2. A Daughter’s Duty Toward Her Lord


  1. O civilized daughter, Allah, the Almighty, has bestowed many blessings on you; He has brought you into existence after you were gone, He has shown you the religion of Islam, which is the greatest of blessings, He has given you hearing, sight, a tongue, two hands and two feet, and He has made you a perfect human being, as Allah says: “Who created you and then perfected you.” Allah also says: “We have created man in the most perfect form.” Allah has also given you health and well-being, put compassion in the hearts of your parents for you so that they educate you with a perfect upbringing, made you love your teacher so that he teaches you something that is beneficial for your religion and your world, and many more favors of Allah ta’ala that cannot be counted, as Allah ta’ala says: “And if you were to count the favors of Allah, you would not be able to count them”.


  1. So you should thank your Lord for all His blessings; by obeying His commands, avoiding His prohibitions, and glorifying Him in your heart, so that you do not do evil even when you are alone. In a hadith it is stated: “Fear Allah wherever you are”. And you should love your Lord more than your parents or yourself, and also love all His angels, His messengers, His prophets, and His righteous servants, because Allah loves them too.


  1. Know that your Lord is more merciful to you than your parents or anyone else. In a hadith: “In a battle a boy stood up for auction, it was summer, then a woman saw him from a tent and came to him, and her companions followed her, then she took the boy and embraced him, then she leaned her back on a river, and put the boy on her belly to protect him from the heat. The woman said: “my son, my son”, the people wept, and left the matter. Then came the Messenger of Allah (saw), all the people stood up and told the Messenger of Allah (saw) about the incident, he was happy for their compassion, then he gave good news, he said: “Are you amazed at this woman’s affection for her son?”, they replied: “Yes”, he said: “Verily Allah is more merciful to you all than this woman is to her son”, then the people left happy.


  1. And it is also obligatory for you to rely on your Lord, ask Him for help in all your needs, and surrender to Him in all your affairs, Allah says: “And surrender to Allah if you are believers”. In a hadith narrated by Ibn Abbas it is stated: Verily the Prophet said to him: “O young man! I will teach you some things: Guard (the religion of) Allah, then Allah will guard you, guard (the religion of) Allah, then you will find Allah by your side. If you ask, ask Allah; if you ask for help, ask Allah for help. If a people agree to give you a benefit, they will not give you anything except what Allah has ordained for you, and if they agree to harm you, they will not be able to harm you except what Allah has ordained for you. The pen has been raised, and the pages are dry”.



  1. If fear of Allah is instilled in your heart, then you will have every good deed, and you will be protected from every evil and danger, so that you will not be able to leave obedience, or commit sins, because you are always watched by Allah in every place, as in the upcoming story of a teacher and a student, and all your deeds are pious, and your character is good. On the other hand, if the fear of Allah is missing from the heart, then a person will become more despicable and worse than an animal, doing everything that his lusts desire, not caring and not being ashamed of what his two hands do.

Know also! Being grateful for blessings is a cause of their increase, just as denying them is a cause of their loss. Allah, the Almighty, says: “If you give thanks, I will indeed increase it, and if you disbelieve, my punishment will indeed be very severe.” A poet said:

“If you are in a pleasure then take care of it, indeed sin can take away pleasure”.

If you obey your Lord, and are grateful for His blessings, then Allah will increase His virtues and grace upon you, guard you from all harm, give you what you want, instill love for your Lord, and make the creatures love you, as Allah says: “Those who believe and do righteous deeds, Allah will love them”, meaning that Allah loves them, and people love them too. A hadith states: “When Allah loves a slave, He will call the angel Gabriel and say: “Alla loves so-and-so, so love him!”, so the angel Gabriel loves him, then the angel Gabriel exclaims in the sky: “Allah loves so-and-so, so love him!”, so the people of the heavens love him too, and Allah makes him acceptable to the people of the earth.



3. Appropriate Stories



  1. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the most God-fearing person, and the most able to uphold the rights of Allah ta’ala. The Prophet performed night prayers until his feet were swollen, and Sayyidah Aisha said: “O Messenger of Allah, have not your past and future sins been forgiven?”, the Prophet replied: “Am I not a grateful servant?”. In the state of prayer, there was a rumbling sound in his heart like the rumbling sound of a jug because of the fear of Allah. The Prophet always remembered Allah at all times, in a hadith mentioned: “Verily my eyes are closed, but my heart is not asleep”. When the Prophet got something he liked, he said: “Praise be to Allah, by whose favor the righteous deeds are completed”, and when he encountered something he hated, he said: “Praise be to Allah in every situation”. When the Prophet was about to do something, he said: “O Allah, guide me, and choose a way for me”. When the Messenger of Allah ate, he said: “Praise be to Allah for giving us food and drink, and for making us Muslims”. When the Messenger of Allah drank, he said: “Praise be to Allah who has made this water fresh and refreshing by His mercy, and has not made it salty and bitter because of our sins”, and other dhikr that he always recited in every situation. This shows the Prophet’s dependence on Allah, his submission to Allah, and his sincerity in serving Allah.


  1. Sayyidah Khodijah, the Prophet’s wife, was a model of piety and obedience; she feared Allah, did not disobey Him, and never neglected her duties, so Allah loved her. In a hadith it is mentioned: The angel Gabriel came to the Messenger of Allah and said: “O Messenger of Allah, Khadija is coming with a container filled with side dishes, food, and drink, when she comes to you, say to her a greeting from her Lord, and from me, and give her good news about a house in heaven made of jewels, and there will be no noise and fatigue in it”. Al-qashab: jewels, al-shakhab: loud noise, al-nashab: fatigue. Sayyidah Khadijah replied: “Allah is the bestower of salvation, from Him a greeting, and to Gabriel a greeting”.

Sayyidah Khadijah has superior akhlaq, the perfection of obedience to her husband, Rasulullah. In serving him, she helped the Messenger of Allah spread Islam, lightened the burden obtained from her people, and was patient in the face of various trials because of the Messenger of Allah, she was the first person to convert to Islam and believe in the Messenger of Allah, she lived with the Messenger of Allah for twenty-four years in peace, pleasure, and happiness, and she was the most important wife of the Messenger of Allah. Sayyidah Aisha said: “When the Messenger of Allah remembered Sayyidah Khadijah, he would not tire of praising her, and asking forgiveness for her”.


  1. Sayyidah Fatimah had such a great character, was educated by her father with a noble upbringing, grew up as a pious woman, feared Allah in private and openly, pursued the pleasure of Allah with all her might, and established prayer until her feet swelled. Therefore, she was the beloved daughter of the Prophet, and the leader of the women of this ummah, as explained in a hadith. She was a gentle and compassionate woman; loving the poor, helping the needy, attentive in educating her sons, sincere to her husband, and very shy. Once her father, the Prophet asked her: “What is the best thing a woman has?”, she replied: “Not seeing a man, and a man not seeing her”, so the Messenger of Allah embraced her (pleased and happy with her good answer) and said: “A progeny has noble traits like its ancestors”. Sayyidah Fatimah was a child who obeyed her mother, during her life and after her mother’s death. In a hadith: She asked the Messenger of Allah: “O Messenger of Allah, where is my mother?”, the Prophet replied: “In a house made of gems”, he asked again: “Of these gems?”, “No, but of gems, yakut stones, and diamonds”. She was busy taking care of the busyness of her own house; pounding grain with a pounder until her hands were rough, sweeping the house until her clothes were dusty, lighting fires under the stove until her clothes were dull (slightly blackened), and giving drink with a jug until she was exposed to danger, but she was patient, until one day when she was pregnant, she was very tired, because while making bread, her stomach was hit by the tip of the stove. So her husband told her to go to her father’s house, and asked for a servant for her, then she went to her father’s house, and saw a congregation with her father talking, she was embarrassed, and returned home. The Messenger of Allah also knew that his daughter came because of a need, so he went to see her, it turned out that Sayyidah Fatimah was already covered and was about to sleep. Rasulullah also asked him about his needs, then Sayyidina Ali told him about the maskud sayyidah Fatimah, then Rasulullah said to both of them: “Would you like me to teach you something better than a servant? When you go to bed, glorify thirty-three times, and glorify thirty-three times, and glorify thirty-four times”. Sayyidah Fatimah said: “I am pleased with Allah and the Messenger of Allah” three times.

Then the Messenger of Allah sent a servant to him to serve him, who was named Fiddlah. One day, the Messenger of Allah went to see Sayyidina Ali, he found Sayyidina Ali and Sayyidah Fatimah pounding on the pounder, the Messenger of Allah asked: “Who is tired between the two of you?”, Sayyidina Ali replied: “Fatimah, O Messenger of Allah”, the Messenger of Allah said: “Stand up, O my son”, he stood up, and the Messenger of Allah sat in his place with Sayyidina Ali, and helped him pound the grain.


  1. Among the noble and pious women was Sayyidah Aisha, the daughter of Sayyidina Abu Bakr. She prayed a lot, fasted, and cried out of fear of Allah. She also often gave alms, until once she gave seventy thousand dirhams in charity, even though her clothes had many tears. Once he received one hundred thousand dirhams, so he distributed all the money, which at that time he was fasting, his servant asked him: “Do you have anything to buy a pound of meat for you to break your fast?”, he replied: “If you had reminded me, I would have done so”.

She was a very shy, modest woman. She once said: “I entered the tomb of the Messenger of Allah and the tomb of my father with no clothes on, I said: He was my husband and father. But when Sayyidina Umar was buried, by Allah I never entered the house except with my clothes completely covered, out of shame for Sayyidina Umar”. So look at her shame towards another man, even if that man is in the grave.

He was an expert in jurisprudence and hadith, he narrated many hadith, and was the greatest of the Companions. The Companions asked him about various issues, and he answered them from behind the veil. The Messenger of Allah loved him very much and often praised him. In one hadith it is stated: “The superiority of Sayyidah Aisha over other women is like the superiority of porridge over other food”. The hadith also states: “O Aisha! The angel recited the salam for you”, to which she replied: “Waalaihissalam, warahmatullahi, wabarokatuh”.


  1. There was a teacher who loved a student more than his friends, so they were surprised and said: “Why does this teacher love this student more than us?”, so the teacher wanted to show them the reason for this, so he gave a chicken to each of his students, and told them to go alone to a place to slaughter the chicken without anyone seeing it. They carried out the teacher’s order except for one student, who returned the chicken, and the teacher asked: “Why didn’t you slaughter the chicken as your friends did?”, he replied: “Because I am not able to be alone in a place where no one can see me, because Allah sees me in every place”, the teacher said to his students: “Look at this student! He fears Allah, and does not forget Him wherever he is, therefore I love him more than you, and there is no doubt that when he grows up he will be among the righteous, who obey his Lord at all times.” The teacher said to his students: “Look at this student!



4. A Daughter’s Obligation Toward Her Prophet



  1. Know that the Prophet Muhammad has a great right that you must fulfill, and his right is the greatest right after the right of Allah, and being civil to him is the most necessary and obligatory thing to do. The Prophet Muhammada is the most excellent prophet, who came with the religion of Islam, through whom you can know your Lord, distinguish between halal and haram, and between good and bad.


  1. Indeed, you will not be able to repay the Prophet Muhammad, so you should love him very much, and his family members, companions, and all his people. In a hadith it is stated: “Love Allah who has given you his favor, and love me out of love for Allah, and love the family members out of love for me”. Another hadith states: “Guard the companions for me, do not make them your targets after me. Whoever loves them loves them out of love for me, and whoever hates them hates them out of hatred for me.” Another hadith states: “A person’s faith is not complete until he is able to love his brother as he loves himself”.



  1. It is also obligatory for you to obey all his commands, as Allah says: “Whatever the Messenger of Allah brings you take (obey), and what he forbids disobey!”, “Whoever obeys the Messenger of Allah then he also obeys Allah”. Among the behaviors of obeying the Messenger of Allah is by helping the religion of Islam, both through speech and behavior, and by reviving his sunnahs, and emulating his character, in a hadith mentioned: “Whoever follows my Sunnahs loves me, and whoever loves me will be with me in Paradise”. And also by reciting salawat to him, as Allah says: “Verily, Allah and the angels invoke peace upon the Prophet. O you who believe, invoke Allah’s peace and blessings upon the Prophet,” especially on the nights and Fridays, as stated in the hadith: “Recite the greetings of Allah to me on Friday, and on the night of Friday. Whoever does so, I will be a witness and intercessor for him on the Day of Judgment.”


  1. In a hadith told: That Tsauban, the slave who had been freed by the Messenger of Allah loved the Messenger of Allah very much, and was very impatient to meet the Messenger of Allah, so one day he came to the Messenger of Allah, and his face had changed, it seemed that he was sad, so the Messenger of Allah asked him: “What makes you like this?”, is answered: “O Messenger of Allah, I am not hungry, nor am I sick, it’s just that if I don’t see you, I suffer a lot until I see you, then I remember the hereafter, and I am very afraid that I will no longer be able to see you, because you will be appointed with the prophets, while I, if I enter heaven, my position will be very low, far from your position, and if I don’t enter heaven, then I won’t be able to see you forever”, then the word of Allah was revealed: “Whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger of Allah will be with those whom Allah has favored; the prophets, the shiddiqin, the martyrs, and the righteous; they are the best of friends”.




  1. Know that the Prophet (SAW) has a right that you must honor. The highest right after the right of Allah Ta’ala.


Imitating his manners is something that is most emphasized and is a must. This is because he is the greatest of the Prophets and Messengers who brought the religion of Islam, and through whom you know your Lord and can distinguish between the lawful and the unlawful, the good and the bad.


  1. Indeed you will not repay the merit of your Prophet (SAW) forever, except that you must love him fully, love his family, companions and all his people.


In the hadith it is said: “Love Allah for the blessings He has given, and love me (Prophet Muhammad SAW) as a sign of your love for Allah, and love my family for loving me!”


In another hadith it is stated: “Preserve my honor by respecting my companions, and do not subject them to abuse after me. Whoever loves them, by loving me, has loved them. And whoever hates them, hates me, hates them.”


In another hadith: “None of you has perfected his faith so that he loves his brother as he loves himself.”


  1. Likewise, you must obey all his commands. As Allah says: “And what the Messenger has sent to you, accept. And what he has forbidden, then leave it” (Al-Hasyr: 7).


“Whoever obeys the Messenger, obeys Allah.” (An-Nisaa’: 80).


Part of being obedient to him means that you will defend his religion either by speech or by your actions, and that you will follow his Sunnah and his character.


In the hadith: “Whoever lives my Sunnah has loved me and whoever loves me will be with me in Paradise.”


You say peace upon him as Allah has commanded you to do in His words: “Verily, Allah and His angels invoke peace upon the Prophet.


O you who believe, recite the Salawat to the Prophet and salute him with respect” (Al-Ahzab: 56).


‘Especially on the night of Jumu’ah and during the day. As stated in the hadith: “Recite blessings upon me on the day and night of Jumu’ah. Whoever likes to do so, I will witness and provide for him on the Day of Resurrection.”


  1. It is mentioned in the hadith: That Tsauban, the former slave of the Messenger of Allah (SAW), loved the Messenger of Allah (SAW) very much and could not wait to meet him for a while. So one day he came to see the Prophet SAW. with a different complexion than usual and appeared to be very sad.


Seeing that, the Messenger of Allah (SAW) asked him, “What is the reason your facial skin has changed like this?” Tsauban replied, “O Messenger of Allah, I am not sick, it is just that when I do not see you I am very anxious until I can meet you. But if I see you I think of the Hereafter and my fear grows that I will not be able to see you, because you are exalted with the Prophets, whereas I, even if I enter Paradise, my position is still far below yours. And if I do not enter Paradise, then I will not be able to see you forever.”


So then the words of Allah Ta’ala were revealed: “And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, they will be with those whom Allah has bestowed favors on, namely: the Prophets, the shidiiqiin, those who were martyred and the righteous. And they are the best of companions” (An-Nisaa’: 69).




  1. Indeed, the Prophet (SAW) is a good example for Muslims, in his words, deeds, life and even in his worship.


Allah Ta’ala has said: “Indeed there is in the Messenger of Allah a good example for you” (Al Ahzab: 21).


So it is obligatory for you to emulate and follow him so that you may attain happiness in this world and the next, and attain glory inwardly and outwardly.


  1. Indeed, one of the characteristics of the Prophet (SAW) was to speak the truth. The Prophet never lied, either in earnest or in jest.


This trait has been famous for him since his childhood and was witnessed by both his opponents, moreover by his own friends. At the beginning of his prophetic period he climbed on the hill of Shafa and invited the tribes of his people with a loud voice. When they were gathered, the Prophet called out to them: “If I tell you that there is a cavalry in the valley that will attack you, would you believe me?”


So they answered in unison: “We have never heard from you anything but the truth.”


The Prophet (PBUH) was known for his responsible nature and was famous among his people with the title Muhammad Al-Amien (the truthful one).


When the Quraysh were repairing the Ka’bah, they had a dispute about who had the right to put Al-Hajarul Aswad in its original place, to the extent that they threatened each other with war. Eventually, they agreed that the first person to enter the door of the mosque had the right to decide.


When they found out that the Messenger of Allah was the first to enter the door of the mosque, they were overjoyed and said, “This is an honest man, we are all willing for him to be the mediator.” So the Messenger of Allah then placed the stone on a piece of cloth and said, “Let each leader of the Tribe hold the end of each cloth.”


Finally they agreed with the opinion of the Prophet. The Prophet together with them lifted the stone, then put Al-Hajarul Aswad in its original place and all disputes disappeared.


Many Quraysh people left valuables at the Prophet’s residence. When he was about to migrate to Madinah, the most important thing in his mind was who would represent him to return all the entrustments to their owners. So he then ordered Sayyidina Ali r.a. to do so. The Prophet said to him, “Do not leave Makkah until you have fulfilled your responsibility.”


In the hadith: “By Allah, I am indeed the truthful one in the heavens and the earth.”


  1. Keeping promises is also a character of the Prophet Muhammad. Abdullah bin Abil Hamsaa’ said, “Once I sold something to the Prophet SAW. before he was appointed Prophet and there was still something left for him. So I promised to bring it to him at a predetermined place.


Turns out I forgot. And only remembered after 3 days later. When I came, he was still there.”


So he said, “O young man, you have burdened me. I am here for 3 days waiting for you.” Similarly, the trait of tawadhu’ (humbleness) so often the Prophet sat with his companions wherever he found the majlis and mingled walking among them and did not ask for a special place among his companions.


So when the Prophet SAW. entered Makkah with 10,000 soldiers he sat on his camel while – bowing his head looking at the saddle of his camel because. humble himself and fear Allah.


And also when the Prophet SAW. performed Hajj on Hajj Wada’ with 100,000 of his companions, he rode a camel whose saddle was worn out and on which was covered with a mat – it cost only 4 dirhams, even though at that time he already controlled the Arabian Peninsula.


He was once handed a large sum of money, but he spent it all in the cause of Allah. And during Hajj he slaughtered 100 camels.


On a long journey, the Messenger of Allah ordered his companions to prepare a goat. One man said, “O Messenger of Allah, I will slaughter it.” Another said, “I will skin it.” Another said, “I will cook it.”


The Prophet replied, “I will collect wood to burn it.” So the Companions said, “O Messenger of Allah, let us work to fulfill you.”


The Prophet (SAW) said, “I know that you serve me, but I do not like to be favored by you. Verily Allah SWT. does not like it when any of His servants is favored among his friends.”


Among the tawadhu’ traits of the Prophet (SAW) was that when he passed by small children, he greeted them and did not want anyone to get up from his seat to greet him. He patched his clothes, repaired his sandals, milked his goats, swept his house, and served his family.


The Prophet (SAW) carried the goods he bought from the market himself. Seeing this, his companion sympathized, “Give the goods to me so that I can carry them.” So he replied, “The owner of the goods is more entitled to carry it.”


  1. And among the other morals of the Prophet SAW. is the nature of patience, tolerance and forgiveness. When he was praying near the Ka’bah and a group of Quraysh were sitting in their assembly. One of them said, “Don’t you see this riya’ (praise-seeking) person! Who among you can go to the slaughtering place of so-and-so’s camel, take its dung, blood and entrails, then bring it here and wait until it prostrates, then place it between his shoulders?” So rose the most miserable of them, Ugbah bin Abi Mu’aith. When the Prophet prostrated, he placed the dung between his shoulders so that the Prophet remained prostrate. They laughed so hard that each of them leaned on the other. As soon as the young Sayyidatina Fatimah (daughter of the Prophet) knew about the incident, she rushed to where the Prophet SAW. who remained prostrate, she took the dung and threw it at them. She cursed them and she prayed for them to perish.


After he was appointed Prophet, he stayed in Makkah for 13 years. They harassed the Prophet with various kinds of disturbances. They pelted him with stones until his sandals were stained with blood.


But the Prophet still prayed for them, “O Allah, give my people guidance, for they do not know.”


They stoned the Prophet until they broke his molars and cut his face and dropped him into a pit. But he still forgave them and did not pray for his destruction.


Similarly, the Prophet forgave the Jewish woman who, tried to serve him poisoned mutton so that he would eat it, and other incidents.


When he succeeded in conquering Makkah, he forgave its inhabitants, while they had expected the Prophet to retaliate for their treatment by killing them or in other ways.





  1. Among the patience of the Prophet SAW. is that he was educated in a simple life in the house of his uncle Abu Talib, and was satisfied with what he received, did not like to fight over food with his friends. It has been witnessed by himself as by his nanny Ummu Aiman. And when Allah gave him wealth, he shunned worldly pleasures and took only what he needed.


So the Messenger of Allah slept on a mat that had nothing underneath it. With a pillow made of coir-filled leather, and clothes made of thick wool, and eating only dates and wheat. Often for a month, two months the family would not light a fire. They would eat only dates and water. He even used to go to bed hungry and in the morning he would intend to fast.


To guard against hunger, the Prophet tied a stone to his stomach and if the Prophet was brought a lot of wealth, he did not keep any for himself. Even when he died his armor was still pawned to a Jew just to buy 30 sha’ of wheat. (Size 1 sha’ = 2.5 kg, so 30 sha’ = 75 kg).


Had the Prophet (SAW) wanted to have fun in the world, he would have been able to do so. But he preferred to live zuhud, (zuhud means: abandoning worldly pleasures and choosing the pleasures of the hereafter and patience).


  1. Among the other morals of the Prophet (PBUH) is shyness and keeping the eyesight. The Prophet’s shyness was greater than that of a girl in seclusion. If the Prophet did not like something, it could be seen on his face.


He would never talk to someone about something he disliked and would never look at the other person’s face. If it came to him that someone had said something he disliked, he would not say: “why did so-and-so say that.” Rather, he would say, “Why do people like to do and say that?”


The Prophet forbade these actions and did not mention the perpetrators. He abstained from mentioning those who did not speak well.


The Prophet Muhammad SAW. was also very protective of his honor and qana’ah / feeling sufficient. So that his hand never touched the hand of any woman who was not ‘mahram’. He reta with clothes and food as it is, “not asking for what is not there, let alone trying it, but if the Prophet likes it, he eats and if he is not pleased, he just leaves it without telling others to hate it.


And the Prophet’s other character is brave, this is what stimulates him to enter the battlefield because of his proximity to the enemy.


In addition, he was steadfast in defending his principles and in fulfilling his obligations, and he did not care about heavy obstacles and major disruptions.


In defense of religion, he was often harassed as well as his family and companions by the enemies so that . he ordered them to emigrate to Habashah. (Ethiopia), twice.


Once he was put by the disbelievers of Quraysh into Ash-Syi’ib (a large village) for 3 years. Then food was cut off and did not reach them, except in secret so that they only ate leaves.


  1. Generosity and generosity. The Prophet (SAW) never rebuked people who asked him for something. If he couldn’t find something to give, he promised to give it to him at a later time. |


One day 90,000 dirhams were brought to him. Before he sat down, he had already distributed the money. Then came a beggar. So the Prophet SAW. said to him, “Owe, later we will pay off your debt.”


One day the Prophet gave a man so many goats that they covered the gap between two mountains. Then he went back to his people and said, “Convert all of you to Islam, for Muhammad gave a gift as one who does not fear poverty.”


The Prophet SAW. was very compassionate and affectionate to: all creatures. As Allah Ta’ala said: “And We did not send you, but as a mercy for all the worlds” (Al-Anbiyaa’: 107).


Among the affections of the Prophet (SAW) was one time when he was praying and he carried Umamat on his shoulders a granddaughter of his daughter Zainab. When he was prostrating he put her down and when he stood up he carried her again.


Narrated Anas bin Malik r.a. Had a brother named Abu ‘Umair. He had a playmate a small red-beaked bird. One day the bird died at which time the Prophet SAW. entered and saw the boy sad.


He asked, “Why him?” He was told, “The bird died.”


The Prophet (SAW) said, “O Aba ‘”Umair, what is the bird Nughair doing?”


  1. Loyalty, keeping promises, friendship and getting along well. When the Prophet received a gift, he said, “Take it to so-and-so, because he is Khadijah’s friend and he loves her.”


One day when the Prophet was sitting, his father (the husband of his mother) came by. So he spread a piece of his shirt and the father sat on it. Then came his mother, so he spread his other shirt on the other side, so the mother sat on it. Then his brother came after him. So the Messenger of Allah (SAW) stood up and sat him down in front of him.


The Prophet (SAW) respected his uncle Al-Abbas as much as he respected his own father and mother.


He always smiled at his companions and respected all his seatmates. If he did not see one of his friends for three days, he would ask about him. If he was away, he would pray for his safety. But if he was at home, he would visit him. And if he was sick, he would visit him.




O beloved daughter! You know how much your father and mother love you and how much pain and suffering they have endured in educating you and how patiently and happily your parents raised you. So it is incumbent upon you to repay this kindness with kindness, to do all that you can to be dutiful to them. Even so, you will still see how great their merit is and recognize how you cannot fully fulfill their rights. For you must fulfill these Obligations:


  1. You love your parents sincerely and honor them greatly. You treat them in a manner that pleases them and avoid any manner that disappoints them. You listen to their advice and as soon as possible you obey their commands and fulfill everything they need and make a habit of shaking hands with them every morning and evening. You should go to your parents with a smiling face and pray that they may live a long life in good health and fulfill all their wishes. You also pray that Allah will reward them with the best of rewards for their good upbringing.


  1. You should realize that the existence of your father and mother is a great blessing, blessing and mercy upon you that Allah has bestowed upon you. You should enjoy them by looking at them with a pleasant gaze, for there is a great reward for doing so.


As narrated in the hadeeth: “No one looks at his mother’s father with a look of affection, except that Allah establishes for him the reward of accepted Hajj.”


You should shake their hands every day and always consult with them about your affairs, you put joy in them and you fulfill their needs, your father and mother will wish you well. How great are these favors! And how great is this reward!


So a daughter really does not know the great blessing of having her mother and father, unless she loses them (dies). It is then that she feels great loss and deep sorrow at her separation from them.


  1. He should use good manners towards his mother and father at all times. He should not turn his back on them and should not call them by name. Do not laugh in the presence of his mother and father when it is out of place or with a loud voice. Do not look at them with a sharp look, do not lie to them, cuss at them or speak ill of them, and do not raise your voice above theirs.


For Allah Ta’ala has said: “And your Lord has commanded that you should worship none but Him, and that you should be kind to your parents. If either of them or both of them grow old in your care, then do not say to them “Ah” and do not yell at them, but speak to them with kindness. And humble yourself before them both with great affection and say the prayer: O my Lord, love them both as they brought me up in childhood” (Al-iIsraa’: 23, 24).


  1. You should always strive to win the approval of your mother and father by being diligent in your studies and going to school every day, and by taking care of your books, clothes, and other things by putting them in their proper places, and not damaging or losing them. You should do chores at home and outside that will please them both. Thou shalt not annoy one of thy brothers, or one of thy sisters, or even a servant. Thou shalt not quarrel with the daughters of thy neighbors or thy friends at school.


  1. When you ask for something from your mother and father, do not ask for it in front of people. And if he does not grant your request, then keep quiet, because he knows better about your benefit.


You should not get angry or grumble or frown or urge them to grant your request. If you sit in front of them, then sit in a good manner. Do not put one foot on top of the other and do not sit while they are standing, nor should you walk ahead of them. When one of them calls you, answer him immediately and do not delay or pretend as if you did not hear him or get bored because of repeated calls and beware of cursing someone’s father or mother that causes him to cuss your mother’s father.


In the hadith: “Among the major sins is when a person abuses his mother’s father.”


The Companions asked, “O Messenger of Allah, is there anyone who abuses his own mother’s father.”


The Prophet replied, “Yes, if he abuses a person’s father and the person abuses his father back, and he abuses the person’s mother and the person abuses his mother back.”


  1. When you grow up, take care of your father. Your mother as much as you can, either with your wealth if you have it, or by fulfilling their needs and doing the chores of the house, such as cooking, washing clothes, cleaning floors and so on. Make your devotion to your mother greater than to your father, because in bringing you up she was more merciful and more miserable than your father.


When one or both of them dies, it is obligatory for the daughter to pay homage to them by praying and asking for forgiveness, giving charity on their behalf and reciting the Qur’an and the reward for their spirits.


In the hadith: “A man asked the Messenger of Allah (SAW), “O Messenger of Allah, can I still be devoted to my parents when they die?


The Messenger of Allah (SAW) replied, “Yes”, praying for his parents, asking forgiveness for them, carrying out their wills, honoring their friends, connecting the kinship that can only be through the parents.”


  1. If you are dutiful to your mother and father, you will earn the pleasure of Allah and His great reward so that you live happily in this world and the next.


In the hadith it says: “The pleasure of Allah lies in the pleasure of both parents and the wrath of Allah is the result of the wrath of both parents.”


In another hadith: “Filial piety to one’s mother and father is better than voluntary prayer, charity, fasting, Hajj and ‘Umrah, and jihad in the cause of Allah.”


And that will make your children devoted to you in the future. As stated in the hadith: “Be devoted to your father, and your children will be devoted to you.”


As for disobedience to one’s father and mother, it is one of the greatest sins. The Prophet said: “The greatest sins are associating partners with Allah and disobeying one’s father and mother.”


Another Prophetic saying: “Fear that you will disobey your parents, because the smell of Paradise will be smelled from a distance of 1000 years. By Allah, the disobedient child and the breaker of family ties will not be able to smell it.”


The Messenger of Allah (SAW) also said: “Cursed are those who disobey their parents.”


  1. If you have wronged your mother and father, then immediately apologize while they are still alive. Otherwise, you will be very sorry. Promise yourself that you will not repeat the mistake. Because the punishment for disobedience is carried out immediately in this world, especially after both parents die.


In the hadeeth: “All sins Allah delays their punishment according to His will until the Day of Resurrection, except the sin of disobedience to parents. This is because Allah carries out the punishment while the offender is still alive and before he dies.”


One day a man came to the Messenger of Allah (SAW) asking to be blessed to be able to migrate.


He said, “I did not come to you, but . After I made my parents cry.” So the Prophet said, “Go back to them and make them laugh as you have made them cry.”


  1. Nothing can please fathers and mothers more than to see their daughters who are pleasing, dutiful, obedient, well-mannered and intelligent. Vice versa, nothing will sadden them more than to see their daughter who is disobedient, disobedient, disrespectful and ignorant (stupid). So strive to be a daughter who pleases your parents and ask for their prayers so that you can reach the peak of your aspirations.


In the hadith it is said: “The prayer of parents for their children is like the prayer of the Prophet for his people.”





  1. Sayyidina Ismail the son of Prophet Ibrahim a.s. was very devoted to his parents. When he reached the age of 13, Ibrahim his father said to him, “O my son actually in my sleep, I have dreamed of slaughtering you. Think about what you think!” He replied, “O my father, do what you are told, Insha “Allah you will find me among the patient ones” (Ash-Shaffaat: 102).


So Prophet Ibrahim then obeyed the command of his Lord and was about to slaughter his son. In that tense atmosphere, Sayyidina Ismail remembered his mother. And said to his father, “O my father bind me tightly so as not to be shaken and remove my clothes so as not to get my blood so that if my mother sees it will add to her sorrow. Give my greetings to my mother. If you wish to return my shirt to my mother, then do so, for that will comfort her and serve as a memorial to her son.”


After that Prophet Ibrahim then laid Ismail down beside him and pressed a knife against his throat, but it did not affect Ismail. With His power. Allah immediately replaced him with a lamb from heaven, which Prophet Ibrahim then slaughtered.


So pay attention O beloved daughter! How the devotion and patience of Sayyidina Ismail! And how obedient Prophet Ibrahim was to the commands of his Lord! As well as his steadfastness in the face of this real test.


  1. Sayyidina Ali Zainal Abidin r.a. was so devoted to his mother that one of his companions said to him, “You are the most devoted person to your mother. But why do we never see you eating with her?” He replied, “Yes, because I am afraid that my hand will precede the food that she has seen and is about to taste so that I will disobey her.”


  1. Once a man came to the Messenger of Allah and said, “O Messenger of Allah, there is a young man here who is about to die. It was said to him, say : Laa ilaha illallah. But he could not say it. The Prophet said, Didn’t he say it during his lifetime?” The people replied, “Yes.” So the Prophet asked, “What prevented him from saying it before his death?” Then the Prophet stood up and we followed behind him and went to the young man.


Arriving at the young man’s place the Prophet said, “O young man say: Laa ilaha illallah.” The young man replied, “I am unable to say it.”


The Prophet then asked, “Why?”


The young man replied, “Because I have disobeyed my mother.” The Prophet asked, “Is she still alive?” The young man replied, “Yes.”


The Prophet then ordered his companions, “Bring him here.”


Then his mother was present.


Then the Prophet said, “What would you think if the fire had been lit, and then it was said to you, if you do not forgive him, I will throw him into this fire?”


The woman replied, “Then I forgive him.”


The Prophet said, “Make Aliah Ta’ala and us witnesses that you have approved it.”


So she said, “O Allah, I make You and Your Messenger witnesses that I am pleased with my son.”


Then the Prophet said, “O child say : Laa ilaha illallah.”


Then the young man was immediately able to say : Laa ilaha illallah.


The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, “Praise be to Allah who saved him through me from hellfire.”


O beloved daughter! Reflect on this story so that you know that disobedience to parents leads to a bad end (Su’ul Khatimah). May Allah protect us from it.


It is narrated that Algamah was a righteous man who prayed a lot and fasted a lot and gave alms, but all that was of no use to him because he disobeyed his mother and only obeyed his wife and preferred her over his mother.


The hadith states: “There are three kinds of sins which, when committed, good deeds are of no avail: associating partners with Allah, disobeying one’s parents and fleeing from war.”


  1. There was a young Jewish boy who served the Prophet and became ill. So the Prophet came to visit him. He sat near his head, and said to him, “Convert to Islam.” Hearing this, the boy looked at his father who was also beside him.


His father said, “Obey Abal Qasim (the Prophet).” Then the boy converted to Islam. So the Prophet came out and said, “Praise be to Allah: who has saved him from the fire of hell.”


Look at how devoted this boy was to his father, even when he was dying. With that Allah gave him the guidance to convert to Islam at the end of his life. So he became a resident of Paradise. From this story you can know that: devotion to parents leads to a good ending. (Husnul Khatimah)


  1. Haiwah bin Shuraih was very devoted to his mother. He never contradicted his mother’s words even though he was a great scholar who had many students. One day his mother came to him while he was teaching. She said to him, “stand up, Haiwah, and give this grain to the chickens”. So he: neither objected nor lingered. He left his teaching and immediately obeyed her command.


  1. And among those who were filial towards their parents was Dzarr bin Umar Al-Hamdani. Among his filial piety to his father was that during the day he never walked with his father, but took a position behind him. And not at night, but he was in front to protect his father from danger. He never went up to the roof when his father was below him.





Indeed, the people closest to you after your father and mother are your brothers and sisters. So practice these manners so that you may gain the pleasure of Allah, and the pleasure of your parents and live with them in a state of joy and happiness:


  1. You honor them in all times and circumstances, and you love them with sincere love.


Verily you and they are of one blood. They love you and wish you happiness. So you should always be with them in harmony and unity. Avoid things that cause strife and quarrels by not heeding the talk of those who are spiteful and divisive, and do not diminish the rights of parents. And you should forgive them if they do not fulfill your rights.


  1. You should honor and respect your elders, and regard them as your parents. You take their advice and do not contradict their commands.


In the hadeeth: “The right of older brothers over their younger siblings is like the right of a father over his child.”


  1. You should love your brothers and sisters who are young, and you should treat them with the same love and kindness that your parents treated you, that is, you should make them happy and not disturb them.


In the hadith it is said: “Verily in Paradise there is a house called “Darul farah (the house of happiness)” which no one enters, except those who make little children happy.”


  1. You should help your brothers and sisters with all your might.


The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “The example of two brothers is like two hands, one cleansing the other.”


You always give in to them and are patient with them. If they do something wrong, you remind them of their wrongdoing in a gentle manner, because gentle words can be pleasing to the ear, whereas harsh words can have the opposite effect, causing anxiety and a break in the relationship.


Avoid quarreling with them, cursing at them, or pitting them against each other, and do not joke with them about things that are not proper, or take things from them without their consent, or cut ties with them, or speak ill of them.


  1. Your brother is your right hand. As Allah Ta’ala said to Prophet Moses regarding his brother Prophet Aaron a.s.: “We will help you’ with your brother” (Al Qashash: 35).


A brother to you is a weapon that can . protect yourself from your enemies in the field of life. As the poet said:


Indeed, one who has no brother is like one who goes to war without a weapon.





It is said that a man had several children. When death approached, he called them and gave them each a bundle of spears and told them to break them.


So one by one they tried to break it with all their might, but to no avail. Then the man untied the spears and gave each of them a spear. So they managed to break it easily. Then he said to them, “Your example is like this bond. If you are united and gathered, the enemy will not be able to defeat you. But if you are at odds and scattered, then the enemy will easily defeat you just as these spears that have been untied you will be able to break without difficulty.”


Then he chanted:


Unite you, my children, when calamity befalls and do not scatter.

Spears gathered together are difficult to break and when they are separated – they are easily broken one by one.





  1. Indeed, the people who are closest to you after your father and mother and brothers are your relatives, whether they are men or women.


In the hadith: “The mother’s sister (Aunt) is equal to the mother, the position of the brother of the father (Uncle) of a person is equal to his father, the son of the sister of a people is among them.” :


They have just as much right to you as you have to them.


  1. You do this by treating them as you would your brothers and sisters. So you honor the older among them and you love their little ones.


You are warm when you meet them with a bright and smiling face. And speak to them kindly without showing pride and arrogance.


If they tell you to do something, then obey and do not argue. Be a woman of easy manners. If they need something, then help them immediately with all your might.


  1. Do not stop visiting them from time to time, especially at appropriate times such as holidays and other happy days or when calamities and other sad events come upon them. If one of your male or female relatives is sick, go to his or her house to visit them and pray for their speedy recovery. If he passes away, go to his house to pray for mercy and forgiveness, and to offer condolences and comfort to his children and family and help them in their hardship.


In this way your relatives will be pleased with you, because you rejoice when they rejoice” and mourn when they are afflicted. They will also: know that you are an educated daughter who is willing to fulfill her obligations towards her relatives.


  1. Be united with your relatives and avoid anything that causes disconnection and enmity.


Be careful not to listen to the talk of a divisive woman, because she only wants to separate you from them.


Forgive them if they misbehave with you. Do not grudge them for their bad behavior.


When Allah gives them pleasure, show your joy in it and do not envy them.


If you practice these manners, then you will certainly live with your relatives in harmony and prosperity, in peace and happiness.


Because a person’s happiness depends on the happiness of his family and relatives. They are like the wings of a bird.


As the poet said:


Know O son of uncle, that man is a wing (for others) can an eagle fly without wings?


  1. Allah has commanded us to be kind to our relatives and to associate them with the father and mother. It is mentioned in the words of Allah:


“And worship Allah and do not associate anything with Him. And do good . to . mothers fathers and relatives” (An-Nisaa’: 36).


In another saying of Allah Ta’ala: “And fulfill the rights of your relatives” (Al-israa’: 27).


In the hadith it says: “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should maintain his family ties,” i.e. do good to his relatives.


And a daughter who wants to do good to her relatives, then Allah will expand her sustenance and prolong her life.


In the hadith: “Whoever wants to have his provision expanded and his life prolonged, let him connect with his relatives.”


And Allah will forgive his sins. As it is said in the hadith: “A man came to the Prophet. He said, “O Messenger of Allah I have committed a major sin. Can I repent?”


The Prophet asked, “Do you have a mother?”


The man replied, “No.” The Prophet asked again, “Do you have an aunt?” The man replied, “Yes.”


Then the Prophet said, “Be devoted to him.” –


  1. As for the daughter who likes to do evil to her relatives and likes to annoy them, she will get the opposite of that and be prevented from entering Paradise. As in


hadith: “A severer of kin will not enter Paradise.”


Allah will also punish him immediately in this world, while in the Hereafter, his punishment will be much harsher and more devastating.


As the hadith states: “There is no sin for which it is more appropriate for Allah to hasten the punishment of the offender in this world, in addition to the other punishments that Allah has in store for him in the Hereafter, than the sin of injustice and severing family ties.”


  1. When your relatives do evil to you, be patient in your response and repay their evil with good.


In the hadith: A man said, “O Messenger of Allah, I have relatives who have cut ties with me, but I keep in touch with them. I do good to them even when they do evil to me. And I have always been patient with them, while they have ignored me.”


The Prophet said, “If what you say is true, then it is as if you are feeding them hot ashes. You will always receive help from Allah in dealing with them as long as you are in that state.”





  1. It is mentioned in the hadith: that Abu Talhah AlAnshary r.a. was the richest Anshar in date palms in Madinah. His most beloved possession was the Biruha’ (date plantation) facing the mosque.


Once the Messenger of Allah entered Abu Talhah’s garden and drank the fresh water there. When the verse was revealed: “You will never attain the (perfect) good, until you spend some of the wealth you love” (Ali Imran: 92).


Abu Talhah came to the Messenger of Allah and said, “O Messenger of Allah, Allah Ta’ala has revealed to you the verse: “You will not . You will not arrive at the (complete) good, until you spend some of the wealth that you love.”


But my most beloved treasure is Biruha’. And verily this charity of mine is a charity for the sake of Allah Ta’ala which I hope will be good and become, a saving of reward in the sight of Allah.


So use it, O Messenger of Allah, as Allah has shown you.”


Then the Prophet said, “Good, that is a fortunate treasure, that is a fortunate treasure. I have heard what you said. And I am of the opinion that you should distribute it among your relatives.”


So Abu Talhah said, “O Messenger of Allah, I will do so.” ‘


So Abu Talhah distributed it among his relatives and his uncle’s sons.





  1. Sayyidatina Maimunah bint Al-Harith r.a. had a slave girl, when freeing her she did not ask the Prophet’s permission first.


When the Prophet came to her house, Maimunah said, “O Messenger of Allah, do you know that I have freed my slave girl?”


The Prophet asked, “Have you done that?”


Maimunah replied, “Yes.”


The Prophet said, “Had you given it to your uncles, your reward would have been “greater”.”




When the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) were sitting near the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), he suddenly said, “Let no one sit with us who has broken a family relationship.” So at that time a young man stood up from the assembly, then immediately went to his aunt to apologize. Apparently he had just quarreled with his aunt.


So after his aunt apologized to him, the young man returned to the assembly.


The Messenger of Allah (SAW) then said, “Verily, mercy will not descend on a people where there is a breaker of family ties.”





  1. You must treat your servants well, by speaking gently to them when you want something from them.


You do not annoy him with harsh words, yell at him or act arrogantly towards him. With gentleness, you point out his faults if it is proven that he is guilty then you forgive him. For it is understood that man is a place of error and forgetfulness.


  1. If you call your servant and he does not answer immediately or you tell him to do something and he is slow in doing it, then do not reprimand him immediately. Perhaps he did not hear your voice or he was busy. Be a man of patience. You are patient with the mistakes that servants make, because they are usually uneducated.


And forgive them if they break your glass.


The hadith says: “Do not beat your slave girl for breaking your glass, for the glass has a death like yours.”


If the servant is satisfactory in serving you, then do not forget to thank him for his kindness and reward him for it.


For Allah Ta’ala has said: “There is no reward for good except good” (Ar-Rahman: 60).


  1. Thou shalt not reveal the secrets of thy house to a servant, lest he should be tempted to steal, and thou shalt not rely on him in every case. You should be careful of him by avoiding sitting together in jest and idle talk. That thou mayest not imitate his character, and that thou mayest not fall from favor with him, and that he may not be bold with thee, nor be less courteous to thee.


As for sitting together for a purpose such as advising him or teaching him religious matters, that does not matter; rather it is something that is required.


  1. You should not mistreat a servant girl by forcing her to do work beyond her ability, or delaying her payment, or even deliberately not paying her at all.


The hadith states: “Give wages to Your laborer before his sweat is dry.”


Do not delay the payment of wages that ja deserves.


In the hadith: “Mistreating a laborer by not paying his wages is a major sin.”


You should not beat a servant without just cause. For it is stated in the hadith: “Whoever lashes a servant unjustly, he will be rewarded the same on the Day of Resurrection.”





  1. The Prophet never yelled at a single servant. Companion Anas bin Malik r.a. said, “During . 10 years I served the Prophet. he never said “uff (cih)” to me at all. And he never made fun of something I did with: why did you do it? And something I left out: why didn’t you do it? If I was blamed by his wives, he would say: let him be, this is according to Allah’s destiny.”


  1. It is narrated that once Imam Ali karromallahu wajhahu called his slave, but he did not immediately answer him, so he called him a second and third time. But the servant did not answer him. Then he went to him himself. He found him lying down. Then Imam Ali asked, “O son, did you not hear my call?” The slave replied, “Yes.” Imam Ali asked again, “Why did you not answer when I called you?” The slave replied, “Because I felt safe from your punishment so I was lazy.”


So Imam Ali said, “Go! You are free for the sake of Allah.”


  1. It was narrated from Qais ibn Ashim: that one day while he was sitting in his house relaxing, suddenly a slave girl came to him with a hot grill that still had meat on it. Suddenly it fell and fell on the master’s son and he died. So the servant was worried. Seeing this, Gais said to her, “There is no need for you to be afraid! Then Gais forgave her and released her for the sake of Allah.”




1…You must be kind to your neighbors, for they have great rights over you.


Allah Ta’ala says: “Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him. And do good to parents, relatives, orphans, the poor, near neighbors and far neighbors” (An-Nisaa’: 36).


It is mentioned in the hadith: “Get along well with your neighbors, and you will be a true Muslim.”


In another hadith: “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him do good to his neighbor.”


  1. So respect your neighbors and be careful not to annoy them either by antagonizing them, being arrogant towards them, or reviling or even making fun of them. Do not annoy them by raising your voice, especially when they are sleeping and when someone is sick among them, or by peeping at them from the eaves, through holes in the walls, or through doorways in order to find out how they are or to listen to their conversations.


Allah Ta’ala says: “And spy not” (Al-Hujurat: 12).


In the hadith narrated: “Whoever listens to the talk of a group of people while they do not like it. On the Day of Resurrection, hot lead will be poured into his ears.”


  1. If you have surplus food, then send it to your neighbors and start with the closest.


In the hadith: Aisha r.a. reported that she said, “I said : O Messenger of Allah, I have two neighbors. To which one do I give a gift?”


The Prophet (PBUH) replied, “To the nearest one to you.”


When you make soup, do not disturb them with the smell of food from your pot, unless you take some for them.


In another hadith: “He does not have faith with me who goes to bed full while his neighbor next to him is hungry, and he knows it.”


In another hadith it says: “O Muslim women, let not a neighbor woman belittle her neighbor, even by giving him the hoof of a goat.” (goat’s hoof).


  1. Know that there are three kinds of neighbors, as stated in the hadith: “One neighbor has one right, another neighbor has two rights and another neighbor has three rights.


The neighbor who has three rights is the Muslim neighbor who is related to him; he has the right of a neighbor, the right of Islam, and the right of kinship. As for the one who has two rights, he is a Muslim neighbor, and he has the right of a neighbor and the right of Islam.


As for the one who has one right, he is a polytheist neighbor.”


  1. Disturbing a neighbor is a major sin. The Prophet said: “He will not enter Paradise whose neighbors are not safe from his evil.”


If you are annoyed by bad neighbors, then be patient with them. Do not approach their bad behavior, so that you may be saved from their evils.


And avoid associating with their daughters so that you do not contract their bad dispositions and become evil like them.


As the poet said:


When you imitate low morals, there is no difference between you and the person you imitate.





  1. At the time of the Prophet (SAW) there was a woman who was very devoted to worship, she fasted during the day and prayed at night, but unfortunately she had a bad character. She liked to annoy all her neighbors with her tongue. So the people complained about her to the Prophet. Then the Prophet said, “There is no good in her. And she is an inhabitant of hell.”


  1. Mujahid said, “While I was in the house of ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar I saw his servant skinning a sheep.”


Then Abdullah said to his servant, “O son, when you have finished skinning it, you should give it to our Jewish neighbor.” He said these words many times. So I was astonished and said to him, “How many times did you say that?”


Abdullah replied, “Indeed, the Messenger of Allah (SAW) always advised us about our neighbors, so we feared that he would make them inherit us.”


  1. A man complained about the number of mice in his house. It was said to him, “What if you had a cat?” The man replied, “I am afraid that the noise of the cat will make the mice run to the houses of the neighbors, so that I will be happy for their calamity while I do not like it to happen to myself.”


  1. Imam Abu Hanifah (may Allah have mercy on him) had a neighbor who was very jealous. He liked to harass and backbite him. But Imam Abu Hanifah remained patient with him. When he passed in front of him, he would greet him, even though he would not return the greeting. So people rebuked him for being so steadfast and patient in dealing with his neighbor. But he simply said, “Surely they have rights.”





O gentle daughter! Just as your parents have great merit over you in nurturing your body and guarding you from the fire of this world, so does your teacher. He has great merit over you. He has nurtured you from the fire of the hereafter. He directed your soul, educated your morals and enlightened your mind and taught you useful knowledge. O faithful daughter! Therefore you must love and honor him, please him and treat him with these manners:


  1. Follow your teacher’s advice and obey his commands not out of fear of punishment, but to fulfill your obligations with a sincere heart, just as a sick person submits to the advice of a compassionate doctor.


You accept the lessons your teacher gives you with good understanding, gratitude and pleasure. You should also be humble towards him, seeking reward and honor by way of filial piety, and always feeling that your teacher has done much for you that you have never and will never be able to repay, no matter how devoted you are to him.


Beware of opposing him, contradicting him or being arrogant towards him.


In the hadith it says: “It is not one of the believer’s manners to seek praise except in the case of seeking knowledge.”


Sayyidina Ali karromallahu wajhahu once said, “I am the slave of the one who taught me one letter. If he wishes he may sell it, he may free it and if he wishes he may enslave it.”


As for arrogance and disobedience, both cause people not to gain knowledge. As the poet said:


Knowledge enlightens the proud youth as the flood destroys the high ground.


2: A polite and humble student will easily acquire knowledge and utilize it. On the other hand, a disrespectful and arrogant student, if he gets knowledge, will not benefit from it either for himself or for others. In fact, he may harm himself by increasing his arrogance and worsening his behavior.


In the hadith: “Whoever increases his knowledge and does not increase the guidance he receives, then he is further away from Allah.”


Among the advice of the teachers is that you should intend to study for the pleasure of Allah and for the benefit of the Hereafter, to revive religion, and to be useful to the Muslims.


You intend to do so in gratitude for the blessings of reason and health that you have been given. You should not aim to study only to gain “praise and position in the eyes of the people or to accumulate wealth, the world alone.


In the hadith it is narrated: “Whoever seeks knowledge to compete with the ignorant or to draw attention to himself, Allah will put him in Hell.”


Among the advice of other teachers is that you should make a real effort in studying. You memorize all your lessons and be ready to repeat them at home. Do not be lazy because a lazy young man is far from good. As the poet said:


Demand knowledge and don’t be lazy how far away goodness is from a lazy person.


Thou shalt not waste time, for time is a precious jewel of great value, once it is past, it will not return for ever. You should keep your books and other equipment clean and in their proper places. You should always come to school every day at the appointed time and should not be late, except for a valid reason.


You should listen to the lessons your teachers give you with an attentive heart so that you can understand them quickly and do not tire your teachers with much repetition. So take this useful advice.


  1. Part of the etiquette towards the teacher is that you stand up to greet him when you are sitting, out of respect and honor for his presence. You should not sit until he gives you permission to sit. If he gives you permission, then sit politely. You should not interrupt him or interrupt his conversation, nor should you command or forbid anyone in his presence.


If you do not understand a matter, then it is part of the etiquette to ask him questions gently and respectfully. You first raise your finger and do not speak until he allows you to speak.


When he asks you a question about something, you should stand up and answer him with a good answer. And don’t get ahead of him when he asks someone else a question.


  1. You should greet your teacher every day at school and shake his hand and face him with a smiling face. You should visit him at his home, especially during holidays or when he is sick, not forgetting to ask about his health and pray for his speedy recovery. You should help him with all his needs and consult with him about your affairs and do what he advises you.


Do not call your teacher by her name, but by the word mother teacher. And do not walk in front of him or turn your back to him. You should not sit in his place or take his book without his permission, nor should you talk much to him or reveal his secrets.


Do not backbite someone in his presence and do not tell him so-and-so said something different from what the teacher said.


  1. If your teacher asks you a question about something and you do not understand it, do not be ashamed to tell him the truth, so that you will not be guilty of lying and will not be able to understand the matter because you did not tell him the truth.


Do not be angry when he reprimands you, but be quiet and happy at the reprimand, for he does not reprimand you, but out of his great love for you that you fulfill your duties and when you grow up you will also feel gratitude for his reprimand.


It is a great mistake to think that your teacher hates you because of his reprimands to you. The shameless and uninformed student is not the only one who harbors prejudice against his teacher.


  1. It is loyalty to your teacher if you do not forget his kindness and merits, even if you have left or he has left the school. It is also part of loyalty to your teacher if, after his death, you pray for his mercy and forgiveness, recite the Qur’an and give charity to his soul, because the reward will reach the deceased teacher, as mentioned in the hadith.




  1. Imam Ash-Shafi’i respected his teacher Imam Malik (may Allah have mercy on both of them) so much that he said, “I always open a paper in front of Imam Malik very carefully out of respect for him so that he does not hear the sound.”


  1. Ar-Rabi’ b. Sulaiman had great respect for his teacher, Imam Ash-Shafi’i and said, “By Allah, I dare not drink water while Imam Ash-Shafi’i looks at me because I fear him.”


Similarly, Imam Shafi’i loved him very much. He once said to him, “O Rabi’, if I could feed you with knowledge, I would feed you with it.”


  1. Once upon a time Harun Ar-Rashid handed over his two sons Al-Amin.and Al-Ma’mun to a very pious teacher named Al-Kisaa’iy. One day the teacher stood up to leave the house of the two children. So they raced and fought with each other to get the teacher’s sandals and hand them over to him. Then both of them reconciled by giving one sandal each. When Ar-Rashid heard of this, he sent for Al-Kisaa’iy, and Ar-Rashid asked, “Who is the most mutia?”


Al-Kisaa’iy replied, “Amirul mukminin.”


Ar-Rashid said, “No! The noblest person is the one whose sons Amirul mukminin competes to get his sandals.” Hearing this, the teacher felt uncomfortable thinking that he had done something wrong. And wanted to prevent the two children from doing so again. But Ar-Rashid said, “Had you prevented them, I would have reprimanded you severely, for they did not do anything to bring down their status. Rather it added to their glory. I have rewarded them for their manners with 20,000 dinars and I have given you 10,000 dirhams for your good education of them.” .


  1. It is narrated that Harun Ar-Rashid sent one of his sons to Al-Ashma’iy to teach him knowledge and manners.


One day the caliph saw Al-Ashma’iy performing ablution and washing his feet while the caliph’s son poured water over his feet. So the caliph reprimanded Al-Ashma’iy for that action saying: “I sent him to you to teach and educate him. But why did you not tell him to pour water with one of his hands and the other to wash your feet?”





You must observe the manners of friendship with all the students who study in the same school with you, … especially the students in your class, because the bond of learning can unite you with them. They therefore have rights that go beyond those of your other friends. So observe the following manners:


  1. Respect those who are older than you and love those who are younger than you. You should help each other to maintain order and peace during class time and during breaks. Try to please the teacher wherever possible. By fulfilling your obligations such as memorizing all the lessons, being diligent in your studies, providing all the books and notebooks as well as all the learning tools, and keeping them safe from damage by keeping them clean from dirt, and attending school every day regularly before study time begins.


You or one of your friends should be able to fill in when the teacher is absent, if possible, so that the lesson is not interrupted and the class atmosphere is not chaotic. Of course, your teacher will be very happy if you can maintain class order.


  1. It is also good manners if you like the good of your friends as much as you like it for yourself.


As in the hadith: “None of you has complete faith until he loves his brother as he loves himself.”


  1. You should be lenient with them in all matters, treat them with gentleness and face them with a bright face and a smile.


You help them to obtain their needs and you guard against things that could cause dissension and hatred.


So do not be miserly to them when they borrow something from you and do not be arrogant towards them, let alone envy them, deceive them or even’ pit them against each other.


Do not constrict their seats, break their tools or hide some of them. Similarly, you should not speak ill of them, frighten them, rejoice in their misfortune, argue with them in a disrespectful and irritating manner, joke with them out of place or turn your face away from them. All of these actions are strictly forbidden, because they can lead to quarrels and resentment, disconnection and enmity.


  1. Allah Ta’ala says: “And do not turn your faces away from people (out of pride)” (Lukman: 18).


It is also mentioned in the hadiths: “Which disease is more dangerous than miserliness.”


“Do not be proud, for it was pride that caused the devil not to bow down to Adam.”


“Do not be envious, for one of the sons of Adam killed his brother out of envy.”


“Envy is the source of all sin.”


“Do not be fond of lying; indeed, lying takes away from faith.”


“Do not be prejudiced, for prejudice is the most deceiving word.”


“The wickedest of you are those who every time they walk they divide and conquer between lovers.”


“Do not frighten the Muslims, for frightening them is a great injustice.”


“Whoever looks at a Muslim with a look that causes fear out of place, Allah will cause him to fear on the Day of Resurrection.”


“Whoever disturbs a Muslim has disturbed me (Prophet Muhammad). And whoever harasses me, harasses Allah.”


“Do not argue with your brother, do not joke with him and do not promise something and then break it.”


“Do not show joy at the calamity that befalls your brother so that Allah may love him and turn the trial back upon you.”


  1. It is also good manners to pray for them in their absence. The hadith states: “The prayer of a Muslim for his absent brother is mustajab. An angel stands near his head. Whenever he prays for good for his brother, the angel assigned to him says : Amen, and you will receive the same reward.”


You should accept their excuses when they make excuses to you for their mistakes. ..:


And reconcile between them when there is a dispute. Allah says: “Indeed, the believers are brothers, so reconcile between your brothers” (Al-Hujuraat: 10).


You should compete with your friends in memorizing the lessons and understanding the issues in order to put the words of Allah Ta’ala into practice: “And for such should people strive” (Al-Muthaffifin: 26).


You should also help your friends who are weak in learning and do not boast about them, because they are easier to memorize and understand quickly.


You should hold scholarly discussions with them in your free time, as this will please your teacher.


Among other manners, do not get angry with your friend if he cannot answer a question the teacher asks him and do not mock him. Rather, you should listen to the teacher’s answer so that your understanding of the issue will increase and the teacher and your friends will be happy with your progress.


  1. If you practice these manners with all your friends, there is no doubt that they will love and respect you and try to help you and protect you from harm.


They truly consider you to be their loyal friend. They are happy to be friends with you and you are happy to be friends with them.


If, on the other hand, you abandon these manners, then they will become your enemies “and dislike meeting you.


Then you too will be alone among them and as lonely as a bird with a broken wing.


  1. If you find among your friends a student who is unruly, disobedient to the commands of his teachers and does not fulfill his obligations, then you should stay away from him so that his evil disposition does not spread to you and make you like him.


Truly a poet who has said :


Verily, character steals character, and whoever befriends a bad person will be infected with it.


People will recognize your good and evil just by looking at your friends. The hadith says:


“Avoid bad company, for by it you may be known.”


A poet said:


Do not ask about a person but ask about his friend.

Everyone will imitate the traits of the people they are friends with.


  1. When you leave school, one of the rights of friendship is not to forget your friends. Rather, you should maintain the bonds of friendship and remember the days when you were a student. You should give them priority over your other friends by adding to their virtue, kindness and respect.


Such should be the loyalty of the noble ones.