verses of Allah and wisdom.” (QS. Al Ahzab: 34)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Leave by you all what I have left. Indeed, the reason for the destruction of the umals before you was that they asked many questions and did not act in accordance with what their prophets had told them. Therefore, if I forbid you, then avoid it and if I command you, then do it with all your might”. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)


  1. Abu Najih Al Irbadh ibn Sariyah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) gave us advice which soaked into our hearts that we shed tears, then we said: “Yes, Messenger of Allah, this advice is like the advice of a person who is about to leave us, so give us a will”. He said: “I advise all of you to always have taqwa (piety) towards Allah and to always listen and obey, even if the one leading you is a slave from Ethiopia. Verily, those who are given long life among you will see much dissension. Therefore you must always hold fast to my sunnah and the sunnah of the khulafaur rashidin who were guided. Bite down tightly with your molars, and do not innovate in matters of religion, for every innovation is a heresy.” (HR. Abu Daud and At-Tirmidhi)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that Rash lullah said: “All my Ummah will enter Paradise except those who disobey.” A companion asked: “Who is the one who disobeys, O Messenger of Allah? ?”. He replied: “Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise, and whoever disobeys the guidance of my religion will enter Paradise”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. From Abu Muslim, some say Abi Iyas Salamah bin Amr bin Al Akwa ra. that there was a man eating with his left hand in the presence of the Messenger of Allah. then he said: “Eat with your right hand”. He replied: “I cannot eat with my right hand”. He said: “No, you can.” The reason he did not want to eat with his right hand was pride. So suddenly he really could not raise his hand to his mouth”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Abdullah Nu’man bin Bashir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah aw. say: “Straighten the rows of your prayers, or else Allah will surely change the shape of your faces”. (HR. Bukhart, Muslim)


In a Muslim narration it is said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to straighten your rows, like the leveling of an arrow, so that he thought we had understood. Then one day when he went out to get ready for prayer (he did not straighten the rows as usual), he suddenly saw someone sticking out his chest from the rows, so he said: “O servants of Allah, you should really straighten your rows, or else Allah will really change the shape of your faces”.


  1. Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “One night a house caught fire in Madina because the occupants were negligent. So when it was told to the Prophet, he said: “Verily, fire is your enemy, so when you go to bed, extinguish it”. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)


  1. Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah said: “Verily, the guidance and knowledge entrusted to me is like the rain that falls on the earth, while the fertile earth is happy to receive it, as evidenced by the growth of plants and green grass. And there is a dry earth that can only hold it and from which people can drink and irrigate crops. But there is also the solid earth that is hard as the sea. It can neither hold nor grow anything. This is the example of the one who is knowledgeable about the knowledge of Allah’s religion; he is eager to learn and teach it. And the example of the one who does not accept what Allah sends to me at all, and the one who cannot accept the guidance entrusted to me”. (HR. Bukhari Muslim)


  1. Jabir reported that the Prophet said: “The example between me and you is like a man who lit a fire, and butterflies and moths swarmed around it, while the man drove the animals away, and I tried to pull you from behind so that you would not fall into the fire, but you always escaped from my hand.” (HR. Muslim)


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) commanded washing hands and dishes before and after eating and said: “Verily, you do not know where the blessing of food lies”. (HR. Muslim)


In another narration it is said: “If the right hand of one of you falls, then pick it up and clean it, then eat the food and do not leave the food for the devil. And do not clean your hands with a handkerchief until you have cleaned your fingers with your mouth, for he does not know where the blessing of the food lies.”


In another narration it says: “The shaitan is always with you in all matters, including eating, so when food falls, do not let it scatter. You should pick it up, clean it and eat it, lest the shaitan devour it.” (HR. Muslim)


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, stood upright in our midst and said: “O people, know that on the Day of Judgment you will be gathered before Allah completely naked with not a scrap of cloth covering you and uncircumcised children, while reciting the words of Allah : “As We first created the creatures, so We repeat them. This is Our promise, and We will surely fulfill it”.


Know that the first person to be able to wear clothes on the Day of Judgment was Prophet Ibrahim. Remember, that there was a group of people from my Ummah led from the left side where they will be tortured, then I said : “Yes, Allah, they are my Ummah”.


Then Allah said: “Verily, you do not know what they will do after you”. Then I imitated the phrase of Prophet Isa in the Qur’an: “Verily I am their witness as long as I am with them and as soon as I die, You alone are their witness and You alone are their witness. wasi them and You are also the One who knows, over all things. If You punish them then indeed they are Your servants and if You pardon them then You are the Most Noble and the Most Wise.” Then it was told to me “Verily they have apostatized from their religion since you left”. (HR Bukhari, Muslim)


  1. Abu Said Abdullah bin Mughaffal (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (saw) forbade playing with slingshots and said: “The catapult does not kill game, or injure the enemy. It can only cut out eyes and break teeth”. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)


In another narration it is said: “A relative of Ibn Mughaffal was playing with a slingshot, so he forbade him and told him that the Prophet had forbidden playing with slingshots, and even explained that slingshots cannot be used for hunting. Then the man stubbornly continued to play with his catapult. Ibn Mughaffal said: “I warned you that it was forbidden by the Messenger of Allah, but you persisted, so I will not speak to you forever.”


  1. Abish bin Rabiah reported: “I saw Umar bin Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) kissing the hajar aswad and saying: “Verily, I know that you are only a stone that can neither benefit nor harm. If I had not seen the Messenger of Allah kissing you, I would not have kissed you”. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)









Allah, the Almighty, says: “So by your Lord, they do not in fact believe until they make you judges of the matters about which they dispute. Then they do not feel in their hearts any objection to the judgment you give and they accept it fully”. (QS. An Nisa’: 65)


Allah ta’ala says: “Verily, the answer of those who believe, when they are called to Allah and His Messenger to judge between them, is: “We hear and we obey”. They are the fortunate ones.” (QS. An Nur: 51).


There are also many related hadiths in this chapter, including the hadith from Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) mentioned in the previous chapter and the following hadiths:


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the verse LILLAAHI MAA FIS SAMAAWAATI WAMAA FIL ARDH WA IN TUBDUU MAA FII ANFUSIKUM AU TUKHFUUHU YUHAASIBKUM BIHILLAAH was revealed (To Allah belongs what is in the heavens and the earth, and if you give birth to what is in your hearts or conceal it, Allah will surely reckon with you about it), the Companions felt heavy and came to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) crouching down and saying: “O Messenger of Allah, we can accept the obligations that we can do such as prayer, jihad, fasting and charity. And with the revelation of this verse, we are obviously unable to do it.” He said: “Do you want to say what the People of the Book said before you, when they said: “We hear and we transgress?”. No, you must say: “SAMI’NA WA ATHA’NAA GHUFRAANAKA RABBANAA WA ILAIKAL MASHIIR (We hear and we also obey). O Allah forgive us and to You we return)”. Then as the Companions recited the verse, they felt happy and light on their tongues. Then Allah revealed the verse in full which reads: AAMANAR : RASUULU BIMAA UNZILA ILAIHI MIN RABBIHI WAL MUKMINUUN. KULLUN AAMANA BILLAAHI WA MALAAIKATIHI WA KUTUBIHI WA RUSULIHI. LAA NUFARRIQU BAINA AHADIM MIN RUSULIHI. WA OAALUU SAMINAA WA ATHA’NAA GHUFRAANAKA RABBANAA WA ILAIKAL MASHIIR. (The Apostle has believed in the Qur’an sent down by his Lord, and so have all those who believe in Allah, His Books and His Apostles. (They say): “We make no distinction between any (other) of His messengers”, and they say: “We hear and we obey”. (They pray): “Forgive us, O Lord, and to You is the return”. When they had carried out the content of the verse, it was superseded by Allah with the last verse which reads: “LAA YUKALLIFULLAAHU NAFSAN ILLAA WUS ‘AHAA LAHAA MAA KASABAT WA ALAIHAA MAKTASABAT. RABBANAA LAA TUAAKHIDZNAA IN NASIINA AU AKH THA’NAA (Allah does not burden a person but according to his ability. He will be rewarded for the good he does and punished for the evil he does. O our Lord, do not punish us if we forget or make mistakes). Answered: “Yes”. RABBANAA WALAA TAHMIL ‘ALAINAA ISHRAN KAMAA HAMALTAHU ‘ALAL LADZIINA MIN OABLINAA (O our Lord, do not impose on us a heavy burden as You have imposed on those before us)”. Answered: “Yes”. RABBANAA WALAA TUHAMMILNAA MAALAA THAAOATA LANAA BIHI (O our Lord, do not impose on us that which we are not able to bear).” Answered: “Yes”. WA’FU ‘ANNAA WAGHFIRLANAA WARHAMNAA ANTA MAULAANAA FANSHURNAA “ALAL QAUMIL KAAFIRIINA (Forgive us, forgive us, and have mercy on us. You are our helper so help us against the disbelievers)”. He was answered: “Yes.” (HR. Muslim).









Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “So there is nothing after truth but misguidance”. (Sūrat Yunus: 31)


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says: “In the Qur’an We have not left out anything.” (QS. Al An’am: 38)


Allah says: “If you differ in opinion about anything, then refer it to Allah (the Qur’an) and His Messenger (the Sunnah)”. (QS. An Nisa: 59)


Allah ta’ala says: “And this is My straight path, so follow it, and do not follow other paths, for they scatter you from His way”. (QS. Al An’am: 153)


Allah ta’ala says: “Say O Muhammad: “If you truly love Allah, then follow me, and Allah will love you and forgive your sins”. (QS. Ali Imran: 31)


There are many verses related to this chapter in the Qur’an.


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever reforms our religion for which there is no basis, it is rejected.” (HR. Bukhari, Muslim).


In a hadith narrated by Muslim: “Whoever practices something for which there is no basis in our teachings is rejected”.


  1. Jabir reported that he said: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) delivered a sermon, his eyes became red, and his voice was loud and fiery, as if he were a cruel warlord, and he said: “Be ready, both in the morning and in the evening. My presence as a messenger in this world at the time of the end is as close as these two fingers.” He clasped his index finger together. He pressed his index finger against his middle finger. He then said: “But after that, know that the best information is the Book of Allah, the best guidance is the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the worst thing is that which is invented, and every innovation is heretical.” The Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) then said. Then the Prophet also said: “I am the protector of every believer more than he protects himself. Whoever leaves behind wealth then it is for his family, and whoever leaves behind debts or squanders his wealth then I am the one who must protect and I participate in defending it”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Najih Al Irbadh bin Sariyah ra. he said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) gave advice to us which soaked into our hearts that we shed tears, then we said: “O Messenger of Allah, this advice is like the advice of someone who is about to leave us, so give us a will”. He said: “I advise all of you to be devoted to Allah and to listen and obey, even if the one leading you is a slave from Ethiopia. Verily, those who are given long life among you will see much dissension. Therefore you must always hold fast to my sunnah and the sunnah of the khulafaur rashidin who were guided. Bite down tightly with your molars, and do not innovate in matters of religion, for every innovation is a heresy.” (Abu Daud and At-Tirmidhi)








Allah says: “And those who say: “O our Lord, give us wives/husbands and children who will please us, and make us imams for the righteous”. (QS. Al Furqan: 74)


Allah ta’ala says: “We made them leaders who guide by Our command”. (QS. Al Anbiya: 73)


  1. Abu Amr Jarir bin Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “One afternoon we were with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) when a group of naked men wearing only wollen cloth with holes in their heads and armed with swords, mostly from the Mudhor tribe, came to him. Seeing this, his face changed, he entered the house and immediately came out again and ordered Bilal to call to prayer and Iqamah. Then performed the prayer, after the prayer he gave a sermon: “O people, fear your Lord who created you from a single person, and from him created his wife, and from her Allah multiplied many men and women. And fear Allah, by whose name you ask one another, and maintain the bonds of friendship. Verily, Allah is always watching over you.” And he also conveyed the word of Allah which means: “O you who believe, fear Allah and let each one of you consider what he has done for tomorrow (hereafter)”. After he finished his sermon, a man gave in charity some of his dinars, some of his dirhams, some of his clothes, a bushel of wheat, and a bushel of dates, so Jabir said: “No one wants to be left behind, even if he gives half a bushel of dates”. Then came a man from the Anshar carrying a large, heavy bundle, which he could hardly lift. And this was followed by several other companions, so that two mounds of food and clothing were seen. Seeing this, the Prophet’s face lit up like gold and he said: “Whoever pioneers the path of goodness in Islam earns his own reward and the reward of those who imitate him, without diminishing their reward in the least. And whoever pioneers evil in Islam will have the sin of evil itself and the sins of those who imitate it, without diminishing their sins in the least.” (HR. Muslim)


  1. Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet said: “No soul is killed by persecution except that the first son of the Prophet Adam (Qabil) gets his share of the sin because he was the first to commit murder . (HR. Bukhari, Muslim).








Allah, the Almighty, says: “Call you to the religion of your Lord.” (al-Hajj: 67)


Allah says: “Invite to the way of your Lord (the religion of Allah) with wisdom and good advice”. (QS. An Nahl: 125)


Allah says: “And help each other in goodness and Taqwa”. (QS. Al Maidah: 2)


Allah says: “Let there be among you a group of people who call to goodness”. (QS. Ali Imran: 104)


  1. Ibn Mas’ud Uqbah bin Amr Al Anshari Al Badri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Whoever guides to goodness will be rewarded like the reward of the one who does it”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever invites to goodness, he will get the same reward as the reward of those who do it, without reducing their reward in the least. And whoever invites to evil, then he will get the sin as the sin of those who do it, without reducing their sin at all”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abul Abbas Sahl bin Saad As Saidi (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said on the day of the Battle of Khaibar: “Indeed, tomorrow morning I will hand over this flag to a man who gains victory, he loves Allah and His messenger and Allah loves him”. Then the Companions discussed it overnight, about who the person who was handed over the flag was. In the morning, they came to the Messenger of Allah in the hope of being entrusted with the flag of victory. Then the Messenger of Allah said: “Where is Ali bin Abi Talib?”. Someone answered: “He has an eyeache”. The Prophet said: “Call him to come here”. When ‘Ali (a.s.) came the Prophet spit on his eyes and prayed. Immediately his eye-sickness was cured as if he did not look sick, then ‘Ali (a.s.) was given a flag by him. Ali bin Abu Talib asked: “O Messenger of Allah, should I fight them until they convert to Islam like us?”. He replied: “Go on quietly until you reach their land, then invite them to the way of Islam and tell them what they are obliged to do for the rights of Allah. By Allah, if Allah guides someone because of your kind invitation, then that is better for you than gaining as much ghanimah (spoils of war) as you can from the red (good) livestock”. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)


  1. Anas reported that a young man from the tribe of Aslam said: “O Messenger of Allah, I want to fight but I do not have the provisions to fight”. He said: “Go to so-and-so, for he has prepared for war but is sick”. Then the young man came to so-and-so’s house and said: “Receive the greetings of the Messenger of Allah”. And the young man said: “Give me the provisions that you have prepared for war”. So so-and-so said: “Fulanah (my wife), give the provisions that I have prepared to this young man, and do not keep any of them. By Allah, do not keep any of the provisions that I have prepared, and it will surely bless your life.” (HR. Muslim)







Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Help one another in goodness and piety”.


Allah, the Almighty, says: “By time, indeed, mankind is in loss, except those who believe and do righteous deeds, and advise one another to obey the truth, and advise one another to be patient.” (QS. Al Asyr: 1-3)


  1. Abu Abdurrahman Zaid bin Khalid Al Juhaini reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever provides provisions to fight in the way of Allah, then it means he participated in the war. And whoever takes care of the families left behind by the warriors (people who join the war, then indeed he has fought”. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) assigned a group of soldiers to Banu Lahyan from the tribe of Hudzail, and he said: “Let every two men in a family, one go out to fight and the other stay at home to look after his family. Then the reward will be divided between the two of them in equal shares”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Ibn Abbas reported that the Messenger of Allah met a group at Rauha and asked: “What people are you from?”. They replied: “We are Muslims”. They turned around and asked: “And who is this master?”. He answered: “The Messenger of Allah”. Then one of the women raised her son and asked: “Is this child’s Hajj valid?” He replied: “Yes, his Hajj is valid, and his reward is for you”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Musa Al Ash’ari reported that the Prophet said: “A treasurer who is Muslim and trustworthy, who works to fulfill his obligations / duties perfectly and relieved, serving anyone who is required to be served by him, then for him the reward of charity”. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)







Allah, may He be exalted, says: “The believers are brothers”. (QS. Al Hujjurat: 10)


In telling about the way of da’wah of Prophet Noah (peace be upon him). Allah says:


Meaning: “And I (Noah (peace be upon him)) gave advice to you all”. (QS. Al A’raf: 62)


And in telling about the way of preaching Prophet Hud (peace be upon him). Allah ta’ala says:


Meaning: “And I (Hud (peace be upon him)) am a trustworthy counselor to you all”. (QS. Al A’raf: 68)


  1. Abu Rugayyah Tamim ibn Aus Ad Daari reported that the Prophet said: “Religion is advice”. We asked: “For whom, O Messenger?”. He replied: “For Allah, His books, His Messenger, the leaders of the Muslim ummah and the Muslims in general”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. From Jarir bin Abdullah ra. he said: “I have pledged allegiance to the Messenger of Allah to keep praying, paying zakat and giving advice to every Muslim.” (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)


  1. Anas reported that the Prophet said: “The faith of one of you is not complete until he loves his brother as he loves himself”. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)








Allah, may He be exalted, says: “And let there be among you a group of people who call to good, enjoining the good and forbidding the evil; they shall be the fortunate ones”. (QS. Ali Imran: 104)


Allah ta’ala says: “You are the best of people to be born among the people, enjoining the good and forbidding the evil”. (QS. Ali Imran: 110)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Be forgiving and enjoin those who do good, and turn away from those who are foolish”. (QS. Al A’raf: 199)


Allah says: “Those who believe, both men and women, some of them are helpers for others, in that they enjoin the good and forbid the evil”. (QS. At Taubat: 71)


Allah ta’ala says: “The disbelievers of the Children of Israel have been cursed through the mouth of the Prophet David (peace be upon him) and Jesus the son of Mary. That is because they were disobedient and transgressed. They did not stop the evil deeds that they committed during that time. Indeed, their deeds were too evil.” (QS. Al Maidah: 78-79)


Allah ta’ala says: “And say: “The truth comes from Your Lord. So whoever believes then believes, and whoever wishes to disbelieve then let him disbelieve.” (al-Kahf: 29)


Allah ta’ala says: “So convey openly all that you have been commanded”. (QS. Al Hijr: 94)


Allah ta’ala says: “So We saved those who avoided evil and We punished those who were between with a painful punishment, because of their wickedness”. (QS. Al A’raf: 165),


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say. “Whoever among you sees an evil should change it with his power, if he is unable then with his tongue (advice), if he is unable then with his heart, and that is the weakest of faith”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet said: “No prophet was sent before me, but there were faithful companions, who obediently followed his sunnah and did what he commanded. Then there came after them, people who liked to talk but were reluctant to do and they did things that were not commanded. Whoever fights them with his power is a believer. Whoever fights them with his tongue is a believer. And whoever fights them with his heart is a believer. Apart from that there is no more faith even if it is only the weight of a mustard seed.” (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abul Walid Ubadah bin Shamit (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “We pledge allegiance to the Messenger to always listen and obey, whether in distress or in pleasure, whether during light or heavy even over the seizure of power against us, and will never oppose the government of the right unless there is a clear violation with evidence (based on) the book of Allah. And we pledge that we will always declare the truth wherever we are, and that we will not flinch in upholding the religion of Allah, even if it is reviled by anyone.” (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)


  1. Nu’man bin Bashir reported that the Prophet said: “The example of those who adhere to the laws of Allah and those who violate them is like people who divide places in a boat, where some people are at the top and others are at the bottom. When those at the bottom need water, they have to go up to the top, which disturbs those at the top. Then they said: “I should hollow out the bottom of this boat so as not to inconvenience the people above”. If the will of the people below is allowed to prevail, they will all perish, but if they (those above) prevent the actions of those below, they will all be saved”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Ummul Mukminin Umm Salamah Hindun bint Abu Umayyah Hudzaifah ra. reported that the Prophet said: “Verily there will be appointed for you some rulers whom you know the good and the bad. So whoever hates it in his heart is free and whoever opposes it is safe. On the other hand, whoever agrees and follows them is misguided.” The Companions asked: “Should we not fight them?”. He replied: “Do not fight them as long as they are still praying”. (HR, Muslim)


  1. Ummul Mukminin Ummul Hakam Zainab bint Jahs (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) entered Zainab’s house anxiously and said: “LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAH WAILUN LIL ‘ARABI MIN SYARRI OODIOTARABA FUTIHAL YAUMA MIN RADMI YA JUUJA WA MATJUUJA MISLU HAADZIHI (There is no God but Allah the Arab nation must always be aware of the disaster that is about to befall it, which now has opened the curtain of the Ya’juj Ma’juj dam as big as this hole)”, he while arching the index finger with his thumb. I asked: “Will we perish, even though there are many righteous among us, O Messenger of Allah?” he asked. He replied: “Yes, when evil has become rampant.” (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri reported that the Prophet said: “Avoid sitting by the roadside”. The Companions asked: “O Messenger of Allah, we cannot leave that place because that is where we can talk about something”. He said: “If you feel that you cannot leave, then fulfill the right of way”. The companions asked: “What is the right of way, O Messenger of Allah? ?”. He replied: “The right of way is to close the eyes, not to disturb, to answer the greeting and to encourage the good and prevent the bad” (HR Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet saw a man wearing a gold ring, so he took it off and threw it away, saying: “Did one of you deliberately take a burning coal and put it on his hand?”. After the Messenger of Allah left, someone said to him: “Take the ring and use it for something else”. He replied: “By Allah, I will not take something that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) has thrown away forever”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Said Al Hasan Al Bashri reported that Aidz bin Amr (ra) entered the house of Ubaidillah bin Ziad and said: “My son, I heard the Messenger of Allah saying: “Verily, the worst of rulers are those who are cruel and forceful to their people, so do not be one of them”. Then Ubaidillah said: “Sit down, you are only an outcast companion of Muhammad”. Aidz said: “Are there any wasted companions of the Messenger?”. Indeed, the outcasts are those who live after the Companions and those who are other than them”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Hudhayfah reported that the Prophet said: “By the One in Whose hand is my soul, you should really encourage the good and prevent the evil or else Allah will really send a punishment on you, then you pray but your prayer is not answered”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri reported that the Prophet said: “The most important struggle is to say justice to the wrong ruler”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi)


  1. Abu Abdullah Tharig bin Shihab Al Bajali Al Ahmasyi (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that a man asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) when he had put his foot in the saddle: “What is the best struggle?”. He replied: “Speaking the truth in the face of an erring ruler”. (HR. An Nasai)


  1. Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “The first corruption that occurred in the Children of Israel was that when a man met his friend he said: “O my friend, be devoted to Allah and cease from your sin.” Then in the morning he would see his friend doing something forbidden, but he would not reprimand him, and he himself would be drawn into the sin. When they have done this, Allah will lock their hearts. Then the Prophet recited a verse of the Qur’an which means: “The disbelievers of the Children of Israel have been cursed by the mouth of the Prophet David and Jesus the son of Mary. That is because they were disobedient and always transgressed. They did not forbid one another from doing the evil that they did. So indeed it is very bad what they have done. You see most of them helping the disbelievers (polytheists). Verily, what they have prepared for themselves is the wrath of Allah for themselves, and they will remain in torment. If they had believed in Allah, in the Prophet (Moses) and in what was sent down to him (the Prophet), they would not have taken the polytheists as helpers, but most of them are ungodly people.” Then he said: “No, you cannot do that. By Allah, you must call to good and forbid the evil, prevent people from doing wrong and straighten their paths so that they may return to the right path, or else Allah will close your hearts and curse you as Allah cursed the Children of Israel.” (HR Abu Daud, At Turmudzi)


The aforementioned hadeeth is the hadeeth spoken by Abu Daud. The hadith spoken by Turmudzi is as follows: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us about the situation of the Children of Israel, that when the people of the Children of Israel fell asleep in sin, the scholars warned them but they did not stop sinning. Instead, the scholars participated in the sin by sitting around eating and drinking. So finally Allah locked all their hearts and Allah cursed them through the mouth of the Prophet David and the Prophet Isa son of Mary, that is so because they were disobedient and always overstepped the limits”. The Prophet, who had been leaning back, sat down and said: “No, by Allah in whose hand is my soul, you must turn them around and set them on the right path”.


14, Abu Bakr Ash Shiddiq (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he said: “O people, you have all read this verse: YAA AYYUHAL LADZIINA AAMANUU “ALAIKUM ANFUSAKUM LAA YADHURRUKUM MAN DHALLA IDZAH TADAIKUM (O you who believe, take care of yourselves. No misguided person will do you any harm when you have been guided and you do not fully understand what it means. And indeed I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Verily, if people see others doing wrong and do not prevent it, it is likely that Allah will send punishment evenly because of what the wrongdoer has done.” (Abu Daud, At-Turmudzi, An Nasa’i).








Allah, the Almighty, says: “Why do you enjoin others to do good and forget, while you read the Book? Do you not think?” (QS. Al Bagarah: 44)


Allah ta’ala says: “O you who believe, why do you say what you do not do? It is hateful in the sight of Allah that you say what you do not do.” (QS. Ash Shaaf: 2-3)


In telling the story of Prophet Shu’aib in preaching, Allah says:


Meaning: “And I do not intend to wrong you (by doing) what I forbid”. (QS. Hud: 88)


  1. Abu Zayd Usamah bin Zayd bin Harithah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “On the Day of Resurrection, a man will be brought and plunged into Hell, and the intestines of his stomach will come out and circle around in Hell like Himar around a mill, then the inhabitants will come to him and say: “O Fulan, why are you so bad, didn’t you used to do the good and forbid the evil in this world?”. He replied: “Yes, I used to enjoin doing good but I did not do it myself, and I forbade doing evil but I did it myself”. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)








Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Verily, Allah has enjoined you to deliver the trust to those to whom it is due”. (QS. An Nisa’ : 58)


Allah says: “Verily, We have revealed to the heavens, the earth and the mountains, and all of them were reluctant to take up the trust, fearing that they would betray it, and man took up the trust. Verily, man is very wicked and very foolish.” (QS. Al Ahzab: 72),


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The signs of a hypocrite are three: When he speaks, he lies, when he makes a promise, he breaks it, and when he is trusted, he betrays it”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


In another narration it is said: “Even though he fasts, prays, and claims to be a Muslim”.


  1. Hudhayfah ibn Al Yaman (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) told us two things, one of which I already knew for sure and now I am waiting for the second. First, he told us that the mandate came to the hearts of people, then the Qur’an was revealed and they studied the Qur’an and the sunnah of the apostle, faithfully carrying out the mandate that was in it, Second, he told us about the revocation of the mandate, where he said: “When a person sleeps, the trust is taken away from his heart, and there is only a small trace of it, then he sleeps again, and the small trace of it is taken away, so that it remains like the trace of a fist, which is like a burning coal that is stepped on by your foot, and then it is swollen but contains nothing. Then he gave the example of a stone, stepped on with his foot. Then he gave the example of a stone, which he stepped on with his foot, and the people who were buying and selling were almost none of them trustworthy, so it was said that so-and-so was trustworthy, and so-and-so was praised: “How patient, how shrewd and how clever he is, while in his heart there is not the least bit of faith, even the size of a mustard seed”. Hudhayfah said. “Indeed there has come to me an age in which I do not care who I can still trust, if he were a Muslim then he would certainly fulfill his trust in me because of his religion, and if he were a Christian or Jew then he would fulfill his trust in me because of his trade or business. So now I do not trust any of you except so and so”. (HR. Bukhari and Musiim)


  1. Hudzaifah and Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most High, will gather all people and the believers will stand near Paradise. They visit Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) and say: “O our father, open the door of Paradise for all of us”. Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) replied: “Was it not the fault of your father that you were expelled from Paradise?”. Try to come to my son Ibrahim kholitullah”. Then they came together to Prophet Ibrahim, but he replied: “I have no right in this matter because I am the last of the kholilullah. Try to come to prophet Musa about whom Allah said to him: “Then they came together to prophet Moses (peace be upon him), but he replied: “That is not my business. Come to prophet ‘Isa (peace be upon him) with the word and spirit of Allah”. Isa replied: “I have no right to that”. They then came to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and he stood up and allowed them to do so. Then he released the mandate and compassion. then the mandate and compassion were on either side of the shiratal mustagim. Finally the first group passed by like lightning fast. I (Hudhayfah) asked: “By your father and mother, is there anything that passes like lightning?”. “He replied: “Didn’t you see how fast it passed in the blink of an eye?” Then the one who passed by passed by like lightning? Then there are those who pass over it like the wind, then there are those who pass over it like a bird flying fast, and there are those who pass over it like a marathon runner who runs very fast: RABBII SALLIM SALLIM (O my Lord, save me) until it is the turn of the person with the least good deeds. They are unable to walk with their feet except crawling. And on either side of the shiratal mustagim, iron instruments are set up to take the person they take, so some of them are wounded but saved, and some are plunged into hell. By the One in Whose hand is the soul of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), the depth of Hellfire is as far as a seventy-year journey downwards.” (HR. Muslim) –


  1. Abu Khubaib bin Abdullah bin Zubair bin Al Awwam Al Ourasyi Al Asadi (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “During the battle of Jamal, Zubair (my father) stood up to call me, and said: “O my son, today no one is killed except the persecutor or the persecuted, and I feel that I will be killed for being persecuted, and what I fear most is my debt, will all my wealth be sufficient to pay the debt?”. Then he said: “My son, sell all the wealth and pay my debts”. He also bequeathed one-third of his wealth, and one-third of one-third to his grandchildren, i.e. to the sons of Abdullah bin Zubair, i.e. if there was anything left over from what was paid for the debt, then one-third of the remainder would be given to the sons of Abdullah bin Zubair, at that time there were nine sons and nine daughters. Abdullah said: “My father always advised about his debts and said: “If you have difficulty then ask my employer for help”. Abdullah said: “I did not understand who his employer was so I asked: “Who is your employer?”. He replied: “Allah”. Abdullah said: “So by Allah, if I had difficulty in paying off his debt I would have prayed: “O Az Zubayr’s employer, pay off Zubayr’s debt”. So eventually he was able to pay it off. Abdullah said: “Then Zubayr was killed, and he left behind no dinars or dirhams except two plots of land, some of which were forests, eleven houses in Medina, two houses in Bashrah, one house in Kufa and one house in Egypt. The truth of Zubayr’s debt was that someone came to him to entrust money. Zubayr refused and said: “I don’t like being entrusted with money for fear that it will be lost. So it is better that I owe. Also Zubayr had never been an Amir or Amil who drew the proceeds from an area, only that he always participated in the war with the Messenger of Allah PBUH. Abu Bakr, Umar and Ustman ra. Abdullah continued his words: “I counted the father’s debt amounted to two million two hundred thousand”, then Hakim bin Hizam met Abdullah bin Zubair and said: “O my nephew, what is my brother’s debt?”. I hid it and only said: “One hundred thousand”. The judge said: “By Allah I do not know whether your wealth is sufficient to pay it off?”. Abdullah said: “What would you think if the debt amounted to two million two hundred thousand?”. He replied: “I don’t think you can bear it, but if you have any objections, you can ask me for help”. Abdullah said: “Zubayr used to buy the forest for one hundred and seventy thousand”. Abdullah intended to sell for one hundred and sixty thousand: then he stood up and said: “Whoever owes Zubayr a debt I will repay with the proceeds of the sale of this forest”. Then came Abdullah bin Ja’far to whom Zubayr owed six hundred thousand, and he said to Abdullah bin Zubayr: “If you like I will not charge you”. Abdullah ibn Zubayr said: “No”. Abdullah ibn Ja’far said: “If you agree, let me have it later”. Abdullah bin Zubair said: “No”. Abdullah bin Ja’far said: “Then give me a portion of the forest”. Abdullah bin Zubair said: “Your share is from here to here”. Then Abdullah bin Zubayr sold the rest of the forest to pay off his father’s debt, and four and a half portions remained. Then Abdullah bin Zubayr went to Muawiyah’s place and there happened to be Amru bin Ustman, Al Mundhir and Ibn Zam’ah. Muawiyah asked: “How much is the forest worth?”. Abdullah replied: “Each part is one hundred thousand”. Muawiyah asked again: “How much land is left?”. Abdullah answered: “There are four and a half parts”. Al Mundhir bin Zubair said: “I took one share for one hundred thousand”. Amer bin Ustman said: “I took a share for one hundred thousand”. Ibn Zam’ah said: “I took a share for one hundred thousand”. Then Muawiyah asked: “How much land is left?”. Abdullah bin Zhubair replied: “There is one and a half shares”. Muawiyah said: “I took one and a half shares for one hundred and fifty thousand”. Also Abdullah b. Ja’far had sold his share of land to Muawiyah for six hundred thousand. After Abdullah had paid off all his father’s debts, Zubayr’s daughters said: “Divide our inheritance”. Abdullah replied: “By Allah, I will not divide the inheritance for you all before four seasons, where each season we will broadcast whoever feels he owes Zubayr to come to us, we will definitely pay him back. It continued to be broadcast by Abdullah every year, every season until four years. Only then did he divide his inheritance and take the one-third that was bequeathed. Zubayr left four wives, each of whom received a share of one million two hundred thousand. So all of Zubayr’s wealth amounted to fifty million two hundred thousand”. (HR. Bukhari).









Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “The wrongdoers have no friends, nor do they have an intercessor whose intercession they accept.” (QS. Al Mukmin: 15)


Allah says: “And for the wrongdoers there is no protector or refuge.” (Sūrat Ash-Shura: 8)


  1. Jabir reported that the Prophet said: “Fear wrongdoing because it will darken you on the Day of Judgment, and fear miserliness because miserliness has destroyed the ummah before you, and that is what drove them to bloodshed and all kinds of unlawful means”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Indeed, every right must be returned to the one who owns it on the Day of Resurrection, until the hornless goat is given the right to return the blow to the goat that has horns”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “We were talking about the farewell pilgrimage and the Prophet was among us. We were not sure about the farewell pilgrimage. Then the Prophet praised and lauded Allah and told us about the Dajjal and prolonged the story, saying: “No Prophet was sent except that he warned his people, like Noah and the Prophets after him. That the Dajjal will definitely appear, so if there are qualities that are hidden from you, they are no longer hidden because God is not blind, while the Dajjal is blind in his right eye like a grape that comes out. Know that Allah has forbidden your blood and your wealth like this day of Arafat, this month. Know that I have conveyed it!. The companions replied: “Yes”. He said: “O Allah, bear witness!”, he repeated it three times. “Be careful and pay attention lest you all become disbelievers after me until there is bloodshed (killing each other) between some and others”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever takes away the right of another, even if it is only an inch of land, will be shackled by seven layers of earth”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Verily, Allah has given freedom to the wrongdoer, but when the time comes Allah will give a punishment that he will not be able to avoid”. Then he recited the verse: WA KADZAALIKA AKHDZU BIKA IDZAA AKHADZAL QURAA WA HIYA ZHAALIMATUN INNA AHDZAHUU ALIIMUN SYADIIDUN (Such is the torment of your Lord, when He torments the inhabitants of the countries that do wrong. Verily, the torment of Allah is very painful and very severe)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Mu’adh said: The Messenger of Allah sent me and said: “Indeed, you will face the people of the book (Christians), so invite them to embrace Islam by saying the two sentences of the creed. If they accept your invitation then tell them that Allah has enjoined prayer five times a day and night. After that, call on the rich to fulfill the obligation of zakat and then give it to the poor and needy among them If they have fulfilled it, then protect their honor and property. Fear the supplication of the wronged, for there is no curtain between it and Allah.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Humaid Abdur Rahman bin Saad As Saidi (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah assigned a man from the Azdi tribe named Lutbiyah to collect zakat. After completing his task he came to the Prophet and said: “This is your share and this one is for me”, So seeing this incident then the Messenger of Allah immediately delivered his speech from the pulpit. After reciting tahmid he said! “Then than that, indeed I have assigned someone among you to fulfill the task mandated by Allah to me, then he came and said : “This is the master’s share, and this is my gift”. Why does he not sit at home with his father and mother until the reward comes to him, if he is righteous? By Allah, no one who takes property or something that does not belong to him, will be charged later on. So I (the Prophet) do not want to see any of you appear before Allah carrying a bleating camel, ox or goat”. Then he raised his hands until his white armpits were visible and said: “O Allah, have I not told you”. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever mistreats his brother, whether it is related to a matter of personal honor or property, then he should ask for forgiveness / ask for forgiveness now before the time comes when dinars and dirhams are no longer useful, and if he has a store of good deeds then it will be taken according to the severity of the mistreatment. And if he has no good deeds at all, then the sins of the wrongdoer will be charged to him”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash reported that the Prophet said: “The Muslim is the one who is able to create a sense of security and tranquility among the Muslims, away from verbal and hand interference. And the one who migrates is the one who abandons all the actions forbidden by Allah”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “There was a man who was given the task of guarding the provisions of the Messenger of Allah, named Kirkirah, he died and the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: “He will return to hell”. The Companions then investigated why he went to hell. Then they found out that he had hidden a coat from the spoils of war.” (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Abu Bakrah Nufa’i bin Harith reported that the Prophet said: “That the times have circulated like the days when Allah created the heavens and the earth. There are twelve months in a year, four of which are noble months, three of which are Dhulga’dah, Dhul Hijjah and Muharram, and one of which is between the months of Jumada al-Fitr and Sha’ban, Rajab. What month is this?”. We replied: “Allah and His Messenger know better”. He was silent for a moment, so we thought that the name of the month would be changed to something else. He said: “Is this not the month of Dhul-Hijjah?”. We answered: “Yes”. He asked: “What country is this?”. He was silent for a while, so we thought that the city would be renamed. But he said: “Isn’t this city Mecca?”. We replied: “Yes!” He asked again: “What day is today?”. We replied: “Allah and His Messenger know better”. He remained silent for a while, so we thought that he was going to mention another day. But he also said: “Is this not the day of sacrifice?”. We replied: “Yes”, and he then said: “Verily, your blood, your wealth and your honor are forbidden, just as they are forbidden on this day, in this country and in this month. All of you will one day meet your Lord and He will ask you about your deeds. Remember, do not all of you become disbelievers after me because one of you killed another. Remember, let those who are present here spread this call to those who are not present, because those who are told may be more aware than those who hear it directly.” Then he said: “Remember, did I not convey it?”. We replied “Yes, I did”. He said: “O Allah, bear witness (to the delivery of my message)”. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)


  1. Abu Umamah Iyas bin Tsa’labah Al Haris (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he said: “Whoever usurps the right of a Muslim and swears falsely, Allah will make Hell for him and he will not enter Paradise”. A companion asked: “Even if what is taken is only something very small, O Messenger of Allah? ?”. He replied: “Even if it is only a small piece of miswak”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Adi bin Amirah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Whoever we assign to collect funds, then hides it even if it is as small as a needle or more with the intention of taking it, then on the Day of Resurrection he will face Allah with what was hidden”. Then a black man from Anshar, whom I had seen before, rose up and said: “O Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), please accept the task that you have assigned to me”. He replied: “Why should that be?”. He replied: “Because you said this and that”. Then he said: “Whoever is entrusted with a task must carry it out whether he will get much or little. And whatever has been given to him he may take and what is forbidden to him he may not take”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Umar ibn Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the battle of Khaibar was over, the Companions of the Prophet came and they said so-and-so was martyred, so-and-so was martyred, and whenever they passed people they said so-and-so was martyred. Then the Prophet said: “No, I saw him in hell because he had taken/hidden a coat of booty that had not been divided”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Abu Qatadah Al Harith bin Rib’i (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) stood up during his sermon and said that fighting in the cause of Allah and believing in Allah are the best deeds. Then a man got up and said: “O Messenger of Allah, do you know that if I am killed fighting in the way of Allah, will my sins be forgiven?”. The Prophet said to him: “Yes, if you are killed and are steadfast, patient and sincere hoping for the pleasure of Allah and the spirit of never retreating”. Then the Prophet asked him back: “What are you asking?”, He replied: “What if I am killed in the struggle, will my sins be forgiven?”. So the Prophet said: “Yes, if you are steadfast, expect only the pleasure of Allah and have the spirit of never retreating, except for debt”. This is how Archangel Gabriel explained to me”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Do you know who the poorest person is?”. The companions replied: “The poor is the one who has no money and no property”. He said: “The poor man is the one who will come on the Day of Resurrection with his prayers, fasts, and alms, but he used to revile people, accuse them, take away their rights, kill them, and mistreat them, so his good deeds will be taken away from him to pay for his mistreatment. And if his good deeds are exhausted and the claims of the wronged person have not been paid off, then the sins of the wronged person will be charged to the wrongdoer to be borne by him, and finally he will be thrown into hell.” (HIR. Muslim)


  1. Umm Salamah reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “Verily, I am but an ordinary man, and you bring your affairs to me. Perhaps some of you are better at arguing than others, so that I decide for him as I hear his testimony. So whoever I win by defeating his righteous brother, I have given him a portion of hellfire.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “A believer is always free to practice his religion, so long as he does not shed unlawful blood (kill each other)”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Khaulah bint Tsamir Al Anshariyah, the wife of Hamzah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Verily, there are people who are entrusted with the baitul mal (Allah’s treasure), and they misuse it for their own interests, so on the Day of Resurrection they will be put in hell”. (HR. Bukhari)








Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Whoever honors the honor of Allah, that is very good for him in the sight of his Lord.” (al-Hajj: 88)


Allah says: “Whoever honors the message of Allah’s religion is a sign of Taqwa in his heart.” (al-Hajj: 32)


Allah says: “And humble yourselves to your fellow believers”. (QS. Al Hijr: 88)


Allah says: “Whoever kills a human being not in retaliation for murder (gishash) or not because of corruption in the earth, then it is as if he has killed all of mankind”. (QS. Al Maidah: 32)


  1. Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “One believer to another believer is like a building, where one part strengthens the other. And he demonstrated it by inserting his fingers”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Whoever walks in the mosque or in the bazaar and has an arrow with him, let him hold it by the tip, lest it strike a Muslim”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Nu’man ibn Bashir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “The example of believers in mutual love, affection and compassion is like one body. When a member of the body hurts, the other members of the body feel it until they cannot sleep and feel hot”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet once kissed his grandson Hasan bin Ali, next to him was Al Aqra’ bin Habis. Seeing this Al Aqra’ said: “I have ten children but I have kissed none of them”. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) turned to Al Aqra’ and said: “Whoever does not love his neighbor will not be loved by Allah”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “Some Bedouins came to the Prophet and some of them asked each other: “Do you like to kiss your children?”. Some of them replied: “Yes”, while others said: “By Allah, I never kiss them at all”. Then the Prophet said: “What else should I tell you if Allah has taken away affection from all of you”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. From Jarir bin Abdullah ra. he said: “Whoever does not love his fellow man, Allah will not have mercy on him”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When one of you leads the prayer for a large number of people, then lighten it (speed it up), because among them there are weak and elderly people. And if you pray alone, you may prolong it as much as you wish”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim) In another narration it says: “And there are those who have other needs”.


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “Sometimes the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) would leave out an action that he liked, for fear that it might become obligatory for his ummah.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Prophet (peace be upon him) forbade Muslims from fasting on a continuous basis (fasting pati geni: Javanese) out of compassion for them”. The companions said: “Why do you fast day and night?”. He replied: “My situation is very different from yours. God always gives me food and drink”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


Meaning: “God always feeds/strengthens me like the strength of a person who eats and drinks”.


  1. Abu Qatadah Al Harith bin Rib’ reported that the Prophet said. “Indeed, when I (the Prophet) was praying with the intention of prolonging my prayer, suddenly I heard the cry of a baby, so I accelerated my prayer because I did not want to inconvenience his mother”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. From Jundub bin Abdullah ra. He said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “I had ten children but I kissed none of them. The Messenger of Allah turned to Al Aqra’ and said: “Whoever does not love his neighbor will not be loved by Allah”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “Some Bedouins came to the Prophet and some of them asked each other: “Do you like to kiss your children?”. Some of them replied: “Yes”, while others said: “By Allah, I never kiss them at all”. Then the Prophet said: “What else should I tell you if Allah has taken away affection from all of you”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. From Jarir bin Abdullah ra. he said: “Whoever does not love his fellow man, Allah will not have mercy on him”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When one of you leads the prayer for a large number of people, then lighten up (speed up), because among them there are weak and elderly people. And if you pray alone, you may prolong it as much as you wish”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


In another narration it says: “And there are those who have other needs”.


  1. ‘Ā’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “Sometimes the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) would leave an action that he liked, for fear that it might be made obligatory upon his Ummah.” (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Prophet forbade Muslims from fasting on a continuous basis (fasting pati geni: Javanese) out of compassion for them”. The companions said: “Why do you fast continuously day and night?”. He replied: “My situation is very different from yours. God always gives me food and drink”. (HR Bukhari and Muslim)


Meaning: “God always feeds/strengthens me like the strength of a person who eats and drinks”.


  1. Abu Qatadah Al Harith bin Ribi reported that the Prophet said: “Indeed, when I (the Prophet) was praying with the intention of prolonging my prayer, suddenly I heard the cry of a baby, so I accelerated my prayer because I did not want to inconvenience his mother”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Jundub ibn Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever offers the morning prayer is in the security of Allah. Therefore, do not demand Allah for this guarantee, for whoever demands His guarantee, Allah will find him and throw him into the fire of hell.” (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “One Muslim is a brother to another. So it is not permissible to mistreat him or let him be mistreated. Whoever helps to fulfill his needs, Allah will certainly take care of his interests. And whoever helps to overcome his brother’s difficulties, Allah will relieve his difficulties on the Day of Resurrection. And whoever conceals the evil of his brother, Allah will conceal his secret on the Day of Judgment.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “One Muslim is a brother to another. Therefore, it is not permissible to betray him, deny him and allow him to be insulted by others. It is unlawful for one Muslim to interfere with another’s honor, property and blood. Taqwa is here (pointing to his chest). A person is evil enough if he insults his Muslim brother”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Do not backbite each other, cheat each other, abuse each other, and hate each other. One Muslim is a brother to another. Therefore he should not mistreat, allow to be mistreated and insult him. Taqwa is here (pointing to his chest three times). A person is considered evil if he insults a fellow Muslim. It is unlawful for one Muslim to interfere with another’s blood, property and honor” (HR Muslim).


  1. Anas reported that the Prophet said: “Faith is not complete among all of you until you love your brother as you love yourselves”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Anas reported that the Prophet said: “Help your brother, whether he is wronged or wronged”. Then a companion asked: “O Messenger of Allah, I will help if he is wronged, so why should I help the one who is wronged?”. He replied: “Prevent him from doing wrong, and that is how to help him”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The rights of a Muslim towards another Muslim are five: : Answering the greeting, visiting the sick, delivering the dead, attending the invitation, and answering the sneeze.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In a hadith narrated by Muslim it is said: “The rights of a Muslim towards another Muslim are six: When you meet him, greet him; when he invites you, invite him; when he asks you for advice, advise him; when he sneezes and says ALHAMDULILLAH, answer him with YARHAMUKALLAH; when he is sick, visit him; and when he dies, deliver his body.” (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Umarah Al Barra’ bin Aziz (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) enjoined and prevented us from seven things. He told us to visit the sick, deliver the dead, answer the sneezer, fulfill the oath, help the wronged, and attend the invitation and spread the greetings. And he forbade us to wear gold rings, drink from silver vessels, indulge in extravagance in life, be violent, wear silk cloth and wear cloth embroidered with gold and wear painted silk”. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “And declaring things lost in addition to the first seven”.







Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Those who like to divulge news of the evil of the believers, for them is a very painful punishment in this world and in the Hereafter”. (QS. An Nuur: 19)



  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, whoever conceals the secrets of others in this world, Allah will conceal his secrets in the Hereafter”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that he said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “All of my Ummah will be forgiven except for those who commit obvious sins. Among those who commit an obvious sin is a person who sins at night, then in the morning tells about it, even though Allah has covered his deed. The person says: “O So-and-so, I did this and that last night”. In fact, Allah covered it that night, but he himself reveals the act that Allah had covered”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “If a slave girl has committed adultery, let her be flogged and not humiliated. And if she commits adultery for the second time, then scourge her and do not despise her. And if she commits adultery for the third time, then sell her even if it is only in exchange for a rope of animal hair”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man was brought in who had been caught drinking alcohol, so the Prophet said: “Beat him”, so Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Some of us hit him with our hands, some with sandals, and some with cloths. And when the man left, some people said: “May Allah make you despicable”. He said: “Do not say such words, for they help the devil”. (narrated by Bukhari)







Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Do good so that you may be fortunate.” (al-Hajj: 77)


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Whatever good deeds you do, Allah is the Knower of them.” (QS. Al Bagarah: 273)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “One Muslim to another Muslim is a brother. Therefore he should not persecute and let persecuted. Whoever takes care of his brother’s needs, Allah will take care of his needs. And whoever eases the hardship of a Muslim, Allah will ease his hardship on the Day of Judgment. And whoever conceals a Muslim’s secret, Allah will conceal his secret on the Day of Judgment.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever removes a Muslim’s worldly hardship, Allah will remove his Hereafter hardship. Whoever makes things easy for someone who is in trouble, Allah will make things easy for him in this world and in the Hereafter. Whoever covers a Muslim’s carpets, Allah will cover his defects, both in this world and in the Hereafter. Allah will always help His servant as long as he is willing to help his brother. Whoever takes the path for the sake of knowledge, Allah will facilitate the path for him to heaven. There is no one who gathers in the houses of Allah (mosques, etc.), reads the Book of Allah and studies its contents, but they are guaranteed peace and tranquility and Allah’s mercy will always surround them. They are surrounded by angels who fortify them, ask forgiveness for them and also Allah mentions them in His presence. Whoever is slow in doing good deeds, then do not expect an increase in degrees as soon as possible.”







Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Whoever provides good intercession will have a share in it.” (QS. An Nisa’ : 84)


  1. Abu Musa Al Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When someone came to the Prophet for help, he said (to the Companions): “Give help, and you will all be rewarded”. Allah always fulfills what His Prophet has said whatever He likes”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim) In another narration it says: “Whatever he wishes”.


2, From Ibn Abbas ra. in the story of Barirah with her husband, where he said: “The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to Barirah “If you want to return to your husband”. Barirah asked: “Yes, Messenger of Allah, did you tell me to”. He replied: “I am only encouraging you”. Barirah replied: “I do not want to return to him”. (HR. Bukhari).








Allah, may He be exalted, says: “There is no good in most of the whispers of their speech except the whispers of those who enjoin charity, or do good, or make peace among people.” (QS. An Nisa’: 114)


Allah ta’ala says: “And peace is better”. (QS. An Nisa’ : 128)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Be devoted to Allah and reconcile disputes between yourselves.” (QS. Al Anfal: 10)


Allah says: “Indeed, those who believe are brothers, so reconcile between your two brothers (who are in dispute)”. (QS. Al Hujrat: 10)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Every joint of man has a charity every day on which the sun still rises. Reconciling two people in dispute is a charity, helping someone to lift or carry his goods up is a charity, every kind word is a charity, every step towards the place of prayer is a charity, and removing something annoying in the middle of the road is a charity”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Umm Kulsum bint Uqbah bin Abu Muaith (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “He is not a liar who tries to reconcile between people, to seek good and to speak kindly”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim) In the hadeeth narrated by Muslim it is added “Umm Kulsum said : “I have never heard the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) allow lying except in three cases: in war, in reconciling disputants, and in maintaining good relations between husband and wife.”


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) heard a very loud argument at the door, in which one of the two asked for leniency and pity in the matter of a debt to the other, but the other replied: “By Allah, I will not give you any relief”, so the Messenger of Allah went out and approached the two men and asked: “Where is the man who swears by the name of Allah not to do good?”. He replied: “I, O Messenger of Allah”. So he is entitled to whatever he pleases”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. From Abul Abbas Sahl bin Saad As Saidi ra. that the Messenger of Allah heard news of a dispute among the Banu Amir bin Auf so immediately the Messenger of Allah went there to reconcile them accompanied by some bodyguards of the Companions. After completing the reconciliation he was held to be entertained until the Asr prayer time arrived. So Bilal went to Abu Bakr and said: “O Abu Bakr, now that the Messenger of Allah is still being entertained by the Banu Amr, what if you become the imam for the people who will pray?”. Abu Bakr replied: “All right if you wish”. Then Bilal said the berigamat and Abu Bakr came forward. He said Takbir which was then followed by the congregation behind him. Suddenly the Messenger of Allah came through the middle of the row to stand upright in the initial row/shaf. The people clapped, but Abu Bakr did not turn around. When the congregation applauded, Abu Bakr turned his head and saw the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and he signaled for the prayer to continue but Abu Bakr raised his hands while reciting tahmid, then stepped back to stand upright in the initial row. Then the Prophet came forward to lead them. And after finishing the prayer, the Prophet faced the Companions and said: “O people, why is it that when something happens in the prayer, you suddenly clap your hands?”. Indeed clapping is for women. Men should recite tasbih (i.e. SUBHANALLAAH) when something happens in the prayer and turn their heads when the imam hears it. O Abu Bakr, what was the reason that you did not continue praying when I signaled to you? Abu Bakr replied: “It is not appropriate for the son of Abu Quhafah to lead the prayer in front of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).” (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).








Allah, the Almighty, says: “Be patient with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and evening, seeking His pleasure. And do not turn your eyes away from them”. (QS. Al Kahfi: 28)


  1. Harithah bin Wahab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Shall I tell you the inhabitants of Paradise?” That is a person who is weak and underestimated by people, but if he does good to Allah, Allah will consider him good. And shall I tell you about the people of Hell?”. That is the one who is hard-hearted, harsh and arrogant”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abul Abbas Sahl bin Saad ra. he said: “When the Messenger of Allah was sitting, suddenly a man passed in front of him. Then he asked the companion who was next to him: “What do you think of the man who just passed by?”. The Companion replied: “He is a nobleman. If he proposes to a girl, there is great hope that she will accept him and if he proposes something, it will be accepted. The Messenger of Allah was silent for a while hearing that answer. Shortly thereafter another man passed in front of the Messenger of Allah and the Messenger of Allah asked the companion next to him: “What do you think of the man who just passed by?” The companion replied: “O Messenger of Allah, that man is a poor Muslim. If he proposes something, it is not accepted, and if he says something, it is not heard”. So the Messenger of Allah said: “That person is better and more valuable than the earth and everything in it. That person is like this”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri reported that the Prophet said: “Heaven and hell once held a debate. Hell said: “The proud and arrogant people are with me”. Heaven said: “The weak and the poor are with me”. Then Allah gave a decision to both of them: “O heaven, indeed you are My mercy. I will be merciful with you to whomever I will. And you hell, verily you are My torment. I will torment with you whomever I will. Each of you two, I am the one who will determine its content”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Indeed there will come tomorrow on the Day of Judgment, a person who is very large and fat, but in the sight of Allah has absolutely no value even as heavy as a mosquito’s wing”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) did not see a mosque sweeper for several days, so he asked about him. The companions said that the man was dead. He asked: “Why didn’t you tell me?”. The Companions seemed to underestimate the work of the person who used to sweep the mosque”. Then he said: “Show me his grave”. So the Companions showed him the grave, then he offered the funeral prayer there and said: “Verily, these graves are full of darkness, and Allah has illuminated them because of my prayers for them.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “There are not a few people who are considered by the community to be very despicable because their hair is matted and unkempt, even rejected from every door of the house of people, but if he wants to do good to Allah, Allah will consider that person good”. (HR Muslim)


  1. Usamah ra. reported that the Prophet said: “I stand before the door of Paradise and most of the people who enter it are poor, while the rich are still held back by the calculation of their wealth. And the people of Hell have been ordered to enter Hell. And when I stand at the door of Hell, most of those who enter it are women.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “There are no babies who are able to speak except three : “Jesus the son of Mary and the baby who saved Juraij. Juraij was a man who worshipped diligently and made a place for his worship. One day his mother called him while he was praying: “Hi Juraij”. Juraij said to himself: “O my Lord my mother is calling me but I have just prayed”. He finished his prayer and his mother went home. The next day his mother came again and he was praying. His mother called out: “O Juraij”. He said to himself: “O my Lord, you called me while I was praying”. He finished his prayer and his mother went home. The next day his mother came again and he was praying. His mother called out: “Hi Juraij”. He said to himself: “O God, this is my mother and I have just prayed”. He finished his prayer. Then his mother got a bit annoyed and prayed: “O Allah, do not kill Juraij before he deals with prostitutes”. Indeed, Juraij was one of the Children of Israel who was very diligent in his worship.


When a beautiful prostitute wanted to seduce Juraij, she said: “If you wish, I can defame him (Juraij) and test him”. Then the woman came and pestered Juraij, but Juraij was not tempted in the least. Exasperated, the woman went to a shepherd and invited him to the hut (monastery) where Juray worshipped and invited him to commit adultery. Eventually the shepherd committed adultery and the woman became pregnant. After the woman gave birth to a baby, she said: “This baby is the result of my intercourse with Jurajj” Immediately the people of Banu Isra came to Juraij’s hut (monastery) and forced Juraij to get down from his monastery, beat him severely and destroyed his monastery. Juraij said: “Why are you all doing this to me?”. They replied: “You committed adultery with this prostitute and gave birth to a child”. Juraij asked back: “Where is the baby?”. They brought the baby to Juraij and Juraij said. “Wait a moment, I want to pray”. When he finished praying, he approached the baby and massaged his stomach while asking: “Baby, who is your father?”. The baby replied: “My father is so-and-so, a shepherd”. The Children of Israel were astonished, and finally kissed and apologized to Juraij, and said: “We will build you a hut of gold”. Juraij replied: “No, build me a hut/temple of earth as before”. So they built a hut for Juraij. The third baby, who could speak, was a baby who was breastfeeding his mother, suddenly a man with a good ride and a handsome face passed by, so his mother prayed. “O Allah, make my son like that man”. Suddenly the breastfed baby let go of the breast and said: “O Allah, do not make me like that man”. Then the baby suckled again (as if I still imagined him practicing the way the baby suckled, namely he took his pointer finger into his mouth and sucked it). He said: “They were walking and came across a slave girl being beaten by a crowd. The people said: “You committed adultery, you stole”. The slave only said: “HASBIYALLAAH”. So the baby’s mother said: “O Allah, do not make my son like that man”. Then the baby took off the breast and looked at the abused slave and said:


“O Allah, make me like that slave”. Then there was a question and answer between the mother and the baby. The mother said: “There was a man who was riding well and was handsome, so I prayed: “O Allah make my son like that man”, but you said : “O Allah, do not make me like that man”. And when a slave is beaten and said: “You committed adultery, you stole and I said : “O Allah, do not make my son like this slave” but you say: “O Allah, make me like that slave”. Then the baby replied: “Verily the man is an arrogant person, so I said: “O Allah, do not make me like this man”. The slave who was accused of adultery and theft did not commit adultery and did not steal. That is why I said: “O Allah, make me like this slave”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).







Allah says: “And be humble towards those who believe”. (QS. Al Hijr: 88)


Allah says: “Be patient with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and evening, seeking His pleasure. And do not avert your eyes from them for the sake of the adornment of this world.” (al-Kahf: 28)


Allah ta’ala says: “As for orphans, then do not abuse them. And as for the beggar, do not scold or yell at him.” (QS. Adh Dhuha: 9-10)


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “Do you know those who deny the religion?”. They are those who rebuke orphans and do not encourage the feeding of the poor.” (QS. Al Maa’un: 1 – 3)


  1. Sa’d ibn Abi Waqas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When six of us were sitting by the side of the Prophet, suddenly the leaders of the polytheists said to the Prophet: “Send these people away from your side so that they do not disturb our conversation”. The six people in question were: Myself, Ibn Mas’ud, a man from the tribe of Hudzail, Bilal and two men whose names I will not mention. The Prophet was moved by what was about to happen. Suddenly Allah revealed the verse: WA LAA TATHRUDIL LADZIINA YAD’UUNA RABBAHUM BIL GHADAATI WAL ‘ASYIYYI YURIIDUUNA WAJHAHU (And do not drive away those who call upon their Lord in the morning and evening seeking His pleasure)”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported. A’fidz bin Amr Al Muzanni (He was among the group of people who organized Baitur Ridhwan), that Abu Sufyan came to Salman, Suhaib, Bilal and some others who were in a group, suddenly they said: “Actually the sword of Allah has not finished taking the enemies of Allah in its mission”. So Abu Bakr said: “Why do you say this to the leading figures of the Quraysh?”. Then Abu Bakr narrated this recent incident to the Prophet and he said: “O Abu Bakr, if you scold them then you scold your Lord”. Abu Bakr immediately went to the group and asked: “Did I scold you all?”. They replied: “No, may Allah forgive you all. O my brothers”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Sahl bin Saad (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “I and those who take care of orphans will be in Paradise.” He gestured with his index and middle fingers and stretched between them. (HR. Bukhari)


4, Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The one who takes care of an orphan, whether he is his own brother or someone else, then I and the one who takes care of him are in heaven like these two fingers”. Malik bin Anas (may Allah be pleased with him), the narrator of this hadeeth, said that he gestured to the index and middle fingers.” (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “It is not the poor who are refused one or two dates or one or two mouthfuls of food, but what is called poor is the one who can keep his honor from begging”. (HR Bukhari and Muslim)


In another narration it is said: “The poor person is not the one who goes around begging until he is refused one or two dates or a mouthful or two of food, but what is called poor is the one who has no wealth to meet his needs and never crosses his heart to expect alms from others and never begs from others”.


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The one who helps a widow and a poor person is like one who does jihad fi sabilillah”. And I presume he said: “Even like one who always gets up to pray at night and like one who fasts all the time (meaning he never breaks his fast)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim). .


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The worst food is the food of a walimah (feast) to which the one who needs the food is not invited and to which the one who does not need it is invited. Whoever does not attend the invitation to a walimah is disobeying Allah and His Messenger”. (HR. Muslim)


In the narration of Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Hurairah it is said: “The worst food is the food of a wedding banquet to which only the rich are invited, and to which the poor are not invited”.


  1. Anas reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever takes care of his two daughters so that they become adults, then on the Day of Judgment I and he will be like these two fingers”. He pressed his fingers together.” (HR. Muslim)


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “Once a woman with her two daughters came begging to me, so I could not give her anything except a single date. Then I gave her that date. She divided it in half for her daughters and did not eat any of it herself and went out. Then the Prophet came and I told him about it, so he said: “Whoever is tested by Allah with daughters, then can take care of them and educate them properly, his daughters will be a wall / fortress for him from hellfire”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “There came to me a poor woman with two daughters, so I gave her a league of dates. The woman divided the dates one for each of her daughters. Then when the woman was about to eat the one date, suddenly asked by her two daughters, she then divided the date seed that she was going to eat and shared it with her two children. I was amazed at the woman’s behavior. So I told this incident to the Prophet and he said: “Verily, Allah has destined for her Paradise, or Allah has freed her from Hellfire because of this act of compassion.” (HR Muslim)


  1. Abu Shuraih Khuwailid ibn Amr Al Khuza’i reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “O Allah, indeed I consider it a sin for whoever wastes the rights of orphans and women”. (HR. An Nasai)


  1. Mus’ab bin Saad bin Abu Waqas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Saad felt as if he had an advantage over those around him, so the Prophet said: “Isn’t the help and Rizqi that you get thanks to the weak people around you”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Abu Darda’ Uwaimur ra. he said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) say: “Find for me (the Prophet) those who are weak, because you get help and Rizqi because of the poor around you”. (Reported by Abu Daud).








Allah ta’ala says: “And associate with women in a good manner”. (QS. An Nisa’ : 19)


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “You will never be able to do justice to your wives, no matter how much you wish to do so. So do not be so inclined to the one you love that you leave the other hanging. And if you make amends and preserve yourselves. Then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.” (QS. An Nisa’ : 129)


  1. From Abu Hurairah ra. he said, the Messenger of Allah PBUH. said : “Be kind to women, because women are created from a crooked rib. If you force her to straighten it with violence, it will break, and if you leave it, it will remain crooked, so advise all of you to be kind to women”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


In another narration it is said: “A woman is like a crooked rib. If you force her to straighten it, you will break it. And if you want to have fun with her then you can be satisfied but she remains crooked”. –


In a Muslim narration it is said: “Verily, the woman is created from a rib. There is no way for you to straighten her. If you just want to have fun with her then you can be satisfied but she remains crooked, and if you insist on straightening her then you break her. And to break is to divorce”.


  1. Abdullah ibn Zam’ah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) giving a sermon and he mentioned the camel and those who killed it. He said: “When the most wretched people rise up among them, there will be an executioner who is very cruel and respected by his people. Then he continued his sermon, and mentioned women, so the Prophet said: “There is one of you who deliberately beats his wife like beating his slave. Then it is likely that on the night of his heart he will be together (sleeping together)”. Then he gave advice to the Companions about laughing at people farting, where the Prophet said, “Why do you all laugh at something that you yourself also do”. (IR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Do not hate a woman (Mmukminat). If she does not like one of her behaviors, there is another behavior that satisfies her”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Amr Al Ahwadh Al Jusyami (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) giving a sermon during the Farewell Hajj. After reciting flattery and praise to Allah. The Prophet said: “Remember, be kind to women because they need your protection. You should not be the least bit cruel to them unless they (women) are obviously doing evil. If she does evil, then do not sleep with her and strike her with a blow that does not hurt. And if she is kind to you, then there is no way for you to be harsh with her. Remember, you have a right over your wife and she has a right over her husband. Your right over them (women) is that they should not let anyone you do not like into your room or allow anyone you do not like into your house. Their right over you is that you should get along well with them, especially by giving them food, clothing and shelter.” (HK At Turmudz1)


  1. Muawiyah ibn Haidah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what are the rights of a wife towards her husband?”. He replied: “You should feed him if you can feed him, clothe him if you can clothe him, and you should not strike him in the face, and you should not abuse him, and you should not divorce him, except in the house”. (HR. Abu Daud)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The most perfect believer is the one with the best manners. And the best of you is the one who is best to his wife”. (HR. At Tirmidzi)


  1. Iyas bin Abdullah bin Abu Dhubab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Do not beat women”. So Umar came to the Messenger of Allah and said: “Now many wives are brave to their husbands, so the Messenger of Allah allowed beating them”. After that, suddenly the Prophet’s house was crowded with women who wanted to complain about their husbands. So the Prophet said: “Indeed, many women have crowded Muhammad’s house to complain about the behavior of their husbands, so those husbands are bad husbands among you”. (HR. Abu Daud)


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “The world is pleasure, and the best pleasure of the world is a righteous woman”. (HR. Muslim).








Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “The man is the leader of his wives. That is why Allah has preferred some men over some women, and because men have spent some of their wealth. The righteous woman is the woman who obeys Allah and takes care of herself in the absence of her husband, because Allah has taken care of her.” (QS. An Nisa’ : 34)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “If a man invites his wife to sleep with him and she refuses, then he gets angry with her, the angels will curse her until the morning.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


In another narration it is stated: “If a wife leaves her husband’s bed, the angels will curse her until the morning”.


In another narration it is said: “By the One in whose hand my soul is, no man invites his wife to sleep with him and she refuses, but the creatures of the heavens will be angry with her until her husband consents.”


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “It is not permissible for a wife to observe a voluntary fast while her husband is present, except with his permission. And it is not permissible for a wife to let anyone into her house except with her husband’s permission.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Ibn Umar ra. reported that the Prophet said: “You are all leaders and you will all be held accountable for your leadership. A ruler is a leader, a husband is the leader of his family and a wife is the leader of her husband’s household and her children. You are all leaders and will be held accountable for your leadership”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Talg ibn Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “If a husband invites his wife to have intercourse, he must immediately fulfill it even if he is keeping the cooking on the fire”. (HR. At Turmudzi and Nasai).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “If I were allowed to order someone to prostrate himself to another person, I would order a wife to prostrate herself to her husband”. (HR. At Turmudzi). |


  1. Umm Salamah reported that the Prophet said: “Every wife who dies and is pleased by her husband will enter Paradise”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Muadz bin Jabal reported that the Prophet said: “No wife hurts her husband in this world but his wife in the hereafter, a very beautiful angel, will say: “Do not hurt him, may Allah harm you, for he is with you only temporarily. And he will soon leave you and will return to me (an angel)”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Usamah bin Zaid reported that the Prophet said: “I have not left after my death a fitnah (test) more dangerous than the fitnah of a man (husband) from the fitnah of his wives”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).









Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “It is obligatory upon the father to provide for his wife and clothe her in a good manner.” (al-Bagarah: 233)


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Let him who is able provide for his family according to his means. And he who is poor in Rizqah should spend according to the Rizqah that Allah has given him. Allah does not impose a burden on anyone except what He has given him.” (QS. Ath Thalag: 7)


Allah ta’ala says: “Whatever you spend, Allah will compensate you.” (QS. As Saba’ : 39)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “A dinar that you spend in the cause of Allah and a dinar that you give in charity to free a slave, a dinar that you give to the poor and a dinar that you give to your family, the greatest reward is the dinar that you give to your family”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Abdillah (some call him Abu Abdurrahman) Tsauban ibn Bujdud, who was one of the servants of the Messenger of Allah, said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: “The best dinar is the dinar that a person spends on his family, as well as the dinar that is used for a vehicle in the struggle in the cause of Allah, and the dinar that is spent to help his comrades in the cause of Allah”. (HR Muslim)


  1. Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “I asked: “O Messenger of Allah, will I be rewarded if I provide for the sons of Abu Salamah, for I cannot leave them to do this or that. And they are also my sons”. He replied: “Yes, you will be rewarded for whatever you spend on them”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Saad ibn Abu Waqas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported. (as we have explained in the lengthy hadeeth at the beginning of this book in the chapter on Intention), that the Messenger of Allah said to him: “Indeed, whatever you spend with the intention of seeking the pleasure of Allah will be rewarded, even to the extent of what you feed your wife.” (HR. Bukahari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Mas’ud Al Badri reported that the Prophet said: “If a person provides for his family with the hope of reward, it is recorded for him as charity”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim) .


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “It is sufficient for a person to sin if he neglects those who should be provided for”. (HR. Abu Daud and others)


In his Sahih, Muslim mentions a similar hadith, where he said: “It is a sin on a person if he withholds food from those for whom he is responsible”.


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Every morning two angels descend upon a person, one of whom says: “O Allah, compensate the one who spends his wealth”, and the other Angel says: “O Allah, bring destruction to the miser”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The hand above is better than the hand below. And prioritize in your giving those who are your dependents. The best charity is charity taken from excess wealth. Whoever preserves his honor, Allah will preserve his honor, and whoever feels that he is sufficient, Allah will suffice him.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)







Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “You will not reach the level of complete goodness until you spend what you love.” (Sūrat al-Imran: 92)-


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “O you who believe, give away some of the good of your wealth and of what We bring forth from the earth for you, and do not choose what is bad for you to give away”. (QS. Al Bagarah: 267)


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Abu Talhah was an Ansar Companion who was the richest with his date palms in Madinah. Among the many gardens he owned, the garden of Bairuha’ near the Mosque was his favorite. And the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) often entered that garden and drank the clean water that was in it”. Anas ra. said: “When the verse was revealed : LANTANAALUL BIRRA HAITA TANFIOUU MIMMAA TUHIBBUUN (You will not reach the level of perfect goodness until you give away what you like) then Abu Talhah came to the Messenger of Allah and said: “O Messenger of Allah, Allah has said : Lantanaalul birra hatta tunfigu mimmaa tuhibbuun. And verily the treasure that I love the most is Bairuha’ so I give the garden of Bairuha’ in charity for the sake of Allah and I hope that it will be my savings with Him. Use the Prophet’s va according to Allah’s guidance to you”. The Messenger of Allah said: “Very good Abu Talhah, that is profitable property, and I have heard what you said, while according to my hemuat it would be better if you gave it to your closest family”. So Abu Talhah said: “All right, O Messenger of Allah, I will carry out your suggestion as well as possible”. Then Abu Talhah distributed the garden to his closest relatives and cousins”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)”









Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Enjoin your families to establish prayer and be patient in its performance”. (QS. Thaha: 123)


Allah ta’ala says: “O you who believe, protect yourselves and your families from the fire of Hell, whose fuel is man and stone”. (QS. At Tahrim: 6)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Hasan bin Ali took a date from the alms and put it in his mouth, so the Messenger of Allah said: “Ikh, ikh (disgusted), throw that date away. Don’t you know that we are not allowed to eat alms”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hafs Umar ibn Abu Salamah Abdullah ibn Abdul Asad, the stepson of the Prophet said: “When I was a child’where I was in the care of the Prophet, I used to change my hands when taking food from the plate so the Prophet said to me: “O Ghulam, recite the Basmalah and eat with your right hand and eat from what is close to you”. This is how I ate after that.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “You are all leaders. And you will all be held accountable for your leadership”. A ruler is a leader and will be held accountable. A husband is the leader of his family and will be held accountable for his leadership. A wife is the leader of her husband’s household and will be held accountable for her leadership. A servant is the leader of his employer’s property and will be held accountable for his leadership. You are all leaders and you will be held accountable for your leadership”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Amr ibn Shua’aib reported from his father, from his grandfather, who said: The Messenger of Allah said: “Surise prayer to your children when they are seven years old and beat them for leaving prayer when they are ten years old. And separate the boys from the girls in their beds”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Tsurayyah Sabrah bin Ma’bad Al Juhanni reported that the Prophet said: “Teach prayer to your children when they are seven years old, and beat them if they leave prayer at the age of ten”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


In another narration of Abu Daud it is said: “Make your children pray when they are seven years old”.







Allah says: “Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him. And do good to your parents, relatives, orphans, the poor, your near and far neighbors, your friends, the unfortunate, and your slaves.” (QS. An Nisa’ : 36). .


  1. Ibn Umar and Aisha (may Allah be pleased with them) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “The angel Gabriel kept telling me to be kind to my neighbor so that I thought that the neighbor would be given inheritance rights”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Dhar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “O Abu Dzar, when you cook soupy food, then increase the water and pay attention to your neighbors”. (HR. Muslim).


In another narration, Abu Dhar said: “I was told by my beloved (i.e. the Messenger of Allah): “If you cook kuwah, then increase the water and pay attention to your neighbors and give them accordingly”.


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “By Allah, do not believe. By Allah, do not believe. By Allah, do not believe”. Someone asked: “Who is the unbeliever, O Messenger of Allah? ?”. He replied: “It is the one who makes his neighbor unsafe because of his harassment.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “O women of Islam, do not feel humiliated if you are going to give charity to a neighbor even if it is only a goat’s gravel”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Do not refuse a neighbor to another neighbor who wants to put wood in his wall. Then Abu Hurairah said: “Why do you ignore this information?””. By Allah, I will put the responsibility for this teaching of the Prophet on your shoulders”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should not disturb his neighbor. And whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should honor his guest. And whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak kindly or, if he cannot speak kindly, should keep quiet.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Shuraih Al Khuzai reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should be kind to his neighbor, and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should honor his guest. And whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak kindly, and if he cannot then he should be silent”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “I asked: “O Messenger of Allah, I have two neighbors, to which of them should I give charity?”. He replied: “To the neighbor whose door is closer to you”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Abdullah ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “The best of friends in the sight of Allah is the one who is kindest to his friend. And the best neighbor in the sight of Allah is the one who is kindest to his neighbor”. (HR: At Turmudzi)








Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Worship Allah, and do not associate anything with Him. And do good to your parents, relatives, orphans, the poor, near and far neighbors, friends, the unfortunate and slaves.” (QS. An Nisa’ : 36)


Allah ta’ala says: “Be devoted to Allah, whom you invoke by His name, and maintain the bonds of friendship”. (QS. An Nisa’ : 1)


Allah ta’ala says: “And those who contact (connect) what Allah has commanded to be contacted”. (QS. Ar Ra’du: 21)


Allah says: “We have obliged man to do good to his parents”. (QS. Al Ankabut: 8)


Allah says: “Your Lord has commanded you to worship none but Him, and to do good to your parents as best you can. When either of them or both of them grow old in your care, then do not say to them the word “Hus” nor yell at them, but speak to them in kind. And humble yourself before them both with compassion, and say: “O my Lord, have mercy on my parents as they brought me up” (Al Isra’: 23-24).


Allah says: “We have obliged man to be kind to his parents; his mother conceived him in a state of increasing weakness, and weaned him in two years; so give thanks to Me and to your parents”. (QS. Luqman: 14).


  1. Abu Abdurrahman Abdullah bin Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I asked the Prophet: “Which deed is most favored by Allah?”. He replied: “Performing the prayer in its time”. I asked: “Then what else?”. He replied: “Filial piety to one’s parents”. I asked him again: “Then what else?”. He answered: “Fighting fi sabilillah”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “No child can repay the kindness of his parents, unless he finds his parents slaves and then buys them and sets them free”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should honor his guest. And whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should maintain brotherly relations. And whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak kindly or else keep quiet.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, Allah has created the creation, and when it is finished, the Rahim rises and says: “This is the place to seek refuge with You from the breaking of bonds”. Allah said: “Yes”. Are you not satisfied that I have connected those who have connected you and disconnected those who have disconnected you?”. Rahim (friendship rope) replied: “Yes”. Allah said: “That is your share”. Then the Prophet said. “Try to recite the verse : FAHAL ‘ASAITUM IN TAWALLAITUM AN TUFSIDUU FIL ARDHI WA TUQATHTHI’ ARHAAMAKUM. ULAAIKALLADZIINA LA’ANAHUMULLAAHU FA ASHAMMAHUM WA A’MAA ABSHAARAHUM (Then would you, if you were in power, have made mischief on earth and broken off brotherly relations. Those are they whom Allah has cursed, and He has deafened their ears and blinded their sight.” (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)


In another narration by Bukhari it says: “Allah says: “Whoever connects with you, I will connect with him, and whoever disconnects from you, I will disconnect from him”.


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man came to the Prophet and asked: “O Messenger of Allah, who is the person with whom I have the right to have the best relationship?”. He replied: “Your mother”. Then who? The Prophet replied: “Your mother”. Then who?” The Prophet replied: “Your mother”. Then who else? The Prophet replied: “Your father”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


In another narration it says: “O Messenger of Allah, who is the most deserving of my best treatment?”. He answered: “Your mother, then your mother, then your father. After that the one who is closer to you”.


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “How wretched, how wretched, how wretched and despicable is the person who gets both parents or one of them to an old age but he does not enter Paradise”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that a man asked: “O Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), I have relatives and I am related to them, but they break my ties of friendship with me. I do good to them but they do evil to me. I am patient with them but they annoy me”. He replied: “If what you have said is true. Then it is as if you had swallowed ashes from them. And Allah will always help you while you are still doing so”. (HR Muslim)


  1. Anas reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever wants to have his Rizq expanded and his life prolonged, then he should connect relatives”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. From Anas ra. he said: “Abu Talhah was a companion of Anshor who was the richest with his date palms in Madinah. Among the many gardens he owned, the garden of Bairuha’ near the Mosque was his favorite. And the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) often entered that garden and drank the clean water that was in it”. Anas ra. said: “When the verse was revealed: LAN TANAALUL BIRRA HATTA TUNFQOUU MIMMAA TUHIBBUUN (You will not reach the level of perfect goodness until you give away what you like), Abu Talhah came to the Messenger of Allah and said: “O Messenger of Allah, verily Allah has said: “Lan tanaalul birra hatta tunfiguu mimmaa tuhibbuun. And indeed the treasure that I love the most is Bairuha’ so the garden of Bairuha’ I give in charity for the sake of Allah and I hope that it will be my savings with Him. Use it, O Messenger of Allah, according to Allah’s guidance to you.” The Messenger of Allah said: “Very good Abu Talhah, that is profitable property, and I have heard what you said, whereas I think it would be better if you gave it to your closest family”. So Abu Talhah said: “Well, O Messenger of Allah, I will carry out your teachings as well as possible”. Then Abu Talhah distributed it (the garden) to his closest relatives and cousins”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man came to the Prophet and said: “I pledge allegiance to you, O Messenger of Allah, to emigrate and engage in jihad expecting the reward of Allah”. So the Prophet asked: “Are any of your parents still alive?”. The man replied: “Yes, both of them are alive”. He asked him again: “Will you. expect the reward of Allah alone?”. The man replied: “Yes”, the Prophet said “Go home to your parents and serve them well”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


In another narration it is said: “A man came asking for permission to join Jihad, so the Prophet asked: “Are your parents still alive?”. The man replied: “Yes, they are alive”. Then he said: “On them alone you should wage jihad”.


  1. Abdillah bin Amr bin Ash reported that the Prophet said: “It is not called connecting the ties of brotherhood, a person who reciprocates good relations. But the one who keeps the ties of brotherhood is the one who, when his relatives break the ties, keeps them alive”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The rope of brotherhood hangs on the Throne”, he said: “Whoever contacts me, Allah will contact him and whoever disconnects from me, Allah will disconnect from him”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Ummul Mukminin Maimunah bint Harith (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that she freed her slave girl without asking the Prophet’s permission. So when it was the Prophet’s turn to spend the night with her, she said: “O Messenger of Allah, do you know that I have freed my slave?”. He asked: “Have you done so?”. Maimunah ra. replied: “Yes”. So the Prophet said: “If you had given it to your aunt’s family, you would have gotten a greater reward” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim) “


  1. Asma bint Abu Bakr Ash Shiddiq (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “My disbelieving mother came to me during the time of the Messenger of Allah. So she asked the Messenger of Allah: “My mother came expecting me to be on good terms, may I contact her?”. He replied: “Yes. Contact your mother”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Zainab Ats Tsaqafiyah, the wife of Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with her), reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “O women, give in charity even from your jewelry”. Zainab said: “I went back to Abdullah bin Mas’ud (my husband) and said: “You are a poor man, and the Prophet told us to give in charity. Please come and ask him if it is permissible I will give charity to you and if it is not permissible I will give it to your neighbor”. Abdullah said: “Ask him yourself”. So I came to the Prophet’s place and there was an Anshor woman who wanted to ask the same question, the Prophet had a premonition, so Bilal came out to meet us both and we said: “Tell the Messenger of Allah that two women want to ask if it is permissible to give charity to their husbands and orphans, but do not tell us who we are”. Bilal then entered and asked the Messenger of Allah about it, so he asked: “Who are the two Anshor women?”. Bilal replied: “An Anshor woman and Zainab”. He asked again: “Which Zainab?”. Bilal replied: “Zainab the wife of Abdullah. Then the Prophet said: “For both of them (two women) two rewards: the reward of charity and the reward of helping the family”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Sufyan Shakhr bin Harb ra. in a long hadith regarding the story of Hiraklius it is said that Hiraklius asked Abu Sufyan: “What did the Prophet command you?”. Abu Sufyan replied: “He commanded us to worship Allah the Almighty, and not to associate Him with anything, and to abandon the beliefs of our ancestors. And we were commanded to pray, to speak the truth, to protect ourselves and to establish ties of brotherhood.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Dzar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “You will all open a city known as Qirath (Egypt)”. In another narration it says: “You will all conquer the city of Egypt, which is a place called Al Oirath. So be kind to its inhabitants, for some of them are to be protected and some of them are relatives.” In another narration it says: “When you conquer it then do good to its people because among them there are those who must be protected and some are still relatives”, or the Prophet said: “Some are to be protected and some are in-laws”. (HR Muslim)


The scholars say: What is meant by ‘relatives’ is that Hajar, the mother of the Prophet Ishmael (peace be upon him), was from their community. And what is meant by ‘in-laws’ is Mariyah, the mother of the Prophet Ibrahim, the son of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), who was from their community.”


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that he said: “When the verse was revealed: WA ANDZIR ‘ASYIIRATAKAL AQRABIIN (And warn your near relatives), the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) called the Quraysh in general and in particular and gathered them together, and he said. “O Banu Ka’ab bin Luayyi, save yourselves from the fire of hell. O Children of Murrah b. Ka’ab, save yourselves from the fire of hell. O Banu Hashim, save yourselves from the fire of hell. O Banu Muthalib, save yourselves from hellfire. O Fatimah, save yourselves from the fire of hell, Verily. I am not able to defend you from the punishment of Allah in the least, it is just that I am related to all of you so I will make the best of the relationship”. (HIR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Abdullah Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I have heard for myself very clearly that the Messenger of Allah said: “Verily, so-and-so’s family is not my beloved. You know that what I love is Allah and the righteous believers, but they are related to me and I will preserve their kindness and relationship with them”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Ayyub Khalid bin Zaid Al Anshari reported that a man asked: “O Messenger of Allah, tell me a deed that will enter me into Paradise”. The Prophet replied: “You should worship Allah and not associate anything with Him, establish prayer, give zakat and contact your relatives”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Salman bin Amir reported that the Prophet said: “If one of you breaks his fast, he should break his fast with dates because dates are blessed, and if he does not have dates, he should break his fast with water because it is pure.” And also he said: “Giving charity to a poor person is a one-time charity, while giving charity to relatives has two kinds of virtues: getting the reward of charity and connecting relatives.” (HR. At Turmudzi)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I had a wife whom I loved, but Umar (my father) hated her. So he told me to divorce her, and I refused”. So Umar (my father) told this to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Divorce your wife”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Tumudzi)


  1. Abu Darda’ reported that a man came to him and said: “I have a wife and my mother told me to divorce her”. Abu Darda’ said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Parents are like the middle door of Paradise. So it is up to you, whether you throw away the door of heaven or you keep it”. (HR. At Turmudzi)


  1. Al Barra’ ibn Azib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “The aunt (mother’s sister) is equal to the position of the mother”. (HR. At Turmudzi)


In fact, there are many saheeh hadeeths that explain this issue, but in order not to ‘thicken’ this book, we have not included all of them and we have only included the important ones, namely the hadeeth from Amr bin Abasah (may Allah be pleased with him) which reads as follows:


It means: “I came to the Prophet in Mecca at the beginning of the prophethood and I asked him: “What is your position?”. He replied: “Prophet”. I asked him again: “What is the Prophet?”. He replied: “Allah sent me”. I asked: “What have you been sent for?”. He answered: “Allah sent me to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood, to destroy idols and to worship Allah by not associating anything with Him”. (There is more to this hadith)








Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Would you then, if you were in power, make mischief on earth and break up families?”. Those are they whom Allah has cursed, and He has deafened their ears and blinded their sight.” (QS. Muhammad: 22-23)


Allah says: “Those who break the covenant of Allah, after it has been firmly established, and break what Allah has commanded to be kept, and cause mischief in the earth, those are the ones who will receive the curse and the worst of places”. (QS. Ar Ra’du: 25)


Allah ta’ala says: “And your Lord has commanded that you should worship none but Him and that you should be kind to your parents. If either of them or both of them grow old in your care, then do not say to them the word “Ah” and do not yell at them, and speak to them a noble word. And humble yourself before them both with great affection and say: “O our Lord, have mercy on them both, as they brought me up in childhood”. (QS. Al Isra 23-24)


  1. Abu Bakrah Nufa’i bin Harith (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Would you like me to tell you about three very great sins?”. We replied: “Yes, O Messenger of Allah”. He said: “They are associating partners with Allah and disobeying one’s parents”. At first the Prophet reclined, then he sat upright and said: “Remember, false speech and false witness”. The Prophet repeated himself so much that we said: “May he be silent”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash reported that the Prophet said: “The major sins are: associating partners with Allah, disobeying parents, killing people and perjury”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash reported that the Prophet said: “Among the major sins is one who abuses his parents”. The companions asked: “O Messenger of Allah, is there anyone who abuses his parents?”. He replied: “There is the one who abuses a man’s father and the other man abuses his father in return, and the one who abuses a man’s mother and the other man abuses his mother in return”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “Indeed, the greatest of sins is the one who curses his parents”. Someone asked: “O Messenger of Allah, how can anyone curse his mother and father?”. He replied: “He curses another man’s father and the other man curses his father back, and he curses another man’s mother and the other man curses his mother back”.


  1. Abu Muhammad Jubair ibn Muth’im (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “He who cuts off relatives will not enter Paradise”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Isa Al Mughirah ibn Shu’bah reported that the Prophet said: “Verily Allah forbids you to harm your mothers, neglect obligations, demand something that is not right and kill girls by planting alive. Also, Allah hates those of you who talk a lot, ask a lot of questions and waste money”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).








  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The best of good deeds is to strengthen the brotherhood of one’s father’s friend”.


  1. Abdullah bin Dinar reported that he met a Bedouin man on the way to Makkah, so Abdullah bin Umar greeted him and let him ride his donkey and gave him the turban he was wearing”. Abdullah bin Dinar said to Abdullah Umar: “May Allah increase your favor, for indeed the Bedouin loves to be given even a little”. Abdullah ibn Umar said: “The father of this Bedouin used to be a close friend of ‘Umar ibn Khattab (my father). (my father), and I have heard the Messenger of Allah saying: “The best of good deeds is to strengthen the brotherhood of one’s father’s friend”.


In another narration it says: Ibn Dinar reported that Ibn Umar, when he went to Makkah, always took a donkey beside his camel, because when he felt tired of riding a camel, he rode his donkey, and always wore a turban on his head. One day when he was riding his donkey, he suddenly met a Bedouin, so he asked: “Aren’t you Fulan bin Fulan?”. The Bedouin replied: “Yes”. So Ibn Umar gave his donkey to the Bedouin and said: “Ride this donkey”, and also gave his turban and said: “Put this turban on your head”. So Ibn Umar’s friends said: “May Allah forgive you that you gave the Bedouin a donkey that you used to use for backup and a turban that you used to wear on your head”. Ibn Umar then said: “Verily I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “The best of virtues is the one who keeps the family ties of his father’s friends after his father dies. And the father of this charcoal was an acquaintance/friend of (my father) Umar”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Usaid Malik bin Rabi’ah As Saidi ra. he said: “When we were sitting in the presence of the Messenger of Allah, suddenly a man from Banu Salimah came and asked: “O Messenger of Allah, is there any good that I can do after my parents die as a sign of filial piety?”. He replied: “Yes, there is: praying for them, asking forgiveness for them, fulfilling their promises after their death, connecting the ties of brotherhood that cannot be reached except through them, and honoring the friends of their mother’s father.” (HR. Abu Daud)


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that she said: “I have never felt jealous of any of the Prophet’s wives except Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) even though I never met her at all, but the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) mentioned her often, and sometimes he would slaughter a goat and cut off a few pieces to send to Khadijah’s friends, so that I once said: “It is as if there is no woman in this world except Khadijah”. To which the Prophet replied: “Verily, Khadijah is like this, besides I have gotten children from her”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


In another narration it is said: “When he slaughtered a goat, he always gave Khadija’s friends whatever they wanted”.


In another narration it is said: “When he slaughtered a sheep, he said: “Send Khadijah’s good friends”.


In another narration it is said: “One day Halah bint Khuwailid (Khadijah’s sister) asked permission to enter the Prophet’s house. When the Messenger of Allah heard her voice, he suddenly felt moved because he remembered Khadijah so he said: “O Allah, this is Halah bint Khuwailid”.


  1. Anas bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I went out on a journey with Jarir Ibn Abdullah Al Bajali ra. then he always served me. So I said: “You should not do that”. He replied: “I saw that the Companions of the Ansar always helped the Messenger of Allah in everything, so I swore to myself that I would never be friends with one of the Companions of the Ansar unless I had to serve him”. (HR: Bukhari and Muslim).







Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Verily, Allah intends to remove the sins from you, the family of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and to cleanse you as thoroughly as possible.” (QS. Al Ahzab: 33)


Allah ta’ala says: “Whoever glorifies the signs of Allah, then surely it comes from piety of the heart.” (al-Hajj: 32)


  1. Yazid bin Hayyan reported: “I went with Hushain bin Sairah and Amr bin Muslim to the house of Zayd bin Arqam (may Allah be pleased with him) and after we sat down, Hushain said: “O Zayd,’indeed you have gained a great advantage in that you met the Messenger of Allah, you heard his hadith, you fought with him and you prayed behind him. Indeed, you are truly fortunate. Therefore, try to tell me what you have heard from the Messenger of Allah.”. Zayd replied: “By Allah, I am old and have been away from him for a long time and I have forgotten some of what I heard from the Messenger of Allah. Therefore what I tell you accept, and what I do not tell you do not insist on it”. Then Zayd said: “One day the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) delivered a sermon at a place called Khum, which is between Makkah and Madinah. After praising and extolling Allah and giving advice and warning, he said: “Then after that, know O people, that I am an ordinary human being who may almost be visited by the messenger of my Lord (Izrail), so I must leave you. And I leave you two heavy mandates. The first is the Book of Allah, which contains guidance and light, so hold fast to it and judge from it”. He always recommended sticking to the Book of Allah. Then the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “And my bait (family). I warn you all to Allah about my family members. And the members of my family. I warn you all to Allah about my family members”. Hushain asked Zayd: “O Zayd, who are his family members?”. Aren’t his wives also his family members?”. Zayd replied: “His wives are his associates, but the associates in question are those who are forbidden to receive charity after his death”. Hushain asked: “Who are they?”. Zayd replied: “They are the descendants of ‘Ali, ‘Aqil, Ja’far and ‘Abbas”. Hushayn asked again: “Are they all forbidden to receive charity?”. Zayd replied: “Yes.” (HR. Muslim).


In another narration it says: “Remember! I leave you two heavy things. One of them is the Book of Allah, which is a rope that leads to Allah. Whoever follows it will surely be guided, and whoever leaves it is truly in error”. 


  1. From Ibn Umar ra. from Abu Bakr Ash Shiddiq ra. he said: “Guard the honor of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH by honoring his family members”. (HR. Bukhari).







Allah ta’ala says: “Say: “What is the difference between those who know and those who do not know?”. Indeed, it is only the people of understanding who are able to learn.” (QS. Az Zumar: 9)


  1. Abu Mas’ud Uqbah bin Amr Al Badri Al Anshari reported that the Prophet said: “The rightful imam of a people is the best of them in reading the book of Allah. If they are equal in their ability to recite the Book of Allah (Qur’an), then the one who is most knowledgeable about the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him) will be chosen. If they are equal in their knowledge of the Prophet’s Sunnah, then the one who migrated first is chosen. And if the length of migration is the same then the oldest among them is chosen. And you should not be an imam in the place of another person’s authority, and you should not occupy the place of honor of another person except with his permission”. (HR. Muslim).


In another narration, Muslim said: “So the one who entered Islam first (replaces the oldest) is chosen”. –


In another narration it says: “The one who is entitled to be the Imam of a people is the one who is the best at reading the Book of Allah (the Qur’an). The one who can read the Qur’an first comes first. If they are equal in reading the Qur’an, then the one who is entitled to be the Imam is the first to emigrate. If they are equal in the length of their migration, then the one who is the oldest in age is entitled to be the imam.”


  1. Abu Mas’ud Uqbah bin Amr Al Badri Al Anshari reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) used to level our shoulders when we prayed and said: “Be equal and even, and do not discriminate because if you discriminate, your hearts will be different. And draw near to me the adults and the clever, then those below them, and those below them again”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Let the adults and the clever approach me, then those below them, and then those below them.” He repeated this three times. And do not jostle and mix like the people in the marketplace.” (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Yahya, some call him Abu Muhammad Sahl ibn Abu Hatsmah Al Anshari, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “Abdullah bin Sahl and Muhayyisah bin Mas’ud went to Khaibar during the time of peace and then they both separated. Then when Muhayyishah came to the place of Abdullah bin Sahl, suddenly found Abdullah bin Sahl dead covered in blood, so Muhayyishah immediately planted it. After that he went to Medina. Then Abdur Rahman, Muhayyishah and Huwayyishah ibn Mas’ud three came to the Prophet and wanted to tell about the incident. And when Abdur Rahman ibn Sahl was about to speak, the Prophet said: “Kabbir, Kabbir (the elder, the elder speaks first)”, because Abdur Rahman b. Sahl – at that time was the youngest person so he was silent so Muhayyishah and Huwayyishah spoke telling about the incident that had just happened. He then said: “Do you dare to take an oath and claim the right of the one who killed him”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Jabir reported that the Prophet gathered two men who had been killed in battle. Uhud, meaning the burial place (made one), then he said: “Which of the two is more knowledgeable about the Qur’an. So when someone pointed to one of them, he put the one who knew more about the Qur’an into the grave”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Ibn Umar reported that the Prophet said: “I dreamed that I was brushing my teeth (siwak), suddenly two people came, one of whom was bigger, so I gave the wood of the siwak to the smaller one, then someone reprimanded me : “Give it to the bigger one”. ‘ So I ended up giving it to the larger of the two.” (Muslim by musnad, and Bukhari by ta’lik)


  1. Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Part of glorifying Allah is honoring the older Muslim, and the one who knows the Qur’an and does not exaggerate or neglect it, and honoring the just ruler”. (HR. Abu Daud)


  1. Amr ibn Shuaib reported from his father, from his grandfather, who said that the Messenger of Allah said: “Not among us is the one who does not love the younger and does not respect the older among us”. (In another narration by Abu Daud it is said: “The rights of the elders among us”.


  1. Maimun ibn Abu Shabib reported that ‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) was asked by a beggar, so she gave him a piece of bread. Shortly thereafter another beggar came, dressed in rags but polite, so he was invited to sit and fed. So when someone asked about the attitude of Aisha ra. then he said: “The Prophet said: “Place the man according to his position”. (HR. Abu Daud).


But Abu Daud says that Maimun never met Aisha ra.


At the beginning of his Sahih, Muslim says that Aisha said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told us to place people according to their positions”. This hadith is also mentioned by Al Hakim Abu Abdullah in his book “Ma’rifatu “Ulumil Hadith”.


  1. Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Uyainah ibn Hishn came to the place of his nephew Al Hur ibn Qais, who was close to Umar ibn Khattab, because Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) made those who knew the Qur’an his friends and consultants, whether they were young or old. So Uyainah said to Al Hur: “O my nephew, you are close to the emirul mukminin. Please ask permission for me, so that I can go to him”. So Al Hur asked permission and Umar ra. gave him permission. Uyaimah entered and said: “O son of Al Khattab, by Allah you have not taken care of us and have not judged us with justice”. Hearing this, Umar was so angry that he almost hit him. Then Al Hur said: “O Amirul mukminin, verily Allah has said to His prophet: KHUDIZIL ‘AFWA WA’MUR BIL URFI WA A’RIDH ‘ANIL JAAHILIIN (be thou forgiving and enjoin the people to do good and turn away from the ignorant), whereas this man is a fool. By Allah, it is as if Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) had never heard this verse, even though he was the most careful of the people of Allah.” (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Abu Said Samurah bin Jundub (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When I was young during the time of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), I memorized many of his teachings. And nothing prevented me from speaking except that there were many people here who were older than me.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Anas reported that the Prophet said: “No young man honors an old man because of his age but Allah will reward the young man where the young man will honor him when he is old”. (narrated by At-Turmudzi).








Allah ta’ala says: “And remember when Moses said to his disciple: “I will not stop until I reach the confluence of the two seas, nor will I walk for many years.” …..


Until the verse: “Moses said to Khidr: “May I follow you until you teach me the true knowledge among the sciences that you have been taught”. (QS. Al Kahf: 66)


Allah ta’ala says: “And be patient with those who call upon your Lord in the morning and in the evening, seeking His pleasure”. (QS. Al Kahf: 28)


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that when the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had passed away, Abu Bakr asked Umar (may Allah be pleased with him): “Let us visit Umm Aiman as the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to visit her”. When they arrived at Ummu Aiman’s house, Ummu Aiman suddenly burst into tears. So the two men asked: “Why are you crying? Don’t you know that what Allah provided for the Messenger of Allah was very good?”. She replied. I am not crying because of that. I know that what Allah has provided for the Messenger of Allah is very good, but I am crying because the revelation from heaven has been cut off.” The words uttered by Umm Aiman were so heartbreaking to the two men that they wept together”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that a man visited his brother in another village, and Allah sent an angel (in human form) to intercept him. And when the Angel met with the man then asked : “Where are you going?”. He replied: “I want to visit my friend’s house in that village”. The angel asked: “Do you feel indebted to him?”. He replied: “No, I love him only for the sake of Allah”. Finally the angel said: “Verily I am a messenger of Allah to meet you, and verily Allah has loved you as you love your brother for the sake of Allah”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever visits a sick person or comes to visit his brother for the sake of Allah will be called by two angels with the exclamation: “Good are you and good is your journey, and a place has been prepared for you in Paradise”. (HR. At Turmudzi)


  1. Abu Musa Al Ash’ari reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, the example of associating with the righteous and associating with the wicked is like that of a man carrying musk and a fire blower. The one who carries the musk may give it to you, or you may buy it from him, or you may get a good smell from it. And the one who carries the fire may burn your cloth and you may get a foul odor from it”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “A woman is married for four things: for her wealth, for her lineage, for her beauty and for her religion. Choose a religious woman, then you will be lucky”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim),


  1. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet asked Jibril (peace be upon him): “What is it that prevents you from visiting us more often?”. Then the verse WA MAA NATANAZZALU ILLAA BI AMRI RABBIKA LAHUU MAA BAINA AIDIINAA WAMAA KHALFANAA WAMAA BAINA DZAALIKA (We (Gabriel) do not descend except by the command of your Lord. To Him belongs all that is in front of us and behind us and between them”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri reported that the Prophet said: “You should not be friends except with a believer. And do not eat your food except those who have Taqwa “. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “A person can be influenced by the religion of his close friends. Therefore you should pay attention to who you all associate with”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Musa Al Ash’ari reported that the Prophet said: “A person will be with whom he loves”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In another narration it says: “Someone asked the Prophet about someone who loves a people but has never met them. He replied: “A person will be gathered together with those he loves (in the Hereafter)”.


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that a Bedouin asked the Prophet (peace be upon him): “When will the Hour come?”. The Prophet asked the Bedouin back: “What have you prepared to face it?”. He replied: “Only love for Allah and His Messenger”. He said: “You will be with the one you love”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “I did not prepare myself for the Day of Resurrection, either by increasing fasting, prayer or charity. But I love Allah and His Messenger very much”.


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man came to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what do you think if someone loves people but has never met them?”. The Prophet said: “A person will be gathered with those he loves (in the Hereafter)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Man is like a mine, which is like a mine of gold and silver. Those who were good among you in the time of Jahiliyyah are also good people in the time of Islam as long as they understand Islamic law. And souls are in groups and separate. If the souls know each other, they will come together or become friends, and the souls that do not know each other will be separated or at odds”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Usair bin Amr, and some say Ibn Jabir, said: “When Umar bin Khattab came with a group from Yemen, he asked them: “Among you is there a man named Uwais bin Amr?”, so Uwais came to Umar ra. then Umar asked: “Are you Uwais bin Amr?”. He replied: “Yes”. Umar asked: “Are you from the Murad tribe of Oaran?”. He answered: “Yes”. Umar asked: “You used to have a stripe disease and then it was cured except for a dirham?”. He replied: “Yes”. Umar asked: “You still have a mother”. He answered: “Yes”. Umar said: “I have heard the Messenger of Allah say: “There will come to you a man named Uwais bin Amr along with a group of Yemeni people, he is from the tribe of Murad and Oaran, he used to be striped then he recovered except for a dirham, he still has a mother, and he is very devoted to his mother, and if he wants something then Allah will certainly give it to him. If you are able to tell him to ask forgiveness for you then do so. So ask forgiveness for me”. So he asked forgiveness for Umar. Umar then asked him: “Where are you going again?”. He answered: “To Kufa”. Umar asked: “May I write a letter to the Amil (treasurer) in Kufa in order to help you?”. I prefer to be a commoner”. The following year a prominent man from the Yemen performed the Hajj and paid a visit to Umar, so Umar asked him about Uwais. The man replied: “I have left him in a small and poor house”. Umar said: “Verily I have heard the Messenger of Allah say: “There will come to you Uwais bin Amr along with a group of Yemeni people, he is from the Murad tribe from Qaran, he used to have a striped disease and was cured except for the remaining amount of dirhams he still has a mother and he is very obedient and devoted to his mother. And if ra wants something then Allah will certainly give it. And if you are able to tell him to ask forgiveness for you then do so”. After the man returned (from Hajj) he went to Uwais and said: “Please ask forgiveness for me”. Uwais replied: “You are the one who has just returned from worship so please ask forgiveness for me”. The man asked:


. “Have you ever met Umar?”. The man replied: “Yes”. So Uwais asked forgiveness for the man. After that people began to recognize him and Uwais went away to be alone”. (HR. Muslim) ” .


In another Muslim narration, it is narrated from Usair bin Jabir that the people of Kufa sent a group to Umar ra. some of them mocked Uwais, so Umar ra. said: “Is there anyone among you from Oaran?”. So the man came, then Umar said: “Indeed the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “There will come from Yemen a man named Uwais. He will leave nothing behind except a mother whom he obeys. He used to have a stripe, so he prayed to Allah and Allah cured him except for a dinar or dirham. So whoever meets him then ask that it be prayed for you all”. In another narration, from Umar ra. said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) say: “Verily, the best of the tabi’in is a man named Uwais, who still has a mother and who used to have stripes. So send him to ask forgiveness for all of you”.


  1. Umar ibn Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I asked permission to perform ‘Umrah, so the Prophet gave me permission. Then the Prophet said: “O my brother, do not forget us from your prayers”. Umar ra. said: “Indeed, that is a word more pleasing to me than this world”.


In another narration it is said that the Prophet said: “O my brother, include us in your prayers”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet used to make a pilgrimage to Cuba’, either riding or walking, and then he would pray two rak’ahs there”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “Every Saturday the Prophet went to the Mosque of Cuba’, either riding or walking. Ibn ‘Umar also did so”.







Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “The Prophet Muhammad is a messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe with the disbelievers and compassionate with their fellow men.” (al-Fath: 29)


Allah says: “And those who had settled in Madinah and had believed before they came. (They loved those who migrated to them.” (QS. Al Hashr: 9)


  1. Anas reported that the Prophet said: “There are three things that whoever has them will enjoy the taste of faith: loving Allah and His Messenger more than anything else, loving someone only for the sake of Allah, and being reluctant to return to disbelief after being saved by Allah from it, just as he would be reluctant if he was thrown into hell”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “There are seven groups that will be shaded by Allah on a day when there will be no shade except His: a just ruler, a young man who diligently worships Allah, a person whose heart is always fond of the Mosque, two people who love each other for the sake of Allah where they come together and separate for the sake of Allah, a man who is invited to disgrace by a noble and beautiful woman and he says: “Indeed I fear Allah”, the one who gives charity secretly as if his left hand does not know what his right hand is giving… and the one who remembers Allah in a quiet place and his eyes shed tears.” (HR. Bukhari Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, on the Day of Resurrection, Allah will say: “Where are those who love each other because of My greatness? On this day I will shade them under My shade where there is no shade except My shade”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “By the One in Whose hand is my soul, you will not enter Paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I show you an action which, if you do it, will create love amongst yourselves?”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that a man visited his brother in another village. Then Allah sent an angel to intercept him … until … Verily, Allah has loved you as you love your brother for the sake of Allah”. (HR. Muslim). This hadith was mentioned in the previous chapter.


  1. Al Barra’ ibn Azib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said about the companions of Anshor: “No one loves them except a believer, and no one hates them except a hypocrite. Whoever loves them is loved by Allah, and whoever hates them is angered by Allah”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Muadz (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Allah, the Glorious, the Majestic, says: “Those who love one another solely for the sake of My majesty, there will be for them pulpits made of the nourishment of light that the Prophets, and the martyrs, crave”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Idris Al Khaulani reported: “I entered the mosque in Damascus, and there was a young man with shiny teeth who was surrounded by people, and even if they had a disagreement, they would turn to him for advice. So I asked about him, and he replied that he was Muadz bin Jabal (may Allah be pleased with him). The next day I came to the mosque early, and suddenly I saw him already in the mosque praying. I waited for him to finish the prayer: After he finished praying I came to him from the front and greeted him, then I said: “By Allah, I love you”. He replied: “Yes, by Allah. ?”. I replied: “Yes, because of Allah”. He asked again: “Is it because of Allah?”. I answered: “Yes, because of Allah”. He pulled my shawl closer to him and said: “Welcome the good news, for I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) say: “Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Sublime, has said: “Those who love one another for My sake, those who are friends for My sake, those who visit one another for My sake, and those who help one another for My sake, will surely receive the outpouring of My compassion”. (HR Malik)


  1. Abu Karimah Al Miqdad bin Ma’ dikariba (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “If one loves his brother then let him tell him that he loves him only for the sake of Allah”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi)


  1. Muadz reported that the Prophet held his hand and said: “O Muadz, by Allah I love you”. Then I advised you. “Never leave after every prayer the recitation: ALLAAHUMMA ‘AINNII ‘ALAA DZIKRIKA WA SYUKRIKA WA HUSNI IBAADATIK (O Allah, give me help: to always remember You, thank You and complete worship of You)”. (HR. Abu Daud and Nasai)


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that a man was sitting in the presence of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) when suddenly another man passed by, and the man in the presence of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “O Messenger of Allah, indeed I love the man who passed by”. Then the Prophet asked him back: “Have you told him?” He replied: “No”. Then the Prophet said: “Tell him first”. Then the man in front of the Prophet went to the passer-by and said: “I love you for the sake of Allah”. The man replied: “May you be loved by Allah as you love me for Allah’s sake”. (HR. Abu Daud).







Allah ta’ala says: “Say, if you truly love Allah, then follow me (the Prophet), surely Allah will love you and forgive your sins. Allah is the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful”. (QS. Ali Imran: 31)


Allah ta’ala says: “O you who believe. Whoever departs from his religion, Allah will bring forth a people whom Allah loves and they love Him. They are gentle with the believers and harsh with the disbelievers. They always strive in the way of Allah and they do not fear the reproach of the reproachful. That is the bounty of Allah which He gives to whom He wills. Allah is the Most Widespread (of His gifts) and the Most Knowing.” (QS. Al Maidah: 54).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever is hostile to My beloved, I declare war on him. And nothing draws a servant closer to Me that I love more than doing what I have enjoined upon him. A servant will always draw near to Me by doing good deeds so that I love him. When I love him then I am the hearing with which he hears and the sight with which he sees and I am the hand with which he strikes and I am the foot with which he walks. If he asks Me, I will surely grant his request, and if he asks Me for protection, I will surely protect him”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When Allah loves a slave, He calls Gabriel and says: “Allah loves so-and-so, so love him”. Then Gabriel loves him and announces to the inhabitants of the sky: “Verily Allah loves so-and-so, so love him”. Then the inhabitants of the sky loved that person. After that, then the love is passed on (announced) to the inhabitants of the earth”. (HR. Bukhari-Muslim)


In the Muslim narration it is said: “The Messenger of Allah said: “Verily, when Allah loves a slave, He calls Gabriel and says: “I love so-and-so, so love him”. Then Gabriel loves that person. Then Gabriel announces to the inhabitants of the sky and says: “Verily, Allah loves so-and-so, so love him”. Then the inhabitants of the sky love that person, then the love is passed on to the inhabitants of the earth. Conversely, if Allah hates a servant then Allah calls Gabriel and says: “Verily I hate so-and-so, so hate him”. Then Gabriel hates that person. Then Jibril announces to the inhabitants of the heavens and says: “Verily, Allah hates so-and-so, so hate him”. Then the inhabitants of the sky hated that person. Then the hatred was passed on to the inhabitants of the earth”.


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) sent a man to lead an army. When the man led the prayer he always ended his recitation with the words : QUL HUWALLAAHU AHAD (Surah Al Ikhlash). When he returned, the people told the Messenger of Allah about it. So he said: “Ask him why he is doing this”. Finally they asked the man himself and he said: “Because the verse contains Allah’s Generous attributes, I like to read it”. Then the Prophet said: “Tell him that Allah loves him”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).







Allah, the Almighty, says: “Those who harm a believer, male or female, with something they have not done, they have borne a lie and a manifest sin.” (QS. Al Ahzab: 58)


Allah says: “As for the orphan, do not abuse him, and as for the beggar, do not rebuke him”. (QS. Adh Dhuha: 9-10)


  1. Among the hadeeths that discuss this issue is the hadeeth narrated by Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), which was mentioned in the previous chapter: “Whoever antagonizes My beloved, I declare war on him.”….. and so on.


  1. And another hadith such as that narrated by Saad bin Abi Waggas ra. which has been listed in the previous chapter, namely the chapter on caring for orphans, namely. The Prophet said: “O Abu Bakr, if you hate them, you hate your Lord”.


  1. From Jundub bin Abdullah ra. he said, the Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever performs the morning prayer is in the security of Allah. So do not let you be prosecuted by Allah because you disturb a person who is guaranteed by Allah. Whoever is prosecuted (or asked for His guarantee), Allah will definitely get him and will throw him into the fire of hell”. (HR. Bukhari).







Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “If they repent, establish prayer and pay alms, then give them freedom to walk.” (QS. At Taubat: 5).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “I have been commanded to fight the people until they confess that there is no God but Allah and that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the messenger of Allah, and that they establish prayer and pay alms. When they have done so, they are protected from me by their wealth and blood except by the provisions of Islam. As for the reckoning of their deeds, it is up to Allah.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Abdullah Tharig bin Ash-yam (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Whoever says: LAAILAAHA ILALLAAH (There is no God but Allah) and denies worship other than Allah, it is forbidden to kill him and to disturb his property. As for the reckoning, it is up to Allah.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Ma’bad Al Migdad bin Aswad (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I asked the Messenger of Allah: “What would you think if I met a disbeliever and we fought so that he could cut off one of my hands. Then he ran away and took refuge behind a tree – and said: “I converted to Islam for the sake of Allah”, would it be permissible for me to kill him after he said that, O Messenger of Allah?”. He replied: “Do not kill him”. I asked: “O Messenger of Allah, he cut off one of my hands, and he said that he entered Islam after cutting off my hand”. He said: “Do not kill him”. If you kill him, then he will be in your place before you kill him, and you will be in his place before he utters those words.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Usamah bin Zaid (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah sent us to Huragah in the tribe of Juhainah. Early in the morning we attacked them, and at that time I and a companion of Anshor passed one of them. When we had him surrounded, he suddenly uttered : LAA ILAAHA ILALLAAH. A companion of mine (Anshor) stopped the attack and I myself went forward and stabbed the enemy with my spear until he died. When we returned to Madinah, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) heard about the incident and said to me: “O Usamah, why did you kill that man when he had said : Laa Ilaaha Ilallah?”. I replied: “O Messenger of Allah, it was only to save myself”. He said: “Why did you kill that man when he had said Laa Ilaaha Illallah?”. He repeated his words so much that I wanted to convert to Islam that day”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


In another narration it is said, the Prophet asked: “Is it after saying: Laa Ilaaha Illallah then you kill him?”. I replied: “Yes, Messenger of Allah, he said that because he was afraid of my sword/gun”. He asked again: “Have you cut open his chest so that you know his heart, whether he said it sincerely or not”. He repeated the question until I wanted to convert to Islam that day.”


  1. Jundub ibn ‘Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) sent an army of Muslims to fight the polytheists. When the two armies faced each other, a disbeliever killed a Muslim and another Muslim caught him off guard. The other Muslim was Usamah bin Zaid. When Usamah raised his sword suddenly the disbeliever said: LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAH, then Usamah killed him. After the end of the war, someone came to the Messenger of Allah to ask and tell the course of the battle that had occurred so that he told about how the man acted. Then the Messenger of Allah called Usamah and asked: “Why did you kill him?”. He replied: “Because he has harmed the Muslims in that he has killed so-and-so and so-and-so and he is a great danger to our troops. That is why I intended to attack him. But when he saw the sword above his head, he suddenly uttered: LAA ILAAHA ILALLAAH. The Messenger of Allah asked: “Did you kill him immediately?”. Usamah replied: “Yes”. He said: “How will you account for the sentence: LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAH on the Day of Judgment?”. Usamah said: “O Messenger of Allah, please ask forgiveness for me”. He still said: “How will you account for the phrase LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAH on the Day of Judgment?” He did not say anything other than saying: “How will you answer for LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAH on the Day of Judgment?” (HR Muslim).


  1. Abdullah bin Utbah bin Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard Umar bin Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) say: “At the time of the Messenger of Allah, people were given decisions with the guidance of revelation, and now revelation has stopped. Therefore now we will decide according to what is evident to us. Whoever is obviously doing good then we believe and approach him. And as for his inner self it is up to Allah who will reckon with him. And whoever manifestly does evil to us, we will neither believe him nor approve of him, even if he says that his intentions are good.” (HR. Bukhari).









Allah says: “It is only of Me that you should fear.” (QS. Aj pagarah: 40)


Allah says: “Verily, the punishment of Allah is very severe”. (QS. Al Buruj: 12)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “And such is the torment of your Lord, when He torments the inhabitants of the wrongdoing countries. Indeed, His torment is very painful and severe. Surely such is a lesson for those who fear the torment of the Hereafter. The Day of Resurrection is a day on which all men will be gathered to face it, and it is a day witnessed by all creatures. And We will not delay it, but until an appointed time. When that day comes, some of them will be wretched and some of them will be happy. As for the wretched, their place is in Hell, where they breathe out like a moaning sound.” (QS. Al Hud: 102-106).


Allah, the Almighty, says: “And Allah has warned you all with His torment.” (al-Imran: 27).


Allah, the Almighty, says: “On the Day when men will flee from their brothers, and from their fathers, and from their wives and children. On that day, every man will have something to occupy himself with.” (QS. Abasa: 34-37)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “O mankind, fear your Lord, for indeed the shock of the Day of Resurrection is a very great event. (Remember) the day when you will see the shaking, and all the women who are nursing their children will flee from their sucklings, and all the pregnant women will fall pregnant, and you will see people drunk, but they are not drunk; but the punishment of Allah is very severe”. (al-Haj: 1-2).


Allah ta’ala says: “And for those who fear the approach of their Lord, there are two heavens.” (QS. Ar Rahman: 46).


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “And some of them turn to others to question one another. They said: “Verily, we used to fear, when we were in the midst of our families, that we would be tortured”. So Allah bountied us and preserved us from the torment of Hell (Samum). Indeed, we used to worship him. Indeed, He is the One who bestows kindness, the Most Merciful.” (QS. Ath Thur: 25)


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah, who was always right and justified in all his words, told us: “Indeed, a person is collected in his mother’s belly, for forty days in the form of semen, then forty days in the form of a clot of blood, then the next forty days in the form of flesh, then an Angel was sent to blow the spirit into him and ordered to record four sentences, namely: to record his Rizq, to record his death, to record his deeds, and to record his wretchedness.


and also about his wretched or happy fate. By the One in Whom there is no god but He, a person may sometimes do the deeds of the dwellers of Paradise so that there is only a cubit between him and Paradise, but because he is listed as a member of Hell, he suddenly does the deeds of the dwellers of Hell so that he falls into Hell. And vice versa, a person who used to do the deeds of the dwellers of hell so that between him and hell is only a cubit, but because he is listed as a member of heaven, he suddenly does the deeds of the dwellers of heaven so that he ends up entering heaven.” (HR. Bukhari from Muslim)


  1. Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet said: “On the Day of Resurrection, seventy thousand reins will be brought to Hell Jahannam, and each reins will be drawn by seventy thousand angels”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Nu’man ibn Bashir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah saying: “Verily, the lightest punishment in Hell on the Day of Resurrection is the one under whose heels are placed two coals of fire capable of boiling his brain. He feels that no one is more severely tormented than him, whereas it is the lightest torment in Hell.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Samurah bin Jundub reported that the Prophet said: “Some of the people of Hell will be tormented with fire up to their ankles, some up to their knees, and some will be tormented with fire up to their navel, and some will be tormented with fire up to their shoulders”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “When tomorrow people stand waiting for the call of the Lord of the universe, there are some of them who are immersed in their sweat up to their tea leaves”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. From Anas ra. he said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) delivered a sermon so extraordinary that it was as if I had never heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) deliver such a sermon, in which he said: “If you knew what I know, you would laugh very little and cry a lot”. So at that time I saw the companions of the Prophet covering their faces while sobbing (crying)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “The Prophet heard the news about his companions, so he gave a sermon, saying: “Heaven and hell have been shown to me, so that I feel that I have never seen anything like today about good and evil. If you had known what I know, you would have laughed very little and cried a lot.” So never did the companions of the Prophet have a sadder time than that day when they covered their faces and sobbed”.


  1. Al Miqdad (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “The sun will be brought nearer to people on the Day of Resurrection until it is about a mile away”. Sulaim bin Amir who narrated from Al Miqdad said: “By Allah, I do not know what the Messenger of Allah meant by one mile, whether it is the distance traveled or the mile that is often used for eye-strain”. At that time people will be bathed in sweat according to their deeds. Some of them will be immersed in sweat up to their knees, some of them will be immersed in sweat up to their navel, and some of them will be immersed in sweat up to their mouth. The Messenger of Allah signaled with his hand towards his mouth”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “On the Day of Resurrection, people will sweat so much that their sweat will be as high as seventy cubits from the surface of the earth, and some of them will be immersed in a sea of sweat so that it reaches their ears.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


9 And Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “We were with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) when suddenly a thunderous sound was heard, so he asked, “Do you know what that sound is?”. He replied: “Allah and His Messenger know better.” He said: “It is the sound of the stone that was thrown into Hell seventy years ago. It has only now reached the bottom of Hell, until you all hear its roar.” (HR Muslim).


  1. Adi bin Hatim (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “There is no one among you but will face his Lord tomorrow and there will be no interpreter. When he looks to his right, he will see nothing but his deeds, and when he looks to his left, he will see nothing but his deeds, and when he looks forward, he will see nothing but a fire right in front of his face. So fear it (i.e. guard yourselves against it) even with the charity of half a date seed”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Dhar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Verily, I see what you do not see, that the heavens have been scattered. There is no place where four fingers can be inserted but there is an angel who puts his forehead to prostrate to Allah. By Allah, if you knew what I know, you would laugh less and weep more, and we would not have fun with your wife and you would go out to tiny, high places to ask Allah for help.” (HR. At Turmudzi)


  1. Abu Barzah Nadhlah bin Ubaid Al Aslami (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah said: “The feet of a servant do not move until he is asked about his life, what he spent it on: about knowledge, what he used it for; about wealth, where he got it from and what he spent it on; and about his body, what he spent it on”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported: “The Messenger of Allah recited the verse: (On this day the earth will tell its story). He said: “Do you know what the earth is telling?”. The Companions replied: “Allah and His Messenger know better”. He said: “The news of the earth is that it will bear witness to all the deeds of men and women that are done on it”. The earth said: “He did this and that on this day and that day”. That is what the earth reports.” (HR. At Turmudzi)


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “How can I be happy, when the Angel who holds the trumpet has put his trumpet in his mouth and is just waiting for the command when he is allowed to blow the trumpet”. The Companions found this news hard to bear, so he advised them to recite: HASBUUNALLAAH WANIKMAL WAKIIL (Allah is the One who provides for us and He is the best of those whom we call upon)”. (HR. Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever is afraid should leave early (meaning increasing his obedience), and whoever leaves early will reach the destination faster. Remember that the merchandise of Allah is expensive, remember that the merchandise of Allah is Paradise”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Aisha reported that she said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “On the Day of Resurrection, people will be gathered barefoot and naked”. ‘Ā’ishah asked: “O Messenger of Allah, will men and women be gathered together and will one of them look at the other?”. He replied: “The atmosphere of that day will be so heavy that neither of them will have time to look at the other”.


In another narration it is said: “The issues on that day are very serious and more important than just looking at each other”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).








Allah ta’ala says: “Say: “O My servants who transgress against themselves, do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Verily, Allah forgives all their sins. Indeed, He is the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful.” (QS. Az Zumar: 53).


Allah says: “We do not inflict punishment except on the disbelievers”. (QS. As Saba’: 17).


Allah says: “Verily, it has been revealed to us that the punishment is inflicted only on those who deny and turn away”. (Thaha: 48).


Allah ta’ala says: “And My mercy encompasses all things”. (QS. Al A’raf: 156).


1.Ubadah ibn Samir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Whoever testifies that there is no god but Allah and that there is no partner for Him, and testifies that Muhammad is His messenger, that Jesus is His servant and messenger, and that the sentence given to Maryam and the spirit are from Allah, and testifies that Paradise and Hell are true, Allah will admit him to Paradise according to his deeds”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In the Muslim narration it is said: “Whoever testifies that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, then Allah forbids him from the fire of hell”.


  1. Abu Dzar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Whoever does a good deed will be rewarded with ten or more. And whoever does an evil deed will be rewarded according to his evil deed and even I forgive him. Whoever draws near to Me an inch, I will draw near to him a cubit. And whoever draws near to Me a cubit, I will draw near to him a tenth. He who approaches Me by walking, I will approach him by running. And whoever comes to Me with the sins of the whole earth and does not associate Me with anything else, I will accept him with as much forgiveness as the whole earth”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. From Jabir ra. he said: “A Bedouin came to the Prophet and asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what are the two things that are certain (meaning what can ensure that people go to heaven or hell)?”. He replied: “Whoever dies and does not associate anything with Allah will enter Paradise. And whoever dies and associates anything with Allah will enter Hell.” (HR. Muslim)


  1. Anas reported that when the Prophet was traveling with Muadz, he called out: “O Muadz”. Muadz replied: “Yes well, O Messenger of Allah”. The Prophet repeated his call three times and Muadz also answered three times. Then he said: “There is no servant who testifies that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the servant and messenger of Allah, sincerely from his heart, but Allah forbids him from the fire of hell”. Muadz then asked: “O Messenger of Allah, may I inform the people so that they will be happy?”. He said: “If you tell them so, they will be reckless”. And Muadz gave that information when he was about to die because he was afraid of being sinful in hiding that knowledge.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. From Abu Hurairah ra. or Abu Said Al Khudri the narrator of this hadith doubtfully said: “During the battle of Tabu’, the Companions were suffering from hunger, so they said: “O Messenger of Allah, allow us to cut down animals for us to eat in order to increase our strength”. The Prophet said: “Do so”. Then came Umar ra. protesting, saying: “O Messenger of Allah, if you allow them to slaughter the animals then our vehicles will be left with little. It would be better if they were told to collect the remaining foodstuffs, then you pray to Allah that the leftovers be blessed”. The Prophet said: “Yes, it is”. Then he spread a cloth and called out to those who had leftovers to gather them on the cloth. There was someone :who handed over a handful of corn, someone handed over a handful of dates and even someone handed over a piece of bread so that a little food was collected. The Prophet prayed that the food on this cloth would be blessed by Allah, then he said: “Take the food with your vessels”. They then took food with their vessels from the food spread on the cloth so that there was no one whose vessel was not full. All of them were full and they had eaten their fill and there was still food left on the cloth. Then he said: “I testify that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger. No servant who approaches Allah with these two words without hesitation will be barred from Paradise”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Itban ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him), one of the people of Badr, said: “I used to be the imam for my people in the neighborhood of Banu Salim. There was a valley between my house and the mosque and when it rained it was very difficult for me to come to their mosque. So I came to the Prophet and told him: “O Messenger of Allah, I am old and my eyesight is failing, and there is a valley between my house and the Mosque which makes it very difficult for me to go to the Mosque when it rains. Therefore I beg you to come to my house which I will make into a Mushalla”. The Prophet said: “Very well”. The next day when it was not so hot, the Messenger of Allah came together with Abu Bakr to my house. The Messenger of Allah asked permission (to enter the house) and I invited him Before sitting down he immediately asked: “Where is the place where you expect me to pray?” So I showed him the place. Finally, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) stood up and said Takbir and I and Abu Bakr prayed behind him. He prayed two rak’ahs and then said salam, and I also said salam when he said salam. Then I invited the Messenger of Allah to eat the porridge of wheat flour that I had prepared. Unexpectedly the villagers flocked to my house because they had heard that the Prophet was in my house and there were so many people in my house. One of the men asked: “What is Malik doing, I don’t see him?”. Then someone said: “He is a hypocrite who dislikes Allah and His Messenger”. So the Prophet said: “Do not say that, do you not know that he has said: LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAH in order to seek the pleasure of Allah alone?”. The man replied: “Allah and His Messenger know better. As for us, by Allah we have never seen his love and words except in favor of the hypocrites”. The Messenger of Allah said: “Verily, Allah has forbidden Hellfire for whoever says: Laa ilaaha illallah with the intention of seeking the pleasure of Allah alone”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Umar bin Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Some captives were brought to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and there was a woman in the captivity who was looking for her child, and whenever she saw a child in the captive group, she immediately picked it up and breastfed it. So the Messenger of Allah said: “Do you think that this woman will throw her child into the Fire?”. We replied: “By Allah, certainly not”. The Prophet said: “Allah is more merciful to His servants than a woman is to her child”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When Allah made creation, He decreed in a book that is in the Throne, a decree that reads: “Verily, My mercy overcomes My wrath”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Allah made mercy in one hundred parts. Ninety-nine of them are retained with Him, while one is brought down to the earth, from which all creatures are so affectionate that animals lift their feet for fear of stepping on their young”.


In another narration it is said: “Allah has one hundred mercies and He sent down one part of them for the jinn, humans and insects. With that one part of mercy they are affectionate, and with that one mercy the beasts are affectionate to their young. As for the ninety-nine mercies, Allah has kept them for the Day of Resurrection as a favor to His servants.” #FIR. Bukhari and Muslim)


In a hadith narrated by Muslim from Salman Al Farisi ra. he said, the Messenger of Allah said: “Verily Allah has one hundred mercies, of which one part can -make creatures love each other. While the ninety-nine are given tomorrow on the Day of Judgment”.


In another narration it is said: “When Allah created the heavens and the earth, He also created one hundred mercies, and each of them filled the heavens and the earth, so He placed one of them on the earth, and with it the mother has compassion for her child, and the animals and birds have compassion for each other. And on the Day of Resurrection, a hundred of these mercies will be completed.”


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) narrated a revelation from his Lord in which he said: “There was a sin committed by a servant, and he prayed: “O Allah, forgive me my sin”. So Allah said: “My servant sins, then he realizes his sin and he knows that he has a Lord who can forgive and prosecute sins”. After that he sins again and prays: “O Allah, forgive my sin”. then Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Sublime says: “A slave of Mine sins, then he realizes his sin and he knows that he has a Lord who can forgive and prosecute sins”. Then he sins again and prays: “O Allah, forgive my sin”. So Allah says: “My servant sins, then he realizes his sin and he knows that he has a Lord who can forgive and prosecute his sin”. Now I am truly forgiving My servant, so do as he wishes”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “By the One in Whose hand is my soul, had you not sinned, Allah would have wiped you out and a people would have been brought who sinned, then they asked for forgiveness and Allah forgave their sins”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Ayyub Al Anshari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “If all of you had not sinned, Allah would have created other creatures who sinned and then they would have asked Him for forgiveness. Then Allah forgives them.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “While we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah, including Abu Bakr, Umar and other companions, he got up and left us. We waited for a long time but he did not return. We were worried and anxious that he might be in trouble, so we all got up and I was the first to get anxious. I then went out looking for the Messenger of Allah until I entered the wall of an Anshor companion”. He (Abu Hurairah) narrated at length so that he said: “So the Messenger of Allah said: “Go!, whoever you meet outside this wall declares that there is no God but Allah with a sincere heart, then reward him with Paradise”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) recited a verse regarding the situation of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him): “RABBI INNAHUNNA ADHLALNA KATSIIRAN MINAN NAASI FAMAN TABI-ANII FAINNAHU MINNII (O my Lord, indeed the idols have led many people astray. So whoever follows me then surely he is among my people)”. And also tells the situation of Prophet Isa where he prayed: “IN TU’ADZDZIBHUM FAINNAHUM ‘IBAADUKA WA IN TAGHFIR LAHUM FA INNAKA ANTAL ‘AZIIZUL HAKIM (If You torture them then indeed they are Your servants and if You forgive them then You are the Most Noble, the Most Wise)”. Then he raised his hands and prayed: “ALLAHUMMA UMMATII UMMATII” (O Allah, help my Ummah, help my Ummah) and cried. Then Allah called Jibril and said: “O Jibril, go to Muhammad, your Lord knows better. Ask him why he is crying?”. So Gabriel came to the Messenger of Allah and told him all the words of Allah, which Gabriel already knew. Then Allah said: “O Gabriel, come to Muhammad and say: “We will relieve your heart with regard to your Ummah and We will not make it burdensome for you”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Muadz bin Jabal (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I was riding behind the Prophet when he said: “O Muadz, do you know what right Allah has over His servant and what right the servant has over Allah?”. I replied: “Allah and His Messenger know better”. He said: “The right of Allah over His servants is that they worship Him and associate nothing with Him. And the right of the slave over Allah is that He does not torture the one who does not associate anything with Him”. Then I asked: “O Messenger of Allah, may I tell people about this?”. He said: “Do not tell them this good news, because then they will be reckless”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Al Barra’ ibn Azib reported that the Prophet said: “When a Muslim is asked in the grave, he admits that there is no God but Allah and that the Prophet Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. That is what is mentioned in the word of Allah: “YUTSABBITULLAAHUL LADZIINA AAMANUU BIL QAULIS TSAABITI FIL HAYAATID DUN-YAA WAFIL AAKHIRAH (Allah will establish those who believe with a fixed speech, both during life in this world and in the hereafter)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Anas reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, the disbeliever, when he does a good deed, is immediately rewarded in this world. Whereas the believer who does good deeds, his reward is kept for reward in the hereafter, in addition he is also blessed with sustenance in this world because of his obedience to worship “.


In another narration it is said: “Verily, Allah does not waste the good deeds of the believer, who is blessed with provision in this world and will still be rewarded in the Hereafter. As for the disbeliever, his kindness in this world is immediately rewarded in this world and in the Hereafter he will not get any reward for the good he did”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Jabir reported that the Prophet said: “The example of the five daily prayers is like a river full of water, which flows at the door of one of you and he bathes in it five times every day”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet said: “There is no Muslim who dies and is prayed for by forty people who have never associated anything with Allah, but Allah will accept the intercession of these forty people for the deceased”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “We were with the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) in a circle of forty people, and he asked us: “Would you be willing to be a quarter of the inhabitants of Paradise?” We replied: “Yes, willingly and gladly”. He asked again: “Would you be willing to be one-third of the inhabitants of Paradise?”. We answered: “Yes, we are willing”. Then the Prophet said: “By the One in Whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, I hope that you will be half of the inhabitants of Paradise, which indicates that only Muslims will enter Paradise. But all of you are among the polytheists like white hair on the body of a black ox or like black hair on the skin of a red ox”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Musa Al Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah said: “When the Day of Resurrection comes, Allah will give each believer a Jew or a Christian and say: “This is your ransom from hell”.


In another narration it says: “On the Day of Resurrection, a Muslim will come with a sin as big as a mountain or a hill, but Allah will forgive his sin”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “On the Day of Resurrection, the believer will be brought close to his Lord and Allah will have mercy on him and comfort him for his sins, then he will be asked: “Do you know for sure about your sins?”. The believer will answer: “Yes, I know the sin (I have committed it). Then Allah said: “I have covered your sins in the world, and now I have forgiven your sins”. Finally, a record of good deeds is given to him”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man kissed a woman (not his wife), so he came to the Prophet and told him what he had done, so Allah revealed the verse: “AQIMISH SHALAATA THARAFAYIN NAHAARI WA ZULAAFAAM MINAL LAILI INNAL HASANAATI YUDZHIBNAS SAYYIAAT (Establish prayer in the morning or evening and part of the night. Indeed, good deeds erase bad deeds.” The man asked: “O Messenger of Allah, is this only for me?”. He replied: “For all my Ummah”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Anas reported: “A man came to the Prophet and said: “O Messenger of Allah, I have done something that should be punished so do the punishment to me”. It was the time for prayer, so the man prayed with the Prophet. And after finishing the prayer, the man said again: “O Messenger of Allah, I have done something for which punishment is due so punish me”. He said: “Did you not pray with us earlier?”. The man replied: “Yes”. He then said: “Your sins have been forgiven by Allah”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)



The act committed by the man is not one that is subject to severe punishment such as: adultery, drinking alcohol, murder etc., all of which are subject to hadd punishment which cannot be expiated. The sins that can be expiated by praying are minor sins.


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Verily, Allah is pleased with His servant who, when he eats, praises Him, or when he drinks, praises Him”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Musa reported. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Verily, Allah extends His mercy every night so that those who sinned during the day may repent and He extends His mercy during the day so that those who sinned at night may repent. This continues until the sun rises from the west”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Nahij Amr ibn Abasah As Sulami (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “During the time of Jahiliyyah I thought that all people were in manifest error because everyone worshipped idols. Then I heard news that in Makkah there was someone who taught good teachings, so I immediately went there on a vehicle. At that time the Prophet was still secretly preaching and was still being persecuted by his people. When I reached Makkah and met him, I asked: “Who is this master?”. He replied: “I am a Prophet”. I asked: “What is a prophet?”. He answered: “A prophet is someone sent by Allah”, I asked: “What did Allah send you for?” He replied: “Allah sent me for nothing other than to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and to destroy idols and to make people worship Allah and not associate anything with Him”. I asked: “Who has followed you?”. He replied: “The free man and the slave”. At that time those who had followed the Prophet included Abu Bakr (a free man) and Bilal (a slave). Then I said: “I will follow and defend you”. He replied: “We have deferred your request for the time being, since the people around you are very cruelly hostile. Go back to your family. When you hear that I have won a victory, come to me”. So I immediately went home until the Prophet’s migration to Medina. At that time I kept looking for news about the arrival of the Prophet in Medina, until finally I met a group of Medina residents and I asked: “What is the news about someone who has just arrived in Madinah?”. They replied: “Some of them welcomed him well, even though he was threatened with death by his people. Then I went to Madinah and met him and said: “O Messenger of Allah, do you still remember me?”. He replied: “Yes, you are the one who met me in Makkah”. Then I said: “O Messenger of Allah, teach me that which Allah has taught you and which I do not understand”. Tell me about prayer! He replied: “Pray Fajr, then stop praying until the sun rises and the sun rises to the height of a spear – because when the sun rises, it is as if it rises between the two horns of the devil, and at that time the disbelievers worship the sun. Then pray with all your might, for the prayer is witnessed and attended by angels until the sun stands in the middle. Then cease from prayer, for at that time Hellfire is kindled. Then after the sun has slipped and there is a shadow, pray, for the prayer is witnessed and attended by angels, until the ‘Asr prayer. Then stop praying until the sun sets because when the sun is about to set it is as if it is setting between the two horns of shaytan and at that time the disbelievers prostrate themselves to the sun. I asked: “Tell me about ablution, O Messenger of Allah”. He replied: “When a person performs wudhu’ in which he rinses his mouth, puts water in his nose and spits it out, the sins of his mouth and the sins of his nose fall away. Then if he washes his face as Allah has commanded, the sins of his face will be removed through the tip of his beard along with the drops of water. If he washes his hands up to the elbows, the sins of his hands will be washed away through the tips of his fingers along with the drops of water. If he wipes his head, the sins of his head will fall away through the ends of his hair along with the drops of water. And if he washes his feet up to the heels, the sins of his feet will fall away through his fingertips along with the drops of water. Then when he stands up for the prayer in which he praises and glorifies Allah with the prescribed recitation and purifies his heart from anything other than Allah, all his sins fall away like a newborn baby from its mother’s womb.” When Amr bin Abasah narrated this hadith to Abu Umamah, Abu Umamah asked: “O Amr b. Abasah, pay attention to your statement, how is it possible for a person to be given such great forgiveness for doing only one work?”. Amr replied: “O Abu Umamah, I am old, my bones are brittle and my end is near. Why should I deny Allah and His Messenger? If I had only heard once, twice, thrice, four times, five times, six times and seven times from the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) I would not have told this forever. But I have heard it more than that (repeatedly)”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Musa Al Ash’ari reported that the Prophet said: “If it pleases Allah to bestow mercy on His Ummah, then Allah will cause the Prophet to pass away before the Ummah’s demise, so that the Prophet will pave the way and increase the reward of the Ummah. On the other hand, if Allah wants to torment His people, then He torments them while the Prophet is still alive so that the Prophet will be satisfied with the destruction of the people who have always denied and defied His commands.” (HR. Muslim)








Allah says in describing the situation of His righteous servant, he says:


“And I leave my affairs to Allah. Verily, Allah is the One Who sees His slaves. So Allah preserves him from the evil of their deceit.” (QS. Al Mukmin: 44-45)


1 Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Allah the Almighty says: – “I always follow the prejudice of My servant and I am always with him as long as he remembers Me. By Allah, I am more pleased to accept the repentance of His servant than a man is pleased to find his lost goods in the desert. Whoever draws near to Me an inch, I will draw near to him a cubit. And whoever draws near to Me by a cubit, I will draw near to him by a foot, and if he comes to Me by walking, I will surely come to him by running”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. From Jabir bin Abdullah (ra.) that he heard the Prophet (saw) say three days before his death: “Let not all of you die unless you are favorable to Allah, the Almighty”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Anas reported that he said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Allah says: “O son of Adam, as long as you pray and hope in Allah, I will forgive all your sins: I will surely forgive all the sins you have committed, and I do not care how many. O son of Adam, if your sins had reached the heavens and you asked Me for forgiveness, I would have forgiven you. O son of Adam, if you come with the sins of the whole earth and you come to Me without associating anything with Me, I will surely forgive you all those sins”. (HR. At Turmudzi).







You know, in living in this world, one must be able to balance fear and hope in Allah. Fear and hope should be balanced. For example, if someone is sick, he should focus on hope (i.e. hope for a speedy recovery). The evidence for the importance of combining fear and hope is abundant in the Qur’an and hadith. Among them are the following:


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Then there is no security from the torment of Allah except the losers.” (QS. Al A’raf: 99)


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “Verily, none despair of the mercy of Allah except the disbelievers”. (Yusuf: 87)


Allah says. “On a Day when some faces will be radiant and some faces will be gloomy”. (al-Imran: 105)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Verily, the torment of the Lord is swift, and He is Oft-forgiving, and Most Merciful.” (QS. Al An’am: 166)


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “Those who truly obey will be in Paradise full of pleasures, and those who disobey will indeed be in Hell.” (QS. Al Infithar: 13-14)


Allah ta’ala says: “As for those whose scales of good deeds are heavy, they will be in a life of satisfaction. And as for those whose scales of good deeds are light, their place of return will be the Hellfire of Hawiyah. Do you know what the hell of Hawiyah is? It is a very hot fire.” (QS. Al Qariah: 6-11)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “If a believer knew the torment that Allah has prepared, no one would expect to enter His Paradise. And if the disbeliever knew the mercy granted by Allah, no one would despair of His mercy”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri reported that the Prophet said: “When a corpse is lifted up on the shoulders and carried by the one who carries it, then when the corpse is good it will say: “Hurry up, hurry up and take me”. And if the corpse is not good, it will say: “How wretched, where am I going?”. The voice of the corpse is heard by everything except man, and if man were to hear it, he would faint”. (HR. Bukhari).


3 Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet said: “Paradise is as close to one of you as his shoelaces are to him, and Hell is the same”. (HR. Bukhari).








Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “They prostrate their faces and weep, and they grow more and more solemn”. (al-Israel: 109)


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Do you wonder at this news?” Then you laugh and do not weep (Sūrat An-Najm: 59-60).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet said to me: “Recite the Qur’an for me”. I replied: “How should I recite the Qur’an to you when it was revealed to you, O Messenger of Allah? He said: “Verily, I like to hear from others”. So I recited the Qur’an to him, Surah An Nisa’ up to the verse: “So what if We bring a witness (messenger) from each nation and you (Muhammad) are a witness against them?”. He then said: “This is enough!”. Then I turned to him and suddenly he had tears in his eyes”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) delivered a sermon, and I have never heard such an extraordinary sermon, in which he said: “If you all knew what I know, you would laugh very little and you would cry a lot”. Anas ra. said: “At once the Companions covered their faces and wept bitterly”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “A person who cries out of fear of Allah will not enter hell so that milk can return to his breasts. And will not be able to gather dust in jihad fi sabilillah with the smoke of hell Jahannam “. (HR. At Turmudzi)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “There are seven groups who will have the shade of Allah, on that day there will be no shade except His: a just leader: a young man who always worships Allah, a person whose heart is always hanging on the Mosque, two people who are in love solely for the sake of Allah: a man who was invited to adultery by a beautiful noble woman but he refused and said: “I fear Allah”; the one who gives charity in secret so that his left hand does not know what his right hand is giving; and the one who always remembers Allah in a quiet place and his eyes well up with tears.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abdullah ibn Ash-Shir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) while he was praying, and the sound of his weeping was like the sound of water boiling in a vessel”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi)


  1. From Anas ra. he said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said to Ubay bin Ka’ab: “Verily Allah told me to recite: LAM YAKUNIL LADZIINA KAFARUU”. Ubay asked: “Did Allah mention my name?”. He replied: “Yes”. So Ubay wept”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


In another narration it says: “So Ubay kept crying”.


  1. From Anas ra. he said: “One day after the death of the Messenger of Allah. Abu Bakr invited Umar and said: “Let us visit Umm Aiman’s house as the Messenger of Allah used to do”. And when they arrived at Umm Aiman’s house, Umm Aiman suddenly burst into tears. So both of them asked: “Why are you crying, don’t you know that what Allah has provided for the Messenger of Allah is very good?”. Umm Aiman replied: “I am not crying because of that and I know that what Allah has provided for the Prophet is very good, but I am crying because the revelation from the heavens has been cut off”. Umm Aiman’s words caused both of them to weep with her.”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was very sick, someone asked him to be the Imam of the prayer, so he said: “Make Abu Bakr the Imam”.


Aisha ra. asked: “Abu Bakr is a very soft-hearted man, and when he recites the Qur’an he cannot stop crying”. He said: “Ask Abu Bakr to be the Imam”.


In another narration it is said that Aisha ra. said: “I said: “Verily, when Abu Bakr becomes the Imam (occupies the place of the master), people do not hear the recitation of his prayer because of crying”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibrahim bin Abdur Rahman bin Auf reported: “That Abdur Rahman bin Auf was given food while he was fasting, so he said: “One of the companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) who was far superior to me, Mush’ab bin Umair, when he died there was no shroud for him except a blanket made of feathers, and when his head was covered his feet were uncovered and when his feet were covered his head was uncovered. Then now I am given the world’s vast wealth or he said: “We have been given as much wealth as possible. So we fear that our good deeds will be paid for in this world (meaning that they will no longer be available in the Hereafter)”. Then he cries and leaves the food”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Umamah Shudai bin Ajlan Al Bahili reported that the Prophet said: “There is nothing that Allah loves more than two drops and two traces: the drop of tears for fear of Allah and the drop of blood shed to uphold the religion of Allah. As for the two scars, they are the scars of upholding the word of Allah and the scars of performing the obligations of Allah.” (HR. At Turmudzi).


Actually there are many more hadiths that discuss this issue, including the hadith of Al Irbadh bin Sariyah ra. he said :


Meaning: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) gave us advice that moved our hearts and brought tears to our eyes….”.


This hadith has already been included in the chapter on the prohibition of making things up in matters of religion.








Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Verily, the example of this worldly life is like the rain that We send down from the sky, and all the plants of the earth become fertile because of it, and some of them are eaten by men and animals. And when the earth had attained its beauty and worn its adornment, and its owners thought that they were sure to possess it, suddenly there came upon them Our punishment by day or by night, and We made their crops like plants that had been cut, as if they had never grown before. Thus We explain the signs of Our power to those who think”. (QS. Yunus: 24).


Allah, the Exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And liken the life of this world to rain which We send down from the sky, and it becomes fertile, and the vegetation of the earth grows, and then it dries up and the winds blow it away. Allah is All-powerful over all things. Possessions and children are the adornment of the world, but lasting and righteous deeds are better in reward with your Lord, and better to hope for”. (QS. Al Kahf: 45-46)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Know that the life of this world is but a play and a distraction, and that the adornment and boasting about wealth and children is like the rain whose crops amaze the farmers, then they dry up and you see them turn yellow and then they fall apart. And in the Hereafter there is a severe punishment and forgiveness from Allah and His pleasure. And the life of this world is nothing but deceptive pleasures.” (QS. Al Hadid: 20).


Allah ta’ala says: “There is beauty in the sight of man in the love of what he desires, namely: Women, children, great treasures of gold and silver, choice horses, cattle and fields. These are the pleasures of life in the world, and with Allah is a good return”. (QS. Ali Imran: 14).


Allah says: “O people, Allah’s promise is true, so let not life deceive you, nor let the deceiver deceive you in obeying Allah”. (QS. Luqman: 33)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Splendor has distracted you all until you enter the grave. Do not do so; then you will know. Never do so if you know with certain knowledge.” (QS. At Takasur: 1-5)


Allah ta’ala says: “And the life of this world is nothing but jest and play. And the Hereafter is the true life, if they knew.” (QS. Al Ankabut: 64)


  1. Amr bin Auf Al Anshari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) sent Abu Ubaidillah Al Jarrah to Bahrain to collect tribute there, and he returned with a large amount of tribute. The Anshor companions had heard the news of Abu Ubaidillah’s arrival. So they prayed Fajr together with the Prophet. When they had finished praying, the Prophet turned to the Companions with a smile and said: “Perhaps you have heard the news of the arrival of Abu Ubaidillah who brought a lot of wealth?” They replied: “Yes, O Messenger of Allah.” He said: “Welcome the good news, and hope that Allah will facilitate what you desire. By Allah, it is not poverty that I fear for you, but I fear that the wealth of this world will be spread over you as it was spread over those who came before you, and you will all compete for wealth as those who came before you competed, and then it will destroy you as it destroyed them.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri ra. he said: “The Messenger of Allah (saw) sat on the pulpit and we sat around him, then he said: “Verily, what I fear for all of you after me is that you will be exposed to the luxuries and beauties of this world”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri reported that the Prophet said: “Verily this world is beautiful and sweet, and Allah has given this world to you and Allah will see how you do with it. So beware of the temptation of the world and beware of the temptation of women”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Anas reported that the Prophet said: “O Allah, there is no real life except the life of the Hereafter”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim). “


  1. Anas reported that the Prophet said: “There are three things that follow a dead person: his family, his wealth and his deeds. Two of them will return and one will remain with the deceased. The family and wealth will return and the one that remains with the deceased is his charity.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Anas reported that the Prophet said: “On the Day of Resurrection, the most luxurious person (wealth) in the world will be confronted and he is among the candidates for Hell, so he will be dipped in Hell for a while and then taken out again, then he will be asked: “O son of Adam, have you ever tasted the pleasures of life in this world and have you ever tasted pleasure?”. He replied: “By Allah, no, O my Lord?”. The one who suffers the most in this world and is among the candidates for Paradise will be brought to Paradise for a short time and asked: “O son of Adam, have you experienced any sorrow, hardship or misfortune in your life?”. He replied: “By Allah I have never felt any suffering and I have never felt any sorrow”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Al Mustaurid Shaddad (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “There is no comparison between this world and the Hereafter except like the example of a man who puts his finger into the sea, then see how much he gets (meaning how much water he gets)”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was walking in the marketplace escorted by his Companions when he suddenly passed by the carcass of a goat with small ears and asked: “Who among you would like to buy this for one dirham?”. They replied: “None of us would like it, and what is it for?”. He asked again: “Would you all like it if I gave this carcass to you for free?”. They replied: “By Allah, if the animal were still alive, it would have a defect in that it has small ears, let alone that it has become a carcass”. He then said: “By Allah, indeed this world is more despicable in the sight of Allah than this carcass in your sight”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Abu Dzar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I walked with the Prophet through the villages of Medina until we reached the hill of Uhud, then he said: “O Abu Dzar”. Abu Dhar replied: “O Messenger of Allah, what is the matter?”. He said: “I would not be happy if I had gold as big as the hill of Uhud and there was a dinar left in three days in my house unless it was to pay a debt. I would be relieved and happy if I had gold the size of the hill of Uhud and I divided it among the servants of Allah, one for the neighbor on the right, one for the neighbor on the left, and one for the neighbor behind.” He continued his journey and said: “Verily, the one who has the most wealth is the one who will have the least reward in the Hereafter unless he distributes it to his right neighbor, his left neighbor, and his back neighbor, but there are very few of them”. Then the Prophet told me: “You wait here and do not leave until I return”. He left me in the darkness of the night so that I could no longer be seen. Suddenly I heard a loud noise that caused me to worry about the Prophet’s person so I intended to catch up with him but I remembered his message. Do not leave until I return. So not long after the Prophet returned then I said: “O Messenger of Allah, I heard a loud noise that caused me concern”. Then I told him about it and he asked me: “Did you hear a sound?”. I replied: “Yes” He said: “It was the voice of Gabriel who came to me and said: “Whoever dies from your Ummah and does not associate anything with Allah will enter Paradise”. I asked: “Even if he has committed adultery and stolen?”. He replied: “Even if he committed adultery and stole”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “If I had gold as big as the hill of Uhud, I would prefer that it does not stay in my house for more than three days and nights, except for something that I leave behind in preparation for paying debts.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Look at those who are below you, and do not look at those who are above you, for that is more appropriate so that you do not underestimate the blessings of Allah that have been given to all of you.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Woe to the one who becomes a slave to property, whether a slave to gold, silver, jewelry, rugs or clothes. Relieved when given, but if not given grumbling “. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I have seen seventy of the suffis, none of whom had a blanket, either a sarong or any other garment that could be tied around their necks. Some of them had a cloth that covered only their calves, and some of them had a cloth that covered only their ankles, so they tugged at it with their hands for fear of exposing their nakedness.” (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The world is like a prison for the believer and a paradise for the disbeliever”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) touched my shoulder and said: “Your existence in this world is like a stranger or a wanderer”. Ibn Umar said: “When you are in the evening, then do not wait for the morning. And if you are in the morning then do not wait for the evening. Use the time of your health to meet the time of your sickness, and use the time of your life to meet the time of your death”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abul Abbas Sahl bin Saad As Saidi (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man came to the Prophet and asked: “O Messenger of Allah, show me a deed which, if I do it, will be loved by Allah and loved by my fellow human beings?” He said: “Do not be greedy for the world and you will be loved by Allah, and do not be greedy for the rights of others and people will love you”. (HR. Ibn Majah)


  1. An Nu’man ibn Bashir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When Umar bin Khattab saw that people were able to achieve their worldly (already concerned with the worldly), then he said : “Indeed, I have seen the Messenger of Allah sometimes a whole day did not get food even if only the worst dates to fill his stomach”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) passed away, there was nothing to eat in my house except a little bit of wheat flour on a shelf, which was left over from what I had eaten, so that after I had measured it out for a long time, it was gone.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim),


  1. Amr bin Harith, brother of Juwariyah bint Al Harith who was ummul mukminin ra. he said: “When the Messenger of Allah died, he did not leave behind a single dinar or dirham, nor a male or female slave, only a white donkey that he used to ride, and a sword and a piece of land that he gave to ibnu sabil (travelers).” (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Al Habbab ibn Al Arrat (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “We migrated with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) solely to seek the pleasure of Allah. Then many of us died before enjoying the rewards of this world. Among them was Mush’ab who was killed in the battle of Uhud. He was only wrapped in a very coarse woolen cloth, which if we covered his head with it, his legs would be exposed, and if we covered his legs, his head would be exposed. Then the Prophet told us to wrap his head, while his feet were covered with Idzkhir (grass). And some of us got to enjoy the results of his struggle”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. From Sahl bin Saad As Saidi ra. The Prophet said: “If this world were worth in the sight of Allah as much as a mosquito’s wing, Allah would not give drink to the disbeliever even a sip of water”. (HR. At Turmudzi)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that he said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Know that this world is cursed and all that is in it is cursed except dhikrullah (remembrance of Allah) and the like of it, and those who are pious and those who want to learn”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Do not accumulate too much of the world because it will cause you to become wealth-crazy”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was traveling and passed by us, while we were repairing our house, he said: “What are you doing?”. We replied: “We are repairing a house that is about to collapse”. Finally he said: “I think our death will be faster than the collapse of the house”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Ka’ab ibn Iyadh (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Every Ummah must be tested, while the test for my Ummah is the love of wealth”. (HR. Turmudzi)


  1. Abu Amr, some call him Abu Abdullah, and some call him Abu Laila, Uthman bm Affan ra. that the Messenger of Allah said: “There is no right for man (son of Adam) in anything except a house to live in, clothes to cover the ‘awrah and dry bread and water”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abdullah ibn Ash-Shikhkhir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I came to visit the Prophet while he was reciting: ALHAAKUMUT TAKAATSUR, then he said: “The son of Adam (man) said: “This is my wealth. Is there any part for you of your wealth, O son of Adam, other than the food you eat, or what you wear and it spoils, or what you give in charity and it becomes a deposit for you?” (HR Muslim).


  1. Abu Abdullah ibn Mughaffal (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man came to the Prophet and said: “By Allah, I love you, O Messenger of Allah”. He said: “Consider carefully what you have said”. The man said: “By Allah, I love you”. He repeated this three times. Then he said: “If you truly love me, then prepare for poverty by girdling your loins, for poverty comes faster to the one who loves me than the floods to the abyss.” (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Ka’ab bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “The ferocity of two hungry wolves unleashed in the midst of a herd of goats is less than the ferocity of man or man’s greed for property at the expense of his religious position”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) slept on a mat, and when he woke up, the mat was imprinted on his waist. Then we asked him: “O Messenger of Allah, what if we make a soft mattress for you?” He said: “What is this world to me”. I am in this world like a traveler who takes shelter under a tree and then goes away and leaves it”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The poor will enter Paradise five hundred years ahead of the rich”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Ibn Abbas and Imran bin Husain reported that the Prophet said: “I (the Prophet) looked at Paradise and found that most of its inhabitants were poor people. And I looked at hell, and I saw that most of its inhabitants were women”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Usamah bin Zayd reported that the Prophet said: “I stood in front of the door of Paradise and most of the people who entered were poor people, while the rich people were still held back (continued to be judged). In contrast to the inhabitants of hell have been plunged into the abyss of hell “. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The truest words composed by a poet are the words of Labid which read: “ALAA KULLU SYAIIN MAA KHALALLAAHA BAATHILU (Remember, that everything that deviates from Allah is false)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim). .







Allah, the Almighty, says: “Then there will come after them successors who will neglect prayer and indulge in their lusts. So they will meet with misguidance, except for those who repent, believe and do righteous deeds, then they will enter Paradise, and they will not be wronged in the least”. (QS. Maryam: 59-60).


Allah ta’ala says: “So Oarun went out to his people with all his luxuries. Those who desire the life of this world said: “If only I had the wealth that Oarun has, he would have a great fortune”. Those who are endowed with knowledge say: “Great is your misfortune; Allah’s reward is better for those who believe and do righteous deeds”. (QS. Al Qashash: 79).


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Then you will be asked on the Day of Resurrection about the pleasures with which Allah has endowed you”. (QS. At Takatsur: 8).


Allah says: “Whoever desires the present (worldly) life, We hasten for him in the world whatever We will for whom We will. Then We will plunge him into the abyss of Hellfire, despised and far from mercy.” (QS. Al Isra’ : 18).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “Throughout his life on earth, Muhammad’s family was never full of wheat bread for two consecutive days”. (HR. Bukhari-Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “Since settling in Medina, Muhammad’s family was never full of food made from wheat for three consecutive nights until he died”.


  1. Urwah reported that Aisha said: “O my nephew, by Allah we have seen the crescent moon change three times in two months, while in the Prophet’s house there was no fire at all”. I asked: “My aunt, what did you eat?”. Aisha replied: “Dates and water: Yes, sometimes the Anshorites who were neighbors of the Prophet would give the Prophet milk from their milk cows, so we would drink the milk”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Said Al Maqburi reported that Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) said that he passed by a group of people eating satay, so they invited Said to eat with them, but Said refused and said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) never ate a full meal of wheat bread (satay) until his death”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Anas reported that he said: “The Messenger of Allah did not eat with a plate until his death, nor did he eat bread made from fine flour until his death”. (HR. Bukhari)


In another narration it is said: “And he never ate mutton skewers”.


  1. An Nu’man ibn Bashir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Indeed, I have seen the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) (in famine) where he did not find food even the worstorma to fill his stomach”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Sahl ibn Sa’d (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) never saw bread made of fine flour from the time he was sent by Allah until his death”. Someone asked Sahl: “Was there no enrichment at the time of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)?” He replied: “The Messenger of Allah never saw enrichment from the time he was sent until his death.”. Another person asked Sahl: “How do you eat unsifted wheat?”. He replied: “We pound it and blow on it, and what flies away flies away, and we cook the rest”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “One day the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) went out and met Abu Bakr and Umar (may Allah be pleased with them) and asked them: “What caused you both to come out at a time like this?”. Abu Bakr and Umar replied: “We are hungry, O Messenger of Allah. He said: “By the One in Whose hand is my soul, so am I”. Let us go. So they went with the Messenger of Allah until they reached the house of one of the Anshor companions but he was not at home. When his wife saw him, she immediately greeted him with : Marhaban Wa ahlan (Welcome), then the Messenger of Allah asked: “Where is Fulan (your husband)?” She replied: “He is fetching fresh water for us”. Shortly thereafter the Ansar companion came and saw the Messenger of Allah and his two companions, so he said: “Alhamdulillah, no one has a more honorable guest today than my guest”. He immediately took a tray of half-ripe and ripe dates and grapes and said: “Please eat”. Then he went to get a knife, but was reprimanded by the Messenger of Allah: “Do not slaughter the milk goat”. Then he slaughtered an ordinary goat (not a dairy goat) for his guest. So the Messenger of Allah, Abu Bakr and Umar ate dates, grapes and mutton and drank the drinks that had been provided. And after they had eaten with satiety and satisfaction, the Messenger of Allah said to Abu Bakr and Umar: “By the One in whose hand my soul is, on the Day of Resurrection you will certainly be asked about this favor you have enjoyed. You were driven by hunger to leave your homes and then you returned after enjoying this meal.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Khalid bin Umar Al Adawi reported: “Utbah bin Ghazwan who was the governor of Bashrah delivered a sermon in front of us. After he praised Allah, he said: “Then, verily, the world has warned you that it will be exhausted and corrupted, and will go on rapidly and will not remain except as the remainder of a drink in a kettle or a vessel made of aluminum that the owner has poured. Verily, all of you will pass from the worldly realm to a village that will never perish. So return with good things, for it has been said that if a stone were thrown into the bottom of Hellfire, it would not reach the bottom for seventy years. By Allah, the hell of Jahannam will surely be full. It has also been said that the distance between the two gates of Paradise is forty years, but one day the people who enter will be crowded together. At the time of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), the seven of us had nothing to eat but the leaves of the trees until our lips were cracked and I cut a piece of cloth in half to make a sarong for myself and Sa’d bin Malik, one half each. But now each of us has become the governor of a region. And verily I beseech Allah, that there be no feeling of greatness in my heart, for by nature it is very small in the sight of Allah”. Allah.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Musa Al Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) took out a thick cloth and sarong and showed it to us and said: “The Messenger of Allah when he died wore this cloth and sarong”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Sa’d ibn Abu Waggas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Indeed I was the first to throw arrows in the struggle of jihad fi sabilillah. We used to fight with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with nothing but the leaves of trees, so that we looked weak and pale, and when we defecated, it was like the dung of a goat, and the leaves did not even mix because they were so dry.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “O Allah, grant the family of Muhammad only that which will satisfy their hunger”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “By the One for whom there is no God but Him. I often pressed my stomach to the ground because I was very hungry and also often tied a stone to my stomach because I was hungry. One day I was sitting on the road when the Prophet passed by and smiled at me. He knew exactly what had happened to me, so he said: “O Abu Hirr, come with me (the Prophet)”. So I followed him until I reached his house. He entered and let me in and there the Prophet found a glass of milk. He asked his wife: “Where is this milk from?”. His wife replied: “Fulan has sent a gift for you”. Then the Messenger of Allah called me, he said: “O Abu Hirr”. I replied: Labaik, O Messenger of Allah. He said: “Go and find the people of the suffah and call them here”. Abu Hurairah ra. said: “The Suffah are people who have no family, property and relatives. When the Prophet received charity, he sent it to them and the Prophet did not take any of it and if the Prophet received a gift, then some of it was given to the ahlus suffah and some of it was taken for him. But at that time I felt I had the right to drink the milk first, even if it was just a sip to restore my strength. And later, when they came, I would be the one told to serve them, so what would I drink? That’s how my little heart felt. But obedience to Allah must come first. So I called them, and when they were seated in their places he called me and said: “Accept this and distribute it to them, Abu Hirr”. So I accepted the glass and gave it to the first man until he drank to his satisfaction. The glass was returned to me and I gave it to the other and he too drank until he was refreshed. The glass was given to me again until finally it came to the turn of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) where they were already drinking. Then he took the glass and held it while looking at me and smiling, then said: “O Abu Hirr”. I replied: “Labaik, O Messenger of Allah”. He said: “It is only me and you who have not drunk”. I said: “Yes, O Messenger of Allah”. He said: “Sit down and drink”. So I sat down and drank. He said again: “Drink”. I continued drinking. He continued to repeat his words: “Drink”, until I said: “No, by the One who sent you with the truth, there is no more room for milk in my stomach”. He said: “Give me the glass”. So he praised Allah, recited Basmalah and drank the rest of the milk”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Muhammad bin Sirin reported Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) as saying: “Indeed, I once fell between the pulpit of the Messenger of Allah and the room of ‘Aa’ishah because I fainted. So people came and someone put his foot on my neck and someone thought that I was crazy, but I was not. I fell down because I was too hungry.” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) breathed his last, his armor had just been pawned to pay a debt to a Jew of thirty sha’ or 75 kg. of sharif flour”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Anas reported: “The Prophet (peace be upon him) had pledged his armor as security for a debt of one saa’ of wheat. And I once came to the Prophet’s house with bread and oil. Also I have heard the Messenger of Allah say: “There is nothing in the family of Muhammad in the morning except a bushel of wheat, nor in the evening, even though the family of the Prophet is nine houses”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I saw seventy members of the ahlus suffah, none of whom had a blanket, a sarong or any other garment that could be tied around their necks. Some of them had only the cloth to cover their calves and some had only the cloth to cover their ankles, so they tugged at it with their hands for fear of exposing their nakedness.” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The mattress on which the Messenger of Allah slept was made of leather filled with coir”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah, suddenly an Anshor companion came and greeted us. When the man was about to rise, the Messenger of Allah asked: “O brother of Anshor, how is Sa’d bin Ubadah?”. He replied: “Fine”. Then he said to his companions: “Who among you wants to see him?”. Then he stood up and we stood up with him, about a dozen of us, and none of us wore sandals, shoes, skullcaps and shirts. We all set out in very simple clothes until we reached Sa’d’s house. Then his family withdrew and the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) and his companions drew near to him”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Imran bin Hushain (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet said: “The best generation is the generation of my century, then the century behind it, then the next Imran ra. said : “I do not know how many times he said it, either two or three times”. The Prophet said again: “Then after there will come a people who come forward to bear witness even though they are not asked, then they are treacherous and cannot be trusted, they make vows but do not fulfill them and later there will be among them fat bodies and large bellies.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Umamah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “O son of Adam, if you give away your surplus wealth, it will be better for you, but if you keep it, it will be bad for you. And you are not reproached for being well-off. And give precedence to those who are your dependents (i.e. your dependents)”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Ubadillah bin Mihsan Al Anshari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Whoever in the morning is able to create a sense of security in his household, secure his health, and has a supply of food for the day, then it is as if L has gathered for him the whole world”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. From Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash ra. that the Messenger of Allah said: “How fortunate is the person who has Islam, has sufficient provision and has a heart that accepts the karumia of Aliah SWT”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Muhammad Fadhalah bin Ubaid Al Anshari reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Berbaha: gialah is the one who has been guided to Islam, is well off and is content with what is given”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) and his family often did not eat in the evening for several nights because there was nothing to eat, and the bread they often had was wheat bread”. (HR. At Turmudzi)


  1. Fadhalah ibn Ubaid (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) would often fall down in congregational prayer due to hunger, so the Bedouins would say: “They are madmen”. So when the Messenger of Allah finished praying, he approached them and said: “If you knew the reward provided by Allah, you would increase your poverty and hunger”. (HR At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Karimah Al Migdad bin Ma’dikariba (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “There is no danger of a person filling his vessel / vessel more than the danger of filling his stomach. Sufficient for the son of Adam is a few mouthfuls of food that ‘can straighten his spine. If it is to be more than that, it should be divided into three: one-third for food, one-third for drink and one-third for his breath”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Umamah Iyas bin Tsa’labah Al Anshari Al Harisi (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “One day the Companions were talking about the luxuries of this world in the presence of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), so he said: “Have you not heard, have you not all heard, that simplicity is of faith, that simplicity is a sign of faith”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Abdullah Jabir bin Abdullah ra. he said: “The Messenger of Allah (saw) sent us in an army led by Ubaidah to ambush the Quraysh with a bag of dates as there was nothing else. Abu Ubaidah divided the dates one by one. Jabir was asked: “How did you enjoy that one date?”. He replied: “We sucked it like a child and then we drank water, so that was enough for the night”. We also pounded the leaves of the khobet tree (leaves for camel food) with a stick, wet it with water and ate it. We walked on until we reached the beach. There I found a mound of earth that resembled a hill, so we went to it and found that there was a large fish and it was also very long. Abu Ubaidah said: “A fish carcass”. Then he said again: “But it’s okay, you are all messengers of the Messenger of Allah and are fighting in the way of Allah while you are all in a very forced situation, so eat the carcass”. We stopped there for one month and our party consisted of three hundred people and we also became fat. We still remember when we took oil from the fish’s eye hole with a jar to use as fat, then we – cut it into pieces as big as oxen.


Abu Ubaidah had thirteen men sit in the fisheye hole, and he also took one of the ribs to stand on. Then he ordered the largest camel to walk under him and we followed behind, and we carried the jerky fish. When we arrived in Madinah, we went to the Messenger of Allah and told him about it. He then said: “That is a blessing that Allah has granted you all. Do you all still have some left over for us to eat (taste)?”. Then we brought the fish jerky to the Messenger of Allah and he ate it”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Asma’ bin Yazid (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The sleeve of the Prophet’s shirt was up to the wrist”. (HR. Abu Daud and Turmudzi)


  1. From Jabir ra. he said: “When we were digging trenches in the battle of Khandak, we came across soil that was very hard and difficult to dig. Then the Companions came to the Messenger of Allah and said: “This is very hard soil that is difficult to make a trench”. He said: “I should dig it”. Then he stood up while wrapping his stomach with a stone (because he had not had food for three days) then took a crowbar and hit the ground. but. Then suddenly the soil suddenly became crushed like dust scattered, so I said : “O Messenger of Allah, allow me to return home”. After reaching home I said to my wife: “I see that the Prophet is very hungry. Do you have any food?”. His wife replied: “I have some wheat and a goat”. “So I slaughtered the goat and pounded the wheat and placed it in a large pot. While the wheat dough in the pot was almost cooked, I went to the Messenger of Allah and said: “O Messenger of Allah, I have a little food, so please come to my house with one or two people”. He asked: “How much food is there?”. So I said that there was food. He said: ” It is quite a lot”. And the Prophet told me to tell my wife: “Do not lift this pot until I come”. Then he called his Companion: “O my friend, come with me”. So the companions of Muhajirin and Anshor came to my house. When I entered the house, I said to my wife: “Woe to you, because the Prophet came with his companions”. My wife asked: “Did he ask you about the food we had prepared?”. I replied: “Yes”. The Prophet told his companions to enter the house without crowding. Then he cut the bread and meat and closed the pot and left it on the grill and served it to the companions. Then he cut the bread and meat from the pot again, covered it again and served it to the Companions. Then he again cut bread and meat from the pot until all the companions were full and there was still some left over. Then the Prophet said to my wife: “Eat and share the rest because it is the season of famine and people are starving”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “That Jabir said: “When the trench was dug, I saw that the Prophet was very hungry so I immediately went home to my wife and said : “Do you have any food, for the Prophet was very hungry”. So my wife showed me a bushel of wheat, and we had a tame goat for us to slaughter. When I was going to meet the Prophet. | my wife said: “Do not make me ashamed of the Messenger of Allah and his companions!”. Immediately I came to the Messenger of Allah and said: “O Messenger of Allah, we have slaughtered a goat and cooked a bushel of wheat, so please come to the house”. Then the Messenger of Allah called out: “O men of Khandak, Jabir has made a celebration. Let’s all go there”. The Prophet also told me not to lift the pot and not to cut the bread dough before he came. I went home first and told my wife about it, to which she replied: “Your fault, your own fault for not obeying me”. I replied: “I did what you said”. Then the Messenger of Allah and his companions came and my wife took out the bread dough, then he spat on it and blessed it, then he went to the pot also spat on it and blessed it, then he said to my wife: “Call the baker, ask him to make bread with you and stir the pot but do not lift it”. At that time there were a thousand people. Jabir said: “By Allah, they were all full, so they left our place. And our pots still have the sound of cooking in them, just as the cooking is still intact as before, and the bread dough can still be made into bread as before”.


Umm Sulaim heard the voice of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) very weak because of hunger, do you have anything?”. Umm Sulaim replied: “Yes, I have”. Then she took out a few loaves of wheat bread, took her veil and wrapped some of the bread in it and put it in my shirt, and gave the rest to me, telling me to come quickly to the Messenger of Allah. When I reached the mosque, I found the Messenger of Allah sitting with his companions in the mosque, so he said to me: “Were you sent by Abu Talhah”. I replied: “Yes, O Messenger of Allah”. He asked again: “To eat”. I answered: “Yes”. Then the Messenger of Allah said: “Let us go there”. The Companions set out, and I ran first to tell Abu Talhah, Abu Talhah said to Ummu Sulaim: “The Messenger of Allah has come with his Companions, and we do not have enough food”. Umm Sulaim replied: “Allah and His Messenger know better”. Finally Abu Talhah picked up the Messenger and entered the house first and said: “Bring here the food that you will serve, Ummu Sulaim”. Then Ummu Sulaim served bread and cut it and smeared it with ghee as a side dish, then the prayers / recitations were recited by the Messenger of Allah PBUH. then he said: “Let ten people eat first”. So ten companions entered and ate until they were full and then left. He said again: “Let ten people eat first”. Then ten more people entered and ate until they were full and then left. Then ten more came in and ate until they were full and went out. Then he said again: “Let ten eat first”, so that in the end all of them ate their fill, even though there were seventy or eighty of them”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “Then after the ten went in and out, no one came out except full. Then they left, and the bread that they had eaten remained as it was when they were about to eat it”.


In another narration it is said: “Then, after eighty people came and went, the Messenger of Allah and the family of Abu Talhah ate, and they left a considerable amount of bread”.


In another narration it is said: “Then the leftovers could still be given to his neighbors”.


In another narration it is said: “Anas ra. said: “On one occasion I came to the Prophet and I saw him propping up his stomach with a stone, so I asked one of the companions: “Why did the Prophet put a stone in his stomach? “They replied: “Because of hunger.” Then I came to the house of my father Abu Talhah, the husband of Umm Sulaim (bint Milhan) and said: “Father, I saw the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) stuffing his stomach, so I asked his Companions, and they said that he did so because he was hungry”. So Abu Talhah came to my mother and said: “Is there anything to eat?”. She replied: “Yes, there are some pieces of bread and dates. If the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) had come here alone we would have given him a full meal, but if he had come with others it would have been less”. (There is more to this hadith).








Allah, may He be exalted, says: “There is not a creeping thing on the earth except that Allah provides for it.” (Hud: 9).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Give alms to the poor who are detained (by jihad) in the cause of Allah, they cannot labor on earth: the ignorant think that they are rich because they refrain from begging. You know them by their attributes; they do not ask people urgently” (al-Bagarah: 273).


Allah, the Almighty, says: “And those who, when they spend their wealth, are neither extravagant nor miserly, but are in the middle between the two”. (QS. Al Furqan: 27).


Allah ta’ala says: “I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me. I do not desire any sustenance from them, nor do I desire that they should feed upon Me.” (QS. Adh Dhariyat: 56).


Many of the hadiths related to this chapter have been mentioned in previous chapters. Those that have not been included are as follows:


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “It is not called rich who has a lot of wealth but what is called rich is the one who is rich in soul.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Indeed, fortunate is the person who has entered Islam and is given sufficient provision and Allah gives satisfaction with what he has given them”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Hakim bin Hizam (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I asked the Prophet and he gave it to me. Then I asked again, and he gave it to me. Then he said: “O Hakim, wealth is beautiful and sweet, so whoever takes it with generosity of spirit will get a blessing, but whoever gets it by wishing (begging) then he will not get a blessing, like a person who eats but never gets full. And an upper hand is better than a lower hand.” Hakim said: “O Messenger of Allah, by Allah who sent you by right, I will not take anything from anyone after you until I die”. Once Abu Bakr called Hakim to give him something but he refused to accept it. Also during the time of Umar ra. Hakim was called to receive something but he was reluctant to accept it. So Umar ra. said: “O Muslims, I testify to you that I gave the judge what was due to him as prescribed by Allah but he refused to accept it”. The judge remained unwilling to accept a gift from anyone after receiving a gift from the Prophet until his death”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Burdah reported that Abu Musa Al Ash’ari said: “We went out with the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) in a battle (Ghazwah), and we were so short of vehicles that six of us had to ride on one camel up and down, which caused my feet to break and my toenails to come off. And we were forced to bandage my feet with torn cloth. Hence this battle is called Dzatir riga’ because we bandaged our feet with torn cloth”.


Abu Burdah said: “At first Abu Musa liked to relate this incident, but then he was reluctant to relate it, and he said: “Why should I tell what I have done myself?”. Abu Burdah said: “As if he did not like to waste something he had done” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Amr bin Taghlib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came upon treasure or prisoners of war and divided them up. Some of them were given and some others were not given. The people who were not given it criticized him. After the news was heard by the Messenger of Allah, he praised and praised Allah and said: “Amma badu, by Allah I give to one person and do not give to another, the one I do not give to is more beloved to me than the one I give to. But I give only to those to whom I know the weakness of their hearts which are full of complaints and sorrow. And I leave to Allah those in whose hearts wealth and goodness have been established, among whom is Amr bin Taghlib. Amr b. Taghlib said: “By Allah, I do not like it when the words of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) are replaced by red-red cattle (which are very good)”. (HR Bukhari).


  1. Hakim bin Hizam reported that the Prophet said: “The hand above (giving) is better than the hand below (asking), and prioritize those who are your dependents. And the best charity is that which is issued from the one who has excess (wealth). Whoever guards his honor (by not begging), Allah will guard him, and whoever has enough (of Allah’s provision), Allah will suffice him.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abdur Rahman Muawiyah bin Abu Sufyan Sakhr bin Hazb (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Do not be urgent in begging. By Allah, if one of you asks me for something, and I am forced to give it to him, even though I do not like to give it, there will be no blessing from my giving it to him”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Abu Abdur Rahman Auf bin Malik Al Ashja’i (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When we were sitting together with nine or eight or seven people in the presence of the Messenger of Allah, he suddenly asked: “Will you not all pledge allegiance to the Messenger of Allah?”, even though we had just pledged allegiance. We replied: “We have pledged allegiance to you, O Messenger of Allah”. He asked again: “Will you not pledge allegiance to the Messenger of Allah?”. We stretched out our hands and said: “We have pledged allegiance, O Messenger of Allah, so on what basis should we pledge allegiance?”. The Prophet replied: “All of you should worship the One True God and not associate Him with anything, pray five daily prayers and you should listen to and obey all His commands”. Then the Prophet lowered his voice and said: “Do not ask for anything from anyone”. Auf said: “So I have seen among this group one whose whip fell but he did not ask anyone to get it for him”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “One of you will always beg until he faces Allah, and his face will have no flesh on it at all”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) was speaking on the pulpit and mentioned charity and refraining from begging, he said: “The hand above is better than the hand below. The hand above is the one that gives and the hand below is the one that asks”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever begs from his fellow human beings in order to enrich himself is actually asking for coals of fire. It is up to him whether he collects a little or will multiply it”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Samurah ibn Jundub (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Indeed, begging is a mask that a person makes on himself, except when asking the king (government) or asking for something because of extreme necessity / urgency”. (HR. Turmudzi).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever is afflicted with poverty or suffering and complains to his fellow human beings, his poverty or suffering will not be alleviated. And whoever complains to Allah, Allah will provide for him either immediately or later”. (Reported by Abu Daud and Turmudi).


14, Tsauban (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever dares to guarantee himself by promising not to ask for anything from fellow human beings, then that is why I will guarantee him the sun?”. I replied: “I am”, then ja never asked for anything from others”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Bisyr Qabishah ibn Al Mukharig (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I was carrying a very heavy burden, so I came to the Messenger of Allah to ask for help to lighten the burden, then he said: “Wait here until zakaah or charity comes, then we will tell the amil to give you your share.” He said: “Wait here until zakaah or charity comes, then we will tell the amil to give you your share. Then he said: “It is not permissible to ask, O Qabishah, except in three cases: one who is burdened with a very heavy burden, so it is permissible to ask until he gets what he needs, then he stops asking, one who has been struck by an accident, so that all his wealth is gone, so it is permissible to ask until he gets what will cover his needs, and one who is so poor that three wise men from his community say: “So-and-so is really poor”, then he may beg until he earns a decent living. Oabishah, begging for any other reason is an unlawful endeavor, and the one who eats from it eats from unlawful things.” (HR Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The poor man is not one who goes around begging from others so that he is denied a mouthful or two of food or denied a date or two. Rather, a poor person is one who is unable to provide for himself and never thinks of being given charity, and he does not beg his fellow human beings”. (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).








  1. Salim ibn ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar reported that his father ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar said: “The Messenger of Allah gave me charity, then I said: “O Messenger of Allah, give it to someone else who needs it more than I do”. He said: “Accept it, if it comes to you while you are not expecting and not asking. So accept it, then it is up to you whether you eat it or give it to others, and if not, then do not indulge in your lust for it (wishful thinking).”


Salim said: “So Abdullah never asked anyone for anything and never refused anything given to him”. (HR: Bukhari and Muslim).









Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “When you have finished your prayers, spread out over the earth and seek the bounty of Allah.” (QS. Al Jumuah: 10).


  1. Abu Abdullah Az Zubair Al Awwam (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Indeed, if one of you takes a rope and goes to the mountain to look for wood and then carries it to the market to sell it, with the proceeds of which Allah provides for his needs, it is better for him than begging from his fellow human beings, whether he is given or refused to him”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Indeed, if one of you searches for firewood and carries it on his back, that is better for him than begging from people, whether they give it to him or refuse it to him”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The Prophet David (peace be upon him) never ate except from the fruits of his own labor”. (HR. Bukhari?).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The Prophet Zakaria (peace be upon him) used to be a carpenter”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Al Migdam ibn Ma’dikariba (may Allah be pleased with him) reported. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “No one eats better food than the fruits of his own labor, and indeed the Prophet David (peace be upon him) also ate the fruits of his own labor”. (HR. Bukhari).









Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And whatever you spend, Allah will compensate you.” (QS. Saba’: 39)


Allah ta’ala says: “And whatever good you spend, the reward is for yourselves, and you should not spend anything except to seek the pleasure of Allah, and whatever good you spend, you will be rewarded in full, and you will not be wronged in the least”. (QS. Al Bagarah: 272)


Allah ta’ala says: “And whatever you give in charity of good wealth, Allah knows best”. (QS. Al Bagarah: 273)


  1. Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet said: “There is no permissible incitement except in two cases: a person who is given wealth by Allah and then spends it on upholding the truth, and a person who is given knowledge by Allah and then practices and teaches others.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet said: “Which of you loves his heir’s property more than his own?”. The Companions replied: “O Messenger of Allah, none of us but he loves his own property more”. He said: “Indeed, his own wealth is something that has been used (comes first) and the wealth of his heirs is something that has not been used or is still stored (comes later)”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. From Adi bin Hatim ra. that the Prophet said: “Fear you from the fire of hell even with the charity of half a date seed”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. From Jabir ra. he said: “Never was the Messenger of Allah asked for something and then refused (said: no)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Every morning two angels descend upon the servants, one of whom says: “O Allah, reward the one who spends his wealth”, and the other Angel says: “O Allah, bring destruction and annihilation upon the miser”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Allah ta’ala says: “Spend your wealth and We will repay you.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) was asked by a man: “What is the best deed in Islam?”. He replied: “It is that you give food, and say greetings, both to those you know and to those you do not know.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “There are forty kinds of deeds of which the best is giving a goat for milking only. There is no one who performs any of these forty deeds sincerely expecting the reward of Allah and fully believing in His reward except that Allah will surely admit him into Paradise.” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Umamah bin Ajlan (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “O son of Adam, if you give away your surplus wealth ma. ka it is better for you, and if you withhold it it will be bad for you You will not be reproached for your modesty. And give precedence to those who are your dependents. The hand above (the giver) is better than the hand below (the receiver)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was never asked for anything for the benefit of Islam but always gave it. Indeed, a beggar came to him, so he gave him a goat that was between two hills. Then he returned to his people and said: “O my people, hasten to Islam because Muhammad gave a gift to a man who did not worry at all about falling into poverty”. It is true that at first a person enters Islam for the sake of the world (wealth) but soon he will love Islam (wholeheartedly) more than he loves the world and everything in it”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) made a distribution, and I said: “O Messenger of Allah, besides those who were given a share there are many people who deserve it more than them”. He said: “They offered me two options: either they asked me by force and I gave it to them, or they thought that I was ungrateful, but I was not ungrateful”. (HR Muslim). .


  1. Jubayr ibn Muth’im (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When he was traveling with the Prophet. Returning from the battle of Hunain, the Prophet was pressed by Bedouins demanding a share until they forced him to a tree and managed to snatch his turban, so the Prophet stopped and said: “Give me the turban, indeed if I had as many cattle as this thorny tree I would have distributed it to all of you and all of you would not find me a philanderer, a liar and a coward”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The wealth that is given in charity does not decrease. And Allah does not add to the one who loves to forgive except glory. And there is no one who humbles himself for the sake of Allah except that Allah, the Glorious, the Great, will raise his rank.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Kabsyah Umar bin Sa’ad Al Anmari reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah say: “There are three things that I swear to him and I will tell you a news so remember carefully. They are that no one’s wealth will be depleted if he gives it in charity, and no one who is patient when he is wronged will be elevated by Allah, and no one will make a living by begging unless Allah opens the door to poverty for him. And now I am going to tell you, so listen carefully”. He went on to say: “There are four groups of people in this world: the one who is given wealth and knowledge and uses it to show piety towards his Lord, to build a bond of brotherhood, and to recognize the right of Allah in it. This kind of person is at the noblest level, a person who is blessed with knowledge by Allah but is not blessed with wealth, but with a sincere intention he says: “A person who is blessed with wealth but has no knowledge and spends his wealth without knowledge, and does not fear his Lord, and does not want to establish ties of kinship, and does not realize that there are rights of Allah in his wealth, is at the worst level: and a person who is blessed with neither wealth nor knowledge and says: “If I had the wealth that so-and-so has, I would do what so-and-so does,” then he would be sinning as much as the one who did it.” (HR. At Turmudzi)


  1. ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Companions slaughtered a sheep, and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asked: “Is there anything left?”. ‘Ā’ishah replied: “There is nothing left but the sampil”. Then he said: “There is nothing left but the sampil”. He meant: “Give in charity all of you with the goat except for the sample”. Then he said: “All of it will remain in the Hereafter for us except the sampil”. (HR. At Tumudzi).


  1. Asma’ bint Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Messenger of Allah said to me: “Do not always conceal your wealth so that Allah will conceal your blessings”.


In another narration it is said: “Give away, give away, give in charity your wealth and do not always count it, then Allah will count it for you and do not measure it, then Allah will measure (limit) it for you”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah say: “The example of a spendthrift and a spendthrift is like two men wearing armor from their milk to their shoulders.” The one who spends his wealth is like a man who wears armor from his milk to his shoulders. As for the one who gives away his wealth, then every time he gives away his wealth, the width of the armor he wears increases until it can cover his body. As for the one who gives away his wealth, every time he gives away his wealth, the armor he wears grows wider until it covers his body.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever gives in charity a single date from a good (halal) business and indeed Allah will not accept (charity) except that which is good (halal), then indeed Allah will accept that charity with His right hand and then Allah will nurture it (expand it) for the charitable person as one of you all nurtures a foal, so that the charity becomes as big as a mountain”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “While a man was walking in the desert, he suddenly heard a voice from the clouds: “Water so-and-so’s garden”. Then the cloud moved to a place where there were many stones and poured water. In the place where there are many stones, there is a ditch full of water and can drain the water. (The person continued to follow the course of the water) until he came to a garden where there was a man distributing water in the middle of his garden. he asked the man: “O servant of Allah, what is your name?”. The man replied: “Fulan”, (the exact same name that he had heard from the cloud). Then Fulan asked him back: “Why do you ask my name?”. He replied: “I have just heard the voice of the cloud that poured this water, saying: “Water the garden of so-and-so, whose name is the same as yours”. So what have you done?”. Fulan replied: “If you tell me so, then indeed I always pay attention to the produce of my garden where one third of the produce of my garden I give in charity, one third for me to eat with my family and the other third for seeds”. (HR. Muslim).








Allah, the Almighty, says: “As for those who are stingy and think themselves rich and deny the good, We will make easy for them the path to hardship. And his wealth will be of no benefit to him when he has perished.” (QS. Al Lail: 8-11)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Whoever is protected from selfishness, they are the fortunate ones.” (QS. Al Hashr : 9)


  1. Jabir reported that the Prophet said: “Fear you from wrongdoing, for wrongdoing is the darkness of the Day of Judgment. And fear from stinginess, for it has destroyed those who were before you, who were driven to bloodshed and to forbid everything that Allah has forbidden”. (HR. Muslim).







Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “The companions of Anshor give preference to their companions over themselves, even if they are in distress.” (QS. Al Hashr: 9)


Allah says: “They give their favorite food to the poor, the orphans and the captives”. (QS. Al Insan: 8)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man came to the Prophet and said: “I am very hungry”. So the Prophet took him to one of his wives and she said: “By the One who sent you by right, I have nothing but water”. Then he took it to another wife, and she said what the first wife had said, so that all his wives said what the first wife had said, namely: “No, I have nothing but water”. Then the Prophet said to his companions: “Who can entertain this guest tonight?”. One of the Anshor companions said: “I, O Messenger of Allah”. Then the man went with the Anshor friend to the house, and he said to his wife: “Honor the guest of the Messenger of Allah”.


In another narration it is said: “The companion said to his wife: “Do you have any food?”. His wife replied: “No, except food for the children”. The Companion said: “Keep the children entertained until they go to sleep, and when our guest comes in, extinguish the lights and show him that we are eating.” Then they sat down together and the guest ate, while the Ansar and his wife ate. Then they sat down together and the guest ate, while the companion of Anshor and his wife spent the night hungry. When in the morning they met the Prophet and he said: “Indeed, Allah has marveled at what you did to your guest last night”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The food of two can provide for three, and the food of three can provide for four”. (HR. ” Bukhari and Muslim).


In the narration of Muslim from Jabir ra. from the Prophet saw. he said: “The food of one person can suffice two people. And the right ma| of two people can provide for four people and the food of four people can provide for eight people”.


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “While we were traveling with the Prophet (peace be upon him) a man suddenly came riding while turning his head to the right and left, so the Prophet said: “Whoever has a surplus vehicle should be assisted by someone who does not have a vehicle, and whoever has a surplus of provisions should be assisted by someone who does not have provisions”. Then the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) mentioned various types of wealth until we felt that a person had no right to have anything more than his needs”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Sah! bin Sa’ad (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that a woman came to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) with a warm woven cloth and said: “I have woven this cloth myself with the intention that you will accept it”. So the Prophet accepted the woven cloth because he needed it. Then he went out wearing the woven cloth as a sarong, and Fulan said. “How nice the woven cloth is, I want to try wearing it”. He replied: “All right”. Then the Prophet sat down on his seat, went home and folded the woven cloth and sent it to the one who needed it. So the people said to Fulan: “It is not good for you that the woven cloth (blanket) has been used by the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the Prophet (peace be upon him) is in need of it and you are asking for it, while you know that the Prophet (peace be upon him) never refused anyone who asked for it”. So-and-so replied: “Indeed, by Allah I am not asking for it for my own use, but I will use it as a supply of shrouds in the future”. Sahl said: “Then it is true that it was made into a shroud for that man”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Musa Al Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, the Ash’arites, when their food supplies in battle were running out or the food for their families had decreased, they immediately gathered the remnants of their food supplies in one cloth and then divided it among them equally in a vessel. They are among my people and I am among theirs”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).








Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And to attain the happiness of the Hereafter, one should strive for it.” (QS. Al Muthaffifin: 26).


  1. Sahl ibn Sa’d (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was given a drink and he drank it. (After drinking) suddenly on his right was a young man (i.e. Ibn Abbas) and on his left was an elderly man. So the Prophet said to the young man: “May I give a drink to this elderly man?”. The young man replied: “By Allah, I will not give my share of you to anyone else”. So the Prophet gave the drink (leftover) that was in his hand to the young man”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When Prophet Ayyub (peace be upon him) was bathing naked, a gold locust suddenly fell on him and he hid it in his shirt. So God, the Glorious, the Great, called him (said): “O Ayyub, have We not given you wealth beyond that?”. Prophet Ayyub (peace be upon him) replied: “Yes, my Lord the Glorious, but I have not had enough of Your blessings”. (HR. Bukhari).








Allah ta’ala says: “As for the one who gives in the cause of Allah and is pious and believes in the truth of good (Paradise), We will prepare for him an easy path.” (QS. Al Lail 5-7).


Allah ta’ala says: “And the most pious person will be kept away from Hell, the one who spends his wealth to purify himself, even though no one has bestowed a favor on him that he should repay, but he only expects the pleasure of his Lord Most High. And then he will be satisfied.” (QS. Al Lail: 17-21)


Allah ta’ala says: “If you show your charity, it is better. And if you all conceal it, and you give it to the needy, that is better for you. And Allah will expiate your wrongs. Allah knows what you do.” (QS. Al Bagarah: 271)


Allah ta’ala says: “You will never attain complete good until you spend some of the wealth that you love. And whatever you spend, Allah knows”. (QS. Ali Imran: 92).


  1. Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet said: “No envy is permissible except in two cases: a person who is given wealth by Allah and spends it in righteousness, and a person who is given knowledge by Allah and then uses that knowledge and teaches it to others”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “No envy is permissible except in two cases: a person whom Allah grants an understanding of the Qur’an and uses it as a guide for his life day and night, and a person whom Allah grants wealth and spends it, day and night”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the companions of the Muhajirin came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) when they were poor and said: “The rich have attained a lofty rank and obtained eternal enjoyment”. He asked: “Why is that?”. They replied. “They can pray as we pray, they fast as we fast, they can give charity while we cannot, they can free slaves while we cannot free slaves”. Then he said: “Shall I teach you a deed that will catch up with them and you will be at the forefront of those who come after you, and no one will be better than you except those who do as you do?”. They replied: “Yes, O Messenger of Allah”. He replied: “That is, all of you should recite Tasbih (SUBHAANALLAAH), Takbir (ALLAAHU AKBAR) and Tahmid (AL HAMDU LILLAAH) at the end of each prayer 33 times”. Then after that the poor man (from the Muhajirin) came again to the Prophet and said: “Our rich brothers heard what we did and did as we did”. So the Prophet said: “That is the bounty of Allah given to whomsoever He wills”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).








Allah says: “Every soul will taste death. And it is only on the Day of Resurrection that your reward will be completed. So whoever is kept away from Hellfire and admitted to Paradise has indeed been fortunate. The life of the world is nothing but deceitful pleasures.” (QS. Ali Imran: 185).


Allah, the Almighty, says: “No one knows with certainty what he will do tomorrow, and no one can know on which earth he will die.” (QS. An Nahl: 61).


Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “When their death comes, they will not be able to delay it for a moment, nor will they be able to ask for it.” (QS. Al A’raf: 33).


Allah says: “O you who believe, let not your wealth and your children distract you from the remembrance of Allah. Whoever does so, then they are the losers. And spend some of what We have given you before death comes among you all, then say: “O my Lord, You have not delayed my death until such a time as I might give in charity and be among the righteous. And Allah will not delay the death of anyone when the time of his death has come. Allah knows best what you have all done.” (QS. Al Munafigun: 9-11).


Allah says: “Such is the state of the disbelievers that when death comes to one of them, he says: “O my Lord, bring me back to the world so that I may do good to what I have left behind”. But no. Verily, it is only a word that he utters. And before them is a wall until the day they are resurrected. When the trumpet is blown, there will be no blood relationship between them on that day, nor will they ask each other questions. Those whose scales of good deeds are heavy are the lucky ones. And those whose scales of good deeds are light are the ones who harm themselves, and they will remain in the Hellfire. Their faces will be burnt with fire and they will be disfigured therein. Have not My verses been recited to you all, but you have always denied them”. Until the words of Allah, which means: “How many years did you live on earth?”. They answered: “We live on the earth a day or half a day, so ask those who count”. Allah said: “You do not dwell on the earth but for a short time. If you knew.” So do you think that We have created you playfully, and that you will not be returned to Us?”. (Al Mukminun: 99-100 and 101-115).


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Has the time not come for those who believe, to subdue their hearts to the remembrance of Allah and to the truth that has been revealed to them, and let them not be like those to whom the Book was previously revealed, then a long period passed over them and their hearts became hardened. And most of them are the wrongdoers”. (OS Al Hadid: 16).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, touched my shoulder and said: “You live in this world like a stranger or a wanderer”. And Ibn Umar ra. said: “If you are in the evening then do not wait for the morning. And if you are in the morning then do not wait for the evening. Use the time of your health for the time of your sickness, and use the time of your life for the provision of death”. (HR, Bukhari).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “There is no right for a Muslim who has something to be ordered / willed, and then stays up to two nights unless the message must be written by him”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In the Muslim narration it says: “Delayed until three nights Ibn Umar ra. said: “Since I heard the Messenger of Allah say that, I have never spent a night unless I write my will”.


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet drew some lines and said: “This is the wish/goal of man and this is his death. So when he is busy achieving his dreams, suddenly comes this shorter line (i.e. his death)” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet made a drawing of a rectangle in the center of which a straight line was drawn out and he also made small lines next to the center line, then said: “This is the human being, and the rectangular line is the confinement of his death, while the long line that extends out of the boundary is the wishful thinking of the human being and the short lines are the distractions that always surround the human being. If he is able to overcome the first, he will face the second, and if he is able to overcome this, he will face this”. (HR. Bukhari).


Here is the picture:


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Hurry up all of you to do charity before the arrival of seven things. What are you waiting for other than poverty that neglects, or old age that exhausts, or death that cuts off (everything), or the coming of the Dajjal where he is the worst that we look forward to, or the coming of the Hour which is very heavy and troublesome “. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Remember an event that destroys all delights, namely death”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. From Ubay bin Ka’ab ra. he said: “Sometimes when a third of the night had passed, the Prophet would get up and say: “O people, remember Allah, there has come that shaking of the heart which is followed by the next. Death has come with all its risks and remember death with all that is associated with it”. I asked: ” O Messenger of Allah, I always recite salawat for you so how much time should I spend reciting salawat?”. He replied: “As much as you like”. I asked: “A quarter?”. The Prophet replied: “As much as you like”. And if you want to increase it, that is better for you.” I asked: “Half?”. He replied: “As much as you like”. I asked: “Two-thirds?”. He replied: “As much as you like”, and if you want to increase it then that is better for you”. I said: “Then I will spend all my time reciting salawat to you”. He replied: “If that is the case, then you will be spared anything that troubles your heart and all your sins will be forgiven”. (HR: At Turmudzi).







  1. Buraydah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “I used to forbid you all to go on grave pilgrimage, but now you all go on pilgrimage”. (HR. Muslim)


In another narration it is said: “So whoever wants to make a pilgrimage to the grave then make a pilgrimage because the pilgrimage of the grave can remind the hereafter”.


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “Whenever the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) took turns to spend the night at ‘Aisha’s place, at the end of the night the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) would go out to the grave of Bagi’ and say: ASSALAAMU’ALAIKUM DAARA QAUMIM MUKMINIIN WA ATAAKUM MAA TUU’ADUUNA GHADAN MUAJJALUUNA. WA INNAA INSAA ALLAAHU BIKUM LAAHIQUUN (Welfare may rest upon you all, O dwellers of the villages of the believers, and all that has been promised to you will be delivered to you at the appointed time. And we, inshallah, will soon overtake you all. O Allah forgive the sins of the dwellers of Baqi’al Gharqad)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Buraydah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet (peace be upon him) always taught his companions the procedure when going to the grave, which is to say : ASSALAAMU ‘ALAIKUM AHLADDIYAARI MINAL MUKMINIINA WAL MUSLIMIINA WAINNAA INSYAA ALLAAHU BIKUM LAAHIQUUN. AS ALULLAAHA LANAA WALAKUMUL AAFIYATA (May prosperity be upon you, all you dwellers of the neighborhood consisting of believers and Muslims. And we will, inshallah, catch up with you all. I ask Allah to grant us and all of you safety”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah passed by a grave in Madinah, then he faced the grave and said: ASSALAMU ‘ALAIKUM YAA AHLAL QUBUURI. YAGHFIRULLAAHU LANAA WALAKUM. ANTUM SALAFUNAA WANAHNU BIL ATSARI (May prosperity continue to be bestowed upon all of you who dwell in graves. May Allah forgive us and you all. You have gone before us and we will follow after you.” (HR: At Turmudzi).







  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “None of you should wish for death. If he is a good person, he may increase his good deeds, and if he is a bad person, he may repent immediately.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


In the hadeeth narrated by Muslim it is said, from Abu Hurairah ra. from the Messenger of Allah saw. he said: “Let not one of you all hope for death and do not pray for death, for if he dies, all his deeds will cease. And for the believer who is still extended his life will increase his goodness “.


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Let none of you wish to die because of calamity / bad luck. But if he is forced to wish for death then he should pray: ALLAAHUMMA AHYINII MAA KAANATIL HAYAATU KHAIRAL LII, WATAWAFFANII IDZAA KAANATIL WAFAATU KHAIRAL LII (O Allah, lengthen my life if it is more good for me and die soon if death is better for me)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Qais ibn Abi Hazim reported: “We went to the house of Khabab bin Arrat because he had a hot iron in seven places, and he said: “Verily, our companions who had gone before were not tempted in the least by the treasures of this world, while we have found something that does not deserve to be placed except in the ground. If the Prophet had not forbidden praying for death I would have prayed for death”. Then after some time we came again to see him who was building a wall, so he said: “Verily, a Muslim is always rewarded in all that he spends, except what he spends on this earth.” (HR: Bukhari and Muslim).








Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And you all regard it as light, but it is very great in the sight of Allah”. (QS. An Nur: 15)


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says: “Verily, your Lord is indeed always watching”. (QS. Al Fajr: 14)


  1. An Nu’man ibn Bashir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Verily, what is lawful is clear and what is unlawful is also clear, and between them there are doubtful things that not many people understand. Whoever is cautious of the shubhat (doubtful matters) will protect his religion and honor. And whoever falls into what is doubtful will fall into what is forbidden, just as a shepherd who grazes his cattle in the vicinity of a forbidden place may fall into it. Remember that every ruler has a forbidden place. And remember that the prohibition of Allah is something that is forbidden. Remember that there is a lump of flesh in the body, and if it is good, then the whole body is good. And if that lump of flesh is corrupted then all the body is corrupted.


Remember that lump of meat is the heart”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Anas reported that the Prophet found a date in the middle of the road and said: “If I had not been worried that this date was charity, I would have eaten it”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. An Nawwas ibn Sam’an reported that the Prophet said: “Goodness is good manners. And sin is anything that one feels uneasy about and fears that others will find out about.” (HR. Muslim)


  1. Wabishah ibn Ma’bad (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I came to the Prophet and he said: “Do you want to ask about goodness (Al Bir)?”. I replied: “Yes”. Then he said: “Ask your own heart. Goodness is something that makes a person’s soul and heart calm. Whereas sin is something that causes turmoil in the soul and doubt in the heart, even though people advise you.” (HR. Ahmad and Ad Darimi)


  1. Abu Sirwa’ah Ukbah ibn Harist (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he married Zainab the daughter of Abu Lahab ibn Aziz, then a woman came and said: “I used to breastfeed Ukbah and the woman he married”. Ukbah said to her: “I did not know that you had breastfed me, nor did you ever tell me”. So he went to Madinah to ask the Messenger of Allah about it, and the Messenger of Allah said: “What else, it is obvious”. So Ukbah was forced to divorce his wife, and she married another man”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Al Hasan ibn Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I always remember the teaching of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: “Leave what is doubtful and do what is not doubtful”. (HR. At Turmudzi)


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “Abu Bakr had a servant (slave) who always brought food for him, and Abu Bakr always ate from the food that was brought. So one day his servant brought him food and Abu Bakr ate it, but suddenly his servant asked: “Do you know where the food came from?”. Abu Bakr said: “Why?”. The servant said: “In the days of Jahiliyyah I used to act as a shaman when I knew nothing about shamanism, and would only deceive. And now he meets me and gives me food, which is the food you ate earlier?”. Then Abu Bakr immediately put his fingers in his mouth so that he vomited all the food that was in his stomach”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Nafi’ reported that ‘Umar ibn Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) distributed to the muhajirin companions who had emigrated first, 4,000 (four thousand) and to his own son only 3,500 (three thousand five hundred). So when someone said to him: “Why did you reduce his share when he was among the companions of the Muhajirin?”. Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) replied: “He was brought to Hijrah by his father. He cannot be equated with those who made Hijrah on their own”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Athiyah ibn Urwah As Sa’di As Sahabi (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “A person cannot reach the level of muttaqin until he abandons what is not sinful for fear of falling into what is sinful”. (narrated by At-Turmudzi).








Allah ta’ala says: So hasten to return to Allah. Indeed I am a clear warner (from Allah to all of you).” (QS. Adh Dhariat: 50).


  1. Saad ibn Abu Waqqas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Prophet say: “Verily, Allah loves His pious servant who is rich and conceals his deeds” (Muslim). .


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man asked the Prophet: “O Messenger of Allah, who is the best of men?”. He replied: “The believer who fights with his soul and wealth”. He asked again: “Then who?”. He replied: “That is someone who is alone in a village to worship Allah SWT.”. In another narration it is said: “With the aim of fearing Allah and keeping away from the evil of men”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “It has almost come to pass that the best of a Muslim’s wealth is a herd of sheep grazed in the mountains and at the springs solely for the sake of avoiding the temptations that disturb his religion”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Allah has not sent a Prophet except that he herds goats”. The companions asked: “And you, O Messenger of Allah?”. He replied: “Yes, I used to herd the goats of the people of Makkah for a few qiraths”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The best of a man’s life is one who holds the reins of his horse in the fight of fisabilillah. He jumps on the back of his horse when there is a call to war or the like, with which he seeks killing or death in the place (where he thinks there is an enemy), or a person who herds goats on the top of a mountain or in a ravine by always establishing prayer, giving zakat and continuing to worship until the end of his life where he relates to people in kindness “. (HR. Muslim).








It should be noted that interacting with people in the manner prescribed above is the practice of the Messenger of Allah, the Prophets, the Khulafaur Rashidin, other Companions, the Tabiin, scholars and religious leaders after the Tabiin. This practice was also practiced by the tabiin and scholars after them. This was also done by Imam Shafii, Imam Ahmad and other jurists. May Allah be pleased with them all.


Allah ta’ala says:


Meaning: “Help each other in doing good and piety”. There are many verses that discuss this issue.








– Allah says: “And humble yourselves to the believers who follow you”. (QS. Al Hijr: 88)


Allah says: “O you who believe, whosoever among you apostatizes from his religion, Allah will bring forth a people whom Allah loves and they love Him, who will be gentle with the believers and severe with the disbelievers.” (QS. Al Maidah: 57).


Allah says: “O people, We have created you male and female and made you tribes and nations so that you may know one another. Indeed, the most honorable in the sight of Allah is the most pious among you all.” (QS. Al Hujurat: 13)


Allah ta’ala says: “And do not all of you say that you are the most pure. It is He who knows best those who are pious.” (QS. An Najm 1 32).


Allah ta’ala says: “Call the people of A’raf (who are between Paradise and Hell) to those whom they know by their signs, and say : “The wealth you accumulate and what you boast about cannot benefit you”. (The people of A’raf asked the inhabitants of hell): “Are these the people to whom you swore that they would not have the mercy of Allah?”. And (to the believers it is said): “Enter Paradise; there will be no fear for you, nor will you grieve”. (QS. Al A’raf: 47)


  1. Iyadh ibn Himar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Verily, Allah has revealed to me that you should be tawadhu’ (humble) so that no one is arrogant towards others, nor does anyone mistreat others.” (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The wealth will not decrease because it is given in charity. Allah will not add to the one who likes to forgive except glory. And there is no one who is humble but Allah will raise his rank”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he used to associate with children and pass by them until he greeted them. And ja (Anas ra.) said: “The Prophet also did this”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Anas reported that he said: “When the slave girl in Madinah took the Prophet’s hand, he would always follow her wherever she wanted to go.” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Aswad bin Yazid reported: “I once asked ‘Aisha about something that the Prophet used to do. Aisha ra. replied: “He always took care of his family by helping them. And when it was time to pray, he immediately went out to pray in congregation”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Rifa’ah Tamim bin Usaid (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I came to the Prophet while he was giving a speech, and I said: “O Messenger of Allah, a foreigner has come to ask about a religious matter that he does not understand”. So he approached me and stopped his speech for a moment and took a chair and sat on it while teaching what Allah had taught him, then the Prophet returned to the mim-bar to finish his speech”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that when he finished eating, he would lick his fingers. Anas said that the Prophet said: “When the food of one of you falls, pick it up, and clean the dirt that sticks to it and eat it and do not leave it for the devil to eat. He also commanded us to clean the remains of food on the plate, where he said: “Verily, all of you do not know which food brings blessings”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Allah did not send a prophet but he used to herd goats”. The companions asked: “And you, O Messenger of Allah?”. He replied: “Yes, I used to herd sheep for the people of Mecca and I was paid a few qiraths”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “If I had been invited to eat an animal’s leg or thigh, I would have accepted the invitation, and if I had been given an animal’s thigh or calf as a gift, I would have accepted it”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The camel of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), nicknamed Al “Adhba, could never be chased. One day an Arab Bedouin riding his camel (which was still young) was able to catch up and overtake his camel (which was nicknamed Al Adhba), so the Muslims were annoyed, and finally the Prophet said: “The truth is worthy of Allah, nothing in this world will boast but Allah will humble it”. (HR. Bukhari).




 Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “The Hereafter We have made for those who are not arrogant and who do not cause corruption on earth, and the good end is for the righteous.” (QS. Al Oashah: 83)


Allah ta’ala says: “And walk not on the earth arrogantly”. (QS. Al Isra’ : 37)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Do not turn your faces away from your fellow human beings and do not walk on the earth arrogantly. Verily, Allah does not like those who are arrogant and boastful”. (QS. Al Luqman: 18).


Allah says: “Karun was among the people of Moses, but he was proud of them. And We have bestowed upon him treasures whose keys are heavy on the shoulders of strong men. (Remember) when his people said to him: “Do not be too proud, indeed:” Allah loves those who do not boast. And seek that which Allah has bestowed upon you for the happiness of the Hereafter, and do not forget your happiness from the happiness of this world, and do unto others as Allah has done unto you, and do not cause corruption on the earth.” Verily, Allah does not like those who do mischief.”


“Karun said: “Surely I have been given wealth only because of my own cleverness”. Does he not know that Allah has indeed destroyed previous ummahs that were stronger than him, and accumulated more wealth?”. And need not the sinners be told of their sins?”.


Then Karun went out to his people in his luxury. And those who desired the treasures of the world said: “May we have what has been given to Karun; surely he has great good fortune”. And those who were endowed with knowledge said: “Great is your misfortune; Allah’s reward is better for those who believe and do righteous deeds, and it is not attained except by those who are patient”.


Then We buried Karun and his house in the earth, and there was not for him any group to help him against the punishment of Allah, and he was not among those who could defend themselves.” (QS. Al Qashash: 76-81)


  1. Abdullah ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet said: “No one will enter Paradise who has pride in his heart, even if it is the weight of an atom”. A man said: “There is a man who wears fine clothes and likes to wear fine sandals.” Then he said: “No one will enter Paradise. Then behau said: “Verily, Allah is beautiful and loves beauty. The essence of arrogance is rejecting the truth and belittling one’s fellow human beings”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Salamah bin Al Akwa’ (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “There was a man eating in the presence of the Messenger of Allah using his left hand, so he then said: “Eat with your right hand”. The man replied: “I can’t?”. He said: “You can’t, it is an act of arrogance”. Salamah said: “Then the man could not raise his right hand to his mouth”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Harithah bin Wahab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Would you like me to tell you about the people of Hell?”. Those who are cruel, greedy and arrogant”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri reported that the Prophet said: “Heaven and hell are arguing, in which hell says: “My portion is the one who is cruel and arrogant”. And heaven also says: “My share are the weak or oppressed and the poor”, then Allah gave a decision on both : “You are heaven, indeed you are the place of My mercy. And I will give mercy to whom I will. As for you, hell, you are indeed a place of My torment, and I will torment whomever I will. And for both of you (heaven and hell) I will fulfill it”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Allah will not look with mercy on the one who lowers his garment below his ankles out of haughtiness or pride on the Day of Resurrection”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will not speak to three groups of people, Allah will not forgive their sins and Allah will not look at them and Allah will torture them: parents who commit adultery, rulers who love to lie and poor people who are arrogant”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Allah has said: “Glory is My garment and greatness is My shawl. Therefore, whoever rivals Me, I will surely torment him”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Once there was a man walking wearing beautiful jewelry, combing his hair and always wondered at himself with full of arrogance in walking, suddenly Allah destroyed him, namely he always arises and sinks on the surface of the earth until the coming of the Day of Resurrection”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Salamah bin Al Akwa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah said: “There is no end to a man’s boasting, arrogance and pride so that he will be written among the cruel and arrogant people, and then he will be tortured as they have been tortured.” (HR. At Turmudzi).








Allah, the Almighty, says: “Surely you, Muhammad, are of excellent character.” (QS. Al Qaf: 4).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And those who restrain their anger and forgive others their trespasses, and Allah loves those who do good”. (QS. Ali Imran: 134).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) was the most virtuous of men”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. From Anas ra. he said: “I have never touched silk that is thick or thin more than the smoothness of the hand of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, nor have I ever smelled anything more fragrant than the smell of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him. And I have served the Messenger of Allah for ten years, but he has never yelled at me with the word “Hus” nor has he ever reprimanded me with the words “why do you act like that” for anything I do, nor has he ever said “why don’t you do that” for what I don’t do”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Sha’ab ibn Jatsamah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: I once gave the Messenger of Allah a gift of a wild donkey but he refused. When he saw the change in my face, he said: “I did not refuse your gift, but I was in ihram. (Because it is strictly forbidden for a person in ihram to hunt or catch wild animals)”. (HR Muslim).


  1. An Nawas ibn Sam’an (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I asked the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) about goodness and sin, and he said: “Goodness is good manners, and sin is something that makes your heart uneasy and you feel unhappy if it is known to others.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah was not a vile and evil person, and he said: “Verily, the best among you is the one with the best manners”. (HR. Bukhari and Mushm).


  1. Abu Darda’ reported that the Prophet said: “There is nothing that will weigh more heavily for a believer on the Day of Resurrection than good manners. And verily, Allah hates the one who commits abominations and speaks foul.” (HR. Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) was asked about the deeds that enter people into Paradise?”. He replied: “It is to fear Allah SWT. and good character”. And he was also asked about what deeds that many people enter the hell?”. He replied: “The things of the mouth and private parts.” (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The most perfect believer is the one who has the best manners among all of you, and the best man among all of you is the one who is good to his wife”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say. “Indeed, the believer can catch up to the degree of the one who fasts continuously and always (performs) night prayers by means of good manners.” (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. From Abu Umamah. Al Bahili ra. he said, the Messenger of Allah said: “I guarantee a house in the garden of Paradise for the one who will give up arguing even if he is right, and I guarantee a house in the middle of Paradise for the one who will give up lying even if he is joking. And I guarantee a house in the upper part of Paradise for those who are of good character”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Verily, the person whom I love the most among you all and will sit next to me on the Day of Resurrection is the one with the best manners. Verily, the one whom I hate the most and will sit apart from me on the Day of Judgment is the one who is talkative and loud-mouthed or boastful”. The Companions said: “O Messenger of Allah, we have understood about the talkative and loud-mouthed person. Then what is meant by loud-mouthed?”. He replied: “Those who are arrogant”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. It was narrated by al-Turmudzi from ‘Abdullah ibn al-Mubarok in interpreting the meaning of good manners, who said: “Good manners are to be sweet-faced, to help in good and to prevent harm.”







Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And those who restrain their anger and forgive the wrongs of others. So Allah loves those who do good.” (QS. Ali Imran: 134).


Allah says: “Be forgiving and enjoin good and turn away from the ignorant”. (QS. Al A’raf: 198).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says: “Good is not equal to evil. Repel evil with good, and suddenly those between whom there was enmity will seem to you as if they had become intimate friends. These good qualities are not bestowed except on those who are patient, nor are they bestowed except on those who have great good fortune.” (QS. Fushshilat: 34).


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “And indeed for the patient and forgiving, such are among the best of things.” (Ash-Shura: 43).


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to Asyajji Abdul Qais, who was wounded: “Verily you have two good traits that are highly favored by Allah, namely patience and calmness”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Aisha (ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Verily, Allah is lenient and favors leniency in all things”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. ‘Aisha reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, Allah is lenient and loves leniency. Allah gives on the basis of leniency that which could not have been given on the basis of harshness, nor was it given on any other basis”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet said: “There is no leniency in a thing except that it will beautify it, and the absence of leniency in a thing means that it will make it ugly”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A Bedouin was urinating in the Masjid and the people rose up to beat him, so the Prophet said: “Leave him alone and pour a bucket of water on his urine. Verily, I was sent to you all to make things easy and not to make things difficult for you”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Anas reported that the Prophet said: “Make it easy and do not make it difficult, encourage and do not frighten you all”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. From Jabir bin Abdullah ra. he said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Whoever is hindered (forbidden) to be lenient is hindered (forbidden) to do all good”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that a man said to the Prophet: “Give us a message/will”. He replied: “Do not be angry”. He repeatedly asked the Prophet for his advice, and he said: “Do not be angry”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Ya’la Shaddad bin Aus (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Verily Allah has made it obligatory to do good to everything. Therefore if you all kill then be kind in the killing. And when you slaughter, be kind in slaughtering and sharpen the knife and make the slaughtered animal happy”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “Never once was the Messenger of Allah asked to choose between two things, but he always chose the easier one, so long as there was no sin in it. And if the easier one was sinful then he was the one who avoided it the most. And the Messenger of Allah never avenged himself except when what Allah had forbidden him to do, so he avenged himself for the sake of Allah.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Would you like me to tell you about a person to whom Hellfire is forbidden, or about a person to whom Hellfire is forbidden? Hellfire is forbidden to the one who always draws near to Allah, who is gentle and lenient, and who always makes things easy?”. (narrated by At-Turmudzi).







Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Be forgiving, and enjoin people to do good, and turn away from those who are ignorant”. (QS. Al A’raf: 199).


Allah ta’ala says: “So forgive in a good way.” (QS. Al Hjjr: 85).


Allah says: “And let them forgive and have patience. Do you not wish that Allah would forgive you all?”. (QS. An Nur: 22).


Allah says: “And those who forgive the wrongs of others. Allah loves those who do good.” (QS. Ali Imran: 134).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And those who are patient and forgiving are indeed among the best of things.” (Ash-Shura: 43).


  1. ‘Ā’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that she asked the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): “Has there ever been a day harder for you than the day of the battle of Uhud?”. He replied: “Indeed I have suffered from your people, and the hardest was the day of Aqabah when I took the time to invite the son of Abdul Jalil bin Abdul Khulal but he greeted me not in accordance with my expectations. Then I left with my heart upset and so sad that I walked unconsciously. It was not until Qarnut Tsa’alib that I came to my senses and raised my head and I was shaded by a cloud. When I looked at the cloud, I found that the Angel Gabriel was there, calling me and saying: “Verily, Allah has heard your people’s response to you in which they rejected your invitation. And now Allah has sent the Angel who guards the mountain to obey your commands in tormenting them”. Then the guardian angel of the mountain greeted me and said: “O Muhammad, verily God has heard the words of your people and I am the Angel of the mountain. God has sent me to obey all your commands. If you wish, then I will bring down these two mountains to torment them”. The Prophet replied: “But I still hope that God will bring out from their descendants those who worship God and do not associate anything with Him”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) never used his hand to hit his wives and servants, except only when he was fighting in the cause of Allah. And he never retaliated against those who offended or annoyed him except when something forbidden by Allah had been violated, so he punished for the sake of Allah”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When I was walking with the Prophet and he was wearing a Najran blanket with thick edges, I met a Bedouin who tried to pull the Prophet’s blanket as hard as he could until it made an impression on the Prophet’s neck. Then the Bedouin said: “O Muhammad, give me the treasure of Allah that you have”. The Prophet turned to the Bedouin with a smile, and he sent his servant to fulfill the Bedouin’s request”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “It is as if I still see the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) describing the incident of a Prophet who was mistreated by his people until he was covered in blood (may Allah continue to bestow mercy and prosperity upon them (the Prophets) (While wiping the blood from his face the Prophet prayed: ALLAAHUM.MAGHFIR LIQAUMI FA INNAHU LAA YA’LAMUUN (O Allah, forgive the sins of my people because they do not understand)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “It is not called a strong man, the one who is strong in wrestling. But what is called a strong man is the one who can control his passions in times of anger”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).








Allah says: “And those who restrain their anger and forgive the wrongs of others. Allah loves those who do good.” (al-Imran: 134).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And indeed, those who are patient and forgiving are among the best of things.” (Ash-Shura: 43).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that a man said to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “Indeed I have a family where when I contact them, they break the bonds of brotherhood. And if I do good to them, they do evil to me. And if I support them, they become ignorant”. Then he said: “If what you say is true, then it is as if you have scattered hot coals on them. And later you will get His help from their actions as long as you continue to do so”. (HR. Muslim).








Allah says: “Whoever glorifies what Allah has forbidden, that is better for him in the sight of his Lord”. (OS – Al Haj: 30).


Allah says: “If you all help the religion of Allah, He will help you and establish your position”. (QS. Muhammad: 7).


  1. From. Abu Mas’ud Ukbah bin Amr Alt Badri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man came to the Prophet and said: “I was forced to withdraw from the Fajr congregational prayer because so-and-so prolonged the recitation of his prayer with us”. Ukbah said: “I have never seen the Prophet (peace be upon him) more angry than he was at that time when he said: “O people, there are those among you who make people far away, so whoever among you is the imam, shorten his recitation, because behind him there are old people, there are people who are weak and there are also people who have other needs.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came from traveling, I covered the middle part of the house with a veil that had a picture on it. When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saw it, he tore the picture and his face changed and he said: “O ‘Ā’ishah, the heaviest torment on the Day of Resurrection will be that of those who make images of Allah.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. ‘Ā’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Quraysh were busy deliberating about the Makhzumiah woman who had stolen that, so they said: “Who will have the courage to bring this matter to the Prophet’s attention?”. Some of them said:


“No one is fit to convey this matter to him except Usamah bin Zaid whom he loves”. Finally Usamah brought the matter to his attention, and the Prophet asked: “Do you seek to protect those who violate God’s law?”. He then stood up and said: “Verily what destroyed the ummah before you all was when a respected person stole and was left unpunished. On the other hand, if the thief was poor and weak, they carried out the punishment. By Allah, if Fatimah the daughter of Muhammad had stolen, I would have cut off her hand”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saw phlegm in the direction of the Qiblah, so he was displeased that he looked different and immediately got up and threw it away with his hand, saying: “Verily, when one of you is praying, he is whispering to his Lord, and his Lord is between him and the Qiblah. So do not spit in the direction of the Qiblah, but rather spit to the left or under his feet.” Then he held up the edge of his turban and spit on it. Then he took the edge of his turban and spat on it and folded the turban, saying: “Or he does like this (my example)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


Meaning: If we are praying and we are forced to spit, then we should spit towards the left or down the leg. That is if we are not praying in the mosque. And if we pray in the mosque, we should spit on our own clothes. This is because it is forbidden for us to pollute the mosque and disturb others.







Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And humble yourselves to the believers who follow you”. (Ash-Shuara: 216)


Allah says: “Verily, Allah enjoins justice and kindness, and giving to one’s relatives. And He forbids wrongdoing, disobedience and enmity. He teaches you so that you may learn.” (QS. An Nahl: 90)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “All of you are leaders and will one day be held accountable for their leadership. The ruler is the leader and will be held accountable later. The husband is the leader of his family and will be held accountable for his leadership. The wife is the leader in her husband’s household and will one day be held accountable for her leadership. A servant is a leader and will one day be held accountable for his leadership, in managing his employer’s property. All of you are leaders and will one day be held accountable for your leadership”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Ya’la Ma’qil bin Yasar ra. he said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “No one who is given the mandate to lead his people then when he dies still deceives his people, then Allah will definitely forbid him to enter heaven”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).

In another narration it is said: “Then he acts contrary to religious advice, so he will not receive the fragrance of Paradise”. In a Muslim narration it is said: “There is no ruler who takes care of the Muslims and does not pay attention to them or give them advice, but he will not enter Paradise with them”.


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah saying in my house: “O Allah, whoever controls something of the affairs of my Ummah and makes it difficult for them, make it difficult for him. And whoever controls the affairs of my Ummah and is gentle with them, make it easy for him.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “In ancient times the Children of Israel were guided by their prophet. Whenever his prophet died, he was immediately replaced by another prophet. And after me there will be no prophet, there will be caliphs, and there will be many of them”. The Companions asked: “What do you want us to do?”. He said: “Be faithful to your first allegiance, and give rights to those who are entitled to them, and ask Allah to fulfill all your rights, for indeed Allah will hold them accountable for how they led the ummah.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Aidz bin Amr reported that he entered the house of Ubaidillah bin Ziyad and said: “My son, I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Verily, evil leaders are cruel leaders, so do not be among them”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Maryam Al Azdi reported that he said to Muawiyah: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Whoever is given power by Allah to manage the interests of the Muslim Ummah, then he does not pay attention to their wants, grief and poverty, then Allah will not pay attention to his wants, grief and poverty on the Day of Resurrection”. So Muawiyah appointed someone to serve all the interests of the people”. (narrated by Abu Daud and At-Turmudzi).







Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Verily, Allah enjoins justice and good deeds.” (QS. An Nahl: 90).


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “And be just to all of you. Verily, Allah loves those who do justice.” (QS. Al Hujurat: 9).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “There are seven groups that will have shade on the day when there will be no shade except the shade of Allah: a just ruler, – a young man who diligently worships Allah, a person whose heart always remembers the Mosque, two people who love for the sake of Allah where they come together and separate only because of Allah, a man who is courted by a beautiful and wealthy woman but he refuses by saying: “I fear Allah”, a man who gives charity in secret so that his left hand does not know what his right hand is giving, and a man who always remembers Allah in a quiet place and his eyes shed tears”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Verily, those who are just will be placed on a pulpit of light in the future in the sight of Allah. They are those who are fair in applying the law to his family and the people he leads or commands “. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Auf bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “The best of your leaders are those whom you love very much and they love you, you always ask for mercy for them and they always ask for mercy for all of you. And the worst of your leaders are those whom you hate and they hate you, you curse them and they curse you”. We asked: “O Messenger of Allah, should we not fire them?”. He replied: “No, as long as they continue to pray with you (HR. Muslim).


  1. Iyadh bin Himar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “The people of Paradise are of three kinds: a ruler who is just and favored, a person who has compassion and is softhearted towards his family and every Muslim, and a poor person who has a family but still maintains his honor.” (HR Muslim). (HR Muslim).








Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “O you who believe, obey Allah and His Messenger and those who are in authority over you”. (QS. Al Anfal: 20).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “The Muslim is obliged to listen and obey (his ruler) whether in what he likes or dislikes, except if he is ordered to sin. If he is ordered to commit an act of disobedience, he is not obliged to listen and obey”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “When we pledged allegiance to the Messenger of Allah to always listen and obey, he said to us: “Within the limits of your ability (to do it)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Whoever lets go of obedience will meet Allah on the Day of Resurrection with no proof or excuse. And whoever dies with no sign of allegiance around his neck will die as if he had died in the days of ignorance.” (HR. Muslim). ,


In another narration it says: “Whoever dies while he has separated himself from the congregation then indeed he dies like dying in the days of jahiliyyah”.


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Listen and obey all of you even if the ruler is an Ethiopian slave whose head looks like a date palm”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah ra. said, the Messenger of Allah said: “You should always obey your ruler, whether he is difficult or easy, whether he is pleasant or tedious, and even if he does not care about you”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. From Abdullah bin Amr ra. he said: “When we were traveling with the Messenger of Allah, we went down and made a camp. Some of us were fixing the tent, and some were playing with arrows, and some were grazing their cattle. Suddenly the call of the Messenger of Allah’s muadzin was heard: ASHSHALAATU JAAMIAH (Mart we pray in congregation), then we all approached the Messenger of Allah and he then said: “There was no Prophet before me but he was obliged to point his Ummah to the good that he knew, and warn them from the harm that he knew. And this Ummah has been predestined to be safe, and finally it is subjected to trials and matters that it denies later. And there come trials and temptations where the previous trial is considered less serious than the next one. When the trials come, the believers say: “This is (perhaps) what destroys me”. Then the fitnah disappears, and then another fitnah comes so that the believers say: “This is (perhaps) what will destroy me”. So whoever wants to be delivered from Hell and admitted to Paradise should strengthen his belief in Allah and the Last Day, and treat his fellow human beings as he would like to be treated. And whoever pledges allegiance to a ruler and he has extended his hand to shake hands and has full trust in (that ruler) then he should obey him to the best of his ability. And if there is a rebel who would usurp his authority, then fight that rebel (cut his throat)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hunaidah Wail bin Hyjr ra. he said: “Salamah bin Yazid Al Ju’fi asked the Messenger of Allah: “O Messenger of Allah, what do you think if leaders were appointed among us who only demanded their rights while our rights were all withheld, then what would you order us to do?”. He ignored the question, until Salamah asked again. Finally he said: “Listen and obey them. Indeed, they will be held accountable for their duties and so will you be held accountable for yours.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abdullah bin Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “After me there will be people who are selfish (very selfish) and there will also be things that you think are not right”. The Companions asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what do you command us to do?” He replied: “You should fulfill your obligations and ask Allah for what is rightfully yours”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever obeys me (the Prophet) obeys Allah, and whoever disobeys me (the Prophet) disobeys Allah. Whoever obeys the ruler obeys me, and whoever disobeys the ruler disobeys me”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever hates something that the ruler does then be patient. Because the one who leaves his ruler even if it is only an inch then he dies like the death of the Jahiliyyah”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim). |


  1. Abu Bakrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Whoever humiliates the ruler, Allah will humiliate him”. (At Turmudzi).







Allah ta’ala says: “The happiness of the Hereafter We have made for those who do not arrogate themselves and do mischief on earth, and the good end is for the righteous.” (QS. Al Qashash: 83).


  1. Abu Said Abdur Rahman ibn Samurah ra. he said: “The Messenger of Allah said to me: “O Abdur Rahman bin Samurah, do not ask for a position, because if you are given a position without asking for it, you will get help in office. But on the other hand, if you are given an office on the basis of a request, then the office is fully given to you. And if you take an oath to do an action and then you see that there is another action that is better than that action, then do the better action, then redeem your oath”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Dharr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah said to me: “Verily I see you are a weak man and I love you as I love myself. Do not be a ruler (official) even for two people and do not control the property of orphans”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Dharr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I asked: “O Messenger of Allah, why don’t you give me a position?”. So he tapped me on the shoulder and said: “O Abu Dharr, you are a weak person and the position is a mandate that tomorrow on the Day of Judgment will only be a regret and humiliation except for officials who can utilize their rights and can fulfill their obligations as well as possible”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, you are all very ambitious to seize an office, but on the Day of Resurrection that office will be a regret”. (HR. Bukhari).







Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Friends will be enemies to some on the Day of Resurrection, except for those who are righteous.” (Az Zukhruf: 67).


  1. Abu Said and Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Allah does not send a Prophet and a Caliph in his place unless there are two people who are very close to him, one of whom enjoins and promotes good and the other of whom enjoins and promotes evil. And the one who is kept safe is the one whom Allah keeps safe.” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Aisha ra. said, the Prophet said: “If Allah wills good for a ruler (official) then Allah gives him an honest minister (assistant) with the intention that if the ruler forgets then he reminds him and if the ruler remembers then he helps him. And if Allah does not will this, then Allah makes a dishonest minister (assistant) so that if the ruler forgets, he will not remind him and if the ruler remembers, he will not help him”. (narrated by Abu Daud).






  1. Abu Musa al-Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I came with my cousins to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and one of them said: “O Messenger of Allah, give us a position in one of the departments that Allah has given you”. Then he said: “By Allah, I will not appoint an official who asks for the position, or someone who is very ambitious to occupy the position”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)









  1. Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) passed by a man from the Ansār who was giving advice to his brother because he was shy, so the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Let him be shy because shyness is part of faith”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Imran bin Hushain (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Shyness will bring good”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim). .


In the Muslim narration it is said: “Shyness is all good”.


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Faith has more than sixty or seventy branches. The most important is the sentence: LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAH (There is no God but Allah) and the least of these is removing a stone from the path. And shame is part of faith.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) was a very shy person, more shy than a chaste girl. When he saw something that he did not like, we could tell by his face”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


The scholars said: “The essence of shyness is a virtue that can arouse reluctance to do something low or impolite”.


Abul Qasim Junaid said: “Shame is seeing the good and seeing the bad in oneself, and from these two views will grow the trait called shame.







Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Keep promises, for they will be held accountable for later.” (QS. Al Isra’ : 34).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Verily, the most despicable person in the sight of Allah on the Day of Resurrection will be the husband or wife who has intercourse and then spreads the secret”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abdullah ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that when Hafshah, Umar’s daughter, was widowed, Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I met Uthman bin Affan, so I offered Hafshah to him, I said: “If you like, I will marry you to Hafshah daughter of Umar”. He replied: “I will think about it”. After a few days he came to me and said: “I am not ready to marry at this time”. Then I met Abu Bakr Ash Shiddiq (may Allah be pleased with him) and I said to him: “If you like, I will marry you to Hafshah, the daughter of Umar (ra)”. Abu Bakr was silent and did not give any answer, so I felt more offended than Ustman’s refusal. After a few days the Prophet suddenly came to propose Hafshah and I married her. Then Abu Bakr met me and said: “Perhaps you felt offended when you offered Hafshah to which I gave no answer”. I (Umar) replied: “True”. Abu Bakr said: “Actually, there was nothing that prevented me from accepting your offer, it was just that I knew that the Prophet had mentioned Hafshah and I would not broadcast (reveal) the secret of the Prophet. If the Prophet had not taken Hafshah as his wife I would have accepted”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “When the Prophet’s wives were gathered at his side, Fatimah came, whose path was exactly that of the Prophet. So when he saw her, he greeted his daughter and said: MARHABAN BIBNATII (Welcome my son)”, then sat on his right or left and the Prophet whispered to him. After being whispered to she burst into tears. And when the Prophet saw her crying he felt pity and whispered to her again and then Fatimah laughed. I said to her: “The Prophet preferred you over his wives in matters of personal secrets, after that why did you cry?”. When he left the place, I asked Fatimah directly: “What secrets did the Messenger of Allah whisper?”. Fatimah replied: “I will not reveal the secrets of the Messenger of Allah.”. Then after the Prophet died I said to Fatimah: “By Allah, I am very interested in getting an explanation of something that the Messenger of Allah whispered in the past”. Fatimah replied: “Now, I will tell you. In the first whisper, he told me that Gabriel used to repeat the recitation of the Qur’an once a year or twice a year, but now in the near future he has come twice. And I am certain that my end is near. So fear Allah and be patient. I (the Prophet) am the best of those who precede you. That is why I (Fatimah) cried. Then when he saw that I was very sad he whispered a second time, whereupon he said: “O Fatimah, are you not satisfied if you become the noblest woman or the leader of the women of the believers and the leader of the women of this ummah?”. That’s why I laughed as you saw”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Tsabit reported that Anas said: “The Messenger of Allah came to me while I was playing with the children, then he greeted me and sent me on an errand that caused me to come late to my mother. When I returned, my mother asked me: “What caused you to come late?”. The Messenger of Allah had sent me on an errand”. His mother asked: “What is that?”. I replied: “It is a secret”. Finally my mother said: “Never reveal the secret of the Messenger of Allah to anyone”. Anas ra. said: “By Allah, if I could reveal this secret of the Prophet to someone, I would have told it to you, Tsabit”. (HR. Muslim)








Allah, the Almighty, says: “Keep your promises, for surely they will be held accountable” (al-Israel: 34).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says: “Keep your covenant with Allah when you make a promise.” (QS. An Nahl: 91)


Allah says: “O you who believe, keep your promises”. (QS. Al Maidah: 1)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “O you who believe, why do you say what you do not do? It is hateful in the sight of Allah that you should say what you do not do.” (QS. Ash Shaf: 3-4).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The signs of a hypocrite are three: when speaking always lie, when promises are always broken and when trusted even betrayed “. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


The Muslim narration adds: “Even though he fasts and prays and considers himself a Muslim”.


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Al Ash reported that the Prophet said: “There are four characteristics, whoever has one of them is a hypocrite. And whoever has one of the four traits means he has committed nifak so that he abandons it, namely: When he speaks he lies, when he makes a promise he breaks it, when he is trusted he betrays it, and when he argues he overreaches”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. From Jabir ra. he said: “The Messenger of Allah said to me: “When the treasure from Bahrain comes, I will give you sektan and sekian”. But until the Prophet died the treasure from Bahrain did not come. And when the treasure from Bahrain came, Abu Bakr ra. ordered someone to call out:


“Whoever feels that there is a promise or has owed the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) then let him come to us”. So I came and said to Abu Bakr: “The Prophet said to me such and such”. So Abu Bakr took a handful and gave it to me, then I counted it and found that it was five hundred. Abu Bakr then said to me: “Take twice that”. (HR. Bukhari | and Muslim).







Allah ta’ala says: “Verily, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change the condition of themselves”. (QS. Ar Ra’du: 12).


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “And do not be like a woman who breaks her firmly spun thread into pieces”. (QS. An Nahl: 92).



Allah, may He be exalted, says: “And let them not be like those to whom the Book was revealed, then a long time passed over them, and their hearts became hardened.” (Hadid: 16).


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “And they did not keep it well”. (QS. Al Hadid: 27).


  1. Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said to me: “O Abdullah, do not be like so-and-so, who used to get up for the night prayer and then abandoned his habit of getting up for the prayer.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim). ‘







Allah, may He be exalted, says: “And humble yourselves to those who believe.” (al-Hijr: 88)


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “If you had been stern and harsh-hearted, they would have withdrawn from around you.” (QS. Ali Imran: 159).


  1. Adi bin Hatim (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Fear all of you from Hellfire even with the charity of half a date seed. If you are unable to give alms, then a kind word will suffice”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “A kind word is charity”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Dharr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said to me: “Never underestimate a good deed, even if it is only by making a sweet face when welcoming your brother”. (Reported by Muslim).








  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to repeat his words up to three times so that his words would be understood. And when he came to a people, he greeted them three times.” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Aisha ra. said: “The word of the Messenger of Allah is a very clear word, which can be understood or understood by everyone who hears it”. (HR. Abu Daud).







  1. Jarir ibn ‘Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: During the Farewell Pilgrimage, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to me: “Pay attention to what your fellow human beings say”. The Prophet said: “Do not let you return to being disbelievers after me, namely killing each other, one cutting the neck of the other”, (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).






Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Invite people to the way of your Lord in a wise manner and with kind words”. (QS. An Nahl: 125).


  1. Abu Wail Shaqiq bin Salamah reported: “Ibn Mas’ud used to give advice to us every Thursday, then someone said to him: “O Abu Abdur-Rahman, I would like it if you gave advice (lectures) every day”. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) replied: “There is no obstacle for me to give advice every day, but I am afraid that you all will quickly become bored. And I deliberately give lectures infrequently, just as the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) gave lectures to us, because he feared that we would become bored.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Yaqdhan Ammar bin Yasir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Verily, the length of one’s prayer and the brevity of the sermon are signs of one’s religious proficiency. So lengthen your prayer and shorten your sermon.” (HR. Muslim)


  1. Muawiyah bin Al Hakam As Sulami (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “While we were praying with the Messenger of Allah, suddenly someone sneezed, so I said: “YARHAMUKALLAAH”, so the people widened their eyes at me until I said: “WATSUKLA UMMAYAH (How disappointed my mother is), why are you all looking at me?”. Then they slapped their hands on their thighs to silence me until I finally shut up. Then after the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) finished praying, by my father and mother, I have never seen a better teacher than him, before or after. By Allah, he did not yell or cuss or hit me, then he said: “It is not permissible to talk to people in prayer, even if it is only a word, because prayer is for reciting tasbih, takbir and verses of the Qur’an”. This is what the Prophet said. Then I said: “O Messenger of Allah, I have just escaped from the period of jahiliyyah and now Allah has brought Islam. And there are still people in our place who always go to witch doctors”, then the Prophet said: “Do not go to them”. I said: “There are those among us who believe in birds”. He said: “That is only the feeling of their hearts, so do not let them prevent you from doing good”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Irbadh bin Sariyah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported. “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) once gave advice, which shook the hearts and brought tears to the eyes”. There is more to this hadith. (See the continuation of this hadith in the chapter on the commandment to observe the Sunnah and its procedures).







Allah ta’ala says: “The praiseworthy servants of Allah are those who walk humbly on the earth, and when the ignorant address them, they speak words of salvation.” (QS. Furqan: 63).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “I never saw the Messenger of Allah laugh so much that the roof of his mouth was visible, but he used to smile.” (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).







Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Whoever glorifies the signs of Allah, it is out of piety of heart.” (al-Hajj: 34).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “When the prayer is established, do not come to it in haste, but come calmly in walking. Then whatever you can catch up on, pray in congregation, and whatever you cannot catch up on in congregation, complete the prayer yourself.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In the Muslim narration there is an addition: “Verily, when one of you intends to go to the place of prayer, he is considered to be already in prayer”.


  1. Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that on the day of ‘Arafah he went down with the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and suddenly the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) heard a sound behind him of people beating and yelling at his camel. So the Prophet signaled with his whip and said: “O people, you should always be calm because indeed goodness is not in a hurry”. (HR. Bukhari).








Allah, the Almighty, says: “Has the story of the honored guests of Ibrahim reached you? When they entered Ibrahim’s place and said: “Congratulations”, so Ibrahim replied: “Congratulations” even though they were guests whom he had never known. So Ibrahim went secretly to his family and brought a roasted fat calf and served it to them, saying: “You may eat”. (QS. Adh Dzariyat: 24-26).


Allah ta’ala says: “And the people of Luth came to him with haste. They had always committed abominable deeds. Luth said: “O my people, these are my daughters; they are more pure for you. So fear Allah and do not dishonor my name against my guest. Are there not among you all men of understanding”. (QS. Hud: 78).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should honor his guest. And whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should strengthen the bonds of brotherhood. And whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak kindly or keep silent.” (HR. Bukhari – Muslim).


  1. Abu Shuraih Khuwailid bin Amr (Khuza’i) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should honor his guest especially in his special part”. The Companions asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what is the special part?”. He said: “It is the first day and night. Entertaining is three days, while the rest is considered charity”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In the Muslim narration it says: “It is not permissible for a Muslim to stay in his brother’s place until he causes him to sin”. The Companions asked: “O Messenger of Allah, how can he cause his brother to sin?”. He said: “He stays in his brother’s place and he does not have anything to serve him.”







Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “So give glad tidings to My servants who listen to advice and then follow what is best of it.”


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Their Lord gladdens them by giving them mercy, pleasure and Paradise. They will have therein everlasting pleasure.” (QS. At Taubat: 21).


Allah, the Almighty, says: “And rejoice in the Paradise which Allah has promised to you all.” (QS. Fushshilat: 30).


Allah, the Almighty, says: “So We gave Abraham glad tidings of the coming of a very patient son, Ishmael”. (Sūrat Ash-Saffat: 101)


Allah says: “And indeed Our messengers (angels) came to Abraham with glad tidings.” (Hud: 69)


Allah says: “And Abraham’s wife stood by him and smiled, so We gave her the good news that Isaac would come, and after Isaac would come Ya’kub.” (QS. Hud: 71)


Allah ta’ala says: “Then the angel Gabriel called Zakaria, while he was standing praying in the mihrab, whereupon the angel Gabriel said: “Verily, Allah rejoices you with the coming of Yahya.” (QS. Ali Imran: 39).


Allah says: “(Remember) when the angel said: “O Maryam, verily, Allah will gladden you with the coming of a son created by a word from Him, whose name will be Al Masih”. (QS. Ali Imran: 45).


  1. Abu Ibrahim, some call him Abu Muhammad and some call him Abu Muawiyah Abdullah ibn Abu Aufa (may Allah be pleased with him), reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) told Khadijah that a house made of pearls would be built for her in Paradise, where there would be no fuss or trouble. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)..:


  1. Abu Musa Al Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he performed ablution in his house and then went out and said: “Today I will remain with the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him).” So he immediately went to the Mosque and looked for the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and the Companions replied: “He is there”. Abu Musa said: “I went in the direction indicated and searched for him until I entered the well of Aris. I stood in front of the door until the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) finished his rituals and performed ablution. Then I approached him, while he was sitting by the well and lowered his feet into the well, so I greeted him, then I went again to the front door with the intention that I would be the caretaker of the Messenger of Allah on this day”. Abu Bakr came and pushed the door, so I asked: “Who is it?”. He replied: “I am Abu Bakr”. I said: “Wait a moment”. Finally I went to the Prophet and said: “O Messenger of Allah. Abu Bakr asks permission to enter”. He said: “Let him enter and delight him with Paradise”. Immediately I told Abu Bakr: “Please enter and the Messenger of Allah congratulates you that you will enter Paradise”. So Abu Bakr entered and he sat on his right side while lowering his foot in the well. Then I went back to the door remembering my brother who was making ablution and would follow me until I said to myself: “If Allah wills good for so-and-so, He must also will good for his brother who will come here”. Suddenly someone moved the door, I asked: “Who is it?” He replied: “I am Umar bin Khattab”. I said: “Wait a moment”. I went to greet the Prophet and told him that Umar had asked for permission. The Prophet said: “Permit him and tell him that he will enter Paradise”. So I told Umar he said. Go in and tell the Prophet that you will enter Paradise”. Umar went in and sat on the left side of the Prophet and lowered his feet into the well. Then I went back to the door and sat thinking: “If Allah wills good to so-and-so then Allah will also move his brother’s heart to come here”. Suddenly someone came to the door. And when I asked: “Who is it?”. He answered: “Uthman bin Affan”. I said: “Wait a moment”. I came to the Prophet and told him that ‘Uthman had asked for permission, so he said: “Let him enter and give him the good news that he will enter Paradise with little harm coming to him”. So I welcomed Uthman and said: “Please enter, and the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) will tell you that you will enter Paradise, but you will be afflicted with a calamity”. ‘Uthman entered and the well was full, so he sat in front of the Messenger of Allah, facing him, Abu Bakr and ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with them)”. Said bin Al Musayyib said: “I interpreted or interpreted the way they sat with their graves”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


Another narration adds: “The Messenger of Allah told me to guard the door. When Uthman was told that he would get some bad luck or calamity, he said: ALLAAHUL MUSTA’AN (Only Allah can be helped)”.


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When we were sitting around the Messenger of Allah with Abu Bakr, Umar and some other companions, he suddenly got up and left us. So we all felt anxious because we had been waiting for a long time for the Prophet to not return. We got up and I was the most anxious. Then I went out in search of the Prophet until I came to the wall of an Anshor companion from Banu Najjar, then I looked for the door but only found a ditch or gutter that went behind the wall connecting with the well outside. I broke through it to enter and met the Messenger of Allah and he said: “O Abu Hurairah”. I replied: “Yes, what is the matter, Messenger of Allah.” He said: “What is the matter?”. I said: “You were sitting with us when suddenly you got up and left us. We were all worried and anxious in case something happened to you. And I was the first to feel anxious. That’s why I followed you behind the fence and broke through it like a gazelle. And while many people were waiting behind this wall”. Finally he said: “O Abu Hurairah ra. he said while giving his two sandals to me, go with my two sandals. Whoever you find behind this wall believing wholeheartedly that there is no God but Allah, let him know that he will enter Paradise…”. (HR. Muslim).


This hadith still has a continuation.


  1. Abu Shumasah reported: “On the death of Amr bin Ash we came to him. At that time he was crying bitterly while turning his face to the wall until his son said: “O father, didn’t the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) tell you that you would get this and that?”. Then he faced his son and said: “The best thing we have prepared is the shahada, the testimony that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. I have experienced three stages of time. First, I hated the Messenger of Allah, and perhaps no one hated him more than I did. And I had no desire except to find an opportunity to kill him. If I had died at that time, I would have been a member of Hellfire. Secondly, after Allah put Islam in my heart, I came to the Prophet and said: “Hold out your right hand and I will pledge allegiance to you”. When he extended his hand, I suddenly withdrew it and asked him: “What is the matter, Amr bin Ash?”. I said: “I am proposing a condition”. He asked: “What condition is that?”. I replied: “That all my sins be forgiven”. He said: “Do you not know that Islam expiates all previous sins, that Hijrah expiates previous sins, and that Hajj expiates previous sins?”. At that time, there was no one I loved more than the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), and there was no one more honorable to me than the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), so much so that I could not look at him because of his greatness. If I were asked to explain his attributes, I would not be able to do so because I did not see him with my eyes. If I had died at that time I would have wished for Paradise. Thirdly, I hold several positions that I do not know how I will fare. Therefore, if I die, it should not be followed by crying and fire. And if you bury me, then hurry up with the earth, then stand around my grave approximately as long as the butchers slaughter animals and distribute the meat until I feel happy with the presence of all of you, while I think about what I have to answer to the messenger of my Lord”. (HR. Muslim).








Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Abraham made a testament to his sons, and Ya’kub also, in which he said: “O my sons, verily Allah has chosen a religion for you all, so do not die except in the religion of Islam.” Was any of you present when Ya’kub said this? Were you all present when Ya’kub had the signs of death, when he said to his sons: “What will you worship after me?”. We answered. “We will worship your Lord and the Lord of your fathers Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, the One God, and we will only submit and obey Him”. (QS. Al Bagarah: 132-133).


  1. The hadith of Zayd bin Arqam as stated in the chapter on honoring the family of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) in which Zayd said: “The Prophet (peace be upon him) stood in our midst to deliver the sermon and after giving thanks to Allah and then giving advice, he said: “Behold, I am an ordinary man, who may be about to come to me the messenger of Allah Almighty and I must welcome him. And I leave behind two heavy things, the first is the Book of Allah which contains guidance and guidance and illumination, so hold fast to it, and carry out in earnest all that is contained in it. And the second is my bait (family). I warn you in the name of Allah about my family members (I warn you to be good to my family)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Sulaiman Malik ibn Al Huwairits (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Some young men came to the Messenger of Allah and stayed with him for about twenty days. The Messenger of Allah was a very loving and gentle person. He thought that we had missed our families, so he asked us about the families we had left behind and we told him”. Then he said: “You should go back to your family and stay among them, teach them and ask them to pray. And pray all of you this prayer at this time, this prayer at this time. When the time for prayer comes, let one of you call to prayer, and let the oldest of you be the imam”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


The Muslim narration adds: “Pray, all of you, as you see me (the Prophet) pray”.


  1. Umar bin Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I asked the Prophet’s permission to go on ‘Umrah, so he gave me permission and said: “Do not forget us from your prayers”. Umar ra. said: “A sentence (message) that pleases me more than getting the wealth of the world”.


In another narration it is said: “O my brother, include us in your prayers”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Salim ibn Abdullah ibn Umar reported that Abdullah ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), when he met people who were traveling, always said: “Come closer, I will congratulate you as the Prophet used to congratulate us”. Then he said: “I entrust to Allah your religion, your trust, and the cover of all your deeds”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abdullah bin Yazid Al Khatmi As Sahabi (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Prophet (peace be upon him) released or congratulated the soldiers (troops), he said: “I entrust to Allah your religion, your trust and the end of your deeds”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. From Anas ra. he said: “A man came to the Prophet and said: “O Messenger of Allah, I will be traveling. That is why I am asking you”. He said: “May Allah provide you with piety”. He said: “Increase the provision”. He said: “May Allah forgive your sins”. He said again: “Increase the provision”. He said: “May Allah facilitate for you all good wherever you are”. (HR At Turmudzi).








Allah ta’ala says: “Consult with them in matters.” (al-Imran: 159).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says: “And their affairs are always decided by deliberation among them.” (Sūrat Ash-Shura: 38).


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) taught us istikharah in all our affairs just as he taught us a chapter from the Qur’an, in which he said: “If one of you is going to do something, let him pray two rak’ahs and then recite the supplication: ALAAHUMMA ASTAKHIIRUKA BI ‘ILMIKA WA ASTAQDIRUKA BIQUDRATIKA, WA AS ALUKA MIN FADHLIKA AZHIIM. FAINNAKA TAODIRU WALAA AQDIRU, WATA LAMU WALAA ALAMU, WA ANTA “ALLAMUL GHUYUUBIL. ALLAAHUMMA IN KUNTA TA’LAMU ANNA HAADZAL AMRA KHAIRUN LII FII DIINII WA MA’AA-SyrII WA AAQIBATI AMRII or he said : AAJILI AMRII WA AAJILIHI. FAQ-DURHU LII WA YASSIRHU LII TSUMMA BAARIK Lili FIIHI, WAIN KUNTA TA’LAMU ANNA HAADZAL AMRA SYARRUMN LII FII DIINII WA MAAASYH WA “AAQIBATI AM-RII or he says : “AAJILI AMRII WA AAJILIHI FASHRIFHU “ANNI WASH RIFNII “ANHU WAQDUR LIYAL KHAIRA HAITSU KAANA TSUMMA RADHDHINII BIHI (O Allah, I ask for guidance with Your knowledge, I ask for decree with Your power, and I ask for Your great bounty because You are the Almighty and I am not. You are the All-knowing and I am not, and You are the All-knowing and I am not aware of the unseen. O Allah, if You know that this affair of ours is good for me, my religion, my life and the consequences of my affairs (or say: good in the near future or in the future) then ordain it and make it easy for me and bless me in it. And if You know that this affair is bad for me in my religion, my life and the consequences of my affairs (or say: either in the near future or in the future) then keep it away from me and prevent me from it, and determine what is better for me no matter what, then make me a person who is pleased with it). He said: “He should raise the matter (after reciting the above-mentioned supplication)”. (HR: Bukhari).







  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), when he went for the Eid prayers, would always take different roads when he left and when he returned.” (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to leave by the way of Asyajarah and return by the way of Al Muarris. And when entering Makkah from the Ast Tsaniyatul Ulya road and when exiting through Ats Tsaniyatul Sufla”. (HR: Bukhari and Muslim).







It is Sunnah to give precedence to the right side when doing wudoo’, bathing, tayammum, putting on sandals, putting on shoes, putting on pants, entering the mosque, shaving the head with a toothbrush, cutting the nails, trimming the moustache, plucking the armpit hair, shaving the head, saying the greeting of peace at the end of prayer, eating, drinking, shaking hands, kissing the Ka’bah, leaving the toilet, taking something, giving something and so on. As for things that are contrary to the above, the left side should be used: urinating, spitting, entering the restroom, leaving the mosque, taking off one’s shoes, taking off one’s sandals, taking off one’s shirt, taking off one’s pants, taking off one’s clothes, cleaning dirt, and other such things.


Allah ta’ala says: “As for those to whom the record of their deeds is given from the right hand, then he says : Take it and read from it.” (QS. Al Haqqah: 19).


Allah ta’ala says: “Then there is the right group, how noble the right group is. And there is the left, and how miserable is the left.” (QS. Al Wagiah: 89).


  1. Aisha ra. said: “The Messenger of Allah (saw) always put the right side first in everything, such as when washing, combing and putting on sandals.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Messenger of Allah used his right hand to wash and eat, while his left hand was used to wash after defecating and all dirty things”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Umm Athiyah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said to the women who were washing his daughter’s corpse: “Give precedence to the right member and the members of her wudhu’s”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When one of you puts on his sandals, put on the right side first, and when he takes them off, put on the left side, so that the right side may be put on first and the left side taken off later”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Hafshah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) used his right hand for eating, drinking, and putting on clothes, and used his left hand for other things”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When you put on clothes and do wudhu’, put your right hand first”. (HR. Abu Daud and Turmudzi).


  1. Anas said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) reached Mina and stoned the Jamaraat, then he returned to his lodging in Mina and slaughtered the sacrifice and said to the barber: “Shave this part”, pointing to the right side of the head, then the left side. Then he distributed the hair among the people.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


In another narration it is said: “When he had stoned the Jamaraat and slaughtered his sacrifice, he handed the right side of his head to the barber and the barber shaved it. Then he called Abu Talhah Al Anshari and gave him his hair. Then he gave the left side of his head to the barber and the barber shaved it. After that he gave his hair to Abu Talhah and said: “Share this hair with the Companions”.










  1. Umar ibn Abu Salamah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Mention the name of Allah (i.e. recite BASMALAH) when eating, and eat with your right hand and eat from the food closest to you”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “When one of you is about to eat, mention the name of Allah. If he forgets to mention the name of Allah at the beginning of the meal, he should recite: BISMILLAAHI AWWALAHU WA AAKHIRAHU (In the name of Allah at the beginning and at the end of the meal)”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. From Jabir ra. he said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “When a man enters his house and recites Bismilah when he enters it and recites Basmalah when he eats, the devil says to his companion:

 “There is no shelter and no food for you all”. If a person enters a house without reciting Basmalah (or recitation of dhikr) then the shaitan says: “You can spend the night in this house”. And if a person eats without mentioning the name of Allah then the shaytaan says: “All of you can spend the night here and can eat”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Hudhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When we ate with the Messenger of Allah, we did not dare to put our hands on the food before the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, put his hands on the food first. Soon a Bedouin also came, as if something was pushing him where he immediately put his hand to the food, so the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) held his hand and said: “Verily, the shaytan seizes food that does not mention the name of Allah and he brings this woman to take part of this food, so I hold her hand. Then he brought this Bedouin to take part of the food”, so I held his hand. By the One in Whose hand is my soul, the hand of the shaytaan is indeed in my hand along with the hands of this man.” Then he recited the name of Allah and began to eat. Then he mentioned the name of Allah and started eating.” (HR Muslim).


  1. Pari Umayyah bin Mahshiyi Ash Sahabi ra. he said: “While the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was sitting, a man ate without mentioning the Almighty’s name until he had only one bite of food left. When the man was about to put the food suddenly he recited: BISMILLAAHI AWWALAHU WA AAKHIRAHU”. The Prophet laughed and said: “The devil had eaten with him, but when he mentioned the name of Allah, the devil spit out his stomach”. (HR. Abu Daud and Nasai).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was eating with six of his companions, suddenly a clown came and ate the food in two mouthfuls. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If he had recited the name of Allah, there would have been enough food for all of you.” (HR Turmudzi),


  1. Abu Umamah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “It is as if. When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) lifted his dish, he would always recite: ALHAMDU LIL. LAAHI HAMDAN KATSIIRAN THAYYI. BAN MUBAARAKAN FIIHI GHAIRA MAK. FIYYIN WALAA MUSTAGHNAN ‘ANHU RABBANAA (Praise be to Allah with much praise, good and blessings that are unrequited and much needed, O our Lord)”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Muadz bin Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Whoever eats food and then recites. “ALHAMDU LILLAAHIL LADZII ATH’AMANII HADZAA WARAZAQNIIHI MIN GHAIRI HAULIN MINNII WALAA QUWWATIN (Praise be to Allah, the One who has given me food, and has bestowed this Rizqi with no power and strength from myself), then his past sins will be forgiven”. (narrated by Abu Daud and At-Turmudzi).







  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) never criticized food. If he liked it, he ate it, and if he disliked it, he left it.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet asked his family for a side dish, and they said: “We have nothing but vinegar”. So he asked for the vinegar and he ate with the vinegar side dish, and said: “The best side dish is vinegar, the best side dish is vinegar”. (Muslim narration).







  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “When you are invited to a meal, you should accept the invitation. If you are fasting, then pray, and if you are not fasting, then eat.” (Muslim)








  1. Abu Mas’ud al-Badri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: . “A man invited the Prophet (peace be upon him) to a meal that was prepared for five people, and suddenly another person joined the Prophet (peace be upon him). When he arrived at the door the man who invited the Prophet said: “This person is following us, so it is up to you. If you like him let him go and if you don’t like him let him go back.” The inviter said: “This man is following us so it is up to you. The inviter said: “O Messenger, I allow this man”. (HR, Bukhari and Muslim).






  1. Umar ibn Abu Salamah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When I was a child I was taken care of by the Prophet, and I once stretched out my hand to take food from the plate, so the Prophet said: “O young man recite the Basmalah and eat with your right hand and eat the food closest to you”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Salamah bin Al Akwa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man was eating in the presence of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with his left hand, and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) admonished him, “Eat with your right hand.” He replied: “I cannot: He said: “You cannot, that is arrogance”, so the man could not raise his hand to his mouth”, (narrated by Muslim).







  1. Jabalah ibn Suhaim reported: “During the famine season during the reign of Ibn Zubayr, we received Rizqi of dates. When we were eating, Abdullah ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) passed by and said: “Do not eat two or more dates at once, for the Prophet (peace be upon him) forbade that”. Then he (Abdullah) said again: “Unless the man seeks the consent of his companions first”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).








  1. Wahshiyyi ibn Harb (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the companions of the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “O Messenger of Allah, why are we not full when we eat?”. He said: Perhaps you eat alone.” They replied: “That’s right”. He said: “When you eat together, recite the Basmalah, and the food will be blessed”. (narrated by Abu Daud).







  1. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet said: “Blessing descends in the middle of food, so eat from the edges first, then the center, and do not start from the center.” (HR Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Abdullah bin Busyr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet had a large vessel called Al Gharra which used to be lifted by four people. One day after the Dhuha prayer, he lifted the large vessel filled with food, and they crowded around it. And when there was a large crowd, the Prophet sat on the soles of his feet. Suddenly a Bedouin asked: “What is this celebration?”. The Prophet said: “Verily, Allah has made me generous and has not made me a cruel and arrogant servant”. Then he invited the people: “Eat all of you from its edges and leave the middle, and you will all be blessed”. (narrated by Abu Daud).







  1. Abu Juhayfah Wahab ibn ‘Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “I never eat while leaning against a wall”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. From Anas ra, he said: “I have seen the Messenger of Allah. Eating dates while on his knees (i.e. sitting on his buttocks and straightening his knees)” (Muslim).







  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When one of you eats, he should not wipe his fingers until he has removed the remnants of the food.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Kaab bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) eating with three fingers, and when he finished eating, he would eat what was stuck to his fingers until they were clean”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told him to clean the remains of food on his plate and on his fingers, and he said: “Verily, none of you knows which part of your food is blessed”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Jabir reported that the Prophet said: “If something falls from your mouth, pick it up and clean the dirt off it and eat it, and do not let the food that falls from it be eaten by the devil. And do not rush to wipe his hands with a handkerchief before cleaning the remnants of food that stick to his fingers, because he does not know which part of the food contains a blessing”. (HR. Muslim). .


  1. Jabir reported that the Prophet said: “Indeed, the devil accompanies every activity of a person so that even when he eats, the devil always follows him. When your mouthful of food falls down, pick it up and clean the dirt that sticks to it, then eat it, and never let it be eaten by the devil. And when you have finished eating, you should clean the remnants of food that are still sticking to your fingers, because you do not know which part of the food contains blessings”, (HR Muslim).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) finished eating, he cleaned the remnants of food that were stuck to his three fingers, and said: “When a mouthful of food falls from one of you, wipe off the dirt and eat it, and never let it be eaten by the devil”. He also instructed us to clean up what was left on the plate, whereupon he said: “You do not know which part of your food is blessed”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Said ibn Al Harith (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he asked Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) about making ablution after eating grilled food, and Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) replied: “You do not have to do ablution. In the days of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) we rarely found such food, but when we did, none of us had a handkerchief with which to clean our hands after eating unless we rubbed them on the palms of our hands, calves or soles of our feet. Then we pray immediately without making wudhu’ again.” (HR: Bukhari).







  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “The food of two people is sufficient for three, and the food of three people is sufficient for four”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)….


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “The food of one person is sufficient for two people, and the food of two people is sufficient for four people, and the food of four people is sufficient for eight people”. (Reported by Muslim).







  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) would breathe three times when drinking. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


Meaning: he breathed outside the vessel.


  1. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet said: “Do not drink in one gulp like a camel drinks, but drink two or three breaths, and mention the name of Allah when you drink and say hamdalah when you finish drinking”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Qatadah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade people to breathe in their drinking water containers.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Anas said: “The Messenger of Allah was given milk mixed with water, and there was a Bedouin on his right and Abu Bakr on his left, so he drank the milk and then gave it to the Bedouin and said: “The right first and then the right again”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Sahl bin Saad (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was given a drink and he drank it. While on his right, there was a young man (Ibn Abbas) and on his left there was an old man, so the Prophet said to the young man (asking permission): “Do you allow me to give the drink (the rest) to this old man?”. The young man replied: “By Allah, I will not give my share to anyone else”. So the Prophet gave the drink to the young man”. (HR: Bukhari-Muslim).








  1. Abu Said al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade breaking the pot, i.e. breaking the pot and drinking from it”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) forbade drinking from the mouth of a kettle.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Umm Tsabit Kabsyah bint Tsabit, sister of Hassan bin Tsabit, reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) came into my house and drank from the water bowl while standing, so I broke the mouth of the water bowl”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


He broke the mouth of the jar to take the blessing of the Prophet’s mouth and to keep it from being used for drinking every day.


This hadeeth shows us that it is permissible to drink from the mouth of the water container, but the ruling is makrooh tanzih (not haram). As for the two hadeeths mentioned above, they indicate the better and more perfect method. Wallaahu a’lam.








  1. Abu Said al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade blowing into drinks. Then a man asked: “What if there is dirt in the drink?”. He replied: “Pour out the drink with the impurities”. He asked again. “I would not be satisfied if I took just one sip”. He said: “Take the (large) glass away from your mouth”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Ibn Abbas reported: “The Prophet forbade drinking while breathing into his vessel or blowing into it. (HR At Turmudzi),







  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I once gave the Prophet a drink from the Zamzam well, and he drank while standing.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. An Nazzal ibn Sabrah reported: “Ali ra. entered the gate of the Mosque, drank while standing and said: “Indeed I have seen the Messenger of Allah do as you have seen me do”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “During the time of the Messenger of Allah, we used to eat while walking and drink while standing”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Amr ibn Shuaib reported from his father from his grandfather, who said: “I have seen the Messenger of Allah drinking while standing and I have also seen the Messenger of Allah drinking while sitting”. (HR. At Turmudzi)


  1. Anas ra. reported that the Prophet had forbidden people to drink while standing. Gatadah asked Anas ra.: “What about eating?”. Anas said: “Eating while standing is uglier and worse”. (HR. Muslim).


In another Muslim narration it is said: “The Prophet prevented drinking while standing”.


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Let none of you drink while standing. If he forgets, he should spill what he has drunk”. (HR. Muslim).








  1. Abu Qatadah reported that the Prophet said: “The one who serves drinks to a crowd should be the last, meaning that he should drink last (after all the people have drunk).” (narrated by At-Turmudz).







  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The time for prayer had come, so the people got up and some of them were still in their houses. Then there was brought to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) a small vessel made of stone into which the palms of the hands could not fit, but all the Companions were able to perform ablution. People asked Anas ra: “How many companions made ablution at that time?”. Anas ra. replied: “More than eighty people”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “The Messenger of Allah asked for a container of water, suddenly a shallow vessel filled with a little water was brought to him, so the Messenger of Allah put his finger into the water container”. Anas ra. said: “I have seen water gushing from his fingers and I noticed that the people who performed ablution were more than seventy or eighty people”.


  1. Abdullah ibn Zayd (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah came to us and we took out a brass vessel and the Prophet performed ablution from it.” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (saw) entered the house of an Anshor friend with a companion and said: “Do you have the water that was filtered in the geribah last night? If it is not there, we will breathe from the water container only.” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Hudhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade us from wearing silk, whether thin or thick, and forbade us from drinking from vessels made of gold and silver. And also he said: “Those (vessels of gold and silver) are for the disbelievers in this world and for you all in the Hereafter.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


5.Umm Salamah reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, the one who drinks from a golden vessel is as if he has entered into his belly the hell of jahannam””. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In the Muslim narration it is said: “Verily, the one who eats or drinks from a vessel made of gold or silver”.


In another narration it is said: “Whoever drinks from a vessel made of gold and silver is as if he has put into his belly the fire of Hellfire”.










Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “O son of Adam, We have sent down to you garments to cover your nakedness and beautiful garments for adornment. And the garment of piety is the best”. (QS. Al A’raf: 25).


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Allah has made for you garments that preserve you from the heat, and garments (armor) that preserve you in battle.” (QS. An Nahl: 81).


  1. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet said: “Wear white clothes, because white clothes are the best of your clothes and shroud with white cloths the dead”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudi).


  1. Samurah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Wear white clothes because white clothes are the purest and the best, and shroud the dead in white cloths.” (HR. An Nasai and Al Hakim).


  1. Al Barra bin Azib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The body of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was moderate, meaning that he was neither too tall nor too short, and I saw him wearing a red garment, and I have never seen anyone more appropriate and better than him”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Juhaifah Wahab bin Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I saw the Prophet in Makkah when he was in Abthah in a red tent made of leather then Bilal came out with ablution water for the Prophet so some people wet themselves and some took only a little of the former ablution water. Then the Prophet came out wearing red clothes, and I saw that his calves were white and he made ablution. Then Bilal called to prayer, and I followed his mouth to the right and left while reciting: HAYYA ‘ALASH SHALAAH, HAYYA ‘ALAL FALAH. After that, the staff was raised and the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) came forward to lead the prayer. And there was no obstruction for himar and dogs to pass in front of the stick”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Rimthah Rifa’ah At Taimi (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I once saw the Messenger of Allah wearing two green shirts”.(HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Jabir reported: “When the Messenger of Allah entered Makkah on the day of Fathu Makkah (the opening of Makkah), he wore a black turban”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Said Amr bin Huraits (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I remember seeing the Messenger of Allah wearing a black turban while letting go of the ends of his turban on his shoulders”. (HR. Muslim). In another narration it is said: “The Messenger of Allah preached wearing a black turban”.


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Messenger of Allah was shrouded in three pieces of white cloth made of cotton made in Sahul, without wearing a shirt or surban”. (HR. Musiim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “One day the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) went out wearing a shawl/cloth with the image of a vehicle/ caravan of black fur”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Al Mughirah ibn Shu’bah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “On the night of our journey with the Messenger of Allah, he suddenly asked: “Have you brought water?”. I replied: “Yes”. So the Messenger of Allah dismounted from his vehicle and walked in the darkness of the night until he could not see. When he returned from his hajat, I poured water for him, which he washed his face while he was wearing a woolen robe. He seemed to find it difficult to remove his arms so I helped him remove them from under his robe. Then he washed his arms and wiped his head. After that I wanted to take off the shoes of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) but he said: “Let it not be removed because I (the Prophet) was in a state of purity (wudhu) when I put them on and then the Prophet wiped his shoes”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim). ,








  1. Asma’ bint Yazid Al Anshariyah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The sleeve of the Messenger of Allah’s shirt was up to the wrist”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever lowers his garment to below his calf out of pride then tomorrow on the Day of Judgment Allah will not see him (with a look of mercy)”. Then Abu Bakr said: “O Messenger of Allah, my cloth usually falls below my ankles unless I am careful”. The Messenger of Allah said to him: “You are not among such people because of pride”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will not look with mercy at the one who lowers his garment below his ankles out of pride”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The cloth that extends below the ankles is in hell”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Dharr reported that the Prophet said: “There are three groups of people to whom Allah will not speak on the Day of Resurrection, nor will Allah see them, nor will Allah forgive their sins. In fact, they will be tormented with a very painful torment”. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, repeated this sentence three times. Then Abu Dharr said: “Disappointed and very lost are they”. Who are they, O Messenger of Allah?”. He replied: “The one who stretches his cloth below his ankles, the one who likes to mention his gifts, and the one who sells his goods under false oath”. (HR Muslim). .


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Lowering / extending the cloth to below the ankles, extending his shirt and turban, so whoever extends it because of pride / arrogance, on the Day of Judgment, Allah will not see it”. (HR. Abu Daud and Nasai).


  1. “From Abu Juray Jabir bin Sulaim ra. he said: “I have seen a person whose opinion is followed by everyone. Whatever he said was followed by them. I asked: “Who is this person?”. The companions replied: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)”. So I came to him and greeted him: ALAIKAS SALAAMU YES RASUULALLAH ALAIKAS SALAAMU YES RASUULALLAH, then he said: “Do not say: ALAIKAS SALAAM because it is for the dead, but say: ASSALAAMU ALAIKA. Then I asked: “Are you a messenger of Allah?”. He replied: “Yes, I am the messenger of Allah, the One who, if you are afflicted with a calamity and supplicate to Him, He will remove the calamity that afflicts you, and if you are afflicted with a famine (expensive food) and you supplicate to Him, He will immediately grow crops for you, and if you are in the desert with a vehicle (livestock) and your livestock is lost, and you supplicate to Him, He will restore it.” I said to him: “Give me advice”. He said: “Do not swear at people”. Jabir said: “After that I never abused anyone, whether free or slave, or camel or goat. Do not belittle a good deed and speak with a sweet face, for that is a kindness. And raise your garments to the middle of the calf, and if not, to the ankles. Do not stretch your garments below the ankles, for that is pride. And if someone reviles you with what he knows about you, do not revile him with what you know about him, because the consequences of reviling him will return to himself”. (HR Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When a man was praying and his clothes reached below his ankles, the Prophet said to him: “Go and perform ablution”. So he went and made ablution”. After he had performed ablution and returned, he said: “Go and perform ablution”. Then another person asked: “O Messenger of Allah, why did you tell the man to do ablution and then after doing ablution you left him alone?”. He said: “He (the man) has prayed wearing clothes below the ankles, so Allah will not accept his prayer (the one who wears clothes or cloth below the ankles)”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Qais bin Bashir At Taghlabi (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I was told by my father, who was a friend of Abu Darda, that he said: “There used to be a companion of the Prophet in Damascus whose name was Ibn Hanzaliah. he liked to be alone and did not like to gather with fellow human beings except when praying And when he finished praying he immediately recited tasbih and takbir until he returned to his house So one day when I was at Abu Darda’s place the man passed by so Abu Darda’ rebuked him: “Give us advice that will benefit us and not harm you”. He replied: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) sent out an army, then after returning there was one who sat in a majlis where there was the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and he spoke to the person next to him: “What did you think when we faced the enemy and one of us attacked the enemy and after he had stabbed the enemy he said: “Feel this stab of mine, and I am the youth of Ghiffar?”. The person next to him said: “In my opinion this man has lost his reward”. Hearing this another person said: “In my opinion, he is fine, meaning that he will still be rewarded”. So the two companions argued until they heard the Prophet and he said: “Glory be to Allah, it is alright, he will be rewarded and praised”. Abu Darda’ was pleased with this statement and raised his head towards Ibn Hanzaliah and asked: “Is it true that this statement is from the Messenger of Allah?” Ibn Hanzaliah replied: “Yes”. Abu Darda’ kept repeating his question until I said: “Maybe if he is asked again he will squat on his knees”. My father said: “On another day he passed by again, so Abu Darda’ said to him: “Give us advice that will benefit us and not harm you”. He replied: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said to us: “The one who gives his horse a bell is like one who stretches out his hand in charity, he does not clasp his hand”. On another occasion he passed by again and Abu Darda’ said: “Give us advice that will benefit us and not harm you”. he replied: “The Messenger of Allah said: “The best of people is Khuraim bin Usaidi if he did not have long hair and extend his cloth to below the ankles”. When the Prophet’s words were heard by Khuraim, he immediately cut his hair with a knife up to the ear line, and raised his sarong to the middle of his calf. Then another day he passed by again and Abu Darda’ said to him: “Give us advice that will benefit us and not harm you”. So he said: “I have heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Verily you will return to your brothers so repair your vehicle and wear good clothes until you are like a tahiltalat among the people. And Allah dislikes the abominable, whether in dress or speech”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “A Muslim’s sarong is up to the middle of the calf. It is not a sin if it reaches between the calf and the ankle. And what is below the ankles is a part of Hell. And whoever extends his sarong below the ankles out of arrogance, Allah will not look at him (with a look of mercy)”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I was walking in front of the Messenger of Allah and my sarong was a little low so the Prophet said: “O Abdullah, raise your sarong”. So I raised my sarong. But he said “Raise it again”. So I increased it. After this incident I always raised my sarong according to that instruction”. Someone asked: “Where is the height”. Abdullah replied: “Up to the middle of the two calves”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever stretches out his sarong to the point of arrogance will not be seen by Allah on the Day of Resurrection”. Umm Salamah asked: “How do women extend or lower their cloth?”. He replied: “They lower it by an inch”. Umm Salamah asked again: “Then expose the soles of their feet?”. He said: “It is permissible for women to lower their cloth by a cubit, and no more than that”. (Abu Daud and At-Turmudzi).







  1. Muadz ibn Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever does not indulge in extravagant clothing out of reverence for Allah, even though he can afford it, on the Day of Resurrection, Allah will call him in front of all people to choose for himself the garment of faith that he wants to wear.” (HR: At Turmudzi).







  1. Amr ibn Shuaib reported from his father, from his grandfather, that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Verily, Allah is pleased to see the traces of His favor on His servant”. (HR: At Turmudzi). :






  1. Umar ibn Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Do not wear silk in this world, for the one who wears it in this world will not wear it again in the Hereafter”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Umar bin Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Verily, the one who wears silk (in this world) is the one who will not have his share in the Hereafter.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Whoever wears silk in this world will not wear it in the Hereafter”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I saw the Messenger of Allah holding silk in his right hand and gold in his left, and he said: “Verily, these two things are forbidden for my male Ummah”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Musa Al Ash’ari reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “It has been forbidden for my Ummah to wear silk and gold, and it has been made lawful for my Ummah for women”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Hudhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade us to drink and eat from vessels made of gold and silver, and forbade us to wear cloths made of silk, both thin and thick, and forbade us to sit on them.” (HR: Bukhari).







  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) granted Zubayr and Abdur Rahman ibn Auf a concession to wear silk because they were suffering from itching.” (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).









1, Muawiyah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Do not sit on silk and do not sit on animal skins”. (Reported by Abu Daud).


  1. Abul Malih reported from his father that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade spreading the skins of wild animals and sitting on them.” (Reported by Abu Daud, At-Turmudzi and Nasai).


In the narration of Turmudzi it says: “He forbade spreading the skins of wild animals to sit on”.







1 Narrated Mrs. Said al-Khudri. She said: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) would put on a new garment or turban or scarf, he would name it and then say: ALLAAHUMMA LAKAL HAMDU ANTA KASAUTANIIHI, AS ALUKA KHAIRAHU WAKHAIRA MAA SHUNI’A LAHU WA ‘AUUDZUBIKA MIN SYARRIHI – WA SYARRI MAA SHUNT’A LAHU (O Allah, it is to You alone that I praise. It is You who have clothed me. I ask You for the good of this garment and the good it does. And I seek refuge with You from the evil of this garment and the evil it does)”. (narrated by Abu Daud and At-Turmudzi).







  1. Al Barra’ ibn Azib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Messenger of Allah (saws) When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) would sleep, he would tilt his head to the right and then recite: “ALLAAHUMMA ASLAMTU NAFSII ILAIKA WA WAJJAHTU WAJHII ILAKA WA FAWWADHTU AMRII ILAIKA WAL JA’TU ZHAHRII ILAIKA RAGHBATAN WA RAHBATAN ILAIKA LAA MALJA-A WALAA MANJAA ILLAA ILAIKA AAMANTU BIKITAABIKAL LADZII ANZALTU WANABIYYIKAL LADZII ARSALTU (O Allah, I surrender myself to You, turn my face to You surrendering all my affairs to You, and leaning my back on You in hope and fear of You. There is no refuge and no place to save myself from Your torment except You. I believe in the Book that You revealed and the Prophet that You sent)”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Al Barra’ ibn Azib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah once said to me: “When you go to bed, perform ablution as you would perform ablution for prayer, then lie down on your right side and recite this supplication (as mentioned above), and make the recitation of this supplication the end of all your words.” (HR Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Prophet used to pray eleven rak’ahs at night, and when dawn broke he would pray two light rak’ahs, then lie down on his right side until the muadzin called for the adhan.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Hudhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Prophet would go to sleep at night, he would put his hand under his cheek and recite the supplication: ALLAAHUMMA BISMIKA AMUTU WA AHYAA (O Allah, in your name I die and live). And when he woke up, he would say: “ALHAMDU LILLAAHIL LADZII AHYAANAA BA DAMAA AMAATANAA WA ILAIHIN NUSYUR (Praise be to Allah, the One who brings us back to life after putting us to death, and only to Him will we be resurrected)”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Ya’isy ibn Thihfak Al Ghiffari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “My father said: “When I was sleeping on my stomach in the mosque, someone suddenly moved me with his foot and said: “This way of sleeping is hated by Allah”. And when I looked up it was the Messenger of Allah.” (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported. The Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever sits on a seat and does not remember Allah is a loser before Allah. And whoever lies down and does not remember Allah is a loser before Allah”. (HR. Abu Daud). .







  1. ‘Abdullāh ibn Yazid (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) sleeping on his back in the mosque, placing one foot on top of the other.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Jabir bin Samurah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) finished his prayer, he would sit cross-legged in his gathering until the sun rose”. (HR. Abu Daud). –


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) sitting with his hands on his knees like this”. Ja described the nature of the sitting with his hands”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Oailah bint Mahramah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “I saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) sitting with his thighs close to his stomach and his hands on his calves. I was terrified by the solemnity with which the Prophet sat.” (HR. Abu Daud and Turmudzi).


  1. Shirrid ibn Suwaid (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) passed by me and I was sitting with my left hand behind my back and leaning on my palm, so he said: “Why are you sitting like the one whom Allah has angered”. (Reported by Abu Daud).







  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “You should never wake another person up from his seat and then sit in that place, but you should widen and stretch. And as for Ibn ‘Umar, if anyone got up from his seat and was invited to sit in that place, he did not want to”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “If someone gets up from his seat and then returns, he is entitled to his original seat”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Jabir bin Samurah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When we come to the Prophet (peace be upon him), we sit where we arrive.” (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi). –


  1. Abu Abdullah Salman Al Farisi (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “No one who takes a bath on Friday and cleanses completely, puts on oil or fragrance and then goes to the mosque and does not separate two people who have sat down first and then prays as prescribed and pays attention to the khutbah when there is a khutbah, but his sins that he has committed between that day and the next Friday will be forgiven”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Amr ibn Shuaib reported from his father, from his grandfather that the Messenger of Allah said: “It is not permissible for anyone to separate two people except with their permission”. (narrated by Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


In the narration of Abu Daud it is said: “It is not permissible for anyone to sit between two people except with their permission”.


  1. Hudhayfah (ibn al-Yaman) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) cursed the one who sits in the middle of a circle.” (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Mijlaz reported that a man sat in the middle of a gathering and Hudhayfah said: “That person is cursed through the mouth of the Prophet Muhammad or Allah cursed the one who sits in the middle of the majlis through the mouth of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) say: “The best place is a spacious place (majlis)”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever sits in a majlis and talks a lot, then before getting up to leave the majlis recites: SUBHAANAKALLAAHUMMA WABIHAMDIKA ASYHADU AN LAA ILAAHA ILLAA ANTA AS TAGHFIRUKA WA ATUUBU ILAIKA (Glory be to You O Allah and by praising You I testify that there is no God but You. I ask forgiveness and repent to You) except for the sins that he has committed while sitting, which Allah will forgive him.” (HR. At Turmudzi). .


  1. Abu Barzah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was about to leave the gathering, the last thing he would say was: SUBHANAKALLAAHUMMA WABIHAMDIKA ASYHADU AN LAA ILAAHA ILLAA ANTA ASTAGHFIRUKA WA ATUBU ILAIKA (Glory be to You O Allah, and by praising You I testify that there is no God but You. I ask forgiveness and repent to You)”. Then a man said: “O Messenger of Allah, you have recited something that you did not used to recite before”. He said: “That is an atonement for the sins committed while in the assembly”. (Reported by Abu Daud and also narrated by Al Hakim Abu Abdullah from Aisha).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Rarely did the Messenger of Allah rise from his seat before reciting the prayer: ALLAAHUMMAOSIM LANAA MIN KHASYYATIKA MAA TAHUULU BIHII BAINANAA WABAINA MAKSIYATIKA WAMIN THAA ‘ATIKA MAA TUBALLIGHUNAA BIHI JANNATAKA WAMINAL YAQIINI MAA TUHAWWINU BIHI ‘ALAINAA MASHAAIBAD DUN-YAA. ALLAAHUMMA MATTINAA BI ASMAA’YNAA WA ABSHAARINAA WA QUWWATINAA MAA AHYAITANAA WAJ’ALHUL WAA-:RITSA MINNAA WAJ’AL TSAKRANAA ‘ALAA MAN ZHALAMANAA, WANSHUR: NAA ‘ALAA MAN ‘AADAANAA ‘ALAA MAN ZHALAMANAA, WANSHURNAA ‘ALAA MAN ‘AADAANAA WALAA TAJ’AL MUHIIBATANAA FII DIININAA WALAA TAJ ALID DUN-YAA AKBARA HAMMINAA WALAA MABLAGHA ILMINAA WALAA TUSALLITH ‘ALINAA MAN LAA YARHAMUNAA (O Allah, share with us the fear of You, the fear that can prevent me from disobeying You. And share with us a sense of obedience to You, a sense of obedience that can lead us to Your paradise, and share with us a sense of confidence, a sense that can alleviate the trials of the world that befall us. O Allah, satisfy us with our hearing, sight and strength during our lifetime and make them our inheritance. Repay those who wrong us and give us help against our enemies. Do not afflict us with trials in our religion and do not make this world our ultimate goal and not the summit of our knowledge, and do not make a merciless person our leader.” (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “There is no people who rise from a gathering and do not remember Allah while sitting except that they are like the carcass of a donkey. They will be at a great loss in the future.” (Reported by Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “No people sit in a gathering where they do not remember Allah and do not recite the blessings of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) unless they all suffer a great loss. It is up to Allah whether He will torment them or forgive them.” (HR. At Turmudzi)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever sits in a seat and forgets to remember Allah will have a great loss before Allah. And whoever lies down and forgets to remember Allah will also have a great loss before Allah.” (HR. Abu Daud).








Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And among the signs of His power is your sleep during the night and the day”. (QS. Ar Rum: 23)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “There is nothing left of prophethood except Al Mubasysyirat”. The Companions asked: “What is meant by Al Mubasysyirat?”. He replied: “It is a beautiful dream.” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When the Day of Resurrection approaches the dreams of the believer almost never lie. And the dreams of the believer are part of 1/46 (one forty-sixth) part of the signs of prophethood”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “The truth of your dreams is the truth of your words”.


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever sees me (the Prophet) in a dream then he really sees me while awake or he seems to see me while awake because the devil cannot resemble me”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah say: “If one of you dreams a dream that he likes, it is indeed from Allah. So praise Allah and tell others about it”. In another narration it is said: “Never tell his dreams except to those whom he likes”. If a person has a dream that he does not like, then it is from the Shaytaan. So ask for protection from the evil of that dream and do not tell that dream “to anyone because it will not harm him”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Qatadah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Good dreams are from Allah and bad dreams are from the devil. Therefore, whoever has a bad dream that he does not like, he should blow on his left side three times and also ask Allah for protection from the devil (by reciting A’UDZU BILLAAHI MINASY SYAITHAANIR RAJIIM)). Indeed, the dream will not harm him.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Jabir reported that the Prophet said: “When one of us dreams of something he dislikes, he should spit on his left side three times, seek refuge from the evil spirits (by reciting A’udzu billaahi minasy shaytanaanir rajiim) three times, and turn over from his original sleep.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Asga’ Watsilah ibn Al Asga’ reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “Verily, the greatest of lies is when a man recognizes a descendant who is not his father’s descendant, or he denies a dream that he did not see, or he says in the name of the Messenger of Allah what he did not say”. (HR. Bukhari). |








Allah ta’ala says: “O you who believe, do not enter a house that is not your own until you have asked permission and greeted the occupants.” (QS. An Nur: 27).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says: “When you enter a house, greet yourselves with the greeting that is prescribed from Allah, blessed and good”. (QS. An Nur: 61).


Allah, the Almighty, says: “When you are honored with a greeting, return it with something better than it, or return it with something that is equal.” (QS. An Nisak: 86). .


Allah ta’ala says: “Has it reached you (Muhammad) about the story of Ibrahim’s honored guests? When they entered Ibrahim’s place and said : Salaamun, Ibrahim replied: Salaamun.” (QS. Adh Dzariat: 24-25).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that a man asked the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him): “What is the best practice in Islam?”. He replied: “It is to give food, to say greetings to those whom one knows and to those whom one does not know”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When Allah created the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him), He said: “Go and greet the angels who are sitting, and listen to their response, for it will be an honor to you and an honor to your children and grandchildren in the future”. So the prophet Adam said: “ASSALAMU’ALAIKUM”. And they replied: “ASSALAMU ‘ALAIKA WARAHMATULLAAH”. They (the angels) added: WARAHMATULLAH””. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim). .


  1. Al Barra” Al Azib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah told us to do seven things, namely: visiting the sick, escorting the dead, praying for the sneezer, helping the weak, helping the oppressed and spreading greetings and keeping oaths”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “You will not enter Paradise until you all believe. And all of you are considered not to have believed if you do not “love each other. Would you like me (the Prophet PBUH) to show you something that if you do it can definitely lead to affection? That is, spread the greeting of peace among your neighbors “. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Yusuf Abdullah bin Salam ra. he said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “O people, spread the greeting of peace, give food, connect the ties of brotherhood and pray when people are fast asleep, you will all enter Paradise safely”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Ath Thufail ibn Ubai ibn Kaab reported that he used to come to Abdullah ibn Umar’s place, then they went together to the market. Thufail said: “When we were in the marketplace, Abdullah ibn ‘Umar would never pass by a cobbler, a vendor, a poor person, or anyone else he passed by unless he greeted him.” Thufail said: “One day I came to Abdullah ibn ‘Umar’s place and he asked me to go to the market, so I said: “What are you going to the market for, because you will not buy anything, nor will you bargain for goods, nor will you sit in the market? It would be better if we sat and talked here”. Abdullah replied: “O Abu Bathn (the nickname of Thufail, because he had a big belly) we go to the market to spread the greeting, i.e. we greet whoever we meet”. (HR Malik).








It is highly recommended for the one who says the greeting to say: “Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh” (may Allah’s well-being, mercy and blessings be upon you), even if there is only one greeting. As for the one who responds, it is recommended to say: “Wa’alaikumus salaamu warahraatullahi wabarakaatuh” by using “WAWU” in the sentence: Wa’alaikum.


  1. Imran ibn Al Hushain (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man came to the Prophet and said: “ASSALAAMU “ALAIKUM”. He answered his greeting and the man sat down, then he said: “Ten”. Soon another man came and said: “ASSALAAMU “ALAIKUM, WARAHMATULLAAH”. The Prophet answered his greeting and the man sat down. Then the Prophet said: “Twenty”. After that another man came and said: “ASSALAAMU “ALAIKUM WARAHMATULLAAHI WABARAKATUH”. The Prophet answered his greeting and sat down. Then the Prophet said: “Thirty”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Prophet said to me: “The angel Gabriel has greeted you”. So I replied: “WA “ALAIHIS SALAAMU WARAHMATULLAAHI WABARAKAATUH”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Anas reported that he said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to repeat his words three times so that they would be understood. And when he came to a people, he greeted them three times”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Al Miqdad (may Allah be pleased with him) reported in a long hadith that he said: “We used to provide the Prophet with milk. So when he came at night, he would say the greeting so softly that it would not wake the sleepers but it would be heard by those who were on guard. The Prophet used to come and say the greeting as mentioned above”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Asma” bint Yazid (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) passed by a group of women in the mosque who were sitting, so he waved his hand in greeting.” (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Jurai ibn Al Hujaimi (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I came to the Messenger of Allah and I said: “ALAIKAS SALAAMU YAA RASUULULLAAH”, so he said: “Do not say that, for it is the greeting of the dead”. (HR Abu Daud and At-Turmudzi).





  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The one who rides should greet the one who walks, and the one who walks should greet the one who sits, and the few should greet the many”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In the narration of Bukhari it is said: “The small should greet the great”.


  1. Abu Umamah Shudai bin Ajlan Al Bahili reported that the Prophet said: “The best of people for Allah SWT. is the one who first says sa, lam”. (HR. Abu Daud).


According to the narration of Turmudzi from Abu Hurairah ra. he said: “A man asked the Messenger of Allah: “O Messenger of Allah, if two people meet, who should greet them first?”. He replied: “It is the one who is better according to Allah (meaning that the one who gives the greeting first is the best).”









  1. Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated the story of a man who prayed incorrectly, and he said: “He came and prayed, then he came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and greeted him, and the Prophet (peace be upon him) greeted him and said: “Go back and pray, for you have not prayed”. So the man returned and prayed again. Then he came to the Prophet and greeted him. The man did this three times.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When one of you meets his brother, greet him. And if you are separated by a tree, wall or stone and meet again, greet him again”. (HR. Abu Daud).









Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “When you enter a house, greet its occupants (yourselves) with the prescribed greeting from Allah, which is blessed and good.” (QS. An Nur: 61).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah said to me: “My son, when you come to your family, greet them with the greeting of peace, and blessings will be upon you and your family.” (HR. At Turmudzi)







  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he passed by a group of small children and greeted them, and said: “The Messenger of Allah also did this”. (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)





  1. Sahl ibn Saad (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “In our place there used to be a woman, in another narration it says: There was an old woman who used to take spices and cook them in a pot and mix them with wheat. When we had finished the Friday prayer, we would stop by her place and greet her, then she would serve us something to eat.” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Umm Hani’ Fakhitah bint Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “I came to the Prophet at the time of Fathu Makkah (the day of the conquest of Makkah), and the Prophet had just taken a bath and was covered by Fatimah with a cloth, so I greeted him”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. From Asma’ bint Yazid ra. she said: “The Messenger of Allah was passing by a group of women, so he greeted us.” (Abu Daud and At-Turmudzi.)








  1. Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Do not greet the Jews or Christians first. If you meet them on the road, try to make them move to the side of the road”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “When the People of the Book greet you, respond with: WA “ALAIKUM”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Usamah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) passed by a gathering in which there were Muslims and idolatrous polytheists and Jews, and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) greeted them.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).









  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “When one of you enters a gathering, he should greet it with peace. And when you leave it, you should also greet it. The former is not better than the latter”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).







Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “O you who believe, do not enter a house that is not your own until you have asked permission of its occupants.” (QS. An Nur: 27).


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “When your children reach the age of puberty, let them ask permission, just as those who were before them asked permission”. (Sūrat An Nur: 59).


  1. Abu Musa Al Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “The limit for those who ask permission is three times. If you are permitted, then enter, and if you are not permitted, then leave.” (HR..Bukhari – Muslim).


  1. Sahl ibn Saad (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, the rule of asking permission is only to protect the eyes”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Rib’i bin Hirash reported: “A man from Banu Amir told us about a time when he asked permission to enter the Prophet’s house. The man said: “May I enter?”. Then he said to his servant: “Go out and teach the man the procedure of asking permission, and tell him: “Say ASSALAAMU “ALAIKUM, may I enter?”. The man heard what the Prophet taught him and said: “ASSALAMU “ALAIKUM, may I enter?”. Then he gave him permission and the man entered”. (HR. Abu Da’ud).


  1. Kildah ibn Al Hanbal (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I came to the Prophet’s house and entered without greeting him. So the Prophet said: “Go back and say ASSALAAMU “ALAIKUM, can I enter?”. (Reported by Abu Daud and At-Turmudzi).








  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported in a well-known hadeeth about ‘Isra’ that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Jibril took me up to the heaven of this world and asked to open the door of heaven, then asked: “Who is it?”. He replied: “Gabriel”. Then he was asked again: “Who is with you?”. He answered: “Muhammad”. Then he took him up to the second heaven, the third, the fourth and so on. And at every door of the sky he was asked: “Who is it?”. So He answered: “Gabriel”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Dharr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “One night I went out and suddenly I met the Messenger of Allah walking alone. That night I was walking in the moonlight, then he turned and saw me, so he asked: “Who is it?”. I replied: “Abu Dharr”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Umm Hanik (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “I came to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) when he was taking a bath and Fatimah was covering me with a cloth. So he asked: “Who is that?”. I replied: “Umm Hanik”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I came to the Prophet and knocked on the door. So he asked: “Who is it?”. I replied: “Me”. He said: “I am, I am, as if he hated that speech” – (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).








  1. Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Verily, Allah loves sneezing and hates yawning. When one of you sneezes and praises Allah (by reciting Alhamdulillah), it is obligatory for the Muslims who hear him to recite: YARHAMUKALLAAH (may Allah love you). As for yawning, it is from the shaytan. Therefore, if one of you yawns, he should suppress it with all his might because if one of you yawns, the devil laughs at him.” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When one of you sneezes, say: ALHAMDU LILLAH, and for his brothers who (hear him) then should say: YARHAMUKALLAH. When someone says: YARHAMUKALLAH. then the one who sneezed should say: YAHDIKUMULLAAH WA YUSHLIHU BAALAKUM (May Allah guide you, and also always show kindness to your heart)”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “If one of you sneezes and praises Allah then pray for him (by reciting Yarhamukallah), and if on the contrary, he does not praise Allah then do not pray for him”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Two men sneezed in the presence of the Prophet, so the Prophet prayed for one and did not pray for the other. So the one who was not prayed for said: “So-and-so sneezed and you prayed for him and I also sneezed but why did you not pray for me?”. He said: “So-and-so praises Allah while you do not praise Him”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Messenger of Allah sneezed, he would put his hand or garment to his mouth and lower or suppress his voice”. (HR. Abu Daud and Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Jews liked to sneeze in front of him because they wanted to be prayed for by saying YARHAMUKALLAAH, but the Messenger of Allah only said: “YAHDIIKUMULLAAH WA YUSHLIHU BAALAKUM”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “When one of you yawns, let him cover his mouth with his hand, because the devil will enter his mouth”. (HR. Muslim).










  1. Abu Khattab Qatadah reported: “I asked Anas (may Allah be pleased with him): Did the Companions used to shake hands?” He replied: “Yes.” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Anas reported: “When people from the country of Yemen came, the Prophet said: “Now the people of Yemen have come, and they are the first to observe the rule of shaking hands”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Al Barra’ reported that the Prophet said: “No two Muslims meet and shake hands but Allah will forgive their sins before they part”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man asked: “O Messenger of Allah, when one of us meets his brother or friend, should he bow?”. He replied: “No”. He asked: “Should he embrace or hug him?”. He replied: “No”. He asked: “Should he take her hand and shake her hand?”. He replied: “Yes”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Sufyan ibn Assal (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A Jew said to his friend: “Let us go and see the Messenger of Allah”. So they went to the Prophet and asked him about the nine verses of bayyinat. Sufyan explained this long hadith and finally came to the sentence: Then after that they kissed the hands and feet of the Messenger of Allah and said: “We bear witness that you are truly a Prophet”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he said: “So we approached the Prophet and kissed his hand”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. From Aisha ra. she said: “Zaid bin Harithah came to Madinah while the Prophet was in my house, then Zaid knocked on the door, so the Prophet immediately got up to greet him by pulling his cloth, and embraced and kissed him”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Dharr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet said to me: “Never underestimate a kindness even if it is only by making a sweet face when meeting your brother”. (HR. Muslim). “


  1. Abu Hurairah reported: “The Prophet (peace be upon him) kissed Hasan ibn ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him), then suddenly Al Barra’ ibn Habis said: “I have ten sons, but none of them have I ever kissed”. So he said: “Whoever has no affection is not favored by Allah”. (HR: Bukhari and Muslim).








  1. Al Barra’ ibn Azib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) commanded us to visit the sick, accompany the dead, answer the prayer of the sneezer, fulfill oaths, help the wronged, fulfill invitations and spread the greetings”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The rights of a Muslim to another Muslim are five, namely: answering the greeting, visiting the sick, accompanying a funeral, fulfilling an invitation and answering the prayer of a sneezing person.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, on the Day of Resurrection, Allah will say: “O son of Adam, I am sick, why did you not visit me?”. Man will answer: “O my Lord, how can I visit you when you are the Lord of the Worlds?” Allah will say: “Do you not know that My servant So-and-so was sick and you did not visit him, or did you not know that if you had visited him you would have found Me there? O Son of Adam, I asked you for food, but you would not feed Me””. Man will reply: “O my Lord, how shall I feed you when you are the Lord of the worlds?”. Allah says: “Do you not know that so-and-so asked for food, but why did you not feed him? Do you not know that if you had fed him, you would have found it written in My book. O son of Adam, I ask you for a drink and you refuse to give Me a drink.” Man replied: “O my Lord, how should I give You a drink when You are the Lord of the worlds?”. Allah said: “My servant Fulan asked for a drink but you did not give him one. Had you given him a drink, it would have been written in My sight”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Visit the sick, feed the hungry, and free the captive”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Tsauban reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, if a Muslim visits his brother, it is as if he is in the garden of Paradise until he returns”. Someone asked: “What is Khurfatul jannah?”. He replied: “The fruitful garden of Paradise”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “No Muslim visits his brother in the morning but he will be asked for mercy by seventy thousand angels until the afternoon. And if he visits his brother in the evening, he will be asked for mercy by seventy thousand angels until the morning, and he will be guaranteed fruits that are ready to be eaten in Paradise”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “There was a young Jewish man who used to serve the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) when he became ill and the Prophet (pbuh) came to visit him. Then the Prophet sat near his head and said: “Islam”. Then the young man looked at his father who was not far from him. Suddenly his father said: “Follow Abul Qasim”. So the young man converted to Islam. Then he went out and said: “ALHAMDU LILLAAHIL LADZII ANQADZAHU MINAN NAARI (Praise be to Allah for saving him from the fire of hell)”. (HR. Bukhari).








  1. ‘Ā’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that when the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was visited by someone complaining of pain or injury, he said: “With the index finger, so do so”. Sufyan bin Unayyah, the narrator of this hadith, put his index finger on the ground and then rubbed it over the sore spot while reciting the supplication: “BISMILLAAHI TURBATU ARDHIINAA BIRIOATI BA’DHINAA YUSYFAA BIHI SAOIIMUNAA BI IDZNI RABBINAA (In the name of Allah, with the dust of the ground and some of this saliva, may this sick person be healed by the permission of Allah our Lord)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


2, From ‘Aisha ra. that the Prophet visited one of his family by wiping his right hand while reciting the prayer: ALLAAHUMMA RABBANNAASI ADZHIBIL BAKSA ISYFI ANTASY SYAAFII, LAA SYIFAA-A ILLAA SYIFAAUKA, SYIFAAAN YUGHAADIRU SAQAMAA (O Allah, Lord of all people, remove all diseases, heal because You are the one who can heal. There is no cure except from You, that is, a cure in which there is no more sickness)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Anas reported that he said to Tsabit: “Would you like me to cast a spell on you similar to that of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)?”. Tsabit said: “Please”. Anas ra. recited: ALLAAHUMMA RABBANNAASI MUDZFHIBAL BAKSI, ISYFI ANTASY SYAAFII LAA SYAAFIYA ILLAA ANTA, SYIFAA-AN YUGHAADIRU SAOAMAA (O Allah, the Lord of mankind, the One who removes all diseases, heal because only You can heal. There is no one who can heal except You, namely the healing that is not infested with disease anymore)”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Saad bin Abu Waggas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) visited me and recited: ALLAAHUMMASYFI SA’DAN, ALLAAHUMMASYFI SA’DAN, ALLAAHUMMASYFI SA’DAN (O Allah heal Saad, O Allah heal Saad, O Allah heal Saad)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. ‘Abdullāh ‘Uthman ibn Abul Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he complained to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) of an illness and he said to him: “Place your hand on the place where you feel pain and recite the supplication: BISMILLAAHIR RAHMAANIR RAHIIM x3 (three times) and A’UUDZU BI’IZZATILLAAH WAOUDRATIHI MIN SYARRI MAA AJIDU WA UHAADIRU (I seek refuge in the glory of Allah and His power from the illness that I feel and am worried about) seven times”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever visits a sick person who has not yet died, and recites this supplication seven times, Allah will cure him. The supplication in question is : AS ALULLAAHAL AZHIIMA RABBAL ARSYIL AZHIIM AN YASYFIYAKA (I ask Allah, the Great, the Lord of the great Throne, that He may be pleased to cure you)”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came to a Bedouin to visit him, and he used to comfort him when he visited a sick person by saying: “It’s okay, may your illness be a cleansing of your sins, insha Allah”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri reported that the angel Gabriel came to the Prophet and said: “O Muhammad, are you sick?”. Bellau replied: “Yes”. Gabriel prayed: “BISMILLAAHI AROIIKA MIN KULLI SYAI-IN YU DZIIKA, MIN SYARRI KULLI NAFSIN AU “AININ HAASIDIN, ALLAAHU YASYFIIKA BISMILLAAHI AROIIKA (In the name of Allah I am sparing you from something that bothers you, and from every spiteful soul or eye. May Allah heal your sickness, by mentioning the name of Allah I am vouching for you)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri and Abu Hurairah reported that they witnessed the Messenger of Allah saying: “Whoever recites: LAA ILAAHA ILLAALLAAHU WALLAAHU AKBAR, then Allah will justify him while saying: LAA ILAAHA ILLAA ANAA WA ANAA AKBARIUI. And when he says: LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAHU WAHDAHU LAA SYARIIKA LAHU, then Allah says: LAA ILAAHA ILLAA ANAA WAHDII LAA SHARIIKA LII. If he says: LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAHU LAHUL MULKU WALAHUL HAMDU, then Allah says: LAA ILAAHA ILLAA ANAA LIYAL HAMDU WALIYAL MULKU. And if he says: LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAH WALAA HAULA WALAA OUWWATA ILLAA BILLAAH, then Allah says: LAA ILAAHA ILLAA ANAA WALAA HAULA WALA OUWWATA ILLAA BII. The Prophet then said: “Whoever recites these words when he is sick and dies in his sickness will not be consumed by the fire of Hell”. (narrated by At-Turmudzi)








  1. Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that ‘Ali ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) left the house of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) when he was sick on the eve of his death, and the Companions asked him: “O Abul Hasan, how is he this morning?”. Ali replied: “This morning, thank God, he is quite well” (HR Bukhari).







  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) recite a supplication in which he leaned on me: ALLAAHUMMAGHFIR LII WAR HAMNII WA ALHIONII BIR RAFIIOIL A’LAA (O Allah, forgive me my sins and find me with the Most Sublime)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “I saw the Messenger of Allah when he was about to die with a glass filled with water. He put his hand in the glass and wiped the water on his face while reciting the supplication: ALLAAHUMMA A’INNII ‘”ALAA GHAMARATIL MAUTI WA SAKARAATIL MAUTI (O Allah, help me in facing the severity of death and the difficulty of death)”. (HR. At Turmudzi).








  1. Imran ibn al-Hushain (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that a woman from Juhainah came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) pregnant from adultery. She said to him: “O Messenger of Allah, I am subject to the hadd punishment so perform the hadd punishment on me”. Then the Prophet called the guardian of the woman and said: “Take good care of this woman, and when she gives birth, bring her here immediately”. The guardian of the woman did as he was told. When the woman gave birth, she was brought to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and he tied her up with her clothes and ordered her to be stoned. After the woman died, he prayed for her”. (Reported by Muslim).








  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I entered the Prophet’s house while he was sick with fever. So I took hold of him and said: “Your body is very hot”. He replied: “I suffer from heat twice as much as people like you”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Saad ibn Abu Waggas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah came to visit me when I was very ill, so I said to him: “I do not know what will happen to me, while I am a man of great wealth and have no heirs except one of my daughters”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


There is more to this hadith.


  1. Al Qasim ibn Muhammad reported: “Aisha ra. once complained: “Ouch, my head is dizzy”. Then he said: “I also have a headache”. (HR: Bukhari)








  1. Muadz (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever says at the end of his speech LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAH, he will enter Paradise”. (HR. Abu Daud and Al Hakim).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Guide the one who is about to die with the words: LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAH””. (Reported by Muslim)











  1. Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) entered the house of Abu Salamah, whose eyes were still open, and he closed them and said: “Verily when the spirit is revoked it is followed by the eyes”. Hearing his words, his family cried loudly. Then the Prophet taught: “Do not pray for yourself except for the good things, for the angels assent to what you say”. Then he prayed: ALLAAHUMMAGHFIR LI ABI SALAMAH, WARFA’ DARAJATAHU FIL MAHDIYYIIN, WAHLUEFHU FII “AOIBIHI FIL GHASABIRIIN, WAGHFIR LANAA WALAHU YAA RABBAL ‘AALAMIIN, WAFSAHLAHU FII OABRIHI, WA NAWIR LAHU FIIHI (O Allah, forgive the sin of Abu Salamah, raise his rank among those who are guided, give him good offspring in the future. Forgive our sins and his sins, O Lord of the Worlds, make his grave spacious and enlighten him in his grave.” (HR Muslim). .








  1. Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet said: “When you attend a sick person or a deceased person, say good things, for the angels will confirm what you say.” Umm Salamah said: “When Abu Salamah died I came to him and said: “O Messenger of Allah, Abu Salamah is dead”. He said: “Recite: ALLAAHUMMAGHFIR LII WALAHU WA A’QIBNII MINHU ‘UQBAN HASANATAN (O Allah, forgive my sins and the sins of Abu Salamah, and replace them with a better replacement), then Umm Salamah said: “Then Allah replaced me with someone better than Abu Salamah, namely the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. From Umm Salamah ra. she said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Whoever is afflicted with a calamity then says: INNAA LILLAAHI WAINNAA ILAIHI RAAJIUUN ALLAAHUMMAKJURNII FII MUSHIIBATII WA AKHLIF LII KHAIRAN MINHAA (We are servants of Allah who will surely return to Him. O Allah, grant us reward in this calamity, and grant us a better compensation than the calamity that has befallen us) then Allah will reward him and will give him a better compensation than the calamity. Umm Salamah said: “When Abu Salamah died, I recited the supplication as he had taught me, then Allah replaced him with one better than Abu Salamah, namely Muhammad (peace be upon him)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “When a man’s son dies, Allah asks His angels: “Have you taken away the son of My servant?”. The angel answers: “Yes”. Allah says: “You have taken away the fruit of his heart”. The angel replied: “Yes” Allah said: “Then what has My servant said?”. The angel replied: “He praised You and said: INNAALILLAAHI WA INNAA ILAIHI RAAJIUN”. Then Allah said: “Make a house in Paradise for My servant and name it Baitul Hamdi (House of Praise)”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “There is no reward for My servant with Me when I take his beloved in this world and he is pleased with Me and expects reward from Me except the reward of Paradise”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Usamah bin Zaid (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “one of the Prophet’s daughters sent someone to call and tell the Prophet that her son was about to die. Then he said to the messenger: “Go back to my daughter and tell her that it is Allah’s right to take and give things. Every thing has a certain limit, so tell her to be patient and hope for the reward of Allah”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


There is more to this hadith.








  1. Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), Abdullah ibn Auf, Saad ibn Abu Waggas and Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with them) came to mourn the dead body of Saad ibn Ubadah, and he wept. When the Companions saw him crying, they also cried. He then said: “Don’t you want to hear that Allah does not punish a person for tears and not for grief of heart, but Allah punishes and gives mercy to a person because of this”. He pointed to his tongue. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Usamah bin Zaid (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Prophet’s grandson was about to die and was handed over to the Prophet, he shed tears”. Saad asked: “O Messenger of Allah, why are you behaving in this way?” He replied: “This is mercy, the compassion that Allah places in the hearts of His servants. Verily, Allah loves His servants who are compassionate”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Anas ra. said: “When the Messenger of Allah entered to see Ibrahim (his son) who was breathing his last breath, the Messenger of Allah’s eyes filled with tears. Abdur Rahman bin Auf asked him: “Do you also cry, O Messenger of Allah?”. He replied: “O Ibn Auf, indeed this is a mercy, then followed by another provision”. He also said: “Our eyes are tearful and our hearts are sad, but we do not say anything except what is pleasing to Allah. And we are truly grieved to part with you, O Ibrahim”. (HR. Bukhari).








  1. Abu Rafee Aslam, the servant of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever participates in the bathing of a dead person and conceals his secret, Allah will forgive him forty times”. (HR: Hakim).













  1. Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever watches a dead body until it is prayed for will receive the reward of one qirath, and whoever watches it until it is buried will receive the reward of two qiraths”. Someone asked: “What are two qiraths?”. He replied: “The size of two large mountains”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever accompanies a Muslim corpse with full faith and expecting the reward of Allah and he continues to wait until the corpse is prayed for and finished burying, he will return home with two rewards / two qiraths, where each one qirath resembles the mountain of Uhud. And whoever accompanies a corpse until it is prayed for and then leaves before it is buried will return with the reward of one qirath.” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Umm Athiyah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “We women are forbidden to accompany the dead, but it is not forbidden for us to do so”. (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).








  1. ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “There is no dead person who is prayed for by a hundred Muslims, all of whom invoke safaat for him, except that the dead person will have his safaat”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “There is no Muslim man who dies and his body is prayed for by forty people who do not associate anything with Allah, except that Allah will accept their intercession”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Martsad bin Abdullah Al Yazanni reported: “If Malik bin Hubairah (may Allah be pleased with him) prayed for a corpse and the number of those praying was small, he would divide it into three parts, then he said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever is prayed for by three rows is assured of forgiveness”. (Abu Daud and At-Turmudzi).








The funeral prayer consists of four takbirs. Reciting ta’awudz after the first takbeer, then reciting Surah Al Fatihah. Then the second takbeer, after which recite the salawat of the Prophet (peace be upon him) which reads: ALLAAHUMMA SHALLI “ALAA MUHAMMAD WA ALAA AALI MUHAMMAD. And for a complete and more preferable salawat, it can be added with: KAMAA SHALLAITA ALAA IBRAAHIIM WA AALAA AALI IBRAHIIM. WA BAARIK “ALAA MUHAMMAD WA ALAA AALI MUHAMMAD KAMA BAARAKTA ‘ALAA IBRAHIIM WA ‘ALAA AALI IBRAHIIM. FIL “AALAMIINA INNAKA HAMIIDUM MAJHID. After the third takbir, the supplication should be recited for the dead person himself and for the Muslim Ummah in general, as we will explain below. After the fourth takbeer, the salam should be said and before the salam it is recommended to recite: ALLAAHUMMA LAA TAHRIMNAA AJRAHU WALA TAFTINNAA BA’DAHU WAGHFIRLANAA WALAHU. The well-known supplications after the third takbeer are as follows:


  1. Abu Abdur Rahman Auf bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) offered funeral prayer for a dead person, and I memorized the supplication that he recited: ALLAAHUMMAGHFIR LAHU WARHAMHU WA ‘AAFIHI WA’FU ‘ANHU, WA AKRIM NUZULAHU, WA WASSI’ MADKHALAHU WAGHSILHU BILMAAITS TSALJI WAL BARADI, WANAOOIHI MINAL KHATHAAYA KAMAA NAQQAITAT TSAUBAL ABYADHA MINADDANASI WA ABDILHU DAARAN KHAIRAN MIN DAARIHI WA AHLAN KHAIRAN MIN AHLIHI WA ZAUJAN KHAIRAN MIN ZAUJIHI WA ADKHILHUL JANNATA WA A’IDZHU MIN ‘ADZAABIL QABRI WAMIN ‘ADZAABIN NAARI (O Allah, forgive his sins, have mercy on him, save him, forgive him, welcome him, make his grave open, bathe him with ice and dew, cleanse him from all sins as You cleanse a white cloth from dirt. Replace his house with a better one, replace his family with a better one and replace his wife with a better one, enter him into Paradise, avert him from the torment of the grave and the torment of hellfire)”. Abdur Rahman said: “I would have wished that I myself had been the dead person”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported. Abu Qatadah and Abu Ibrahim Al Ashhali from his father, whose father was one of the companions of the Prophet. that when he prayed over a dead body, he used to say: ALLAAHUMMAGHFIR LIHAYYINAA WA MAYYITINAA WA SHAGHIIRINAA WA KABIIRINAA WA DZAKARINAA WA UNTSANAA WA SHAHIDINAA, WA GHAAIBINAA, ALLAAHUMMA MAN AHYAITAHU MINNAA FA AHYIHI ‘ALAL ISLAAMI WAMAN TAWAFFAITAHU MINNAA FATAWAFFAHU’ALAL IIMAANI, ALLAAHUMMA LAA TAHRIMNAA AJRAHU WALAA TAFTINNAA BA’DAHU (O Allah, forgive us, both the living and the dead, the small and the great, the male and the female, the present and the absent. O Allah, whoever You revive among us, revive him/her in the religion of Islam, and whoever You take away, take away him/her in the state of faith. O Allah, do not deprive us of the reward and do not bring fitnah after us”. (Abu Daud from Abu Hurairah and Abu Qatadah, and At-Turmudzi from Abu Hurairah and Abu Ashali.)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that he said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “If you offer a funeral prayer for a dead person, be sincere in your supplication for him”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said. when he offered the funeral prayer he recited: “ALLAAHUMMA ANTA RABBUHAA WA ANTA KHALAQTAHAA WA ANTA HADAITAHAA LIL ISLAAMI WA ANTA QABADHTA RUUHANAA WA ANTA A’LAMU BISIRRIHAA WA ‘ALAANIYATIHAA JIKNAA SYUFA’AA-A LAHU FAGHFIR LAHU (O Allah, You are his Lord, You are the One who created him, who showed him Islam, who took his life and You are the One who knows better what is hidden and what is clear from him. We have come to intercede for him, so forgive him)”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Watsilah ibn Al Asqa’ (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I prayed for a corpse with the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) say. praying: “ALLAAHUMMA INNA FULAANAN BIN FULAAN FII DZIMMATIKA WA HABLI JIWAARIKA FAOIHI MIN FITNATIL OABRI WA ‘ADZAABIHI WA ANTA AHLUL WAFAAI WALHAMDI, ALLAAHUMMA FAGHFIR LAHU WARHAMHU INNAKA ANTAL GHAFUURUR RAHIIM (O Allah, surely Fulan bin Fulan is in Your care and Your protection so spare him from the trials and punishments of the grave. You are the One who keeps promises and is praised O Allah, forgive him and have mercy on him. Indeed, You are the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful)”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abdullah ibn Abu Aufa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he offered the funeral prayer for his daughter, and he made four takbirs. And after the fourth takbir he remained standing for about as long as between two takbirs to ask for forgiveness and pray then he said: “The Messenger of Allah used to do this too”.


In another narration it is said: “After the fourth takbir, he paused for a moment until we thought he was about to make the fifth takbir, then he greeted to the right and left. When he had finished, we asked him: “Why are you doing this?”. He replied: “I have not added anything to what we have seen the Messenger of Allah do”. Or he said: “This is what the Messenger of Allah did”. (Al Hakim).











  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Hurry up with the burial of the dead, for if he was a righteous person, then you are hastening him to good. On the other hand, if he was an evil person, you have hastened to remove the evil from your charge.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In the Muslim narration it is said: “So it is better for you to hasten him so that he will be rewarded quickly”.


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “When a corpse is laid out and a person is lifted up on his shoulders, then if he is good he will say: “Hurry me up”. But if he is not a good person, he says to his family: “How wretched, where will I be taken”. The sound of the moaning of the dead can be heard by everything except humans. And if a human heard it, he would faint”. (HR. Bukhari).











  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The soul of a believer depends on his debt until it is paid”. (narrated by At-Turmudzi)


  1. Hushain bin Wahwah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that when Talhah was sick the Prophet came to visit him and said: “I do not look at Talhah but he will soon die and when he dies then immediately inform me and hurry up to be buried because it is not appropriate for the body of a believer to be delayed in the midst of his family.” (HR Abu Daud)









  1. ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When we were delivering a body at the grave of Bagi’, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) approached us and sat down, so we sat down around him. He was carrying a small stick and as he struck it on the ground, he said: “There is no one among you except that he has been assigned a place in hell or in heaven.” The Companions asked: “Is there any one of you? The Companions asked: “O Messenger of Allah, should we not put our trust in that?”. He replied: “Do your best, for it has been made easy for you to achieve what has been determined for you”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


There is more to this hadith.










  1. Abu Amr and some call him Abu Abdullah, others call him Abu Laila Uthman bin Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “When the Prophet had finished burying the dead he stood up and said: “Ask forgiveness for your brother and ask Allah to give him firmness of heart because he is now being questioned”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When you have finished burying me, stay around my grave for as long as it takes to slaughter the goat and distribute the meat, so that I may feel at ease and so that I may be able to answer the questions of the messenger of my Lord”. (HR. Muslim).


Imam Shafii said: “It is also good if verses of the Qur’an are recited and it is even better if the Qur’an is completed.







Allah ta’ala says: “And those who came after them (the Muhajireen and the Anshar) who said: “O our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who believed before us”. (QS. Al Hasr: 10).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that a man said to the Prophet (peace be upon him): “My mother died suddenly. If she had spoken, she would have given charity, so will she be rewarded if I give charity on her behalf?” He replied: “No. I will give charity on her behalf. He replied: “Yes”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When the son of Adam dies, all his deeds are cut off except for three things: namely fingeryah charity, useful knowledge or righteous children who pray for him”. (Reported by Muslim)









  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When a dead person passed by, the Companions praised him for his kindness. So the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “It is obligatory for him”. Then another time a corpse passed by and the Companions recounted its evil, so the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “It is obligatory for him”. Umar ibn Khattab asked: “What is meant by ‘obligatory for him’?”. He replied: “The one you have praised for his goodness is obliged to go to Paradise and the one you say is evil is obliged to go to Hell. All of you are Allah’s witnesses on earth”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abul Aswad (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When I came to Madinah, I was sitting with Umar ibn Khattab, suddenly a corpse passed by so I praised the good of the dead person and Umar ibn Khattab said: “It is obligatory for him”. Then another corpse passed by and I mentioned the good of the deceased, and Umar ibn Khattab said: “It is obligatory for him”. Then another corpse passed by and I mentioned the evil of the corpse, so Umar ibn Khattab said: “It is obligatory for him”. Finally Abul Aswad asked: “What does ‘obligatory for him’ mean, O emirul mukminin?”. Umar replied: “I said what the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: any Muslim who is witnessed by four people with good testimony, Allah will admit him to Paradise.” We asked: “If it is witnessed by three people?”. He replied: “If it is witnessed by three people, Allah will admit them into Paradise”. We asked him again: “If it is witnessed by two people?”. He replied: “Two people will also be admitted to Paradise”. Then we did not ask if it was witnessed by one person.” (HR. Bukhari).









  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “There is no Muslim whose three little children die, but he will be admitted to Paradise by the mercy of Allah towards them.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “There is no one from the Muslim Ummah whose three children die who will not be touched by Hellfire except as a fulfillment of an oath”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim) “


What is meant by “keeping an oath” is the word of Allah which means: “And none of you will pass through the Hellfire”. What is meant by “passing through that hell” is passing through Sirathal Mustagim, which is a footbridge set up above Hellfire. We hope that Allah will give us firmness in passing over that bridge.”


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A woman came to the Prophet and said: “O Messenger of Allah, men have bought your hadith, so give us a day when we will come to you so that you will teach us what Allah has taught you”. He said: “Assemble yourselves on the day he has appointed”. So they gathered on the appointed day and place, and he taught them what Allah had taught him whereupon he said: “There is no woman among you who has three children die, except that they will be a barrier against Hellfire for her”. Then the woman asked: “What about the death of two children?”. He replied: “Two children who die will also become a curtain”, (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).









  1. Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was traveling with his Companions, and when he reached Hijr, a settlement of the Tsamudites, he said: “Do not enter the area of those who are being tortured unless you weep. And if you cannot weep, then do not enter their territory so that you may not be afflicted with what has befallen them”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “When he was about to pass Hijr, he said: “Do not enter the territory of those who like to persecute themselves unless you cry, so that you will not be afflicted with what has befallen them”. Then the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) covered his head and hastened his way until he came out of the valley of Hijr’.












  1. Kaab ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) went out on Thursday during the battle of Tabuk, and he used to travel on Thursday. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “Rarely did the Messenger of Allah go out traveling except on Thursday”.


  1. Shakhr ibn Wada’ah Al Ghamidi Ash Shahabi (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) used to say: “ALLAAHUMMA BAARIK LI UMMATII FII BUKUURIHAA”. And also when he wanted to send off the army he would send it off in the morning. Also, Shakhr, a merchant, used to deliver his goods in the morning until he became rich and abundant in wealth.” (Abu Daud and al-Turmudzi).









  1. Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If people knew about the dangers of traveling alone as well as I do, no one would dare to travel alone at night”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Amr ibn Shuaib reported from his father, from his grandfather, said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “The one who travels alone is like a devil, and two people traveling together are two devils, while three people are a group.” (HR. Abu Daud, Nasai and Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Said and Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with them) reported that the Prophet said: “If there are three people traveling together, they should choose one of them as the leader of the group”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet said: “The best of friends is four people and the best of troops is four hundred people and the best of armies is four thousand people. And twelve thousand men cannot be defeated because they are considered small”. (Abu Daud and At-Turmudzi).









  1. Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “If you are traveling and pass through fertile land, give the camels a chance to graze. And if you are traveling and pass through a barren land, then speed up the road and chase lest the camel be exhausted. And if you are traveling and want to stop at night, do not stop and set up camp in the middle of the road because it is the path of animals that are very dangerous at night”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Qatadah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was traveling and wanted to stop at night, he would sleep on his right side, and when he stopped after dawn, he would raise his arm and sleep on the palm of his hand”. (Reported by Muslim)


The scholars said: “He would straighten his arms so that he would not fall asleep and miss Fajr, or be unable to pray Fajr on time.


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “You should travel at night, for it is as if the earth folds up at night”. (HR. Abu, Paud).


  1. Abu Tsa’labah Al Khusanni (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “It used to be that when people stopped traveling, they would gather in groups and separate in a valley. Then the Messenger of Allah said: “Verily, your separating into different groups and valleys is the teaching of the devil”. So since then, when they stopped traveling (to camp), one group gathered with another group”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. From Sahl bin Amr, some called him Sahl bin Ar Rabi bin Amr Al Anshari who was known as Hanzhalah where he was among the companions who participated in organizing Baitur Ridhwan ra. he said: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was walking, he suddenly saw a camel whose stomach was sticking to its back (because it was very thin), so he said: “Fear Allah for these dumb animals. Ride them in a good way and feed them in a good way”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Ja’far Abdullah bin Ja’far (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “One day the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was riding with me on the back of his vehicle and he told me a secret that I would not tell anyone else. And if he wanted to do something, he would cover it with a pillar or a wall of date palms”. (HR. Muslim)


In another narration there is an addition: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) once entered the garden of an Anshor friend and came across a camel. When the camel saw the Prophet, it whimpered and shed tears. So the Prophet approached it and rubbed its back and ears and it became quiet. Then he asked: “Who owns this camel?”. And who owns this camel?”. Then a young man from Anshor came and said: “The camel belongs to me, O Messenger of Allah. !”. He said: “Do you not fear Allah for what Allah has given you?”. Indeed, this camel is complaining to me that you are always making it hungry and tired”. (HR Abu Daud, as narrated by Barqani).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “If we stop while traveling, we do not perform the supererogatory prayer until we have untied the reins of the animals we are riding”. (narrated by Abu Daud).









In the previous chapters, there have been many hadiths related to this chapter, including:


  1. Abu Said al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When we were traveling, suddenly a man came riding and turned his head to the right and to the left, then he said: “Whoever has a surplus vehicle should give it to the one who does not have a vehicle. And whoever has surplus provisions should give them to the one who does not have provisions. Then he mentioned various kinds of wealth so that we felt that there is no right for someone to keep / have excess wealth”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that when the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was about to go to war, he said: “O Companions of Muhajirin and Anshor, indeed some of your comrades are without property and family. So let some of you join two or three of them”. Then there was not one of us but he took turns riding with the person with whom he was riding. Jabir (ra) said: “I join two or three people and my share of the camel ride is equal to theirs”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. From Jabir ra. he said: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was traveling, he used to stay behind and help the weak and put them on his camel and take them with him”. (Reported by Abu Daud).








Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, has made for you ships and cattle on which you ride, that you may sit on their backs and remember the blessings of your Lord. When you have sat on them, say: SUBHAANAL LADJZII SAKHKHARA LANAA HAADZAA WAMAA KUNNAA LAHUU MUORINIINA WA INNAA ILAA RABBINAA LAMUN OALIBUUN (Glory be to God who has subjected all this for us, whereas we were previously unable to master it. And indeed we will return to our Lord) (QS. Zukhruf: 12-14).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that when the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was about to mount his camel on a journey, he would say takbir (ALLAAHU AKBAR!) three times and say: SUBHANAL LADZII SAKHKHARA LANAA HAADZAA WAMAA KUNNAA LAHU MUQRINIIN, WA INNAA ILAA RABBINAA LAMUNQALIBUUN. ALLAAHUMi. MA INNAA NAS ALUKA FII SAFARIINA HAADZAL BIRRA WATTAQWA WA MINAL “”AMALI MAA TARDHAA. ALLAAHUMMA HAWWIN ‘ALAINAA SAFARANAA HaDZAA WATHWI ANNA BU’DAHU. ALLAAHUMMA ANTASH SHAAHIBU FIS SAFARI WAL KHALIIFATU FIL AHLI. ALLAAHUMMA INNII A’UDZUBIKA MIN WA TSAARIS SAFARI WAKA-AABATIL MUNDHARI WA SUUIL MUNQALABI FIL MAALI WAL AHLI (Glory be to God for subjecting all this to us when we were previously unable to master it. And indeed we will return to our Lord. O Allah, we ask You for goodness, piety and deeds that You are pleased with in our departure. O Allah, make our affairs easy in our departure and shorten the distance of our departure. O Allah, You are a friend in traveling and a substitute for the families we leave behind. O Allah, I seek refuge with You from the hardships of traveling, the grievous sight and the rottenness of returning either to our wealth or to our family and children). Also, when he was about to leave, he would recite the above supplication with the addition: “AAYIBUUNA TAAIBUNA “AABIDUUNA LIRABBINAA HAAMIDUUN” (We have repented and continue to worship and praise our Lord)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. From Abdullah bin Sarjis ra. he said: “When the Messenger of Allah wanted to travel, he asked Allah for protection from the hardships of travel, and asked for protection from seeing sad sights, worrying after calmness, prayers for the wronged and asked for protection from prejudice against his family and the property he left behind”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ali ibn Rabi’ah reported: “I have witnessed Ali bin Abu Talib when he was given a vehicle to ride, which when he put his foot on his vehicle he recited : BISMILLAAH, and when he sat on his back he recited ALHAMDU LILLAAHIL LADZII SAKHKHARA LANAA HAADZAA WAMAA KUNNAA LAHUU MUORININ WA INNAA ILAA RABBINAA LAMUNOALIBUUN, then he recited “ALHAMDULILLAH, three times and : ALLAAHU AKBAR, three times and recites : SUBHAANAKA INNII ZHALAMTU NAFESII FAGHFIR LII INNAHUU LAA YAGHFIRUDZ DZUNUUBA ILLAA ANTA, then he laughed. Someone asked: “O amirul mukminin, why are you laughing?”. He replied: “I saw him doing what I am doing, then he laughed, when I asked him: “Why are you laughing?”. He replied: “Verily, the Lord of Glory is amazed at His servant who, when he prays, recites: IGHFIR LII DZUNUUBI, because he realizes that no one can forgive his sins except Me (Allah)”. (narrated by Abu Daud and Turmudzi).










  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When we go uphill, we recite takbir, and when we go downhill, we recite tasbih”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “When the Prophet and his troops climbed a hill they recited takbir, and when they descended they recited tasbih”. (HR. Abu Daud)


  1. Ibn Umar said: “When the Prophet returned from Hajj or Umrah, and he climbed a hill or sand dune, he recited takbir three times and recited: LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAHU WAHDAHU LAA SYARIKALAHU LAHUL MULKU WALAHUL HAMDU WAHUWA ‘ALAA KULLI SYAI-IN QADIIR. AAYIBUUNA


TAAIBUUNA ‘AABIDUUNA SAAJIDUUNA LIRABBINAA HAAMIDUN. SHADAOALLAAHU WA’DAHU WANASHARA ‘ABDAH WAHAZAMAL AHZAABA WAHDAH (There is no God but Allah, the One, with whom there is no partner. To Him belongs all authority and all praise. He is all-powerful over all things. We are the ones who are ready to return, repent, worship, prostrate and praise our Lord. All of Allah’s promises are true. He always helps His servants and defeats His enemies single-handedly”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In the Muslim narration it is said: “When he returns with his army, or from Hajj and Umrah”.


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that a man said: “O Messenger of Allah, we will be traveling, so give us a message”. He said: “Fear Allah and recite Takbir on every ascent”. When the man left he prayed: ALLAAHUMMATHWI LAHUL BA’IIDA WA HAWWIN ‘ALAIHIS SAFARA (O Allah, shorten for him the long distance and ease his affairs while traveling)”. (HR. Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Musa Al Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When we were traveling with the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), when we climbed, we would say tahlil and takbir (LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAHU ALLAAHU AKBAR) out loud. Then he said: “O people, have mercy on yourselves, for you do not pray to the One who is deaf and not to the One who is far away. Verily, He is with you. He is all-hearing and very near.” (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).








  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “There are three prayers that are very mustajab and there is no doubt that they will be accepted: the supplication of the wronged, the supplication of the traveler and the supplication of a parent for his child”. (Abu Daud and At-Turmudzi)







  1. Abu Musa Al Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that when the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) feared or was afraid of a people, he would recite: “ALLAAHUMMA INNAA NAJ’ALUKA FII NUHUURIHIM WANA’UUDZU: BIKA MIN SYURUURIHIIM (O Allah, indeed we make You before them and we seek refuge from their evil)”. (HR. Abu Daud and Nasai).








  1. Khaulah bint Hakim (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah saying: “Whoever stops at a place and recites: A’UDZU BI KALIMAATILLAAHIT TAMMAATI MIN SYARRI MAA KHALAQ (I seek refuge with the perfect sentence of Allah from the evil He created), he will not be disturbed by anything until he leaves that place.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “If the Messenger of Allah was traveling and it was late at night, he would recite the supplication: YAA ARDHU RABBII WA RABBUKILLAAH. A’UUDZUBIKA MIN SYARRI MAA FIIKI WA SYARRI MAA KHULIOA FIIKI WA SYARRI MAA YADIBBU ‘ALAIKI. WA A’UUDZUBIKA MIN SYARRI ASADIN WA ASWADA WA MINAL HAYYATI WAL AORABI WAMIN SAAKINIL BALADI WAMIN WALIDIN WAMAA WALAD (O earth, your Lord and my Lord is Allah. I seek refuge from your evil, O earth, the evil that is in your belly, the evil that is created in you, the evil of the creeping things upon you. I seek refuge from the evil of wild animals, humans, snakes, scorpions and from the dangers of jinn, demons and devils)”. (HR. Abu Daud). |








  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Traveling is part of the punishment in which a person is forced to reduce his eating, drinking and sleeping. Therefore, when one of you has finished traveling, he should hasten to return to his family”. (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).










  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When you have been separated from your family for a long time, do not knock at their door at night”. In another narration it is said: “Verily, the Messenger of Allah forbade anyone from knocking on the door of his family at night”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah never knocked on the door of his family at night. He used to come in the morning or evening”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).









This is explained in the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), which is included in the chapter on the Sunnah of reciting Takbir on the way up and Tasbeeh on the way down for those who are traveling, as well as the following hadeeths:


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “We returned with the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), and when we saw Madinah, he recited : AAYIBUUNA TAAIBUNAA ‘AABIDUUNA LIRABBINAA HAAMIDUUNA (We are returnees, repenters, worshipers and praisers of our Lord). He continued to recite this prayer until we reached Madinah”. (HR: Muslim).












  1. Ka’ab ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), when he came from traveling, would go straight to the mosque and offer two rak’ahs of voluntary prayer. (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).










  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “It is not permissible for a woman who professes faith in Allah and faith in the Last Day to travel for a day and a night unless she is with her muhrim”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas reported that he heard the Prophet say: “Never should a man go out alone unless he is with his muhrim. And a woman should not travel except with her muhrim”. A man asked: “O Messenger of Allah, my wife is going for Hajj while I am registered to go to war”. He said: “You go for Hajj with your wife”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).










  1. Abu Umamah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Read the Qur’an, for it will intercede for the one who reads it on the Day of Resurrection”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. An Nawwas ibn Sam’an (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “On the Day of Resurrection, the Qur’an and the person who recited it will be brought together in this world, preceded by Surah Al Bagarah and Ali Imran in defense of the person who recited it.” (Muslim). (HR. Muslim).


  1. Uthman bin Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “The best of all of you is the one who learns and teaches the Qur’an”. (HR. Muslim). ‘ |


  1. Aisha ra. said, the Messenger of Allah said: “Those who are proficient in reciting the Qur’an will be with the angels who are noble and obedient. Those who find it difficult to recite the Qur’an but keep trying will be rewarded with two rewards”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Musa Al Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “The example of a believer who recites the Qur’an is like a utrujuj. Qur’an is like utrujah, where the fruit smells good and tastes good. And the example of a believer who does not like to read the Qur’an is like a date, where the fruit has no odor but tastes sweet. And the example of the hypocrite who









This is explained in the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) in the chapter on the Sunnah of reciting Takbir on the way up and Tasbeeh on the way down for those who are traveling, as well as the following hadeeths:


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “We returned with the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), and when we saw Madinah, he recited : AAYIBUUNA TAAIBUNAA ‘AABIDUUNA LIRABBINAA HAAMIDUUNA (We are returnees, repenters, worshipers and praisers of our Lord). He continued to recite this prayer until we reached Madinah”. (HR: Muslim).








  1. Ka’ab ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), when he came from traveling, would go straight to the mosque and offer two rak’ahs of voluntary prayer. (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).








  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “It is not permissible for a woman who professes faith in Allah and faith in the Last Day to travel for a day and a night unless she is with her muhrim”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas reported that he heard the Prophet say: “Never should a man go out alone unless he is with his muhrim. And a woman should not travel except with her muhrim”. A man asked: “O Messenger of Allah, my wife is going for Hajj while I am registered to go to war”. He said: “You go for Hajj with your wife”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).







  1. Abu Umamah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Read the Qur’an because it will intercede for the one who reads it on the Day of Resurrection”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. An Nawwas ibn Sam’an (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “On the Day of Resurrection, the Qur’an and the person who recited it will be brought together in this world, preceded by Surah Al Bagarah and Ali Imran in defense of the person who recited it.” (Muslim). (HR. Muslim).


  1. Uthman bin Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “The best of all of you is the one who learns and teaches the Qur’an”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Aisha ra. said, the Messenger of Allah said: “Those who are proficient in reciting the Qur’an will be with the angels who are noble and obedient. And the one who finds it difficult to recite the Qur’an but keeps trying will be rewarded with two rewards”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Musa Al Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “The example of a believer who recites the Qur’an is like a utrujuj. Qur’an is like utrujah, where the fruit smells good and tastes good. And the example of a believer who does not like to read the Qur’an is like a date, where the fruit has no odor but tastes sweet. While the example of a hypocrite who


recites the Qur’an is like a flower which smells good but tastes bitter. And the example of a hypocrite who does not recite the Qur’an is like a hanzalah which has no odor and tastes bitter.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Umar bin Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, Allah will raise the status of some people with the Book (Qur’an) and will lower others with it”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “No envy or jealousy is permissible except in two cases: a man whom Allah has given the ability to read and understand the Qur’an and he reads and practices it day and night, and a man whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it for good both night and day”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Al Barra’ ibn Azib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “There was a man reciting Surah al-Kahf, while not far from his place was a horse tied to a rope on both sides. Suddenly the man was overwhelmed by a cloud that always came close to him causing his horse to run away in fear. In the morning he came to the Prophet and told him what had happened and he said: “That is the tranquility (mercy) that has descended for the recitation of the Qur’an”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever recites one letter of the Qur’an will receive one good deed. And every good will be rewarded tenfold. I am not saying: “ALIF LAAM MIIM”, that is one letter but ALIF is one letter, LAAM is one letter and MIIM is one letter” (HR Turmudzi).


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Verily, a person in whose bosom there is not a word of the Qur’an is like an empty house”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash reported that the Prophet said: “On the Day of Judgment, the one who loves to recite the Qur’an will be commanded: Read it well and tartil as you read it in this world, for verily your place (degree) depends on the end of the verse you read”. (HR Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).










  1. Abu Musa reported that the Prophet said: “Be careful of the Qur’an. By the One in Whose hand is Muhammad’s soul, the Qur’an will sooner fall away than a camel will fall away from its rope.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, the example of one who understands the Qur’an is like a camel that is tied. If the camel is kept tied, it will stay tied and if it is untied, it will run away”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)








  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) say: “Allah takes no pleasure in hearing anything (like the Prophet) other than hearing someone recite the Qur’an in a loud and melodious voice”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Al Ash’ari reported that the Prophet said to him: “Indeed you have been blessed by Allah with some of the good voices of the family of the Prophet David”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In a Muslim narration, it is said that the Messenger of Allah said to Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him): “If only you had known last night when I (the Prophet) was listening to your melodious recitation”.


  1. Al Barra’ ibn Azib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah recite Surah Wattiini waz Zaituuni, and I have never heard a voice more melodious than his.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Lubadah Bashir ibn Abdul Mundzir reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever does not recite the Qur’an melodiously is not among my people”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet said to me: “Recite for me the Qur’an”. I said: “O Messenger of Allah, should I recite the Qur’an to you when it was revealed to you?”. He said: “I want to hear the Qur’an recited by others”. So I recited for him Surah An-Nisa’ up to the verse: FAKAIFA IDZAA JIKNAA MIN KULLI UMMATIN BI SYAHIIDIN WAJIKNAA BIKA ‘ALAA HAAULAA-I SYAHIIDAA (So what will the disbelievers be like, when We bring witnesses from each ummah and We bring you as witnesses against them), then he said: “This is enough”. I turned to him and he burst into tears”. (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).









  1. Abu Said Rafi al Mu’alla (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah said to me: “Would you like me to teach you the most special Surah in the Qur’an before you leave the Mosque?”. Then he took my hand, and when I was about to leave the Mosque I said: “O Messenger of Allah, you promised to teach me the most important Surah in the Qur’an”. He said: “ALHAMDULILLAAHI RABBIL ‘AALAMIIN, the seven verses that are often recited and the great Qur’an that has been revealed to me (the Prophet)”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) spoke about the virtue of Surah QUL HUWALLAAHU AHAD, saying: “By the One in Whose hand is my soul, it is equal to one third of the Qur’an”. In another narration it says: “The Messenger of Allah said to his companions: “Is there anyone among you who is unable to recite a third of the Qur’an every night?”. The Companions felt heavy about what he said, and finally said: “Who among us is able to do so, O Messenger of Allah?”. ?”. He said: “QUL HUWALLAAHU AHAD is equal to one third of the Qur’an”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Abu Said (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that a man heard another man reciting QUL HUWALLAAHU AHAD, repeatedly. In the morning he went to tell the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) about this, as if he had underestimated the reward”. Then he said: “By the One in Whose hand is my soul, this Surah is equal to one third of the Qur’an”. (HR Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) spoke about the virtue of Surah QUL HUWALLAAHU AHAD, saying: “Verily, this Surah is equal to one third of the Qur’an”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Anas reported that a man said: “O Messenger of Allah, I love this Surah, QUL HUWALLAAHU AHAD”. He said: “Your love for this Surah will enter you into Paradise”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Uqbah bin Amir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Have you not noticed some verses that were revealed last night, for which there is no comparison, namely Surah QUL A’UUDZU BIRABBIL FALAO and Surah QUL A’UUDZU BIRABBIN NAAS”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah used to seek refuge with Allah from the jinn and the evil of mankind until the two Surahs Mu’awwidzatain (i.e. QUL a’uudzu birabbinnaas and QUL A’uudzu birabbil falag) were revealed. After these two Surahs were revealed, he used to recite them and leave other supplications in seeking refuge”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “In the Qur’an there is a Surah containing thirty verses, which can intercede for a person until he is forgiven, namely Surah TABAARAKAL LADZII BIYADIHIL MULKU (Surah Tabaarak)”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Mas’ud Al Badri reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever recites the last two verses of Surah Al Bagarah at night is fulfilled”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Do not make your houses like graves. For verily the devil will flee from the house when therein is recited Surah Al Bagarah”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ubay bin Ka’ab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “O Abal Mundzir, do you know which verse of the Qur’an is the most special in your opinion?”. I replied: “ALLAAHU LAA ILAAHA HUWAL HAYYUL QAYYUUM?”. Then he patted my chest and said: “May your knowledge grow wider and deeper, O Abu Mundzir”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah ra. he said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) entrusted me with administering the zakat during the month of Ramadan. Suddenly a man came and took a handful of food, so I caught the man and I said: “I will report it to the Messenger of Allah”, he said: “I am a poor man with a lot of family responsibilities and I was desperate for that right, so I let him go. In the morning he asked: “O Abu Hu rairah, what did your prisoner do last night?”. I replied: O Messenger of Allah, he complained that he was in need of food while he was poor and had many family responsibilities, so I felt sorry for him and released him”. He said: “Verily, he deceived you and he will come again tonight”. So I believed that he would come again because he had said that, so I really guarded the food. The man came again and took a handful of food and I caught him and said: “I will report you to the Prophet”. He said: “Please forgive me, for I am a poor man with a large family, and I will not do it again”. I felt sorry for him so I let him go. In the morning the Messenger of Allah asked me: “O Abu Hurairah, what did your prisoner do last night?”. I replied: “O Messenger of Allah, he complained that he was in dire need of food while he was poor and had many family dependents so I felt sorry for him and released him”. He said: “Surely he is lying to you and he will come back again”. Then I really guarded him for the third time. Suddenly he came back and took a handful of food, so I caught him and said: “I will report you to the Messenger of Allah. You have repeated yourself three times and you have promised not to repeat yourself but you have repeated yourself”. He said: “Let me go, I will teach you a few sentences that will be very useful to you”. So I asked: “What are these words?”. He said: “When you go to sleep, recite the verse of the chair which reads: ALLAAHU LAA ILAAHA ILLAA HUWAL HAYYUL QAYYUUM. until the end of the verse, then you will be guarded by Allah and will not be approached by the devil until the morning”. Then I let him go. Then in the morning I was reprimanded by the Messenger of Allah: “What did your prisoner do last night?”. I replied: “O Messenger of Allah, he taught me some words, which he said were so useful to me that I let him go”. He asked: “What were they?”. I replied: “He said to me: “When you go to bed, recite the verse of the chair from beginning to end, which is: ALLAAHU LAA ILAAHA ILLAA HUWAL HAYYUL OAYYUUM”. And he also said to me: “Surely Allah will protect you and the devil will not dare to come to you until morning”. Then he said: “He is telling you the truth, even though he is a liar. Do you know who came, Abu Hurairah?”. I replied: “I do not know”. He said: “He is the devil”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Darda’ reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever memorizes ten verses from the beginning of Surah Al Kahfi will be protected from the temptation of the Dajjal”. In another narration it is said: “Ten verses from the end of Surah al-Kahf”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When Jibril was sitting by the side of the Prophet (peace be upon him), he suddenly heard a voice coming from above. Then he raised his head and said: “This is the sound of the door of heaven being opened, which had never been opened before, and angels descending from it”. He also said: “This is an angel descending to the earth, from which he has never descended except today”. Then he greeted him and said: “Receive the glad tidings of the descent of two lights which Allah has given you and which no prophet before you has ever received: the Fatihul kitab and the last verse of Surah Al Bagarah. If you do not read one letter of it, you will be given what you want.” (HR Muslim).









  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When a people gather in a majlis (house of Allah) to recite and study the Qur’an, there will descend upon them tranquility, they will be surrounded by mercy, they will be surrounded by angels, and they will be mentioned by Allah in front of the angels who are with Him”. (HR. Muslim).









Allah ta’ala says: “O you who believe. When you go to prayer, wash your faces, your hands up to the elbows, wipe your heads, and wash your feet up to the ankles. If you are junub then take a bath, and if you are sick or on a journey or returning from relieving yourself or touching a woman and you cannot find water, then wash with pure dust, that is, wipe your face and hands with it. Allah does not make things difficult for you, but He wants to cleanse you and perfect His favor upon you, so that you may be grateful”. (QS. Al Maidah: 6).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Verily, on the Day of Resurrection, my Ummah will be summoned in a state of shining whiteness from the traces of its ablution. And whoever is able to make them whiter, do so”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say: “The adornment of a believer on the Day of Resurrection will reach to the point where he performs ablution”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Uthman ibn Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever performs wudhu’ and completes his wudhu’, all his sins will come out until something comes out from under his fingernails”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Uthman ibn Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I saw the Messenger of Allah performing ablution like mine, and he said: “Whoever performs ablution like this will have his past sins forgiven, and his prayer and his walk to the Mosque will be an additional reward.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “If a Muslim or believer performs ablution, then when he washes his face, all the sins that he has seen with his eyes come out of his face together with the last drop of Wudhu’ water. If he washes his hands, all the sins committed by his hands come out with the last drop of water. And if he washes his feet, all the sins committed by his feet come out with the last drop of Wudhu’ water. Thus he will be completely clean from all sins”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet went to the grave and said: ASSALAMU “ALAIKUM DAARA QAUMIM MUKMINIIN WA INNAA INSYAA ALLAAHU BIKUM LAAHIQUUN (May prosperity be upon you, O gravedigger of the believers. Inshallah we will meet you), I feel happy because I have known my brothers”. The companions asked: “Are we not your brothers, O Messenger of Allah?”. He replied: “You are all my companions. Our brothers are those who have not come yet”. The Companions asked: “How do you know those who are yet to come from your Ummah, O Messenger of Allah?”. Behau replied: “What do you think if a man had a brilliant white striped horse in the midst of dark black horses, would it not be easy for him to recognize his horse?”. The companions said: “Yes, O Messenger of Allah”. Then he said: “Verily, my brothers will come (on the Day of Judgment) in a state of brilliant white from ablution, and I will guide them to the pool”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Would you like me to show you something that can erase your sins and can also raise your status?” The companions replied: “Yes, O Messenger of Allah”. He said: “It is to complete ablution during the period of objection (to things that are disliked), to increase the number of steps towards the Mosque and to wait for prayer after prayer. So this is what is called Ar Ribath, this is what is called Ar Ribath (binding oneself in obedience)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Malik Al Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Purity is part of faith”. (HR. Muslim). – This hadith is presented in full in the chapter on patience.


  1. Umar bin Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “There is no one among you who performs ablution, then completes his ablution, and after ablution recites: ASYHADU ALLAA ILLAAHA ILLALLAAHU WAHDAHU LAA SYARIKALAHU WA ASYHADU ANNA MUHAMMADAN ‘ABDUHU WA RASUULUH (I testify that there is no God but Allah, the One, with whom there is no partner, and I testify that the Prophet Muhammad is His servant and messenger), but there will be opened for him the eight gates of Paradise, and he will be invited to enter through whichever door he likes”. (HR. Muslim).


The narration of Turmudzi adds: “ALLAAHUMMAJ’ALNII MINAT TAWWAABIINA WAJ’ALNII MINAL MUTATHAHHIRIIN (O Allah make me among those who repent and make me among those who are pure)”.








  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “If people knew the reward of the adhan and the first row in prayer, and that they could not attain them except by lottery, they would draw lots to get them. And if they knew the reward of hastening to the place of prayer, they would hasten to it. And if they knew the great reward of congregating for the ‘Isha’ and Fajr prayers, they would come to them even if they did so by crawling.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Muawiyah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “The Muadzin (callers to prayer) will be the ones with the longest necks on the Day of Judgment”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abdullah bin Abdur Rahman bin Sha’sha’ah reported that Abu Said Al Khudri said to him: “I have watched you and found that you like goats and like to be in the middle of the forest. So if you are among your sheep or in the middle of a forest and you call to prayer, then raise your voice. Verily, nothing that hears the call to prayer, be it a jinn or a human being or anything else, will be a witness against it on the Day of Resurrection.” This is what I heard from the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him).” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When the call to prayer (adhan) is heard, the devil will run away while making his farts loud so that people do not hear the adhan. When the call to prayer is over, the devil will come again. And when he hears the sound of the igamat, he immediately runs away again until it is finished. If the igamat is finished then he comes again and tries to disturb the person praying by saying: “Remember this and that. He remembers something that he did not remember until people do not know which rak’ah he is praying in.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) say: “When you hear the call to prayer, imitate what the muadzin (the person who calls to prayer) says, then recite the blessings upon me because the one who recites one blessing upon me, Allah will give his mercy ten times. Then ask Allah for waslah for me because that is a degree in Paradise that Allah has reserved only for His servants, and I hope that I am the one who gets it. Whoever asks Allah for wasilah (intercession) on my behalf will be entitled to my intercession”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri reported that the Prophet said: “When you hear the call to prayer, say what the caller says”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Jabir reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever after hearing the adhan recites: ALLAAHUMMA RABBA HAADZIHID DA’WATIT TAAMMAH, WASH SHALAATIL OAAIMAH, AATI MUHAMMADINIL WASIILATA WAL FADHIILAH, WAB’ATSHU – MAQAAMAM MAHMUUDANIL LADZII WA’ADTAHU (O Allah, the Lord of the call to prayer and the prayer to be performed, grant Muhammad a Waslah, and give him the virtue and seat him in the praiseworthy tiny katan that You have promised him), then that person is entitled. to have my intercession tomorrow on the Day of Judgment” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Said bin Abu Waqqas reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever, when he hears the call to prayer, recites: ASYHADU ALLAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAHU WAHDAHU LAA SYARIIKA LAHU WA ASYHADU ANNA MUHAMMADAN ‘ABDUHU WA RASUULUH, WA RADHIITU BILLAAHI RABBAA, WABI MUHAMMADIN RASUULAA WABIL ISLAAMI DIINAA (I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, the One, with no partner, and that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, is His servant and messenger. is His servant and messenger. I let Allah be my Lord, Muhammad be my messenger and Islam be my religion), then that person will be forgiven of his sins”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “The supplication made between the adhan and Iqamah will not be rejected”. (Reported by Abu Daud and At-Turmudzi).








Allah, may He be exalted, says: “Verily, prayer prevents from evil and unlawful deeds.” (QS. Al Ankabut :15).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “What do you think if there was a river at the door of a man’s house and he bathed in it five times a day? Would any of his excrement remain?”. The companions replied: “No”. He continued saying: “This is the example of the five daily prayers in which Allah expiates his sins”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “The example of the five daily prayers is like a river full of water flowing at the door of one of you and he bathes five times a day in that river”. (HR. Muslim),


  1. Ibn Mas’ud reported that a man kissed a woman, so he came to the Prophet and told him what he had done. So Allah revealed the verse: AOIMISH SHALAATA THARAFAYIN NAHAARI WA ZULAFAN MINAL LAILI. INNAL HASANAT YUDZHIBNAS SAYYIAAT (And establish prayer in the morning and evening and part of the night, for surely good deeds erase sins). The man asked: “Is that only for me?”. He replied: “For all my Ummah without exception”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The five daily prayers and one Friday and the next Friday are expiation for the sins committed between them as long as one avoids major sins”. (HR. Muslim).


, 5, Uthman ibn Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “There is no Muslim who attends the obligatory prayer and completes his ablution and is solemn in his prayer, but his prayer will be an atonement for the sins committed before it as long as he does not commit major sins. That is so for all time” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).









  1. Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever performs the Fajr and ‘Asr prayers will surely enter Paradise”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Zuhair Umarah bin Ruwaihah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “He who offers the Fajr prayer before sunrise and the ‘Asr prayer before sunset will not enter Hell”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Jundub ibn Sufyan (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever performs the Fajr prayer is in the security of Allah. Therefore, pay attention, son of Adam, lest Allah sue you all because His guarantee is disturbed.” (HR Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The angels guarding the day and the night take turns. And they will gather again at the time of Fajr prayer and Asr prayer. Then the angels who are on duty at night rise to the sky and are asked by Allah about the state of man when in fact Allah knows better than man: “How was My servant when you left him?”. The angels answered: “When we left them, they were praying and when we came, they were also praying”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Jarir bin Abdullah Al Bajali (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “While we were with the Prophet one night, he was looking at the full moon and said: “Verily, you will see God as you see this full moon and you will not be dazzled in seeing Him. Therefore, if you are able not to leave the prayer before sunrise and before sunset, then pray it.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “He saw the moon on the night of the fourteenth”.


  1. Buraidah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Whoever omits the ‘Asr prayer, his good deeds will be erased”. (HR. Bukhari).








  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever goes to the mosque in the morning and evening, Allah will provide food for him in Paradise every time he goes in the morning or evening”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever purifies his house and then walks to the houses of Allah (Mosques) to perform the obligatory prayers, every step he takes will expiate his sins and will also raise his rank”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ubai bin Ka’ab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “There was a companion of Anshor who as far as I know no one whose house was farther to the Mosque than his house, but he was never late for the congregational prayer at the Mosque Then someone asked: “If you had bought a donkey you would have ridden it in the dark or in the heat.” He replied: “I would not be happy if my house was close to the Mosque because I always hope that every trip I make to the Mosque, both when going and when returning, will be recorded as a good deed”. So the Prophet said: “Allah has collected all the rewards of your journey”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Around the Mosque there was an empty place (not yet occupied by people), so Banu Salamah intended to move near the Mosque. The incident was heard by the Prophet and he said: “I heard that you intended to move near the Mosque?”. They replied: “Yes, O Messenger of Allah, we do intend to do so”, so he said: “O Banu Salamah, remain in your homes (villages) because your footsteps are recorded as good deeds. Stay in your homes because your footsteps will be recorded as good deeds”. They said: “We will not move house”. (HR. Muslim). Bukhari also narrated essentially the same thing, narrated from Anas ra.


  1. Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Indeed, the person who has the greatest reward in prayer is the one who has traveled the farthest from the place of prayer, then the one who is a little further away and the one who waits to pray in congregation with the imam has a greater reward than the one who prays alone and then sleeps”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Buraidah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Tell the one who goes to the mosque in the dark of night that a perfect light will be provided for him on the Day of Judgment” (Abu Daud and Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Would you like me to show you an action that can erase your sins and can also raise your status?”. The companions replied: “Yes, O Messenger of Allah”. He said: “That is to complete ablution for things that are disliked, to increase the number of steps leading to the Mosques, and to wait for prayer after prayer. Then that is called Ar Ribath, then that is called Ar Ribath (binding oneself in obedience)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri reported that the Prophet said: “When all of you see a person frequenting the mosque then witness that he truly believes in Allah. Allah says: “INNAMAA YAKMURU MASAAJIDALLAAHI MAN AAMANA BILLAAHI WAL YAUMIL AAKHIRI (Verily those who prosper the Mosques of Allah are those who believe in Allah and the Last Day)”. (HR. At Turmudzi).









  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “A person is considered to have prayed as long as he remains detained waiting for prayer, nothing keeps him from returning to his house but prayer”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The angels always ask for mercy for a person as long as he is in the place of the prayer that has just been performed, as long as he is not impure. The angel says: “ALLAAHUMMAGH FIRLAHU ALLAAHUMMAR HAMHU (O Allah, forgive his sins and have mercy on him)”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that one night the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) delayed the ‘Isha’ prayer until midnight, then he saw us after the prayer and said: “The people have finished the prayer and have gone to sleep, while you all remain as long as you wait for the prayer”. (HR. Bukhari).









  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Praying in congregation is better than praying alone by twenty-seven degrees”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (ra) said that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “The prayer of a person in congregation will be multiplied twenty-seven times in reward over the prayer that is done at home or in the marketplace. This is because if a person makes ablution, completes his ablution, and then goes to the mosque with the intention of praying, he will be elevated one degree for every step he takes, and his sins will be erased. And when he prays, an angel will ask for mercy on him as long as he remains seated at the place of prayer and as long as he does not have wudoo’, and the angel will say: ALLAAHUMMA SHALLI ‘ALAIHI, ALLAAHUMMARHAMHU, and he will be considered to have prayed while he waits for the next prayer.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A blind man came to the Prophet and said: “O Messenger of Allah, there is no one to guide me to the mosque.” Then the man asked the Prophet for permission to pray in his house, so he gave him permission. Suddenly when the man was about to get up to go home, the Prophet asked him: “Did you hear the call to prayer?”. Ja replied: “Yes”. Then he said: “You should come to the mosque”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. ‘Abdullāh, some called him Amr bin Qais, more famously known as Ummi Maktum, who was a muadzin (caller to prayer), said: “O Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), there are many dangerous things and many wild animals in the city of Medina.” He said: “When you hear the call: HAYYA ALASH SHALAH HAYYA ALAL FALAAH, then you should go to him”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “By the One in Whose hand is my soul, I intended to tell you all to gather firewood. Then I will send someone to call to prayer and send someone else to lead the congregation, then I will go to those who do not congregate and burn down their houses.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Whoever wants to meet Allah as a Muslim should strictly observe prayer when he hears the call to prayer. Verily, Allah has prescribed for our Prophet guidance that is full of guidance (sunanul Huda) and indeed the congregational prayer is among the sunanul Huda. If you all pray in your homes as is the custom of those who do not like to pray in congregation then you have all abandoned the sunnah of the Prophet. And if you leave the sunnah of the Prophet then you are lost. Indeed at the time of the Prophet there was no one who missed praying in congregation except the hypocrites who were clearly hypocrites. There was a time when a man was forced to pray in congregation with the support of two people so that he could stand in a row (shaf).” (HR. Muslim).


In another narration it is said that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) had taught sunanul Huda, namely praying in the mosque where the adhaan is heard”.


  1. Abu Darda’ (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) say: “If there are three people in a hamlet/village/village and they do not pray in congregation, they will be colonized by the devil. Therefore, you should pray in congregation because the wolf will only pounce on the goat that is alone”. (HR. Abu Daud).








  1. Uthman ibn Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Whoever prays the ‘Isha’ prayer in congregation, it is as if he has prayed half the night. And whoever prays the Fajr prayer in congregation, it will be as if he has prayed half the night’s prayer”. (HR. Muslim).


In the narration of At Turmudzi from Uthman ra. he said, the Messenger of Allah (saw) had said: “Whoever prays ‘Isha’ in congregation is considered to have prayed half a night’s prayer, and whoever prays ‘Isha’ and Fajr in congregation is considered to have prayed a night’s prayer”. (HR At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “If people understood the virtue of praying Isha’ and Fajr in congregation, they would come to them even if they crawled”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “No prayer is harder for the hypocrites than the Isha’ and Fajr prayers. If they knew the virtues of these two prayers, they would come to them even if they did so on all fours.” (HR: Bukhari and Muslim).








Allah, the Almighty, says: “Keep your prayers and keep the wustha (‘Asr) prayer.” (QS. Al Bagarah: 238)


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “When you repent and establish prayer and give alms, then give them freedom to join you in congregation.” (QS. At Taubat: 5).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I asked the Messenger of Allah: “What is the best deed?”. He replied: “Performing the prayer in its due time”. I asked him again: “Then what else”. He replied: “Filial piety to one’s parents”. I asked him again: “Then what else”. He replied: “Fighting in the cause of Allah”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Islam is established on five foundations, namely: Witnessing that there is no God but Allah and the Prophet Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, establishing prayer, paying zakat, going on pilgrimage to the Temple and fasting in the month of Ramadan”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Ibn Umar ra. said, the Prophet said: “I (the Prophet) was ordered to fight people until they testify that there is no God but Allah, establish prayer and pay zakat. If they have done these things, their blood and property are protected except by the right of Islam, and the calculation of their deeds is up to Allah”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Muadz ra. he said: “The Messenger of Allah sent me to Yemen and said: “You will come to the people of the book, so invite them to declare that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger. If they obey you in this, then tell them that God has made it obligatory for them to pray five times a day and night. And if they have obeyed you in that then tell them that God has commanded them to give alms (zakat) taken from the rich to be given to the poor. And if they obey you in that, then protect their blood/respect and property. You should fear the supplication of the wronged, for there is no barrier between it and Allah”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. From Jabir ra. he said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah saying: “Verily, the boundary that separates a person from a disbeliever and a polytheist is prayer (meaning that if he abandons prayer, he has disbelieved)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Buraidah reported that the Prophet said: “The bond of promise between us (Muslims) and them disbelievers is prayer. Whoever abandons the prayer has disbelieved.” (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Shagig bin Abdullah At Tabi’i, who had a specialty, said: “The Companions of the Prophet Muhammad did not consider any deed that, if abandoned, would lead to disbelief except prayer.” (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, the first thing that Allah will Qihisab a slave on the Day of Resurrection from his deeds is prayer. If his prayer is good (perfect) then he is happy and fortunate, but on the other hand if his prayer is damaged (imperfect) then he loses and regrets. and if there is a shortage in his fard prayer then Allah says: “Look, if My servant has a sunnat prayer to make up for the shortage of his fard prayer”. Then, after his prayers have been accounted for, his other deeds will be accounted for.” (HR. At-Turmudzi).










  1. Jabir ibn Samurah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah came to us and said: “Why don’t you all line up as the Angels line up with their Lord?”. We asked: “How do angels line up with their Lord?”. He replied: “They complete the first row and close the rows”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “If people understood the virtues of the first row and the call to prayer, and they could not obtain them except by joining the queue, they would join the lottery.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “The best row of men is the front row and the worst is the back row, while the best row of women is the back row and the worst is the front row”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saw his Companions going backwards, so he said: “Come forward and follow me (the prophet) and those who are behind him must follow you. No one retreats until they will be retreated by Allah”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah rubbed our shoulders while we were praying and said: “Straighten your rows and do not bend them, for that will make your hearts crooked. And the clever adults should approach me (the Prophet), then those below him, then those below him again”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Anas ra. said, Rasoolullah saw. said: “Straighten your rows because straightening the rows is one of the perfections of prayer”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In the narration of Bukhari it is said: “Indeed, straightening the rows is part of establishing the prayer”.


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the call to prayer was announced, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) would turn to us and say: “Straighten your rows and keep them close because I (the Prophet) can see you from behind my back”. (HR. Bukhari).


In another narration it is said: “Then we aligned his shoulders with the shoulders of his companion and also aligned the soles of his feet with the soles of his companion’s feet”.


  1. An Nu’man ibn Bashir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah saying: “You must make your ranks straight or Allah will set hearts apart between you.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. In the Muslim narration, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) straightened our ranks as he straightened the arrows until he thought that we had come to our senses. One day he went out and stood up suddenly when he was about to say takbir, he saw that there was a man whose chest was protruding from the row who was not straight, so he said: “O servants of Allah, you must all straighten your ranks or Allah will set you apart”.


  1. Al Barra’ ibn Azib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) entered between the rows and rubbed our shoulders and chests and said: “Do not be crooked in your ranks, for your hearts will be crooked. Verily, Allah will have mercy on him and His angels will have mercy on those who are in the first row”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Straighten your ranks, close your shoulders, close the holes of your ranks, be lenient with your brothers and do not stretch your ranks because the devil will occupy them. Whoever connects a line, Allah will connect it, and whoever breaks a line, Allah will break it”. (HR Abu Daud).


  1. Anas ra. reported that the Prophet said: “Close your ranks and come close together and flatten your necks. By the One in Whose hand is my soul, I have seen the devils entering between the rows like little black sheep.” (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Anas reported that the Prophet said: “Complete the first row, then the back row. If there is anything that is not full then it should be at the back of the row”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Verily, Allah and His angels grant and invoke mercy on those who are on the right side of the row”. (HR Abu Daud):


  1. Al Barra’ (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When we prayed behind the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), we liked to be on his right side because he would look at us with his face until I heard him saying: “RABBI OINII ‘ADZAABAKA YAUMA TUB’ATSU or TAJMA’U IBAADAKA (O Allah, spare me from Your torment on the day You resurrect or gather Your servants)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Place the imam in the center and close the gap between your rows”. (Reported by Abu Daud).









  1. Umm Habibah bint Abu Sufyan (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “There is no Muslim who performs twelve rak’ahs of voluntary prayer for the sake of Allah every day unless Allah will provide him with a house in Paradise or unless he will have a house built for him in Paradise”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I prayed with the Prophet two rak’ahs before Dhuhr, two rak’ahs after it, two rak’ahs after Friday prayer, two rak’ahs after Maghrib prayer and two rak’ahs after Isha’ prayer” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abdullah ibn Mughaffal (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Between every adhan and igamat there is a supererogatory prayer. Between the adhan and the igamat there is a voluntary prayer. Between the adhan and the igamat there is a supererogatory prayer. After saying it the third time, he said: “For whoever likes to do it”. (HR: Bukhari and Muslim).









  1. ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) never failed to offer two rak’ahs of voluntary prayer before the Dhuhr prayer and two rak’ahs before the Fajr prayer.” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Prophet (peace be upon him) did not pay more attention to the supererogatory prayers than he did to the two rak’ahs of Fajr (the two rak’ahs before Fajr prayer).” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet said: “Two rak’ahs of voluntary prayer before the Fajr prayer is better than the whole world”. (HR. Muslim)


In another narration it is said: “The two rak’ahs of Fajr are more favorable to me than the whole world”.


  1. Narrated Abdullah Bilal bin Rabiah (may Allah be pleased with him), the muezzin of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), came to him to call for the Fajr prayer, but he was questioned by ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her), so he delayed the call until early in the morning. Bilal then called to prayer and continued with the igamat for the Fajr prayer. Meanwhile, the Prophet had not yet come out. After the Prophet came out to lead the prayer, Bilal told him that ‘Aisha ra. had questioned him until early in the morning, but he had not come out. So he said: “Verily, I am performing the two rak’ahs of the pre-Fajr voluntary prayer first”. Bilal said: “O Messenger of Allah, you are already in the early morning”. He said: “Even if it is earlier than that, I will still pray the voluntary prayer before Fajr as perfectly as possible”. (Reported by Abu Daud).









  1. ‘Ā’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) prayed two light rak’ahs between the call to prayer and the Fajr prayer.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


In another narration it says: “He prayed two light Rak’ahs of Fajr until I asked myself: “Did he recite Surah al-Fatihah during those two rak’ahs?”.


In a narration by Muslim it says: “He prayed the two rak’ahs of dawn lightly when he heard the call to prayer”.


Another narration says: “When dawn broke”.


  1. Hafshah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that when the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) heard the call to Fajr prayer and the time for Fajr prayer had actually arrived, he would immediately offer two rak’ahs of voluntary prayer lightly.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In the Muslim narration it is said: “When dawn broke, he would pray two light rak’ahs”.


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah used to pray two rak’ahs at night, two rak’ahs of salutations, and he used to pray one rak’ah of Witr at the end of the night, and he used to pray two rak’ahs before Fajr when he heard the call to prayer”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “That the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) used to recite in the first rak’ah of his fajr prayer: QULUU AAMANNA BILLAAHI WAMAA UNZILA ILAINAAA … (found in Surah Al Bagarah), and in the second rak’ah he used to recite: AAMANNAA BILLAAHI WASYHAD BI ANNAA MUSLIMUUN.” (Surah Al Bagarah). In another narration it is said that in the second rak’ah he recited the verse: TA’AALAU ILAA KALIMATIN SAWAAIN BAINAA WA BAINAKUM (found in Surah Ali Imran)”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) recited in the two rak’ahs of dawn: QUL YAA AYYUHAL KAAFIRUUN and QUL HUWALLAAHU AHAD”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “For one month I have seen the Prophet praying two rak’ahs of fajr while reciting : QUL YAA AYYUHAL KAAFIRUUN and QUL HUWALLAAHU AHAD”. (narrated by At-Turmudzi).










  1. ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) finished praying two rak’ahs of Fajr, he would lie down on his right side”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Prophet used to pray eleven rak’ahs of voluntary prayer after ‘Isha’ until Fajr, every two rak’ahs of which he would offer salutations and one rak’ah of Witr prayer. When the muadzin was silent after the call to prayer and dawn had broken and the muadzin had come to him, he would immediately pray two light Rak’ahs and then lie down on his right side until the muadzin called out the Iqamat.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When one of you performs the two rak’ahs of the Fajr voluntary prayer, he should lie down on his right side”. (Abu Daud and At-Turmudzi).









  1. Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I prayed two rak’ahs before the Dhuhr prayer and two rak’ahs afterward with the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) never failed to pray four rak’ahs before the Dhuhr prayer.” (HR. Bukhari). –


  1. ‘Aisha reported that she said: “The Prophet used to offer four rak’ahs of voluntary prayer before the Dhuhr prayer at home, then he led the prayer. After that he would go home and offer two rak’ahs of voluntary prayers at home. He used to lead the Maghrib prayer and then return home and offer two rak’ahs of voluntary prayer. And he used to lead the ‘Isha’ prayer, then he would go home and offer two rak’ahs of voluntary prayers at home”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Umm Habibah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever always performs four rak’ahs of voluntary prayer before Dhuhr and four rak’ahs after it, Allah will forbid him from Hellfire”. (HR. Abu Daud and Turmudzi).


  1. Abdullah ibn Saib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) used to offer four rak’ahs of voluntary prayer after the sun had set, before he offered the Dhuhr prayer. He said: “Verily, at that time the doors of the heavens are open. That is why I intend for my good deeds to rise to the top in such a situation.” (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. ‘Ā’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that if the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not offer the four rak’ahs of voluntary prayer before the Dhuhr prayer, he offered it after the Dhuhr prayer.” (HR At Turmudzi).








  1. Ali ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet used to pray four rak’ahs of voluntary prayer before the ‘Asr prayer, separated by two rak’ahs of salutations, the salutations of which were for the Angel Mugarrabin and the Muslims who followed him”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “May Allah continue to bestow His mercy on a person who likes to pray four rak’ahs of voluntary prayer before the ‘Asr prayer”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Ali ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet always offered two rak’ahs of voluntary prayer before the ‘Asr prayer.” (HR. Abu Daud). “









The hadeeth about the voluntary prayer after the Maghrib prayer has been mentioned in the previous chapters, namely the hadeeth from Ibn ‘Umar and from ‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her), both of which are saheeh hadeeths, which state that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) always prayed two rak’ahs of voluntary prayer after the Maghrib prayer.”


  1. Abdullah ibn Mughaffal (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Pray all of you before the Maghrib prayer”. Then the third time he said: “For those who are happy to do it”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Anas ra. said: “Indeed, I have seen the companions of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) always hurrying to perform the Maghrib voluntary prayer”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Anas ra. said: “During the time of the Messenger of Allah, we used to pray two rak’ahs after sunset and before the Maghrib prayer”. Then someone asked: “Did the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) also offer these prayers?” Anas said: “He only saw us praying the two rak’ahs of voluntary prayer, and he neither commanded nor forbade us to do so”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When we were in Madinah, when the Muezzin called the Maghrib call to prayer, many people would rush to perform the two rak’ahs of voluntary prayer, so that if a stranger entered the Mosque, he would think that the Maghrib prayer was over because of the number of people performing the voluntary prayer”. (HR: Muslim).








The hadith about the voluntary prayers before and after ‘Isha’ is the one narrated from Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), as mentioned above, in which Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I prayed two rak’ahs after the ‘Isha’ prayer with the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)”. And also the hadeeth narrated from ‘Abdullah ibn Mughaffal in which he said: “Between the adhan and the igamat there is a voluntary prayer”.












The hadeeths about the voluntary prayer after the Friday prayer include the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) mentioned above, which is: Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) prayed two rak’ahs after the Friday prayer with the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him).” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “When any of you performs the Friday prayer, let him perform four rak’ahs of voluntary prayer after the Friday prayer”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did not offer the voluntary prayer after the Friday prayer until he went home. Then he offered two rak’ahs of voluntary prayer in his house.” (HR. Muslim).







  1. Zayd ibn Tsabit (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “O people, pray in your homes, for indeed the best of prayers is that which a man offers in his home, except for the obligatory prayers.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Perform the supererogatory prayers in your homes and do not make your homes like graves”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When one of you has finished performing the obligatory prayers in the Mosque, he should give part of his prayers to be performed in his house, because with that prayer Allah will make good in his house”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Amr ibn Atha’ reported that Nafi’ ibn Jubayr sent him to Saib ibn Yazid, the nephew of Amir, to inquire about something that happened between him and Muawiyah in the matter of prayer. Saib said: “Yes, I offered the Friday prayer with Muawiyah in the palace. After the imam said the greeting I immediately stood up to offer the voluntary prayer in that place. When Muawiyah returned and entered his house, he called me and said: “Do not repeat what you did earlier. When you have finished the Friday prayer, do not continue with the voluntary prayer until you have spoken or gone out. This is because the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded us not to connect one prayer with another prayer before speaking or going out.” (HR. Muslim).







  1. ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Witr prayer is not obligatory like the obligatory prayers, but the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) used to pray it and said: “Verily, Allah is singular (i.e. One) and loves the Witr. So pray Witr, all you Qur’anists”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi). ,


  1. Aisha ra. said: “From every night, the Prophet used to perform the Witr prayer. He used to pray Witr at the beginning of the night, once in the middle of the night and also used to pray Witr at the end of the night. And the last time he prayed Witr was until the end of Suhoor”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “End your night prayer with Witr prayer”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. From Abu Said Al Khudri ra. that the Prophet said: “Pray Witr before the time of Fajr”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Aisha ra. said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) used to perform the voluntary prayers at night while ‘Aisha was stretched out in front of him. When he was about to perform his Witr prayer, he would wake Aisha up and invite her to perform the Witr prayer”. (HR. Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “When he was just finishing his Witr prayer, he said: “O ‘Aisha ra. get up and pray Witr with you”.


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Pursue the Fajr prayer with Witr”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever fears that he will not be able to wake up in the middle of the night should pray Witr at the beginning of the night. And whoever is sure that he will be able to wake up in the middle of the night or at the end of the night, pray Witr at the end of the night, because the prayer performed at the end of the night will be witnessed by angels and is better”. (HR. Muslim).








  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “My Beloved (the Prophet) has advised me to always fast three days in a month, perform two rak’ahs of Dhuha and pray Witr before going to bed”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


Praying Witr before going to bed is recommended for those who cannot get up at the end of the night. However, for those who are sure that they can wake up at the end of the night, it is even better to pray it at the end of the night.”


  1. Abu Dharr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Every morning, every joint of your body is obliged to give charity. Every tasbih is a charity, every tahmid is a charity, enjoining good is a charity, and forbidding evil is a charity. All of these can only be fulfilled by praying two rak’ahs of Dhuha prayer.” (HR. Muslim)


  1. Aisha ra. said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) used to pray four rak’ahs of Dhuha prayer and sometimes he would increase it according to the will of Allah”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Umm Hani’ Fakhitah bint Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “At the time of the conquest of Makkah I came to him and found him taking a bath. When he had finished bathing he offered eight rak’ahs of Dhuha prayer. That is the Dhuha prayer”. (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).









  1. Zayd ibn Arqam (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he saw people praying Dhuha, so he said: “Remember, they knew that Dhuha prayer at other than these times is better. Indeed, the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “The Dhuha prayer is the prayer of the one who returns to Allah at the time when the camels get up from their beds because of the heat of the sun”. (HR Muslim).











  1. Abu Qatadah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “When one of you enters the mosque, he should not sit down until he has prayed two rak’ahs (tahiyat al-mosque prayer)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I came to the Messenger of Allah, while he was in the Mosque. Then he said: “Pray two rak’ahs”. (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).








  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said to Bilal: “O Bilal, tell me of a deed that you have done that is the most reliable in Islam, for I have heard the sound of your sandals before me in Paradise”. Bilal said: “There is no deed that I can rely on other than when I wash (ablution) both during the day and night then I use it to pray as much as I can”. (HR: Bukhari and Muslim).








Allah, the Almighty, says: “When you have prayed, spread out on the earth, and seek the bounty of Allah, and remember Allah much, so that you may be fortunate.” (QS. Al Jum’ah: 10)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “The best day on which the sun rises is Friday. It was on that day that the Prophet Adam was created, put in Paradise and also on that day that the Prophet Adam was taken out of Paradise”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. From Abu Hurairah ra. The Prophet said: “Whoever makes ablution and completes his ablution, then comes to the Friday prayer and listens and pays attention to the sermon, his sins will be forgiven from that day to the next Friday and an additional three days. And whoever (during the sermon) plays with pebbles, his Jumu’ah is wasted.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The five daily prayers, one Jum’ah to another Jum’ah and one Ramadan to another Ramadan can atone for the sins committed between them as long as major sins are avoided”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) and Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) both heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) say on his pulpit: “Those who habitually neglect the Friday prayer should stop doing so immediately or else Allah will lock their hearts and they will be among the negligent”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “When one of you comes to the Friday prayer, let him take a bath”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “Friday ghusl is obligatory for the adult”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Samurah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever performs ablution on Friday is very fortunate on that day, and whoever takes a bath is better for him.” (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Salman (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “There is no one who takes a bath on Friday and purifies himself to the best of his ability and then puts on perfume. Then he goes out for the Friday prayer and does not separate the two people (who are already seated in the mosque), and performs the prayer as prescribed, then when the imam delivers the sermon he remains silent and attentive, but his sins committed between that day and the following Friday will be forgiven.” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever takes a bath on Friday like a janabat bath, then he rushes to the Mosque (at the earliest) then it is as if he has sacrificed a camel. And whoever comes in the second wave or stage is as if he has sacrificed an ox. And whoever comes to the Mosque in the third wave then it is as if he has sacrificed a horned goat. And whoever comes in the fourth wave, it is as if he has sacrificed a rooster. And whoever comes to the mosque in the fifth wave is as if he has sacrificed an egg. And whoever comes when the imam has come out to give the sermon, the angels come to listen to the advice (i.e. the sermon)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) spoke about Friday, he said: “On this day there is a time when if a Muslim prays at that time and then prays to Allah, Allah will surely fulfill his prayer.” He signaled with his hand that this was the time. He signaled with his hand that the time was very short.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Burdah bin Abu Musa Al Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that Abdullah bin Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) asked: “Have you heard from your father about the special time on Friday from the Messenger of Allah?”. Abu Burdah replied: “Yes, I have heard my father say: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “That time (which is special) is between the time the imam sits on the pulpit and the end of the prayer”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Aus ibn Aus (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Verily, the best of days is Friday. So on that day, recite blessings upon me because your recitation of blessings will certainly reach or be conveyed to me”. (narrated by Abu Daud).









  1. Sa’d ibn Abu Waggas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “We went out with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) from Makkah to Madinah. And when we approached Azwara suddenly he got off his vehicle, then raised his hands while praying for a moment and then prostrated for a long time. He did this three times. Then he said: “Verily, I asked Allah to grant me permission to intercede for my Ummah. Then Allah granted it to a third of my Ummah so I prostrated myself in gratitude to my Lord. After that I raised my head and asked Allah to grant me permission to intercede for my Ummah and Allah granted a third of my Ummah. Night-: yes I prostrated myself in gratitude to my Lord. After that I raised my head again to ask Allah that I may be granted permission to intercede for my Ummah and Allah granted another third of my Ummah, so I bowed down to Allah (out of gratitude)”. (HR: Abu Daud).










Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And during the night, observe the night prayer as an additional act of worship for you. Hopefully, Allah will raise you to a praiseworthy place.” (Al Isra’: 79).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says: “Their hulls are far from their beds (meaning that they do not sleep at the time when people usually sleep in order to perform the night prayer).” (QS. As Sajdah: 16).


Allah ta’ala says: “They sleep very little at night.” (QS. Adh Dhariyat: 17).


  1. ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to offer the voluntary prayers at night until his ankles became swollen. Then I said to him: “O Messenger of Allah, why do you do this when your past and future sins have been forgiven?”. He replied: “Should I not be a grateful servant of Allah”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Al Mughirah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated by Bukhari and Muslim.


  1. Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that one night when he was asleep with Fatimah, he knocked on the door and said: “Why do you not pray?”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Salim bin Abdullah bin Umar bin Khattab reported from his father that the Prophet said: “The best of people is Abdullah if he likes to pray at night”. Salim said: “So after that Abdullah did not sleep at night except very little”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “O Abdullah, do not be like so-and-so, who wakes up at night but does not perform the voluntary night prayer”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud said: “A man once told the Prophet about a man who slept at night until morning (did not get up during the night), so he said: “That person has been urinated on by the devil”, or he said: “his ears”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Satan has bound the head of one of you while sleeping with three ties. In each of them the devil said: “It is still far into the night so go back to sleep”. When the person wakes up and remembers Allah, one bond is broken. When he performs ablution, another bond is broken. And when he prays, all the bonds are broken so that in the morning he will be agile and calm, whereas otherwise he will be lethargic and lazy”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abdullah bin Salam (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “O people, spread greetings, give food, and pray all of you when people are asleep then surely you will all enter heaven safely”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “The best fast after the fast of Ramadan is fasting in the month of Muharram. And the best prayer after the obligatory prayer is the voluntary prayer at night”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “The prayer at night is two rak’ahs of two rak’ahs. And if you are worried that it is too late for dawn, then pray one rak’ah of Witr”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) prayed two rak’ahs at night and one rak’ah of Witr”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Anas reported that he said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) would not fast in a month so that we thought that he had never fasted in that month. And he used to fast so often in a month that we thought that he never broke his fast in that month. Similarly, if you want to see the Prophet’s prayer, you will be able to see it. Similarly, if you want to see the Prophet’s sleep, you will be able to see it”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Prophet prayed eleven rak’ahs at night. Each prostration was about as long as if one of you recited five’tens of verses before he raised his head. He prayed two rak’ahs before the Fajr prayer and then he lay down on his right side until the muadzin sounded the call for the Fajr prayer”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Messenger of Allah never prayed more than eleven rak’ahs at night, neither in Ramadan nor in any other month where he prayed four rak’ahs, but you should not ask about the solemnity and duration. Then he would pray four rak’ahs, of which you should not ask him about the solemnity and duration. Then he would pray three rak’ahs. I asked him: “O Messenger of Allah, will you sleep before Witr?”. He replied: “O Aisha ra. verily my eyes are closed, but my heart will never sleep”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “Verily, the Messenger of Allah used to sleep at the beginning of the night and wake up at the end of the night and pray”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud reported that he said: “One night I was praying with the Prophet (peace be upon him) and he took so long to stand up that I had bad intentions”. Someone asked: “What intention arose in you?” He replied: “I intended to sit down and leave the prayer with him” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Hudhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “One night I was praying with the Prophet. After he finished reciting Surah Al Fatihah, he recited Surah Al Bagarah. I said to myself: “He will bow when he gets a hundred verses, but after getting a hundred verses, he continued reading. I thought that maybe he would finish Surah Al Bagarah in one rak’ah and then bow, but after he finished reading Surah Al Bagarah, he continued reading Surah An Nisa’ until it was finished, then he started reading Surah Ali Imran again with a very careful and clear reading or tartil. Every time there is a verse of tasbih then he recites tasbih and every time there is a verse that commands to pray then he stops to pray and when there is a verse that commands to seek refuge then he takes refuge. Then he would bow and recite: SUBHAANA RABBIYAL AZHIIM. The length of RUKU’ is almost equal to the length of standing, then he recites: SAMIALLAAHU LIMAN HAMIDAH, RABBANAA LAKAL HAMDU. Then he stood up, which almost equaled the length of the ruku’. After that he prostrated by reciting: SUBHAANA RABBIYAL A’LAA, where the length of prostration is almost equal to the length of standing”. (HR. Muslim). “


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah was asked: “What is the most important thing in prayer?”. He replied: “The length of standing”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “The prayer most favored by Allah is the prayer of the Prophet David (peace be upon him), and the fasting most favored by Allah is the fasting method of the Prophet David (peace be upon him). That is, he slept half the night and woke up a third of the night and slept another sixth, and he fasted one day and broke one day”. (HR. Bukhari and Mus-lim).


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Verily, there is a time in the night when if a Muslim asks Allah for a favor, whether it is related to the affairs of this world or the affairs of the Hereafter, Allah will grant it. And that special time is in every night”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “If one of you is going to perform the night prayer, he should start with two light rak’ahs”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Aisha ra. said: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) would offer the night prayer, he would begin with two light Rak’ahs”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “If the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was unable to pray the night prayer because of illness or something else, then he would pray twelve rak’ahs during the day”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Umar bin Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever falls asleep and does not recite his wirid (hizib) or some other good habit, and then recites it between the Fajr and Dhuhr prayers, it is written for him as if he had prayed it during the night.” (HR Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Allah loves a man who gets up during the night to pray and is able to wake up his wife, and if she refuses to get up, he sprinkles water on her face. Allah also loves a woman who wakes up for the night prayer and wakes up her husband and if he refuses to get up, she sprinkles water on his face”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported and Abu Said reported that the Prophet said: “If a man wakes up his wife at night and they pray two rak’ahs together, each of them will be among those who remember Allah”. (Abu Daud).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet said: “If one of you is about to pray and he is sleepy, let him sleep until he loses his sleepiness. For if a person is sleepy in prayer, he may intend to ask Allah for forgiveness and instead curse himself.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “If one of you is praying at night and he recites the Qur’an with his tongue and does not know what he is reciting, let him sleep first”. (Reported by Muslim).









  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever performs the voluntary prayers in the month of Ramadan with full faith and expecting only the reward of Allah, his past sins will be forgiven”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) encouraged us to offer the voluntary prayer on the night of Ramadlan, but he did not make it obligatory”. So he said: “Whoever performs the voluntary prayer on the night of Ramadlan with full faith and expecting only the reward of Allah, his past sins will be forgiven.” (HR Muslim). .








Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “We have revealed the Qur’an on the Night of the Qadr. Do you know what the Night of Qadr is? The Night of Qadr is better than a thousand months. On that night the angels and the angel Gabriel descend with the permission of their Lord to manage all affairs. That night is full of prosperity until dawn breaks.” (QS. Al Qadar 1-5).


Allah says: “Indeed We have revealed the Qur’an on a blessed night.” (QS. Ad Dukhan: 3)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever wakes up on the night of Lailatul-Qadr with full faith and expecting only the reward of Allah, his past sins will be forgiven by Allah”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Some of the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) dreamed of Lailatul-Qadr on the last seven nights of the month of Ramadan.


Ramadan. So he said: “I noticed that your dreams coincided with the last seven nights (of Ramadan). Therefore, whoever wants to find the Lailatul-Qadr should strive for the last seven nights”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) used to make tikaf on the last ten nights of Ramadan and said: “Seek the lailatul qadar on the last ten nights of Ramadan”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Be diligent in seeking the night of Lailatul Qadr on the odd nights of the last ten nights of Ramadan”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “When the last ten nights of Ramadan came, the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) would spend them in worship, and he would wake up his family, and he would fasten his sarong (not having intercourse with his wife)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. From ‘Aisha ra. she said: “The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him. Always took great pains (in worship) in the month of Ramadan like in no other month. And in the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan he was even more earnest in worship than in other nights”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “I asked: “O Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), what do you think if I knew of the Lailatul-Qadr, what should I recite at that time?”. He said: “Recite: ALLAAHUMMA INNAKA ‘AFUWWUN TUHIBBUL ‘AFWA FA’FU ‘ANNII (O Allah, surely You are the Most Forgiving and love forgiveness so forgive me)”. (HR. At Turmudzi).








  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “If I had not feared that it would be burdensome for my Ummah, I would have made it obligatory to use the siwaak (toothbrush) at every prayer”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Hudhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) woke up, he would always brush his teeth with a siwak (now toothbrush)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Aisha ra. said: “We always provided the Prophet with miswak and ablution water, so when he woke up, he would immediately use miswak, perform ablution and pray”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “I have repeatedly advised you to use the miswak”. (HR Bukhari). |


  1. Suraih bin Hani’ reported: “I asked ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) what was the first thing the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did when he entered her house?”. ‘Aisha ra. replied: “He used a tooth-stick”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Musa Al Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I once entered the Prophet’s house while the tip of his tooth-stick was still in his mouth”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet said: “Wearing a tooth-stick cleans the mouth and earns the pleasure of God”. (HR. Nasai and Ibn Huzaimah).


Bukhari also mentioned this hadith in his Sahih book with the sighat Jazm as said by Aisha ra.


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “There are five kinds of fithrah (cleanliness of the body): circumcision, shaving the hair around the genitals, cutting the nails, plucking the hair in the armpits and shaving the mustache”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Ten kinds of fithrah are shaving the moustache, maintaining the beard, using the tooth-stick, breathing water into the nose, cutting the nails, washing the crevices of the fingers, plucking the hair in the armpits, shaving the hair around the genitals and washing the face”. The one who narrated this hadeeth said: “And I forgot the tenth, but if I am not mistaken, it is gargling”. (HR Muslim)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Trim the mustache and maintain the beard”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).








Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “They have not been commanded except that they should worship Allah with pure obedience to Him in observing the religion of rectitude, and that they should establish prayer and pay zakaah. Such is the straight religion.” (QS. Al Bayyinah: 5).


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “Take zakat from some of their wealth, with which you purify and cleanse them”. (QS. At Taubah: 103).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Islam is established on five foundations: acknowledging that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His messenger, establishing prayer, paying zakat, pilgrimage to the House of Allah, and fasting during the month of Ramadan.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Talhah ibn Ubaydillah (may Allah be pleased with him) ibn Uthman ibn Amr ibn Kaab At-Taimi (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man from the people of Najd came to the Prophet with his hair loose. We could hear his voice but we could not understand what he said. He approached him and asked about Islam, so he said: “Five prayers a day and a night”. He asked: “Is there any other prayer obligatory for me?”. He replied: “No, unless you perform the supererogatory prayers”. And he continued to say: “And fasting in the month of Ramadan”. He asked: “Do I have any other obligatory fasts?”. He replied: “No, unless you want to do the supererogatory fasts”. The Prophet also explained the obligation of zakaah, so the man asked: “Is there any other obligation of zakaah for me?”. He replied. “No, unless you give charity”. So the man left, saying: “By Allah, I will neither add nor subtract from what has been prescribed”. So the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “It is blessed if he is right”. (HR. Bukhari and Mushm).


  1. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet sent Muadz to Yemen and said: “Invite them to witness that there is no God but Allah and that I am His messenger. After they accept your invitation, then tell them that Allah has obliged them to pray five times a day and night. When they have obeyed what you have told them, then tell them that Allah obliges them to pay zakat, which is taken from the rich and given to the poor.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “I (the Prophet) was commanded to fight the people until they would testify that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His messenger, establish prayer, pay zakat. And when they have done all these things, they are protected from themselves and their property except by the right of Islam, and their reckoning is up to Allah”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Prophet died and Abu Bakr was appointed caliph and many Arabs returned to disbelief, then Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) asked Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him): “How do you fight people?”, when he said: “I (the Prophet) was ordered to fight man until he says: Laa ilaaha illallaah. When a person has uttered these words, his wealth and soul are protected except by His right, and the calculation of his deeds is up to Allah”. So Abu Bakr said: “By Allah, I will fight those who make a distinction between prayer and zakat, because zakat is the right of wealth. By Allah, if they withhold a piece of the turban strap that they used to give the Prophet (peace be upon him), I will fight them for withholding it”. Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) then said: “By Allah, what Abu Bakr has said I have understood that Allah has expanded Abu Bakr’s chest to fight and I have also understood that what Abu Bakr has said is the truth”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Ayyub reported that a man came to the Prophet and said: “Tell me of a deed that will cause me to enter Paradise”. He replied: “Worship Mlah and never associate anything with Him, establish prayer, pay zakat and connect the ties of brotherhood”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that a Bedouin came to the Prophet and asked: “O Messenger of Allah, show me a deed that will cause me to enter Paradise?”. He replied: “Worship Allah and do not associate anything with Him, establish prayer, give the required zakat and fast in the month of Ramadan”. The Bedouin said: “By the One in Whose hand is my soul, I will not add to these requirements.” The Bedouin said. When the Bedouin had left, the Prophet said: “Whoever wants to see someone who belongs to the dwellers of Paradise then look at the Bedouin”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Jarir bin Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I have pledged allegiance to the Prophet to always perform the prayer, give zakat and give advice to every Muslim”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


9, From Abu Hurairah ra. said, the Prophet said: “There is no one who owns gold or silver that he has not paid zakat on, but on the Day of Resurrection, they will be formed into slabs and burned in the fire of Hellfire, then the slabs will be ironed on his waist, forehead and back. Each time the slab becomes cold, the torment will be repeated until one day, which is equal to fifty thousand years, is completed for all servants. Only then will he be shown the way into which he will be put, whether into Paradise or Hell”. Someone asked: “What about having a ‘camel’?”. He replied: “So is the one who owns a camel but does not pay zakaah on it. Part of the zakaah is milking the camel when it is at the place where it is given water to give to those who pass by. On the Day of Resurrection, his camels will be spread out on a large field and all his camels will be gathered together without exception and not a single one will be left behind. The camels will trample and bite him one by one, and when one camel has finished torturing him, it will be repeated by another camel over a period of one day, which is about fifty thousand years, until all the verdicts of all the servants are completed. Only then will he be shown his way to heaven or hell”. Someone asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what about owning oxen and goats?”. He replied: “The one who owns cattle and goats and refuses to pay their zakat will have a large field spread out for him on the Day of Resurrection, and all his cattle and goats will be gathered together without missing a single one, and almost all of them will have horns, whether they are bent or broken, to mark and trample on him. When one has finished torturing him, it will be repeated by the other oxen and goats within one day, which is equal to fifty thousand years, until all the verdicts of the servant have been completed. Then he will be shown where he will be put, hell or heaven”. Another person asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what about owning a horse?”. He replied: “There are three kinds of horses. There are horses that can bring sin to their owners. There are horses that can close the desires of their owners, and there are also horses that can bring rewards to their owners. As for horses that cause sin to their owners, they are horses that are kept for the purpose of pride and boasting, and for the purpose of antagonizing Islam, so this is the kind of horse that causes sin to its owner. As for horses that can cover the needs of their owners, they are horses that are used for purposes that are pleasing to Allah, and they do not forget their rights and obligations in terms of maintenance, so this kind of horse can cover the needs of its owner. As for horses that can bring rewards, they are horses that are used to fight in Islam to defend the interests of the Muslim ummah. This is the third type of horse that, if it is let loose in a field and eats something there, then whatever it eats will be recorded as a good deed for its owner. And even its feces and urine will be recorded as good for the owner. And if the horse is unharnessed and jumps around, its steps will be recorded as good for the owner. And if the horse is led by its owner through a river and the horse drinks water from the river when the owner did not intend to give it a drink, Allah will record what it drinks as good for the owner.” Someone asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what about owning a donkey?”. He replied: “No verse has been revealed to me concerning donkeys except the general verse which reads: FAMAN YAKMAL MITSQAALA DZARRATIN KHAIRAY YARAH. WAMAY YAKMAL MITSQAALA DZARRATIN SYARRAYYARAH (Whoever does an atom’s weight of good will surely see its reward. And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will also see his reward)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).









Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “O you who believe, fasting has been made obligatory upon you, as it was made obligatory upon those who were before you, that you may fear Allah, on certain days. So if any of you is sick or traveling (and he breaks his fast), then he must fast the number of days he missed on other days. And it is obligatory for those who find it hard to do so (if they do not fast) to pay the fidhyah, which is: feeding a poor person. Whoever willingly does a good deed, that is better for him. And fasting is better for you if you know. (The prescribed days are the month of Ramadan, in which the Qur’an is revealed as a guidance for mankind and an explanation of that guidance and a distinction between the right and the wrong. Therefore, whoever among you sees the month, let him fast that month. And whosoever is sick or traveling (and breaks his fast), he shall make up on other days the number of days he missed.” (QS. Al Bagarah: 183-185).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “All the deeds of the son of Adam will return to him for their own benefit, except fasting. Verily, fasting is for Me and I alone will reward it. Fasting is a shield. Therefore, when you are fasting, do not speak foul and make a fuss. If someone insults or invites a fight then he should say: “I am fasting”. By the One in Whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, the smell of the mouth of a fasting person is more fragrant than the smell of musk in the sight of Allah. For the fasting person there are two joys: the joy of breaking the fast and the joy of appearing before his Lord because of the great reward of fasting”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In the narration of Bukhari it is said: “He has given up eating and drinking and his desire for My sake. Fasting is for Me and I alone will reward it. That good deed will be written down and rewarded tenfold”.


In the Muslim narration it is said: “Every deed of the son of Adam will be multiplied. Good deeds will be rewarded tenfold to seven hundredfold. Allah ta’ala says: “Except fasting, for fasting is for Me and I will reward it. He has given up food and desire for My sake. The fasting person will have two joys: joy when he breaks his fast and joy when he meets his Lord. Indeed, the odor of the mouth of the fasting person in the sight of Allah is more fragrant than the odor of musk”.


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever gives in charity a pair (two vehicles) in jihad fi sabilillah, he will be called from all the gates of Paradise: “O slave of Allah, this is better”. Whoever is a regular praying person will be called from the door of prayer. Whoever is fond of jihad will be called from the door of jihad. And whoever is an expert in fasting will be called from the door of fasting (Ar-Rayyan), and whoever is an expert in charity will be called by Allah from the door of charity”. Abu Bakr asked: “By my father and mother, O Messenger of Allah, is there no one who is called from these doors because of an emergency, so is there anyone who is called from all these doors?”. He replied: “There are, and I hope that you will be among them”, (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Sahl bin Saad reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, there is a door in Paradise called Ar Rayyan through which fasting people will enter on the Day of Resurrection, and no one will enter through it except those who fast, and the guardian of the door will always say: “Where are the fasting people?”. Then they will stand up and no one else will be allowed to enter through that door. When all the fasting people have entered, the door is closed. That is why no one can enter through that door except them (the fasting people)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “No one who fasts one day for the sake of Allah will be spared from Hellfire for a journey of seventy years because of that one day of fasting”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever fasts during the month of Ramadan with full faith and expecting only the pleasure of Allah, his past sins will be forgiven”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When the month of Ramadan comes, the gates of Paradise will be opened and the gates of Hell will be closed, and the devils will be chained”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Fast because you see the moon and break your fast because you see the moon. If the weather is bad, then complete the month of Sha’ban, that is, complete thirty days.” (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).


In the Muslim narration it is said: “If the weather is bad (cloudy) then all of you should fast thirty days”.









1: Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was the most generous of all people, especially during the month of Ramadan, a month in which he was always met by the Angel Gabriel. Almost every night Jibril came to read the Qur’an. Indeed, he is even more generous when he has been met by the angel Gabriel than a strong wind”. (HR. Brikhari and Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “When the last ten days of the month of Ramadan came, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) would spend those nights in worship and would wake up his family and fasten his sarong (not having intercourse with his wife)”. (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).








  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Let not all of you precede the month of Ramadan by fasting a day or two except those who are accustomed to fasting. (For those who are accustomed to fasting) then fast on that day”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Do not fast before the month of Ramadan comes. Fast when you see the moon and break the fast when you see the moon. If the moon is obscured by a cloud, complete thirty days.” (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When the middle of the month of Sha’ban comes, do not fast”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Yaqdhan Ammar bin Yasir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Whoever fasts on a doubtful day (i.e. the 30th of Sha’ban) has indeed disobeyed Abul Qasim (the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him).” (Abu Daud and At-Turmudzi).








  1. Talhah ibn Ubaidillah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Prophet saw the moon rise, he would recite: “ALLAAHUMMA AHILLAHU “ALAINAA BIL AMNI WAL IIMAANI WASSALAAMATI WAL ISLAAMI. RABBII WA RABBUKALLAAHU HILAALU RUSYDIN WA KHAIRIN (O Allah, reveal the moon to us with safety, faith and security and Islam. My Lord and your Lord is Allah, the month that brings guidance and goodness”. (HR. At Turmudzi).









  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Sahur all of you, for in sahur there is blessing.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Zayd ibn Tsabit (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “We had suhoor with the Prophet (peace be upon him) and then we prayed”. Someone asked: How long is the time between Suhoor and Fajr prayer?” He replied: “Approximately fifty verses”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet’s callers were two men, Bilal and the son of Ummu Maktum. The Prophet said: “When Bilal calls to prayer at night, then eat and drink all of you until you hear the call of the son of Ummu Maktum”. He continued to say: “The distance between the two adhans is just . the descent of the first (Bilal) and the rise of the second (i.e. Ummu Maktum)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “The virtue between our fast and the fast of the People of the Book is the Suhoor meal”. (Muslim).








  1. Sahl ibn Saad (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “People are always in good as long as they break their fast immediately”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Athiyah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I went with Masrug to ‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her), and Masrug said to ‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her): “There were two men who were companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) who wanted to pursue a good deed, and one of them broke his fast before Maghrib prayer and the other broke his fast after Maghrib prayer”. ‘Ā’ishah asked: “Who hastened to break the fast before the Maghrib prayer?”, Masrug replied: “Abdullah, i.e. Abdullah ibn Mas’ud”. Then ‘Ā’ishah said: “This is how the Messenger of Allah did it”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Allah, the Almighty, says: “The most favored of My servants is the one who breaks his fast the soonest”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Umar bin Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “When night has come from here (East) and daylight has passed from here and the sun has set, the fasting person may break his fast”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Ibrahim Abdullah ibn Abu Aufa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “We went with the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and he was fasting. When the sun set, he said to one of the Companions: “O Fulan, come down and make food for us”. He replied: “Later in the evening”. He said again: “Come down and make us something to eat”. He replied: “It is still daytime”. He said again: “Come down and make us something to eat”. Abu Ibrahim said: “So Fulan came down and made food for the Companions. The Messenger of Allah drank and then said: “When you all know that the night has come from here, then the fasting person may break his fast”. He pointed to the east.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Salman bin Amir Ad Dabiyyi As Sahabi reported that the Prophet said: “When one of you breaks his fast, he should break his fast with dates. If he does not have any, then break the fast with water, for it is cleansing”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi)


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) used to break his fast with some ripe dates before praying. If there were no ripe dates, he would break his fast with some dried dates. And if no dry dates were found, then he would break his fast with a few sips of water”. (narrated by Abu Daud and At-Turmudzi)








  1. Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “When you are fasting, do not speak foul language, and do not make a fuss. And if someone abuses you or asks you to fight, you should say: “I am fasting”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever does not like to abandon false speech and always practices it, Allah will not care about his fast, which he has taken the trouble to give up eating and drinking.” (HR. Bukhari).








  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “If one of you forgets and eats or drinks, he should complete his fast, for it is Allah who has fed and watered him.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).



  1. Lagith ibn Sabrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I asked: “O Messenger of Allah, tell us about ablution?”. He replied: “Complete your ablution, wash between your fingers and deepen the inhalation of water into your nose except when you are fasting”. (Abu Daud and al-Turmudzi).









  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The best fast after the fast of Ramadan is the fast of Muharram, and the best prayer after the obligatory prayers is the prayer at night”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Prophet never fasted more than he fasted in the month of Sha’ban where he often fasted the whole month of Sha’ban”.


In another narration it is said: “He often fasted almost the whole month and only a few did not fast”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Mujibah Al Bahiliyah reported from his father or from his uncle that he once came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and left for a long time. And after a year he returned and came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) in a changed form and attitude, and he said: “O Messenger of Allah, do you still recognize me?”. He asked him back: “Who are you?”. He replied: “I am Bahili, the one who came to you a year ago”. The Prophet asked: “Why have you changed into such a good shape?”. He replied: “Since I separated from you, I have never eaten except at night”. Then the Prophet said: “You have tortured yourself. Fast in the month of Ramadan and one day every month”. He said: “Increase it for me, because I still feel strong”. He replied: “Fast three days every month”. He said: “Increase for me, for I still feel strong”. He said: “Fast in the months of honor and stop. He said this three times, pointing to his three fingers, and then he put them together and stretched them out.” (narrated by Abu Daud).









  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “There is no day in which doing good deeds is more pleasing to Allah than these ten days at the beginning of Dhu’l-Hijjah”. The Companions asked: “O Messenger of Allah, even if it is fighting in the way of Allah?”. He said: “Even if it is only fighting in the way of Allah, except for the one who goes out with his soul and wealth and does not want anything in return for what he has sacrificed” (HR Bukhari).












  1. Abu Qatadah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was asked about fasting on the day of ‘Arafah, and he replied: “Fasting on that day (Arafat) can atone for the sins of a year past and the sins of a year to come”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas reported that the Messenger of Allah fasted on the day of ‘Ashoora’ and commanded the people to fast on it.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Qatadah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was asked about fasting on the day of ‘Ashoora’ and he replied: “Fasting can atone for the sins of the past year”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “If I (the Prophet) were to live until the next year, I would fast the ninth of Muharram”. (HR. Muslim).








  1. Abu Ayyub (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever fasts the month of Ramadan and then follows it by fasting six days in the month of Shawwal is like fasting the whole year”. (HR. Muslim)










  1. Abu Qatadah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was asked about fasting on Mondays, and he said: “Monday is the day of my birth, the day I was sent and the day the Qur’an was first revealed to me”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The deeds are examined every Monday and Thursday. Therefore, I feel happy when my deeds are examined while I am fasting”. (HR. Turmudzi).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was always keen on fasting Mondays and Thursdays.” (narrated by At-Turmudzi).









The best way to fast three days of the month is to fast the ayyam al-bidh, which is the 13th, 14th and 15th of the month. Some say that the ayyam al-bidh are the 12th, 13th and 14th of the month, but the first opinion is more popular.


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “My beloved the Messenger of Allah has advised me about three things: that I should fast three days every month, that I should pray Dhuha two rak’ahs and that I should pray Witr before going to bed”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Darda’ (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “My beloved the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) has advised me not to forsake three things during my lifetime: fasting three days every month, Dhuha prayer and that I should not sleep before performing the Witr prayer”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Fasting three days every month is like fasting all the time”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Mu’adzah Al Adawiyah reported that she asked ‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her): “Did the Prophet (peace be upon him) always fast three days every month?”. ‘A’ishah replied: “Yes” Then I asked her again: “Which months did he fast?”. Aisha ra. replied: “It does not matter which month he fasted”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Dhar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “If you want to fast three days of each month then fast the 13th, 14th and 15th”. (HR. Turmudzi).


  1. Qatadah ibn Milhan (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded us to fast the days of ayyamul biidh, which are the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth.” (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Ibn Abbas reported that he said: “The Messenger of Allah never broke his fast on ayyaamul biidh, whether he was at home or traveling”. (narrated by Nasai).








  1. Zayd ibn Khalid al-Juhanni (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever feeds a fasting person will be rewarded in the same way as the fasting person, without diminishing the fasting person’s reward in the slightest.” (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Umm Umarah Al Anshari (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) came to her house and she served him food, and he said: “Eat, Umm Umarah”. She replied: “I am fasting”. He said: “Verily, a fasting person will always be prayed for by the angels when someone eats in his place until the person finishes eating or until the person becomes full”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) came to Saad ibn Ubadah (may Allah be pleased with him) and Ubadah served him bread and butter. So he ate it and said: “The fasting people have broken their fast in your place and they ate your food and the angels prayed for you”. (HR. Abu Daud). .








  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) observed i’tikaaf on the last ten days of the month of Ramadan.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) used to observe tikaaf on the last ten days of Ramadan until he was called by Allah. Then after he passed away, his wives continued his habit.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah used to do tikaf for ten days in Ramadan. Then in the year in which he died, he observed twenty days of tikaaf” (narrated by Bukhari).









Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says: “Performing Hajj is an obligation upon mankind towards Allah, for those who are able to travel to the House of Allah. Whoever denies it, surely Allah is All-Rich and does not need anything from the universe.” (QS. Ali Imran: 97).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Islam is established on five foundations: the testimony that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His messenger, praying, paying zakat, pilgrimage to the House of Allah and fasting in the month of Ramadan”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said in a sermon: “O people, Allah has made Hajj obligatory for all of you. Therefore, perform Hajj.” A man asked: “Do I have to go for Hajj every year, O Messenger of Allah?”. He remained silent for a while, until the man asked three times, and then he answered: “If you were afraid to say yes, it would be obligatory, and you would not be able to do it”. He continued to say: “Leave what I do not command, because the previous ummah perished because of the many questions and because they liked to dispute with their Prophet. Therefore, when I command you to do something, do it with all your might, and what I forbid, leave it”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet was asked: “What is the most excellent deed?”. He replied: “Belief in Allah and His Messenger.” He was asked: “Then what else?”. He replied: “Fighting in the way of Allah”. He asked: ‘Then what else?”. He replied: “The Hajj that is Mabrur”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Whoever performs Hajj and does not speak profanity and does not commit an offense, then he returns like a baby who has just been born by his mother”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that Allah’s Apostle said: “One Umrah to the next is an atonement for the sins committed between them, and there is no reward for a successful Hajj except Paradise”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “O Messenger of Allah, we think that the best deed is striving in the way of Allah. Would it not be better for us to strive in the way of Allah constantly?”. He replied: “But the best of striving in the way of Allah is the hajj mabrur”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. ‘Ā’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “There is no day on which Allah frees His servants from Hellfire more than on the day of Arafat”. (HR Muslim). –


  1. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet said: “Performing ‘Umrah in the month of Ramadan can equal Hajj or can equal Hajj with me”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “That a woman asked: “O Rasoolullah, Allah has obligated His servants to perform Hajj. But by the time it reaches my father he will be so old that he will no longer be able to travel. Is it permissible for me to serve him?”. He replied: “It is permissible” (HR Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Lagith bin Amir reported that he came to the Prophet and said: “My father is an old man who cannot afford to go for Hajj and ‘Umrah, and he cannot even travel at all”. He said: “Perform Hajj and ‘Umrah for your father”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Saib bin Yazid (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I performed Hajj with the Messenger of Allah during the Farewell Pilgrimage, when I was only seven years old”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet met a group at Rauha’ and asked: “Who is that group?”. They replied: “The Muslims”. Then they asked: “And who are all of you?”. He answered: “I am the messenger of Allah”. Then a woman raised her small child and asked: “Is this little boy also a pilgrim?”. He replied: “Yes” and the reward is for you”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Verily, the Messenger of Allah performed Hajj on a vehicle and the vehicle was carrying his kal”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “”Ukazh, Majinnah and Dzul Majaz were markets since the pre-Islamic era. The Muslims were worried that they would be sinning if they traded during the Hajj season, so the verse was revealed: LAISA “ALAIKUM JUNAAHUN ANTABTAGHUU FADHLAM MIN RABBIKUM (There is no sin for you to seek the bounty of your Lord) in the Hajj season”. (HR. Bukhari).









Allah ta’ala says: “Fight the polytheists all as they fight you all. And know that Allah is with those who fear.” (QS. At Taubat: 36).


Allah, the Almighty, says: “It is obligatory upon you to fight, but fighting is something you hate. It may be that you hate something while it is very good for you, and it may be that it is very bad for you. Allah knows and you do not know.” (QS. Al Bagarah: 216).


Allah ta’ala says: “Depart, whether you feel light or heavy. And strive with your wealth and your souls in the cause of Allah.” (QS. At Taubah: 41).


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Verily, Allah has purchased from the believers their selves and their wealth and given them Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah, and they kill or are killed. That has been a true promise from Allah in the Torah, the Gospel and the Qur’an. And who is more faithful to his promise than Allah? So rejoice in the trade you have made, and that is a great victory”. (QS. At Taubah: 111).


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “The believers who sit down and have no excuse are not equal to those who strive in the cause of Allah with their wealth and their souls. Allah surpasses those who strive with their wealth and souls over those who sit (do not fight) by one degree. To each of them, Allah promises a good reward (Paradise) and Allah surpasses those who strive over those who sit (not participating in the war) with a great reward, namely several degrees from Him, forgiveness and mercy. And Allah is the Most Forgiving and the Most Merciful”. (QS. An Nisa’: 95 – 96).


Allah says: “Har those who believe, shall I show you a statement that will save you from a painful punishment? (That is) that you believe in Allah and His Messenger and fight in the cause of Allah with your wealth and your souls. That is better for you if you know. Allah will forgive you your sins and admit you to Paradise where rivers flow down, and admit you to a good abode in Paradise Adn. That is great good fortune. And (there is another) bounty of which you will be glad, namely, help from Allah and a victory that is near in time, and give glad tidings to those who believe.” (QS. Ash Shaf: 10-13).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) was asked what is the best deed?”. He replied: “Belief in Allah and His messenger”. He was asked: “Then what else”. He replied: “Jihad in the way of Allah”. Asked again: “Then what else?”. He replied: “Hajj mabrur”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what is the deed most favored by Allah?”. He replied: “Praying on time”. I asked him again: “Then what else?”. He replied: “Filial piety to one’s parents”. I asked him again: “Then what else?”. He answered: “Jihad in the cause of Allah”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Dhar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I asked the Messenger of Allah: “What is the best deed, O Messenger of Allah?”. He replied: “Belief in Allah and Jihad in the cause of Allah”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Indeed, going out in the morning or evening for jihad in the cause of Allah is better than the world and all that it contains”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Said al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man came to the Prophet and asked: “Who is the best of mankind?”. He replied: “The believer who strives with himself and his wealth in the cause of Allah”. Then who else? He replied: “The believer who is alone in a quiet place to worship Allah and shuns people because of their evil”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Sahl bin Saad reported that the Prophet said: “The guardian of the front line of the struggle fi sabilillah a day is better than the whole world. A whipping place in Paradise is better than the whole world. And one who goes out to fight in the cause of Allah, whether in the morning or in the evening is better than the whole world”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Salman (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Standing guard at the forefront (of jihad) for a day is better than fasting for a whole month, the nights of which are spent in worship. And if he dies during that vigil, his usual deeds will be continued, and his provision will be continued and he will be saved from the torment of the grave”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Fadhalah bin Ubaid (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Every person who dies will have all his deeds cut off except the deeds of those who stand guard in the way of Allah (jihad). It will continue to grow until the Day of Judgment, and he will be saved from the trial of the grave”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “One day at the forefront of jihad is better than a thousand days elsewhere”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


From Abu Hurairah ra. said, the Messenger of Allah said: “Allah has guaranteed the one who goes out to fight in the way of Allah where his going out is solely for Jihad in my way, he believes in Allah and confirms the message of Allah with the guarantee of entering Paradise and he will be returned to his family with rewards and spoils. By the One in Whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, no wound was inflicted on him during his struggle but on the Day of Resurrection he will come as he was when he was wounded, the color of his blood is red but it smells like the smell of musk. By the One in Whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, if it were not so burdensome for the Muslims, I would not have left the battle to fight in the cause of Allah forever, but I did not get the chance until I put the burden on them. But they also did not get the chance until I imposed on them and they found it hard to leave me. By the One in Whose hand is my soul, I want to fight until the end, then live and fight again and die again, then live again and fight again and die on the battlefield.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “There is no one who is wounded while fighting in the cause of Allah, but he will come on the Day of Resurrection still wet with blood where the color of the blood is red but the smell smells of musk”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Muadz ra. reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever fights in the cause of Allah as long as one milks a camel is obliged to enter Paradise. And whoever is wounded in battle then on the Day of Resurrection he will come as hard as the blood that flows when he is wounded. It will be the color of zakfaran and smell of musk.” (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A companion of the Prophet was walking in a valley when he saw a fresh spring and he was amazed and said: “If I were to be alone and worship in this valley, I would not do so before asking the Prophet’s permission”. Then he expressed his wish to the Prophet and he said: “Do not do that. Indeed, participating in a struggle in the way of Allah is better than praying at home for seventy years. Would you not all be pleased if Allah forgave your sins and admitted you to Paradise?”. Whoever struggles in the way of Allah for as long as a man milks a camel will enter Paradise.” (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Someone asked: “What deed is equal to striving in the cause of Allah?”. He replied: “You will not be able to do it”. He repeated his answer two or three times, whereupon he still said: “You will not be able to do it”. Then he said: “The example of one who strives in the cause of Allah is like a person who always fasts, prays, and recites the Qur’an, never ceasing from fasting and prayer until the one who strives in the cause of Allah returns (from war)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In a narration by Bukhari, it is said that a man said: “O Messenger of Allah, show me a deed that can equal Jihad in the cause of Allah”. He said: “I have never found it”. Then he continued to say: “Would you be able to afford it if someone went to Jihad in the cause of Allah and you entered the mosque to pray without stopping and you fasted without breaking your fast?”. He said: “Who can do this?”.


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The best of a man’s livelihood is the one who holds the reins of his horse for Jihad in the cause of Allah, and whenever he hears the call to Jihad in the cause of Allah, he immediately jumps on the back of his horse, giving himself up to be killed anywhere. Or a person who lives with his cattle in a valley where he always prays, pays zakat and worships his Lord until he dies and he always has good relations with the people there”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, in Paradise there are one hundred degrees that Allah has prepared for those who strive in His way, where the distance between one degree and another is like the distance between heaven and earth”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever is satisfied with Allah as his Lord, Islam as his religion and Muhammad as his messenger is entitled to enter Paradise”. Then Abu Said was astonished and said: “Try repeating it once more, O Messenger of Allah. “. So he repeated it again, and said: “And there is something else, which is that Allah will raise His servant with a hundred degrees in Paradise, where the distance between one degree and another is like the distance between heaven and earth”. Abu Said asked: “What is it, O Messenger of Allah? ?”. He replied: “Jihad in the way of Allah”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Bakr ibn Abu Musa Al Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard my father say in front of his enemy: “The Messenger of Allah said: “Verily, the doors of Paradise are under the shade of the sword”. Then a man in rumpled clothes got up and asked: “O Abu Musa, did you really hear him say that?”. Abu Musa replied: “Yes, I did”. So immediately the man returned to his companions and said: “I congratulate you”. Then he broke the sword case and threw it away and set out with drawn sword to the opponent’s place and fought until he died”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Abs Abdur Rahman bin Jabr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “There is no foot of a servant that has been covered with dust while fighting in the cause of Allah but that foot will not be touched by the fire of hell”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “No one who cries out for fear of Allah will enter Hell until the milk returns to his breasts. And the dust that clings to a servant while striving in the cause of Allah will not gather with the smoke of Hellfire”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “There are two eyes that will not be touched by Hellfire: the eye that weeps for fear of Allah and the eye that watches the night in jihad fi sabilillah”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Zayd ibn Khalid (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever prepares provisions for those who fight in the cause of Allah, then he is considered to have joined the war. And whoever takes good care of the family of the one who goes to fight in the cause of Allah is considered to have joined the war”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Umamah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “RaSulullah saw. said: “The best of charity is to prepare a tent for shelter while fighting in the cause of Allah, to give servants to fight in the cause of Allah or to give a strong vehicle to fight in the cause of Allah”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Anas reported that a young man from the tribe of Aslam said: “O Messenger of Allah, I want to join the war but I do not have any provisions”. Bellau said: “Go to so-and-so, for he is ready to fight, but suddenly he becomes ill.” So the young man went to so-and-so. So the young man came to Fulan and said: “The Messenger of Allah sends his greetings to you”, and the young man also said: “Give me the provisions that you have prepared”. So Fulan said to his wife: “Give him the provision that I have prepared and do not withhold anything from him. By Allah, if you do not withhold any of it, you will be blessed” (Muslim).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) sent an army to the people of Lahyan and said: “In every house where there are two men, one should go out for Jihad and the other should look after the house, and the reward should be divided between the two”. (HR. Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “Whenever there are two men in a house, send one (to fight). Then he said to one who stayed at home: “Whoever stays at home and takes good care of the family and property of the one who goes out to fight will receive half the reward of the one who goes out to fight”.


  1. Al Barra’ (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man clad in iron came to the Prophet and asked: “O Messenger of Allah, do I fight first or enter Islam first?”. He replied: “Convert to Islam first then you fight”. So he converted to Islam and went to war until he was killed. Then he said: “He has done little but his reward is great”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Anas reported that the Prophet said: “No one who has entered Paradise wants to return to the world even though he has abundant wealth except the martyr. He (the martyr) wants to return to the world and then be killed (in battle) ten times because he sees the honor given to him (in heaven)”.


In another narration it is said: “Because he sees the merit of the one who does jihad”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “All the sins of the martyr are forgiven by Allah except his debts”. (HR. Muslim). :


In another narration it is said: “Dying while fighting in the cause of Allah is an atonement for all his sins except his debts .


  1. Abu Qatadah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah stood in the midst of his companions to deliver a speech in which he said that striving in the cause of Allah and believing in Allah are the best deeds. Then someone got up and asked: “O RaSulullah, what if I am killed fighting in the cause of Allah, will my sins be forgiven by Allah?”. He said: “Yes, if you are killed while fighting in the cause of Allah and you are patient, sincere, and never back down.” He said: “Yes, if you are killed while fighting in the cause of Allah, your sins will be forgiven by Allah. Then he asked: “What did you ask earlier?”. He replied: “What if I am killed while fighting in the cause of Allah, will my sins be forgiven by Allah?”. He then said to him: “Yes, if you are killed while you are patient, sincere and go forward and do not retreat (do not turn your back on the enemy) except for debt. For Gabriel told me so.” (HR. Muslim).


30 From Jabir ra. he said: “A lakilaa asked: “Where will my place be, O Messenger of Allah, if I am killed?”. He replied: “In Paradise”. Then he threw some dates that were in his hand, then he rushed to war until he was killed”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), accompanied by his Companions, arrived at Badr before the polytheists. Soon the polytheists came, so the Messenger of Allah said: “Let none of you go forward or act before I begin.” Then the polytheists approached, and the Prophet said. Then the polytheists approached and he said: “Rise up, all of you, to Paradise, which is as vast as the heavens and the earth”. Anas ra. said: “Umair bin Humam Al AnShari ra. asked: “O Messenger of Allah, is Paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth?” He replied: “Yes”. then Umair said: “Fortunately, fortunately”. The Messenger of Allah asked: “Why do you say fortunately, fortunately?”. Umair replied: “There is nothing, O Messenger of Allah, it’s just that I want to be a member of Paradise”. He finally said: “Indeed you are among the people of Paradise”. Then he took some dates out of his pocket and ate them, then said: “If I were to live to finish these dates, I would have lived too long. Then he threw away the dates that remained in his hand and went out to fight the polytheists/ disbelievers until he died on the battlefield”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The people of Najd came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and they asked him to send them companions who could teach them the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), so he granted their request and seventy Anshorite companions known as Al Ourra’ were sent. Among those sent was my uncle whose name was Haram. The seventy Anshor companions were well versed in reciting the Qur’an and they were very diligent in reciting it at night. During the day they worked hard to help meet the needs of the Sufis who lived in the portico of the Mosque and the poor by fetching water and putting it in the portico of the Mosque and fetching firewood to sell and buy food for them. After the Prophet released them (the companions of Al Ourra”), they were suddenly killed on the way by the irresponsible people of Najd before they reached their destination. Before they were killed they prayed: “O Allah, convey the news of this murder to our Prophet, that we have died meeting You. We are pleased with You and You are pleased with us”. And among those Najdites when he killed my uncle Haram, he stabbed my uncle (i.e. his uncle Anas ra.) with a spear from behind until it penetrated into his chest, at which time Haram said: “Fortunate am I, by the Lord of the Ka’bah”. Then he said: That your brothers have been killed, and they prayed: “O Allah, convey this killing to our Prophet, that we have fallen to meet You. Indeed we are pleased with You and You are pleased with us”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Anas reported that he said: “My uncle Anas bin Nadhr was not present at the battle of Badr, so he said: “O Messenger of Allah, I was not able to participate in the first battle where you faced the polytheists. If Allah had destined me to participate in fighting the polytheists, surely Allah would have seen what I would have done.” When the time came for the battle of Uhud when some of the Muslims fled from the battlefield, he prayed: “O Allah, I apologize for what my friends have done and I renounce to You what the polytheists have done”. Then he went into battle and met Sa’d bin Mu’adz and said: “O Sa’d bin Mu’adz, by the Lord of Nadhr, let us go to Paradise. I have smelled the odor of Paradise near the hill of Uhud”. Sa’d said: “O Messenger of Allah, I did not follow his struggle”. Anas ra. said: “We found more than eighty wounds on his body in the form of stabs by swords, spears and arrows and we found him killed and chopped up by the polytheists so that no one could recognize him except his daughter’s brother who recognized the tips of his fingers”. Anas also said: “We are of the opinion that the following verse was revealed because of that incident. The verse is: “MINAL MUKMINIINA RIJAALUN SHADAOUU MAA’AAHADUULLAAHA ‘ALAIHI FAMINHUM MAN OADHAA NAHBAHU (Among the believers there is a man who keeps his promise to Allah, so some of them fall. And among them are some who wait, and they do not change their promise in the least”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Samurah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Last night I dreamed that two men came to me and took me up to a tree. Then the two men put me into a very good and complete house that I had never seen a better house than that, the two men said: “This house is the house of the martyrs”. (HR Bukhari).


  1. Anas reported that he said: “Umm Rabi’ bint Al Barra’ i.e. Umm Harithah bin Suragah came to the Prophet and said: “O Messenger of Allah, do you not tell me about Harithah who was killed in the battle of Badr. If he is in Paradise then I will be patient and if he is in Hell then I will try to mourn him”. He said: “O Umm Harithah, verily paradise has levels and Harithah (your son) is in Paradise Firdaus, which is a very high level of paradise”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. From Jabir bin Abdullah ra. he said: “My father, who had fallen in the battle of Uhud, was brought to the Prophet while he had been chopped up by the polytheists. Then I wanted to open his face but the companions forbade me. Then the Prophet said: “Angels are always covering him with their wings”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Sahl bin Hunaif reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever truly asks for martyrdom, Allah will deliver him to the rank of martyrs even if he dies on his bed”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever asks for martyrdom will be granted it even if he is killed”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah ra. said, the Messenger of Allah said: “Nothing is felt by the martyr when he is killed but a pinch”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abdullah ibn Abu Aufa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) waited one day for the enemy to arrive until the sun slipped to the west, then he gave a sermon while standing in the midst of his companions: “O people, do not expect the arrival of the enemy and ask Allah for safety. And if you do encounter the enemy, be patient and know that Paradise is under the shade of the sword.” He then prayed: ALLAAH! Then he prayed: ALLAAHUMMA MUNZILAL KITAABI, WAMUJRIYAS SAHAABI WAHAAZIMAL AHZAABI, IHZIMHUM WANSHURNAA ‘ALAIHIM (O the One who sent down the Al! Book, the One who runs the clouds and the One who defeats the enemy, defeat them and help us in facing them)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Sahl bin Sa’d (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “There are two supplications that will not be rejected or almost never rejected: the supplication during the call to prayer and the supplication during the battle of campuh”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) went to war, he would say: “ALLAAHUMMA ANTA ‘ADHUUDI WA NASHIHRIHI BIKA AHUULU WABIKA ASHUULU WABIKA UQAATILU (O Allah, You are my reliance and my helper, it is only because of You that I am empowered, only because of You that I can reach my goal and only because of You that I fight)”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Verily, when the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was afraid of a people, he would say: “ALLAAHUMMA INNAA NAJ’ALUKA FII NUHUURIHIM WANA ‘UUDZUBIKA MIN SYURUURIHIM (O Allah, we make You before them, and we seek refuge with You from their evil)”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The horse will have goodness tied to its crown until the Day of Resurrection.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Urwah Al Barigi reported that the Prophet said: “The horse will always have the good of rewards and spoils of war tied to its trunk until the Day of Resurrection”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that Rasoolullah (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever keeps a horse for war supplies in the cause of Allah out of faith in Allah and trusts and confirms his promise, its food, freshness, dung and urine will be in the balance of his good deeds on the Day of Resurrection”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) with a camel that was under control, and the man said: “This camel is for fighting in the cause of Allah”. The Prophet said: “You will be rewarded on the Day of Resurrection with seven hundred camels under control”. (HR Muslim).


  1. From Abu Hammad, some say Abu Su’ad, and some say Abu Amir, some say Abu Amr, some say Abul Aswad, and some say Abu Abs Uqbah bin Amir Al Juhanni ra. he said: “I have heard him preach on the pulpit, where he said: “Prepare your strength as much as possible to face the enemy. Remember that strength is the skill of archery. Remember that strength is the skill of archery. Remember that strength is the skill of archery”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Abs Uqbah bin Amir Al Jauhanni reported: “I have heard the Messenger of Allah saying: “There will be open to you some lands and Allah will provide for you, so let none of you be reluctant to play archery”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Abs Uqbah bin Amir Al Juhanni (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Whoever learns archery and becomes good at it, then abandons it or forgets it, then he is not one of us or he has truly disobeyed us”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Abs Uqbah bin Amir Al Juhanni (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah saying: “Verily, Allah will admit into Paradise three people because of one arrow: the arrow maker who, when making an arrow, expects only good reward, the one who shoots it, and the one who gives the arrow to the archer. You should practice archery and ride a horse/unta, but if you practice archery it is better than if you only practice riding a vehicle. So whoever learns archery and then forgets it out of hatred, then such an attitude is like a blessing that he abandons or denies”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Salamah bin Al Akwa’ (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet once passed by a group of people practicing archery, so he said: “Practice archery, O Children of Ishmael, for indeed your father was an expert archer.” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Amr ibn Absah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Whoever shoots an arrow in the cause of Allah is equal to freeing a slave” (narrated by Abu Daud and At-Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Yahya Khuraim bin Fatik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Whoever spends for the sake of jihad in the way of Allah, it will be recorded for him seven hundred times double”. (HR. At Turmudzi),


  1. Abu Said (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “No servant fasts one day solely for the sake of Allah, but Allah will keep him away from the fire of Hell for a journey of seventy years because of his fast”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Umamah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever fasts one day only for the sake of Allah, Allah makes between him and the trench of hell as far as the heavens and the earth”. (HR. At Turmudzi)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever dies while he has not fought and indeed in his heart was not moved to fight, he has died in one of the branches of nifak”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When we were with the Prophet during a battle, he said: “Verily, there are some people in Madinah who, when you walk or cross a valley, are always with you, but they are hindered by a disease”. In another narration it is said: “They are prevented by an excuse”.


And in another narration it is also said: “They are with you in reward”. (Narrated by Bukhari and Anas, narrated by Muslim from Jabir).


  1. Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A Bedouin came to the Prophet and said: “O Messenger of Allah, there is a man who fights only for the spoils of war, there is a man who fights only for fame and there is also a man who fights because he wants a position”. In another narration it is said: “There are those who fight only to be known as brave, and there are also those who fight to defend their families”.


In another narration it is said: “There are also those who fight because they are angry”. So who is among those who fight in the cause of Allah?”. He said: “Whoever fights with the intention of upholding the word of Allah is fighting in the way of Allah”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever goes to war and gains booty and survives has gained two-thirds of the reward. And whoever fights or fights and is killed then his reward is complete.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Umamah reported that a man said: “O Messenger of Allah, allow me to travel”. Then he said: “Indeed, the wandering of my Ummah is striving in the way of Allah”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abdullah bin Arnr bin Ash reported that the Prophet said: “Returning from the battlefield is as rewarding as going to war”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Saib bin Yazid (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Prophet returned from the battle of Tabuk, he was welcomed by the people at Tsaniyatul Wada’ and I also welcomed him along with a group of children.” (narrated by Abu Daud).


In the narration of Bukhari it is said: “We went and met the Messenger of Allah together with the children to Tsaniyatul wada'”.


  1. Abu Umamah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever does not join the war or does not help prepare the provisions for the war or stays at home but he does not take good care of the family of those who go to war, he will be afflicted with calamity before the coming of the Day of Resurrection”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Anas reported that the Prophet said: “Fight the polytheists with your wealth, your soul and your tongue”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Amr, some say Abu Hakim Nu’man bin Mugarrin (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I have seen the Messenger of Allah, if he did not start a battle in the morning, then he delayed it until the sun slipped to the west and postponed the battle until the afternoon breeze came and waited for the right moment to gain victory”. (Reported by Abu Daud and At-Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Do not expect to face the enemy and if you are forced to face the enemy then be patient”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported and Jabir reported that the Prophet said: “Warfare should use tactics like a trick”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).









  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “There are five people who are classified as martyrs, namely those who die because of: thaun (plague), stomach ache, drowning, being hit by an earthquake and those who die in battle in the cause of Allah”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet asked: “Who do you consider a martyr among you?”. The companions replied: “O Messenger of Allah, the one who dies while fighting in the way of Allah is called a martyr”. He said: “If so, then very few of my Ummah are classified as martyrs”. Then the Companions asked: “Then who (is classified as a martyr), O Messenger of Allah?”. He replied: “Whoever dies while fighting in the cause of Allah is a martyr. Whoever dies because of the plague is a martyr. And whoever dies of stomach pain is a martyr. And whoever dies by drowning is a martyr.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Whoever is killed defending his property is a martyr”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abul A’war Said bin Zaid bin Amr bin Nufail, who is one of the ten people who are certain to enter Paradise, said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Whoever dies defending his wealth is a martyr. And whoever is killed in defense of his blood is a martyr. And whoever is killed in defense of his religion is a martyr, and whoever is killed in defense of his family is a martyr”. (HR. Abu Daud and Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man came to the Prophet and asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what do you think if someone wants to seize my property?”. He replied: “Do not give him your property”. He asked: “What if he attacks me?”. He replied: “Attack him”. He asked: “What if he kills me?”. He replied: “You are a martyr”. He asked again: “What if I kill him?”. He said: “He is in hell”. (HR Muslim).









Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “But he did not take the difficult path. Do you know what that difficult path is, which is to free a slave from slavery?” (QS. Al Balad: 11-12).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever frees a Muslim slave, Allah will free each of his members, the members of the one who freed him from the fire of hell, until the penis is redeemed with the penis”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Dharr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what are the best deeds?” He replied: “Faith in Allah and striving in the way of Allah”. Abu Dzar said: “I asked: “Freeing a slave which is the best?”. He replied: “It is the slave whom his master loves the most and who is the most expensive”. (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).









Allah says: “Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him. And do good to your parents, relatives, orphans, the poor, neighbors near and neighbors far, friends and slaves that you own.” (QS. An Nisa’ : 36).


  1. Ma’rur bin Suwaid (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I saw Abu Dhar wearing an adornment similar to that worn by his servant, so I asked him about it. Then he told me that at the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) he had insulted a man and the man had insulted his mother (Abu Dzar). So he said: | “Verily you are still mingling with the nature of ignorance. They are your brothers and your servants. Allah has made them (servants) under your authority. Therefore, whoever feels that his brother is under his authority should feed him as you eat, clothe him as you clothe him, and do not ask him to do something that he is not able to do, and if you ask him to do hard work then help him.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When one of your servants serves you food, if he is not invited to sit down to eat with you, then he should be given a bite or two of food because it is the servant who cooks the food”. (HR. Bukhari).









  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “The slave who always fulfills the obligations of his master and he is also diligent in worshipping Allah will have double the reward”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “For a slave who can fulfill all his obligations well (i.e. obligations to the master and obligations to Allah) then he gets two rewards. By the One in Whose hand is the soul of Abu Hurayrah, if it were not for the purpose of striving in the cause of Allah and performing Hajj and doing good to one’s mother, I would have preferred to die a slave.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Musa Al Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “A slave who always obeys his Lord and fulfills the obligations of his master, which are truth, obedience and advice, then he gets two rewards”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Musa Al Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “There are three groups of people who get two rewards, namely: People of the Book who believe in their Prophet and believe in the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): a slave who always fulfills his obligations towards Allah and towards his master, and a man who owns a slave girl and he educates and teaches her well and then frees her and marries her, then he gets two rewards”. (HR: Bukhari and Muslim).








  1. Ma’qil ibn Yasar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Worshiping in a situation of chaos is like hijrah to me”. (HR Muslim). :








Allah, the Almighty, says: “And whatever good you do, surely Allah knows it.” (QS. Al Bagarah: 215).


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “O my people, measure and weigh with justice, and do not wrong people in their rights”. (Hud: 85).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Great is the calamity of the cheaters, those who, when they receive a measure from others, ask for it to be fulfilled, and when they measure or weigh for others, they reduce it. Do they not think that they will be resurrected on a great day, a day when people will be raised up to face the Lord of the worlds?” (QS. Muthaffifin: 1-6).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “There was a man who used to give debts to others where he always said, to his servant: “If you charge a person who cannot pay (his debt) then forgive him, may Allah forgive us until when he faces Allah, Allah forgives him”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Mas’ud Al Badri reported that the Prophet said: “When a man was presented for judgment from the previous ummah, it turned out that he did not have any good deeds, but he was a rich man who liked to give debts to people, and he ordered his servants to forgive those who could not pay. So Allah said: “We are better suited to forgive him, so forgive him”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Hudhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When people who have been granted wealth are brought before Allah, Allah will ask them: “What have you done with your wealth in this world?”. Hudhayfah said: “They will not be able to hide anything before Allah”. Then the man replied. “O my Lord, You have given me wealth and I have used it to trade with people, and I have always been gentle with the rich and lenient with the poor”. Then Allah ta’ala said: “I am better suited to do so, please forgive My servant”. Then Uqbah ibn Amir and Abu Mas’ud (ra) said: “This is what we have heard from the mouth of the Messenger of Allah.” (HR Muslim). .


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever suspends the debt of a person who cannot pay it or waives it, on the Day of Resurrection, Allah will provide him with a shade under the shade of the Throne, at that time there will be no shade except His shade”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet (peace be upon him) bought a camel, and he weighed the price and gave more than the price”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Sufyan Suwaid bin Qais (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I and Makhramah Al Abdi brought cloth merchandise from Hajar. Then the Prophet came to us and bargained for some pants. And I had a weigher whom we paid, so he said to the weigher: “Weigh and exceed”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudazi). |








Allah ta’ala says: “And say: O my Lord, increase me in knowledge.” (QS. Thaha: 114).


Allah ta’ala says: “Say: Are those who know equal with those who do not know?” (Az Zumar: 9)


Allah says: “Allah will elevate those who believe among you and those who are given knowledge by several degrees.” (QS. Mujadalah: 11).


Allah says: “Those who fear Allah among His servants are only the scholars”. (QS. Fathir: 28).


  1. Muawiyah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever Allah wills to be a good person, He will guide him in religious knowledge”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “No envy is permissible except in two cases: envy of someone who is endowed by Allah with wealth so that he can use it to defend the truth, and envy of someone who is endowed with knowledge so that he practices and teaches it”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “The example of Allah’s guidance and knowledge is like the rain that falls on the earth, and some parts of the earth are so fertile that crops and grasses grow in abundance. And there is also an arid earth that can only hold water which Allah utilizes by humans to drink to feed livestock and for agricultural purposes. And there are also some earths or hard dry land that can not hold water and can not grow vegetation. This is the example of the one who is knowledgeable in the religion of Allah and uses what Allah has given me and puts it into practice, the example of the arrogant one who does not pay attention to it, and the example of the one who does not accept the guidance of Allah which I was commissioned to convey.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Sahl bin Sa’d reported that the Prophet said to ‘Ali (as): “By Allah, if Allah guides someone because of your invitation then it is better for you than fresh livestock”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash reported that the Prophet said: “Convey what you have gotten from me even if it is only one verse, and tell about the Children of Israel with no limit. Whoever tells a lie in my name should be prepared to take his place in hell”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever walks on a path to seek knowledge, Allah will facilitate for him the way to heaven”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever invites others to a guidance (good) then he will get as much reward as the reward of those who follow him without reducing their reward at all”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When the son of Adam dies, all his deeds are cut off except for three: Jariyah charity, useful knowledge and righteous children who always pray for him”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that he said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “The world and everything in it is cursed except dhikr and obedience to Allah and the scholar and the one who learns”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Whoever goes out to seek knowledge is in the path of Allah until he returns.” (HR Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri reported that the Prophet said: “The believer will not be satisfied with doing good until he reaches his goal, which is Paradise”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Umamah reported that the Prophet said: “The superiority of the scholarly person over the one who is diligent in worship but not clever is like my superiority over the lowest of you all”. Then the Prophet continued to say: “Verily, Allah, His angels, the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth, even the ants in their nests, and the fish, will always ask for mercy for the one who teaches people goodness”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Darda’ (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Whoever walks on a path to seek knowledge, Allah will facilitate for him the way to Paradise. And indeed the angels spread their wings for the one who seeks knowledge because they are satisfied with what he does. And indeed the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth, even the fish in the sea, always ask forgiveness for the clever. The superiority of a scholar over a worshipper who is not a scholar is like the superiority of the full moon over the other stars. Verily, the scholars are the heirs of the prophets, and the prophets did not leave dinars or dirhams but knowledge. So whoever takes knowledge has indeed taken a perfect share”. (HR Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “May Allah give a shining light to the one who hears something from me and then conveys it as he has heard it, because many people are more in touch with what is conveyed to them than they hear it themselves.” (HR: At Turmudzi).


15, Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever is asked something about knowledge and then hides it, then on the Day of Resurrection he will be controlled by the reins of hellfire”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever studies knowledge that should be solely for the pleasure of Allah, then he does not study it to seek the pleasure of Allah but only to achieve worldly position or wealth, then he will not have the smell of heaven on the Day of Resurrection”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Verily, Allah does not take away knowledge from its possessors, but Allah takes away knowledge by killing those who are clever, so that when there are no clever people, people will appoint fools to be their leaders, and when they are asked about something, they answer without knowledge, and they end up being misguided and misleading.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).









Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Remember Me, and I will remember you, and give thanks to Me, and do not deny the blessings”. (QS. Al Bagarah: 152).


Allah says: “Indeed, if you give thanks, I will increase blessings upon you.” (Ibrahim: 7)


Allah says: “And say ALHAMDU LILLAH.” (Al Isra’: 111).


Allah says: “And the conclusion of their supplication is ALHAMDU LILLAAHI RABBIL ‘AALAMIIN (Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds).” (QS. Yunus: 10).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Indeed, when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was given two glasses containing wine and milk. He looked at them and took the one with milk. Then Archangel Gabriel said: “ALHAMDU LILLAAHIL LADZEE HADAAKA LIL FITHRATI LAU . AKHADZTAL KHAMRA GHAWAT UMMATUKA (Praise be to Allah who has guided you to purity. If you had taken wine, your ummah would have gone astray)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Everything that does not begin with praising Allah is broken (imperfect in action)”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Musa Al Ash’ari reported that the Prophet said: “If someone’s child dies, Allah asks the angels: “Have you taken away the child of My servant?”. The angels answer: “Yes”. Allah asks: “Have you taken away the fruit of his heart?”. The angels answered: “Yes”. Allah asked: “What did My servant say?”. The angel replied: “He praised You by reciting: INNAA LILLAAHI WAINNAA ILAIHI RAAJIUUN”. Then Allah said: “Make a house for My servant in Paradise and name it Baitul Hamdi”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Anas reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, Allah is satisfied with His servant who praises Allah when he eats and praises Him when he drinks”. (HR. Muslim).








Allah, the Almighty, says: “Verily, Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet. O you who believe, bless the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and salute him with peace.” (QS. Al Ahzab: 56).


  1. Narrated Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash ra. 1 said that he heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) say: “Whoever recites the salawat once, Allah will send down ten mercies for him”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet said: “The closest person to me on the Day of Resurrection will be the one who recites the most salawat for me”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Aus bin Aus (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Verily, the best day for all of you is Friday. Therefore, recite blessings for me on that day because your recitation of blessings will be shown to me”. The Companions asked: “O Messenger of Allah, how can our blessings be shown to you when your body has become soil?”. He said: “Verily, Allah has forbidden the earth to eat the bodies of the Prophets”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “How despicable is the one who hears my name mentioned and does not recite salawat for me”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Do not make my grave a place of celebration and recite salawat for me because your recitation of salawat will reach me wherever you are”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “No one says salam to me but Allah will return my soul so that I can answer him”. (HR. Abu Daud).


7 Abu Alura. said, the Messenger of Allah said: “The humble person is the one who, when my name is mentioned to him, does not recite salawat for me”. (HR. Turmudazi).


  1. Fadhalah bin Ubaid (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) heard a man praying during prayer who neither glorified the name of Allah nor recited the blessings of the Prophet (peace be upon him), so the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “This man is in a hurry”. (After finishing the prayer) he called him and said to him or to someone else: “When one of you prays, start by praising and extolling God, then recite the blessings of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and then say whatever prayer you wish”. (HR. Abu Daud | and At Turmudzi). |


  1. Abu Muhammad Ka’ab bin Ujzah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet came to us and we said: “O Messenger of Allah, we have understood the system”. How to greet you but we do not understand how to recite the salawat for you?”. He replied: “ALLAAHUMMA SHAT LI YALAA MU HAMMADIN WA’AL AA AAL MUHAMMA DIN KAMAA SHALLAITA ‘ALAA AALI IBRAAIHIM INNAKA HAMIIDUM MAJIID ALLAAHUMMA BAARIK YALAA ML HAM MAD WA ‘ALAA AALI MUHAMMAD KA MA BAARAKTA ‘ALAA AALI IBRAAHIIM INNAKA HAMIIDUM MAJIID (O Allah, bestow mercy on Muhammad and his family as You bestowed mercy on the family of the prophet Abraham Indeed You are the most praiseworthy and the Most Great. O Allah, bestow blessings on Muhammad and his family as You bestowed blessings on the family of the prophet Abraham. Verily, You are the most praiseworthy and the Most Great) (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah came to us while we were in the company of Sa’d bin Ubadah, and Bashir bin Sa’d asked him: “Allah has commanded us to recite salawat for you, so how should we recite salawat for you?”. Suddenly the Prophet fell silent for a moment, so we feared that our question would not please him, but finally he said: “Say: ALLAAHUMMA SHALLI “ALAA MUHAMMADIN WA ‘ALAA AALI MUHAMMAD KAMAA SHALLAITA ‘ALAA IBRAAHIIM WA BAARIK ‘ALAA MUHAMMAD WA ‘ALAA AALI MUHAMMAD KAMAA BARAKTA ‘ALAA AALI IBRAAHIIMA INNAKA HAMIIDUM MAJIID (O Allah, bestow mercy on him and his family as You bestowed mercy on the family of the prophet Abraham. And bestow blessings on him and his family as You bestowed blessings on the family of the prophet Abraham. Indeed, You are the Most Praiseworthy and the Most Great). And regarding the greeting of peace as you have understood it”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Abu Humaid Saidi (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Companions asked: “O Messenger of Allah, how can we recite the salawat for you?”. He said: “ALLAAHUMMA SHALLI ‘ALAA MUHAMMADIN WA ‘ALAA AZWAAJIHI WA DZURRIYYATIHI KAMAA SHALLAITA ‘ALAA IBRAAHIM WABAARIK “ALAA MUHAMMAD WA ‘ALAA AZWAAJIHII WA DZURRIYYATIHI KAMA BAARAKTA ‘ALAA IBRAAHIM INNAKA HAMIIDUM MAJIID (O Allah, bestow mercy on the prophet Muhammad and his family, his wives and his descendants as You bestowed mercy on the family of the prophet Abraham. And bestow blessings on Muhammad and his family, wives and descendants as You bestowed blessings on the Prophet Ibrahim. Indeed, You are the Most Praiseworthy and the Most Great”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).











Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And indeed the remembrance of Allah is the greatest.” (QS. Al Ankabut: 45).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says: “Remember Me, and I will remember you.” (QS. Al Bagarah: 152).


Allah ta’ala says: “And remember your Lord in your hearts with humility and fear, and without raising your voice in the morning and in the evening. And do not be of those who are heedless.” (QS. Al A’raf: 205)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Remember Allah as much as you can, so that you may be fortunate”. (QS. Al Anfal: 45).


Allah says: “Indeed, Muslim men and women, believing men and women, men and women who remain steadfast in their obedience, men and women who are truthful, men and women who are patient, men and women who give alms, men and women who are devout, men and women who fast, men and women who maintain their chastity, men and women who always remember Allah, Allah will provide for them forgiveness and a great reward”. (QS. Al Ahzab: 35).


Allah, the Almighty, says: “O you who believe, remember Allah as much as you can and praise Him, both in the morning and in the evening.” (QS. Al Ahzab: 42).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “There are two sentences that are very easy to say and weigh heavily and are very pleasing to the Most Gracious, namely SUBHAANALLAAHI WABIHAMDIHI SUBHAANALLAAHIL ‘AZHIIM (Glory be to Allah and with praise to Him, Glory be to Allah, the Most Great)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Indeed, when I say : SUBHAANALLAAH WALHAMDU LILLAAH WALAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAHU WALLAAHU AKBAR (Glory be to Allah, all praise be to Allah, there is no god but Allah and Allah is the Greatest), then it is better and more pleasing to me than everything that the sun shines on”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever says : LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAHU WAHDAHU LAA SYARIIKA LAHU, LAHUL MULKU WALAHUL HAMDU WAHUWA ‘ALAA KULLI SYAI-IN QADIIR (There is no God but Allah, the One, with whom there is no partner, to Him be all power and praise. He is All-Powerful over all things) a hundred times in one day, the reward will be equal to freeing ten slaves, and a hundred good deeds will be written for him, a hundred sins will be erased, and he will be shielded from the evil of the devil from that day until the evening, and there is no one better than him except the one who recites it more. And he also said: “Whoever says: SUBHAANALLAHI WABIHAMDIHI one hundred times a day, his sins will be forgiven, even if they are as numerous as the foam in the ocean.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Ayyub Al Anshari reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever says: LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAHU WAHDAHU LAA SYARIIKA LAHU LAHUL MULKU WALAHUL HAMDU WAHUWA “ALAA KULLI SAI-IN OADIIR ten times, it is like freeing four slaves from the descendants of the prophet Ishmael”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Dhar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said to me: “Would you like me to tell you a sentence that is most favored by Allah?”. Indeed, the most pleasing words to Allah are: SUBHAANALLAAHU WABIHAMDIHI!”. (HR Muslim). ,


  1. Abu Malik Al Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Purity is part of faith. ALHAMDU LILLAAH can fill the scales, and SUBHAANALLAAH WALHAMDU LILLAAH can also fill what is between the heavens and the earth”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Saad bin Abu Waqas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “An Arab Bedouin came to the Prophet and said: “Teach me a sentence that I can read?”. He said: “Recite: LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAHU WAHDAHU LAA SYARIIKA LAHU, ALLAAHU AKBAR KABIIRA, WALHAMDU LILLAAHI KATSIIRAA, WA SUBHAANALLAAHI RABBIL ‘AALAMIIN, WALAA HAULA WALAA OUWWATA ILLAA BILLAAHIL ‘AZIIZIL HAKIIM (There is no God but Allah the One, there is no partner for Him Allah is great. Praise be to Allah in abundance. Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and there is no power or effort except by the help of Allah, the Glorious and the Wise). The Bedouin said: “All that is for my Lord, so what is for me?”. He said: “Say ALLAAHUMMAGHFIRLII WARHAMNII WAHDINII WARZUONII (O Allah forgive me, have mercy on me, show me and grant me provision)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Tsauban (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Messenger of Allah finished the prayer, he recited istighfar three times and recited: ALLAAHUMMA ANTAS SALAAM WAMINKAS SALAAM TABAARAKTA YAA DZAL JALAALI WAL IKRAAM (O Allah, You are the Most Prosperous and from You is all prosperity. You are the One who always gives blessings, O Great and Glorious One). It was asked of Auzai, who was a narrator of the hadith: “How is istighfar?”. He replied: “The Messenger of Allah recited: ASTAGHFIRULLAAH, ASTAGHFIRULLAAH”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Al Mughirah ibn Shu’bah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Verily, when the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) finished his prayer and said the salutations, he would recite: LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAHNU WAHDAHU LAA SYARIIKA LAHU, LAHUL MULKU WALAHUL HAMDU WAHUWA ‘ALAA KULLI SYAH-IN OADIIR, ALLAAHUMMA LAA MANIA LIMAA A’THAITA WALAA MU’THIYA LIMAA MANA’TA, WALAA YANFA’U DZAL JADDI MINKAL JADDU (There is no God but the One, with whom there is no partner. To Him belongs all power and praise. He is all-powerful over all things. O Allah, nothing can hinder what You give, nor can anyone give what You hinder, nor will wealth mean anything to a rich man, for it all comes from You.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abdullah ibn Zubair (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he used to recite after every prayer and after the greeting of peace: LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAHU WAHDAHUU LAA SHARIIKALAHU LAHUL MULKU WALAHUL HAMDU WAHUWA ‘ALAA KULLI SYAI-IN QADIIR WALAA HAULA WALAA QUWWATA ILLAA BILLAAHI, LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAHU WALAA NA’BUDU ILLAA IYYAAHU, LAHUN NIKMATU WALAHUL FADHLU WALAHUTS TSANAAUL HASANU LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAHU, MUKHLISHIINA LAHUDDIINA WALAU KARIHAL KAAFIRUUN (There is no God but Allah, the One, with whom there is no partner. To Him belongs all dominion and praise and He is Powerful over all things. And there is no power and no strength except with the help of Allah. There is no God but Allah, and we worship none but You. To Him belongs all the favors of excellence and all good praise. There is no God but Allah, and we sincerely adhere to His religion even though the disbelievers hate it). Ibn Zubayr said: “The Messenger of Allah used to recite this passage after every prayer”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The poor of the Muhajirin came to the Prophet and said: “The rich have attained a high rank and eternal happiness, where they pray as we pray, they fast as we fast, they have abundant wealth so that they can go on Hajj, Umrah, struggle and can also give alms”. He said: “Would you like us to teach you something that will catch up with the reward of those who have gone before you and those who will come after you, and no one will be better than you unless he does what you do?”. They replied: “Yes”. He said: “You should recite tasbih, tahmid and takbir thirty-three times at the end of every prayer”. Abu Shalih, who narrated this hadeeth from Abu Hurairah (ra), said: “When the Prophet was asked about how to say them, he said: SUBHAANALLAAH, ALHAMDU LILLAAH and ALLAAHU AKBAR, each of these three phrases is recited thirty-three times.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In the Muslim narration there is an addition: “Then the wealthy companions of the Muhajirin came again to the Prophet and said: “When our rich brothers heard what we did, they did what we did.” Then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “That is the blessing of the rich. Then he said: “That is the bounty of Allah, which He gives to whomever He wills”.


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever recites tasbih (SUBHANALLAAH) thirty-three times after every prayer, recites tahmid (ALHAMDU LILLAAH) thirty-three times after every prayer and recites takbir (ALLAAHU AKBAR) thirty-three times and then to complete the number one hundred he recites: LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAHU WAHDAHU LAA SYARIIKA LAHU LAHUL MULKU WALAHUL HAMDU WAHUWA ‘ALAA KULLI SYAI-IN OADIIR, then all his sins will be forgiven even if they are like foam in the ocean”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ka’ab ibn Ujzah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “The wirid after the obligatory prayer that will not disappoint the reciter is tasbih, tahmid and takbir, each of which is recited thirty-three times”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Sa’d bw Abu Waggas ra. aa said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) used to seek refuge with Allah after every prayer by saying the words ALLAAHUMMA INNII AUUDZUBIKA MINAL JUBNI WAL BUKHLI WA AUUDZUBIKA MIN AN ARUDDA ILAA ARDZALIL ‘UMUURI WA ‘AUUDZUBIKA MIN FITNATID DUN-YAA WA AUVUDZUBIKA MIN FITNATIL QABRI (O Allah, I seek refuge with You from cowardice and miserliness. I seek refuge with You from being prolonged in life until I am unable to do anything and I seek refuge with You from the trials of this world and also seek refuge from the trials of the grave)”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Muadz ra. said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) once took his hand and said: “O Muadz, I really love you. I advise you not to recite at the end of every prayer: ALLAAHUMMA A’INNII “ALAA DZIKRIKA WASYUKRIKA WAHUSNI IBAADATIK (O Allah, help me to always mention Your name and thank You and improve my worship of You)”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When one of you makes tashahhud, he should seek refuge with Allah from four kinds, of which he should say: ALLAAHUMMA INNII A’UUDZUBIKA MIN ‘ADZAABI JAHANNAMA WAMIN ‘ADZAABIL QABRI WAMIN FITNATIL MAHYAA WAL MAMAATI WAMIN SYARRI FITNATIL MASIIHID DAJJAL (O Allah, I seek refuge with You from the punishment of the Hellfire, from the punishment of the grave, from the trial of life and death, and from the evil of the trial of the Dajjal)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “When the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him. prayed, at the end of the recitation between the tashahhud and the greeting he always recited: ALLAAHUMMAGHFIR LIIMAA OADDAMTU WAMAA AKHKHARTU WAMAA ASRARTU WAMAA A’LANTU WAMAA ASRAFTU WAMAA ANTA A’LAML BIHII MINNII ANTAL MUOADDIMU WA ANTAL MUAKHKHIRU LAA ILAAHA ILLAA ANTA (O Allah, forgive my sins, namely past sins, sins that are past, sins that are to come, sins that I commit secretly, sins that I commit openly, sins of exaggeration and sins that You know better than myself. You are the One who gives precedence and the One who gives delay. There is no God but You)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) bowed and prostrated, he would often recite: SUBHAANAKALLAAHUMMA RABBANA WABIHAMDIKA ALLAAHUMMAGHFIR LI! (Glory be to You, O Allah, our Lord, and with praise to You, O Allah, forgive my sins)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “When he bowed and prostrated, he would recite SUBBUUHUN QUDDUUSUN RABBUL MALAAIKATI WARRUUH (Glory be to the Lord of the angels and Gabriel)”. (HR. Muslim).


20 Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet said: “When you bow, glorify the name of your Lord, and when you prostrate yourself, be earnest in prayer, for it is fitting that your prayer during prostration should be answered”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The closest a servant gets to his Lord is when he is prostrating. That is why you should recite prayers (at that time)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported: “Verily, the Messenger of Allah, when prostrating, used to recite: ALLAAHUMAGHFIR LII DZANBII KULLAHU DIQQAHU WAJILLAHU WA AWWALAHU WA AAKHIRAHU WA ‘ALAANIYYATAHU WASIRRAHU (O Allah, forgive all my sins, both minor and major, both the former and the latter, and both overt and hidden sins)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “One night, the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) left me without my knowledge, and I groped for him, at which time he was in ruku’ or prostration, reciting: “SUBHAANAKA WABIHAMDIKA LAA ILAAHA ILLAA ANTA (Glory be to You and praise be to You. There is no God but You). In another narration it is said: “When my hand touched the soles of his feet which were upright and he was in the Mosque, he recited: ALLAAHUMMA INNI A’UDZUBIKA BI RIDHAAKA MIN SAKHAATIKA WABI MU’AAFATIKA MIN ‘UQUUBATIKA WA ‘AUUDZUBIKA MINKA LAA UHSHII TSANAAAN “ALAIKA ANTA KAMAA ATSNAITA “ALAA NAFSIKA (O Allah, verily I seek refuge with You from Your wrath with Your welfare and Your torment. And I seek refuge in You with Your mercy from Your torment. I cannot count the number of praises for You as You praise Your own Essence)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Sa’d ibn Abu Waggas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When we were in his presence he asked: “Are you not able to do a thousand good deeds every day?”. Then one of us who was sitting asked: “How can we do a thousand good deeds?”. He said: “A person who recites tasbih one hundred times will have one thousand good deeds written for him or have one thousand sins erased.” (HR Muslim).


  1. Abu Dzar reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “Every joint in the morning should be given in charity. Every tasbih is charity, every tahmid is charity, every tahlil is charity, every amar ma’ruf nahu mungkar is charity. All of these can be fulfilled by performing the two rak’ah Dhuha prayer that he performs.” (HR, Muslim)


  1. Ummul mukminin Juwairiyah bint Harith (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) went out to offer the Fajr prayer in the morning while she (Juwairiyah) was sitting in the Mosque. When he returned after offering the Dhuha prayer, she was still sitting. Then he said: “Have you not moved from your place since then?”. She replied: “Yes”. The Prophet said: “I recited four sentences three times which, if weighed against what you have recited since then until now, would be equal, namely: SUBHAANALLAAHI WABIHAMDIHI “ADADA KHALOIH WA RIDHAA-A NAFSIH, WAZINATA ‘ARSYIH, WAMIDAADA KALIMAATIHI (I purify Allah by praising Him as much as His creatures, and to gain His pleasure and as heavy as His Throne and as long as the sentence)”. (HR. Muslim).






  1. Musa Al Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “The comparison between the one who remembers Allah and the one who does not remember Allah is like the difference between a living person and a dead person”. (HR. Bukhari)


In a Muslim narration it is said: “The example of a house that is used for the remembrance of Allah and a house that is not used for the remembrance of Allah is like the example of a living person and a dead person”.


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Allah ta’ala says: “I always follow the thought of My servant and I am always with him when he remembers Me. If he remembers Me in his heart then I remember him in My Essence. And if he remembers Me in the midst of a group, I will remember him in a group that is better than his group”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


29, Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Al Mufarridun has arrived first”. The companions asked: “What is Mufarridun?”. He replied: “Those who love to remember Allah as much as possible, both men and women”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “The best dhikr is: LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAH””. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abdullah ibn Basyr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man asked the Prophet (peace be upon him): “O Messenger of Allah, we have received a lot of Islamic laws, so tell us something that I should hold on to.” He said: “Keep your mouths wet with the constant remembrance of Allah”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Jabir reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever says: SUBHAANALLAAHI WABIHAMDIHI, a tree will be planted for him in Paradise.” (HR. At Turmudzi).


Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet said: “On the night of ‘Isra’ I met the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and he said: “O Muhammad, convey my greetings to your ummah and tell them that Paradise is fertile soil and fresh water and that Paradise is a garden whose name is a sentence: SUBHAANALLAAH WALHAMDU LILLAAHI, WALAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAHU WALLAAHU AKBAR?”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Darda’ reported that the Prophet said: “Shall I tell you about the best and purest of deeds before your Lord and the highest of degrees and better than spending gold and silver, and better than facing enemies and then you cut their throats and they cut yours?”. The Companions replied: “Yes”. He said: “Remind yourselves of Allah”. (HR. At Turmudzi).




  1. Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said to me: “Would you like me to show you one of the vehicles of Paradise?”. I replied: “I will, O Messenger of Allah. “. Then he said: “That is : LAA HAULA WALAA QUWWATA ILLAA BILLAAH”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).









Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are signs for those who have understanding, those who remember Allah standing, sitting and lying down”. (QS. Ali Imran: 189-190).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) used to remember Allah at all times”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet said: “If when you have intercourse with your wife you recite: BISMILLAAH, ALLAAHUMMA JANNIBNASY SYAITHAAN WA JANNIBISY SYAITHAAN MAA RAZAOTANAA (in the name of Allah, O Allah keep us away from the devil and keep the devil away from the sustenance that You have given us), and then a child is born as a result of the intercourse, that child will not be easily disturbed by the devil”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).











  1. Hudhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) and Abu Dhar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) went to sleep, he would recite the supplication: BISMIKALLAAHUMMA AHYAA WA AMUUTU (In Your name, O Allah, I live and I die), and when he woke up from sleep, he would recite: ALHAMDU LILLAAHIL LADZII AHYAANA BA’DA MAA AMAATANAA WA ILAIHIN NUSYUUR (Praise be to Allaah, Who gives us life and death, and to Him alone do we return).” (HR. Bukhari).







Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And be patient with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and in the evening, seeking His pleasure, and do not turn your eyes away from them”. (al-Kahf: 28).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Verily, Allah has angels who are always – pacing the roads in search of gatherings of dhikr. When they find a people who are remembering Allah, they call other angels and say: “Come and see what you are looking for”. So the angels swarmed around the assembly of dhikr with their wings up to the heavens of the world. Then Allah asked them, but He knew better: “What has My servant said?” The angels replied: “They purify You, magnify You, praise You and exalt You”. God asked:


“Have they seen Me?”. The angel replied: “Indeed they have not seen You at all”. God asked: “What if they had seen You?”. The angel replied: “If they had seen You, they would have been more diligent in worshipping You and more diligent in magnifying You and purifying You”. God asked: “What did they ask for?”. The angel replied: “They asked for heaven”. God asked: “Have they seen heaven?”. The angel replied: “By Allah, they have not seen heaven at all”. God asked: “What if they had seen it?”. The angel replied: “If they had seen Paradise, they would have been more diligent in worship, more diligent in asking for it, and more diligent in wishing for it”. God asked: “From what do they seek refuge?”. The angel replied: “They seek refuge from the fire of hell”. God asked: “Have they seen hell?”. The angels replied: “By Allah, they have never seen it”. God asked: “What if they had seen it?”. The angels replied: “If they had seen it, they would have avoided it more and they would have feared it more”. God said: “Behold that I have forgiven their sins”. One of the Angels said: “There is a man in the assembly who is not a scholar of dhikr; he has come there because he has a need”. God said: “They all belong to the people of dhikr, and no one who sits there will be punished”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In the Muslim narration, it is said that Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, Allah has angels who are always walking in search of a gathering of dhikr. And when they have found the majlis dhikr, each Angel will spread its wings to fill the space between the majlis dhikr and the heavens of the earth. Furthermore, when the dhikr expert has returned to his own home, the Angel immediately ascends to the sky and is asked by Allah who actually knows better: “Where did you all come from?”. The angels answered: “We just came to Your servants on earth who were reciting tasbih, takbir for You and begging You”. Allah asked: “What did they ask for?”. The angel replied: “They are asking for Your Paradise”. Allah asked: “Have they seen My paradise?”. The angel replied: “Never”. Allah asked: “What if they had known My Paradise?”. The angel replied: “They would beg to be saved”. Allah asked: “What are they asking to be saved from?”. The angels answered: “From Your hell, O Allah”. God asked: “Have they seen My hell?”. The angels replied: “Never”. God asked: “What if they knew My hell?”. The angels replied: “They would have begged You for forgiveness” Then God said: “I have forgiven them and I will fulfill their supplication and keep them away from what they asked to be saved from”. The Angels said: “O Allah, there was so-and-so in that gathering who had sinned much. He happened to pass by and sat with them”. Allah ta’ala said: “So-and-so I also forgive (his sins). They are all among the people of dhikr, and no one who sits there will be punished.”


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that Abu Said reported that they both said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “No people sit in a gathering for the remembrance of Allah except that they will be surrounded by Angels, covered with mercy, sent down with tranquility, and Allah will always mention them in the presence of the Angels who are with Him.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Wagid Harith bin Auf (ra) reported: “The Messenger of Allah was sitting with his companions in the Mosque when suddenly three men came, two of whom went to the Messenger of Allah and one of whom left. One of them saw an empty place in the middle of the gathering, so he sat in the middle of the gathering, while the other had sat at the end of the gathering and the other had left the gathering. After he had finished giving advice, he said: “Shall I tell you about these three people? One of them drew near to Allah, so Allah drew near to him. The second was ashamed, so Allah respected his shame, and the third turned away, so Allah turned away from him”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri ra. he said: “Muawiyah went out to a circle of people in the Mosque, then he asked: “Why are you sitting in a circle?”. They replied: “We are sitting in a circle to remember Allah”. Muawiyah asked again: “Is it true that you sit in a circle to remember Allah?”. They answered: “By Allah, we are really sitting for the purpose of remembering Allah”. Muawiyah said: “Actually, I did not swear at you out of doubt, but because the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) when he went out to the circle of his companions, he also asked: “What is the reason why you are sitting in a circle?”. The companions replied: “We sit in order to remember Allah, who showed us Islam and granted it to us”. He asked: “By Allah, are you really sitting for the purpose of remembering Allah?”. Indeed, I did not swear to you out of doubt but because the angel Gabriel came to me and told me that Allah praised you all in front of the angels”. (HR. Muslim).










Allah ta’ala says: “And remember Allah in your hearts with humility and fear and without raising your voices, both in the morning and in the evening. And be not of those who are heedless”. (QS. Al-A’raf: 205).


Allah says: “And praise your Lord before the rising of the sun and before its setting”. (Sūrat Oaf: 39)


Allah says: “And praise your Lord in the evening and in the morning”. (al-Mukmin: 55).


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Remember Allah in the Mosques which He has commanded to be honored and His name mentioned therein in the morning and in the evening. Those who are not distracted by trade or commerce from the remembrance of Allah.” (QS. An Nur: 36-37).


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Indeed, We subjected the mountains to praise with David in the evening and in the morning.” (QS. Ash Shaad: 18)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Whoever in the morning and evening always recites: SUBHAANALLAAH WABIHAMDIHI (Glory be to Allah and praise be to Him) a hundred times, then on the Day of Resurrection there will be no one more excellent than him except those who read like that or those who read it more than a hundred times”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man came to the Prophet and said: “O Messenger of Allah, last night I was stung by a scorpion”. Then he said: “Had you recited this evening: A’UUDZU BIKALIMAATILLAAHIT TAMMAATI MIN SYARRI MAA KHALAQA (I seek refuge with the perfect words of Allah from the evil of what He has created) you would not have been bothered by His fierce creatures”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet used to recite: “ALLAAHUMMA BIKA ASHBAHNAA WABIKA AMSAINAA WABIKA NAHYAA WABIKA NAMUUTU WAILAIKAN NUSYUUR (O Allah, it is to You that I am in the morning, it is to You that I am in the evening, it is to You that I live, it is to You that I die and it is to You alone that we return)”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that Abu Bakr Siddig said: “O Messenger of Allah, teach me a sentence that we can recite in the morning and evening”. He said: “Recite: ALLAAHUMMA FAATHIRAS SAMAAWAATI WAL ARDHI, AALIMAL GHAIBI WASY SYAHAADATI, RABBA KULLI SYAI-IN WA MALIIKAHU, ASHHADU AN LAA ILAAHA ILLAA ANTA. A’UUDZUBIKA MIN SYARRI NAFSII WASYARRISY SYAITHAANI WASYIRKIHI (O Allah, the One who created the heavens and the earth, the One who knows all that is unseen and obvious, the Lord and owner of all things. I testify that there is no God but Allah, and I seek refuge with You from the evil of myself and the evil of the shaytaan and his allies). He said: “Recite the above-mentioned words when you are in the morning, evening and when you go to bed”. (Reported by Abu Daud and At-Turmudzi).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet of Allah used to recite in the evening: AMSAINAA WA AMSAL MULKU LILLAAHI WALHAMDU LILLAAHI LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAH WAHDAHU LAA SYARIIKA LAHU LAHUL MULKU WALAHUL HAMDL WAHUWA ‘ALAA KULLI SYAI-IN QADIIR. RABBI AS-ALUKA KHAIRA MAA FII HAADZIHIL LAILATI WA KHAIRA MAA BA’DAHU. WA A’UUDZUBIKA MIN SYARRI MAA FII HAADZIHIL LAILATI WA SYARRI MAA BA’DAHU. RABBI A’UUDZUBIKA MINAL KASALI WA SUUIL KIBARI. A’UUDZUBIKA MIN “ADZAABIL FIN NAARI WA ‘ADZAA: BIN FIL QABRI (We are in the evening All power and praise be to Allah. There is no God but Allah, the One. His is all power and all praise and He is over all things. O Allah, we ask You for the good of this night and the good of the next. We seek refuge with You from the evil of this night and the evil of the next. O Allah, we seek refuge with You from laziness and old age that makes things difficult. We seek refuge with You from the torment of Hell and the torment of the grave)”. If it is in the morning, the du’aa’ is still recited with a change of words: AMSAINAA WA AMSAL MULKU LILLAAHI with the words: ASHBAHINAA WA ASHBAHAL MULKU LILLAAHI”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abdullah ibn Khubaib ra. said: “The Messenger of Allah said to me: “Recite QUL HUWALLAAHU AHAD, QUL ‘AUUDZU BIRABBIL FALAQ and QUL ‘AUUDZU BIRABBIN NAAS three times when it is evening and when it is morning, and you will be protected from all forms of evil”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Tumudzi).


  1. Uthman bin Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “There is no servant who recites in the morning and evening : BISMILLAAHIL LADZII LAA YADHURRU MA’ASMIHII SYAIUN FIL ARDHI WALAA FIS SAMAAI WAHUWAS SAMIIUL ‘ALIIM (In the name of Allah, the One Who will not harm with His asthma everything that is on earth and in the sky. He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing) three times, but no evil will befall him.” (narrated by Abu Daud and At-Turmudzi).










Allah, the Almighty, says: “Surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of night and day are signs for those who have understanding, those who remember Allah standing, sitting and lying down, and they think about the creation of the heavens and the earth”. (QS. Ali Imran: 189-191).


  1. Hudhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Verily, when the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) was about to go to bed, he would recite: BISMIKALLAAHUMMA AHYAA WA AMUUT (In your name, O Allah, I live and I die)”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said to him and to Fatimah (may Allah be pleased with her): “When you go to sleep, recite takbir (ALLAHU AKBAR) thirty-three times”.


In another narration it is said: “Tasbih (SUBHANALLAAH) thirty-four times”.


In another narration it said: “Reciting takbir thirty-four times”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “When one of you goes to bed, let him sweep the bed with the end of a cloth because he does not know what will happen later, then recite: BISMIKA RABBII WADHA ‘TU JANBII WABIKA ARFAUHU, IN AMSAKTA NAFSII FARHAMHAA, WAIN ARSALTAHAA FAHFADHHAA BIMAA TAHFAZHU BIHI IBAADIKASH SHAALIHIIN (By mentioning Your name, O my Lord. I lay down my waist and by mentioning Your name I lift it up. If You withhold my soul then have mercy on it, and if You release it then preserve it as You preserve Your righteous servants”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came to his bed, he would blow on his hands and recite QUL ‘AUUDZU BIRABBIL FALAOlQ and QUL ‘AUUDZU BIRABBINNAAS and then wipe his hands all over his body”. (HR. Bukhari and MusIm).


In another narration it is said: “When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) went to bed at night, he would put his hands together and blow on them and then recite: QUL HUWALLAAIHU AHAD, QUL ‘AUUDZU BIRABBIL FALAQ and QUL ‘AUUDZU BIRABBIN NAAS. “After reciting that he wiped his hands over his entire body starting from his head, face and the entire front of his body. This was repeated three times”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Al Barra’ ibn Azib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said to me: “When you want to sleep, first perform ablution as you perform ablution for prayer, then lie down on your right side, then recite: ALLAAHUMMA ASLAMTU NAFESII ILAIKA, WA WAJJAHTU WAJHII ILAIKA, WA FAWWADHTU AMRII ILAKA, WA ALJAKTU ZHAHRII ILAIKA, RAHBATAN WARAGHBATAN ILAIKA, LAA MALJA-A WALAA MANJAA MINKA ILLAA ILAIKA, AAMANTU BI KITAABIKAL LADZII ANZALTA, WABINABIYYIKALLADZII ARSALTA (O Allah, I commend myself to You, I turn my face to You, I submit all my affairs to You, and I lean my back on You in hope and fear of You. There is no refuge or safety from Your torment except You. We believe in the book that You revealed and also believe in Your prophet whom You sent). When you die in that sleep, you die clean. And make that recitation the end of the prayer you recite”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. From Anas ra. he said: “Verily, when the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) would go to his bed, he would recite: “ALHAMDU LILLAAHIL LADZII ATH’AMANAA WASAQAANAA WAKAFAANAA WA AAWAANAA FAKAM MIMMAN LAA KAAFII LAHU WALAA MU’AWIYA (Praise be to Allah, the One who has given us food and drink, and who has provided for us and given us a place to sleep. So there are many people who have no one to provide for them and give them a place)”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Hudhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) went to sleep, he would put his right hand under his cheek and recite the supplication: “ALLAAHUMMA QINII “ADZAABAKA YAUMA TUB’ATSU ‘IBAADAKA” (O Allah save me from Your torment on the day You resurrect all Your servants)”. This hadith was narrated by Abu Daud from Hafshah (may Allah be pleased with her) and it is stated that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) recited this supplication three times.









Allah, the Almighty, says: “Your Lord has said: “Pray to Me, and I will surely answer you”. (Sūrat Mukmin: 60).


Allah says: “Pray to your Lord in humility and with a soft voice. Verily, Allah dislikes those who transgress.” (QS. Al A’raf: 55).


Allah ta’ala says: “When My servants ask you about Me, then answer that I am near. I will grant the supplicant’s request if he prays to Me.” (QS. Al Bagarah: 186).


Allah ta’ala says: “Or who answers the supplication of the one in distress when he supplicates to Him, and who removes distress.” (QS. An Naml: 62).


  1. ‘Aishah ibn Bashir reported that the Prophet said: “Prayer is an act of worship”. (HR. Abu Daud and Turmudzi).


  1. Aisha ra. said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was very fond of comprehensive supplications and abandoned those that were not”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Anas reported: “The most frequent supplication recited by the Prophet was: ALLAAHUMMA AATINAA FIDDUN-YAA HASANAH WAFIL AAKHIRATI HASANAH WAQINAA ‘ADZAABAN NAAR (O Allah grant us good, both good in this world and good in the hereafter and save us from the punishment of hell)”. (HR Bukhari and Muslim).


The Muslim narration adds: “When Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) wanted to pray a supplication, he would start by reciting this supplication first, or when he prayed, he would always include this supplication in the supplication that he recited”.


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) used to recite the supplication: “ALLAHUMMA INNII AS-ALUKAL HUDAA WATTUQAA WAL ‘AFAAFA WAL GHINAA (O Allah, I ask You for guidance to increase piety and to preserve my honor and wealth)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Tharig ibn Ashyam (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When a person entered Islam, the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) would teach him to pray, then he would tell him to say: “ALLAAHUMMAGHFIR LII WARHAMNII! WA ‘AAFINII WARZUONII (O Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me and guide me, save me and provide for me)”. (HR. Muslim).


In another narration it says: “Thariq reported that he heard the Prophet (peace be upon him) being visited by a man who asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what should I say when I supplicate to God?”. He said: “Recite: ALLAAHUMMAGHFIR LII WARHAMNII WA ‘AAFINII WARZUQNII (O Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me, save me and give me sustenance), because that prayer can cover this world and the hereafter”.


  1. Ibn Amr ibn Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) prayed: “ALLAAHUMMA MUSHARRIFAL QULUUB SHARRIF QULUUBANAA ‘ALAA THAA’ATIKA (O Allah, the One who turns hearts, turn our hearts to obey You always)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Seek refuge with Allah from the severity of trials, hardships, and bad destinies, as well as the mockery of enemies”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw). always recited the prayer: “ALLAAHUMMA ASHLIH LII DIINIIL LADZII HUWA ‘ISHMATU AMRII, WA ASHLIH LH DUN-YAAYAL LATII FIIHAA MA’AASYII, WA ASHLIH LII AAKHIRATIIL LATII FIIHAA MA-AADII, WAJ’ALIL HAYAATA ZIYAADATAN LII FI) KULLI KHAIRIN WAJ’ALIL MAUTA RAAHATAN LII MIN KULLI SYARRIN (O Allah, make good my religion which is the basis of my life, O Allah, make good my religion which is the basis of my life, make good my world in which I seek my livelihood, make good my Hereafter to which I return, and make this life to increase the good for me and make the Hereafter a resting place from all evil)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said to me: “Say: ALLAAHUMMAHDINI! WA SADDIDNII (O Allah, give us guidance and truth)”. In another narration it is said: “ALLAAHUMMA INNII AS-ALUKAL HUDAA WAS SADAD (O Allah, I ask You for guidance and truth)”. (HR. Muslim). –


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) used to recite: “ALLAAHUMMA INNII A’UUDZUBIKA MINAL ‘AJZI WAL KASAL WALJUBNI WAL HARAM WAL BUKHLI. WA A’UUDZUBIKA MIN “ADZAABIL QABRI, WA AUUDZUBIKA MIN FIINATIL MAH YAA WAL MAMAAT (O Allah, I seek refuge with You from weakness, laziness, fear, old age and miserliness. I seek refuge with You from the punishment of the grave and from the trials of life and the trials of death).”


Another narration adds: “WADHALA’ID DAINI WA GHALABATIR RIJAAL (As well as from the objection of debt and coercion of people)”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Abu Bakr Siddig (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he said to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him): “Teach me a prayer that I can recite during prayer”. He said: “Recite: ALLAAHUMMA INNII ZHALAMTU NAFSII ZHULMAN KATSIIRAN WALAA YAGHFIRUDZ DZUNUUBA ILLAA ANTA, FAGHFIRLII MAGHFIRATAN MIN INDIKA WARHAMNII INNAKA ANTAL GHAFUURUR RAHIIM” (O Allah, Indeed I have wronged myself with much wrongdoing and none can forgive sins except You, so forgive me with direct forgiveness from You and have mercy on me, indeed You are the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Musa reported that the Prophet used to supplicate with this supplication: “ALLAAHUMMAGHFIRLI! KHATHIIATI WAJAHLII WAISRAAFII FH AMRII WAMAA ANTA A’LAMU BIHI MINNII, ALLAAHUMMAGHFIRLII JADDII WAHAZLI WA. KHATHAII WA ‘AMDII WAKULLU DZAALIKA ‘INDII, ALLAAHUMMAGHFIRLII MAA QADDAMTU WAMAA AKHKHARIU WAMAA ASRARTU WAMAA A’LANTIU WAMAA ANTA A’LAMU BIHI MINNII ANTAL MUQADDIMU WA ANTAL MUAKH. KHIRU WA ANTA ‘ALAA KULLI SYAIIN QADIIR (O Allah, forgive the sins of my mistakes, my ignorance, my outrageousness in all matters, and whatever You know better than me. O Allah, forgive my earnestness, my negligence, my mistakes and my willfulness, which are all within me. O Allah, forgive my past sins and future sins, sins that I have committed secretly and sins that I have committed openly and all sins that You know better than I do. You are the One who gives precedence and the One who gives delay, and You are the One who knows everything”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Prophet used to recite the supplication: “ALLAAHUMMA INNII A’UUDZUBIKA MIN SYARRI MAA ‘AMILTU WAMIN SYARRI MAA LAM A’LAMU (O Allah, I seek refuge with You from the evil of what we have done and from the evil of what we have not done)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Among the supplications recited by the Messenger of Allah was: “ALLAAHUMMA INNII A’UUDZUBIKA , MIN ZAWAALI NIKMATIKA WATAHAW| WULI ‘AAFIYATIKA WA FAKHATI NIQMA TIKA WAJAMII’I SAKHATIKA (O Allah, ‘verily I seek refuge with You from the loss of Your favor, the shifting of Your prosperity, the suddenness of Your trials and the gathering of all Your wrath)'”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Zayd ibn Arqam (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) used to recite: “ALLAAHUMMA INNII A’UUDZUBIKA MINAL ‘AJZ1I WAL KASALI WAL BUKHLI WAL HARAMI WA ‘ADZAABIL QABRI, ALLAAHUMMA AATI NAFSII TAOWAAHAA, WAZAKKUHAA ANTA KHAIRU MAN ZAKKAAHAA, ANTA WALIYYUUHAA WAMAULAAHAA . ALLAAHUMMA INNII A’UUDZUBIKA MIN ‘ILMIN LAA YANFA’ WAMIN OALBIN LAA YAKHSA’ WAMIN NAFSIN LAA TASYBA’ WAMIN DA’WATIN LAA YUSTAJAABU LAHAA (Verily I seek refuge with You from weakness, laziness, miserliness, old age and the torment of the grave. O Allah give piety to my heart, and cleanse my heart for You are the One who can cleanse it the most and You are its Protector and Master. O Allah, I seek refuge with You from useless knowledge, from an unsettled heart, from unsatisfied passions and from unanswered prayers) (HR Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Verily, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) used to recite the supplication: “ALLAHUMMA LAKA ASLAMTU, WABIKA AAMANTU, WA ILAIKA TAWAKKAL TU, WA ILAIKA ANABTU, WABIKA KHASHAM. TU, WA ILAIKA HAAKAMTU, FAGHFIRI MAA QADDAMTU WAMAA AKHKHARTU WAMAA ASRARTU WAMAA A’LANTU, ANTAL MUQADDIMU WA ANTAL MUAKHIKHIRU, LAA ILAAHA ILLAA ANTA (O Allah, only to You do I surrender, only to You do I believe, only to You do I put my trust, only to You do I return, only by Your help can I fight, only to You do I rely. Therefore, forgive all my sins, both past and future, both hidden sins and sins that I committed openly. You are the One who gives precedence and the One who gives delay. There is no God but You)”.


There is a narrator who adds: ” WALAA HAULA WALAA QUWWATA ILLAA BILLAAH (There is no power and strength except with the help of Allah) (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “Indeed, the Prophet used to supplicate: ALLAAHUMMA INNII ‘AUUDZUBIKA MIN FITNATIN NAARI WA “ADZAABIN NAARI, WAMIN SYARRIL GHINAA WAL FAQRI (O Allah, verily I seek refuge with You from the trial and torment of hellfire and from poor and rich)”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Ziad bin Alagah reported from his uncle Outbah bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him): “The Prophet used to recite the supplication: ALLAAHUMMA INNII A’UUDZUBIKA MIN MUNKARAATIL AKHLAAQI WAL A’MAALI WAL AHWAA| (O Allah, I seek refuge with You from bad manners, deeds and desires)”. (HR. At Turmudai).


  1. Syakal ibn Humaid (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I asked: “O Messenger of Allah, teach me a supplication”. Then he said. “Say: ALLAAHUMMA INNII A’UUDZUBIKA MIN SYARRI SAM’III WAMIN SYARRI BASHARI, WAMIN SYARRI LISAANII, WAMIN SYARRI QALBII WAMIN SYARRI MANINYYI (O Allah, I seek refuge with You from the evil of my hearing, the evil of my sight, the evil of my tongue, the evil of my heart and the evil of my imagination)”. (HR. Aru Daud and At Turmudzi).



  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Indeed, the Prophet used to recite the supplication: ALLAAHUMMA INNII “AUUDZUBIKA MINAL BARASHI WAL JUNUUNI WAL JUDZAAMI WA SAYYI-IL ASQAAMI (O Allah, I seek refuge with You from stripes, from insanity, leprosy and severe diseases)”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) used to supplicate with this supplication: “ALLAAHUMMA INNII A’UUDZUBIKA MINAL JUU’ FA-INNAHU BI’SADH DHAJIII, WA A’UUDZUBIKA MINAL KHIYAANATI FAINNAHAA BI’SATIL BITHAANATU (O Allah, I seek refuge with You from hunger because hunger is the worst companion of sleep. And I seek refuge with You from treachery, for it is the worst of friends.” (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “There was a slave who came to him and said: “I do not have anything to pay the installment to free myself, so give me help”. Then Ali ra. said: “Would you like me to teach you a few words that the Prophet taught me that if you have a debt as big as a mountain, Allah will help you to pay off your debt, namely recite: ALLAAHUMMAKFINII BI HALAALIKA “AN HARAAMIKA WA AGHNINI BI FADHLIKA’AMMAN SIWAAKA (O Allah, suffice me with lawful sustenance and keep me away from unlawful sustenance and make me rich with Your bounty which in fact no one is able to give wealth except You)”. (HR. At Turmudzi)


  1. Imran bin Hushain (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Verily, the Prophet (peace be upon him) taught his father (Husham) two phrases to pray, namely: “ALLAAHUMMA ALHIMNII RUSYDII, WA ‘AIDZNII MIN SYARRI NAFSII (O Allah, inspire me with guidance and protect me from the evil of myself)” (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Fadhl Abbas bin Abdul Muc thalib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I said: “O Messenger of Allah, teach me something that I should ask Allah for”. He said: “Seek the welfare of .Allah”. after a few days I came “again and said: “O Messenger of Allah, teach me something for which I can invoke Allah”. He said: “O Abbas, uncle of the Messenger of Allah, supplicate to Allah for prosperity in this world and in the Hereafter”. (HR. At Turmudzi)


  1. Shahr ibn Hausyab said: “I once asked Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her): “O ummul Mukminin, what is the most frequent supplication recited by the Prophet when he is in your place?”. Umm Salamah replied: “The supplication that the Prophet recited most often was: YAA MUOALLIBAL QULUUBI, TSABBIT QALBII ‘ALAA DIINIKA (O One who turns the hearts, set my heart to always embrace Your religion)”. (QS. At Tumudzi).


  1. Abu Darda’ (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Among the supplications recited by Prophet David was: “ALLAAHUMMA INNII AS-ALUKA HUBBAKA WAHUBBA MAN YUHIBBUKA WAL ‘AMALAL LADZII YUBALLIGHUNII HUBBAKA. ALLAAHUMMAJ’AL HUBBAKA AHABBA ILAYYA MIN NAFSII WA AHLI WAMINAL MAAIL BAARIDI (O Allah, indeed I ask You to always be able to love You, love those who love You and deeds that can lead to being able to love You. O Allah, make my love for You greater than my love for myself, my family and more than cool water.” (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Recite: YAA DZAL JALAALI WAL IKRAAM (O Great and Glorious One)”. (HR. Turmudi).


This hadith was also narrated by Nasai, from Rabiah bin Amir Ash Shahabi.


  1. Umamah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) prayed so many supplications that we could not memorize any of them, so we said: “O Messenger of Allah, you prayed so many supplications that we could not memorize any of them”. He said: “Would you like me to show you a supplication that covers all of them?”. That is to say: Al LAAHUMMA INNI! ASALUKA MIN KHAIRI MAA SA-ALAKA MINHU NABIYYUKA MUHAMMADUN SHALLALLAAHU ‘ALAIHI WASALLAM, WANA’UUDZUBIKA MIN SYARRI MAASTA’ADZAKA MINHU NABIYYUKA MUHAMMADUN SHALLALLAAHU ‘ALAI! I WASALLAM, WA ANTAL MUSTA’AANU WA ‘ALAIKAL BALAGH WALAA HAULA WALAA OUWWATA ILLAA BILLAAH (O Allah, I ask You for the best of what Your prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has asked for, and I seek refuge with You from the worst of what Your prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) sought refuge with. You are the One most deserving of help and to You alone should all complaints be addressed. There is no power and no strength except with the help of Allah)”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Among the supplications of the Messenger of Allah was: “ALLAAHUMMA INNII AS-ALUKA MUUJIBAATI RAHMATIKA WA ‘AZAAIMI MAGHFIRATIKA, WASSALAAMATA MIN KULLI ITSMIN WAL GHANIIMATA MIN KULLI BIRRIN, WALFAUZA BILJANNAH, WANNAJAATA MINAN NAARI (O Allah, I ask You for the fulfillment of Your mercy, the certainty of Your forgiveness, to be saved from all sins, to obtain all goodness and to be lucky to get heaven and to be saved from the fire of hell)”. (narrated by Hakim Abu Abdullah).









Allah, the Almighty, says: “And those who came after them (the Muhajirin and Anshor), they said: ‘O Lord, forgive us and our brothers who believed before us'”. (QS. Al Hashr: 10)


Allah ta’ala says: “And ask forgiveness for your sins, and the sins of the believers, both men and women”. (QS. Muhammad: 19)


Allah ta’ala says: By quoting the prayer of Prophet Ibrahim: “O our Lord, forgive me and my parents and the believers on the day of reckoning”. (QS. Ibrahim: 41)


  1. Abu Darda’ (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say: “No Muslim prays for his brother without his knowledge but an angel will say: “And for you too”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Darda’ reported that the Prophet said: “The prayer of a Muslim to his brother without his brother’s knowledge is very mustajab. There is an angel above the head of the praying Muslim who is assigned so that every time he prays well for his brother, he will be answered: AAMIN WALAKA BIMITSLIN (May it be granted and for yourself as well)”. (HR. Muslim).




  1. Usamah bin Zaid (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever is treated well then he says to the one who did him good: “May Allah reward you for your kindness,” then it is enough to praise him”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Do not supplicate against yourself, do not supplicate against your children and do not supplicate against your wealth. Do not make such supplications especially at a time when Allah accepts supplications and your supplications are answered.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The closest a servant gets to his Lord is when he is prostrating. Therefore, pray a lot in prostration”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “A person’s prayer will always be answered as long as he is not in a hurry, where he says: “I have prayed to my Lord but He has not answered my prayer”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In the Muslim narration it is said: “A person’s supplication will be answered so long as he does not pray for a sin or pray to break the bonds of brotherhood and so long as he is not in a hurry”. It was asked: “What is meant by rushing?”. He said: “He says: I have prayed but I have never seen my prayer answered”. If that is the case then he is a loser and he is also reluctant to pray again.”


  1. Abu Umamah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah was asked: “At what time is prayer heard (answered)?”. He replied: “It is the last part of the night and after the obligatory prayers.” (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Ubadah bin Samit reported that the Prophet said: “There is no Muslim on earth who prays to Allah with a supplication but Allah will grant it or Allah will avert him from all kinds of dangers as long as he does not pray for a sin or break the bonds of brotherhood”. Some of the Companions said: “Then pray a lot”. He said: “Allah has more grace”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


This hadith was also narrated by Al Hakim from Abu Said, to which the narration adds: “Or Allah saves his reward as much as his supplication”.


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Messenger of Allah (saws) faced a difficulty, he would say: “LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAHUUL AZHIIMUL HALIIM. LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAHU RABBUL ‘ARSHIL ‘AZHIIM. LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAHU RABBUSSAMAAWAATI WARABBUL ARDHI RABBUL ‘”ARSYIL KARIIM (There is no God but Allah, the Most Great, the Most Merciful. There is no God but Allah, Lord of the great Arsh. There is no God but Allah, Lord of the heavens and the earth and Lord of the glorious Throne)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).









Allah, the Almighty, says: “Remember, the guardians of Allah, there is no fear for them, nor do they grieve, those who believe, and they always fear. For them is glad tidings of life in this world and in the Hereafter. There is no change in the words (promises) of Allah; such is a great victory”. (QS. Yunus: 62-64)


Allah ta’ala says: “And shake the base of the date palm towards you, and it will bring forth ripe dates to you, and you shall eat and drink”. (QS. Maryam: 25-26).


Allah ta’ala says: “Whenever Zacharias entered to meet Maryam at Mihrob, he found food by her side. Zacharias asked: “O Maryam, where did you get this food?”. Maryam replied: “It is from Allah”. Verily, Allah provides for whom He wills without counting.” (QS. Ali Imran: 37).


Allah ta’ala says: “And when you leave them and what they worship besides Allah, then seek shelter in the cave, surely your Lord will bestow some of His mercy and provide you with something useful in your affairs. And you will see the sun when it rises inclining from their cave to the right, and when it sets away from them to the left”. (QS. Al Kahti: 16-17)


  1. Abu Muhammad Abdur Rahman ibn Abu Bakr Ash Shiddiq (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Verily, the people of Suffah are poor and once the Prophet said:” Whoever has food for two should eat for three. And whoever has food for four should eat five or six”. So Abu Bakr brought three people while the Prophet himself brought ten people. Then Abu Bakr ate with the Prophet and stayed there until the Isha’ prayer was over, then he returned to his house after a long night. And when he reached home he was reprimanded by his wife: “What is holding you back that you are neglecting your guests?”. Abu Bakr asked: “Have you not fed them”. His wife replied: “They refused because they were waiting for your arrival”. Abdur Rahman said: “Then I hid, so Abu Bakr called out: “O fool”. He kept cursing and reviling me”. Then he said to his guests: “Please eat what you can, by Allah I will not eat myself”. Abdurrahman said: “By Allah, every time we take food, more food comes from underneath so that they are all full and there is more left over than before. Then Abu Bakr noticed the increasing amount of food and said to his wife: “O sister of the Banu Friras, what is this?”. His wife said: “How glad my heart is, now the food has increased more than before it was eaten and even tripled”. Then Abu Bakr ate and said: “Surely my oath was due to the temptation of the devil”. After Abu Bakr had eaten a bite of the food he brought the rest of the food to the Prophet and left it there. At that time there was a meeting between us and a people to discuss a treaty. After the meeting was over we divided the people into twelve groups, each group consisting of a number of people of whom only Allah knows the number. They all ate from the leftovers in the Prophet’s place”. In another narration it is said: “Abu Bakr and his wife vowed not to eat. Likewise, his guests vowed not to eat until Abu Bakr would eat with them. Then Abu Bakr said: “That vow was merely from the temptation of the devil, so :a asked that food be served and he and his guests ate together. So every time they lifted the food, more food came from underneath. He then said to his wife: “O sister of the Banu Firas, what is this?”. His wife said: “How pleased I am, indeed this food is even more abundant than before it was eaten”. After finishing the meal she brought the rest to the Prophet and the Prophet was pleased to eat it”.


In another narration it is said: “Abu Bakr told Abdur Rahman to serve his guests well because he was going to the Prophet’s place and he also told his guests to eat before he came. When Abdur Rahman arrived at the house, he immediately served his guests with the minimum amount of food and said: “Please eat”. They asked: “Where is the master of the house?” Abdur Rahman said: “He told me to serve you all food, because if he comes and you haven’t eaten then I will be scolded”. They still did not want to eat. So when he (Abu Bakr) came then I continued to hide because I was sure that I would be scolded, and he asked his guests: “What are you doing?”. They told him what they were, then he called out: “Hi Abdur Rahman”. I remained silent. And he called out again: “Hi Abdur Rahman”. I remained silent. Then he called again: “O fool”, I swear if you hear my call then you must come immediately”. then I went out and said: “Please ask your guests”. The guests said: “Yes, he has served food to all of us”. Abu Bakr said: “So you are all waiting for me, even though I will not eat tonight” They said: “By Allah, we will not eat until you eat with us”. Abu Bakr said: “Woe to you all for not enjoying my meal that I have prepared. Bring out the food”. Then the food came out and he stretched out his hand and said: “BISMILLAH, then that word (oath) was only from the influence of the shaytan”. Then he ate with the guests”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Indeed, in the ummah before you there were people who received inspiration. And if in my Ummah there is one who gets inspiration then he is Umar”. (HR. Bukhari). (This hadith was also narrated by Muslim from Aisha ra.)


  1. From Jabir bin Samurah ra. he said: “The people of Kufa complained about Sa’d bin Abu Waqqas ra. to Amirul Mukminin Umar bin Khattab ra. until he was dismissed by Umar and replaced by Ammar bin Yasir ra. So severe was the complaint of the people of Kufa that they said: “Surely he is not perfect in prayer”. Then Umar called him and said: “O Abu Ishag, they complain that you do not offer perfect prayers”. ‘ Sa’d replied: “As for me, by Allah, I pray with them exactly as the Messenger of Allah prayed, without deviating in the slightest. When I pray ‘Isha I am a little longer in the first rak’ah and I am faster in the last two rak’ahs”. Umar said: “This is what they think of you, Abu Ishaq”. Umar then sent Sa’d with some men to Kufa to investigate the people of Kufa as a whole. In every Mosque he visited he asked about Saad’s condition and in general they praised Saad, but when he entered the Mosque of the Banu Abas, there was a man standing there named Usamah bin Qatadah and commonly called Abu Sa’dah, he said: “If you ask about Sa’d, then he was a leader who never led troops, did not divide the spoils of war equally and he was unjust in determining the law”. So Sa’d said: “By Allah, I will make three supplications: O Allah, if your servant is lying for the sake of vanity and conceit, and for the sake of making a name for himself, then prolong his life and prolong his poverty, and expose him to trials and tribulations.” The supplication was granted, so that when your servant lied, he would be given a chance to live. Then the supplication was answered so that when he was asked by someone he replied: “I became this old man and was afflicted with all kinds of trials because of Sa’d’s supplication”.


Abdul Malik bin Umair ra. the narrator of this hadith from Jabir bin Samurah said: “I have seen Usamah so old that his eyelids covered his eyes, and he used to sit by the roadside waiting for women to pass by”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Urwah bin Zubair (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Se. Said bin Zaid Amr bin Naufal (may Allah be pleased with him) was complained about by Arwa bin Aus to Marwan bin Hakam, who accused Said of taking some of his land: “I took his land after hearing the word of the Messenger of Allah”. Marwan asked: “What have you heard from the Messenger of Allah?”. Said replied: “Whoever seizes an inch of land in an unjust manner will have seven petals of earth hung around his neck”. Then Marwan said: “I will not ask for evidence after you have said that”. Then Said prayed: “O Allah, if Arwa is lying then blind her eyes and may she die on the earth where she is claiming to be”. Urwah narrated that Arwa was really blind before he died and that one day he was walking on the alleged land when he fell into a pit and died there.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In the Muslim narration it is said, from Muhammad bin Zaid bin Abdullah bin Umar with the same essence. And it is told that he saw the blind Arwa walking groping the wall saying: “I am afflicted like this because of Said’s prayer”. And while he was walking on the alleged land, he fell into a well that was there until he died, and in that well is his grave”.


  1. Jabir ibn Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the battle of Uhud began, in the evening my father called me and said: “According to my guess, I was the first to be killed among the companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and I left no one dearer to me than you except the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). And I left a debt so pay my debt and I advise you to take good care of your sister”. Sure enough, the next day my father was the first to be killed and I buried him with others in one grave. After six months, I felt bad for leaving my father with others in the same grave, so I took him out of his grave again and at that time my father’s body was still intact, just as it was on the day I put his body in the grave, except that his ears had changed. The purity of my father’s body I put in a separate grave”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Anas ra. said: “Two companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) came out of the Prophet’s gathering in the pitch darkness of the night. Suddenly from in front of them came two lights similar to lamps. And when they separated from each other, the lamp-like lights separated and accompanied each of the companions of the Prophet until they reached their homes”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) sent ten spies to the battle headed by Ashim bin Tsabit Al Anshari (peace be upon him). After they set out and reached Hudah, which is between Usfan and Mecca, they were spotted by a group of the Hudzailites, the Lihyanites, so the Hudzailites called a hundred arrowsmiths to attack Ashim’s party. When Ashim and his companions felt that there would be danger, he immediately hid in a place but finally they were surrounded by the Banu Lihyan, saying: “Surrender, and we promise not to kill any of you”. Then Ashim said: “O Muslims, I am not willing to be under the rule of the disbelievers. O Allah, inform the Prophet Muhammad of our situation”. Then they were attacked with arrows until Ashim died. And three of them surrendered to accept the treaty, namely Khubaib, Zaid bin Datsinah and another person. And when they had surrendered then the bowstring was removed to tie the three men, so that the third person seeing the arbitrary act immediately said: “This is the first betrayal. By Allah, I will not make peace with you all, and for me it is better to follow in the footsteps of my fallen companions”. He thought it better to be killed than to make peace with them. So they tortured and killed him. The two captives were taken to Makkah where they were sold. This incident occurred after the battle of Badr. Then Khubaib ra. was bought by the sons and daughters of Al Harith bin Amir to be killed as revenge for Hubaib who had killed his father (Al Harith) in the battle of Badr. So Khubaib stayed with them as a prisoner until waiting for the time of his murder. One day Khubaib borrowed a razor from Al Harith’s daughter, so when he had borrowed it suddenly a small child crawled to Khubaib’s place and sat on Khubaib’s lap to cause them to fear lest the child would be killed by Khubaib. Khubaib then said: “Are you worried that I will kill this little boy? I will not kill him at all”. So the daughter of Al Harith said: “By Allah, I have never seen a better captive than Khubaib. And one day I saw him eating grapes in his hands while his hands were bound with iron chains and also at that time in Makkah there were no grapes”. Then the daughter of Al Harith said: “Surely that was a bounty from Allah given to Khubaib”. Then after Khubaib was taken out of the haram land to be killed, Khubaib asked permission to pray two rak’ahs. So they also gave permission. After the prayer Khubaib said: “By Allah if it were not for your supposition that I fear death I would have prayed as much as possible. O Allah, count their number and kill them in scattering” Then Khubaib recited a verse which means: “I do not care if I am killed as a Muslim. No matter what form my death takes, as long as it is for the sake of God, and such a thing is in defense of the word of God and if God is pleased, He will surely bless the scattered members” Khubaib was a person who could be emulated by every Muslim, where he was patient and prayed when he was about to be killed. And the Prophet (peace be upon him) had informed his companions of the plight of his afflicted companions. Then the disbelievers sent some people to take the body of Ashim bin Tsabit when they heard that he was killed by the Banu Lihyan because he was the one who had killed the leader of the disbelievers of Quraysh. But Allah sent a bee that looked like an umbrella to protect Ashim’s corpse where it attacked the messengers of the disbelievers who wanted to take Ashim’s corpse until finally they could not take a single limb from Ashim’s body”. (HR. Bukhart).


In other (earlier) chapters, similar hadeeths have been described, such as the hadeeth about the young man who went to the priest and the sorcerer, the hadeeth about Juraij, the hadeeth about the three young men who entered the cave and were covered by a large rock, the hadeeth about the man who heard a cloud saying: “Water so-and-so’s garden,” and so on.


  1. Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I have never heard Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) say: “I predicted that this would happen”, but what was predicted happened”. (HR. Bukhari).












Allah says: “And let not some of you backbite others. Would any of you eat the flesh of his dead brother? Surely you would be disgusted with it. And fear Allah, surely Allah is the One who accepts repentance, and is Merciful”. (QS. Al Hujurat: 12).


Allah says: “Do not follow what you have no knowledge of. Indeed, hearing, sight and heart will all be held accountable.” (Sūrat Bani Israel: 26).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “No word is uttered except that an angel is ever present with it.” (QS. Oaaf: 12).


You should know that the mukallaf should always guard his tongue from speaking words that will bring benefit. If speaking and remaining silent are both harmless and do not lead to any benefit, then it is better to remain silent, because speech that does not lead to benefit sometimes leads to things that are haram or bad. That is what usually happens.


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should either speak kindly or keep quiet.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I asked: “O Messenger of Allah, who is the best among the Muslims?””. He replied: “He is the one from whom other Muslims feel safe from the interference of his tongue and hand”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim). ..:


  1. Sahl bin Saad (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Whoever dares to guarantee me the safety of what is between his chin and what is between his thighs, I (the Prophet) dare to guarantee him Paradise”. (HR Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that he heard the Prophet say: “A person can slip into hell because he utters a word without thinking about it, which is wider than the distance between east and west”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said. He said: “A person can be elevated because of saying a word that is favored by Allah, which is actually said without prior consideration. And on the other hand, a person may fall into hell because he utters a word that is hated by Allah, which is said without consideration.” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abdur Rahman Bilal bin Harith Al Muzanni reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, a person may utter a word that is pleasing to Allah, which he did not expect, and Allah will record it in His pleasure until the day he meets Him, and verily, a person may utter a word that is hated by Allah, which he did not expect, and Allah will record it in His displeasure until the day he meets his Lord”. (HR Malik in Al Muwaththa’ and At Turmudzi).


  1. Sufyan ibn ‘Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I said: “O Messenger of Allah, tell me about something that I can use as a guide”. He said: “Say: “My Lord is Allah, so stay on the right path?”. I asked again: “O Messenger of Allah, what are you most worried about me?”. He held his tongue and said: “This”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Do not speak much except for the remembrance of Allah. This is because talking a lot except for the remembrance of Allah can cause hardening of the heart, whereas in fact the one who is farthest from Allah is the one who is hardest in heart”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever is protected from the evil between his two chin bones and the evil between his thighs by Allah will enter Paradise”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Uqbah bin Amir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what can save you?”. He replied: “Hold your tongue, stay in your house and weep over your sins”. (HR. At lurmudzi).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri reported that the Prophet said: “When the morning comes, man’s limbs warn his tongue, saying: “Fear Allah in maintaining our safety because our fate depends on you. If you are straight, we will be straight, and if you deviate, we will deviate”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Muadz ra. he said: “O Messenger of Allah, tell me about the deeds that can enter me into heaven and can keep me away from hell?”. He said: “You are really asking about something very great Indeed it is very easy for those whom Allah makes easy, namely : You should worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, perform the prayer, pay the alms, fast during the month of Ramadan and perform the Hajj to the House of Allah for those who are able.” Then he said: “Would you like me to tell you about the doors of goodness? Fasting is a shield, charity erases sins as water extinguishes fire, and performing the night prayer”. Then he recited the verse which means: “Their hulls are far from their beds, and they invoke their Lord with fear and hope, and they spend some of the wealth We have given them. Nor does anyone know what is concealed for them, which is a variety of eye-pleasing favors in return for what they have done.”


Then he said: “Would you like me to show you the subject of these things and their pillars?”. I said: “Yes, O Messenger of Allah”. He said: “The base of everything is Islam, the pillar is prayer and the summit is striving in the way of Allah”. He said again: “Would you like me to show you the key to all that?”. I replied: “Yes, O Messenger of Allah”. He then held his tongue and said: “Keep this”. I said: “Will we be prosecuted for what we say?”. He said: “Woe to you, do you think that people fall into Hell because of their faces, but only because of their tongues”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet asked: “Do you understand what backbiting is?”. The companions replied: “Allah and His Messenger know better”. He said: “Backbiting is telling your friend about something that he does not like”. A companion asked: “What if I tell the truth about my brother?”. He replied: “If you tell your friend what really happened to him, you are backbiting him, and if you tell your friend what did not happen to him, you are lying to him.” (HR. Muslim)


  1. Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) in his sermon during the Farewell Hajj at Mina on the day of Eid al-Adha said: “Verily, your blood, your wealth and your honor are unlawful, just as your day is unlawful in this month of yours and in this country of yours. Remember, have I not told you?”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “I said to the Prophet (peace be upon him): “Are you satisfied with this or that Shofiyah?”. Some narrators say: “This means that Shofiyah is short”. Then he said: “You have uttered such vile words that if they were mixed with sea water, they would affect her”. Aisha ra. said: “I once told the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) about someone, but he said: “I do not like to tell about a person’s situation even if I would get such and such a reward”. (Reported by Abu Daud and At-Turmudzi).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “When I was glorified, I passed by a people who had nails of copper on which they scratched their faces and chests, so I asked : “Who are they Jibril?”. Jibril replied: “They are those who like to eat the flesh of others and disturb the honor of others (meaning: gossiping)”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Every Muslim against another Muslim is forbidden his blood, his honor and also forbidden his property”. (HR Muslim).









Allah ta’ala says: “When they hear unwholesome talk, they turn away from them”. (QS. Al Qashash: 55)


Allah says: “And those who abstain from useless actions and words.” (QS. Al Mukminun: 13. |


Allah ta’ala says: “Indeed, hearing, sight and heart will all be held accountable”. (QS. Bani Israel: 36).


Allah ta’ala says: “And when you see people making fun of Our verses, then leave them until they speak of something else. And if the devil makes you think (of this prohibition) then do not sit with the wrongdoer after you have remembered the prohibition.” (QS. Al An’am : 68)


  1. Abu Darda’ reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever defiles the honor of his brother, on the Day of Resurrection, Allah will cast the fire of Hell through his face.” (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Itban ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported in a long and famous hadeeth, as mentioned in the chapter on hopefulness above, in which he said: “When the Prophet was praying, he asked : “Where is Malik bin Dukhshum?”. Someone answered: “He is a hypocrite who does not love Allah and His Messenger”. Then the Prophet said: “Don’t say that, don’t you know that he said : Laa ilaaha Illailaah (There is no God but Allah) is said for the sake of Allah alone, and Allah Himself has forbidden hellfire for those who say the word of monotheism for the sake of Allah alone”. . (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)…”


  1. Ka’b ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported in his long hadeeth about the story of repentance as stated in the chapter on repentance, in which he said: “When the Prophet was sitting with his companions at Tabuk, he asked: “What is Ka’ab b. Malik doing?”. One of the Banu Salamah replied: “O Messenger of Allah, he is restrained and fascinated with his coat and shawl”. Then Muadz bin Jabal ra. said to him: “How bad your words are. By Allah, O Messenger of Allah, we do not know her unless she is good”. So the Messenger of Allah remained silent.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).











You should know that gossiping is permissible in order to achieve a goal that is justified by sharee’ah, without which this goal could not be achieved. The gossip that is permissible is when the gossip is in six circumstances, namely:


  1. Because of being wronged. The persecuted person may complain about the persecutor to the judge or ruler who has the power to make the persecuted person aware of the persecution.


For example, the persecuted person says: “So-and-so has wronged me in this way”.


  1. The reason for asking for help in eliminating evil and reprimanding the wrongdoer.


For example: someone says: So-and-so did this, with the intention of taking action against the wrongdoer. If it were not for this purpose, it would be haraam.


  1. The reason for asking for advice. For example, a person says to another person who can give advice: “I have been wronged by my father, brother and wife, or by so-and-so. So what should I do?”.


  1. The reason for giving advice or warning to Muslims so that they do not fall into evil.


  1. The reason for reprimanding someone for his wickedness outright, such as someone who drinks alcohol, someone who steals other people’s property, someone who practices falsehood and so on. In this case, it is permissible to reprimand him directly for his wrongdoing.


  1. In terms of giving understanding or explanation. For example, there are people who are known as the blind, the deaf, the dumb, and so on.


In this case it is permissible for a person to use these titles, but if it is with the intention of mocking, then it is haraam. If possible, avoid such titles.


These are the six reasons that the scholars have agreed upon, and they have established them on the basis of the saheeh hadeeths:


  1. ‘Ā’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “A man asked the Prophet for permission, and he said: “Permit him, for he is the worst of the people in his family”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


Meaning: the man was very arrogant.


  1. Asiyah reported that the Prophet said: “I do not think that so-and-so and so-and-so know about our religion”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Fatimah bint Qais (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “I went to the Prophet and said: “I have been proposed to by Abul Jahm and Muawiyah”. Then he said: “Muawiyah is a poor man who has no wealth. Abul Jahm is a man who never takes his stick off his shoulder”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In the Muslim narration it is said: “Abul Jahm is a man who likes to beat his wife”.


  1. Zaid bin Arqam (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When we were traveling with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), the group suddenly encountered a difficulty, so Abdullah bin Ubai said: “Do not help those who are with the Messenger of Allah until they all leave this place”. When we return to Madinah, the noble people will drive out the lowly people.” I reported this to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). When I reported this to the Messenger of Allah, he sent someone to summon Abdullah bin Ubai, but he did not admit what he had done and even strengthened himself with an oath until the people said: “Zayd has lied to the Prophet”. Immediately my heart became sad in response to what they said so Allah sent down a revelation to His prophet to vindicate me, which read: IDZAA JAA-AKAL MUNAAFIQUUNA and so on. Then he called them to repent and ask for forgiveness, but they were all reluctant and shook their heads”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “Hindun the wife of Abu Sufyan reported to the Prophet: “Verily, Abu Sufyan is a very miserly husband, who never gives me and my children enough money unless I take it myself without his knowledge”. He said: “Take enough for you and your children in a good way”. (HR: Bukhari and Muslim).









Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Do not follow the backbiting people, who go about slandering.” (QS. Nun: 11).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “There is no speech that he utters except that the ever-present guardian angels (Raqib and Atid) are near him”. (QS. Oaf: 18).


  1. Hudhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “The one who likes to complain will not enter Paradise”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas said. “Indeed, once the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) walked past: a graveyard, namely two graves, then he said: “Verily, the two men who are in these graves are being tortured. Both are being tortured not because of their great sins, but both of them are something very great. One of them likes to walk here and there to complain and the other one does not clean himself when he urinates”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet said: “Shall I tell you what ‘Adhhu is?”. The Prophet continued: ADHHU is talk that is spread among the people for the purpose of fighting. (HR Muslim).












Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Do not help one another in sin and enmity”. (QS. Al Maidah: 2)


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Let none of my companions report anything to me about anyone, for I would rather come out to you with a clean breast.” (Abu Daud and At-Turmudzi).








Allah, the Almighty, says: “They hide from men, but they do not hide from Allah, but Allah is with them, when one night they made a secret decision which Allah did not approve of. And Allah is the One Who is All-encompassing (in His knowledge) of what they do.” (QS. An Nisa’: 108).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “You will all find people whose nature is like a mine. The best of them in Jahiliyyah is also good after Islam provided they really understand religion. You will find that the best of people in this matter of religion is the one who used to hate Islam. And you will also find the worst of people, the one who is two-faced – where he comes to one group with one face and comes to another group he uses the other face”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Muhammad ibn Zayd reported that some people said to his grandfather Abdullah ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him): “When we come to the rulers, we say to them what we say when we leave their presence.” Then Abdullah ibn ‘Umar said: “When we come to the rulers, we say to them what we say when we leave their presence. Then Abdullah bin Umar said: “At the time of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) we considered that to be an act of nifak”. (narrated by Bukhari).








Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And do not follow what you do not know”. (Sūrat Bani Israel: 36).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “There is no word that he utters except that the ever-present guardian angels (Raqib and Atid) are near him.” (QS. Oaff: 18).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, honesty leads to goodness, and every goodness will lead to heaven. The truthful person will always speak the truth until he is written in the sight of Allah as a truthful person. And lying leads to evil, and every evil leads to hell. The one who always lies will always lie until he is written in the sight of Allah as a liar”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Four qualities, which whoever possesses them is truly a hypocrite. And whoever possesses some of them is a hypocrite until he abandons them: when he is trusted, he betrays; when he speaks, he lies; when he promises, he does not fulfill; and when he argues, he goes too far”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever claims to have dreamed a dream that he did not dream, he will be asked to connect two kernels of wheat when it is impossible for him to do so. The one who listens to someone else’s talk when he does not like the sound of it will have lead casts poured into his ears on the Day of Resurrection. And whoever draws a picture of a living thing will be tortured and demanded to breathe life into the picture, even though it is impossible for him to do so”. (HR. Bukhari). .


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “The worst of lies are


















  1. Samurah ibn Jundub (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah used to ask his companions: “Have any of you had a dream?”. So the companion would tell him what he had dreamt. One day he said to us: “Last night two men came to me (in a dream) and said: “Let us go”, and I went with them. On the way I saw a man lying down and near him a man standing with a large stone. Then the man who was standing hit the man who was lying down with the stone until his head was crushed and the stone rolled back and forth After the crushed head was restored, the man who was standing picked up the stone again and did as he had done before. So I asked the two men: “Glory be to Allah, who is this man?”. The two men said to me: “Let us go, let us go”. So we went on our way. Then (on the way) I saw a man lying down and near him a man standing with a hacksaw. Then the man who was standing cut the body of the man lying down into two sides of his face, that is, he cut from the mouth to the nape of the neck, then the other side of the face was treated like the first. When this was done, the face was made whole again, and when it was made whole, the face was sawn off again as before. So I asked the two men: “Glory be to Allah, what is this man?”. But the two men only said: “Let us continue our journey, let us go”. So we continued on our way until we came to a very large furnace and I heard there was a commotion and a scream. When I looked, I found that there were naked men and women in it, from underneath which a fire was lit. When the fire was brought near to them they screamed. So, I asked the two people: “Glory be to Allah, who is that?”. But the two men only said: “Let us continue our journey, let us go”. So we went on our way, and we found a river whose water was red like blood in which a man was swimming and on the bank of the river a man was gathering stones. When the man who was swimming reached the bank, he opened his mouth and put a stone into his mouth. Then he swims back to the center. Every time he came to the edge, he would open his mouth and the man on the bank would put a stone in his mouth. So I asked: “Who is that man?”. But the two men continued on their way until they came to an ugly and cruel man who always surrounded the fire that he had lit. I asked the two men: “Who is this?”. The two men continued to take me away to continue the journey until we came to a large garden in which there were all kinds of flowers and a man so tall that I could not see his head because it was so high, and around him were many children whom I had never seen before. So I asked the two men: “Who is this man and who are these children?”. But the two men only said: “Let us go, let us go?”. So we continued our journey until we came to a very large and very beautiful tree that I had never seen before. The two men said: “Let us go up”. So we went up and found a beautiful palace made of gold and jewels. So we approached and knocked on the gate of the palace and we entered it. When we entered, we were greeted by men who were very handsome, but some were ugly. The two men said to the ugly man: “Go and bathe in the river”. There was indeed a river with clear water. After he had bathed in the river, his face changed into a beautiful face. The two men said: “This is Paradise Adn and this is where you will live”. Then I looked up and saw a white cloud-like abode. The two men said to me: “This is your abode?”. I said to them: “May Allah bless you both. Leave me, for I am about to enter the mahligai”. The two men said: “Now is not yet the time, and you will enter it in the future”. I said to them: “Since I have seen wonders, what exactly are they?”. The two men said: “Now we will tell you. As for the first man, the one whose head was beaten with a stone, he is the one who studies the Qur’an and understands its contents but does not practice it, and the one who neglects the obligatory prayers. As for the one who is cut from the mouth to the back of his neck, it is the one who likes to make false news so that it spreads everywhere. As for the men and women who are naked on a large stove, they are those who commit adultery, both men and women. As for the one who swims in a river and puts a stone in his mouth, he is the one who likes to eat usury money. As for the tall man standing in the garden, he is the Prophet Abraham, and the children around him are the children who die clean (as children).”


In the narration of Bargani it is said: “Children who are born clean”. Some Muslims said. “O Messenger of Allah, what about the children of polytheists?”. He said: “And the children of polytheists”. As for those who are partly handsome and partly ugly, they are those who mix good deeds with bad deeds, and Allah forgives their sins.” (HR. Bukhari).


In another narration it is said: “Last night I dreamed that I met two men who took me to the holy land. Then we walked until we came to a vessel like a furnace which appeared narrow on one side and broad on the other. When the fire was lit, the furnace and its contents went up and when the fire was extinguished, the furnace went back down. The furnace contained naked men and women. Then we found a river whose water was like blood in the middle of which a man was trying to get to the bank but when he was almost at the bank a stone was thrown into his mouth and he returned to the center. Every time the man tried to get out, a stone was thrown into his mouth so that he returned to the center. Then the two men took me up into a tree and put me into a house which I had never seen more beautiful than it. There were old people in it and young people in it. Then I saw a man whose mouth was torn open, a man who loved to lie and always made up false news and spread it in all directions, so he was tortured until the Day of Judgment. After that, I saw a man who had his head cut off; this is a man whom Allah has blessed with the ability to understand the Qur’an, but he does not want to put its contents into practice, either during the day or night. Therefore, he will always be tormented until the Day of Judgment. The first house you enter is the house of the believers in general. This house is the house of the suhada’ (martyrs). Actually I am Jibril and this one is Mikail. Raise your head. So I immediately raised my head, suddenly I saw a cloud above me. The two men said: “That is where you will be”. I asked: “Leave me, for I will enter my house”. The two men said: “Surely you have some years left to complete. When you have completed it, you will surely come to your place”. (HR. Bukhari).









It should be noted that lying is basically haraam. However, in some cases, lying is permissible, provided that the conditions are met. Words are a means of conveying a certain intention. If the intention is good and can be conveyed by not lying, then lying in this case is prohibited. On the other hand, if the intention cannot be conveyed except by lying, then lying is permissible. In fact, lying is obligatory, for example, if a Muslim is hiding from an abuser who is about to kill him or seize his property, and an evil person asks him about it, then the one who knows about it must lie (not show it, even if he knows about it), and if a person is entrusted with something, then someone who intends to rob him must lie (not confess):


Umm Kulsum (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that she heard the Messenger of Allah (saws) say: “The one who reconciles a dispute between two people, even if he is lying, will not be punished for lying, so that he can bring about good or make people speak well.” (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).


The Muslim narration adds: “Umm Kulsum said: “I have never heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) allow lying in anything that he said except in three cases, namely:


  1. When war is raging (in battle).
  2. Reconciling the disputes of people who are enemies.
  3. Talking to a husband about his wife or a wife about her husband”.








Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Do not follow what you do not know.” (al-Israel: 36).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “There is no word that he utters except that the angels (Raqib and Atid) are ever present with him”. (QS. Oaff: 18)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “A person is considered a liar if he always tells everything he hears”. (HR. Muslim).


This means telling stories without considering whether they are good or bad.


  1. Samurah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever narrates a report from me (the Prophet) knowing it to be false is one of the liars”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Asma’ (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that a woman said: “I am a wife who has been married. Is it a sin for me to pretend to be content with what my husband does not give me?”. Then he said: “The one who pretends to be satisfied with what is given to him is like one who wears a false or deceptive garment”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).









Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Refrain from falsehood.” (al-Hajj: 30)


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “Do not follow what you do not know.” (QS. Al Isra’: 36).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “No word is uttered except that the angels (Raqib and Atid) are ever present near it.” (QS. Oaff: 18).


Allah ta’ala says: “Verily, your Lord is indeed always watching”. (QS. Al Fajr: 14).


Allah says: “And those who do not bear false witness”. (QS. Al Furqan: 72).


  1. Abu Bakrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Would you like me to tell you about the greatest sin?”. We replied: “Yes, O Messenger of Allah”. Then he said: “It is to associate partners with Allah and to dare parents”. At that time he was still leaning back. Then he sat down and said: “Pay attention, avoid false speech and false witness”. He repeated this several times until we said: “May he be quiet soon”. (HR: Bukhari and Muslim).









  1. Abu Zayd ibn Tsabit ibn Adh Dhahhak Al Anshari (may Allah be pleased with him), who was one of those who participated in Baitur Ridhwan, reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever swears by a religion other than Islam and deliberately lies, it will be as he said. And whoever kills himself with an object will be tortured with it on the Day of Resurrection. And a person is not obliged to fulfill a vow that he does not have. And cursing a believer is like killing him”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “It is not appropriate for a truthful person to love cursing”, (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Darda’ reported that the Prophet said: “Those who love to curse will not be able to intercede on the Day of Judgment nor will they be able to be witnesses”, (HR. Muslim).


  1. Samurah ibn Jundub (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Do not curse with La’natullah, the wrath of Allah and the fire of hell”. (HR. Abu Daud and Turmudzi). ,


  1. Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet said: “A believer is not called a believer if he loves to insult, loves to curse, loves to commit abominable acts and loves to speak foul words.” (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Darda’ reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, when a person. – When a person curses something, his curse will go up to the heavens, but the doors of the heavens will not accept it, then the curse will return to the earth, but the doors of the earth will not accept the curse. Then the curse will run to the right and to the left. If the curse does not find a place then it will look for the person who is cursed. If the cursed person is fit to receive it then the curse falls on him. ‘That person. On the other hand, if the person does not deserve the curse, it returns to the one who uttered the curse”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Imran bin Hushain (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “While the Messenger of Allah was traveling, he heard the sound of a curse being uttered by an Anshor woman at the camel she was riding because it would not tame. Then he said: “Take away everything that is on the camel and let it go because it has been cursed”. Imran said: “After that, I saw the camel walking to and fro in the midst of a crowd of people but no one bothered it”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Barzah Nadhlah bin Ubaid Al Aslami (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When a slave girl was riding a camel laden with the goods of her people, she suddenly saw the Prophet (peace be upon him) and he was pushed to a hill because of the large number of people, so she said: “Hus, O Allah curse this camel”. The Prophet then said: “Do not be with us on camels that have been cursed or cursed”. (HR Muslim).










Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Remember that the curse of Allah is upon those who commit wrongdoing”. (Hud: 18).


Allah ta’ala says: “Then a caller (Angel) announced between the two groups: “The curse of Allah is upon the wrongdoers”. (QS. Al A’raf: 44).


It is mentioned in a saheeh hadith that the Prophet said: “Allah curses the one who connects hair and also curses the one who asks to have his hair connected, and Allah curses those who eat usury and those who like to draw”. The Prophet also said: “Allah curses the one who breaks a signpost or a border”. And he also said: “Allah curses the one who steals even if he only steals an egg”. – He said: “Allah curses the one who curses his parents, and Allah curses the one who slaughters an animal not for the sake of Allah”. He also said: “Whoever makes things up in matters of religion, Allah, the angels and all people will curse him”. He once prayed: “O Allah, curse Ri’lan, Dzakwan and Ushayyah. They are the ones who have transgressed against Allah and His Messenger”. These three are the names of Arab tribes. And he also said: “Allah cursed the Jews because they built the tombs of their prophets into mosques, and Allah also cursed the men who act like women and the women who act like men”.


All of the above are saheeh hadeeths, some of which are in the saheehs of al-Bukhari and Muslim, and some of which are in one of the two saheehs.










Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And those who harm those who believe, whether men or women, without any fault on their part, then indeed they have borne a lie and a manifest sin.” (QS. Al Ahzab: 58)


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Reviling a Muslim is an act of unbelief, and killing a Muslim is kufr”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Dzar reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah say: “No one accuses another person of wickedness or kufr but that the accusation will come back to himself if it turns out that the person he accuses does not actually have that trait”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Two people who revile each other are like what they say. Meanwhile, the sin is borne by the one who started first before the wronged one cursed back”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that he said: “A drunkard was brought to the Prophet and he said: “Beat that man”. Abu Hurairah said: “Some of us struck him with our hands, some with their sandals and some with their cloths. Then half the community cursed: “May Allah humiliate you”. Then he said: “Do not speak like that and do not help the devil in ruining his good name.” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Whoever accuses his slave of adultery will be flogged on the Day of Resurrection unless the slave actually commits adultery.” (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).








  1. ‘Ā’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Do not revile the dead, for they will be brought to account for what they have done”. (HR. Bukhari).












Allah, the Almighty, says: “And those who harm the believers, both men and women, without any wrongdoing on their part, then indeed they have borne a lie and a manifest sin”. (QS. Al Ahzab: 58).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “The Muslim is the one who makes other Muslims safe from the interference of his tongue and hands. While the one who migrates is the one who leaves what is prohibited by Allah “. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash ra. said, the Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever wants to be kept away from Hellfire and admitted to Paradise, let him fulfill his wish, which is to believe in Allah and the Last Day, and do unto others as he would like to be done unto himself”. (HR Muslim).








Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “The believers are brothers.” (al-Hujurat: 10)


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Be gentle with the believers and severe with the disbelievers.” (QS. Al Maidah: 54).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says: “Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe with the disbelievers, but compassionate with their fellow men.” (al-Fath: 29).


  1. Anas reported that the Prophet said: “Let not all of you hate each other, envy each other, turn your backs on each other and break the bonds of brotherhood, but be all of you servants of Allah who are brothers. A Muslim should not keep his Muslim brother silent for more than three days”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The gates of Paradise are opened every Monday and Thursday. Then on that day the sins of every servant will be forgiven other than the one who associates partners with Allah, other than the one who disputes with his brother, where it is said: “Wait for these two people until they are at peace, wait for these two people until they are at peace”. (HR. Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “The deeds are brought before Allah every Thursday and Monday….” (and so on, as mentioned above).








Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Or do they envy people for the bounties that Allah has bestowed upon them?” (Sūrat An-Nisa’: 54).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Avoid the trait of hasud. For indeed hasud can consume good deeds as fire consumes firewood”. Or he said: “It consumes grass”. (Reported by Abu Daud).








Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And do not find fault with others”. (QS. Al Hujurat: 12).


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “And those who harm those who believe, both men and women, without any real wrongdoing on their part, then indeed they have borne a lie and a manifest sin.” (QS. Al Ahzab: 58).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Avoid prejudice, for prejudice is as false as speech. And do not grope to find fault with others. And do not argue with each other, incite each other, hate each other and turn your backs on each other but be you servants of Allah who are always brothers as you were commanded. It is not permissible for one Muslim to mistreat, insult or mock another Muslim. Piety is here, piety is here. He pointed to his chest and said: “A person is considered evil if he mocks his Muslim brother. It is unlawful for any Muslim to interfere with another Muslim in his blood, honor and property. Verily, Allah does not look at your body, nor at your form, nor at your deeds, but He looks at your heart.”


In another narration it is said: “Do not envy one another, do not hate one another, and do not always grope for the faults of others. And do not speak ill of one another but be as servants of Allah who are brothers”.


In another narration it says: “Do not break the bonds of brotherhood, turn your backs on each other, hate each other and backbite each other, but be as servants of Allah who are brothers”.


In another narration it is said: “Do not bid for goods with the intention of causing harm to others and do not sell merchandise with the intention of driving down the price of others”.  (HR Muslim, but most of it is also narrated by Bukhari).


2 And Muawtyah ra. he said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say. “Verily, if you find fault with the Muslims, you will bring them down or come close to bringing them down” (HR Abu Daud).


3 And Ibn Mas’ud said: “A man was brought before him who was still dripping wine from his mouth, and he said. “We have been forbidden to find fault, but if you really know that there is wrongdoing, then we will certainly punish him.” (HR. Abu Daud).









Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Hat those who believe, avoid prejudice, for indeed prejudice is a sin.” (QS. Al Hujurat: 12)


  1. Abu Hurasrah reported that the Prophet said: “Avoid prejudice, for prejudice is a lie of speech” (narrated by Bukhan and Muslim).









Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “O you who believe, let not one people insult another people, for it may be that the insulted person is better than the insulter. And let not a group of women insult other women, for the insulted may be better than the insulted. And do not reproach yourselves, nor call yourselves by bad names; the worst of callings is the wicked after faith, and those who do not repent are the wrongdoers”. (QS. Al Hujurat: 11).


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Accident to the one who swears and reproaches” (al-Humazah: 1).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “A person is considered evil if he mocks his Muslim brother”. (HR. Muslim).


| Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet said: “He will not enter Paradise who has pride in his heart, even if it is the size of an atom”. Then someone asked: “There is a man who likes to wear beautiful clothes and wear good sandals”. He said: “Verily, Allah is beautiful and loves beauty. Indeed, pride is rejecting the truth and belittling one’s fellow human beings”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Jundub ibn Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “A man said: “By Allah, Allah will not forgive so-and-so’s sins”. Then Allah ta’ala said: “Whoever swears by My name that I will not forgive so-and-so’s sin”. Indeed, I have forgiven so-and-so’s sin, and I have erased your good deeds.” (HR Muslim).








Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “The believers are brothers.” (al-Hujurat: 10).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Those who delight in the spread of evil among the believers, for them is a painful punishment in this world and in the Hereafter.” (QS. An Nur: 19).


  1. Watsilah bin Asga’ (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Do not show joy over the grief that has befallen your brother, then Allah will save him and replace the ordeal for you.” (narrated by At-Turmudzi).









Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And those who harm those who believe, both men and women, without any wrongdoing on their part, then indeed they have borne a lie and a manifest sin.” (QS. Al Ahzab: 58).



  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “There are two things in a person that can lead to kufr: insulting his lineage and mourning the dead”. (HR. Muslim).









Allah, the Almighty, says: “And those who harm those who believe, both men and women, without any wrongdoing on their part, then indeed they have borne a lie and a manifest sin.” (QS. Al Ahzab: 58).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever takes up arms against us is not among my Ummah and whoever deceives us is not among my Ummah”. (HR. Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “The Messenger of Allah passed by a pile of food to be sold. Then he put his hand into the pile of food and his fingers felt wet. Then he asked “O food seller, what is this?”. he replied: “It is raining, O Messenger of Allah.”. He then said: “Why don’t you put it up so that the person who wants to buy it can see it?”. Whoever deceives us is not one of my Ummah.”


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Do not bid on merchandise with the intention of deceiving others”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) forbade bidding on merchandise in order to deceive others.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. From Ibn Umar ra. he said: “There was a man who told the Prophet that he had been cheated in buying and selling, so he said: “To whom did you buy the goods? Say to him: “There should be no deception”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever harasses and deceives another man’s wife or slave is not among my people”. (HR. Abu Daud). ,









Allah, may He be exalted, says: “O you who believe, keep your promises”. (QS. Al Maidah: 1).


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “Keep your promises, for surely they will be questioned.” (QS. Al Isra”: 34).


  1. Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “There are four traits, which whoever possesses them is truly a hypocrite. And whoever has some of these traits then he has some of the traits of nifak until he leaves them, namely: When he is trusted, he betrays; When he speaks, he lies; When he makes a promise, he never keeps it; When he argues, he exaggerates”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud, Ibn Umar and Anas (may Allah be pleased with them) reported that the Prophet said: “For the one who never keeps a promise (betrayal) on the Day of Resurrection will have a flag that reads: “This is so-and-so’s betrayal”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri reported that the Prophet said: “For a traitor on the Day of Judgment there will be a flag stuck in his buttocks. Then with that flag he is pulled up according to the degree of his betrayal. Know that no traitor is worse than a treacherous leader of the people”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Allah has said: “There are three groups that I will be hostile to on the Day of Resurrection: the one who makes a promise in My name and then betrays it, the one who sells a free man (not a slave) and then eats the proceeds of the sale, and the one who hires an employee and after the employee has completed his work, he refuses to give him his wages”. (HR. Bukhari).









Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “O you who believe, do not lose the reward of your charity by mentioning it and hurting the feelings of those who receive it.” (QS. Al Bagarah: 264).


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Those who spend their wealth in the cause of Allah, then they do not accompany their giving with mentioning it, nor do they accompany what they spend by hurting the feelings of those who receive it”. (QS. Al Bagarah: 262).


  1. Abu Dzar reported that the Prophet said: “There are three groups of people with whom on the Day of Resurrection Allah will not speak to them, will not see them, will not forgive their sins and for them will be a very painful torment”. He repeated this saying three times. Abu Dzar said: “How disappointed and lost they are. Who are they, O Messenger of Allah? ?”. He said: “They are the one who lengthens his cloth (out of pride), the one who likes to mention his gifts and the one who sells his merchandise under false oath”. (HR. Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “The one who lengthens his garment, i.e. the one who lowers his garment to below his ankles out of pride”.







Allah, may He be exalted, says: “Do not say that you are pure. He is the one who knows best those who fear.” (QS. An Najm: 32).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Verily, the sin is upon those who wrong people and transgress in the earth without right. They shall have a very painful punishment.” (Ash-Shura: 42).


  1. Iyadh ibn Himar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, Allah has revealed to me that all of you should be humble, so that no one does wrong to another, nor does anyone act arrogantly towards another.” (Muslim). (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When a person says (because of arrogance): “Woe to man”, then indeed he himself is the most wretched”. (Muslim).









Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “The believers are brothers. So reconcile between your brothers.” (al-Hujurat: 10).


Allah says: “Do not help one another in sin and enmity”. (QS. Al Maidah: 2).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Do not break the bonds of brotherhood, do not turn your backs on one another, do not hate one another and do not all of you backbite one another. And be ye servants of Allah as brothers. It is not permissible for a Muslim to keep his brother silent for more than three days”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Ayyub reported that the Prophet said: “It is not permissible for a Muslim to keep his brother silent for more than three days, and when they see each other, they look away from each other. But the best of the two is the one who greets him first”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim). .


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The deeds are brought before Allah every Monday and Thursday, then Allah forgives the sins of everyone who does not associate Allah with anything except the one who disputes with his brother, where Allah says: “Suspend these two (disputing) until peace returns.”” (Muslim). (HR. Muslim).


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Indeed, the devil has been frustrated to be worshipped again in the Arabian peninsula, but the devil is always trying to damage good relations between people (Arabs)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “It is not permissible for a Muslim to keep his brother silent for more than three days. Whoever keeps his brother silent for more than three days and then dies, he will enter Hellfire.” (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Khirash Hadrad bin Abu Hadrad Al Aslami, some called him: As Sulami Ash Shahabi (may Allah be pleased with him) that he heard the Prophet say: “Whoever keeps his brother silent for one year is like spilling his blood (or killing him)”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “It is not permissible for a believer to keep another believer silent for more than three days. If it has been more than three days, then let one of them go and greet the other. If the one who is greeted responds, both of them will be equally rewarded. But if the one to whom the greeting is addressed does not respond, then he has committed a sin, and the one who greeted him cannot be called the one who silenced him.” (HR. Abu Daud).


Abu Daud said: “If he silences him for the sake of Allah alone, then he does not belong to this group.”









Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Verily, whispering is from the devil.” (QS. Mujahadah: 10).


1.Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “When there are three people, let not two of you whisper without including a third person.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)






This hadith was also narrated by Abu Daud, and it is added that Abu Shalih asked Ibn Umar: “What about four people?”. Ibn Umar said: “That is fine”. In Al Muwatha’, Malik narrated this hadeeth from Abdullah bin Dinar who said: “Ibn ‘Umar and I were in the house of Khalid bin Ukbah in the market place, when a man came to whisper to Ibn ‘Umar, and no one was with him except me. So he called another man until there were four people. Finally he said to me and to the third person whom he had called: “Please step aside for a moment, for I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Let no two people whisper without including the other”.


  1. Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet said: “When you are in a threesome, do not let two of you whisper without including the third until you have gathered a crowd. This is because it may trouble those who are not whispered to.” (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)









Allah says: “Do good to your parents, relatives, orphans, the poor, your near and far neighbors, your friends, the unfortunate, and your slaves. Verily, Allah does not like those who are proud and boast”. (QS. An Nisa’: 36).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “There was a woman who was tortured and sent to Hell because of a cat which she kept locked up until it died. The cat was locked up hungry and was not given food and water, nor was it set free to find its own food from insects or other small animals on this earth to devour”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he came across some young men of the Quraysh who were putting down birds for archery practice, but none of their arrows hit the target. When they saw Ibn ‘Umar, they left their places (separated themselves), then Ibn ‘Umar said: “Whoever does this Allah will curse the one who does this. And indeed the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) cursed the one who uses a living animal as a target (in archery)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Anas reported that he said: “The Messenger of Allah forbade the mistreatment of animals to be killed”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Ali Suwaid ibn Mugarrin (ra) said: “It is known that we are seven brothers from the Mugarrin family. And there was no servant for us except one. Once our younger brother hit the servant, so the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) told us to free him”. (HR. Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “My seventh brother”.


  1. Abu Mas’ud Al Badri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When I was beating my slave with a whip, suddenly a voice came from behind: “Know, O Mas’ud”. Being in a state of anger I did not understand whose voice it was. When I got close, I realized that it was the voice of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and he continued to say: “Know, O Mas’ud, that Allah has more power to torment you than you have to torment your slave”. Then I said: “I will not beat a slave again after this forever”. In another narration it is said: “Then the whip fell from my hand for fear”. In another narration it is said: “Then I said: “O Messenger of Allah, the slave is free because of Allah”. He then said: “If you do not free him immediately, you will surely be tortured and burned by the fire of hell (HR Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever beats his slave as punishment for something she has done or whoever slaps her, the ransom is to free her”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Hisham ibn Hakim ibn Hizam (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he passed by farmers who were being tortured in the country of Syria, where they were dried in the sun and doused with kerosene on their heads, then Hisham said: “Why are they treated like this?”. Someone replied: “They were tortured because they did not want to pay taxes”.


In another narration it is said: “They were taken captive because they did not want to pay taxes”. Then Hisham said: “I testify that I have actually heard the Messenger of Allah saying: “Verily, Allah will torture the one who tortures his fellow human beings in this world”. Then Hisham entered the Governor’s residence and revealed the matter that had just occurred and ordered that they be released immediately and they were released”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas reported that he said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) saw a donkey with its face branded, and he was very displeased to see such a thing. Then Ibn Umar said: “By Allah, I will not brand an animal on its face”, and he ordered him to brand the donkey on its buttocks. So he was the first to stamp both buttocks”. (HR Muslim). .


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Once a donkey was passing in front of the Prophet and it had a stamp on its face, so he said: “Allah will curse the one who stamped the donkey’s face”. (HR. Muslim)


In another Muslim narration it is said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade beating and stamping animals on their faces.”









  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) sent us out in an army and said: “When you all find so-and-so and so-and-so, two men of Quraysh, burn them with fire”. Suddenly when we were about to depart, he said again: “I told you all to burn so-and-so and so-and-so. But it is not fit to torture with fire except Allah. Therefore, the next time you meet these two people, kill them.” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When we were with the Messenger of Allah (saws) on a journey and he was going backwards, we saw a bird with two chicks, so we took the two chicks until the mother came flying in circles. Then the Prophet came and said: “Who made it difficult for the bird to take its young?”. Immediately return the young bird to him”. Later on, the Prophet also saw the anthill that we had burned. Then he asked: “Who burned this anthill?”. We replied: “We” He said: “Verily, no one is fit to torment something with fire except the Lord of fire itself”. (Reported by Abu Daud).








Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Verily, Allah enjoins you to deliver the trust to those who are entitled to it.” (QS. An Nisa’: 58).


Allah says: “If some of you trust others, let the trustee fulfill his trust”. (QS. Al Bagarah: 283).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Making it difficult for a rich person to repay a debt is an offense. So if the responsibility is thrown or transferred to someone else, let it be followed (accepted) “. (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).









  1. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet said: “A person who asks for something back is like a dog that eats its vomit”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “The example of a person who takes back his charity is like a dog that vomits and then the dog searches for its vomit and then eats it again”.


In another narration it is said: “The one who asks for his gift back is like the one who eats his vomit”.


  1. Umar ibn Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I gave a horse to someone for the purpose of fighting in the cause of Allah, but he did not make good use of it, so I intended to buy it. I thought that he would sell it at a low price. Then I asked the Prophet about this and he said: “Do not buy it and do not take back your charity even if he gives it to you for one dirham. For indeed the one who takes back his gift is like one who eats his vomit”. (HR: Bukhari and Muslim).








Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Those who wrongfully eat the wealth of orphans are swallowing fire in their bellies, and they will enter a blazing fire.” (QS. An Nisa’: 10).


Allah ta’ala says: “And do not approach the property of orphans except in a way that is more beneficial”. (QS. Al An’am: 153).


Allah says: “And they ask you about orphans, so say: “Taking proper care of their affairs is very good and if you associate with them then they are your brothers. Allah knows who is the doer of mischief and the doer of good.” (QS. Al Bagarah: 220)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Avoid seven things that destroy”. The companions asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what are these seven things?”. He said: “They are associating partners with Allah, sorcery, killing a person whom Allah has forbidden except by right, consuming usury, consuming the property of orphans, fleeing from a jihad war and accusing a person of adultery when he is a believer who always guards himself”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim). ..:








Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Those who eat usury will not be able to stand up except as one who is possessed by a demon due to insanity. That is because they think that buying and selling is usury, whereas Allah has made buying and selling lawful and usury unlawful. Those to whom the prohibition of their Lord has come, and they cease (from taking usury), then to them belongs what they had taken (before the prohibition came), and their affair is with Allah. Those who return to usury are the inhabitants of Hell. They will remain therein. Allah destroys usury and nourishes charity” …..


Until the word of Allah, which means: “O you who believe, fear Allah and forsake the residue of usury if you are truly believers”. (QS. Al Bagarah: 275-278).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah cursed the one who eats usury and the one who feeds on it”. (HR. Muslim).


In the narration of At Turmudzi and others it is added: “The one who bears witness and the one who writes usury”.









Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And they have not been commanded except to worship Allah, and to render pure obedience to Him, and to observe the religion of righteousness”. (QS. Al Bayyinah: 5).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Do not diminish the reward of your charity by mentioning it and hurting the recipient’s feelings, such as by giving away wealth out of jealousy of others.” (QS. Al Bagarah: 264).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “They intend to make merry before men, and they do not mention Allah except very little.” (QS. An Nisa’: 142).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Allah ta’ala says: “I am the least in need of fellowship. Whoever performs a deed by associating Me with something other than Me, I will abandon him and not care for him”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “The first person to be decided on the Day of Resurrection is the martyr. He is confronted and asked about some of God’s favors. And after he has acknowledged them he will be asked: “For what are My favors to you?”. He answers: “I fought in Your way until I was martyred”. Allah said: “You are lying. You fought in order to be regarded as a brave man, and that you have earned”. So Allah ordered to drag that person to hell. The second person presented was one who studied and taught and loved to recite the Qur’an. He was confronted and shown the favors he had received and he acknowledged them, then asked: “What are these favors for?” He replied: “I use them to learn and teach the Qur’an and I enjoy reciting the Qur’an for You”. Allah said: “You are lying. You learn the Qur’an in order to be said to be a clever person and you recite the Qur’an in order to be said to be a gari’, and that he has admitted”. Then Allah ordered to drag the man until he was finally thrown into hell. The third person proposed is a person who has been provided for and blessed with much wealth where he is confronted and shown the favors he has received and he also admits it, then asked: “What did you use these favors for?”. He replied: “I used them to achieve Your pleasure”. Allah said: “You are lying. You did that so that you would be called a generous person, which he admitted to doing.” Then Allah ordered him to be dragged and finally he was thrown into hellfire”. (HR. Muslim)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that some people said: “When we enter a ruler, we say to him something other than what we say when we are outside”. Ibn Umar said: “At the time of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) we considered this to be an act of impiety.” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Jundub bin Abdullah bin Sufyan (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever makes his deeds known to others, Allah will make them known to him on the Day of Resurrection. And whoever shows his deeds, Allah will show him”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


This hadith was also narrated by Muslim from Ibn Abbas.


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever studies knowledge for the sake of seeking the pleasure of Allah and then does not seek it but only to gain worldly wealth, he will not have the fragrance of Paradise on the Day of Resurrection”. (HR. Abu Daud).










  1. Abu Dhar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah was asked: “What do you think if someone does something good and is praised by the people?”. He replied: “That is the beginning of good news for the believer”. (Muslim).








Allah ta’ala says: “Say to the believing men: ‘Let them restrain their gaze'”. (QS. An Nur: 30).


Allah ta’ala says: “Verily, hearing, sight and the heart will all be held accountable”. (Al Isra’: 36).


Allah, the Almighty, says: “The Lord knows the sight of the treacherous eye.” (al-Mukmin: 19).


Allah says: “Verily, your Lord is indeed watching”. (QS. Al Fajr: 14)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “For the son of Adam, his share of adultery has been determined, which he is certain to commit. The adultery of the eyes is seeing, the adultery of the ears is hearing, the adultery of the tongue is speaking, the adultery of the hand is striking, the adultery of the foot is walking and the adultery of the heart is lusting and fantasizing, all of which are evidenced or not evidenced by his private parts.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri reported that the Prophet said: “Avoid sitting by the roadside”. The Companions said: “O Messenger of Allah, we cannot leave our seats (on the road) where we can talk there”. The Messenger of Allah said: “If you are reluctant not to sit there then fulfill the right of way”. The Companions asked: “What is the right of way, O Messenger of Allah? ?”. He replied: “It is to close the eyes, throw away the dirt, answer the greeting, and enjoin the good and forbid the evil”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Talhah Zaid bin Sahl (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When we were sitting in the courtyard of a house near the road where we were talking, suddenly the Prophet came and approached us and said: “Why are you sitting on the side of the road? Avoid sitting by the roadside”. We said: “We are not sitting here to disturb you. We are here to exchange ideas and talk”. He said: “Then fulfill his rights, viz: closing the eyes, answering the greeting and speaking kindly”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) about seeing something that is forbidden but comes suddenly, and he said: “Close your eyes.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “While I was with Maimunah near the Prophet, Ummi Maktum entered. This was after the revelation of the verse commanding us to wear hijab. So the Prophet said: “Veil yourselves from her”. We said: “Is he not a blind man who cannot see and cannot know us, O Messenger of Allah?”. The Prophet said: “Are you also blind? Do you not see that man?”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Zayd reported that the Prophet said: “It is not permissible for a man to see the ‘awrah of a man, nor is it permissible for a woman to see the ‘awrah of a woman. A man should not touch the skin of a man under the same blanket, and a woman should not touch the skin of a woman under the same blanket”. (HR Muslim).










Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “When you ask a woman for something, ask her from behind the veil.” (al Ahzab: 53).


  1. Uqbah ibn Amir reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “Avoid approaching women”. Then an Anshor companion asked: “What about approaching a woman who is a relative of my wife?”. He said: “Approaching a woman who is a relative of the wife is death”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet said: “Let none of you sit alone with a woman unless he is with his muhrim”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Buraydah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The haram of the wives of those who fight in the cause of Allah to those who do not fight is like the haram of their mothers. The one who does not fight in the cause of Allah and is entrusted by the warriors in the cause of Allah to take care of his wife and then he betrays her, then on the Day of Resurrection he will be stopped by the warrior (in the cause of Allah) to take his good deeds as he pleases until he is satisfied.” Then he turned to us and said: “I am not a warrior in the cause of Allah. Then he turned to us and said: “How do you feel?”. (narrated by Muslim).









  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed men who imitate women and cursed women who imitate men”. In another narration it is said: “The Messenger of Allah cursed the man who imitates a woman and cursed the woman who imitates a man”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that he said: “The Messenger of Allah cursed the man who wears women’s clothes and cursed the woman who wears men’s clothes”. (HR. Abu Daud). ‘


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “There are two kinds of inhabitants of Hell whom I have never seen: those who have whips like the tails of oxen and use them to beat their fellow human beings, and women who wear clothes but look like they are naked where they seduce and sway raising their condoms like the backs of camels. They will not enter Paradise and will not even smell the fragrance of Paradise. And indeed the fragrance of Paradise can be smelled as far as traveling here and there”. (HR. Muslim).










  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Do not all of you eat with your left hand, for the devil eats with his left hand.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Let none of you eat or drink with his left hand, for the devil eats and drinks with his left hand”. (HR. Season).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The Jews and Christians do not like to dye their hair, so let you be different from them (not following their customs)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


Notes: It is not permissible to dye one’s hair black, except for a warrior who is facing an enemy so that he looks young, because his hair color is still black even though he is old, so that his enemy will be afraid. The permissible hair dye is yellow or red.











  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “On the day of the conquest of Makkah, Abu Quhafah, Abu Bakr’s father, was brought before the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) because his hair and beard were like sunflowers because they were so white. So he said: “Change the color of the hair, but do not wear black (avoid the color black)”. (HR Muslim).








  1. Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade the wearing of locks.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saw a boy who had some of his hair shaved off and some left on. Then he forbade all people to do so and said: “Shave all his hair or leave all of it”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abdullah ibn Ja’far (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) gave Ja’far’s family three days. After three days he came and said: “Do not weep for my brother after this day”. Then he said: “Call here my brother’s children”. Then we were brought to him as if we were children. Then he said: “Call the barber”, and he was told to cut our hair”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah forbade women to shave their heads”. (narrated by An Nasai).









Allah, may He be exalted, says: “What they worship besides Allah are nothing but idols. And they worship none other than the disobedient shaitan, whom Allah has cursed. The shaitan said: “I will indeed take from your servants the portion that has been allotted to me, and I will indeed mislead them, and will raise in them idle imaginations, and will tell them to cut off the ears of livestock, and they will indeed cut them off, and I will tell them to change the creation of Allah, and they will indeed change it”. (QS. An Nisa’: 117-119).


  1. Asma’ (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that a woman asked the Prophet (peace be upon him): “O Messenger of Allah, my daughter is afflicted with heatstroke and her hair is falling out, and I am going to marry her off soon, so is it permissible for me to cut her hair”. He said: “Allah curses the one who connects the hair and the one whose hair is connected”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “The one who joins his hair and the one who asks for his hair to be joined”.


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported the same hadeeth as mentioned above and narrated by Bukhari and Muslim.


  1. Humaid ibn Abdur Rahman reported that during the Hajj season he heard Muawiyah giving a sermon in which he received a hair tie from his bodyguard, so he said: “O people of Medina, where are all your scholars?”. I have heard the Prophet forbid this kind of hair tying and he said: “Verily, the perishing of the Children of Israel was when many of their women wore hair ties.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Verily, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) cursed the one who connects hair and the one whose hair is connected, and the one who makes a mole and the one who asks for a mole”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud reported that he said: “Allah curses the one who makes moles and the one who asks for moles, the one who scrapes his eyebrows and the one who grinds his teeth and beautifies himself by changing the creation of Allah. Then a woman protested to Ibn Mas’ud, so Ibn Mas’ud said: “Why do I not curse those whom the Messenger of Allah clearly cursed, when in the Book of Allah, Allah says: “Whatever the Messenger tells you, do it and whatever he forbids, avoid it”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).







  1. Amr ibn Shuaib reported from his father and grandfather that the Prophet said: “Do not pull out the gray hairs, for they will be a light for the Muslims on the Day of Judgment”. (Reported by Abu Daud, Turmudzi and Nasai).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever does an action that is not in accordance with our guidance, his action will not be accepted”. (HR Muslim)









  1. Abu Qatadah reported that the Prophet said: “When one of you is about to relieve himself, he should not touch his private parts with his right hand, nor should he wash with his right hand, nor should he breathe in the drinking water.” (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)











  1. Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “None of you should walk wearing one sandal or one shoe; rather, both feet should have sandals on them or not have sandals on them at all”,


In another narration it says: “Or let both feet not wear all”. (HR, Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say: “When the strap of the sandal of one of you breaks, then he should not walk with only one sandal until the broken sandal is repaired”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade wearing sandals standing up”. (Reported by Abu Daud).









  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Let not all of you leave a fire in your houses while you sleep”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Musa Al Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “There was a house fire in Madinah last night because of the occupants themselves. Then the incident was reported to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and he said: “Verily, fire is your enemy. Therefore, when you go to bed, extinguish the fire”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Jabir reported that the Prophet said: “Close the vessels, tie up the water containers, close the doors and extinguish the lamps because the devil will not be able to untie the ties and will not be able to open the doors and will not be able to open the vessels. If one of you cannot find anything to cover it with except a stick, then put the stick over the vessel. And when you put the stick, mention the name of Allah because rats can cause house fires.” (HR. Muslim).









Allah says: “Say: I do not ask you for a reward for your da’wah, and I am not one of those who exert themselves.” (Sūrat Shad: 86).


  1. Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “We are forbidden to impose ourselves”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Masruq reported: “We entered the house of Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) and he said: “O people, whoever has knowledge of something should say what he knows, and whoever has no knowledge should say: “Allah knows better. For this is half knowledge. Allah has said: “Say, I do not ask you for a reward and I am not one of those who impose themselves”. (HR: Bukhari).











  1. Umar ibn Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The one who dies will be tormented according to the lamentation that was directed at him”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “He who slaps his cheeks, tears his collar, and screams like the people of the Jaahiliyyah (when mourning a dead person) is not among my people.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Burdah reported: “Abu Musa al-Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) was sick and he fainted and his head fell on his wife’s lap. Then his wife wailed for him by screaming but at that time Abu Musa could not answer anything to his wife.


After regaining consciousness from his stupor. he said: “I take off my hands from the one whom the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) took off his hands from. Verily, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) took his hands off those who screamed, shaved their heads and tore their clothes when they were afflicted with calamity”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Al Mughirah ibn Shu’bah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Whoever (dies) is mourned by his family, then indeed on the Day of Resurrection he will be tortured according to the lamentation of his family on him”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Umm Athiyah Nusaibah reported that she said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told us when we pledged allegiance not to mourn for the dead”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Nu’man bin Bashir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When ‘Abdullah bin Rawahah (may Allah be pleased with him) fainted, his sister cried and said:


“O my protector, O my doer of such and such”. He counted his brother’s favors. When he regained consciousness, Abdullah said: “Whatever you say, it will be asked of me later: “Did you really do that?”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When Sa’d bin Ubadah (may Allah be pleased with him) was sick, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), Abdurrahman bin Auf, Sa’d bin Abu Waqas and Abdullah bin Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) visited him. When he entered his house suddenly Sa’d bin Ubadah was unconscious, so he asked: “Has he died?”. The people who were around him replied: “No, O Messenger of Allah”. Then he wept. And when the people saw him crying, they also cried. Then he said: “Have you not all heard that Allah does not torture because of tears nor because of sadness, but Allah tortures or loves him because of this (he pointed to his tongue)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Malik Al Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “The one who mourns the dead, if he does not repent before his death, will be resurrected on the Day of Resurrection dressed in asphalt and wearing armor because of scabies”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Usaid bin Abu Usaid at Tabii narrated about a man who had been rusted where he said: “Among the messages of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to us about the good that we should do is that we should not violate the good, we should not scratch our faces, we should not scream by saying bad words, we should not tear our collars and we should not tangle our hair”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Abu Musa reported that the Prophet said: “There is no man who dies and people cry over him and say: “O my protector, O my master and others except that he will be handed over to two Angels who always push him, saying: “Are you true to what the people say?”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “There are two things in a person that can lead to kufr, namely: insulting one’s lineage and mourning the dead”. (Muslim).










  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “Some people asked the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) about soothsayers, and he said: “There is nothing wrong with that”. They said: “O Messenger of Allah, they are sometimes able to reveal an event that has actually happened.” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) then said: “No, they are not. Then the Prophet said: “It is a real sentence that is stolen by the Jinn and then recited in the ears of the sorcerer, then the sorcerer mixes it with a hundred lies”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In a narration by Bukhari from ‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) it is said that ‘Aa’ishah heard the Prophet (peace be upon him) say: “Angels descend in the clouds and reveal things that have been decided in the heavens (by Allah), and the devil listens, then the devil informs the sorcerers and they embellish it with a hundred lies from themselves”.


  1. Shafiyyah bint Abu Ubaid, one of the Prophet’s wives, reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever comes to a soothsayer and asks him about something and believes him, his prayers will not be accepted for forty days”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Oabishah ibn Mukharig (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Scratching or guessing fortunes and fortune-telling by releasing birds are jibt (beliefs that do not originate from Allah)”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever learns a part of necromancy has learned a part of sorcery, always increasing according to the amount learned”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Muawiyah bin Hakam (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I asked, O Messenger of Allah, I have just passed the period of jahiliyyah and Allah has brought Islam. Many of us still like to go to witch doctors”. He said: “Do not go to them”. I said: “There are those among us who still believe in flying birds”. He said: “That is the belief that is in their breasts, so leave them alone”. I said: “There are those among us who are fond of counting”. He said: “Some of the Prophets were fond of counting. Whoever’s count matches is just a coincidence”. (HR Muslim). :


  1. Abu Mas’ud Al Badri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) forbade the sale of dogs, the sale of prostitutes and the sale of shamanism.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim). “











  1. Anas reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “There is no contagious disease and no bad luck caused by something (e.g. through birds or geckos). And I am in awe of Fal”. The companions asked: “What is fal?”. He replied: “It is good speech”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “There is no contagious disease and no bad luck because of something. And if it happens, it is limited to the house, the wife and the horse (vehicle)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Buraydah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) never felt unlucky because of anything.” (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Urwah bin Amir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When it was mentioned that something was unlucky in the presence of the Prophet, he said: “The best is Fal (i.e. good fortune-telling and hope) and do not forbid it to Muslims. When one of you sees something that displeases him, let him recite: ALLAAHUMMA LAA YAKTII BIL HASANAATI ILLAA ANTA WALAA YADFA’US SAYYIAATI ILLAA ANTA, WALAA HAULA WALAA QUWWATA ILLAA BIKA (O Allah, there is no one who can bring good except You, and there is no one who can prevent harm except You, and there is no power and strength except with Your help)”. (HR. Abu Daud).









  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Those who paint pictures will be tormented on the Day of Resurrection, and it will be said to them: “Bring to life what you have made (paintings)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) came from traveling and there was a painting in my house. When he saw it, his face changed and he said: “O ‘Ā’ishah, the severest of Allah’s punishments on the Day of Resurrection will be the punishment of those who copy Allah’s Creation. Aisha ra. said: “Then I cut the painting into pieces to make one or two pillows”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Every painter is in hell. And his paintings will be brought to life to torment the painter in Hellfire.” Ibn Abbas ra. said: “If you are forced to draw, draw trees or something lifeless”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Whoever draws or paints a (lifeless) picture in this world will be required on the Day of Resurrection to breathe life into it, but he will not be able to do so”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Verily, the severest punishment of Allah will be the punishment of those who like to draw or paint on the Day of Resurrection.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Allah, the Almighty, says: “Who does more wrong than the one who tries to create like My creation? Try to create a grain of corn, or try to create a seed of vegetation, or try to create a grain of wheat”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Talhah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Angels will not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture/painting”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Jibril once promised to come to the Prophet (peace be upon him) but he did not come until he felt uneasy. When he came out of the house, he met Jibril and when asked, he replied: “I cannot enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “Gabriel once promised the Prophet to come at a certain time. After the time of the promise Jibril did not come”. Aisha said: “He put down his staff and said: “Allah and His messenger cannot break a promise”. Suddenly, when he turned around, a small dog ran under his bed, so he asked: “When did this dog come in?”. Aisha ra. replied: “By Allah, I do not know”. So he ordered her to let the dog out. Then Jibril came and he immediately asked: “You promised me and I have sat waiting for you for a long time but you have not come”. Gabriel replied: “The dog in your house is the reason why I could not enter. Indeed I will not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hayyaj bin Hushain reported: “Ali bin Abu Talib said to me: “Would you like me to send you as the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) sent me, that is, do not leave an image unless you tear it up, and do not let a grave rise up unless you level it”. (HR: Muslim).









  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah saying: “Whoever keeps a dog for the purpose of hunting or guarding livestock, his reward will be reduced by two qiraths every day.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “His reward will be reduced by one qirath”.


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever keeps a dog, his daily good deeds will be reduced by one qirath, unless the dog is used to guard crops or livestock”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In the Muslim narration it is said: “Whoever keeps a dog not for hunting or for guarding livestock or gardens, his good deeds will be reduced by one qirath each day.”









  1. Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The angels do not want to be with a group of people who have dogs or bells.” (HR Muslim). :


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Bells are one of the flutes of the devil”. (Reported by Abu Daud)






  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade riding a camel that eats dung.” (Reported by Abu Daud).









  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Spitting in the mosque is a sin, and the expiation for it is to throw away the spit itself.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


The spit is planted if the floor of the Mosque is dirt or sand. And if the floor of the Mosque is made of tiles, the spit must be removed and cleaned.”


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “Verily, the Messenger of Allah saw snot or saliva or phlegm stuck to the Qiblah wall, so he scraped it (cleaned it)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Anas reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, the mosques should not have urine or other excrement, even a little. It is a place for the remembrance of Allah, a place for the recitation of the Qur’an, and a place for conveying what he has said.” . (HR Muslim).









  1. Abu Hurairah reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah saying: “Whoever hears someone searching for his lost property in the mosque should say: “May Allah not give it back to you”, because the Mosque was not built for that purpose.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When you all see people buying and selling in the Mosque, you should say: “May Allah not give you profit”. And when you all see someone searching for his lost item in the Masjid, let him say: “May Allah not return it to you”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Buraidah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “A man was looking for his lost item in the Mosque when he said:


“Who can return/find my red camel?”. Then the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “I hope you do not find your camel. Indeed, the mosque was built only for worship”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Amir ibn Shuaib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported from his father and grandfather that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade buying and selling in the mosque, forbade searching for lost items in the mosque, and forbade chanting in the mosque”. (HR. Abu Daud and Turmudzi)


  1. Saib bin Yazid Ash Shahabi (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I was in the mosque when I felt someone throwing me. After I observed it, it turned out that Umar bin Khattab was there and said: “Call the two men”. So I came with the two men. Umar then asked: “Where are you two from?”. The two men replied: “From Thaif”. Then Umar said: “If you two were residents of this country, I would have hurt you, because you dared to speak loudly in the Prophet’s Mosque.”. (HR. Bukhari)









  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “Whoever eats from this tree, the onion, should never approach our mosque.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In the Muslim narration it says: “Our mosques”.


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever eats from this tree, the onion, should never come near us and should never pray with us.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever eats onion or garlic (raw) then let him stay away from us or let him keep away from our Mosque”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In the Muslim narration it says: “Whoever eats onion or garlic (raw) or eats chives, let him not come near our mosque, for angels are disturbed by what disturbs people”.


  1. Umar ibn Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that on Friday he said in his sermon: “O people, you like to eat two trees that do not smell good, namely onions and garlic. Indeed, I have seen the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ordering someone to go out and smell onions. Therefore, whoever eats onions should cook them first so that the odor will disappear.” (narrated by Muslim).








  1. Muadz ibn Anas Al Juhanni (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade sitting on one’s knees while the imam was giving the sermon on Friday. (Reported by Abu Daud and Turmudzi).








  1. Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever owns a sacrificial animal, when the month of Dhu al-Hijjah comes, should not cut any part of its hair or nails until it is slaughtered.” (HR: Muslim).








  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Verily, Allah forbids you all to swear by the name of your father. And whoever wants to swear then let him mention the name of Allah or he is silent (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In another narration it says: “Whoever swears, let him not swear except by mentioning the name of Allah or let him be silent”.


  1. Abdur Rahman ibn Samurah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Do not swear by the names of idols nor do you swear by the name of your father”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Buraidah reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever swears : “By trust”, then he is not among my people”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Buraydah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever swears and says: I renounce Islam, and then he denies it, he is like what he said. But if he confirms it, he will not be able to return to Islam safely” (HR Abu Daud).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he heard a man saying: “No, by the Ka’bah”, then Ibn Umar said: “Do not swear by anything other than Allah, indeed I have heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Whoever swears by not mentioning the name of Allah, then he has truly disbelieved or, polytheist”. (HR. Turmudzi).


Some of the scholars explained that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that he had actually disbelieved or polytheist, so that this action should be avoided, as he said: “Riya’ is shirk.” ..:









  1. Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever swears on the property of a Muslim that is not his right, he will meet Allah one day, and Allah will be angry with him”. To reinforce his statement, he recited to us a verse from the Qur’an, which reads: “Verily, those who exchange the promise of Allah and their oaths for a small price, they will not find happiness (reward) in the Hereafter. And Allah will not speak with them, nor will He see them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them. For them is a very painful torment)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Umamah Iyas bin Tsa’labah Al Haritsi reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever usurps the right of another Muslim by means of a false oath, Allah will make it obligatory for him to enter Hell and forbid him to enter Paradise.” A Companion asked:


“Even if what was taken was small, O Messenger of Allah. He replied: “Even if it is only a small amount of arak wood (i.e. wood for tooth-stick)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash reported that the Prophet said: “Among the major sins are associating partners with Allah, daring one’s parents, murder and perjury”. (HR. Bukhari).


In another narration it is said: “A Bedouin came to the Prophet and asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what are the major sins?””. He replied: “Fellowshiping Allah”. he asked: “Then what else?”. He replied: “Perjury”. I asked: “What is perjury?”. He replied: “It is one who takes away the rights of another person by means of a false oath”.









  1. Abdur Rahman ibn Samurah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to me: “If you have sworn an oath and you think that there is something better than what you swore, then you should do what is better and redeem your oath”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever swears and then sees something better than that (i.e. what he swore), let him redeem his oath and do that which is better”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Musa reported that the Prophet said: “By Allah, if I swore an oath and then saw something better than what I swore, I would redeem my oath and do that which is better”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “If a person continues his oath against his family, then this is a greater sin than paying the fine for the oath that Allah has obliged him to take”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).









Allah ta’ala says: “Allah does not punish you for your ‘unintended’ oaths, but He does punish you for the oaths that you intentionally swear. The ransom for an oath is to feed ten poor people from the food that you usually give to your relatives, or to clothe them, or to free a slave. If you are unable to do this, then the expiation is fasting for three days. Such is the expiation for your oaths when you swear them (and break them). And keep your oaths.” (QS. Al Maidah: 89).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The verse was revealed: LAA YUAAKHIDZUKUM BILLAGHWI FII AIMAANIKUM, because of a man who liked to say: “No, by Allah” and “Yes by Allah”. (HR. Bukhari).









  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Swearing (in buying and selling) may hasten the sale of merchandise, but it takes away the blessing of earnings.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Qatadah reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Avoid swearing a lot in buying and selling, for swearing hastens the sale of merchandise but takes away its blessing.” (HR Muslim).








  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “It is not proper for a person to beg by mentioning the Deen of Allah except to ask for Paradise”. (HR. Abu Daud)


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Whoever seeks refuge with you in the name of Allah, give him refuge. Whoever asks in the name of Allah then grant his request. And whoever invites you (in good) then fulfill him. And whoever does good to you, reciprocate. And if you are unable to repay him, then pray for him until you feel that you have repaid him”. (narrated by Abu Daud and Nasai).








  1. Abu Hurairah reported. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Verily, the worst of names according to Allah is the one who calls himself: King of kings”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


Sufyan ibn ‘Uyaynah said: “King of kings” is equivalent to “king of kings”.











  1. Buraidah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Do not call a hypocrite a master, for if he were really a master, you would cause your Lord to be angry with all of you.” (Reported by Abu Daud)







  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) entered the house of Umm Saib or Umm Musayyab, and asked her: “Why are you shivering, Umm Musayyab?”. She replied: “It is because of heatstroke, may it not be blessed by Allah”. He said: “Do not revile heatstroke, for it removes the sins of the children of Adam in the same way that the blast of a welder’s fire removes the rust of iron”. (narrated by Muslim)









  1. Abu Mundzir Ubai bin Ka’ab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Do not abuse the wind. And when you see a strong wind that you do not like then recite the prayer: ALLAAHUMMA INNAA NAS-ALUKA MIN KHAIRI HAADZIHIRRIIHI WAKHAIRI MAA FIIHAA WAKHAIRI MAA UMIRAT BIHI WANA’UDZUBIKA MIN SYARRI HAADZIHIR RIIHI WASYARRI MAAFIIHAA WA SYARRI MAA UMIRAT BIHI (O Allah, we ask You for the goodness of this wind, the goodness of what it contains and the goodness of what it commands. And we seek refuge with You from the evil of this wind and the evil of what it contains and the evil of what it commands)”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “The wind is part of the mercy of Allah. Sometimes it brings mercy and sometimes it brings disaster. Therefore, when you see the wind, do not revile it. Ask Allah for the good of the wind and seek refuge from its evil”. (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “Whenever there was a storm, the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) would always recite the prayer: ALLAAHUMMA INNI AS-ALUKA KHAIRA -. HAA WAKRAIRA MAA FIIHAA WA KHAIRA MAA URSILAT BIHI, WA ‘AUUDZU- BIKA MIN SYARRIHAA WA SYARRI MAA FIIHAA WA SYARRI MAA URSILAT BIHI (O, Allah, verily I ask You for the good of the wind, the good that it contains and the good that it releases. And I seek refuge from the evil of this wind, the evil it contains and the evil it releases)”. (HR Muslim).









  1. Zayd ibn Khalid al-Juhanni (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Do not all of you cuss at roosters or roosters because roosters can wake a person up for prayer”. (Reported by Abu Daud)








  1. Zayd ibn Khalid al-Juhanni (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “We prayed the Fajr prayer with the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) while it was wet at Hudaibiyah because it had rained during the night. After the prayer he came to his companions and asked: “Do you know what your Lord has said to you?”. They replied: “Allah and His Messenger know better”. He said: “Allah has said: “This morning some of My servants will believe in Me and some will disbelieve. As for those who say: “This rainfall is due to the grace and mercy of Allah”, then that is the one who believes in Me and denies the stars. As for the one who says: “We were given this rain because of the influence of such and such stars”, then that is the one who disbelieves in Me and believes in the stars”. (HR: Bukhari and Muslim).









  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “If anyone says to his brother: “O disbeliever”, then one of the two becomes a disbeliever. If the one who is said to be a disbeliever is really a disbeliever, then he is clearly the disbeliever. But on the other hand, if the one who is said to be a disbeliever is not a disbeliever, then his words return to the one who said them.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Dharr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say: “Whoever calls another person “kafir”, or: “the enemy of Allah” when the person he calls is not in fact so, it will come back to the one who said it”. (HR: Bukhari and Muslim).









  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “He is not a believer who abuses, curses, commits abominations, and speaks foul words”. (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Every abominable deed will bring back its own evil. And all deeds that are done based on shame (i.e. his deeds are taken into account) will certainly adorn himself”. (narrated by At-Turmudzi).








  1. Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet said: “Damaged is the one who exaggerates in speaking.” He repeated this three times. He repeated it three times.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, Allah hates the one who pretends to be eloquent in speech, that is, he plays with his tongue as an ox plays with its tongue.” (HR. Abu Daud and At Turmudzi).


  1. Jabir bin Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Verily, the person whom I love and will sit next to me on the Day of Judgment is a person of good manners. And the one whom I hate the most and on the Day of Resurrection will sit far away from me is the one who loves to talk, the one who pretends to be eloquent in speaking and the one who has a big mouth”. (narrated by At-Turmudzi).








  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Never should you all utter the words: “My lust is rotten”; rather he should say: “My lust is blameworthy” (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).









  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “Do not name grapes after Karm, for Karm is a Muslim”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


In another narration it is said: “Indeed, Karm is the heart of the believer”.


In another hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim it is said: “They call it Karm, Verily Karm is the heart of the believer .


  1. Wail bin Hajr reported that the Prophet said: “Do not say Karm, but call it inab and hablah”. (HR. Muslim).








  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Let not a woman associate with another woman and then reveal the secret of her femininity to her husband, so that it is as if he sees the woman she has revealed”. (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).










  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Let none of you pray saying: ALLAAHUMMAGHEFIR LII IN SYIKTA, ALLAAHUMMARHAMNII IN SYIKTA (O Allah, forgive me if You please and have mercy on me if You please). But let him be firm in his supplication, for no one can force Allah.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In the Muslim narration it says: “But let him be steadfast and optimistic, for there is nothing difficult for Allah to grant”.


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “When one of you prays, let him be firm in his prayer, and let him never say: ALLAAHUMMA IN SYIKTA FA A’THINII (O Allah, if you will then grant my request). For indeed there is no compelling Allah.” (HR: Bukhari and Muslim).










  1. Hudhayfah ibn Yaman (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Let not all of you say : MAASYAA ALLAAH WASYAA- A FULAN (That which Allah wills and so-and-so wills) but say: MAASYAA ALLAAH TSUMMA SYAAA FULAN (That which Allah wills and so-and-so wills)”. (narrated by Abu Daud).









What is meant by it being makrooh to speak after ‘Isha’ prayer is explained below:


  1. If it is something that is permissible to talk about, then it is permissible to talk about it after ‘Isha’ prayer.


  1. If what is to be discussed is something that is haraam or makrooh, then speaking about it after ‘Isha’ prayer is haraam and makrooh.


  1. If what is to be discussed is something good, such as giving a lecture, teaching good manners, or talking to a guest, then talking about it after ‘Isha’ prayer is not disliked, rather it is recommended.


1 – Abu Barzah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not like to sleep before the ‘Isha’ prayer, nor did he like to talk after the ‘Isha’ prayer.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) prayed Isha’ at the end of his life, he said: “What do you think of this night? Know that in a hundred years there will be none of the people who are here today.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Indeed, the Companions were waiting for the Prophet’s arrival, and he came to them at midnight, then he led the Isha’ prayer, then he made a speech, saying: “Know that mankind has finished praying and gone to sleep. Indeed, all of you are recorded as always praying as long as you wait for prayer.” (HR: Bukhari).








  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If a man invites his wife to sleep with him and she refuses to comply, and he spends the night angry with her, then she will be cursed by the angels until the morning.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In another narration it says: “Until the wife is willing to serve her husband”.









  1. Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “It is not permissible for a wife whose husband is at home to observe a voluntary fast unless she has his permission. And she should not allow anyone to enter her house except with her husband’s permission”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim). .









  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Do any of you not fear that if he raises his head before the imam, Allah will make his head like the head of a donkey?”. (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).











  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade a person to bend over while praying.” (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).








  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) say: “The prayer of one who prays near food is not complete. And the prayer of one who refrains from defecating or farting is not complete.” (HR. Muslim).








  1. Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Why do some people look up during prayer?” He was very strict about this. He was so earnest in his warning that he finally said: “They must stop doing that immediately or else their eyes will be struck out”. (narrated by Bukhari).








  1. ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “I asked the Prophet about turning one’s head during prayer, and he said: “It is something that the devil steals from a person’s prayer.” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. From. Anas ra. said, the Prophet said: “Avoid turning your head during prayer, for turning one’s head during prayer is ruinous. And if he is forced to do so, then do it in voluntary prayers only and not in the obligatory prayers.” (HR. At Turmudzi). .









  1. Abu Martsad Kannaz bin Hushain (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah saying: “Do not all of you pray facing the graves and do not sit on the graves”. (Reported by Muslim).










  1. Abu Juhaim Abdullah bin Harith bin Shimmah Al Anshari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “If the one who walks in front of the praying person knew the magnitude of the sin incurred on him, he would rather stop for forty than pass in front of the praying person”. The narrator of this hadith said: “He does not know what is meant by the word: “forty”, whether 40 days or 40 months or 40 years”. (HR: Bukhari and Muslim)









  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When the Iqāmah is announced, there is no prayer except the obligatory prayers”. (Muslim).







  1. Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Do not set aside the night of Friday for the night prayer among other nights. And do not set aside for fasting only Friday among other days except when you all observe the obligatory fasts.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “None of you should fast on Friday alone unless it is followed by the day before or the day after.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Muhammad ibn Abbad reported: “I asked Jabir (ra): “Did he forbid fasting on Friday?”. He replied: “Yes”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Umm al-Mu’minin Juwairiyah bint Harith (radiyallah anha) reported: On Friday, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) entered her house while she was fasting. Then he asked her: “Did you fast yesterday?” She replied: “No”. He asked her again: “Are you going to fast tomorrow morning?”. He replied: “No”. Finally he said: “Do not fast today”. (HR: Bukhari).








  1. Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade fasting continuously without breaking the fast.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar reported that he said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) forbade fasting continuously without breaking the fast”. The Companions asked: “You also fasted continuously without breaking the fast”. He said: “I am not like you all. I am given food and drink.” (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).









  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “If one of you sits on a burning coal and it burns his cloth and penetrates his skin, that is better than sitting on a grave.” (narrated by Muslim).








  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade walling up graves, sitting on graves, and forbade building on graves”. (Muslim).








1: Jarir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Any slave who runs away (from his master) is completely free from the responsibility of his master”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Jarir reported that the Prophet said: “If a slave runs away, his prayer is not accepted”. (HR. Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “Then he has disbelieved”.








Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “The woman who commits adultery and the man who commits adultery, one hundred lashes shall be inflicted on each of them. And do not show mercy to either of them in upholding the religion of Allah, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day.” (QS. An Nur: 2).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Quraysh were troubled by the matter of a woman from the tribe of Makhzum who had stolen, so they asked each other: “Who should be sent to ask the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) for leniency in this matter?”. Finally they said: “No one deserves to be sent except Usamah, the Prophet’s lover”. Then Usamah conveyed the matter to the Prophet and he said: “Do you ask for leniency in the punishments decreed by Allah?”. After that he stood up and said: “Verily, the ummah before you all perished because when an honorable person among them stole, they let him go and when the thief was a weak person, the punishment was carried out on him. By Allah, if Fatimah, my daughter, had stolen, I would have cut off her hand”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In another narration it says: “Then his face changed and he said: “Do you ask for leniency from the punishments decreed by Allah?”. Then Usamah said: “O Messenger of Allah, please ask forgiveness for me”: Then he ordered him to bring the woman and cut off her hand.”









Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And those who harm believers and believers without any wrongdoing on their part, then indeed they have borne falsehood and a manifest sin.” (QS. Al Ahzab: 58).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Fear all of you two accursed things”. The companions asked: “What are those two things?”. He replied: “The one who relieves himself in the middle of a public road or the one who relieves himself in a place of shelter”. (HR: Muslim).









  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade urinating in non-flowing water.” (HR: Muslim). .









  1. Nu’man ibn Bashir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that his father brought him to the Prophet and said: “I have given this slave of mine to my son”. Then the Prophet asked: “Do you give all your children what you gave your son?”, The father replied: “No”. He said: “Take back your gift”.


In another narration it is said: “The Messenger of Allah asked: “Do you do that for all your children?”. The father replied: “No”. He said: “Fear Allah and be fair to all your children.” Then the father withdrew the gift.”


In another narration it says: “The Prophet asked: “O Bashir, do you have any children other than this one?”. The father replied: “Yes”. He asked again: “Have you given slaves to all your children as you have given this one?”. The father replied: “No”. He said: “Then do not bear witness to me, for I will not bear witness to an unjust act”.


In another narration it is said: “Do not bear witness to me of an unjust act”.


In another narration it says: “Bear witness to someone other than me”.


Then he asked: “Wouldn’t you be happy if your children were equally devoted to you?”. The father replied: “Yes”. Then he said: “In that case, do not discriminate in giving to your children”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim). .








  1. Zainab bint Abu Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “I went into the house of Umm Habibah, the Prophet’s wife, when her father died, and she asked for some yellow perfume. Then she told her slave to apply it to her chin and cheeks and said: “By Allah, now I no longer like this fragrant oil, but because I heard the Messenger of Allah in his sermon: “A woman should not mourn the death of a person for more than three days except for the death of her husband. If it is her husband’s death then her days of mourning are four months and ten days. This is so if she believes in Allah and the Last Day”. Zainab said: “I entered the house of Zainab bint Jahshi when her brother died, and she asked for perfume and said: “By Allah, I have no need for this perfume, but I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) say on his pulpit: “It is not permissible for a woman who believes in Allah and the Last Day to mourn the death of a person for more than three days, except in the case of her husband, who is allowed to mourn for four months and ten days”. (HR: Bukhari and Muslim).









  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade a townsman from selling the goods of a villager who had just arrived before he reached the market, even if he was his own brother”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Do not bid for goods to be sold in the market before they are brought to the market”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Do not bid for goods that have just come down from the vehicle and do not sell the goods of the townspeople”. Then Thowus said to him: “What does it mean that a townsman should not sell the goods of a villager?” He replied: “He should not be a broker”. (HR. Bukhari)


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) forbade selling the goods of a villager. You should not bid for goods in order to harm others, you should not sell goods in order to damage your brother’s merchandise, you should not propose to your brother’s proposal, and you should not demand that your husband divorce his wife in order to fulfill his own interests”.


In another narration it says: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade bidding on merchandise that had not yet entered the market, forbade a city man to sell the goods of a Bedouin (rural person), forbade a wife to demand that her husband divorce his wife, forbade bidding on goods that were being bid on by his brother, forbade bidding on goods in order to harm others and forbade leaving cattle unmilked until their udders were full of milk”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Do not sell goods with the intention of knocking down a friend’s merchandise and do not propose to his brother’s proposal unless his brother gives him permission”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim) “


  1. Ukbah bin Amir reported that the Prophet said: “The believer is the brother of the believer. Therefore, it is not permissible for a believer to sell in order to disparage what his brother is selling, nor is it permissible for him to propose to his brother’s proposal until he lets him go”. (HR Muslim).








  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Verily, Allah loves three things and hates three things for all of you. Allah loves it when all of you worship Him and do not associate anything with Him, and He loves it when all of you always hold fast to the rope of Allah’s religion and do not divide. Allah hates it when you all talk a lot, ask a lot of questions and waste your wealth”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. From Warrad, the author Mughirah said: “Mughirah dictated (recited) to me in writing a letter to Muawiyah: “Verily, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to recite after every obligatory prayer: LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAHU WAHDAHU LAA SHARIIKA LAHU. LAHUL MULKU WALAHUL HAMDU WAHUWA “ALAA KULLI SYAI-IN OADIIR. ALLAAHUMMA LAA MAANI’A LIMAA ATHAITA WALAA MU’THIYA LIMAA MANA’TA WALA YANFA’U DZAL JADDI MINKAL JADDU (There is no God but Allah, the One, with whom there is no partner. To Him belongs all power and all praise. He is all-powerful over all things. O Allah, no one can prevent what You give and no one can give what You prevent and there is no wealth for those who have it because it all comes from You). And also Mughirah wrote a letter to Muawiyah in which he said that the Messenger of Allah forbade talking a lot, being extravagant in spending his wealth and asking too many questions and he also forbade being disobedient to parents, burying his daughter alive, forbidding like refusing (miserly) and like asking for help “. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).









  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “None of you should brandish a sword at his brother, for he does not know if the devil will take it out of his hand and make him fall into the pit of Hell.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In the Muslim narration it is said that Abul Qasim said: “Whoever points a piece of iron at his brother, the angels will curse him, even if it is his own brother”.


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade giving or receiving a specialized sword”. (Abu Daud and At-Turmudzi).









  1. Abu Tsa’sha’ reported: “We were sitting with Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) in the mosque, and the caller to prayer was giving the call to prayer, then someone came out of the mosque, so Abu Hurayrah kept his eyes fixed on him until he left the mosque. Then after that Abu Hurairah said: “As for that man, he has indeed disobeyed Abul Qasim (the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him).” (Muslim narration).








  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Whoever is offered a fragrance should not refuse it, because fragrances are very light to carry, but they smell very good”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) never refused a fragrance.” (HR. Bukhari).









  1. Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) heard someone praising another person highly, so he said: “You have broken or broken his back”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Bakrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that a man was brought before the Prophet and praised. Then the Prophet said: “You have cut the neck of your friend”. He repeated it three times. And the Prophet also said: “If you want to praise or flatter someone then say: “I think he is such and such. . It is Allah who will determine that and let no one get ahead of Allah in praising or flattering people”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Pari Hammam bin Harith from Migdad ra. said: “Indeed, someone was praising Uthman, so Migdad immediately squatted down to get pebbles and immediately sprinkled the flatterer on his face. Then Uthman asked: “Why did you do that?”. Ja replied: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “When you all see someone praising or flattering (another person) then sprinkle dirt on his face”. (HR. Muslim).


The aforementioned hadiths indicate the prohibition of praising or flattering. But there are also many saheeh hadiths that allow praising or flattering. To resolve this difference, the scholars are of the opinion that if the person being praised is perfect in faith and is not expected to be affected by the flattery, then it is permissible to praise or flatter him. On the other hand, if it is feared that the person being praised or praised will change his attitude, causing him to become more arrogant or haughty and so on, then praising or praising him is forbidden.


As for the hadiths that make it permissible to praise are the hadith of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, which was said to Abu Bakr, namely: “I hope that you will be among those who enter Paradise from several doors”, and on one occasion he also said to him: “You are not among those who lengthen their sarongs out of pride”. And he also said to ‘Umar: “The devil will not see you walking on one path unless he turns away to find another.”








Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Wherever you are, death will find you, even if you are in a strong fortress.” (QS. An Nisa’: 78).


Allah ta’ala says: “And do not throw yourselves into the abyss of destruction”. (QS. Al Bagarah: 195).


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: ‘Umar ibn Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) went out to Sham/Syria. Arriving at Sarg he met the war commanders including: “Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah and his companions. They informed him about the outbreak of the plague in Sham. Ibn Abbas ra. said: “Then Umar said to me: “Call all the companions of the first Muhajirin”. So I called them and Umar consulted with them and told them that there was a plague in the Levant”. They disagreed, and some of them said: “We have gone out on business, so we should not return”. And others were of the opinion: “Most of the people and companions of the Prophet are with you, so we do not agree that you should take them to a place where there is a plague”. Then Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Go and call the companions of Anshor”. So I called them and it was like what happened during the discussion with the Muhajirin where they disagreed with each other. Then Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Go and call the Muhajireen of Quraysh who took part in the conquest of Makkah”. So I called them, and among them there was no difference of opinion and they said: “You should take the people with you and not take them to a place where there is a plague”. Then Umar called out in the midst of his people: “I will return tomorrow morning, so prepare yourselves to return”. Abu Ubaidah said: “Why should we run away from Allah’s decree?”. Umar ra. said: “Had it not been you who spoke like that it would have been …. (because Umar did not want to disagree with Ubaidah). It is true that we are fleeing from the decree of Allah and heading towards another decree of Allah. What would your attitude be – if you had a camel and brought it to a valley where there were two fields, one fertile and the other dry. If you grazed in the fertile field, would it not be because of Allah’s destiny? And if you graze in the dry field, is it not by Allah’s decree?”. Then came Abdur Rahman bin Auf who had been absent for some reason, and he said: “I strongly agree based on the knowledge that I have received from the Prophet’s words: “If you hear that there is a plague in an area then do not enter it. And if there is a plague in an area, then those of you who are there should not go out of it”. Then Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) praised Allah and left immediately.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Usamah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When you all hear news of a plague in an area, do not enter or come to that area. And if you are in an area that is being hit by the plague then do not go out of that area “. (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)









Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the devils disbelieved, and they taught people sorcery”. (QS. Al Bagarah: 102).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Avoid by you seven kinds of things that can destroy”. The companions asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what are the seven things that destroy?”. He said: “They are associating partners with Allah, sorcery, killing a person whom Allah has forbidden except by right, consuming usury, consuming the property of orphans, fleeing from battle during Jihad, and accusing a believing woman of adultery who is chaste”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).









  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) forbade traveling with the Qur’an into enemy territory.” (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)








  1. Umm Salamah reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “The one who drinks from a silver vessel is like pouring the fire of Hell into his stomach”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In the Muslim narration it is said: “Indeed, the one who eats or drinks from silver and gold vessels”.


  1. Hudhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet (peace be upon him) forbade us to wear silk, whether fine or coarse. He also forbade us to drink from gold and silver vessels. He also said: “All that is for them (disbelievers) in this world and for you in the Hereafter”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In another hadith also narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from Hudzaifah ra. it is said that Hudzaifah said: “I have heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Do not all of you wear silk, whether fine or coarse. And do not drink from vessels of gold and silver, and do not eat from plates of gold or silver”.


  1. Anas ibn Sirin reported: “When I went with Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) to the house of the Magi, I was served faludzaj (bread made with flour, water and honey) in a silver vessel, but Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) refused to eat it. Then Anas said to the Magi: “Move it”. So the Magi moved the food to a place made of wood, and served it again, and Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) ate it.” (HR: Baihagi).








  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade men to wear clothes dyed like za’faran.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet saw me wearing two garments dyed yellow, so he asked me: “Did your mother tell you to wear those clothes?”. I replied: “Should I wash them?”. He said: “Burn them.”


In another narration he said: “Verily, this garment is one of the garments of the disbelievers, so do not wear it”. (narrated by Muslim)










  1. ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I still remember the teachings of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), that it is not permissible to be an orphan until one reaches puberty, and it is not permissible to stay up from morning till night.” (Reported by Abu Daud).


  1. Qais bin Abu Hazim reported: “Abu Bakr entered the house of a woman from the Ahmas tribe named Zainab. Abu Bakr saw that she was silent and would not speak, so he asked her: “Why does she not speak?”. The people said: “She intends to be silent”. So Abu Bakr said to her: “Speak up, for what you are doing is not permissible because it is one of the actions of the people of ignorance”. Finally the woman spoke.” (HR: Bukhari)









  1. Said ibn Abu Waggas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever claims to be related to someone other than his father while he knows that he is not his father, it is forbidden for him to enter Paradise”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Let not all of you hate your fathers. Whoever hates his father is a disbeliever”. (HR. Bu: khari and Muslim).


  1. Yazid bin Sharig bin Tharik reported: “I saw ‘Ali preaching on the pulpit, and I heard him say: “By Allah, there is no book that we read except the book of Allah and what is written on this sheet”. Then he opened the sheet in which there was a record of the ages of camels for which zakaah was to be paid and various provisions of the penal code. In this regard the Prophet said: “Madinah is a forbidden land that lies between the water and Tsaur. Whoever creates disorder or deliberately places troublemakers there will be cursed by Allah, the angels and all people and on the Day of Judgment, Allah will not accept his repentance and ransom. The promise of Muslims is the same. Whoever betrays a Muslim will be cursed by Allah, angels, and people, and on the Day of Resurrection his repentance and ransom will not be accepted. Whoever claims to be related to someone other than his father or claims to be in the employ of someone other than his employer will be cursed by Allah, the angels and all people, and his repentance and ransom will not be accepted on the Day of Resurrection.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Dharr reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Anyone who claims to be related to other than his father when he knows it is a disbeliever. Whoever claims an item that does not belong to him is not one of us and should prepare himself to remain in Hell. And whoever calls someone a disbeliever or an enemy of Allah, when he is not, then it will come back to him.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).









Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Those who disobey His commands should fear a very painful trial or punishment”. (QS. An Nur: 63).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says: “And Allah warns you all against Himself.” (QS. Ali Imran: 27).


Allah says: “Verily, the punishment of your Lord is indeed severe.” (QS. Al Buruj: 12)


Allah, the Almighty, says: “And such is the punishment of your Lord when He punishes the inhabitants of the wrongdoing countries. Indeed, His punishment is very painful and severe.” (Hud: 102).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, Allah ta’ala is jealous. Allah is jealous when someone does something that He has forbidden”. (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).









Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “If any temptation of the devil comes upon you, then seek refuge in Allah (by saying: A’udzu billaahi minasy shaytanir rajiim).” (QS. Al A’raf: 200).


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Verily, those who fear Allah, when they are afflicted by the misgivings of the Shaytaan, remember Allah (with dhikr): then they see their faults.” (QS. Al A’raf: 201).


Allah says: “And those who, when they commit an evil deed or wrong themselves, immediately remember Allah and ask forgiveness for their sins; and who else can forgive sins but Allah?” (Al A’raf: 201). And they do not continue in their evil deeds while they know. Their reward is forgiveness from their Lord and Paradise in which rivers flow, and they will abide therein; and that is the best reward of those who do good deeds.” (al-Imran: 134-135).


Allah says: “And repent, all you who believe. May you all be fortunate.” (QS. An Nur: 31).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever swears by saying: “By Latta, and Uzza”, then he should immediately say: “Laa ilaaha illallaah”. And whoever says to his friend: “I will deceive you”, then he should immediately give charity.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim). .










  1. An Nawwas ibn Sim’an (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “One morning the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) told us about. Dajjal in a voice that sometimes lowered and sometimes raised so that we thought that Dajjal was among the date palms. And when we went to the garden, he knew for sure that we were looking for Dajjal, so he said: “Why are you?”, we replied: “Yes, Messenger of Allah, according to your story, we thought that Dajjal was in this date garden. He said: “Besides the Dajjal, there is something I am more worried about. If the Dajjal appears while I am still in the midst of all of you then I alone will fight him without all of you. But if the Dajjal comes out while I am no longer with you, then each of you should be able to defend himself. Allah is your substitute in protecting every Muslim. The Dajjal is a young man whose hair is curly and whose eyes protrude slightly. If I may compare him to Abdul Uzza bin Oathan. Whoever meets the Dajjal should recite the beginning of Surah Kahf to him. The Dajjal will come out from between Sham and Iraq, and he will stir up trouble to the right and to the left. O servant of Allah, make your stand firm. We asked: “How long will he be on the earth, O Messenger of Allah?”. He replied: “Forty days. One day is like a year, and one day is like a month, and one day is like a week, and the other days are like ordinary days.” We asked: “Yes, Messenger of Allah, on a day that is equal to a year, is it sufficient for us to pray like an ordinary day?” He replied: “No, estimate it yourself”. We asked: “What is its speed on the surface of the earth?”. He said: “Like a cloud driven by the wind. He would come to a people and invite them, so they would believe him and follow what he told them. He would tell the sky to send rain and it would rain, and he would tell the earth to grow crops and they would grow, so the herders would return with their cattle fresh and their udders full of milk and fat. Then he came to a people but they rejected his invitation and he left them. Then their condition (who did not follow Dajjal’s invitation) was very sad because they did not have any wealth, he walked through a barren area saying: “Bring out your treasures”, so the treasures of the region accompanied Dajjal as the bee king is accompanied by an army of bees. He called a young man and cut him in half with a sword and threw him as far away as possible, then Dajjal called him, then the young man (who was cut) -. came with a radiant face while laughing. In such a situation Allah sent Prophet Isa ibn Maryam where he descended on the white tower east of Damascus. He descended by placing his palms on the second wing: Angels. When he bowed his head, his tears fell and when he looked up, they fell like pearls and no disbeliever smelled his breath except that he died immediately and his breath was as far as the eye could see. He chased Dajjal until he was caught in Bab Lud, then he killed him. Then the Prophet Jesus came to a people whom God had preserved from the Dajjal and he wiped their faces and told them about their status in Paradise. In such a situation God finally gave a revelation to Prophet Isa (peace be upon him): “Verily I have brought a creature upon My servant against whom no one can fight. So exile My servant to the hill of Thur”. Allah brought Ya’juj Ma’juj. They descended quickly from all the high places. The first group of them walked past the lake of Thabariyah and drank all the water in the lake until the last group said: “There was plenty of water here”, the Prophet Isa and his companions were in such a squeezed position that the price of a cow’s head was more valuable than a thousand dinars”. Prophet Isa hated Ya’juj Ma’juj and finally he prayed to Allah and then Allah brought disease to Ya’juj Ma’juj until they died lying down. Finally the Prophet Isa and his companions came down from the mountain to the earth, and there was not found an inch of land except it was filled with rotten carcasses, so the Prophet Isa and his companions prayed to Allah. Then Allah sent a bird: a bird as big as a camel’s neck and then the bird picked up and threw the carcasses of Ya’juj Ma’juj in a place that Allah wanted. Then Allah sent heavy rains so that people’s houses were flooded with water to wash the earth so that the earth became clean like a smooth stone, latu commanded the earth: “Bring forth the fruit of the plants and also bring forth their blessings”. At that time, people were only able to eat one pomegranate and take shelter in its skin and were given the blessing of milk where the milk of a camel was enough for several groups of people, the milk of a cow was enough for a tribe and the milk of a goat was enough for several people. While in this state Allah sent a fresh wind from under his armpits and took away the soul of every believer and Muslim. While the wicked people are still living in the world where they make a mess of each other like donkeys, then that is when the Day of Resurrection begins.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Rib’i ibn Hirash reported: “I went with Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) to Hudhayfah bin Al Yaman’s place, and Ibn Mas’ud said to Hudhayfah: “Tell me about the Dajjal that you have heard from the Prophet”. Hudhayfah said: “Verily, the Dajjal comes with water and fire. What people see as water is actually a burning fire, whereas what people see as fire is actually cold and fresh water. So whoever of you encounters the Dajjal should give preference to what is seen as fire, for it is actually fresh and good water.” Then Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) said, “I have also heard this news.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Dajjal will appear among my Ummah and he will stay for forty days. I do not know whether forty days, forty months or forty years. Then Allah sends Isa son of Mary to seek and destroy him. Then people: people lived for seventy years during which time there was no more enmity between one people and another. Then Allah sent a cool breeze from the direction of the Levant. Then Allah sent a cool wind from the direction of Sham, and no one in whose heart there was faith and goodness, even if it was the size of an atom, was deprived of life, so that if someone was in a cave at the foot of a mountain, the wind would chase him and deprive him of life. As for the wicked, they live on the earth like birds and beasts, and they know no good, nor do they prevent evil. So much so that the shaitan resembles them, saying: “Will you not follow my command?”. They asked: “What do you command us?”. Then the devil told them to worship statues, even though at that time they were surrounded by good fortune and their lives were more prosperous. Then the trumpet was blown, and everyone who heard the trumpet bowed and raised his neck. The first to hear was a man who was tending his garden, and he died and so did those around him. Then Allah sends down rain and the bodies of the people rise, because of it. Then the trumpet was blown a second time, and all men arose to await their verdict. Then there was a voice: “O mankind, appear before your Lord and you will be judged for all your deeds.”. Then there was another voice: “Take out the hell part”. Asked: “How much?”. It is said: “Every thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine”. On that day, a small child will soon have gray hair, and on that day, the secret will be revealed.” (HR. Muslim).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “There is no country that the Dajjal has not trodden except Makkah and Madinah. There is no road in those two countries but it is guarded by angels who are lined up with each other, so Dajjal was detained in a barren place near Madinah. Then the city of Madinah will be shaken three times to expel the disbelievers and hypocrites from the city of Madinah”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Anas reported that the Prophet said: “The Jews of Ashbahan with 7,000 troops wearing uniforms will follow in the footsteps of Dajjal”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Umm Sharik reported that she heard the Prophet say: “Indeed, people will try to escape from Dajjal until they run to the mountains”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Imran bin Hushain (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “There is no greater thing from the creation of the Prophet Adam until the coming of the Day of Resurrection than the Dajjal”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri reported that the Prophet said: “When the Dajjal appears, a believer will come to him and he will be greeted by his bodyguards and asked: “Where are you going?” He replied: “I want to see the one who has just come out”. They asked the believer: “Do you not believe in our Lord?”. he replied: “There is not the slightest doubt about our Lord”. They said: “Kill this man!”. One of them said to his companion: “Has not your Lord forbidden you to kill without his command?”. Then they brought the believer to the Dajjal. When the believer saw Dajjal, he said: “This is the Dajjal of whom the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) spoke, O people. Then Dajjal ordered that the believer be laid down and tortured, his head broken and his back and abdomen beaten severely. Then Dajjal asked: “Do you still refuse to believe us?”. The believer replied: “You are a liar, O Al Masihul Dajjal”. Then Dajjal ordered that the believer’s body be cut in half from the head to the vital organs using a saw, then Dajjal trampled on him and told him to rise up. After the believer had risen to his feet, he was asked by Dajjal: “Have you not believed in me?”. The believer replied: “My knowledge of you has not changed in the slightest; rather, it has become more certain”. Then the believer said: “O people, Dajjal will not be able to do this to anyone after he has treated me like this”. Then Dajjal grabbed the believer to slaughter him, but suddenly Allah made the believer’s body, the body between the neck and the spine, like steel so that Dajjal was unable to slaughter him. Then Dajjal took the believer’s hands and feet and threw him into a place that most people think is Hell but is actually Paradise.” Then the Prophet said: “This is the man who has the greatest testimony according to the Lord of the worlds”. (HR. Muslim).


Bukhari also narrated part of this hadith with the same meaning.


  1. From Al. Mughirah bin Shu’bah (ra) said: “No one asked the Messenger of Allah about Dajjal more than I did, and indeed he asked me: “What are you worried about?”. I replied: “People say that Dajjal has mountains of bread and rivers of water?”. He said: “That is very small or insignificant in the sight of Allah”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “There is no prophet but he has warned his people about the Dajjal (the blind man who is a liar). Remember that the Dajjal is one-sidedly blind and that God is not one-sidedly blind and that between the two eyes of the Dajjal is written: K F R”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Shall I explain to you all about the story of the Dajjal that no Prophet has ever explained to his people. Verily, the Dajjal is blind in one eye and he appears with a kind of heaven and hell. What the Dajjal says is heaven is actually hell.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to mention the Dajjal among the people, saying: “Verily, Allah is not blind in one side, but know that the Dajjal is blind in the right eye. His eye is like a grape that protrudes outward.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The Hour will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews until the Jews hide behind a rock and a tree and the rock and tree say: “O Muslims, here is a Jew behind me, so come and kill him”. All the trees said so except the Ghorgad tree (a type of cypress) because it is the tree of the Jews”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “By the One in Whose hand is my soul, the world will not perish until a man walks by the grave and sits next to it saying: “Alas, woe to this man who is next to the grave. He is so not because he has a debt but because of a very severe test.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The Day of Judgment will not come until the Euphrates River raises a hill of gold that causes a battle in which ninety-nine out of a hundred people will be killed and each of them will say: “May I be saved”.


In another narration it is said: “The Euphrates River almost brings out the gold it holds. And whoever finds it, let him not take anything from it.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


16 Abu Hurairah reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “People will appear in Madinah in a very good condition, with no one left behind except the animals and birds that are able to feed themselves here and there. The last to leave Madinah will be two goat-herders from Muzainah who were going to Madinah calling their goats when they met a wild animal and when they reached Tsaniyatul Wada’ they fell down and died.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri reported that the Prophet said: “At the end of time, it will be found that some of your leaders will sow money that cannot be counted”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Musa Al Ash’ari reported that the Prophet said: “There will come to mankind a time when a man will go around distributing his charity in gold but no one will take it. And you will see a man followed by forty women who want to take refuge in him because of the scarcity of men and the abundance of women”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “A man bought land from another man, and the man who bought the land found a vessel containing gold in the vicinity of the land he had bought. So the one who bought the land said to the one who sold it: “Take your gold because I only bought the land from you and not the gold”. The seller replied: “I am selling you the land with all its contents”. Then they took the matter to a judge, who asked: “Does each of you have children?”. One of them said: “I have a son”, and the other said: “I have a daughter”. Then the judge said: “Marry off the boy to the girl and give her the gold so that she can use it”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah say: “There were two women each carrying two children, then a wolf came and pounced on one of the children. Then one of the two women said: “The one who was attacked by the wolf was your son”. And the other woman also said: “The one that was pounced upon was your son”. Finally both of them went to Prophet David to ask for justice, and Prophet David favored the older woman, so the two women went out from Prophet David’s place to Prophet Solomon and both of them told the incident to Prophet Solomon.


Then Prophet Sulaiman said: “Bring me a knife and I will split the child in two”. The younger woman said: “Do not do that, may Allah have mercy on you”. Then Prophet Sulaiman decided that the child was the son of the younger woman”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Mirdasy Al Aslami reported that the Prophet said: “The righteous will pass away first until what remains are people who are like the dregs of wheat or dates and Allah does not take the slightest notice of them”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Rifa’ah bin Rafai’ Az Zuragi (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Angel Gabriel came to the Prophet and asked: “What do you think of those who participated in the battle of Badr among you all?”. He replied: “They are the best of the Muslims,” or something similar. Then Gabriel said: “So are the angels who participated in the battle of Badr”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “When Allah sends down a punishment, it will affect the entire Ummah or people who are there, then they will be resurrected according to their deeds”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the pulpit was built, we heard the bleating of a camel from it, so the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came down and took hold of it, and it became still.”


In another narration it is said: “When Friday came, the Prophet was sitting on the pulpit when suddenly the date palm trunk that the Prophet used to preach on used to cry out, so that the date palm trunk almost split”.


In another narration it is said: “The date palm trunk screamed like a child’s scream. Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) picked it up and held it, and a groan like that of a child was heard, and the date palm was silenced”. He said: “The date palm is crying or whimpering because it will not hear the khutbah again”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Tsa’labah Al Khusanni Jurthum bin Nasyir reported that the Prophet said: “Allah has made some obligations obligatory so do not neglect them. Allah has also set some limits so do not violate them, and Allah has also forbidden some things, so do not neglect them. Allah is silent about some things out of pity and mercy for you, not out of forgetfulness, so do not speak further about them.” (HR. Darugutni).


  1. Abdullah ibn Abu Aufa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “We participated in seven battles with the Messenger of Allah and we all ate locusts”.


In another narration it is said: “We ate locusts together, with the Messenger of Allah.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The believer will not fall twice in the same hole”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “There are three groups with whom Allah will not speak on the Day of Resurrection, nor will Allah see them, nor will Allah forgive them, and they will be severely punished, namely:


  1. People who have excess water in the desert but refuse the requests of people who are traveling,
  2. A man who bargains for someone else’s goods after Asr and swears by Allah to buy them on some condition, and then he agrees but betrays him,
  3. The one who pledges allegiance to a ruler for the sake of the world, and if his request is fulfilled, he keeps his pledge, and if it is not, he does not keep his pledge”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Between the two blasts of the trumpet is about forty. People asked: “O Abu Hurairah, what is forty days?”. Abu Hurairah ra. replied: “I will not explain it”. They asked again: “What is forty years?”. Abu Hurairah replied: “I will not explain it”. They asked again: “Is it forty months?”. Abu Hurairah replied: “I will not explain it”. And all the limbs of the human body were destroyed except for the tailbone, from which the limbs would be reassembled. Then Allah will send rain from the sky and all people will rise up simultaneously, just as seeds are scattered”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim). .


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “While the Prophet (peace be upon him) was in a gathering where he was telling a story about a people, a Bedouin came and asked : “When will the Day of Resurrection arrive?”. The Prophet continued his story until the people in front of him said: “He actually heard what the Bedouin asked but apparently he was not happy with the question”. And some of them said: “Perhaps he did not hear the question?”. When he finished his story, he said: “Where is the man who asked about the coming of the Day of Resurrection?”. The Bedouin replied: “I am, O Messenger of Allah.” He said: “When the trust (trust) has been squandered, then wait for the arrival of the Day of Judgment.” He asked again: “How to squander the trust?”. He said: “When a task is entrusted to someone who is not an expert, wait for the Hour to come”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When the Imams lead the prayers, you are the lucky ones, for if they are right, you are lucky, and if they are wrong, you are lucky, but they themselves bear the sin.” (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) quoted Allah as saying: “You are the best of the ummah born to mankind.” He said: “The best of men among men are those who come with their necks in chains and then they convert to Islam. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Allah is amazed at the people who enter Paradise because of chains”. (HR. Bukhari).


Meaning: The people were taken captive and bound with chains then they converted to Islam and entered Paradise.


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The place most favored by Allah is the Mosque, and the place most hated by Allah is the marketplace”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Salman Al Farisi reported that he said: “If possible, do not be among the first to enter the market and do not be among the last to leave it, for it is a place where the devil fights and where the devil sets up his flag”. (HR. Muslim).


Al Bargani narrated in his saheeh hadeeth from Salman where Salman said that the Prophet said: “Do not be the first to enter the market and do not be the last to leave it, for it is in the market that the devil lays his eggs and has his offspring”.


  1. It was narrated by Abdullah ibn Sarjis (may Allah be pleased with him) that he said: “I asked: “O Messenger of Allah, may Allah forgive you”.


He said: “Also for you, O Abdullah”. Ashum said: “Did the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, ask forgiveness for you?” Abdullah replied: “Yes (you ask forgiveness for me), and also for you”. Then he recited the avat: “WASTAGHFIR LI DZAMBIKA WALIL MUKMINIINA WAL MUKMINAAT (And ask forgiveness for your sins and the sins of all believers, both men and women)”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Mas’ud Al Anshari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Indeed, some of the teachings of the Prophet that people have discovered are : if you have no shame then do as you wish”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet said: “The first issue to be judged by Allah out of the many human issues on the Day of Judgment will be the issue of bloodshed”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “The angels were created from nur, the jinn were created from a flame of fire and Adam was created from what has been described to you, namely from earth and water”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The character of the Prophet’s character was the Qur’an”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. ‘Ā’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever likes to meet Allah will like to meet you, and whoever does not like to meet Allah will also not like to meet you. I asked: “Does this mean fear of death, for we all fear death?”. He replied: “No, but when a believer receives good news about Allah’s mercy, pleasure and paradise, he is eager to meet Allah, and then Allah also likes to meet him. On the other hand, when a disbeliever hears news of Allah’s punishment and wrath, he does not like to meet Allah, and Allah does not like to meet him.” (HR Muslim)


  1. Ummul Mukminin Shafiyah bint Huyay (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “When the Prophet was in tikaaf one night I came near him. When he had finished speaking with me I went back and he also got up to take me. And it so happened that there were two Anshor Companions who were walking. When the Companions saw the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) they hastened their way and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Beware that this is Shafiyah bint Huyay”. Then they said: “Glory be to Allah, O Messenger of Allah” He then said: “Verily, the devil walks in the body of the son of Adam along with the bloodstream. Therefore, I fear that the shaytan may insert evil into your heart or say something” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Fadil Al Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I witnessed the Battle of Hunain with the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and Abu Sufyan bin Harith bin Abdul Muttalib and I were never separated from the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) while he was riding his donkey. When the Muslims were confronted with the polytheists and the Muslims were pushed back, the Messenger of Allah jumped his donkey and I held the reins of the donkey to slow it down. While Abu Sulyan was carrying the Prophet’s provisions. then he said “Hat Abbas, pang gillah companions who have participated in the Samurah tree”. Abbas was a man with a loud voice who called out in a very loud voice. “Where are the Companions who have lain under the tree of Samurah?”. By Allah, when they heard my voice they immediately responded as if an ox had heard the moaning of its calf and said. “Ya labaik, ya Ja good”. Then they fought with the disbelievers while calling out to the companions of Anshar: “Ya ma’syaral Anshar ya ma’tsaral Anshor”. Meanwhile, the Messenger of Allah saw the battle from his donkey and picked up a pebble and threw it at the disbelievers, saying: “By the Lord Muhammad, retreat O disbelievers”. After that, the battle suddenly subsided. By Allah, it happened after he threw the pebbles at the disbelievers and I saw that the attacks of the disbelievers had no effect and they were finally pushed back”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “O people, verily Allah is good and He accepts nothing but what is good. And Allah has commanded the believers as He commanded His messengers. Allah has said which means: “O Messengers, eat good food and do righteous deeds”. Allah also says: “O you who believe, eat of the good food We have given you”. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) then told the story of a man whose hair and body were matted and he prayed: “O my Lord, O my Lord, when what he eats is unlawful, what he drinks is unlawful and he is given unlawful food, how can his prayer be answered?”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “There are three groups of people who on the Day of Resurrection, Allah will not speak to them, will not forgive them, and will not see them. Instead, they will be given a very painful punishment: parents who commit adultery, rulers who lie and poor people who are arrogant”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Saihan, Jaihan and Nile are all rivers of Paradise”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah ra. said: “The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, took my hand and said: “Allah made the earth on Saturday, made the mountains on Sunday, made the trees on Monday, made what is disliked on Tuesday, made the light on Wednesday and spread the animals on Thursday and made the Prophet Adam at the time after Asr on Friday, at the end of His creation was at the last moment of the daytime, which is the time between Asr and the entry of night”, (HR Muslim).


.48. Abu Sulaiman Khalid bin Walid (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Nine swords were broken in my hand during the battle of Muktah, and the only one that remained in my hand was the sword of Yemen”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Amr ibn Ash reported that he “heard the Messenger of Allah say: “If a judge decides a ruling and he makes ijtihad and his ijtihad is correct, he will receive two rewards. And if he decides a ruling and he makes ijtihad and his ijtihad is wrong, he will get one reward.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet said: “Heatstroke is one of the vapors of Hellfire, so cool it with water”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim). .


  1. ‘Aisha reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever dies while he still has a fasting debt, his guardian should fast for him.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Auf bin Malik bin Thufail reported that ‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) was told that ‘Abdullah bin Zubayr had commented on what ‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) bought or gave, to which ‘Abdullah bin Zubayr said: “By Allah, ‘Ā’ishah should stop what she is doing (i.e. giving too much in charity) or else I will withhold her shopping”. Aisha asked: “Is it true that Abdullah bin Zubayr said that?”. The Companions replied: “It is”. (After it became clear) then ‘Aisha ra. made a vow: “By Allah, I vow not to speak to Ibn Zubayr forever. And I will not break my vow”. When the incident had been going on for a long time, he (Ibn Zubayr) tried to ask others to help Aisha ra. to talk to him, but Aisha ra. said: “No, by Allah I will not accept his request forever. I will not break my vow”. After this went on for a long time, Ibn Zubayr asked Mizwar bin Makhzamah and Abdurrahman bin Aswad bin Abdu Yaghuts for help, saying: “I ask you both in the name of Allah to make it possible for me to enter the house of ‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her), because it is not permissible for her to make a vow to break off relations with me”. Mizwar and Abdur-Rahmān took Ibn Zubayr to ‘Aa’ishah’s house, and when they arrived they asked permission and greeted him: “Assalamu alaiki warahmatullaahi wabarakatuh, may we enter?”. ‘Aisha ra. replied: “Please come in”. They said: “Can we all enter?”. ‘Aisha ra. replied: “Come in all of you”. She did not know that among them was Ibn Zubayr. When they entered the house, Ibn Zubayr immediately entered the hijab and embraced Aisha ra. apologizing and crying. Mizwar and Abdurrahman begged Aisha ra. to talk and accept Ibn Zubayr’s request and both said that the Prophet forbade Aisha ra. to keep Ibn Zubayr silent because it is not permissible for a Muslim to keep his brother silent for more than three days and nights. When both of them had given many warnings and made Aisha ra. aware, Aisha ra. finally came to her senses and cried and said: “Verily, I have made a vow and that vow is very burdensome. Both of them continued to urge Aisha to forgive Ibn Zubayr. Then ‘Aishah made up for her vow by freeing forty slaves. And after that if Aisha ra. remembered her vow. then she cried until she wet her veil “. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Pari Ukbah bin Amir (ra) said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) went to the burial place of those who were martyred in the battle of Uhud, and he prayed for them after eight years from the time of their martyrdom, as befits one who bids farewell to the living and the dead: “I will go in front of you all, and I am the one who witnesses you and the promise for you all is the lake and indeed I see the lake from this place. Indeed, I am not worried about you all from shirk but I am worried about you all competing with each other in worldly matters.” Ukbah ra. said: “That was the last time I saw the Messenger of Allah”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In another narration it is said: “But I fear for you in matters of the world that you will all compete with each other and kill each other until you all perish as the previous ummah perished”. Ukbah ra. said: “That was the last time I saw the Messenger of Allah standing on the pulpit”.


In another narration it is said: “Verily I will go in front of you all, I am watching you all. By Allah indeed I have seen my bayagaku. Indeed, I have been given the keys to the wealth of the earth, and I do not fear that you will become polytheists after me, but I fear that you will compete with each other in worldly matters”.


  1. Abu Zaid Amr bin Akhthab Al Anshari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “We prayed Fajr with the Prophet, then he went up to the pulpit and gave a sermon until the time for Dhuhr prayer came. When the time for Dhuhr prayer came, he came down from the pulpit and prayed. After that he went up to the pulpit again and delivered a sermon until the time for ‘Asr prayer arrived. When the time for ‘Asr prayer arrived he came down from the pulpit to pray. After that he went up again and delivered a sermon until sunset. He told us about what had happened in the past and what would happen in the future. The most skillful person is the one who has the strongest memorization among us”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Whoever vows to obey Allah should fulfill his vow. And whoever vows to disobey Allah should not disobey Allah (not fulfill his vow)”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Umm Sharik (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Prophet ordered her to kill the geckos, and he said: “The geckos were one of the animals that used to blow out the fire when Prophet Abraham was burnt.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever kills a gecko on the first blow will get such and such a reward. And whoever kills it on the second stroke will get so much reward. And if he kills it on the third stroke, he will be rewarded with so much and so much”.


In another narration it is said: “Whoever kills a gecko on the first stroke will have one hundred good deeds written on him, and if on the second stroke, the reward will be less than that, and if on the third, the reward will be less than that”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “A man said: “I will give something in charity, then he went and gave his charity to a thief. In the morning people were talking about the charity given to a thief last night. So the man said: “O Allah, to You be all praise”. I will indeed give something in charity, so he went and gave his charity to a prostitute. In the morning people were talking about how someone had given charity to a prostitute last night. So the man said: “O Allah, to You be all praise”. I will indeed give something in charity, so he went to give his charity to a rich man. In the morning people were talking about how someone had given alms to a rich man last night. So the man (who gave alms) said: “O Allah, to You be all praise. I have given charity to a thief, to a prostitute and to a rich man”. Suddenly a voice addressed him: “As for your charity to the thief, it is possible that he will stop stealing. As for your charity to the prostitute, hopefully she will soon cease from committing adultery. And your charity to the rich man, hopefully he will take heed and give away some of the wealth that Allah has granted him”. (HR. Bukhari).


This hadith was also narrated by Muslim with the same meaning.


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “We were with the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) at a reception, and a mutton thigh was served, which was his favorite, so he took a bite and said: “I will be the most prominent person on the Day of Judgment, do you know why? Allah will gather the earlier and the later ummah in a large field so that they can see and hear each other, and the sun will be brought close to them so that all people will feel great hardship and suffering. Then the man said: “Does anyone know how long we will continue to experience this? Don’t you have any idea who is worthy of intercession to God for our salvation?”. Some of them said to others: “It is our father Adam”. So they went to Adam and said: “O Adam, you are the father of mankind. Allah created you with His hand and breathed into you from His spirit and Allah commanded the angels to bow down to you and placed you in Paradise. Are you not willing to intercede for us to God, do you not notice our suffering and how long this suffering will last?”. Prophet Adam replied: “Indeed God is very angry today. Never has God been angry like this, neither before nor after today. God had forbidden me not to approach a certain tree but I violated it. Nafsi, nafsi, nafsi (myself, myself, myself) go all of you to someone other than me. Go to Noah”. Then they went to Noah and said: “O Noah, you are the first messenger sent to the earth, Allah has called you a very grateful servant. Have you not noticed our suffering, and how long this suffering will last, are you not willing to intercede for us to God?”. Noah replied: “Indeed God is very angry today. Never has God been as angry as this time either before or after today. Indeed I have used a very mustajab prayer to destroy my people yariq disbelievers. Nafsi, nafsi, nafsi (myself, myself, myself). Go to someone other than me, go to Prophet Ibrahim”. So they came to Prophet Ibrahim and said: “O Ibrahim, you are the Prophet and lover of Allah from the people of the earth. Intercede for us with God. Do you not see how long this suffering will last?”. Prophet Ibrahim said to them: “Verily God is very angry today. Never has God been angry like this, neither before nor after this day. Verily I have lied three times, myself, myself, myself. Go all of you to someone other than me. Go all of you to Prophet Moses”. Then they came to Prophet Moses and said: “O Prophet Moses, you are the messenger of Allah, Allah has made you more honorable than other human beings because of His message and words. Intercede for us do you not notice the suffering we are experiencing”. Prophet Moses replied: “Indeed God is very angry today. Never has God been as angry as He is today before or after this day. And I have killed a man whom I had no right to kill. Prophet Moses replied: nafsi, nafsi, nafsi (myself, myself and myself) Go you to other than me. Try to go to the Prophet Jesus”. Then they went to Prophet Jesus and said: “O Prophet Isa, you are the messenger of God and you are one of the Prophets who can speak with humans while still in the cradle Please give us your intercession to God Don’t you notice the suffering we are experiencing?”. Prophet Isa replied: “Indeed God is very angry today. God has never been angry like this before or after today. (Prophet Isa did not mention his sins), he immediately said: “Nafsi, nafsi, nafsi (myself, myself, myself)”. Go all of you to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)”. So they came to the Prophet Muhammad (another narration says: “They came to me) and they said: “O Muhammad, you are the messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets. Allah has forgiven all your sins, both past and future. Please intercede for us to your Lord. Have you not noticed the suffering we have undergone?”. Then I (Prophet Muhammad PBUH) came under the Throne and prostrated to God. Then God inspired some praise to me, something that had never been inspired to anyone before me. Then God said: “O Muhammad (peace be upon him) lift up your head, and supplicate and I will surely grant you and give you intercession”. Then I (the prophet Muhammad PBUH) raised my head and said: “O Allah, my people: O Allah, my people: O Allah my people”. Allah said: “O Muhammad (peace be upon him), enter your people who are not judged into Paradise through the right door, and those who are other than them, enter them through the other doors along with other people”. Then he said: “By the One in Whose hand is my soul, the distance between one doorway of Paradise and another is like the distance between Makkah and Hajar or between Makkah and Bushra”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Prophet Abraham came with Hajar (Ishmael’s mother) and his son (i.e. Ishmael) who was still suckling his mother (to Makkah), and the Prophet Abraham placed Hajar near the House of Allah under a large tree above Zamzam at the top of the Masjidil Haram. At that time in Makkah it was still difficult to find water and there were no people. Ibrahim placed Hajar and his son there with a bag of dates and a vessel filled with water. After that Prophet Ibrahim left them, but Hajar chased him and asked: “O Ibrahim, where did you go and you put us in a valley with no people and nothing?”. Hajar kept repeating her question but Prophet Ibrahim ignored her. And Hajar finally said: “Did Allah tell you to do this?”. Prophet Ibrahim replied: “Yes”. Then Hajar said: “Then Allah will not waste us”. Then Hajar returned to the valley. Then Prophet Ibrahim continued his journey. When he arrived at Tsaniyah, which is a place so far away that his wife and children could not see him, Prophet Ibrahim raised his hands facing the direction of the House of Allah while praying which means: “O Lord, indeed I have settled some of my descendants in a valley with no crops near the noble House of Allah. O our Lord, we did this so that they would pray. So make the hearts of some people inclined towards them and provide them with sustenance from fruits. Hopefully they will be grateful. Hajar continued to suckle her son (Ismail) and he drank from the water that Prophet Ibrahim had provided. When the water in the vessel ran out, Hajar and her son became thirsty. Hajar could not bear to see her son thirsty so she immediately went up to Shafa, which is a hill near then she stood on the hill and looked at the valley in case there were people, but she did not see anyone, so she immediately went down from Shata until she reached a valley. When he reached the valley he looked up and walked quickly until he reached the top of Marwah. When she reached Marwah, she looked to see if anyone was passing by, but she saw no one. Hajar did this seven times.


Ibn Abbas ra. said that the Messenger of Allah said: “That is why the pilgrims must make the sai from Shafa to Marwah. When Hajar reached the hill of Marwah for the seventh time, a voice addressed her: “Calm down,” and when she took notice, she said: “I have heard your voice; if you have water, help us”. Then the angel scratched his foot on the ground and a spring emerged which later became known as Zamzam (some say that the angel scratched with his wings). Then Hajar tried to collect the water and limited it with her hands and filled her vessel. And the spring actually released a lot of water after taking the water”. .


In another narration it says: “In accordance with what he took”. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “May Allah have mercy on Ishmael’s mother. And if Hajar had not dammed the flowing Zamzam water and let it flow on its own, it would have been a source of great benefit.”


Ibn Abbas ra. continued his story: “Then Hajar drank and nursed her son. The angel then said to her: “Do not worry about being wasted because here will be built the Temple of Allah by your son and his father. Verily, Allah will not waste the guardian of the House of Allah. At that time the Ka’bah was still a high mound of earth and was often flooded, but the water only passed to the right and left of the Ka’bah.


One day a group from the Jurhum tribe from Kada’ passed by. They stopped at that place. Suddenly they saw a bird flying there so they said: “Surely it is flying over water, whereas we know that there is no water in this valley”. So they sent someone to search for water and finally they found water. The messenger returned to his companions and told them about it, so they approached the source of the water and there was Hajar. They asked: “May we stay near you?”. Hajar replied: “Yes, but you have no right to control this water”. They replied: “All right”.


Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Hajar was pleased with the Jurhum because they were very sociable. Eventually they resided with Hajar and they also invited their families to reside there until it became several family groups. When Ishmael grew up, he learned Arabic from them. And when Ismail became an adult he became their pride. And after finding the girl he admired then finally he was married to the girl among them and finally Hajar’s mother died. After Ismail’s marriage, Prophet Ibrahim came to visit his son who had been abandoned for a long time, but he did not meet Ismail. Then Prophet Ibrahim asked Ismail’s wife about Ismail’s condition, so his wife replied: “He has just gone out to seek sustenance for us”.


In another narration it is said: “He is hunting for us”. Furthermore, Prophet Ibrahim asked about Ismail’s daily livelihood, so his wife answered: “Our situation is very sad and we are always in trouble”, and she complained to Prophet Ibrahim. So Prophet Ibrahim said: “If your husband comes, please convey my greetings to him and tell him to replace the wood of the bottom of the door immediately. When Ismail came it was as if he found something odd, so he immediately asked his wife: “Has anyone come?”. His wife replied: “Yes. There was an old man who came here with such and such characteristics. He asked about our living conditions and I told him that we were living in difficulty”.  Ismail asked: “Did he give you any advice?” His wife replied: “Yes, he told me to convey greetings to you and that you should replace the wood of your door on the bottom. Ismail said: “That is my father”. he commanded me to divorce you, so return to your family”. Then Ismail divorced his wife and remarried another Jurhum woman. Shortly thereafter, Ismail’s father (Ibrahim) came but he did not meet Ismail. Then he entered and asked Ismail’s wife and was answered: “He is seeking sustenance for us”. Prophet Ibrahim asked: “How is your livelihood?”. Ismail’s wife replied: “We are always happy and always at ease”, and she praised Allah. Ibrahim asked again: “What do you eat?”. His wife replied: “Meat”. And Prophet Ibrahim asked again: “What can you drink?”. His wife replied: “Water”, then Prophet Ibrahim prayed: “ALLAAHUMMA BAARIK LAHUM FIL LAHMI WAL MAA-I (O Allah, bless them in eating meat and drinking water)”.


The Prophet said: “At that time they had not found any grains, and ‘if they had, Ibrahim would have prayed for them'”.


Ibn Abbas ra. continued his story: “Meat and water will not be absent (meaning always available) for the people of Makkah”.


In another narration it is said: “Prophet Ibrahim came and asked: “Where is Ismail?”. Ismail’s wife replied: “He has gone hunting”. And Ismail’s wife said. Then Prophet Ibrahim prayed TALLAAHUMMA BAARIK LANIUM FI THA AAMIHIM WASYARAABIHIM (O Allah bless them from what they eat and what they drink)”.


Tau Abbas ra. said, that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “This is because of the prayer of Prophet Ibrahim”.


Ibrahim then said: “When your husband comes, then convey my greetings to him and tell him to keep the wood of the lower door”. When Ismail came he immediately asked: “Has anyone come here?”. His wife replied: “Yes, an old man came here who was very kind and he asked me about you and I told him, he asked me about our livelihood and I told him that we are in happiness”. Ismail asked: “Did that man tell you?”. His wife replied: “Yes, he told you to keep the wood of your lower door”. Ismail said: “That is my father and you are the one who is likened to the wood of the lower door. My father ordered me to keep you (as wife)”. Then after a while, Ibrahim came and at that time Ismail was making arrows under a big tree near the Zamzam water. When he saw his father (Ibrahim) he immediately got up to him and the two embraced each other as befits a father to his son. Then Prophet Ibrahim said: “O Ismail, Allah has commanded me”. Ismail said: “Do what Allah has commanded you”. Ibrahim asked: “Do you want to help me?”. Ismail said: “I am ready to help you”. Ibrahim said: “Allah has commanded me to build a house here”. Ibrahim pointed to a rather high mound of land that was nearby. And it was then that Ibrahim raised the foundations of the House of Allah and Ismail lifted the stone (as his father’s helper). And when Ismail returned the stone to his father’s upright place, they both always recited the prayer: “RABBANAA TAQABBAL MINNAA INNAKA ANTAS SAMII’UL “ALIM (O our Lord, accept what we have done. Indeed, You are the All-Hearing, All-Knowing One).


In another narration it is narrated: “Indeed, Prophet Ibrahim went out with Ishmael and Ishmael’s mother while carrying a bucket of water where Ishmael’s mother always drank the water until her milk could emit water well until she reached Makkah. There sa was placed under a large tree and Prophet Ibrahim left it, then Ismail’s mother (Hajar) chased him until he reached Kada’. Arriving at Kada’ Ismail’s mother called Ibrahim from behind “Has Ibrahim, to whom have you left us?”. Ibrahim replied: “To Allah” Ismail’s mother said: “I am content with the providence of Allah”. Then he returned to his original place and always drank from the bucket so that the milk for his son could flow well. When the bucket of water ran out she said: “I had better go and see if anyone is passing by”. So he went and climbed up to Shafa and looked around to see if there might be someone, but he did not see him. Then he went down to the valley and while in the valley he walked quickly to Marwah. He did this repeatedly until he said, “It is better for me to go and see what my son is doing”. .


So he went and saw his son. His son remained in his original position and even his son seemed to be about to die, which made him uneasy. Then he said: “I better go and see if I can find someone”. Then he went up to Shafa and looked around to see if there was anyone, but he did not see anyone, so he paced back and forth seven times. Then he said: “I had better see what my son is doing”.


Suddenly there was a voice near him, so he immediately greeted it: “If you are good, give us water”. At that time Archangel Gabriel scratched the ground with his heel until a source of water came out. Mrs. Hajar was so surprised that she held the water in her hands.” (This hadith has a sequel…) (HR Bukhari).


  1. Said bin Zayd (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “The fungus is part of the blessing (which has many benefits) and the water of the fungus can be used to cure eye pain”. (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)








Allah says: “And seek forgiveness from your Lord”. (Sūrat Mukmin: 55).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And seek forgiveness from Allah, surely He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (QS. An Nisa’: 106).


Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says: “Praise your Lord and seek His forgiveness. Verily, He is the One who accepts repentance.” (QS. Nasyr: 3).


Allah says: “For those who fear Allah, there is a Paradise with rivers flowing beneath them, and they will abide therein forever. And there are purified wives and the pleasure of Allah. Allah sees His servants, those who say: “O our Lord, we have believed, so forgive us our sins and keep us from the punishment of Hell”, those who are patient, righteous and obedient, who spend their wealth in the cause of Allah, and who seek forgiveness at the time of dawn”. (QS. Ali Imran: 17).


Allah, may He be exalted, says: “Whoever does evil and wrongs himself and seeks forgiveness from Allah, he will find that Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful”. (QS. An Nisa’: 110).


Allah says: “Allah will not punish them while you are among them. Nor will Allah punish them while they seek forgiveness.” (QS. Al Anfal: 33).


Allah says: “And those who, when they commit an evil deed or wrong themselves, immediately remember Allah and ask forgiveness for their sins, and who else can forgive sins but Allah? And they do not continue in their evil deeds while they know”. (QS. Ali Imran: 135).


  1. Al Aghar Al Muzanni reported that the Prophet said: “Indeed, sometimes a feeling grows in my heart and I repent one hundred times a day”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say:


“By Allah, I ask forgiveness and repent to Allah more than seventy times a day”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “By the One in Whose hand is my soul, if you had not sinned, Allah would have taken you all away and brought a new people who sinned and then they asked Allah for forgiveness, so Allah forgave their sins”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “We counted the Messenger of Allah reciting: “RABBIGHFIRLII WATUB ‘ALAIYYA INNAKA ANTAT TAU WAABUR RAHIIM (O Allah, forgive me and accept my repentance. Indeed, You are the Recipient of repentance, the Most Merciful)”. one hundred times in one sitting”. (HR. Abu Daud and At Tumudzi).


  1. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever persists in reciting istighfar, Allah will relieve all his difficulties, ease all his hardships, and give unexpected provision.” (HR. Abu Daud).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever recites: ASTAGHFIRULLAAHAL LADZIIM LAA ILAAHA ILLAA HUWAL HAYYUL OQAYYUUMU WA ATUUBU ILAIHI (I ask forgiveness of Allah, there is no God but Him, who lives and continues to take care of His creatures and I repent to Him), then his sins will be forgiven by Allah even if he has fled from the war”. (HR Abu Daud, At Turmudzi and Al Hakim)…


  1. Shaddad bin Aus reported that the Prophet said: “The peak of istighfar is the one who says: “ALLAAHUMMA ANTA RABBII LAA ILAAHA ILLAA ANTA KHALAOTANII WA ANAA ‘ABDUKA WA ANAA ‘ALAA AHDIKA WA WA’DIKA MASTATHA TU, A’UUDZU BIKA MIN SYARRI MAA SHANA’ TU. ABUU-U LAKA BINIKMATIKA ‘ALAIYA WA ABUU-U BIDZAMBII FAGHFIRLII FAINNAHU LAA YAGHFIRUDZDZUNUUBA ILLAA ANTA (O Allah, You are my Lord, there is no God but You, who has created me and I am Your servant, I am unable to fulfill Your provisions and promises. I acknowledge the favors You have bestowed upon me and I also acknowledge all my ‘sins, so forgive me. Indeed, no one can forgive sins except You)”. Whoever recites it during the day with full conviction and then dies on that day before nightfall will be a citizen of Paradise. And whoever recites it at night with full confidence in what he recites and dies before morning, he will be among the dwellers of Paradise”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Tsauban ra. said: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) finished his prayer, he would recite istighfar three times and say: “ALLAAHUMMA ANTAS SALAAM WAMINKAS SALAAM, TABAARAKTA DZAL JALAALI WAL IKRAAM (O Allah, You are the One who is the most prosperous and from You is all prosperity. You are the One who always gives blessings, O Most Great, Most Glorious One)”.


Al Auzi, the narrator of this hadith, was asked about istighfar, and he replied: “The recitation of istighfar is: ASTAGHFIRULLAAH, ASTAGHFIRULLAAH”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “Before he died, he used to recite: “SUBHAANALLAAHI WABIHAMDIHI, ASTAGHFIRULLAAHA WA ATUUBU ILAIHI (Glory be to Allah and with praise to Him, I ask forgiveness of Allah and repent to Him)”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported. “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Allah says: “O son of Adam, as long as you pray and hope to Me, I will surely forgive the sins you have ordered and I do not care about the number of them. O son of Adam, if your sins are like clouds in the sky, then you ask forgiveness from Me, I will surely forgive you and I will not care about the number of your sins. O son of Adam, if you come to Me with the sins of the whole earth, then meet Me without associating with Me, I will surely forgive that sin” (HR. At Turmudzi).


  1. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “O women, give alms and recite istightar more, for I have seen that most of the inhabitants of Hell are women.” One of the women said: “I will forgive you your sins. One of the women asked: “Why are we the most inhabitants?”. He said: “Because you like to curse and do not tolerate your husband. I have never seen anyone with less than perfect intellect and religion overpowering someone with perfect intellect.” The woman asked again: “What is it that makes you a woman? The woman asked him again: “What is meant by lack of perfect intellect and religion?”. He replied: “The testimony of two women is equal to that of a man, and it often happens that a woman does not pray for several days”. (HR Muslim).









Allah ta’ala says: “Verily, the pious are in Paradise and (near) springs of water. (It is said to them): “Enter therein prosperous and secure”. And We remove the resentment that was in their hearts, while they feel like brothers sitting face to face on cots. They shall not be weary therein, nor shall they be expelled therefrom.” (QS. Al Hijr: 45 – 48).


Allah ta’ala says: “O My servants, there is no fear for you on this day, nor shall you grieve, those who believe in Our verses, and they used to be people of submission. Enter ye into Paradise. You and your wives are delighted. Plates of gold and goblets will be distributed to them, and in Paradise there will be all that the heart desires and the eyes find pleasing, and you will remain therein forever. That is the Paradise bequeathed to you because of the deeds you have done in the past. In Paradise there is an abundance of fruit for you, some of which you have already eaten”. (QS. Az Zukhruf: 68-72).


Allah, the Almighty, says: “Verily, the pious are in safety, in gardens and springs of water. They wear fine silk and thick silk, (sitting) face to face. Thus We will marry them to angels. Therein they will ask for all kinds of fruits in safety (from all worries). They will not taste death therein except death in the world. And Allah will preserve them from the punishment of the Hellfire, as a bounty from your Lord. That is a great good fortune.” (QS. Dukhah: 51-57).


Allah ta’ala says: “Verily, the dutiful are indeed in great pleasure (Paradise). They sit on couches looking at each other. You can see from their faces the pleasure of their life. They are given to drink from pure khomer which is closed and the lid is musk, and for such should people compete. And the mixture of khomer is tasnim (i.e.) a spring of water that those who are near to Allah drink from”. (QS. Al Muthaffifin: 22-28).


  1. Jabir (ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “The dwellers of Paradise will eat and drink, but they will never defecate, or blow their nose, or urinate. But what they eat in Paradise will become saltpeter like the smell of musk. They are inspired to always glorify and praise Allah, just as they are inspired to breathe”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Allah has said: “I will provide for them from My righteous servants something that has never been seen by the eye, has never been heard by the ear and has never crossed the mind of a person’s heart, and try to recite: “FALAA TA’LAMU NAFSUN MAA UKHFIYA LAHUM MIN QURRATI A’YUN” (Then no soul will know the delicious eyes that are hidden for them)””. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The first group to enter Paradise is like the full moon, then the next group is like the brightest star illuminating the sky. They never urinate, defecate, spit and never blow their nose. Their combs are made of gold. Their sweat smelled of musk oil. Their pebbles are of very fragrant sandalwood. Their wives are beautiful angels. Their body shape is the same as that of their father, Prophet Adam, who was sixty cubits tall”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


In another narration of Bukhari and Muslim it is said: “Their vessels are made of gold in Paradise, their sweat smells of musk. Each of them has two wives whose calf marrow can be seen through the flesh because they are so beautiful. There was no quarrel between them nor did they hate each other. Their hearts were like the hearts of one person. They were always glorifying Allah in the morning and in the evening”.


  1. Al Mughirah ibn Shu’bah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Prophet Musa once asked God: “What is the lowest level of the people of Paradise?”. God replied: “It is the one who comes after the people of Paradise have been admitted to Paradise, then he is invited to enter Paradise”. The man said: “O our Lord, how should I enter, while the rest of the people have already entered their respective places and have taken their share?”. Allah said: “Would you be satisfied if you were given the size of a king’s kingdom on earth?”. he replied: “O Lord, I am satisfied”. Allah said: “For you is as much as that, and as much as that, and as much as that, and as much as that”. When God spoke for the fifth time, the man said: “O Lord, I am well satisfied”. God said: “This is your share and ten times that, and all that your lust and eyes desire and delight in”. He said: “O Lord, I am well satisfied”. Prophet Moses asked: “O Lord, what is the highest rank of the people of Paradise?”. Allah said: “Those for whom I have provided their honor with My hand and then I closed it so that it is not seen by the eyes, not heard by the ears and never crosses the minds of men”. (HR Muslim).


  1. Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “Indeed, I (the Prophet) know exactly the last inhabitant of Hell to come out of Hell and the last inhabitant of Paradise to enter it, namely the one who came out of Hell crawling, then Allah said to him: “Go and enter Paradise”. Then the man went to Paradise and he imagined that it was full. So he finally returned and said: “O Lord, I found heaven full”. God said to him: “Go and enter paradise, for it is for you as wide as the world and ten times more than the world”. Then he said: “Are You mocking me and laughing at me while You are the Almighty?”. Ibn Mas’ud ra. said: “I saw the Messenger of Allah laugh until his molars were visible, and he said: “This is the lowest level of the people of Paradise”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Musa reported that the Prophet said: “Verily in Paradise there is a tent for the believer made of perforated pearls that is sixty miles high. In that tent the believer and his family can freely walk around until one of them cannot see the other”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, there is a tree in Paradise that if a man rode a horse around it at a gallop for a hundred years, he would not be able to go around it”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


Bukhari and Muslim in their Sahih books also narrated, from Abu Hurairah ra. The Prophet said: “The one who walks on a vehicle under the shade of that (tree in Paradise) for a hundred years will not be able to go around it”.


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, the people of Paradise can see those who are above them, just as you see the brightest star in the sky from the east and from the west, because of the difference in their ranks”. The Companions said: “O Messenger of Allah, that is the level of the Prophets which no one else can reach”. He said: “Yes, by the One in Whose hand is my soul, they are those who believe in Allah and His messengers”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “The distance between two arrowheads in Paradise is better than all the rising and setting of the sun”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Anas reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, there is a market in Paradise where the people of Paradise go every Friday. There they are blown by a wind from the south and it hits their faces and clothes and they become more handsome and beautiful. Then when they return to see their wives, they become even more handsome and beautiful until their wives say: “By Allah, you have indeed become more handsome and beautiful”. They reply: “And you, by Allah, have indeed become more handsome and more beautiful since I left” (IR. Muslim).


  1. Sahl bin Saad reported that the Prophet said: “Indeed, the people of Paradise can see the levels above them as you see the stars in the sky”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Sahl ibn Sa’d (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) talking about Paradise until he finished in a gathering, then at the end of his story he said: “In Paradise there is something that no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard, and no human heart has ever thought of. Then he recited the verse: “TATAJAAFA JUNUUBUHUM ‘ANIL MADHAAJI’I up to the verse: “FALAA TA’LAMU NAFSUM MAA UKHFIYALAHUM MIN OURRATI A’YUNII”. (QS. As Sajdah: 1617)”. (HR. Bukhari).


  1. Abu Said and Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “When the people of Paradise enter Paradise, they will hear a voice saying: “Indeed you will all live and will not die forever. Indeed, you will all be healthy and will never be sick forever. Indeed, you will always be young and will never grow old forever. Verily, all of you will always be filled with pleasure and will never be cut off forever”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Verily, the lowest place of anyone in Paradise is that it is said to them: “Name your desires”. So he mentions his desires and counts his desires. Then it is asked of him: “Have you mentioned all your desires?”, he replied: “Yes, I have”.


Then it was said to him: “Your share is what you wanted and what is commensurate with what you wanted”. (HR. Muslim).


  1. Abu Said Al Khudri reported that the Prophet said: “Verily Allah says to the people of Paradise: “O people of Paradise”. They replied: “Labaik, O our Lord, in Whose hand are all the joys and pleasures”. Then Allah asked: “Are you all satisfied?”. They replied: “How can we not be satisfied, You have given us all that You have not given to any of Your creatures”. Allah asked: “Would you like me to give you something better than that?”. They asked back: “What is better than that?”. Allah said: “I will establish My pleasure for all of you, after which I will never be angry with you forever”. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Jarir bin Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “We were with the Messenger of Allah and he saw the moon on the night of the full moon, and he said: “Verily, all of you will see God with your naked eyes as you see this moon, and you will not be dazzled in seeing Him.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).


  1. Shuhaib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “When the people of Paradise entered Paradise, Allah said: “Shall I add something to you all?”, They replied: “Have you not brightened our faces, have you not admitted us into Paradise, and have you not saved us from Hell?”. Then Allah opened the curtain. There was no gift that they loved more than looking at Allah”, (HR Muslim),








Allah, the Almighty, says: “Those who believe and do righteous deeds are guided by their Lord because of their faith. Below them rivers flow in Paradise full of pleasure. Their prayer in Paradise is: “SUBHAANALLAAH” (Glory be to You, O Allah), and their salutation is: “SALLAAMUN”, and their closing prayer is: “ALHAMDU LILLAAHI RABBIL “AALAMIIN” (Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds)”.


“Praise be to Allah, the One who guided us to complete this task, and we would not have been guided if Allah had not guided us. O Allah, bestow mercy on the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), your servant and your ummi messenger. And bestow mercy on the Prophet Muhammad’s family, wives and children and grandchildren as You bestowed mercy on the family of Prophet Abraham. Bestow blessings on Prophet Muhammad, the ummi Prophet, his family, his wives and his children and grandchildren as You bestowed blessings on Prophet Abraham and his family. Verily in this universe, You are the most praiseworthy, the most excellent”.