The king of Brawijaya, when confronted with him, asked about his situation from beginning to end. Then Brawijaya ordered them to stand on his sandals and honored them with respect. And that was at the end of the sixth hijriyyah.

King Brawijaya used to love these two children very much, as if they were part of his other children. He gave them whatever they asked for, but they were discouraged to see that none of the people of Majapahit in particular and Java in general practiced Islam. When the two of them were about to pray, the people mocked and made a lot of noise and never knew about it as if it was a very strange act that they had never seen even from standing, reciting (the Qur’an), bowing, i’tidal, prostration, sitting, tashahhud and so on. So much so that an old man said: Do not ridicule and make a scene between the two of them, because every human being has a God who is worshipped with something that is loved by Him, both of them have a God other than your God whom you worship according to what is loved by Him in their own way, so do not disgrace and do not criticize people who worship their God.

This is the story of Sayyid Rajafandita and Sayyid Rahmat in which there is a lesson for those who take lessons and guidance from people of knowledge, which is that a believer should not be ashamed to call out what Allah Ta’ala has obliged him to do, and should not fear the reproach of those who reproach him in order to gain the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala, as some Ulama said:

The faith of a slave is not complete …

Until he sees that people and camels are the same …

Their praise and reproach are the same…

He does not fear the reproach of the one who reproaches the owner of glory…

Long before that, in the days where the land of Pajajaran there was a king named Arya Banjar who was the son of Sang Mundi Wangi, and Arya Banjar had a son named Arya Mantahunan, Arya Mantahunan had a son named Randa Kuning, and from Randa Kuning gave birth to 3 children: Arya Galuh, Arya Tanduran and Arya Ba’ah. Three children were born to Arya Galuh: Arya Baribain, Arya Tijawaki, Tarub; and Arya Baribain had 2 children, one of them was a girl whose name was Maduratna and the male was named Jaka Kandar. Arya Tija had 2 children, a girl named Candrawata and a boy Raden Syukur. Tarub has 3 children: Nawangsih, Raden Yunawang Sasi and Raden Yutawang Arum. Wallahu A’lam. And their connection will come in this story.

Then Sayyid Rajafandita and Sayyid Rahmat wanted to return to the land of Campa for the reasons already told and because they felt sad. They both informed the king of Brawijaya of their desire, then the king forbade them both to return, the king said: Indeed parting with you both is a great matter, do not return to your country; If you both want to control the territory, for you the territory what you both want, from any leadership if you want, if you want a wife, choose whichever you want among the women, and the government, the minister choose. But I forbid you both to return to your country. For I hear that the king of Hindustan is fighting Kupang, Calcutta, Giri, Malibar and their surroundings, and there is nothing left of those lands but to submit under his (Hindustan’s) rule, not even the land of Campa, for it is still at war with Hindustan and I do not know how it will end.

So when they heard Brawijaya’s words and the strong prohibition for them both to return, they obeyed the king to remain in Majapahit. Then afterwards they were married. Sayyid Rajafandita married the daughter of Arya Baribain named Maduratna in the land of Ris, then lived in a village called Sinabung. As for Sayyid Rahmat, he married the daughter of Arya Tija named Raden Ayu Candrawati and then lived in a village called Ampel in Surabaya. As for Abu Hurairah, he married a woman from Tambakrian village named Samirah bint Husain and the work of both of them was cotton gardening; at that time Abu Hurairah picked it and separated the seeds from the kapok. Every day he gave a gift of cotton to Sayyid Rahmat to make wicks to light the mosque lamps, therefore Sayyid Rahmat named it cotton seed.

Sayyid Rahmat followed a man from Majapahit named Wirajaya and he was the village leader and encouraged Sayyid Rajafandita to work as a blacksmith.

Sayyid Rajafandita had 3 children: Hajj Uthman, Uthman Hajj and Nyai Gede Tundo.

Sayyid Rahmat had 5 children from Raden Ayu Candrawati: Sayyidah Syarifah, Mutmainnah, Hafsah and Sayyid Ibrahim, Sayyid Qasim. Then married again with Maskarimah binti Kembang Kuning who was born to him 2 daughters: Murtiah and Murtasimah. All his children learned the sciences of sharia (religion) from their father. This is the information that explains Sayyid Rajafandita and his brother (Sayyid Rahmat).

Ki Tarub’s children who have been named then the one named Nawangsih she married Lembu Peteng bin Brawijaya or called Shohroh Tarub who was blessed with a child named Getas Pandawa. And her son named Nawangsasi married Raden Jaka Kandar settled in Malaya village in Bangkalan in Madura; then had children named Asiyah and Dewi Irah. Ki Tarub’s daughter Nawang Arum was married to Raden Syakur who ruled the country of Wilatikta (Tumenggung Wilatikta).

It has been mentioned that the king of Pajajaran Mundi Wangi had a second wife and was blessed with a son named Giyung Manar who was blessed with a son named Bambang Wecana who was blessed with a son Bambang Pamengker, and this father was subject to the power of the king of Majapahit, distancing himself living in a village under Mount Semeru, Bambang Pamengker was blessed with a son named Minak Paranggula who was blessed with a son named Minak Sambayu who became king in the country of Blambangan. Their story will be intertwined.


Maulan Ishak, of whom mention has already been made, was the brother of Sayyid Ibrahim; so when he became an adventurous man on earth, he came to the land of Pasa, which is a land on the island of Sumatra, so he stayed there (Pasa). He was blessed with children named Sayyid Abdul Qadir and Sarah.

Then went Mulana Ishak to the island of Java and left his two children with his mother. Where both of them are still small. Maulana Ishak boarded a ship owned by a man from Gresik and traveled well until he arrived in Gresik, then disembarked and headed to Surabaya, entering the village of Ampel at Asr time. Coincidentally there he met Sayyid Rahmat praying as an imam followed by three men: Abu Hurairah, Ki Wirajaya and Ki Bangkuning. So Maulana Ishaq waited outside the mosque. When Sayyid Rahmat had greeted his prayer, Maulana Ishaq greeted and answered his greeting. Then they both asked each other about their names and the names of their fathers. Then Sayyid Rahmat knew that Maulana Ishaq was his father’s brother. Maulana Isaac said: You are my son, because your father is my brother. Then said to him Sayyid Rahmat: There used to be no Muslims here except me and my brother Sayyid Rajafandita and my friend Abu Hurairah, we were the first Muslims on the island of Java. Maulana Ishak said: I call you the first Sunan, first because you were the first Muslim on the island of Java. So the people agreed to assign this name to Sayyid Rahmat. Always Sayyid Rahmat called people to the religion of Allah Ta’ala and to the worship of Him. So much so that all the inhabitants of Ampel followed him and those around him and most of the people of Surabaya. This is nothing but the goodness of his advice and his wisdom in preaching and his good manners towards people and his good conduct, implementing the words of Allah: Call people to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good advice, and deal with them with the best of jidals (Al-Ayat), and Allah’s Word: Humble yourselves to those who believe, and His words : Enjoin the good and avoid the evil, and be patient with what befalls you; indeed, this is what Allah has enjoined. This is what the Muslim Imams and their mashaikhs should have followed, and it was the path that was pleasing to them, until people came to the religion of Allah in droves. Says the poet:

Accept their forgiveness, walk with the custom as …

You are commanded, and show (the command) to those who are ignorant …

Be as gentle as you can with every man…

Then it will appear good to those who are ignorant…

And to those who are stubborn, touch them …

With patience, that those who are perfect may be lifted up …

Then after a while, Maulana Ishaq withdrew to Sayyid Rahmat and then left Ampel to walk northeast up the mountains and down the valleys to the land of Banyuwangi. He climbed the mountain said to be Selangu solely to worship there, praying the obligatory prayers, sunnah and fasting to seek the pleasure of Ar-Rahman and abstain from all sin; He was alone, earnestly leaving the hawa nasfu and the temptation of Satan solely for the heart and purifying it from doubt in order to become a grateful person and praise his Rabb, he rushed to Him to eliminate hidden shirk for the fortress and weapon in faith and belief.


Minak Sambayu (king of Blambangan) who has been mentioned in the past had a daughter named Sekar Dadu who was a good person, who attracted men, so it is said of her:

She is a woman who has a life like a bewitching full moon…

Her hair is like the night when it is pitch black…

Out of her mouth comes light when she smiles…

As lightning sweeps across the vision when looked at…

She walks shyly blushing and turning her head…

So those who look at him are like drunken people …

When she faces, I see no plumpness in either of them…

Like two pomegranates, to him who looks…

And when she turns her back it is as if her hair is in random waves …

Her stature was neither tall nor short, that is to say sufficient…

At that time he was very sick, and many tired healers were confused about what medicine to use. The king of Blambangan was grieved because of this, with great sorrow. So the ministers, government, officials and royal fatwa experts were gathered. Each of them was called upon to find a cure in each of their territories for the king’s daughter, then whoever succeeded in curing her would be married to her and given half the royal treasure. So they all called out to all the people of the village and the country, but to no avail. Then one day, some of his ministers said: Indeed we saw a man dressed in a robe and wearing a white skullcap who lived alone on Mount Salangu and was different from other people, when the sun was in the sky, he stood up and put his hands to his chest and moved his mouth saying what we did not understand, did not turn his head until he bowed down and put his hands on his knees then raised his hands, then fell down and put his forehead to the earth, then sat down and finally turned his head to the right and left; Then if the sun sets he does it again, if the sun disappears he does it again, if before the sun appears he does it again lightly, that is his activity every day. Then the king wished to call him to cure his noble daughter, may he be able to cure her. The king said: Call him of whom you have spoken. So the minister called Maulana Ishak to appear before the king of Blambangan, so when they met Maulan Ishak, they informed him of the king’s wish. Maulana Ishak fulfilled the king’s summons, and went down with the royal ministers. So when he arrived before the king, the king said: Indeed I have a daughter, she is the fruit of my heart and half of my soul and now she is sick, she has been sick for a long time, to the point that the doctors are tired of looking for a cure, so if you have a cure, cure her; I vowed: Whoever cures him, I will marry him and with him I will give half of my kingdom. So Maulana Isaac accepted the offer while praying to Allah, begging Him to give him a cure and remove his illness with His permission. So suddenly the king’s son recovered, and he married him and gave him half of his kingdom. So it became easy for him to call people to Islam, and he kept calling them to Islam until most of the people of the land converted. One day Maulana Ishak went to the king of Blambangan and said to him: O my father, I have come to you to call you to abandon idol statues and follow the devil to worship only Allah, the All-Living and Self-Sustaining, the One who gives life and death, the King of all worlds; Say Ashhadu Anlaa illaha Illallah, wa Ashhadu Anna Muhammadan Rasulullah. So when he heard the words of Maulana Isaac, he changed his face and turned red, got angry with Maulana Isaac and said: If you do not come out of my presence now, I will tear your body apart. Maulana Ishak went out, disappearing as a fugitive. By then his wife was 7 months pregnant, crying at the separation from her husband, dimness and sadness enveloping her. Maulan Ishak did not come. Maulana Ishak remained hidden while praying for Allah’s help to punish the king of Blambangan. So Allah sent down upon the people of Blambangan a plague and sudden death, and most of the people died, and were unable to ward off (the punishment from Allah). The king of Blambangan was saddened, to the point of having no appetite, no sleep, he said: This is the result of the misfortune of that man (meaning Maulana Ishak) and his child who is now in the womb of my child, indeed if he is born I will throw him into the sea. So when the period of gestation was complete, he was born like pure gold. The king took it and put it in a coffin, and ordered it to be thrown into the sea. It was thrown into the sea by the waves (the coffin) up and down awake, guarded by Allah Ta’ala and guarded by His care. That is part of the karamah. When the chest passed through the merchant ships of the people of Gresik, it was picked up by the crew of the ship, so when the chest was opened, there was found in it a child who was radiant and whose face was like the shining moon. At that time, the merchants who boarded the ship were going to Bali. They brought the child to Bali safely. When the merchants finished their business in Bali, they went to Tandes and then returned to Gresik with the child. He dropped the child off at the harbor, then handed the child over to a woman named Nyai Gede, the daughter of Sayyid Rajafandita, whose story has already been told. Nyai said: Whose child is this? They (the merchants) said: This child was washed up near the harbor of Blambangan, swirling in the sea water. So very happy was Nyai Gede, where she had not given birth to any child. She named the child Broedin, educated him with a good upbringing, and loved him very much; however, the child could not suckle on any woman, only sucking his fingers until the age of 7 days. After that it could drink milk, which is the baby’s habit.

Maulana Ishak after hiding behind a small hill, returned to his country of Pasa on the island of Sumatra to gather with his wife and children. Maulana Ishak informed his wife and children that he still had a relative, the son of his uncle, on the island of Java, in the village of Ampel, in the Surabaya area, whose name was Sayyid Rahmat, who was one of the first to embrace Islam on the island of Java. He was also the imam of the Muslims, the saints and the righteous; he taught Islam, the way of Islam and the essence of Islam. Maulana Ishak did not stay in Pasa except for a few days and then passed away, it is said that he stayed in Pasa for seven days and then passed away. The scholars and saints came to pray for him, and after praying for him they took him to the grave, which is said to be Taman Sari grave. They all crowded around his grave, saying hallelujah, tahmid, tahlil and reciting the Qur’an, hopefully getting a wide reward for the spirit of Maulana Ishak, he was buried there, hopefully for him the uninterrupted mercy of Allah for Maulana Ishak.

The story of his son, Sayyid Abdul Qadir and Sayyidah Sarah, so the two of them after the death of their father agreed to travel around the earth. So they arrived at the land of Adan, which is on the Arabian Peninsula, they stayed there for days then continued to board a ship which then drove to Keling for 11 days, and stayed there for a month then boarded a ship again until they arrived on the island of Java, then boarded a ship until the land called Juwana, which was a port among the ports at that time. And out they both went to Surabaya. When they reached the village of Ampel, they both asked about the house of Sayyid Rahmat, so they were shown to the house of Sayyid Rahmat. So when they met him, they both greeted him, and he returned the greeting. Then Sayyid Rahmat asked about their names, their country and who their parents were. Sayyid Abdul Qadir said: My name is Abdul Qadir, and this is my sister Sarah, we both come from the country of Pasa on the island of Sumatra, our father’s name is Maulana Ishak and he has passed away; it was told to us when he was alive that we had a close relative named Sayyid Rahmat who lived in the village of Ampel in Surabaya on the island of Java and was an imam for the Muslims there. Sayyid Rahmat said: Then you two are my brothers, your father is the brother of my father. They embraced each other and cried with joy.


It was then explained that Arya Baribain had two children, a girl whose name was Madu Ratna and who was married to Sayyid Rajafandita; and a boy whose name was Jaka Kondar. Jaka Kondar used to convert to Islam and embrace zuhud while secluding himself on a mountain for worship and riyadhah in a village called Malaya; he did not stop until he became a wali among the wali of Allah Ta’ala, and is known as Sunan Malaya. He had a daughter named Asiya and married Sayyid Abdul Qadir bin Maulana Ishak who has already been mentioned. Sayyid Abdul Qadir settled in the village of Gunung Jati in Cirebon; became an imam there and also chose the path of zuhud by remaining alone and riyadhah, eating little, sleeping little for seclusion and riyadhah with various kinds of obligatory and good sunnah worship. He remained in this state until he became a saint among the saints of Allah and is known as Sunan Gunung Jati. He always preached to call people to Islam, and many people converted to Islam; and those who did not convert to Islam at that time were frightened so they retreated to the forest and countryside, they were afraid to convert to Islam. Sayyid Abdul Qadir had two children, a boy named Abdul Jalil and a girl named Sufiyyah. This is the story of Sayyid Abdul Qadir.

At that time there had come to the island of Java 3 Arab men from the country of Yemen who were also descendants of the Prophet named Sayyid Muhsin, Sayyid Ahmad and Khalifah Husain. They came to Ampel and met Sayyid Rahmat giving greetings and then their greetings were answered. They were asked about their names, country of origin and destination. Sayyid Muhsin said: My name is Muhsin, this is my brother Caliph Husain and this is Ahmad; We came from Yemen to you to learn the sciences of sharia and its methods and the essence of that knowledge. Sayyid Rahmat said: O my children, indeed knowledge is heavy. Sayyid Muhsin said: We hope for the bounty of Allah and from the blessings of your prayer for all of us; as well as the call of our fathers for us to be pious on deeds with knowledge and sincerity. So they studied with that knowledge, did mulazamah with khidmah and did deeds of obedience that were guided by that knowledge, and they became three saints among the saints of Allah Ta’ala.

It has been mentioned that Sayyid Rahmat had seven children and their names have been mentioned. As for Sharifah bint Sayyid Rahmat, she married Hajj Ustman bin Sayyid Rajafandita and lived in a village close to Mayuran, alone there worshiping, giving up all self-distraction and lust until she became a wali among the wali of Allah, known as Sunan Mayuran and had a son named Amir Husain.

As for Sayyidah Mutmainnah bint Sayyid Rahmat, she married Sayyid Muhsin and lived in the village of Wilis, alone there for riyadhah and worship while following the path of the saints until she became a saint among the saints of Allah Ta’ala and is known as Sunan Wilis and has a son named Amir Hamzah.

Sayyidah Hafsah bint Sayyid Rahmat, also known as Nyai Ageng Meluka, married Sayyid Ahmad and lived in a village near Mount Kamlaka, alone there for self-mujahadah and worship solely to achieve the pleasure of Allaah with little food, sleep and continued in this state for three years until she became a wali among the wali of Allah Ta’ala, known as Sunan Kamlaka and was not blessed with children.

Sayyid Ibrahim bin Sayyid Rahmat married Dewi Irah binti Jaka Kondar and had a daughter named Rahil and became the Imam of the people of Lasem and Tuban and lived in Bonang village in Lasem. He secluded himself and worshiped on top of the Gading mountain close to the coast and was serious about riyadhah with little food and sleep and restrained his desires; he focused on doing the obligations and sunnah in worship solely to obey Ar-Rahman and avoid the temptation of Satan by being alone from humans as a suitable saying at that time was said:

My Hijrah from mankind keeps me from disobeying You …

I am alone from my family to see You …

If you drive me away from love, be guided by you …

By the silence of this heart from other than You…

Surpassing myself from the weakness that You have truly given…

Has come to You steadfastly hoping for Your pleasure…

If it were not so, indeed, O All-Living One, I would have sinned against You…

He did not prostrate himself to any other than You…

This is Your disobedient servant coming to You…

Covered in sins and disobedience to You…

If You do not forgive, You are the owner of wisdom…

If You reject (me), who else do I hope for but You…

Always Sayyid Ibrahim worshipped Him until he became a great wali of Allah Ta’ala who is known as Sunan Bonang. Among his visible characteristics are the marks of his forehead, nose, knees and the tips of his feet that remain on a large rock to this day, known as Sujudan, which is located on the mountain mentioned above. Close to the rock is the grave of a woman, the daughter of the king of China, Princess Cempa. It is said she converted when she saw Sayyid Ibrahim praying on the rock and the imprint of his prayer when he left it. The princess did not move from seeing this until she died and was buried there, a dome was built over her grave whose pillars were made of sea fish bones. It is also said of Sayyid Ibrahim’s karamah that he turned two pigs into stone, the story goes that when he was walking and saw two pigs with some of his students, the pig mated with a sow, so his students said to him and thought they did not see the pigs: Surely there are mating pigs in front of you. Sayyid Ibrahim replied: No, they are just two stones. So the pigs became stones that exist until now in the place where it is said to be a pig stone (Watu Celeng) in the village of Karas, Sedan sub-district, which joins Rembang. And other karamahs.

Sayyid Uthman Hajj was the brother of Hajj Uthman, the son of Sayyid Rajafandita, who was married to a woman named Dewi Sari, the daughter of Raden Syakur bin Arya Tija, mentioned earlier, and he became the priest of the people of Jipang and Panulan. He lived in the village of Ngudung and followed the path of the saints, putting aside the world and constantly doing riyadhah for the sole purpose of worship until he became a saint known as Sunan Ngudung. He had a daughter named Sujinah and a son named Amirul Hajj.

Nyai Gede Tundo bint Sayyid Rajafandita married Sayyid Khalifah Husein and became a priest in Madura, settling in Kertayasa village, alone there for worship, seeking Allah’s pleasure until she became a guardian of Allah and is known as Sunan Kertayasa. He had a son named Khalifah Sughro. Many people followed Islam in that country.

The aforementioned Raden Syakur had a son named Radin Syahid and Raden Syahid married Sayyidah Sarah bint Maulan Ishak who was the sister of Sayyid Abdul Qadir. Raden Syahid became the imam for the people of Dermayu and Manulan and lived in the village of Kali Jaka and secluded himself there for worship and persevered in constant riyadhah until he became a wali among the wali of Allah Ta’ala whom many people followed in obedience to Allah Ta’ala, and he did not finish in seclusion and riyadhah and turned his heart towards the Hereafter and turned his back on the world entirely. He had three children: Raden Said, Sayyidah Ruqayyah and Sayyidah Rafi’ah.

Then that of Sayyid Abdul Jalil bin Sayyid Abdul Qadir and Sayyid Amir Husain bin Hajj Uthman and Sayyid Amir Hajj bin Sayyid Uthman Hajj and Raden Said bin Raden Syahid and Amir Hamzah bin Sayyid Muhsin whom they have already mentioned; They all went to ampel to serve Sayyid Rahmat and take knowledge from him. Sayyid Qasim bin Sayyid Rahmat was a man whose life was devoted to learning.

It has been said that the son of Maulana Ishak who was banished by the king of Blambangan, went to the people of Gresik and was handed over to Nyai Gede Tundo Pinatih. Nyai called him Raden Paku. He was educated by Nyai Gede until he was 15 years old, and began to study sharia. Raden Paku heard that in the Ampel area of Surabaya there was an Alim from the great scholars who taught people 3 sciences: Sharia, Tariqah and Hakikat. He said to his mother: O mother, I heard that in Surabaya there is an Alim from the great scholars who is famous as part of the saints of Allah Ta’ala, his name is Sayyid Rahmat whose title is Sunan Maqdum, he lives in the village of Ampel, I want to go to him, and want to serve him; but I ask you to go with me to hand me over to him. So his mother said: Do what you are certain of, and I will go with you to him. So they both went to Ampel, so when they arrived, his mother met Sayyid Rahmat and said to him: I have come here to hand over my son to you, for he loves to study with you, to learn the sciences he needs from his religion. Sayyid Rahmat said: Where is the boy now? Said his mother: There he is outside the house taking shelter under a big tree. So she was called to Sayyid Rahmat, sitting in front of him. When Sayyid Rahmat saw her, he paused and looked at her face and remembered the face of Maulan Isaac and his son who resembled him. He said to his mother: Is this your own son or an adopted son. Then his mother told him the truth about his affairs as in the previous story. Sayyid Rahmat said: If what you have told me is true, then this is the son of my uncle and I want an explanation from you. His mother said: The most important thing is that you teach this child, indeed I leave it to you to be taught adab and religious sciences. His mother left him with Sayyid Rahmat, so he was taught manners, knowledge and the naqsabandiyyah path. This is the story of Raden Paku.

It has been said that King Brawijaya had a son by a Chinese wife named Raden Patah, Raden Patah had a brother named Raden Husain and both were in Palembang. They deliberated and agreed to go to Ampel to serve Sayyid Rahmat to learn knowledge from him. So they left their father, Raden Arya Damar, and he gave them permission. So they both went to Ampel and entered to meet Sayyid Rahmat, then Sayyid Rahmat asked about their names and the country they both came from. Raden Patah said: My name is Patah and I am the son of King Brawijaya and this is my brother Raden Husain, the son of Raden Arya Damar the ruler of Palembang; we have come to serve you and learn Islam from you. Then they both stayed with him and learned Islam from him. As for Raden Patah, he was a quick learner, strong in mind, and understood everything that was taught to him from knowledge. As for Raden Husain, he was slow. Patah became a scholar of sharia, tariqah and hakikat. He was busy doing the obligatory and sunnah acts of worship, avoiding the haram and makruh. Then Raden Husain after a period of time living in Ampel, said to himself : How can I separate from my brother Patah and be alone to study religious sciences and be busy with them, which is obtained without the need for people to know my position as the son of the king. So after a while he said to Raden Patah: O brother, we have stayed here serving Sayyid Rahmat and we have achieved our goal of learning the science of worship. Therefore we are now going to Majapahit to serve King Brawijaya so that we may succeed in purifying (Majapahit) and giving it a high position. Raden Patah said: I don’t want that, go yourself to King Brawijaya while I stay here as Sayyid Rahmat’s servant. Raden Husain said to him: Do what you like, as for me going to Majapahit, I have your permission. Raden Patah said: Then go. Raden Husain left Sayyid Rahmat for Majapahit, met Raden Patah briefly and then continued to leave Ampel. Raden Husain continued to walk until Majapahit, entered he met King Brawijaya then kissed the earth in front of him then the king held him and watched him from his face and remembered his son Arya Damar when he saw Raden Husain because he had a resemblance. King Brawijaya said: What is your name, from which country and who is your father? Raden Husain said: O king, my name is Raden Husain and my father’s name is Arya Damar and he is the leader of Palembang; I have come to serve you. When Raden Husain had served for a long time, he was appointed as a minister in the country called Terung and was called Pecut Tanda.


One day Brawijaya spoke with his wife Martaningrum. His wife told him that she had a sister named Candrawulan who at that time had amazing features, it was said:

Her hair was like blackened twilight and on her face was like dawn shining…

Her teeth were like lamps lined up …

The stature of his hind limbs is toned…

Wiggling from behind protruding like a hill…

As if she was indifferent to people characterizing her and lost in their dirty thoughts…

Whether they were human or gazelle-like…

So when Brawijaya heard what his wife said about his sister; Brawijaya seemed more than happy for her to marry his sister to him. He then called his minister Arya Ba’ah, who was also Brawijaya’s confidant. When Brawijaya told him the example of Candrawulan he said to his minister: I send you to the king of Campa, so when you reach him say that you are the messenger of the king of Brawijaya who wants your daughter Candrawulan to be married to Brawijaya; therefore I send you to him. Arya Ba’ah said: I hear and obey. He left the kingdom of Brawjiya for the country of Campa while reciting poetry through the writing that was read:

I went out but my going out was not to seek obstacles …

But to gain your favor that you dream of…

Had it not been for that, I would not have sought harm…

By coming to foreign lands and seas while carrying a message…

To the king of a land I have never entered…

To bring his son who is like the light of the full moon…

With a heart surrounded by fear…

That is like a small bird thrown to an eagle…

O if this (i.e. the risk of becoming a minister) has been decreed by my lord…

I will seize it with the greatest joy and glory…

Arya Ba’ah did not stop his journey except after reaching the land of Campa, so when he entered the land of Campa, he heard that the king of Campa had died and the king after him was his own son, the king of Cangkar as he had been called. His daughter Candrawulan had married a man named Ibrahim of Samarqand who had three descendants by marriage, so the envoy of Brawijaya was saddened by this and doubted the truth, feeling that his efforts had failed and that he had not gotten any results. When he entered to meet the king of Cangkar, the king asked his name and about his country and his needs. Arya said: O king, I am a man from Java, my name is Arya Ba’ah. I come to you sent by a noble king named Brawijaya. Arya said to himself: With the death of his father and then I immediately said my purpose actually the possibility that he would be angry, I should not inform my purpose until he was pleased. Then Arya undid her intention while being friendly without informing the king of Cangkar of the purpose of being sent by Brawijaya, pretending to tell from her own side. So when Arya wanted to say goodbye, the king of Cangkar said: I have been entrusted to give this bracelet and necklace to Martaningrum, the wife of King Brawijaya, so give it to her. Then Arya asked for leave from the king and returned home to Majapahit, then entered to meet King Brawijaya. When Arya’s business was finished and she saw King Brawijaya, she said: Indeed I have gone and reached the land of Campa, I did what I was obliged to do to serve the king; however, my efforts have failed and been in vain with no results as desired by the king. This was because the daughter of the king of Campa, Chandrawulan, had married an Arab man named Ibrahim Al Samarqandi, and had given birth to three children, and indeed the king of Campa had also died in the days before I came. The king after him was his own son named Cangkar. Here I bring a message from the king of Cangkar to give her a bracelet and necklace (Martaningrum). King Brawijaya said to him: Go directly to Martaningrum and bring this bracelet and necklace, but remember not to tell her of her father’s death, for I fear she will be grieved and saddened if she hears from you the news of her father’s death. Arya Ba’ah entered the residence of King Brawijaya and met the princess Martaningrum and gave her the message. When she grasped the bracelet and necklace and confirmed that it was her brother’s gift, she suddenly fainted, then Arya was frightened and called the people in the house shouting, crying so that the whole house was heard. When Brawijaya heard it, he entered the house, harboring undoubted resentment because he thought all this was due to the news of his father’s death. Brawijaya said to his wife: It is not right for you to do so, you cried, and threw yourself on the floor. His wife said: I weep for the cause of my father’s death. Bravijaya said: Who informed you about him? There is no messenger or writing about it. Said his wife: Indeed my father told me to send this bracelet and necklace to me when he died, and both have reached me, so I know that my father is gone. This was the story of King Brawijaya and his wife.

As for the story of Sayyid Rajafandita and Sayyid Rahmat who are both sons of Sayyid Ibrahim who both came from the country of Campa, both of them are our teachers, the father of both of them once visited his aunt, Martaningrum, the wife of King Brawijaya in the country of Majapahit. At that time, their father sent a slave named Abu Hurairah to accompany them (his sons) on their travels wherever and whenever, so that they would always be of service to him. When they both went out from the country of Campa to the island of Java, they came to a country called Kupang, where they found a trading ship belonging to the people of Gresik, a city close to Surabaya. They all boarded the ship and sailed the sea for seven nights. When there was a sea swell, there was a sudden windstorm that pushed the ship towards the country near Cambodia. When they arrived at the coast, the ship collided with a large rock on the beach and the ship split open. Word spread to the king of Cambodia, who ordered the ship to be sunk and the crew taken into custody. The three of them conferred about what had happened to them. They agreed to inform the king of Brawijaya about their condition in order to be freed from the hands of the king of Cambodia, where the power of the king of Cambodia was under the power of Brawijaya. They sent a man from Cambodia, who traveled to Majapahit. When he entered to meet King Brawijaya, he was asked about his name, country and destination. The man said: Indeed I am from the land of Cambodia, I come as a messenger from your noble sons, both of whom are the sons of Candrawulan bint king of Campa, namely Sayyid Rajafandita and Sayyid Rahmat and with him a servant named Abu Hurairah. They want a delegation from you, because when they boarded the ship, the ship anchored and hit a big rock near the land of Cambodia, so the king of Cambodia sunk the ship so that they are now slaves of the king of Cambodia who are overwhelmed with injustice and misery. They all hoped for help to free them from the bondage of the king of Cambodia. So when he heard the words of this messenger, his wife (Martaningrum) empathized and became sad and cried. He summoned his minister, Arya Ba’ah, and told him about the incident in which his ship was damaged and he was detained by the king of Cambodia and made them his servants. King Brawijaya said to him: Go to Cambodia to take these three children from the hands of the king of Cambodia, with you I will send 10 men who will help you and arm you. Arya Ba’ah resigned and headed to Cambodia. After arriving before the king of Cambodia, he was asked his name, country and destination. Arya Ba’ah said: As for me, my name is Arya Ba’ah, I was sent to you by the great king, Brawijaya, because I heard that you were holding two young men and a servant while they were on a ship that had split on the coast, and I was sent to bring them all to the king of Brawijaya, for the children are the children of Sayyidah Candrawulan binti raja Campa, the sister of Sayyidah Martaningrum, the wife of raja Brawijaya, and he will be pleased if you do not sink his ship, then he (raja Brawijaya) will be pleased with your help. So when he heard Arya Ba’ah’s words, he called the three and said before them : These are the messengers of King Brawijaya, who have come to me to ask me to return you to them, so go with them. The three of them then said: We hear and obey. Arya Ba’ah then retreated with his band and the three of them from the king of Cambodia and headed for Majapahit. Then the three of them were summoned by Arya Ba’ah to King Brawijaya, so when they faced him, the king asked about their situation from beginning to end. Then Brawijaya ordered them to stand on his sandals and honored them with respect. And that was the end of the sixth hijriyyah.

King Brawijaya used to love these two children very much, as if they were part of his other children. He gave them whatever they asked for, but they were discouraged to see that none of the people of Majapahit in particular and Java in general practiced Islam. When the two of them were about to pray, the people mocked and made a lot of noise and never knew about it as if it was a very strange act that they had never seen even from standing, reciting (the Qur’an), bowing, i’tidal, prostration, sitting, tashahhud and so on. To the extent that an old man said: Do not ridicule and make a scene between the two of them, because every human being has a God who is worshipped with something that is loved by Him, both of them have a God other than your god that you worship according to what is loved by Him in their own way, so do not disgrace and do not criticize people who worship their God.

This is the story of Sayyid Rajafandita and Sayyid Rahmat in which there is a lesson for those who take lessons and guidance from people of knowledge, which is that a believer should not be ashamed to call out what Allah Ta’ala has obliged him to do, and should not fear the reproach of those who reproach him in order to gain the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala, as some Ulama said:

The faith of a slave is not complete …

Until he sees that people and camels are the same …

Their praise and reproach are the same…

He does not fear the reproach of the one who reproaches the owner of glory…

Long before that, in the days where the land of Pajajaran there was a king named Arya Banjar who was the son of Sang Mundi Wangi, and Arya Banjar had a son named Arya Mantahunan, Arya Mantahunan had a son named Randa Kuning, and from Randa Kuning gave birth to 3 children: Arya Galuh, Arya Tanduran and Arya Ba’ah. Three children were born to Arya Galuh: Arya Baribain, Arya Tijawaki, Tarub; and Arya Baribain had 2 children one of whom was a girl whose name was Maduratna and a boy named Jaka Kandar. Arya Tija had 2 children, a girl named Candrawata and a boy Raden Syukur. Tarub has 3 children: Nawangsih, Raden Yunawang Sasi and Raden Yutawang Arum. Wallahu A’lam. And their connection will come in this story.

Then Sayyid Rajafandita and Sayyid Rahmat wanted to return to the land of Campa for the reasons already told and because they felt sad. They both informed the king of Brawijaya of their desire, then the king forbade them both to return, the king said: Indeed parting with you both is a great matter, do not return to your country; If you both want to control the territory, for you the territory what you both want, from any leadership if you want, if you want a wife, choose whichever you want among the women, and the government, the minister choose. But I forbid you both to return to your country. For I hear that the king of Hindustan is fighting Kupang, Calcutta, Giri, Malibar and their surroundings, and there is nothing left of those countries except to submit under his (Hindustan’s) rule, not even the country of Campa, for it is still at war with Hindustan and I do not know how it will end.

So when they heard Brawijaya’s words and the strong prohibition for them both to return, they obeyed the king to remain in Majapahit. Then afterwards they were married. Sayyid Rajafandita married the daughter of Arya Baribain named Maduratna in the land of Ris, then lived in a village called Sinabung. As for Sayyid Rahmat, he married the daughter of Arya Tija named Raden Ayu Candrawati and then lived in a village called Ampel in Surabaya. As for Abu Hurairah, he married a woman from Tambakrian village named Samirah bint Husain and the work of both of them was cotton gardening; at that time Abu Hurairah picked it and separated the seeds from the kapok. Every day he gave a gift of cotton to Sayyid Rahmat to make wicks to light the mosque lamps, therefore Sayyid Rahmat named it cotton seed.

Sayyid Rahmat followed a man from Majapahit named Wirajaya and he was the village leader and encouraged Sayyid Rajafandita to work as a blacksmith.

Sayyid Rajafandita had 3 children: Hajj Uthman, Uthman Hajj and Nyai Gede Tundo.



One day Brawijaya spoke with his wife, Martaningrum. His wife told him that she had a sister named Candrawulan who at that time had an amazing feature, it was said to her:

Her hair was like blackened twilight and on her face was like dawn shining…

Her teeth were like lamps lined up …

The stature of his hind limbs is toned…

Wiggling from behind protruding like a hill…

As if she was indifferent to people characterizing her and lost in their dirty thoughts…

Whether they were human or gazelle-like…

So when Brawijaya heard what his wife said about his sister; Brawijaya seemed more than happy for her to marry his sister to him. He then called his minister Arya Ba’ah, who was also Brawijaya’s confidant. When Brawijaya told him the example of Candrawulan he said to his minister: I send you to the king of Campa, so when you reach him say that you are the messenger of the king of Brawijaya who wants your daughter Candrawulan to be married to Brawijaya; therefore I send you to him. Arya Ba’ah said: I hear and obey. He left the kingdom of Brawjiya for the country of Campa while reciting poetry through the writing that was read:

I went out but my going out was not to seek obstacles …

But to gain your favor that you dream of…

Had it not been for that, I would not have sought harm…

By coming to foreign lands and seas while carrying a message…

To the king of a land I have never entered…

To bring his son who is like the light of the full moon…

With a heart surrounded by fear…

That is like a small bird thrown to an eagle…

O if this (i.e. the risk of becoming a minister) has been decreed by my lord…

I will seize it with the greatest joy and glory…

Arya Ba’ah did not stop his journey except after reaching the land of Campa, so when he entered the land of Campa, he heard that the king of Campa had died and the king after him was his own son, the king of Cangkar as he had been called. His daughter Candrawulan had married a man named Ibrahim of Samarqand who had three descendants by marriage, so the envoy of Brawijaya was saddened by this and doubted the truth, feeling that his efforts had failed and that he had not gotten any results. When he entered to meet the king of Cangkar, the king asked his name and about his country and his needs. Arya said: O king, I am a man from Java, my name is Arya Ba’ah. I come to you sent by a noble king named Brawijaya. Arya said to himself: With the death of his father and then I immediately said my purpose actually the possibility that he would be angry, I should not inform my purpose until he was pleased. Then Arya undid her intention while being friendly without informing the king of Cangkar of the purpose of being sent by Brawijaya, pretending to tell from her own side. So when Arya wanted to say goodbye, the king of Cangkar said: I have been entrusted to give this bracelet and necklace to Martaningrum, the wife of King Brawijaya, so give it to her. Then Arya asked for leave from the king and returned home to Majapahit, then entered to meet King Brawijaya. When Arya’s business was finished and she saw King Brawijaya, she said: Indeed I have gone and reached the land of Campa, I did what I was obliged to do to serve the king; however, my efforts have failed and been in vain with no results as desired by the king. This was because the daughter of the king of Campa, Chandrawulan, had married an Arab man named Ibrahim Al Samarqandi, and had given birth to three children, and indeed the king of Campa had also died in the days before I came. The king after him was his own son named Cangkar. Here I bring a message from the king of Cangkar to give her a bracelet and necklace (Martaningrum). King Brawijaya said to him: Go directly to Martaningrum and bring this bracelet and necklace, but remember not to tell her of her father’s death, for I fear she will be grieved and saddened if she hears from you the news of her father’s death. Arya Ba’ah entered the residence of King Brawijaya and met the princess Martaningrum and gave her the message. When she grasped the bracelet and necklace and confirmed that it was her brother’s gift, she suddenly fainted, then Arya was frightened and called the people in the house shouting, crying so that the whole house was heard. When Brawijaya heard it, he entered the house, harboring undoubted resentment because he thought all this was due to the news of his father’s death. Brawijaya said to his wife: It is not right for you to do so, you cried, and threw yourself on the floor. His wife said: I weep for the cause of my father’s death. Bravijaya said: Who informed you about him? There is no messenger or writing about it. Said his wife: Indeed my father told me to send this bracelet and necklace to me when he died, and both have reached me, so I know that my father is gone. This was the story of King Brawijaya and his wife.

As for the story of Sayyid Rajafandita and Sayyid Rahmat who are both sons of Sayyid Ibrahim who both came from the land of Campa, both of them are our teachers, their fathers once visited their aunt Martaningrum the wife of King Brawijaya in the land of Majapahit. At that time, their father sent a slave named Abu Hurairah to accompany them (his sons) on their travels wherever and whenever, so that they would always be of service to him. When they both went out from the country of Campa to the island of Java, they came to a country called Kupang, where they found a trading ship belonging to the people of Gresik, a city close to Surabaya. They all boarded the ship and sailed the sea for seven nights. When there was a sea swell, there was a sudden windstorm that pushed the ship towards the country near Cambodia. When they arrived at the coast, the ship collided with a large rock on the beach and the ship split open. Word spread to the king of Cambodia, who ordered the ship to be sunk and the crew taken into custody. The three of them conferred about what had happened to them. They agreed to inform the king of Brawijaya about their condition in order to be freed from the hands of the king of Cambodia, where the power of the king of Cambodia was under the power of Brawijaya. They sent a man from Cambodia, who traveled to Majapahit. When he entered to meet King Brawijaya, he was asked about his name, country and destination. The man said: Indeed I am from the land of Cambodia, I come as a messenger from your noble sons, both of whom are the sons of Candrawulan bint king of Campa, namely Sayyid Rajafandita and Sayyid Rahmat and with him a servant named Abu Hurairah. They want a delegation from you, because when they boarded the ship, the ship anchored and hit a big rock near the land of Cambodia, so the king of Cambodia sunk the ship so that they are now slaves of the king of Cambodia who are overwhelmed with injustice and misery. They all hoped for help to free them from the bondage of the king of Cambodia. So when he heard the words of this messenger, his wife (Martaningrum) empathized and became sad and cried. He summoned his minister, Arya Ba’ah, and told him about the incident in which his ship was damaged and he was detained by the king of Cambodia and made them his servants. King Brawijaya said to him: Go to Cambodia to take these three children from the hands of the king of Cambodia, with you I will send 10 men who will help you and arm you. Arya Ba’ah resigned and headed to Cambodia. After arriving before the king of Cambodia, he was asked his name, country and destination. Arya Ba’ah said: As for me, my name is Arya Ba’ah, I was sent to you by the great king, Brawijaya, because I heard that you were holding two young men and a servant while they were on a ship that had split on the coast, and I was sent to bring them all to the king of Brawijaya, for the children are the children of Sayyidah Candrawulan binti raja Campa, the sister of Sayyidah Martaningrum, the wife of raja Brawijaya, and he will be pleased if you do not sink his ship, then he (raja Brawijaya) will be pleased with your help. So when he heard Arya Ba’ah’s words, he called the three and said before them : These are the messengers of King Brawijaya, who have come to me to ask me to return you to them, so go with them. The three of them then said: We hear and obey. Arya Ba’ah then retreated with his band and the three of them from the king of Cambodia and headed for Majapahit. Then the three of them were summoned by Arya Ba’ah to King Brawijaya, so when they faced him, the king asked about their situation from beginning to end. Then Brawijaya ordered them to stand on his sandals and honored them with respect. And that was the end of the sixth hijriyyah.

King Brawijaya used to love these two children very much, as if they were part of his other children. He gave them whatever they asked for, but they were discouraged to see that none of the people of Majapahit in particular and Java in general practiced Islam. When the two of them were about to pray, the people mocked and made a lot of noise and never knew about it as if it was a very strange act that they had never seen even from standing, reciting (the Qur’an), bowing, i’tidal, prostration, sitting, tashahhud and so on. To the extent that an old man said: Do not ridicule and make a scene between the two of them, because every human being has a God who is worshipped with something that is loved by Him, both of them have a God other than your god that you worship according to what is loved by Him in their own way, so do not disgrace and do not criticize people who worship their God.

This is the story of Sayyid Rajafandita and Sayyid Rahmat in which there is a lesson for those who take lessons and guidance from people of knowledge, which is that a believer should not be ashamed to call out what Allah Ta’ala has obliged him to do, and should not fear the reproach of those who reproach him in order to gain the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala, as some Ulama said:

The faith of a slave is not complete …

Until he sees that people and camels are the same …

Their praise and reproach are the same…

He does not fear the reproach of the one who reproaches the owner of glory…

Long before that, in the days where the land of Pajajaran there was a king named Arya Banjar who was the son of Sang Mundi Wangi, and Arya Banjar had a son named Arya Mantahunan, Arya Mantahunan had a son named Randa Kuning, and from Randa Kuning gave birth to 3 children: Arya Galuh, Arya Tanduran and Arya Ba’ah. Three children were born to Arya Galuh: Arya Baribain, Arya Tijawaki, Tarub; and Arya Baribain had 2 children one of whom was a girl whose name was Maduratna and a boy named Jaka Kandar. Arya Tija had 2 children, a girl named Candrawata and a boy Raden Syukur. Tarub has 3 children: Nawangsih, Raden Yunawang Sasi and Raden Yutawang Arum. Wallahu A’lam. And their connection will come in this story.

Then Sayyid Rajafandita and Sayyid Rahmat wanted to return to the land of Campa for the reasons already told and because they felt sad. They both informed the king of Brawijaya of their desire, then the king forbade them both to return, the king said: Indeed parting with you both is a great matter, do not return to your country; If you both want to control the territory, for you the territory what you both want, from any leadership if you want, if you want a wife, choose whichever you want among the women, and the government, the minister choose. But I forbid you both to return to your country. For I hear that the king of Hindustan is fighting Kupang, Calcutta, Giri, Malibar and their surroundings, and there is nothing left of those countries except to submit under his (Hindustan’s) rule, not even the country of Campa, for it is still at war with Hindustan and I do not know how it will end.

So when they heard Brawijaya’s words and the strong prohibition for them both to return, they obeyed the king to remain in Majapahit. Then afterwards they were married. Sayyid Rajafandita married the daughter of Arya Baribain named Maduratna in the land of Ris, then lived in a village called Sinabung. As for Sayyid Rahmat, he married the daughter of Arya Tija named Raden Ayu Candrawati and then lived in a village called Ampel in Surabaya. As for Abu Hurairah, he married a woman from Tambakrian village named Samirah bint Husain and the work of both of them was cotton gardening; at that time Abu Hurairah picked it and separated the seeds from the kapok. Every day he gave gifts of cotton to Sayyid Rahmat to make wicks for lighting the mosque lamps, therefore Sayyid Rahmat named him cotton seeds.

Sayyid Rahmat followed a man from Majapahit named Wirajaya and he was the village leader and encouraged Sayyid Rajafandita to work as a blacksmith.

Sayyid Rajafandita had three children: Hajj Uthman, Uthman Hajj and Nyai Gede Tundo.

Sayyid Rahmat had 5 children from Raden Ayu Candrawati: Sayyidah Syarifah, Mutmainnah, Hafsah and Sayyid Ibrahim, Sayyid Qasim. Then married again with Maskarimah binti Kembang Kuning who was born to him 2 daughters: Murtiah and Murtasimah. All his children learned the sciences of sharia (religion) from their father. This is the information that explains Sayyid Rajafandita and his brother (Sayyid Rahmat).

Ki Tarub’s children who have been named then the one named Nawangsih she married Lembu Peteng bin Brawijaya or called Shohroh Tarub who was blessed with a child named Getas Pandawa. And his son named Nawangsasi married Raden Jaka Kandar settled in Malaya village in Bangkalan in Madura; then had children named Asiyah and Dewi Irah. Ki Tarub’s daughter Nawang Arum was married to Raden Syakur who ruled the country of Wilatikta (Tumenggung Wilatikta).

The past that the king of Pajajaran Mundi Wangi had a second wife and was blessed with a son named Giyung Manar who was blessed with a son named Bambang Wecana who was blessed with a son Bambang Pamengker, and this father was subject to the power of the king of Majapahit, distanced himself living in the village under Mount Semeru, Bambang Pamengker was blessed with a son named Minak Paranggula who was blessed with a son named Minak Sambayu who became king in the country of Blambangan. There will be a connection between their stories.

Maulan Ishak who has been mentioned in the past, he was the brother of Sayyid Ibrahim; So when he became an adventurous man on earth, he came to the land of Pasa, which is a country on the island of Sumatra, so he lived there (Pasa). He was blessed with children named Sayyid Abdul Qadir and Sarah.

Then went Mulana Ishak to the island of Java and left his two children with his mother. Where both of them are still small. Maulana Ishak boarded a ship owned by a man from Gresik and traveled well until he arrived in Gresik, then disembarked and headed to Surabaya, entering the village of Ampel at Asr time. Coincidentally there he met Sayyid Rahmat praying as an imam followed by three men: Abu Hurairah, Ki Wirajaya and Ki Bangkuning. So Maulana Ishaq waited outside the mosque. When Sayyid Rahmat had greeted his prayer, Maulana Ishaq greeted and answered his greeting. Then they both asked each other about their names and the names of their fathers. Then Sayyid Rahmat knew that Maulana Ishaq was his father’s brother. Maulana Isaac said: You are my son, because your father is my brother. Then said to him Sayyid Rahmat: There used to be no Muslims here except me and my brother Sayyid Rajafandita and my friend Abu Hurairah, we were the first Muslims on the island of Java. Maulana Ishak said: I call you the first Sunan, first because you were the first Muslim on the island of Java. So the people agreed to assign this name to Sayyid Rahmat. Always Sayyid Rahmat called people to the religion of Allah Ta’ala and to the worship of Him. So much so that all the inhabitants of Ampel followed him and those around him and most of the people of Surabaya. This is nothing but the goodness of his advice and his wisdom in preaching and his good manners towards people and his good conduct, implementing the words of Allah: Call people to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good advice, and deal with them with the best of jidals (Al-Ayat), and Allah’s Word: Humble yourselves to those who believe, and His words : Enjoin the good and avoid the evil, and be patient with what befalls you; indeed, this is what Allah has enjoined. This is what the Muslim Imams and their mashaikhs should have followed, and it was the path that was pleasing to them, until people came to the religion of Allah in droves. Says the poet:

Accept their forgiveness, walk with the custom as …

You are commanded, and show (the command) to those who are ignorant …

Be as gentle as you can with every man…

Then it will appear good to those who are ignorant…

And to those who are stubborn, touch them …

With patience, that those who are perfect may be lifted up …

Then after a while, Maulana Ishaq withdrew to Sayyid Rahmat and then left Ampel to walk northeast up the mountains and down the valleys to the land of Banyuwangi. He climbed the mountain said to be Selangu solely to worship there, praying the obligatory prayers, sunnah and fasting to seek the pleasure of Ar-Rahman and abstain from all sin; He was alone, earnestly leaving the hawa nasfu and the temptation of Satan solely for the heart and purifying it from doubt in order to become a grateful person and praise his Rabb, he rushed to Him to eliminate hidden shirk for the fortress and weapon in faith and belief.

Minak Sambayu (king of Blambangan) who has been mentioned in the past had a daughter named Sekar Dadu who was a good person, who attracted men, so it is said of her:

She is a woman who has a life like a bewitching full moon…

Her hair is like the night when it is pitch black…

Out of her mouth comes light when she smiles…

As lightning sweeps across the vision when looked at…

She walks shyly blushing and turning her head…

So those who look at him are like drunken people …

When she faces, I see no plumpness in either of them…

Like two pomegranates, to him who looks…

And when she turns her back it is as if her hair is in random waves …

Her stature was neither tall nor short, that is to say sufficient…

At that time he was very sick, and many tired healers were confused about what medicine to use. The king of Blambangan was grieved because of this, with great sorrow. So the ministers, government, officials and royal fatwa experts were gathered. Each of them was called upon to find a cure in each of their territories for the king’s daughter, then whoever succeeded in curing her would be married to her and given half the royal treasure. So they all called out to all the people of the village and the country, but to no avail. Then one day, some of his ministers said: Indeed we saw a man dressed in a robe and wearing a white skullcap who lived alone on Mount Salangu and was different from other people, when the sun was in the sky, he stood up and put his hands to his chest and moved his mouth saying what we did not understand, did not turn his head until he bowed down and put his hands on his knees then raised his hands, then fell down and put his forehead to the earth, then sat down and finally turned his head to the right and left; Then if the sun sets he does it again, if the sun disappears he does it again, if before the sun appears he does it again lightly, that is his activity every day. Then the king wished to call him to cure his noble daughter, may he be able to cure her. The king said: Call him of whom you have spoken. So the minister called Maulana Ishak to appear before the king of Blambangan, so when they met Maulan Ishak, they informed him of the king’s wish. Maulana Ishak fulfilled the king’s summons, and went down with the royal ministers. So when he arrived before the king, the king said: Indeed I have a daughter, she is the fruit of my heart and half of my soul and now she is sick, she has been sick for a long time, to the point that the doctors are tired of looking for a cure, so if you have a cure, cure her; I vowed: Whoever cures him, I will marry him and with him I will give half of my kingdom. So Maulana Isaac accepted the offer while praying to Allah, begging Him to give him a cure and remove his illness with His permission. So suddenly the king’s son recovered, and he married him and gave him half of his kingdom. So it became easy for him to call people to Islam, and he kept calling them to Islam until most of the people of the land converted. One day Maulana Ishak went to the king of Blambangan and said to him: O my father, I have come to you to call you to abandon idol statues and follow the devil to worship only Allah, the All-Living and Self-Sustaining, the One who gives life and death, the King of all worlds; Say Ashhadu Anlaa illaha Illallah, wa Ashhadu Anna Muhammadan Rasulullah. So when he heard the words of Maulana Isaac, he changed his face and turned red, got angry with Maulana Isaac and said: If you do not come out of my presence now, I will tear your body apart. Maulana Ishak went out, disappearing as a fugitive. By then his wife was 7 months pregnant, crying at the separation from her husband, dimness and sadness enveloping her. Maulan Ishak did not come. Maulana Ishak remained hidden while praying for Allah’s help to punish the king of Blambangan. So Allah sent down upon the people of Blambangan a plague and sudden death, and most of the people died, and were unable to ward off (the punishment from Allah). The king of Blambangan was saddened, to the point of having no appetite, no sleep, he said: This is the result of the misfortune of that man (meaning Maulana Ishak) and his child who is now in the womb of my child, indeed if he is born I will throw him into the sea. So when the period of gestation was complete, he was born like pure gold. The king took it and put it in a coffin, and ordered it to be thrown into the sea. It was thrown into the sea by the waves (the coffin) up and down awake, guarded by Allah Ta’ala and guarded by His care. That is part of the karamah. When the chest passed through the merchant ships of the people of Gresik, it was picked up by the crew of the ship, so when the chest was opened, there was found in it a child who was radiant and whose face was like the shining moon. At that time, the merchants who boarded the ship were going to Bali. They brought the child to Bali safely. When the merchants finished their business in Bali, they went to Tandes and then returned to Gresik with the child. He dropped the child off at the harbor, then handed the child over to a woman named Nyai Gede, the daughter of Sayyid Rajafandita, whose story has already been told. Nyai said: Whose child is this? They (the merchants) said: This child was washed up near the harbor of Blambangan, swirling in the sea water. So very happy was Nyai Gede, where she had not given birth to any child. She named the child Broedin, educated him with a good upbringing, and loved him very much; however, the child could not suckle on any woman, only sucking his fingers until the age of 7 days. After that it could drink milk, which is the baby’s habit.

Maulana Ishak after hiding behind a small hill, returned to his country of Pasa on the island of Sumatra to gather with his wife and children. Maulana Ishak informed his wife and children that he still had a relative, the son of his uncle, on the island of Java, in the village of Ampel, in the Surabaya area, whose name was Sayyid Rahmat, who was one of the first to embrace Islam on the island of Java. He was also the imam of the Muslims, the saints and the righteous; he taught Islam, the way of Islam and the essence of Islam. Maulana Ishak did not stay in Pasa except for a few days and then passed away, it is said that he stayed in Pasa for seven days and then passed away. The scholars and saints came to pray for him, and after praying for him they took him to the grave, which is said to be Taman Sari grave. They all crowded around his grave, saying hallelujah, tahmid, tahlil and reciting the Qur’an, hopefully getting a wide reward for the spirit of Maulana Ishak, he was buried there, hopefully for him the uninterrupted mercy of Allah for Maulana Ishak.

The story of his son, Sayyid Abdul Qadir and Sayyidah Sarah, so the two of them after the death of their father agreed to travel around the earth. So they arrived at the land of Adan, which is on the Arabian Peninsula, they stayed there for days then continued to board a ship which then drove to Keling for 11 days, and stayed there for a month then boarded a ship again until they arrived on the island of Java, then boarded a ship until the land called Juwana, which was a port among the ports at that time. And out they both went to Surabaya. When they reached the village of Ampel, they both asked about the house of Sayyid Rahmat, so they were shown to the house of Sayyid Rahmat. So when they met him, they both greeted him, and he returned the greeting. Then Sayyid Rahmat asked about their names, their country and who their parents were. Sayyid Abdul Qadir said: My name is Abdul Qadir, and this is my sister Sarah, we both come from the country of Pasa on the island of Sumatra, our father’s name is Maulana Ishak and he has passed away; it was told to us when he was alive that we had a close relative named Sayyid Rahmat who lived in the village of Ampel in Surabaya on the island of Java and was an imam for the Muslims there. Sayyid Rahmat said: Then you two are my brothers, your father is the brother of my father. They embraced each other and cried with joy.

One day Brawijaya spoke with his wife Martaningrum. His wife told him that she had a sister named Candrawulan who at that time had an amazing feature, she said:

Her hair was like blackened twilight and on her face was like dawn shining…

Her teeth were like lamps lined up …

The stature of his hind limbs is toned…

Wiggling from behind protruding like a hill…

As if she was indifferent to people characterizing her and lost in their dirty thoughts…

Whether they were human or gazelle-like…

So when Brawijaya heard what his wife said about his sister; Brawijaya seemed more than happy for her to marry his sister to him. He then called his minister Arya Ba’ah, who was also Brawijaya’s confidant. When Brawijaya told him the example of Candrawulan he said to his minister: I send you to the king of Campa, so when you reach him say that you are the messenger of the king of Brawijaya who wants your daughter Candrawulan to be married to Brawijaya; therefore I send you to him. Arya Ba’ah said: I hear and obey. He left the kingdom of Brawjiya for the country of Campa while reciting poetry through the writing that was read:

I went out but my going out was not to seek obstacles …

But to gain your favor that you dream of…

Had it not been for that, I would not have sought harm…

By coming to foreign lands and seas while carrying a message…

To the king of a land I have never entered…

To bring his son who is like the light of the full moon…

With a heart surrounded by fear…

That is like a small bird thrown to an eagle…

O if this (i.e. the risk of becoming a minister) has been decreed by my lord…

I will seize it with the greatest joy and glory…

Arya Ba’ah did not stop his journey except after reaching the land of Campa, so when he entered the land of Campa, he heard that the king of Campa had died and the king after him was his own son, the king of Cangkar as he had been called. His daughter Candrawulan had married a man named Ibrahim of Samarqand who had three descendants by marriage, so the envoy of Brawijaya was saddened by this and doubted the truth, feeling that his efforts had failed and that he had not gotten any results. When he entered to meet the king of Cangkar, the king asked his name and about his country and his needs. Arya said: O king, I am a man from Java, my name is Arya Ba’ah. I come to you sent by a noble king named Brawijaya. Arya said to himself: With the death of his father and then I immediately said my purpose actually the possibility that he would be angry, I should not inform my purpose until he was pleased. Then Arya undid her intention while being friendly without informing the king of Cangkar of the purpose of being sent by Brawijaya, pretending to tell from her own side. So when Arya wanted to say goodbye, the king of Cangkar said: I have been entrusted to give this bracelet and necklace to Martaningrum, the wife of King Brawijaya, so give it to her. Then Arya asked for leave from the king and returned home to Majapahit, then entered to meet King Brawijaya. When Arya’s business was finished and she saw King Brawijaya, she said: Indeed I have gone and reached the land of Campa, I did what I was obliged to do to serve the king; however, my efforts have failed and been in vain with no results as desired by the king. This was because the daughter of the king of Campa, Chandrawulan, had married an Arab man named Ibrahim Al Samarqandi, and had given birth to three children, and indeed the king of Campa had also died in the days before I came. The king after him was his own son named Cangkar. Here I bring a message from the king of Cangkar to give her a bracelet and necklace (Martaningrum). King Brawijaya said to him: Go directly to Martaningrum and bring this bracelet and necklace, but remember not to tell her of her father’s death, for I fear she will be grieved and saddened if she hears from you the news of her father’s death. Arya Ba’ah entered the residence of King Brawijaya and met the princess Martaningrum and gave her the message. When she grasped the bracelet and necklace and confirmed that it was her brother’s gift, she suddenly fainted, then Arya was frightened and called the people in the house shouting, crying so that the whole house was heard. When Brawijaya heard it, he entered the house, harboring undoubted resentment because he thought all this was due to the news of his father’s death. Brawijaya said to his wife: It is not right for you to do so, you cried, and threw yourself on the floor. His wife said: I weep for the cause of my father’s death. Bravijaya said: Who informed you about him? There is no messenger or writing about it. Said his wife: Indeed my father told me to send this bracelet and necklace to me when he died, and both have reached me, so I know that my father is gone. This was the story of King Brawijaya and his wife.

As for the story of Sayyid Rajafandita and Sayyid Rahmat who are both sons of Sayyid Ibrahim who both came from the land of Campa, both of them are our teachers, their fathers once visited their aunt Martaningrum the wife of King Brawijaya in the land of Majapahit. At that time, their father sent a slave named Abu Hurairah to accompany them (his sons) on their travels wherever and whenever, so that they would always be of service to him. When they both went out from the country of Campa to the island of Java, they came to a country called Kupang, where they found a trading ship belonging to the people of Gresik, a city close to Surabaya. They all boarded the ship and sailed the sea for seven nights. When there was a sea swell, there was a sudden windstorm that pushed the ship towards the country near Cambodia. When they arrived at the coast, the ship collided with a large rock on the beach and the ship split open. Word spread to the king of Cambodia, who ordered the ship to be sunk and the crew taken into custody. The three of them conferred about what had happened to them. They agreed to inform the king of Brawijaya about their condition in order to be freed from the hands of the king of Cambodia, where the power of the king of Cambodia was under the power of Brawijaya. They sent a man from Cambodia, who traveled to Majapahit. When he entered to meet King Brawijaya, he was asked about his name, country and destination. The man said: Indeed I am from the land of Cambodia, I come as a messenger from your noble sons, both of whom are the sons of Candrawulan bint king of Campa, namely Sayyid Rajafandita and Sayyid Rahmat and with him a servant named Abu Hurairah. They want a delegation from you, because when they boarded the ship, the ship anchored and hit a big rock near the land of Cambodia, so the king of Cambodia sunk the ship so that they are now slaves of the king of Cambodia who are overwhelmed with injustice and misery. They all hoped for help to free them from the bondage of the king of Cambodia. So when he heard the words of this messenger, his wife (Martaningrum) empathized and became sad and cried. He summoned his minister, Arya Ba’ah, and told him about the incident in which his ship was damaged and he was detained by the king of Cambodia and made them his servants. King Brawijaya said to him: Go to Cambodia to take these three children from the hands of the king of Cambodia, with you I will send 10 men who will help you and arm you. Arya Ba’ah resigned and headed to Cambodia. After arriving before the king of Cambodia, he was asked his name, country and destination. Arya Ba’ah said: As for me, my name is Arya Ba’ah, I was sent to you by the great king, Brawijaya, because I heard that you were holding two young men and a servant while they were on a ship that had split on the coast, and I was sent to bring them all to the king of Brawijaya, for the children are the children of Sayyidah Candrawulan binti raja Campa, the sister of Sayyidah Martaningrum, the wife of raja Brawijaya, and he will be pleased if you do not sink his ship, then he (raja Brawijaya) will be pleased with your help. So when he heard Arya Ba’ah’s words, he called the three and said before them : These are the messengers of King Brawijaya, who have come to me to ask me to return you to them, so go with them. The three of them then said: We hear and obey. Arya Ba’ah then retreated with his band and the three of them from the king of Cambodia and headed for Majapahit. Then the three of them were summoned by Arya Ba’ah to King Brawijaya, so when they faced him, the king asked about their situation from beginning to end. Then Brawijaya ordered them to stand on his sandals and honored them with respect. This was the end of the sixth Hijri period.

King Brawijaya loved these two children as much as if they were part of his other children. He gave them whatever they asked for, but they were discouraged to see that none of the people of Majapahit in particular and Java in general practiced Islam. When the two of them were about to pray, the people mocked and made a lot of noise and never knew about it as if it was a very strange act that they had never seen even from standing, reciting (the Qur’an), bowing, i’tidal, prostration, sitting, tashahhud and so on. To the extent that an old man said: Do not ridicule and make a scene between the two of them, because every human being has a God who is worshipped with something that is loved by Him, both of them have a God other than your God whom you worship according to what is loved by Him in their own way, so do not disgrace and do not criticize people who worship their God.

This is the story of Sayyid Rajafandita and Sayyid Rahmat in which there is a lesson for those who take lessons and guidance from people of knowledge, which is that a believer should not be ashamed to call out what Allah Ta’ala has obliged him to do, and should not fear the reproach of those who reproach him in order to gain the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala, as some Ulama said:

The faith of a slave is not complete …

Until he sees that people and camels are the same …

Their praise and reproach are the same…

He does not fear the reproach of the one who reproaches the owner of glory…

Long before that, in the days where the land of Pajajaran there was a king named Arya Banjar who was the son of Sang Mundi Wangi, and Arya Banjar had a son named Arya Mantahunan, Arya Mantahunan had a son named Randa Kuning, and from Randa Kuning gave birth to 3 children: Arya Galuh, Arya Tanduran and Arya Ba’ah. Three children were born to Arya Galuh: Arya Baribain, Arya Tijawaki, Tarub; and Arya Baribain had 2 children one of whom was a girl whose name was Maduratna and a boy named Jaka Kandar. Arya Tija had 2 children, a girl named Candrawata and a boy Raden Syukur. Tarub has 3 children: Nawangsih, Raden Yunawang Sasi and Raden Yutawang Arum. Wallahu A’lam. And their connection will come in this story.

Then Sayyid Rajafandita and Sayyid Rahmat wanted to return to the land of Campa for the reasons already told and because they felt sad. They both informed the king of Brawijaya of their desire, then the king forbade them both to return, the king said: Indeed parting with you both is a great matter, do not return to your country; If you both want to control the territory, for you the territory what you both want, from any leadership if you want, if you want a wife, choose whichever you want among the women, and the government, the minister choose. But I forbid you both to return to your country. For I hear that the king of Hindustan is fighting Kupang, Calcutta, Giri, Malibar and their surroundings, and there is nothing left of those countries except to submit under his (Hindustan’s) rule, not even the country of Campa, for it is still at war with Hindustan and I do not know how it will end.

So when they heard Brawijaya’s words and the strong prohibition for them both to return, they obeyed the king to remain in Majapahit. Then afterwards they were married. Sayyid Rajafandita married the daughter of Arya Baribain named Maduratna in the land of Ris, then lived in a village called Sinabung. As for Sayyid Rahmat, he married the daughter of Arya Tija named Raden Ayu Candrawati and then lived in a village called Ampel in Surabaya. As for Abu Hurairah, he married a woman from Tambakrian village named Samirah bint Husain and the work of both of them was cotton gardening; at that time Abu Hurairah picked it and separated the seeds from the kapok. Every day he gave a gift of cotton to Sayyid Rahmat to make wicks to light the mosque lamps, therefore Sayyid Rahmat named it cotton seed.

Sayyid Rahmat followed a man from Majapahit named Wirajaya and he was the village leader and encouraged Sayyid Rajafandita to work as a blacksmith.

Sayyid Rajafandita had 3 children: Hajj Uthman, Uthman Hajj and Nyai Gede Tundo.

Sayyid Rahmat had 5 children from Raden Ayu Candrawati: Sayyidah Syarifah, Mutmainnah, Hafsah and Sayyid Ibrahim, Sayyid Qasim. Then married again with Maskarimah binti Kembang Kuning who was born to him 2 daughters: Murtiah and Murtasimah. All his children learned the sciences of sharia (religion) from their father. This is the information that explains Sayyid Rajafandita and his brother (Sayyid Rahmat).

Ki Tarub’s children who have been named then the one named Nawangsih she married Lembu Peteng bin Brawijaya or called Shohroh Tarub who was blessed with a child named Getas Pandawa. And his son named Nawangsasi married Raden Jaka Kandar settled in Malaya village in Bangkalan in Madura; then had children named Asiyah and Dewi Irah. Ki Tarub’s daughter Nawang Arum was married to Raden Syakur who ruled the country of Wilatikta (Tumenggung Wilatikta).

The past that the king of Pajajaran Mundi Wangi had a second wife and was blessed with a son named Giyung Manar who was blessed with a son named Bambang Wecana who was blessed with a son Bambang Pamengker, and this father was subject to the power of the king of Majapahit, distanced himself living in the village under Mount Semeru, Bambang Pamengker was blessed with a son named Minak Paranggula who was blessed with a son named Minak Sambayu who became king in the country of Blambangan. There will be a connection between their stories.

Maulan Ishak who has been mentioned in the past, he was the brother of Sayyid Ibrahim; So when he became an adventurous man on earth, he came to the land of Pasa, which is a country on the island of Sumatra, so he lived there (Pasa). He was blessed with children named Sayyid Abdul Qadir and Sarah.

Then went Mulana Ishak to the island of Java and left his two children with his mother. Where both of them are still small. Maulana Ishak boarded a ship owned by a man from Gresik and traveled well until he arrived in Gresik, then disembarked and headed to Surabaya, entering the village of Ampel at Asr time. Coincidentally there he met Sayyid Rahmat praying as an imam followed by three men: Abu Hurairah, Ki Wirajaya and Ki Bangkuning. So Maulana Ishaq waited outside the mosque. When Sayyid Rahmat had greeted his prayer, Maulana Ishaq greeted and answered his greeting. Then they both asked each other about their names and the names of their fathers. Then Sayyid Rahmat knew that Maulana Ishaq was his father’s brother. Maulana Isaac said: You are my son, because your father is my brother. Then said to him Sayyid Rahmat: There used to be no Muslims here except me and my brother Sayyid Rajafandita and my friend Abu Hurairah, we were the first Muslims on the island of Java. Maulana Ishak said: I call you the first Sunan, first because you were the first Muslim on the island of Java. So the people agreed to assign this name to Sayyid Rahmat. Always Sayyid Rahmat called people to the religion of Allah Ta’ala and to the worship of Him. So much so that all the inhabitants of Ampel followed him and those around him and most of the people of Surabaya. This is nothing but the goodness of his advice and his wisdom in preaching and his good manners towards people and his good conduct, implementing the words of Allah: Call people to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good advice, and deal with them with the best of jidals (Al-Ayat), and Allah’s Word: Humble yourselves to those who believe, and His words : Enjoin the good and avoid the evil, and be patient with what befalls you; indeed, this is what Allah has enjoined. This is what the Muslim Imams and their mashaikhs should have followed, and it was the path that was pleasing to them, until people came to the religion of Allah in droves. Says the poet:

Accept their forgiveness, walk with the custom as …

You are commanded, and show (the command) to those who are ignorant …

Be as gentle as you can with every man…

Then it will appear good to those who are ignorant…

And to those who are stubborn, touch them …

With patience, that those who are perfect may be lifted up …

Then after a while, Maulana Ishaq withdrew to Sayyid Rahmat and then left Ampel to walk northeast up the mountains and down the valleys to the land of Banyuwangi. He climbed the mountain said to be Selangu solely to worship there, praying the obligatory prayers, sunnah and fasting to seek the pleasure of Ar-Rahman and abstain from all sin; He was alone, earnestly leaving the hawa nasfu and the temptation of Satan solely for the heart and purifying it from doubt in order to become a grateful person and praise his Rabb, he rushed to Him to eliminate hidden shirk for the fortress and weapon in faith and belief.

Minak Sambayu (king of Blambangan) who has been mentioned in the past had a daughter named Sekar Dadu who was a good person, who attracted men, so it is said of her:

She is a woman who has a life like a bewitching full moon…

Her hair is like the night when it is pitch black…

Out of her mouth comes light when she smiles…

As lightning sweeps across the vision when looked at…

She walks shyly blushing and turning her head…

So those who look at him are like drunken people …

When she faces, I see no plumpness in either of them…

Like two pomegranates, to him who looks…

And when she turns her back it is as if her hair is in random waves …

Her stature was neither tall nor short, that is to say sufficient…

At that time he was very sick, and many tired healers were confused about what medicine to use. The king of Blambangan was grieved because of this, with great sorrow. So the ministers, government, officials and royal fatwa experts were gathered. Each of them was called upon to find a cure in each of their territories for the king’s daughter, then whoever succeeded in curing her would be married to her and given half the royal treasure. So they all called out to all the people of the village and the country, but to no avail. Then one day, some of his ministers said: Indeed we saw a man dressed in a robe and wearing a white skullcap who lived alone on Mount Salangu and was different from other people, when the sun was in the sky, he stood up and put his hands to his chest and moved his mouth saying what we did not understand, did not turn his head until he bowed down and put his hands on his knees then raised his hands, then fell down and put his forehead to the earth, then sat down and finally turned his head to the right and left; Then if the sun sets he does it again, if the sun disappears he does it again, if before the sun appears he does it again lightly, that is his activity every day. Then the king wished to call him to cure his noble daughter, may he be able to cure her. The king said: Call him of whom you have spoken. So the minister called Maulana Ishak to appear before the king of Blambangan, so when they met Maulan Ishak, they informed him of the king’s wish. Maulana Ishak fulfilled the king’s summons, and went down with the royal ministers. So when he arrived before the king, the king said: Indeed I have a daughter, she is the fruit of my heart and half of my soul and now she is sick, she has been sick for a long time, to the point that the doctors are tired of looking for a cure, so if you have a cure, cure her; I vowed: Whoever cures him, I will marry him and with him I will give half of my kingdom. So Maulana Isaac accepted the offer while praying to Allah, begging Him to give him a cure and remove his illness with His permission. So suddenly the king’s son recovered, and he married him and gave him half of his kingdom. So it became easy for him to call people to Islam, and he kept calling them to Islam until most of the people of the land converted. One day Maulana Ishak went to the king of Blambangan and said to him: O my father, I have come to you to call you to abandon idol statues and follow the devil to worship only Allah, the All-Living and Self-Sustaining, the One who gives life and death, the King of all worlds; Say Ashhadu Anlaa illaha Illallah, wa Ashhadu Anna Muhammadan Rasulullah. So when he heard the words of Maulana Isaac, he changed his face and turned red, got angry with Maulana Isaac and said: If you do not come out of my presence now, I will tear your body apart. Maulana Ishak went out, disappearing as a fugitive. By then his wife was 7 months pregnant, crying at the separation from her husband, dimness and sadness enveloping her. Maulan Ishak did not come. Maulana Ishak remained hidden while praying for Allah’s help to punish the king of Blambangan. So Allah sent down upon the people of Blambangan a plague and sudden death, and most of the people died, and were unable to ward off (the punishment from Allah). The king of Blambangan was saddened, to the point of having no appetite, no sleep, he said: This is the result of the misfortune of that man (meaning Maulana Ishak) and his child who is now in the womb of my child, indeed if he is born I will throw him into the sea. So when the period of gestation was complete, he was born like pure gold. The king took it and put it in a coffin, and ordered it to be thrown into the sea. It was thrown into the sea by the waves (the coffin) up and down awake, guarded by Allah Ta’ala and guarded by His care. That is part of the karamah. When the chest passed through the merchant ships of the people of Gresik, it was picked up by the crew of the ship, so when the chest was opened, there was found in it a child who was radiant and whose face was like the shining moon. At that time, the merchants who boarded the ship were going to Bali. They brought the child to Bali safely. When the merchants finished their business in Bali, they went to Tandes and then returned to Gresik with the child. He dropped the child off at the harbor, then handed the child over to a woman named Nyai Gede, the daughter of Sayyid Rajafandita, whose story has already been told. Nyai said: Whose child is this? They (the merchants) said: This child was washed up near the harbor of Blambangan, swirling in the sea water. So very happy was Nyai Gede, where she had not given birth to any child. She named the child Broedin, educated him with a good upbringing, and loved him very much; however, the child could not suckle on any woman, only sucking his fingers until the age of 7 days. After that it could drink milk, which is the baby’s habit.

Maulana Ishak after hiding behind a small hill, returned to his country of Pasa on the island of Sumatra to gather with his wife and children. Maulana Ishak informed his wife and children that he still had a relative, the son of his uncle, on the island of Java, in the village of Ampel, in the Surabaya area, whose name was Sayyid Rahmat, who was one of the first to embrace Islam on the island of Java. He was also the imam of the Muslims, the saints and the righteous; he taught Islam, the way of Islam and the essence of Islam. Maulana Ishak did not stay in Pasa except for a few days and then passed away, it is said that he stayed in Pasa for seven days and then passed away. The scholars and saints came to pray for him, and after praying for him they took him to the grave, which is said to be Taman Sari grave. They all crowded around his grave, saying hallelujah, tahmid, tahlil and reciting the Qur’an, hopefully getting a wide reward for the spirit of Maulana Ishak, he was buried there, hopefully for him the uninterrupted mercy of Allah for Maulana Ishak.

The story of his son, Sayyid Abdul Qadir and Sayyidah Sarah, so the two of them after the death of their father agreed to travel around the earth. So they arrived at the land of Adan, which is on the Arabian Peninsula, they stayed there for days then continued to board a ship which then drove to Keling for 11 days, and stayed there for a month then boarded a ship again until they arrived on the island of Java, then boarded a ship until the land called Juwana, which was a port among the ports at that time. And out they both went to Surabaya. When they reached the village of Ampel, they both asked about the house of Sayyid Rahmat, so they were shown to the house of Sayyid Rahmat. So when they met him, they both greeted him, and he returned the greeting. Then Sayyid Rahmat asked about their names, their country and who their parents were. Sayyid Abdul Qadir said: My name is Abdul Qadir, and this is my sister Sarah, we both come from the country of Pasa on the island of Sumatra, our father’s name is Maulana Ishak and he has passed away; it was told to us when he was alive that we had a close relative named Sayyid Rahmat who lived in the village of Ampel in Surabaya on the island of Java and was an imam for the Muslims there. Sayyid Rahmat said: Then you two are my brothers, your father is the brother of my father. They hugged each other and cried with joy.