In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, the Ash-Sheikh Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Hazm (may Allah have mercy on him), a scholar of many sciences, said: Praise be to Allah, the Almighty, the Mighty, the Exalted, the Glorious, the Forgiving, the Merciful, and the Forgiving. May His salutations and peace be upon His Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the light of lights, and the leader of the lighted ones to a permanent and eternal place. May His peace and blessings be upon his chosen family and his devoted companions.
It should be noted that the branch of knowledge that we are about to discuss is a complementary science to ijtihad, because the most important pillar in the chapter on ijtihad is knowing the nafs. One of the benefits of knowing the nafs is knowing the nasikh and mansukh. This is because it is very easy to understand the meaning of the texts or commandments, which is only through the external meaning of the news. Similarly, to bear its burden is not so difficult to implement. The only difficulty is knowing how to deduce the rulings from the meanings implied in the texts. Among the investigations concerning the texts is knowing both the external meaning and the implied meaning, as well as the other meanings contained therein.
In connection with what has been mentioned above, there is an asar from Abu Abdur Rahman. He narrated that ‘Ali r.a. met a gadi or judge, and ‘Ali r.a. asked him: “Do you know about nasikh and mansiikh?” The Qadi replied: “No”, so Ali r.a. emphasized: “You are a wretched and mischievous person”.
There is another tradition from Sa’id ihnu Abul Hasan that he met Abu Yahya al-Mu’arrif one day. Abu Yahya said to him: “O Sa’id, know me, know me, indeed I am he”. So Sa’id replied: “What do you mean by him? I still do not understand.” Then Abu Yahya said: “He is me as I will now relate, namely that one day I met Caliph ‘Ali r.a., while at that time I was serving as a gadi or judge in the city of Kufa. Then Caliph ‘Ali r.a. asked me: Who are you? I replied: ‘I am Abu Yahya’. Then Caliph ‘Ali r.a. replied: “You are not Abu Yahya, but you are the one who says: Know me, know me’. Then Caliph ‘Ali asked: ‘Do you know about nasikh and mansukh? I replied: No. So Caliph ‘Ali r.a. said: ‘You are a wretched and mischievous person’. After that I resigned from my position, and I did not want to judge anyone. I say this so that you may benefit from my story, O Sa’id”.
Abu Hurayrah r.a. narrated that Huzaifah r.a. was asked by his student about a matter, and he replied: “There are only three kinds of people who can give a fatwa, and one of them is the one who knows about the issue of nasikh and mansiikh”. Then they (his students) asked: “Who knows about nasikh and mansiikh?” Huzaifah replied: “Umar, or the sultan who is forced to issue a fatwa, or a man who is burdened with giving a fatwa.”
Ad-Dahhak ibn Muzahim narrated that one day Ibn ‘Abbas r.a. met a gadi who was deciding a case, so he kicked him with his foot and asked: “Do you know what is nasikh and what is mansukh?” The gadi said: “Who knows what is nasikh and what is mansukh?” Ibn ‘Abbas asked again: “So, you still do not know which is the nasikh and which is the mansukh?” QGadi replied: “No” Then Ibn ‘Abbas r.a. said: “You are a wretched and mischievous person”.
There are many references to this issue, and only a few of them are mentioned here, in order to show how important the position of the ndsikh and mansiikh in the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger was in the eyes of the Companions, because the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger are of equal status.
Al-Migdad ibn Ma’diykariba narrated that the Messenger of Allah said:
“Remember, indeed, the Book (the Qur’an) and its equivalent (the Sunnah) have been revealed to me – three times – Remember, the time is near when a man will say while leaning on his throne: All of you should hold fast to this Qur’an, so whatever is permissible in it, make it permissible. And whatever is forbidden in it, forbid it.”
Before we begin to discuss this issue, we will first provide a preamble that will serve as an introduction to what is being discussed. The preamble states the nature of nasakh and its rulings, as well as other matters that are closely related to it.
It should be noted that the term nasakh has its root in linguistics, and has a definition according to Ma’ani, and has conditions according to fuqaha’.
As for the original form of the word an-naskhu, according to linguistic terms, it refers to an expression that means canceling something, then putting something else in its place. Imam Abu Hatim said that the meaning of an-naskhu is to remove honey from a beehive, then move the bees to another hive. Also included in the meaning of an-naskh is the transfer of writing, and in a hadith there is also an expression that indicates this meaning, namely:
There is no prophethood except that it is abrogated by the fatrah (period of emptiness).
Thus, it can be concluded that the meaning of the phrase an-naskhu according to linguistic terminology refers to two meanings, namely eliminating in the sense of completely erasing, and eliminating in the sense of transferring.
As for the word an-naskhu, which means removing, it implies replacing, as is the meaning contained in the saying of the Arabs: Nasakhatisy shibusy shababa (The turban has replaced the black hair). Another saying of theirs is: Nasakhatisy shamsuz zilla (the sun has replaced the darkness of the night). All of these words refer to the idea of removing something and replacing it.
In addition to this, they also mean removing something without replacing it, and removing the ruling of something and annulling it without replacing it, which is the meaning of the following words: Nasakhatir rihud diyara (The strong wind has obliterated and erased the traces of the houses).
As for the word an-naskhu, which means to move, it is derived from the word nasakhtal kitaba. It is said when we move the writing contained therein to another place. Or in other words, we quote the contents of the book. This does not imply that we are taking away what is written in the book. Another meaning that indicates this is what is found in His words:
Indeed We have enjoined the recording of what you have done. (Q.S. 45 Al-Jasiyah, 29)
This means that they have recorded it in the books of records of deeds, or transferred the record from one book to another.
However, the popular meaning of the phrase an-naskh in the Qur’an is to cancel a ruling, but its writing still remains. This is also the meaning in the Sunnah or in the Qur’an itself, which is that the verse that nasikh and the verse that is mansukh should still be read. However, the verse that is annulled may not be applied. An example is the iddah (waiting period) of a wife whose husband dies. Before the verse that annulled it, her iddah was one full year, then another verse was revealed that annulled it, namely His words:
(let the wives) put off four months and ten days. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 234)
As for the definition of an-naskhu, some scholars said that it means an explanation for the completion of the period of worship for a matter. According to another opinion, it means “the end of the period of an act of worship that is still going on outwardly”. According to some other scholars, it means “abolishing a ruling that was previously stipulated”.
As for the conditions of its recognition, they are very limited, including the fact that the nasakh should be regarded as a khitab. This is because with the death of the person subject to the taklif, the ruling in question is automatically terminated. Death is something that exempts a person from the ruling of the taklif, so there is nothing that annuls it.
The other thing is that the ruling that is being annulled must be a shara’ ruling (an obligatory ruling). This is because things that are ‘agliyah (raSio), which are based on bara-atul asliyah, cannot be annulled; rather they can be annulled only because they were obligatory.
Another thing is that the previous ruling should not be bound by a certain time, as the Prophet’s hadith says:
There is no prayer after the Fajr prayer until the sun rises, and there is no prayer after the ‘Asr prayer until the sun sets.
Since the time at which it is permissible to perform the nafilah prayers (voluntary prayers), for which there is no cause, has been fixed, there is no prohibition on performing these voluntary prayers at a certain time, which nullifies the previous ruling, which permits them. This is because it is the timing that prevents annulment.
The other thing is that the nasikh should come after the mansukh within a reasonable time, and the explanation offered by the nasikh should be the ultimate aim of the ruling in question, because of the changing interests of the people in accordance with the passing of time. For example, a doctor may forbid a person to do something in the summer, but he may order him to do it in the winter. Another example is facing the direction of Bait al-Mugaddas while in Mecca, which is in accordance with the choice of the Jews. As for the obligation to give in charity more than one needs, this was enacted at the beginning of Islam. This was because the Muslims were eager to purify themselves and fulfill the teachings of their religion.
The Jews deny the existence of nasakh. They say that it opens the door to error and confusion.
In fact, they are the ones who are mistaken, because the true meaning of nasakh is not to enforce an act of worship that the One who commanded it knew to be good. It should also be borne in mind that taklif or obligation has a goal to which it is directed, and once the goal is achieved, the obligation is removed.
As for the meaning of chaos, as they say, it means changing the thing that is commanded with a new thing, which is not recognized as a source of law.
According to reason, the issue of nasakh does not contradict it for two reasons:
The first reason is that it is permissible for the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) to enact any ruling that he wishes.
The second reason is that the human psyche, when it becomes accustomed to a command that it is accustomed to doing, will find it difficult to do something else, because it is accustomed to doing the first command. Thus, his obedience to the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) will be evident when he does what He has commanded him to do.
In fact, this nullification is something that is recognized by sharee’ah, because it has been proven that one of the teachings of the Prophet Adam (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that applied to some of his sons was that it was permissible for them to marry their sisters and women who are muhrim. Similarly, the Prophet Adam (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was allowed to work on Saturdays, and this was abrogated by the Islamic law.
Nasakh only applies to matters of command and prohibition. Therefore, it does not apply to matters of pure news: istisna or exceptions do not constitute nasakh, because nasakh applies only to matters of command, as already mentioned. This is not the case with the occurrence of nasakh in news phrases. Some scholars said that istisna and takhsis are also included in nasakh, but the fuqaha’ differed.
Nasakh consists of three parts:
The first is the nasakh of the text and its ruling. Anas ibn Malik r.a. narrated that we used to recite a surah that was as long as Surah At-Taubah, but we did not memorize it except this verse, which is:
If the son of Adam had two valleys of gold, he would have sought a third to add to the two existing valleys, and he would have sought a fourth. And nothing can fill the stomach of the son of Adam but earth. And Allah will forgive those who repent.
The second is that the writing is nullified, but the ruling is not, i.e. it is still valid. In this regard, ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that we used to recite this verse, namely: Do not hate your parents.
What is meant is that you should not turn away from your parents. And another verse, namely: The adult male and the adult female, if they have sex, then stoning them both by you with no more forgiveness, as a retribution from Allah. And Allah is the Mighty, the Wise.
The meaning is the man who commits adultery muhsan and the woman who commits adultery muhsan.
The third is the nullification of the ruling, but the text still remains. For example, regarding the issue of Qibla, at first a person who prayed was allowed to face in any direction, because based on the word of Allah SWT. which reads:
“so wherever you face, there is the face of Allah. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah 115).
Then this verse is abrogated by another verse for facing Baitul Magdis, namely the words of Allah SWT. which commands:
So turn your faces toward the Sacred Mosque. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 144)
There are many other similar examples which, insha Allah, will be mentioned later in their proper place.
The suras in which there are no ndsikh and mansiikh consist of forty-three suras, namely:
- Surah Al-Fatihah or Ummul Kitab.
- Surah Yusuf.
- Surah Yasin.
- Surah Al-Hujurat.
- Surah Ar-Rahman.
- Surah Al-Hadid.
- Surah As-Saff.
- Surah Al-Jumw’ah.
- Surah At-Tahrim.
- Surah Al-Mulk.
- Surah Al-Haqqah.
- Surah Noah.
- Surah Al-Jin.
- Surah Al-Mursalat.
- Surah An-Naba.
- Surah An-Nazi’at.
- Surah Al-Infitar.
- Surah Al-Mutaffifin.
- Surah Al-Inshiqaq.
- Surah Al-Buruj.
- Surah Al-Fajr.
- Surah Al-Balad.
- Surah Ash-Shams.
- Surah Al-Lail.
- Surah Ad-Duha.
- Surah Alam Nasyrah or Surah Al-Inshirah.
- Surah At-Tin.
- Surah Al-Qalam.
- Surah Al-Gadar.
- Surah Al-Bayyinah or Surah Lam Yakun.
- Surah Az-Zalzalah.
- Surah Al-‘Adiyat.
- Surah Al-Gari’ah.
- Surah At-Takasur.
- Surah Al-Humazah.
- Surah Al-QGuraisy.
- Surah Al-Ma’un.
- Surah Al-Kausar.
- Surah An-Nasr.
- Surah Tabbat or Surah Al-Lahab.
- Surah Al-Ikhlas.
- Surah Al-Falaq.
- Surah An-Nas.
The surahs in which there is only nisikh and no mansukh consist of six surahs, namely:
- Surah Al-Fat-h.
- Surah Al-Hasyr.
- Surah Al-Munafigun.
- Surah At-Tagabun.
- Surah Af-Talaq.
- Surah Al-A’la.
The number of surahs that contain mansukh but not nasikh is forty, namely:
- Surah Al-An’am.
- Surah Al-A’raf.
- Surah Yunus.
- Surah Hud.
- Surah Ar-Ra’d.
- Surah Al-Hjjr.
- Surah An-Nahl.
- Surah Bani Israel or Surah Al-Isra.
- Surah Al-Kahf.
- Surah Taha.
- Surah Al-Mu-minun.
- Surah An-Naml.
- Surah Al-Qasas.
- Surah Al-Ankabut.
- Surah Ar-Rum.
- Surah Lugman.
- Surah Al-Madaji
- Surah Al-Malaikah or Surah Fatir.
- Surah As-Saffat.
- Surah Sad.
- Surah Az-Zumar.
- Surah Fus-ilat.
- Surah Az-Zukhruf.
- Surah Ad-Dukhan.
- Surah Al-Jasiyah.
- Surah Al-Ahqaf.
- Surah Muhammad.
- Surah Qaf.
- Surah An-Najm.
- Surah Al-Gamar.
- Surah Al-Imtihan.
- Surah Nun.
- Surah Al-Mararij.
- Surah Al-Qiyamah.
- Surah Al-Insan.
- Surah ‘Abasa.
- Surah At-Tariq.
- Surah Al-Gashiyah.
- Surah At-Tin.
- Surah Al-Kafirun.
The number of surahs of the Qur’ān into which nasikh and mansukh have entered consists of twenty-four surahs, namely:
- Surat Al-Bagarah.
- Surah Ali Imran.
- Surah An-Nisa.
- Surah Al-Maidah.
- Surah Al-Anfal.
- Surah At-Taubah.
- Surah Ibrahim.
- Surah Maryam.
- Surah Al-Anbiya.
- Surah Al-Hajj.
- Surah An-Nur.
- Surah Al-Furgan.
- Surah Ash-Shw’ara.
- Surah Al-Ahzab.
- Surah Al-Mu-min.
- Surah Ash-Shura.
- Surah Az-Zariyat.
- Surah At-Tur.
- Surah Al-Waqi’ah.
- Surah Al-Mujadilah.
- Surah Al-Muzzammil
- Surah Al-Muddassir.
- Surah At-Takwir.
- Surah Al-‘Asr.
The number of verses in which the command to turn away from the polytheists is contained is one hundred and fourteen verses, all of which are found in forty-eight surahs.
The first of these is Surah Al-Bagarah, where He says:
and speak good words to people. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 83)
The general meaning contained in the above verse is annulled by His other words, namely:
For us are our deeds…. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 139).
Then if they cease (from opposing you) …. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 192)
The above verse is nullified, because after the verse there is a command to forgive and not to wage war anymore, i.e. there is no compulsion. What is found in Surah ‘Ali Imran is His words:
So your duty is only to convey (the verses of Allah). (Q.S. 3 Ali Imran, 20)
except to protect yourselves from what you fear from them. (Q.S. 3 Ali Imran, 28)
What is found in Surah An-Nisa is His words:
So turn away from them (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 63).
The above verse is also found in another verse, namely verse 81 of Surah An-Nisa. And His other words, namely:
We did not send you to be a guardian for them. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 80)
You are not burdened except with your own obligations. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 84)
except those who seek refuge …. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 90) Surah Al-Maidah is His words:
And do not disturb those who visit the House of Allah. (Q.S. 5 Al-Maidah, 2) ,
Our Messenger’s duty is only to convey (the message of Allah). (Q.S. 5 Al-Maidah, 92)
Take care of yourselves, for no one who goes astray will harm you when he is guided. (Q.S. 5 Al-Maidah, 105) ‘i.e. keep on doing amar makruf and nahi mungkar, walk in them and do not heed them. In Surah Al-An’am he says:
Say: “I am not the one entrusted with your affairs”. (Q.S. 6 Al-An’im, 66)
Then (after you have conveyed the Qur’an to them), leave them alone (Q.S. 6 Al-An’am, 91).
And I (Muhammad) am by no means your custodian. (Q.S. 6 Al-An’am, 104)
And turn away from the polytheists. And if Allah had willed, they would not have associated partners with Him. And We have not made you a guardian for them. (Q.S. 6 Al-An’am, 106-107)
And do not cuss …. (Q.S. 6 Al-An’am 108)
then leave them …. (Q.S. 6 Al-An’am 112) The same meaning is also found in Surah Al-An’am verse 137, and His words:
O my people, do to the best of your ability …. (Q.S. 6 Al-An’am, 135).
Say: “Wait by you ….” (Q.S. 6 Al-An’am, 158).
You are not responsible for them in the least. (Q.S. 6 AlAn’am, 159) In Surah Al-A’raf, He says:
And turn away from those who are foolish (Q.S. 7 Al-A’raf, 199).
And I gave them respite. (Q.S. 7 Al-A’raf, 183) In Surah Al-Anfal, He says:
(But) if they ask you for help…. (Q.S. 8 Al-Anfal, 72)
What is meant is the Mu’ahad disbelievers, those who have entered into a peace treaty with the Muslims. In Surah At-Taubah it is found in His words:
let you be upright (also) towards them. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 7) In Surah Yunus it is in His words: .
therefore wait by you …. (Q.S. 10 Yunus, 20)
then say: “For me my work ….” (Q.S. 10 Jonah, 41) .
And if We show you …. (Q.S. 10 Jonah, 46)
Then do you (want to) force people ….. (Q.S. 10 Yunus 99) .
Therefore, whoever is guided …. (Q.S. 10 Yunus, 108) In the above verse, it means to delay them and to be patient in dealing with them. In Surah Hud it is found in His words:
Verily, you are but a warner …. (Q.S. 11 Hud, 12) That is, you are commissioned to warn them.
And (he said): “O my people, do according to your ability . (Q.S. 11 Hud, 93)
And wait (for the consequences of your deeds)…. (Q.S. 11 Hud, 122)
In Surah Ar-Ra’d it is found in His words:
For surely your duty is only to convey. (Q.S. 13 ArRa’d, 40)
In Surah Al-Hjjr it is found in His words:
Leave them (in this world). (Q.S. 15 Al-Hjjr, 3)
then forgive (them) …. (Q.S. 15 Al-Hijr, 85) .
Never show your eyes ….. (Q.S. 15 Al-Hijr, 88).
I am a warner …. (Q.S. 15 Al-Hijr, 89)
And turn away from the polytheists. (Q.S. 15 Al-Hijr, 94).
In Surah An-Nahl it is found in His words:
“The obligation laid upon you (Muhammad) is only to convey (the message of Allah)….” (Q.S. 16 An-Nahl, 82).
and argue with them in a good way …. (Q.S. 16 An-Nahl, 125)
Be patient (O Muhammad) …. (Q.S. 16 An-Nahl, 127)
However, it is still disputed. In Surah Al-Isra it is found in His words:
Your Lord knows better than you …. (Q.S. 17 Al-Isra, 54)
In Surah Maryam it is in His words:
And warn them …. (Q.S, 19 Maryam, 39)
The meaning of turning away in the above verse is deduced from the meaning contained therein. And also His words:
so let the Most Gracious prolong the time for him. (Q.S. 19 Maryam, 75)
In Surah Taha, it is found in His words:
So be patient with what they say …. (Q.S. 20 Taha, 130)
Say: “Each (of us) awaits ….” (Q.S. 20 Taha, 135)
In Surah Al-Hajj it is found in His words:
And if they dispute you …. (Q.S. 22 Al-Hajj, 68)
In Surah Al-Mu-minun it is in His words:
So leave them in their error …. (Q.S. 23 Al-Mu-minun, 54) and His words:
Reject their evil deeds …. (Q.S. 23 Al-Mu-minun, 96)
In Surah An-Nur it is found in His words:
then if you turn away …. (Q.S. 24 An-Nur, 54) In Surah An-Naml it is in His words:
So whoever is guided …. (Q.S. 27 An-Naml, 92)
In Surah Al-Gagas it is in His words:
For us are our deeds …. (Q.S. 28 Al-Qasas, 55)
In Surah Al-‘Ankabut it is in His words:
And indeed I am only a warner …. (Q.S. 29 Al’Ankabut, 50)
The definition is inferred from the implied meaning of the verse. In Surah Ar-Rum, it is found in His words:
So be patient with you (Muhammad) …. (Q.S. 30 Ar-Rum, 60)
In Surah Lugman it is found in His words:
And whoever denies (does not give thanks) …. (Q.S. 31 Lugman, 12)
In Surah As-Sajdah it is in His words:
and wait, indeed they (too) wait. (Q.S. 32 As-Sajdah, 30)
In Surah Al-Ahzab it is found in His words:
And pay no heed to their harassment (Q.S. 33 Al-Ahzab 48).
In Surah Saba’ it is found in His words:
Say: “You will not be held accountable…” (Q.S. 34 Saba’, 25)
In Surah Fatir it is found in His words:
You are nothing but a warner. (Q.S. 35 Fatir, 23)
In Surah Yasin it is found in His words:
So let not their words grieve you… (Q.S. 36 Yasin, 76) but this meaning is still disputed.
In Surah As-Saffat it is found in His words:
So turn away (Muhammad) …. (Q.S. 37 As-Saffat, 174)
And turn your back …. (AQ.S. 37 As-Saffat, 178) and the verses that lie between these two verses. In Surah Sad, it is found in His words:
Be patient with what they say. (Q.S. 38 Sad, 17)
Verily, I am only a warner (Q.S. 38 Sad, 65). ….
The meaning of turning away contained in the above verse is inferred from its implied meaning. In Surah Az-Zumar it is found in His words:
Verily, Allah will decide between them… (AQ.S. 39 Az-Zumar, 3).
The meaning of turning away in the above verse is inferred from the meaning contained therein. And also His other words, namely:
So worship by you (O polytheists) what you will …. (Q.S. 39 Az-Zumar 15)
O my people, work …. (Q.S. 39 Az-Zumar, 39)
Who will be punished …. (Q.S. 39 Az-Zumar, 40)
who will be guided ….. (Q.S. 39 Az-Zumar, 41)
These meanings are deduced from the implied meanings, because the real meaning is to leave the will of their believers (polytheists) to themselves. In Surah Al-Mu-min it is found in His words:
(Q.S. 40 Al-Mu-min, 55) A similar verse is also found in Surah Al-Mu-min verse 77.
In Surah Ha Mim As-Sajdah / Fussilat it is found in His words:
Repel (the evil) in a better way. (Q.S. 41 Fussilat, 34)
In Surah Ash-Shura it is found in His words: –
And you (Muhammad) are not the one who is entrusted with watching over them. (Q.S. 42 Ash-Shura, 6)
For us are our deeds …. (Q.S. 42 Ash-Shura, 15)
If they turn away …. (Q.S. 42 Ash-Shura, 48)
In Surah Az-Zukhruf it is found in His words:
So let them sink (in error) …. (Q.S. 43 Az-Zukhruf, 83)
So turn away (O Muhammad) from them …. (Q.S. 43 Az-Zukhruf, 89)
In Surah Ad-Dukhan it is found in His words:
So wait …. (Q.S. 44 Ad-Dukhan, 10)
In Surah Al-JaSiyah it is found in His words:
Let them forgive …. (Q.S. 45 Al-Jasiyah, 14)
In Surah Al-AhQaf it is found in His words:
So be patient …. (Q.S. 46 Al-Ahqaf, 35) In Surah Muhammad it is in His words:
And after that you may set them free …. (Q.S. 47 Muhammad, 4)
In Surah Qaf it is found in His words:
So be patient. you (Muhammad) …. (Q.S. 50 Qaf, 39)
So warn …. (Q.S. 50 Qaf, 45)
In Surah Al-Muzzammil it is found in His words:
and avoid them …. (Q.S. 73 Al-Muzzammil, 10)
And let Me (alone) act …. (Q.S. 73 Al-Muzzammil, 11)
In Surah Al-Insan it is found in His words:
So be patient …. (Q.S. 76 Al-Insan, 24)
In Surah At-Tariq it is found in His words: –
Therefore, give respite …. (Q.S. 86 At-Tariq, 17)
In Surah Al-Gashiyah it is in His words:
You are not in authority over them. (Q.S. 88 Al-Gashiyah, 22)
In Surah At-Tin it is in His words:
Is not Allah the just Judge? (Q.S. 95 At-Tin, 8).
However, the meaning is inferred from the implied meaning. In Surah Al-Kafirun it is found in His words: ,
For you is your religion, and for me is my religion. (Q.S. 109 AlKafirun, 8)
All of the verses mentioned above are abrogated by the words of Allah SWT. found in Surah At-Taubah, namely:
So kill the polytheists wherever you find them. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 8)
As for its further explanation, we will, in sha Allah, give it in its proper place later on.
It should be noted that many of the verses that are Mansiikh were revealed in Mecca, while many of the verses that are Nasikh were revealed in Medina. But in Surah Ummul Kitab or Surah Al-Fatihah, both types of verses – i.e. nasikh verses and nasikh verses – do not exist.
Surah Al-Baqarah
In Surah Al-Bagarah, which belongs to the group of Madaniyyah surahs, there are twenty-six places of nasikh and mansukh verses. The first verse is His words:
Verily, the believers and the Jews …. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 62) are transcended by another verse, which says:
Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him. (Q.S. 3 Ali Imran, 85) The second verse is His words:
And speak good words to mankind. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 83) This verse is ratified by Ayatus Saif, the verse that commands them to fight the polytheists, which says:
So kill the polytheists wherever you find them. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 5) The third verse is His words:
So forgive and leave them alone, until Allah brings His command… (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 109).
The above verse is superseded by another verse, which is His words:
Fight those who believe neither in Allah nor in the Last Day …. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 29) until His words:
until they pay the jizyah obediently, while they are in a state of obedience (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 29).
The fourth verse is His words:
And to Allah belongs the east and the west. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 115)
The above verse is a muhkam verse, while the part of the verse that is mansukh is the next word, namely:
so wherever you face, there is the face of Allah. Q.S. 2 AlBagarah, 115)
And the verse that nasikh or abrogates the ruling of the verse above is His words:
And wherever you are, then turn (face) your faces towards him. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 144 and 150)
The fifth verse is His words:
Those who conceal what We have revealed of clear proofs and guidance… (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 159)
The ruling of the verse was annulled by Allah SWT. through the expression istisna or exception, namely through His words:
Except those who have repented and made amends and explained (the truth). (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 160)
The sixth verse is His words:
Verily Allah has only forbidden to you carrion, blood …. (Q-5, 2 Al-Bagarah, 173).
The general meaning contained in the words carrion and blood, part of it is annulled by the words of the Messenger of Allah (SAW) who said: “Two kinds of carrion and two kinds of blood have been made lawful for us: the carcass of a fish and the carcass of a locust, and the liver and spleen”. And also the next verse, which is His words:
And animals which (when slaughtered) are called by names other than Allah. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 173)
Then it is permissible for the one who is forced to eat it, while he does not want it and does not exceed the limit (in eating it). The permissibility is expressed in His words:
There is no sin on him. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 173) The seventh verse is His words:
It is obligatory upon you with regard to the slain, the free man with the free man, the slave with the slave, and the woman with the woman. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 178)
The subject of the nasikh is the words ‘woman for woman’, while the rest of the verse is muhkam. The verse that is the subject of the nasikh is His words:
And We have decreed against them therein, that the soul shall be recompensed with the soul, the eye with the eye…. (Q.S. 5 Al-Maidah, 45)
But according to the Jain opinion, the verse that nasikh is His words found in Surah Al-Isra, namely:
And whoever is unjustly killed, We have indeed given power to his heirs, but let not the heirs exceed the limit in killing. (Q.S. 17 Al-Isra, 33)
As for killing a free man because he has killed a slave, this is excessive or overstepping the limits. The same applies to killing a Muslim because he has killed a disbeliever. The eighth verse is His words:
It is obligatory upon you, when death comes to one of you, if he leaves behind a large estate, to make a will for his parents and relatives. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 180) The above verse has been abrogated by another verse, which says:
Allah has prescribed for you the distribution of inheritance for your children. That is, the share of a son is equal to the share of two daughters …. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 11) The ninth verse is His words:
O you who believe, it is obligatory upon you to observe the Saum as it was obligatory upon those who were before you. ….. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 183)
The above verse was mansiukh because they used to eat and drink when they broke their fast, then sleep and have sex with their wives while they had not prayed Isha. Then Allah abrogated this with His words:
It is lawful for you on the night of the fasting day to have intercourse with your wives. (Q.3. 2 Al-Bagarah, 187) until He says:
And follow what Allah has prescribed for you. (Q.9. 2 AlBagarah, 187)
The above-mentioned verse was revealed with regard to the Companion ‘Umar and another Companion from the Ansar, because they had intercourse with their respective wives on the night of the fasting day. Then this verse was revealed with regard to his turning away from intercourse, i.e. he said:
And eat and drink until the white thread becomes clear to you from the black thread, which is dawn (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 187).
The tenth verse is His words:
And it is obligatory for those who find it difficult to observe it (if they do not fast) to pay the fidyah, (which is) to feed a poor person. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 184)
The above verse is partially qualified by another verse, namely by His words:
Therefore, whoever of you is present (in the country where he lives) in that month, let him fast that month. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 185)
That is, whoever of you witnesses the coming of the month, and he is of legal age, has a sound mind, is in his own place, and is in good health, let him fast. The eleventh verse is His words:
And fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, (but) do not exceed the limits, for surely Allah does not love those who exceed the limits. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 190)
The verses concerning this issue of warfare are all muhkam, except for His words:
And fight the polytheists all of them… (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 36).
The twelfth verse is His words:
And do not fight them in the Sacred Mosque, unless they fight you there. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 191)
The above verse is superseded by another verse, which is His words:
If they fight you (in that place), then kill them. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 191)
The thirteenth verse is His words:
Then if they cease (from fighting you), then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 192)
The above verse is one of the verses in the form of a news sentence, but the intended meaning is a command sentence. The interpretation is: so forgive and pardon them. However, this meaning was later annulled by Ayatus Saif, because there is a verse that says, namely His words:
kill the polytheists wherever you find them …. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 5) The fourteenth verse is His words:
And do not shave your heads before the sacrifice reaches the place where it is slaughtered …. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 196)
The above verse is superseded by the next verse through the expression istisna or exception, namely by His words:
If any of you is sick or has a problem on his head (and he shaves), then it is obligatory for him to make a fidyah, which is fasting or giving charity or sacrificing …. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 196)
The fifteenth verse is His words:
They ask you about what they spend. Answer: “Whatever you spend, give it to your mothers, fathers, and relatives ….” (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 215).
The above verse is superseded by another verse, namely by His words:
Verily, the Zakah is only for the poor and the needy …. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 60).
The sixteenth verse is His words: ..
They ask you about fighting in the unlawful month. Say: “Fighting in that month ….” (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 217) The above verse is superseded by another verse, namely by His words:
so kill the polytheists wherever you find them …. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 5)
The seventeenth verse is His words:
They ask you about wine and gambling …. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagurah, 219)
The above verse is annulled by other verses, including His words:
But their sins are greater than their benefits. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 219)
After this verse was revealed, some people stopped drinking alcohol, but others continued to drink it. Then another verse was revealed, which says: “
O you who believe, do not pray while you are drunk, so that you understand what you are saying. (2.5. 4 An-Nisa, 43)
They used to drink khamr after the Isha prayer, after which they would go to sleep. Then the next day they would wake up sober. Then after the dawn prayer, if they wanted to, they would drink khamr again. But when lohor time came, they did not drink at all. Then Allah Almighty revealed His words:
So avoid those deeds. (Q.S. 5 Al-Maidah, 90)
That is, abandon the wine and other abominable deeds. However, the scholars disagree on this issue, namely whether the prohibition of alcohol is completely through the above verse, or through another verse, namely His words: –
(Q.S. 5 Al-Maidah, 91) Because the meaning of the verse above is, then stop doing that. The meaning is the same as that contained in the verse of Surah al-Furgan, which says: :
Will you be patient? (Q.S. 25 Al-Furgan, 20) The meaning is to be patient. And Allah SWT. has also said in Surah Ash-Shwara in connection with Pharaoh’s people, namely through His words:
Why do they not fear? (Q.S. 26 Ash-Shw’ara, 11).
The intended meaning is to fear you. The eighteenth verse is His words: ,
And they ask you about what they spend. Say: “That which is more than is necessary”. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 219)
The meaning is the excess of your wealth. This verse is superseded by another verse, which says:
Take zakat from some of their wealth, with which you cleanse and purify them….” (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 103).
The nineteenth verse is His words:
And do not marry polytheist women until they believe. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 221)
There is nothing in this verse that has been abrogated except the ruling on polytheistic women, and all of it is muhkam. This is because the meaning of al-Musyrikat includes women of the Book and women of the Wasani. Then the women of the Book were excluded from all the polytheists, by His words:
(And it is permissible to marry) the chaste women among the believing women and the chaste women among those who were given the Book before you. (Q.S. 5 Al-Maidah, 5)
What is meant by the women of the People of the Book are Jewish and Christian women. The condition for the women of the Book who may be married is that they maintain their chastity: if it turns out that they are immoral women, then it is not permissible to marry them.
The twentieth verse is His words: .
Women who are divorced should refrain (wait) three times for teachers’ …. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 228).
The above verses are all muhkam, only a small part is in the middle, namely His words:
And her husband has the right to refer to her during the waiting period …. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 228)
The verse that nasikh or abrogates the ruling of the verse is His words: ..
Two divorces (which can be reconciled). After that it is permissible to reconcile again in a manner that is fair or to divorce her in a good way. (Q.S. 2 AlBagarah, 229)
The twenty-first verse is His words regarding the issue of khulu’, namely:
And it is not lawful for you to take back anything of what you have given them. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 229)
Then the verse was annulled through the expression istifna or exception, namely through His words:
Unless they fear that they will not be able to fulfill the laws of Allah. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 229) The twenty-second verse is His words:
Mothers should nurse their children for two full years. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 233) This verse is superseded by another verse through the expression istisna, namely through the following words:
If they wish to wean (before two years) with mutual consent and consultation, then there is no sin on either of them. (Q.S 2 Al-Bagarah, 233)
Thus, the will is unanimously regarded as a verse that nasikh the two full years provision. The twenty-third verse is His words: .
Those who will die among you and leave wives, let them make wills for their wives… (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 240).
This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by His words:
Those who die among you leaving wives (let the wives) suspend themselves (beriddah) four months and ten days. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 234)
In the Book of Allah (Al-Qur’an) there is no nasikh verse that precedes its mansukh except for this verse in Surah AlAhzab, which says:
O Prophet, indeed We have made lawful for you your wives .. (Q.S. 33 Al-Ahzab, 50)
The above verse is the verse that nasikh, while the verse that is mansukh by it is the one after it, namely His words:
It is not lawful for you to marry women after that…. …. (Q.S. 33 Al-Ahzab, 52)
The twenty-fourth verse is His words:
There is no compulsion to (enter) the religion (Islam). (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 256)
This verse is annulled by another verse, namely by His words:
So kill the polytheists wherever you find them… (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 5).
The twenty-fifth verse is His words:
And witness when you buy and sell. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 282)
This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by His words:
But if some of you trust others, then let the trustee fulfill his trust. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 283)
The twenty-sixth verse is His words:
To Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 284).
This verse is a muhkam verse, and then Allah says: –
And if you give birth to what is in your hearts or you conceal it, surely Allah will make an account with you of your deeds. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 284).
This was very hard for the Companions, so the Prophet said: “Do not say what the Jews have said, viz: We hear, but afterward they disobey. Say by you: ‘We hear and we obey’.” After it was proven that they did obey His Prophet’s command, Allah revealed another verse that nasikh it, namely His words:
Allah does not burden anyone except according to his ability. (Q.S, 2 Al Bagarah, 286)
Then Allah SWT. provides relief again through His other words, namely:
Allah wants ease for you, and does not want hardship for you. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 185)
Surah Ali Imran This surah belongs to the group of Madaniyyah surahs, in which there are five verses that are transcended. The first verse is His words:
And if they turn away, then your duty is only to convey (the verses of Allah). (Q.S. 3 Ali Imran, 20)
The above verse is superseded by Ayatus Saif, the verse that commands to fight against them, namely by His words:
So kill the polytheists wherever you find them. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 5) The second verse is His words: .
How will Allah guide a people who disbelieve after they have believed? (Q.S. 3 Ali Imran, 86) to His other words, viz:
And they were not given respite. (Q.S. 3 Ali Imran, 88)
From the first verse to the next three verses, making a total of four verses, it was revealed with regard to six people who apostatized from Islam after they had manifested their faith. Then one of the six was excluded, namely, Suwaid ibn Samit, for whom Allah said:
Except those who repent, after (disbelief) and make amends. (Q.S. 3 Ali Imran 89)
This last verse supersedes the above verses. The fifth verse is His words:
O you who believe, fear Allah as truly as you fear Him. (Q.S. 3 Ali Imran, 102).
When this verse was revealed, the Companions still did not understand its interpretation or meaning. For this reason they said: “O Messenger of Allah, what is meant by ‘true piety’?” The Prophet replied: “It means that He should be obeyed and not disobeyed: and He should always be remembered and not forgotten, and He should be thanked and not denied”. Then they (the Companions) said: “O Messenger of Allah, who is capable of doing this?” With the revelation of this verse the Companions were very surprised or shocked. Then Allah sent down another verse after some time, and not long to confirm the ruling it contained, namely His words:
And strive in the cause of Allah with true jihad. (9.5. 22 Al-Hajj, 78)
With the revelation of this second verse, their shock increased even more than with the first verse. The meaning of this second verse is, do all of you for the sake of Allah with true charity. This almost stupefied their minds, and after it became evident that they were unable to carry out this difficult command, Allah eased their burden. For this reason, Allah revealed another verse that nasikh it, namely the verse found in Surah At-Tagabun:
So fear Allah according to your ability. (Q.S. 64 At-Tagabun, 16)
This verse serves to facilitate the command contained in the first verse, as well as lighten the heavy burden it contains. Surah An-Nisa belongs to the group of Madaniyyah surahs in which twenty-four verses were nansukh. The first of these is His words: .
And if at the time of the distribution relatives, orphans, and the poor are present …, (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 8).
Then the verse is superseded by the verse concerning the distribution of inheritance, namely by His words:
Allah has prescribed for you (the division of inheritance for) your children. That is, the share of a son is equal to two daughters …. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 11)
The second verse is His words:
And let those fear Allah who should leave behind them weak children, whom they fear for their welfare …… (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 9).
Furthermore, this verse is superseded by another verse, namely by His words:
(But) whoever fears that the testator will be one-sided or sinful, and reconciles with them, there is no sin on him. …. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 182)
The third verse is His words:
Verily, those who devour the property of orphans unjustly are swallowing fire. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa 10)
When this verse was revealed, they did not want to hold the property of orphans, and they separated it from themselves, so that eventually there was harm to the orphans. Then Allah revealed another verse, namely:
And they ask you about orphans, say: “To deal with them properly is good.” (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 220)
This means that it is better to associate with them in terms of riding and drinking milk. Then further Allah gives mercy to associate with them (children) orphans, but He does not give mercy in eating the property of orphans unjustly. Furthermore, Allah SWT. said in another verse, namely His words:
Whoever (among the caretakers) is able, then let him refrain (from eating the orphan’s property), and whoever is poor, then he may eat the property in a reasonable manner. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 6)
This verse abrogates the first verse, the definition of a reasonable way is in debt. So if he (the caretaker) is easy, he must pay for the orphan’s property that he has eaten. If he dies before he is able to pay it, then there is no liability on him. The fourth verse is His words:
And (against) those among your women who commit abominable acts …. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 15)
In the past, if a woman committed adultery, and she was muhsan (preserved), then she was locked up in the house and not allowed to go out at all until she died. Then the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “Take this decision of mine, verily Allah has made a way for them, namely married women and married men (if both commit adultery) the punishment is stoning. For unmarried women (and unmarried men) the punishment is one hundred lashes and exile (banishment) for one year”. The above verse was partially abrogated by the Quran, namely through His words:
or until Allah gives him another way. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 15)
The other part of it has been superseded by the Sunnah (hadith). In the expression of the verse only women are mentioned, but the intended meaning includes men. The fifth verse is, which says:
And as for the two who commit an abominable act among you, then treat them with painful treatment. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 16)
In the past, when a boy and a girl committed adultery, they were reviled and mocked, then this was stopped by Allah SWT. through the verse found in Surah An-Nur, which is His words:
The woman who commits adultery and the man who commits adultery, each of them shall receive one hundred lashes. (Q.S. 24 An-Nur, 2)
The sixth verse is His words: .
Verily, repentance in the sight of Allah is only for those who do evil out of ignorance, then they repent immediately…. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 17)
This is because Allah has guaranteed that He will accept the repentance of the Tauhid before their breath reaches their throats. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) himself has emphasized that this applies to everyone before he dies. Furthermore, it is excluded in another verse, namely through His words:
except in the past. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 22)
Thus, this verse partially abrogates the ruling of the first verse, which is for the polytheists. Furthermore, Allah says:
And Allah does not accept repentance from those who do evil… (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 18) The seventh verse is His words: – “
O you who believe, it is not lawful for you to take women by force (Q.S. An-Nisa, 19) until His words:
for the purpose of taking back some of what you have given them. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 19)
Then the verse is annulled through the expression istisina or exception, namely by His words:
Except when they have committed manifest abominations. (Q.S. 4 AnNisa, 19) The eighth verse is His words: .
And you shall not marry women whom your fathers have married. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa 22)
Then it is abrogated through the expression of exception in the next verse, namely by His words: ..
except in the past. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa 22)
That is, except for what they have done in the past, for which I have forgiven them. The ninth verse is His words:
And bring together (in marriage) two women who are sisters. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 23)
This verse is abrogated through the expression of exception by the next verse, which says:
except that which has happened in the past. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 23)
That is, then I forgive it. “The tenth verse is His words:
So those wives among whom you have had pleasure, give them their dowries (in full), as an obligation. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 24)
Then the verse was superseded by the words of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. which said: “Indeed, I used to legalize or allow this mutah. Remember, Allah and His Messenger have now forbidden it, so let those who are present now convey it to those who are not present.”
Indirectly in the Qur’an is also mentioned the thing that has the position of me-nasikh, namely the verse that mentions the wife’s share of inheritance which is one-eighth and one-fourth, while the wife who is the result of mut’ah marriage is not entitled to get this share.
Imam Muhammad ibn Idris Ash-Shaff’i (may Allah have mercy on him) stated that the verse that abrogates it is found in Surah al-Mu-minun, in which he said:
And those who guard their private parts, except for their wives or the slaves they own. (Q.S. 23 Al-Mu-minun, 5-6)
The scholars are all agreed that the mut’ah woman is neither a wife nor a slave woman. Therefore, Allah annulled it with this verse.
The eleventh verse is His words:
O you who believe, do not eat from one another’s wealth by false means …. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 29)
This verse is superseded by another verse found in Surah An-Nur, which says:
There is no obstacle for the blind, nor for the lame, nor for the sick …. (Q.S. 24 An-Nur, 61)
They used to avoid these people when they ate, so Allah SWT. confirms that there is no hindrance for a person to eat with the lame and the sick. Thus, this verse supersedes the previous verse. The twelfth verse is His words:
And (if there are) those with whom you have sworn allegiance, then give them their share…. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa 33) This verse is superseded by another verse found at the end of Surah Al-Anfal, which says: .
Those who are related are some of them more entitled to each other (than those who are not relatives) …. (Q.S. 8 AlAnfal, 75)
The thirteenth verse is His words:
So turn away from them, and teach them a lesson.. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 63).
This verse is annulled by Ayatus Saif. The fourteenth verse is His words:
If they, when they have wronged themselves, had come to you and asked forgiveness of Allah, and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah Oft-returning, Most Merciful. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 64)
This verse has been superseded by another verse, namely by His words:
Whether you ask forgiveness for them or do not ask forgiveness for them (is the same). (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 80)
The fifteenth verse is His words
O you who believe, be ready… (Q.S. 4 AnNisa, 71).
This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by His words:
It is not fitting for the believers to go all out …. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 122) The sixteenth verse is His words:
And whoever turns away (from obedience), We have not sent you to be a guardian for them. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 80)
This verse is mansiikh by Ayatus Saif, which is the verse that commands fighting them. The seventeenth verse is His words:
So turn away from them and put your trust in Allah. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 81)
The command to turn away from them, which is contained in this verse is also annulled by Ayatus Saif, The eighteenth verse is His words: .
Except those who seek refuge with a people between whom you and that people have made a covenant (of peace). (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 90)
This verse was also mansiikh by Allah SWT.. through Ayatus Saif. The nineteenth verse is His words:
Later you will find others, who intend that they should be safe from you and safe from their people. (Q.S5. 4 An-Nisa, 91)
This verse was also mansiukh by Ayatus Saif. The twentieth verse is His words:
If he (the slain) is from a people hostile to you… (Q.S. 4 AnNisa, 92).
This verse is hyphenated by another verse, namely by His words:
(This is a declaration of) severance from Allah and His Messenger …. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 1)
The twenty-first verse is His words: “,
And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense shall be Jahannam, and he shall abide therein. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 93)
This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by His words: .
Verily, Allah will not forgive the sin of associating partners with Him, and will forgive the sin of that which is other than polytheism. (Q.S. 4 AnNisa 116)
This verse is also followed by a verse found in Surah Al-Furgan, which says:
And those who worship no other gods with Allah, (Q.S. 25 Al-Furgan, 68) up to His words:
Except those who repent …. (Q.S. 25 Al-Furgan, 70).
The twenty-second verse is His words:
Verily the hypocrites are (placed) in the lowest degree of hell. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 145)
Some of the contents of this verse are superseded by other verses through the expression istiSna (exception), namely by His words:
Except those who repent and make amends and hold fast to the religion of Allah and are sincere in their religion for the sake of Allah. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 146)
The twenty-third and twenty-fourth verses are His words:
So why are you two groups in (dealing with) the hypocrites. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 88) and His words:
So fight in the cause of Allah, and you are not burdened except by your own duty. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 84)
Both verses were mansiikhed by Ayatus Saif. Thus, the number of manscaped verses in Surah An-Nisa is twenty-four.
Surah Al-Maldah
There are nine verses in this surah that are mansiikh.
The first verse is His words:
O you who believe, do not violate the signs of Allah. (Q.S. 6 Al-Maidah, 2) up to His words:
while they seek the bounty and pleasure of their Lord. (Q.S. 5 Al-Maidah, 2)
There is no obstacle for the blind, nor for the lame, nor for the sick …. (Q.S. 24 An-Nur, 61)
In the past, they used to avoid these people when they ate, so Allah SWT. emphasizes that there is no hindrance for a person to eat with the lame and the sick. Thus, this verse supersedes the previous verse.
The twelfth verse is His words:
And (if there are) those with whom you have sworn allegiance, then give them their portion….
This verse is abrogated by another verse found at the end of Surah Al-Anfal, which says:
Those who are related are some of them more entitled to each other (than non-relatives) …. (Q.S. 8 AlAnfal, 75)
The thirteenth verse is His words:
So turn away from them, and teach them a lesson (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 63).
This verse is superseded by Ayatus Saif, The fourteenth verse is His words:
If they, when they have wronged themselves, had come to you and asked forgiveness of Allah, and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah Oft-returning, Most Merciful. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 64)
This verse has been superseded by another verse, namely by His words:
Whether you ask forgiveness for them or do not ask forgiveness for them (is the same). (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 80)
The fifteenth verse is His words
O you who believe, be ready… (Q.S. 4 AnNisa, 71).
This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by His words:
It is not fitting for the believers to go all out …. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 122)
The sixteenth verse is His words:
And whoever turns away (from obedience), We have not sent you to be a guardian for them. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 80)
This verse is mansiikh by Ayatus Saif, which is the verse that commands fighting them.
The seventeenth verse is His words:
So turn away from them and put your trust in Allah. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 81)
The command to turn away from them, which is contained in this verse, is also annulled by Ayatus Saif.
The eighteenth verse is His words: .
Except those who seek refuge with a people with whom you have made a covenant (of peace). (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 90)
This verse was also annulled by Allah SWT through Ayatus Saif. The nineteenth verse is His words:
Later you will find others, who intend that they should be safe from you and safe from their people. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 91) This verse was also mansiukh by Ayatus Saif. The twentieth verse is His words: .
If he (the slain) is of a people hostile to you… (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 92).
This verse is hyphenated by another verse, namely by His words:
(This is the declaration of) severance from Allah and His Messenger …. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 1)
The twenty-first verse is His words:
And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense shall be Jahannam, and he shall abide therein. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 93)
This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by His words: .
Verily, Allah will not forgive the sin of associating partners with Him, but will forgive the sin of that which is other than polytheism. (Q.S. 4 AnNisa 116)
This verse is also followed by a verse found in Surah Al-Furgan, which says:
And those who worship no other gods with Allah, (Q.S. 25 Al-Furgan, 68) up to His words:
Except those who repent …. (Q.S. 25 Al-Furgan, 70).
The twenty-second verse is His words:
Verily the hypocrites are (placed) in the lowest degree of hell. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 145)
Some of the contents of this verse are superseded by other verses through the expression istisna (exception), namely by His words:
Except those who repent and make amends and hold fast to the religion of Allah and are sincere in their religion for the sake of Allah. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 146)
The twenty-third and twenty-fourth verses are His words:
So why are you two groups in (dealing with) the hypocrites. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 88) and His words:
So fight in the cause of Allah, and you are not burdened except by your own duty. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 84)
Both verses were mansiikhed by Ayatus Saif. Thus, the number of verses annulled in Surah An-Nisa is twenty-four. Surah Al-Maidah In this surah there are nine verses that have been transcended. The first verse is His words:
O you who believe, do not violate the signs of Allah. (Q.S. 5 Al-Maidah, 2) up to His words:
while they seek the bounty and pleasure of their Lord. (Q.S. 5 Al-Maidah, 2)
Then the verses are also mansiikh by Ayatus Saif, the second verse is His words:
So forgive them and leave them alone. (Q.S. 5 Al-Maidah, 13)
This verse was revealed with regard to the Jews, then it was abrogated by another verse, which says:
Fight those who believe neither in Allah nor in the Last Day (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 29).
The third verse is His words:
Verily the vengeance of those who fight against Allah and His Messenger …. (Q.S. 5 Al-Maidah, 33)
This verse is abrogated by another verse through the expression istisna (exception), namely by His words:
Except those who repent (among them) before you can capture them. (Q.S. 5 Al-Maidah, 34)
Thus, it is clear that the latter verse supersedes the ruling contained in the former verse. The fourth verse is His words:
If they (the Jews) come to you (for judgment), then judge between them, or turn away from them. (Q.S. 5 Al-Maidah, 42)
This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by His words:
And judge between them according to what Allah has sent down, and follow not their lusts. (Q.S. 5 Al-Maidah, 49)
The fifth verse is His words: .
The duty of the Messenger is none other than to convey. (Q.S. 5 Al-Maidah, 99)
This verse was mansiikhed by Ayatus Saif. The sixth verse is His words:
O you who believe, take care of yourselves. (Q.S. 5 Al-Maidah, 105)
The end of this verse annuls the ruling contained in the beginning of the verse, which is His words:
when you are guided. (Q.S. 5 Al-Maidah, 105)
The meaning of guidance here is to do the good and forbid the evil. There is no verse in the Qur’ān that contains nasikh and mansiikh except this verse.
The seventh verse is His words:
O you who believe, when one of you faces death and is about to make a will, let it be witnessed by two just men among you (Q.S. 5 Al-Maidah, 106).
Through this verse Allah SWT. allows the testimony of zimmi disbelievers in certain circumstances, namely when traveling. Then He mansiikh it through another verse, namely through His words:
and testify with two witnesses who are just among you. (Q.S. 65 At-Talaq, 2)
Thus, He nullifies the testimony of the zimmi disbelievers, whether they are traveling or staying at home.
The eighth verse is His words:
If it is known that the two witnesses have committed a sin. (Q.S. 5 AlMaidah, 107)
This verse is also superseded by the verse found in Surah At-Talaq, which says:
and testify with two witnesses who are just among you. (QS. 65 At-Talaq, 2) The ninth verse is His words:
That is nearer to (making the witnesses) bear witness according to what is the truth. (Q.S. 5 Al-Maidah, 108)
That is, according to what is, until His words:
And (it is closer to making them) fear that their oaths will be returned (to the heirs) after they have sworn. (Q.S. 5 Al-Maidah, 108)
As for the rest of the verses, they are all muhkam; the verse that implies that it is permissible to bear witness to a zimmi disbeliever is superseded by the verse that confirms the testimony of a Muslim. Surah Al-An’am This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs except for nine verses. It was revealed at night, and it contains thirteen verses whose rulings are annulled.
The first verse is His words:
Say: “Verily, I fear the punishment of a great day, if I disobey my Lord”. (Q.S. 6 Al-An’am, 15)
This verse is authenticated by another verse, which says:
so that Allah may forgive you your past and future sins. (Q.S. 48 Al-Fat-h, 2)
The second and third verses are His words:
And when you see people mocking at Our verses, then turn away from them. (Q.S. 6 Al-An’am, 68) to His words:
And there is not the slightest accountability on the pious for their sins. (Q.S. 6 Al-An’am, 69)
These verses are superseded by another verse found in Surah An-Nisa, namely by His words:
So do not sit with them until they enter into another conversation. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 140)
The fourth verse is His words:
And leave those who make their religion a plaything and a jest. (Q.S. 6 Al-An’am, 70)
This refers to the Jews and the Christians, and this verse is followed by His words:
Fight those who believe neither in Allah nor in the Last Day…. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 29)
The fifth verse is His words:
Say: “It is Allah (who revealed it)”, then (after we have conveyed the Quran to them), let them play in their misguidance. (Q.S. 6 Al-An’am, 91)
This verse is attributed to Ayatus Saif, the sixth verse is His words:
“Whoever sees the truth, it is for himself: and whoever is blind, his misfortune returns to him. And I (Muhammad) am not your caretaker (Q.S. 6 Al-An’am, 104).
This verse is superseded by Ayatus Saif. The seventh verse is His words: .
And turn away from the polytheists. (Q.S. 6 Al-An’am 106)
This verse is also suppressed by Ayatus Saif, The eighth verse is His words:
And We have not made you guardians for them, nor are you guardians for them. (Q.S. Al-An’am 107)
This verse was also mansiukh by Ayatus Saif. The ninth verse is His words: 12
And do not revile those whom they worship besides Allah, for they will revile Allah beyond measure without knowledge. (Q.S. 6 Al-An’am, 108)
This verse is also transmitted by Ayatus Saif. The tenth verse is His words:
so leave them and what they have invented. (Q.S. AlAn’am, 112)
The eleventh verse is His words:
And you shall not eat of those animals of which the name of Allah is not mentioned when slaughtering them… (Q.S. 6 Al-An’am, 121).
This verse is superseded by another verse found in Surah al-Maidah, namely by His words:
This day is lawful for you that which is good, and the food of those who have been given the Book is lawful for you. (Q.S. 5 Al-Maidah, 5)
What is meant by food here is the results of slaughter. The twelfth verse is His words:
Say: “O my people, do as much as you can….” (Q.S. 6 Al-An’am, 135).
This verse is superseded by Ayatus Saif. The thirteenth verse is His words:
Verily, those who divide their religion and they become divided …. (Q.S. 6 Al-An’am, 159)
This verse is attributed to Ayatus Saif. Surah Al-A’raf This Surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah Surahs, all of which are muhkam except for the following two verses. The first verse is His words:
And leave behind those who deviate from the truth in (mentioning) His names… (Q.S. 7 Al-A’raf, 180).
This verse is manshehized by Ayatus Saif,
The second verse is His words:
Be thou forgiving, and enjoin that which is right, and turn away from those who are foolish (Q.S. 7 Al-A’raf, 199).
This verse is a rather strange verse, because the beginning is annulled, as well as the end, while the middle is muhkom. His words: “Be thou forgiving”, meaning towards the excess of their wealth. And ‘urge people to do what is right’ is muhkam, and its interpretation is familiar. As for His words: “Turn away from the ignorant”, this verse is attributed to Ayatus Saif,
Surah Al-Anfal
This Surah belongs to the group of Madaniyyah Surahs, in which there are six verses that are transcended.
The first verse is His words:
They ask you about (the division of) the spoils of war. (Q.S. 8 Al-Anfal, 1) What is meant is ganimah or the spoils of war, then this verse is transcended by another verse, namely by His words:
‘Behold, whatever you may gain as spoils of war, one-fifth of it is for Allah…’ (Q.S. 8 Al-Anfal, 41) The second verse is His words: ‘
And Allah will not punish them while you are among them. …. (Q.S. 8 Al-Anfal, 33)
This verse is annulled by another verse, namely by His words:
Why did Allah not punish them …. (Q.S. 8 Al-Anfal, 34)
The third verse is His words:
Say to those who disbelieve: “If they cease (from their disbelief), surely Allah will forgive them their past sins.” …. (Q.S. 8 Al-Anfal, 38)
This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by His words:
And fight them, that there may be no fitnah …. (Q.S. 8 Al-Anfal, 39)
The fourth verse is His words:
And if they incline to peace, then incline to it …. (Q.S. 8 Al-Anfal, 61)
This verse is followed by His words:
Fight those who believe neither in Allah nor in the Last Day. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 29) What is meant are the Jews.
The fifth verse is His words:
If there were twenty patient men among you, they would have defeated two hundred of the enemy… (Q.S. 8 Al-Anfal, 65).
This verse is annulled by another verse, namely by His words:
Now Allah has made it easy for you and He knows that there is weakness in you. (Q.S. 8 Al-Anfal, 66)
The sixth verse is His words:
And as for those who believe but have not emigrated, there is no obligation on you whatsoever to protect them until they emigrate…. (Q.S. 8 Al-Anfal, 72)
This is that they inherit from each other because of hijrah, not because of the relationship of lineage, then it is superseded by another verse, namely by His words: , .
In the Book of Allah, some of those who are related are more entitled to each other than those who are not related. Indeed, Allah knows all things. (Q.S. 8 Al-Anfal, 75)
Surah At-Taubah
This surah belongs to the Madaniyyah group of surahs: it was the last to be revealed, and it contains seven verses that were transposed. The first and second verses are His words:
(This is the declaration of) the severance of the relationship from Allah and His Messenger. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 1) to His words:
So walk ye (the polytheists) on the earth for four months …. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 2)
Then this verse is superseded by another verse, namely by His words:
So kill the polytheists wherever you find them. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 5)
But according to another opinion, the first part of this verse is annulled by the last part, namely by His words:
If they repent …. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 5)
The third verse is His words:
And those who store up gold and silver …. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 34)
This verse is superseded by the verse that explains the obligatory zakat. The fourth verse is His words:
If you do not go out to fight, Allah will surely torment you with a painful punishment (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 39).
This verse is annulled by another verse, which says:
It is not fitting for the believers to go all out (to the battlefield) (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 122).
The fifth verse is, He says: .
May Allah forgive you. Why did you give them permission (not to go to war) (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 43)?
This verse is hyphenated by another verse, namely by His words:
So when they ask you for permission for a need, give permission to whom you will among them. (Q.S. 24 An-Nur, 62)
The sixth verse is His words: –
You ask forgiveness for them …. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 80).
This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by His words:
It is the same for them whether you ask forgiveness for them or not. …. (Q.S. 63 Al-Munafigun, 6)
The seventh verse is His words:
The Baduwi Arabs are more extreme in their disbelief and hypocrisy. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 97)
This verse and the one that follows it have been annulled by another verse, namely by His words:
And among the Badwi Arabs are those who believe in Allah and the Last Day…. …. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 99)
Surah Yunus
This Surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah Surahs, in which four verses were transposed. The first verse is His words:
Verily, I fear if I disobey my Lord of the punishment of the great day (the Day of Resurrection) (Q.S. 10 Yunus, 15).
This verse is nansukh by another verse, namely by His words:
That Allah may forgive you your past and future sins (Q.S. 48 Al-Fat-h, 2).
The second verse is His words:
Say: “So wait, surely I too am among those who wait with you” (Q.S. 10 Yunus, 102).
This verse has been superseded by Ayatus Saif. The third verse is His words:
If they deny you, then say: “As for me, my work and as for you, your work” (Q.S. 10 Yunus, 41).
This verse was annulled by Ayatus Saif. The fourth verse is His words:
Therefore, whoever is guided, it is for his own good. (Q.S. 10 Yunus, 108)
up to His words:
And I am not a watchman over you. (Q.S. 10 Yunus, 108)
This verse was superseded by Ayatus Saif. Surah Hud This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, and it contains three verses that were annulled. The first verse is His words:
Whoever desires the life of the world and its adornments …. (Q.S. 11 Hud, 15) This verse is annulled by another verse found in Surah Al-Isra, namely, His words:
Whoever desires the present (worldly) life, We hasten for him in that world what We will for whom We will …. (Q.S. 17 Al-Isra, 18).
The second verse is His words:
And say to those who do not believe: “Do according to your ability.” …. (Q.S. 11 Hud, 121)
This verse is abrogated by Ayatus Saif. The third verse is His words:
And wait (for the consequences of your deeds): surely we are waiting (too). (Q.S. 11 Hud, 122) This verse is also mansikh by Ayatus Saif.
Surah Yusuf
This Surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah Surahs: and it does not contain any nasikh or nansukh verses. Surah Ar-Ra’d This Surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah Surahs, in which there are two verses that are transcended, one of which is agreed upon as being transcended, while the other is disputed. The verse that is agreed upon as being nansukh is what He said:
Verily, your duty is only to convey, but it is We who reckon their deeds. (Q.S. 13 Ar-Ra’d, 40) This verse was annulled by Ayatus Saif. The second verse is His words:
Verily your Lord has indeed forgiveness for people, even if they are unjust. (Q.S. 13 Ar-Ra’d, 6)
This verse is legitimized by another verse, namely by His words:
Verily, Allah will not forgive the sin of shirk …. (AQ.S. 4 AnNisa, 48).
Thus, the definition of wrongdoing that does not receive forgiveness from Allah is the act of associating partners with Allah.
Surah Ibrahim
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs. According to all commentators, the verses of this surah are all muhkam, but Abdur Rahman ibn Zaid ibn Aslam says that in this surah there is one verse that is abrogated, while the majority of scholars differ with him.
The verse that is transcended according to Abdur Rahman ibn Zaid ibn Aslam is the verse:
And if you were to count the favors of Allah, you could not count them. Verily, man is very unjust and very denying (of Allah’s favors). (Q.S. 14 Ibrahim, 34)
This verse is nansukh by another verse, namely by His words:
And if you were to count the favors of Allah, you would not be able to determine their number. Verily, Allah is indeed the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful. (Q.S. 16 An-Nahl, 18)
Surah Al-Hijr
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs: it contains five verses that were transposed. The first verse is His words:
Let them (in this world) eat and be merry and be distracted by (empty) dreams …. (Q.S. 15 Al-Hijr, 3)
This verse is superseded by Ayatus Saif, the second verse of which is His words:
so forgive (them) in a good way. (Q.S. 15 Al-Hijr, 85) This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif, The third verse is His words:
Do not raise your eyes to the pleasures of life which We have given to some of them (the disbelievers). (Q.S. 15 Al-Hijr, 88)
This verse is also mansiikh by Ayatus Saif, The fourth verse is His words:
And say: “Verily, I am a warner who explains”. (Q.S. 15 Al-Hijr, 89)
The meaning or lafaz of this verse is annulled by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif. The fifth verse is His words:
So convey openly all that is commanded you and turn away from those who disbelieve. (Q.S. 15 Al-Hijr, 94)
Half of this verse is muhkam, while the other half is transcended by Ayatus Saif. Surah An-Nahl According to one opinion, part of this surah was revealed in Mecca, starting from the first verse to the fortieth verse, while the rest was revealed in Medina.
There are five verses in this surah that were annulled. The first verse is His words:
And from dates and grapes, you make intoxicating drinks and good (lawful) sustenance …. (Q.S. 16 An-Nahl, 67)
This verse is annulled by another verse, namely by His words:
Say: “My Lord has only forbidden abominable deeds, both apparent and hidden, and sinful deeds. (Q.S. 7 Al: A’raf, 33)
What is meant by sinful deeds in this verse is khamr. However, according to another opinion, this verse is annulled by His words:
Do you want to stop (from doing that work)? (Q.S. 5 AlMaidah, 91)
The meaning is that you should stop doing that. The second verse is His words:
If they continue to turn away, then surely the obligation imposed upon you (Muhammad) is only to convey (the message of Allah) clearly. (Q.S. 16 An-Nahl, 82)
This verse is annulled by Ayatus Saif. The third verse is His words: –
Whoever disbelieves in Allah after he has believed (will receive the wrath of Allah) (Q.S. 16 An-Nahl, 106).
This verse is annulled by the verse that comes after it, which says:
Except for the one who is forced to disbelieve, while his heart remains steadfast in believing (he does not sin). (Q.S. 16 An-Nahl, 106)
According to another opinion, this verse was superseded by Ayatus Saif. The fourth and fifth verses are His words: .
And refute them …. (Q.S. 16 An-Nahl, 125) and His other words, viz:
Be patient (O Muhammad) …. (Q.S. 16 An-Nahl, 127).
These two verses, although different in subject matter, are both superseded by one verse, Ayatus Saif.
Surah Bani Israel or Surah Al-Isra
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, and it contains three verses that are annulled.
The first verse is His words:
And your Lord has commanded that you should worship none but Him, and that you should do good to your parents. If either of them or both of them grow old in your care …. (Q.S. 17 Al-Isra, 23) to His words:
as they both brought me up in childhood. (Q.S. 17 Al-Isra, 24)
Some of the rulings it contains are mansiukh, while others are not, and remain valid according to their external meaning. The ruling of this verse is muhkam for the monotheists, and it is transcended for the polytheists. As for the verse that annuls it, it says: .
It is not fitting for the Prophet and those who believe to ask forgiveness (from Allah) for the polytheists. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 113)
The second verse is His words:
Your Lord knows better than you. (Q.S. 17 Al-Isra, 54) up to His words: –
And We did not send you to be a guardian for them. (Q.S. 17 Al-Isra, 54)
Both verses are mansiikh by Ayatus Saif,
The third verse is His words:
Say: “Call upon Allah or call upon Ar-Rahman”. (Q.S. 17 Al-Isra, 110) up to His words:
He has Al-Asma’ul Husna (the best names). (Q.S. 17 Al-Isra, 110)
This verse is abrogated by another verse in Surah Al-A’raf, which says:
And mention (the name of) your Lord in your hearts with humility and fear…. (Q.S. 7 Al-A’raf, 205)
Surah Al-Kahf
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs: and all commentators have agreed that there are no mansukh verses in this surah. However, As-Saddi and Qatadah differed in their opinion, because they said that there is one verse in this surah that was transcended, which is His statement:
So whoever wants to believe, let him believe, and whoever wants to disbelieve, let him disbelieve. (They both say that this verse is superseded by another verse, namely by His words,
unless Allah wills. (Q.S. 6 Al-An’am, 111)
Surah Maryam
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs and it contains five verses that are transcended.
The first verse is His words:
And warn them of the day of regret. (Q.S. 19 Maryam, 39)
The verse that commands warning is mansiikh by Ayatus Saif. The second verse is His words:
then they will meet with misguidance. (Q.S. 19 Maryam, 59)
Al-Gayy is the name of a valley at the bottom of Hellfire. This verse is annulled by another verse through the expression istisna or exception, namely by His words:
except those who repent. (Q.S. 19 Maryam, 60) The third verse is His words:
Say: “Whoever is in error, then let Allah, the Most Gracious, prolong the time for him. (Q.S. 19 Maryam, 75)
This verse was mansiikhed by Ayatus Saif. The fourth verse is His words:
So do not be hasty in seeking punishment for them. (Q.S. 19 Maryam 84) The first part of this verse is attributed to Ayatus Saif.
The fifth verse is His words:
So there came after them a (bad) successor …. (Q.S. 19 Maryam, 59)
This verse is annulled by another verse through the expression istisna or exception, namely by His words:
Except those who repent and believe …. (Q.S. 19 Maryam, 80) However, in this case, there is an arrangement of precedence: or in other words, the verse that nasikh is mentioned first, while the verse that is transcended is mentioned later. Surah Taha This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, in which there are three verses that are transcended. The first verse is His words:
And do not hasten to recite the Qur’an until it has been revealed to you in perfection (Q.S. 20 Taha, 114).
Then the meaning of this verse was abrogated, but not the wording, namely by His words: ,
We will recite (the Quran) to you (Muhammad), then you will not forget. (Q.S. 87 Al-A’la, 6)
The second verse is His words:
So have patience with what they say. (Q.S. 20 Taha, 130) In this verse, which indicates the meaning of patience, it is superseded by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif.
The third verse is His words:
Say: “Each of us awaits ….” (Q.S. 20 Taha, 135).
All the contents of this verse are superseded by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif.
Surah Al-Anbiya
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs: it contains two mansiikh verses.
The first verse is His words: .
Verily, you and what you worship besides Allah are the food of Jahannam …. (Q.S. 21 Al-Anbiya, 98).
The second verse is the verse that follows, which is His words:
And all of them will be eternal therein. (Q.S. 21 Al-Anbiya, 99)
Both verses are hyphenated by another verse, namely by His words:
And those for whom We have made a good decree …. (Q.S. 21 Al-Anbiya, 101).
Surah Al-Hajj
This Surah is one of the most miraculous Surahs of the Qur’ān because it contains both Makkiyyah and Madaniyyah verses; it contains verses that were revealed at home and verses that were revealed on the way; it contains verses that were revealed during war and verses that were revealed during peace; and it contains verses that were revealed at night and verses that were revealed during the day.
As for the Makkiyyah verses, they start from verse thirty to the end of the Surah, while the Madaniyyah verses start from verse fifteen to verse thirty. The verses revealed at night are from the first verse to verse five, the verses revealed during the day. starting from verse five to verse twelve. Verses that were revealed while the Prophet SAW. was in place, ranging from the first verse to the twentieth verse. It is said to be Madaniyyah because of the revelation of these verses in a place close to the city of Medina. In this surah there are verses that are nasikh and verses that are mansiikh, regarding the verses that are transcended there are two verses.
The first verse is His words:
And We have not sent before you an apostle, nor a prophet, except when he had a desire,
And We did not send before you any apostle, nor any prophet, but when he had a desire, Satan would insert temptations against that desire. (Q.S. 22 Al-Hajj 52)
This verse is abrogated by another verse, namely by His words:
We will recite (the Quran) to you (Muhammad), so you will not forget. (Q.S. 87 Al-A’1a, 6)
The second verse is His words:
He decides between them…. (Q.S. 22 Al-Hajj, 56).
This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif.
Surah Al-Mu-minun
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs: and it contains two verses that are transcended.
The first verse is His words:
So leave them in their error until a time. (Q.S. 23 Al-Mu-minun 54)
This verse is annulled by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif.
The second verse is His words:
Repel (their bad deeds) with something better. (Q.S. 23 Al-Mu-minun, 96) This verse is abrogated by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif.
Surah An-Nur
This surah belongs to the group of Madaniyyah surahs, in which there are seven verses that were annulled. The first verse is His words:
and do not accept their testimony forever. (Q.S. 24 An-Nur, 4)
This verse is annulled by another verse, namely by His words:
except those who repent …. (Q.S. 24 An-Nur, 5)
The second verse is His words:
Men who commit adultery do not marry except women who commit adultery or women who are polytheists. (Q.S. 24 An-Nur, 3)
This verse of the Qur’an is a miraculous verse because the sentence is a Khabariyah sentence or a news sentence, while the meaning is an Insya’iyyah sentence, which is a prohibition. The meaning, which only Allah knows best, is: Do not marry adulterous women and do not marry polytheists. A similar meaning is also found in another verse, which says:
So that you may know that Allah is omnipotent over all things. (Q.S. 65 At-Talaq, 12)
The meaning is that you should know that Allah is the All-Knowing over all things. Another verse with the same meaning is His words: – “
But he is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets. (Q.S. 33 Al-Ahzab, 40)
The meaning is to say: “He is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets”.
Another verse that refers to Surah An-Nur verse 3 is His words:
And marry those who are alone among you. (Q.S. 24 An-Nur, 32) The word nikah is divided into five parts. The first part is marriage in the sense of a contract, which is the meaning contained in His words:
O you who believe, when you marry (contract marriage with) believing women …. (Q.S. 33 Al-Ahzab, 49)
The second part is marriage in the sense of having intercourse, rather than a marriage contract, as is the meaning contained in His words:
Then if the husband divorces her (after the second divorce), she is no longer lawful for him until she marries another husband. (Q.S. 2 Al-Bagarah, 230)
The third part is marriage in the sense that it is not intercourse and not a marriage contract, but marriage in another sense, namely adulthood and intelligence, as the meaning contained in His words:
And test the orphans until they are old enough to marry (i.e. mature and sensible). (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 6)
The fourth part is marriage in the sense that it is not a contract, nor intercourse, nor adulthood, but marriage in another sense, namely dowry, as the meaning is contained in His words:
And those who are unable to marry (i.e. do not have the means to pay the dowry) should keep themselves chaste, so that Allah may enable them by His grace. (Q.S. 24 AnNur, 33)
The intended meaning of the words marriage in the above verse is dowry or mascawin. The fifth part is marriage in the sense of sifah (adultery), which is the meaning contained in His words:
An adulterer does not commit adultery but an adulteress or a polytheist. (Q.S. 24 An-Nur, 3)
The third verse is His words:
And those who accuse their wives of adultery, and they have no witnesses but themselves…. (Q.S. 24 An-Nur 6)
This verse is hyphenated by the two verses that come next, namely His words:
And the fifth (oath), that Allah’s curse be upon him if he is of those who lie. (Q.S. 24 An-Nur, 7) Similarly, He says:
And the fifth (oath), that Allah’s curse will be upon him if he is of the truthful. (Q.S. 24 An-Nur, 9)
Thus, the husband can avoid the punishment of hadd from himself, just as the wife he accused can also avoid the punishment of hadd, namely through this oath and mutual cursing. If one party refuses to swear and the other party swears, the one who refuses to swear is liable to the hadd punishment, while the one who swears is liable to the hadd punishment. The fourth verse is His words:
O you who have believed, do not enter a house that is not your own… (Q.S. 24 An-Nur, 27).
This verse is superseded by another verse which says:
There is no sin on you to enter a house not prepared for you to live in …. (Q.S. 24 An-Nur, 29)
The fifth verse is His words:
Say to the believing women, let them restrain their gaze. (Q.S. 24 An-Nur, 31)
Part of this verse is qualified by another verse, namely by His words: “
And the old women who have ceased (from menstruation and childbearing).” (Q.S. 24 An-Nur, 60)
The sixth verse is His words:
The duty of the messenger is that which is imposed upon him, and the duty of you is that which is imposed upon you. (Q.S. 24 An-Nur, 54)
This verse is superseded by Ayatus Saif. The seventh verse is His words:
O you who believe, let the slaves (male and female) whom you own, and those who have not reached puberty among you, ask your permission three times (in one day) (Q.S. 24 AnNur, 58).
This verse is superseded by the verse after it, which says:
And when your children reach the age of puberty (Q.S. 24 AnNur, 59).
Surah Al-Furgan
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, in which two verses are transcended. The first verse is His words: ..
And those who worship no other gods with Allah. (Q.S. 25 Al-Furgan, 68) Up to His words:
And he will remain in that torment, in a state of humiliation. (Q.S. 25 Al-Furgan, 69)
This verse is annulled by the next verse, which is by His words:
Except those who repent, believe, and do righteous deeds …. (Q.S. 19 Maryam 60)
The second verse is His words:
And when the ignorant address them, they speak words of salvation (Q.S. 25 Al-Furgan, 63).
When this verse is related to the disbelievers, it is superseded by another verse, Ayatus Saif. If it is related to the believers, then some of its meanings are muhkam.
Surah Ash-Shu’ara
This surah belongs to the Makkiyyah group of surahs, except for the last four verses, which belong to the Madaniyyah group. All the verses of this Surah are muhkam, except for His words:
And the poets are followed by those who go astray (Q.S. 26 Ash-Shu’ara, 224) until His words:
And that they love to say what they themselves do not do. (Q.S. 26 Ash-Shu’ara, 226)
Then these verses are superseded by another verse, namely by the next verse, which excludes Muslim poets, namely His words:
Except those (poets) who believe and do righteous deeds and mention Allah a lot…. (Q.S. 26 Ash-Shu’ara, 227)
In this way, this verse indicates the
the ruling contained in the previous verses. The definition of Az-Zikr here means poetry that contains obedience or encourages obedience to Allah. Surah An-Nami This Surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah Surahs, all of whose verses are muhkam, except for His words:
And that I may recite the Qur’an (to the people) …. (Q.S. 27 An-Naml, 92).
The meaning of this verse is superseded by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif.
Surah Al-Qasas
All the verses in this Surah are muhkam, except for one verse, which is His words:
And they said: “For us our deeds and for you your deeds …” (Q.S. 28 Al-Qasas, 55).
This verse is annulled by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif.
Surah Al-Ankabuit
Starting from the first verse to the tenth verse was revealed in Mecca, while the rest – that is, from verse eleven to the end of the verse was revealed in Medina. All the verses of this Surah are muhkam, except for His words:
And do not argue with the People of the Book, but in the kindest manner. (Q.S. 29 Al-Ankabut, 46) This verse is superseded by the verse found in Surah At-Taubah, namely by His words:
Fight those who believe neither in Allah nor in the Last Day…. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 29)
Surah Luqman
This Surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah Surahs, all its verses are muhkam except for one verse, which is His words:
And whoever disbelieves, his disbelief should not grieve you. (Q.S. 31 Lugman, 23)
This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif.
Surah As-Sajdah
This Surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah Surahs, all its verses are muhkam except the last verse, which is His words: .
So turn away from them and wait, surely they (too) wait. (Q.S. 32 As-Sajdah, 30)
This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif.
Surah Al-Ahzab
This surah belongs to the group of Madaniyyah surahs, in which two verses are transcended. The first verse is His words:
And obey not those who disbelieve and the hypocrites, and heed not their harassment, but put your trust in Allah. (Q.S. 33 Al-Ahzab, 48)
This verse is followed by another verse, Ayatus Saif, the second verse of which says:
It is not lawful for you to marry women after that, nor to change them…. (Q.S. 33 Al-Ahzab, 52)
This verse by Allah SWT. is mansiikh hukum with another verse which according to the order of its fall before this verse, namely by His words:
O Prophet, indeed We have made lawful for you your wives for whom you have given dowries …. (Q.S. 33 Al-Ahzab, 50)
Surah Saba’
This Surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah Surahs, in which there is one verse that was annulled, namely His words:
Say: “You will not be held accountable for what we have done and we will not be held accountable for what you have done”. (Q.3. 34 Saba’, 25)
This verse was annulled by Allah SWT. through another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif.
Surah Al-Malaikah or Surah Fatir
All the verses of this Surah are muhkam, except for His words: . .
You are nothing but a warner. (QS. 365 Fatir, 23) The meaning and lafaz of this verse is superseded by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif.
Surah Yasin
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, in which there are no nasikh or mansukh verses. Surah As-Saffat This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, all its verses are muhkam apart from four verses, the first and second of which are, His words:
So turn away from them until a time. And explain to them the consequences of their disbelief, and they shall know (Q.S. 37 As-Saffat, 174-175).
These two verses are followed by another verse, Ayatus Saif.
The third and fourth verses are His words:
And turn away from them until a time. And look at them, for they too will see. (Q.S. 37 As-Saffat, 178-179)
These two verses are also transcended by Ayatus Saif, Surah Sad All its verses are muhkam except two of them. The first verse is His words:
It was not revealed to me, but that I am but a clear warner. (Q.S. 38 Sad, 70)
This verse is annulled by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif. The second verse is His words:
And surely you will know (the truth) of the Qur’anic message after a time. (Q.S. 38 Sad, 88)
This verse was also annulled by Ayatus Saif.
Surah Az-Zumar
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, all of whose verses are muhkam, with the exception of seven of them. The first verse to be annulled is His words:
Surely Allah will decide between them about what they disputed. (Q.S. 39 Az-Zumar, 3)
This verse was superseded by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif. The second verse is His words:
Say: “Verily I fear the torment of a great day if I disobey my Lord”. (Q.S. 39 Az-Zumar, 13)
This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by His words:
So that Allah may forgive you for your past and future sins… (Q.S. 48 Al-Fat-h, 2) The third verse is His words:
So worship what you desire besides Him (Q.S. 39 Az-Zumar, 15).
This verse is annulled by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif. The fourth verse is His words:
And whomever Allah leads astray, there will be no leader for him. (Q.3. 39 Az-Zumar, 23)
This verse is annulled by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif, The fifth verse is His words:
Say: “O my people, work according to your circumstances. (Q.S. 39 Az-Zumar, 39)
This verse is annulled by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif. The sixth verse is His words:
You are the One Who decides between Your servants about what they have always disputed. (Q.S. 39 Az-Zuma , 46)
This verse is annulled by another verse, Ayatus Saif. The seventh verse is His words:
Whoever is guided, it is for himself, and whoever goes astray, it is only for himself. (Q.S. 39 Az-Zumar, 41)
This verse was transmitted by Allah SWT. through another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif.
Surah Al-Mu-min
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, all its verses are muhkam, except for two verses. The first verse is His words:
So be patient, for surely Allah’s promise is true. (Q.S. 40 Al-Mu-min, 55)
The command to be patient in this verse was revealed by Allah through Ayatus Saif. The second verse is His words:
So be patient, surely Allah’s promise is true, then even if We show you some of the punishment We threatened them with… (Q.S. 40 Al-Mu-min, 77).
This verse was also annulled by Allah SWT through Ayatus Saif,
Surah Fus-sillat or Ha Mim As-Sajdah
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs: all its verses are muhkam, except for one verse, which is His words:
And good and evil are not equal …. (Q.S. 41 Fus-sillat, 34) This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif.
Surah Ash-Shura
This Surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah Surahs, all its verses are muhkam, except for only eight verses. The first verse is His words:
And the angels glorify and praise their Lord and ask forgiveness for those on the earth (Q.S. 42 Ash-Shura, 5).
This verse is superseded by another verse in Surah al-Mumin, which says:
They (the angels who bear the Throne and the angels who are around it) praise their Lord, and they believe in Him and ask forgiveness for those who believe… (Q.S. 40 Al-Mu-min, 7).
The second verse is His words:
Allah watches over them, and you (O Muhammad) are not the one charged with watching over them. (Q.S. 42 Ash-Shura, 6)
This verse was annulled by Allah through Ayatus Saif. The third verse is His words:
So therefore call them to the religion and remain as you were commanded and do not follow their lusts. (Q.S. 42 Ash-Shura, 15)
This verse was superseded by Allah SWT. by the verse found in Surah At-Taubah, namely by His words:
Fight those who believe neither in Allah nor in the Last Day… (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 29).
The fourth verse is by His words:
Whoever desires gain in the Hereafter, We will increase it for him. …. (Q.S. 42 Ash-Shura 20)
This verse is followed by a verse found in Surah Al-Isra, namely by His words:
Whoever desires the present (worldly) life, We shall move for him in the world what We will for whom We will. (Q.S. 17 Al-Isra, 18)
The fifth verse is His words:
Say: “I do not ask you for any reward for my hospitality except familial affection”. (Q.S. 42 Ash-Shura, 23)
Regarding its annulment, there is a dispute among the commentators: according to the opinion of those who annul it, the verse was annulled by His words: .
Say: “Whatever wages I ask of you, they are for you….” (Q.S. 34 Saba’, 47).
The sixth verse is His words:
And (for) those who, when they are wronged, defend themselves. (Q.S. 42, Ash-Shura, 39)
And the seventh verse is His words:
And indeed those who defend themselves after being wronged, there is no sin upon them. (Q.S. 42 Ash-Shura, 41)
These two verses, namely verse 39 and verse 41 of Surah Ash-Shura, are superseded by another verse, namely by His words:
But he who is patient and forgives, surely such (actions) are among the best things. (Q.S. 42 Ash-Shura, 43)
The eighth verse is His words:
If they turn away then We have not sent you as a guardian for them. (Q.S. 42 Ash-Shura, 48)
This verse is hyphenated by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif.
Surah Az-Zukhruf
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs: all its verses are muhkam, except for two of them. The first verse is His words:
So let them sink (in error) and play… (Q.S. 43 Az-Zukhruf, 83).
This verse is annulled by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif. The second verse is His words:
So turn away from them and say: “Salam (farewell)”. (Q.S. 43 Az-Zukhruf, 89)
This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif.
Surah Ad-Dukhan
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, all of its verses are muhkam except for one verse, which is His words: .
So wait, indeed they are waiting (too). (Q.S. 44 AdDukhan, 59)
This verse is abrogated by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif,
Surah Al-Gasiyah
This Surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah Surahs, all of its verses are muhkam except for one verse, which is His words: – 9
Say to those who believe, let them forgive those who do not fear the day of Allah. (Q.S. 45 AlJasSiyah, 14)
This verse was revealed in relation to Umar ibn Khattab: then this verse was superseded by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif.
Surah Al-AhQaf
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, all of whose verses are muhkam except for two verses. The first verse is His words:
Say: “I am not the first of the messengers, nor do I know what will be done to me or to you. I am nothing but following what was revealed to me, and I am nothing but a warner who explains”. (Q.S. 46 Al-Ahqaf, 9)
This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by His words:
Verily, I have given you a clear victory, that Allah may forgive you your past and future sins. (Q.S. 48 Al-Fat-h, 1-2)
The second verse is His words:
So be patient as those who have the steadfastness of the messengers have been patient…. (Q.S. 46 Al-Ahqaf, 35)
The meaning contained in this verse is superseded by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif, Surah Muhammad The commentators differed with regard to the classification of this surah: some of them said that it belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, and others said that it belongs to the group of Madaniyyah surahs. All of its verses are muhkam except for one verse, which is His statement:
And after that you may set them free or accept ransom. (Q.S. 47 Muhammad, 4)
The notions of release and ransom are superseded by another verse, Ayatus Saif.
According to another opinion, there are two verses in Surah Muhammad that are annulled. The first verse is as mentioned above, and the second is His words:
And He will not ask for your wealth. (Q.S. 47 Muhammad, 36) This verse is annulled by another verse, namely by His words:
If He were to ask you for wealth and urge you to give it all, you would be miserly, and He would reveal your malice. (Q.S. 47 Muhammad, 37)
Surah Al-Fat-h
This surah belongs to the group of Madaniyyah surahs, the commentators have agreed that there is no nasikh and no man sukh in this surah, everything is muhkam.
Surah Al-Hujurat
This surah belongs to the group of Madaniyyah surahs: there is neither nasikh nor mansikh in it.
Surah Qaf
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs: the commentators have agreed that all the verses of this surah are muhkam, except for two of them. The first verse is His words:
So be patient with what they say. (Q.S. 80 Gaf, 39)
The notion of patience contained in this verse has been mansiikhized by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif. The second verse is His words: “
We know better what they say. (Q.S. 50 Qaf, 45) while His words:
And you are not a composer against them. (Q.S. 50 Qaf, 45) This part of the verse is annulled by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif.
Surah Az-Zariyat
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs: it contains two verses that were transcended. The first verse is His words:
And in their wealth there is a right for the poor who ask and the poor who have no share. (Q.3. 51 At-Zariyat, 19)
This verse is annulled by another verse, namely by the verse that commands zakaah. The second verse is His words: ‘
So turn away from them, and you will not be blameworthy. (Q.S. 61 Az-Zariyat, 54)
This verse is superseded by the next verse, namely by His words:
And keep warning, for surely warning is beneficial for those who believe. (Q.S. 51 Az-Zuriyat, 65)
Surah At-Tur
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs: all its verses are muhkam, except for one verse, which is His words:
And be patient in waiting for the decree of your Lord, then surely you are in Our sight. (Q.8. 652 At-Tur, 48)
This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif.
Surah An-Najm
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs: all its verses are muhkam, except for two of them. The first verse that was annulled is His words:
So turn away (O Muhammad) from those who turn away from Our warning. (Q.S. 53 An-Najm, 29)
This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif. The second verse is His words:
And that a man does not attain except what he has labored for. (Q.S. 53 An-Najm, 39)
This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by His words:
And those who believe, and whose children and grandchildren follow them in faith, We connect them with their children and grandchildren. (Q.S. 52 At-Tur, 21)
Thus, Allah, on the Day of Resurrection, will place the children on the scales of their fathers’ deeds, and He will allow the fathers to intercede for their children, and the children for their fathers. This meaning is inferred from the meaning contained in another of His words, namely:
Your parents and your children, you do not know which of them is nearer (much) to your benefit. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa,11)
Surah Ar-Rahman
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs: all of its verses are muhkam, there are no nasikh or mansukh verses.
Surah Al-Waqi’ah
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs: the commentators have agreed that there are no nasikh or mansukh verses in this surah. The only exception is Mugatil ibn Sulaiman, who is of the opinion that there is a verse in this surah that has been transcended, namely His words:
A large group of the former people and a small group of the later people. (Q.S. 56 Al-Waqi’ah:13-14)
This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by His words:
(i.e.) a large group of those who were before and a large group of those who were afterward. (Q.S. 56 Al-Waqi’ah, 39-40)
Surah Al-Hadid
This surah belongs to the group of Madaniyyah surahs: Al-Kalbi, on the other hand, believes that it belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs. There are no nasikh or mansikh verses in this surah.
Surah Al-Mujadilah
This surah belongs to the group of Madaniyyah surahs: all of its verses are muhkam except for one verse, which is His statement:
O you who believe, when you hold a special conversation with the messenger, let you give alms (to the poor) before the conversation. (Q.S. 58 Al-Mujadilah, 12)
This verse is annulled by another verse, namely by His words: .
Are you afraid that you will become poor because you gave a dekah before the conversation with the Messenger? (Q.S. 58 Al-Mujadilah, 13)
Then Allah SWT. mansikh this verse with a verse that commands them to establish prayer, pay zakat and obey Allah and His messenger.
Surah Al-Hasyr
This surah belongs to the group of Madaniyyah surahs: in it there are no verses that are mansukh, there are only nasikh verses, namely His words:
Whatever booty (fai”) Allah gave His Messenger from the inhabitants of the cities …. (Q.S. 59 Al-Hasr, 7).
This verse supersedes another verse, which says:
They ask you about (the division of) the spoils of war …. (Q.S. 8 Al-Anfal, 1)
Surah Al-Mumtahanah
This Surah belongs to the group of Madaniyyah Surahs, in which three verses are transcended. The first verse is His words:
Allah does not forbid you to be kind and just to those who do not fight you for religion. (Q.S. 60 AlMumtahanah, 8)
This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by His words:
Verily, Allah only forbids you to take as friends those who fight you for religion and expel you from your land…. This is one of the nasikhs of a specific verse against a general verse, which is a nasikh that implies interpretation. The second verse is His words:
O you who believe, when believing women come to you in migration, test their faith. (Q.S. 60 Al-Mumtahanah, 10)
This verse is authenticated by His other words, namely:
When you have found out that they (truly) believe, then do not return them to (their husbands) the disbelievers …. (Q.S. 60 Al-Mumtahanah, 10)
But according to another opinion, this verse is superseded by His words: ..
(This is the declaration) of severance from Allah and His Messenger (who was confronted) …. (Q.S. 9 At-Taubah, 1) The third verse is His words:
And if any of your wives flee to the disbelievers, then you overpower them. (Q.S. 60 Al-Mumtahanah, 11) up to His words:
And fear Allah in Whom you believe (Q.S. 60 Al-Mumtahanah, 11).
This verse is interrupted by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif. Surah As-Saff This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, in which there are no nasikh or mansikh verses.
Surat Al-Jumu’ah
This surah belongs to the group of Madaniyyah surahs, in which there are no nasikh or mansikh verses.
Surat Al-Munafiqun
This surah belongs to the group of Madaniyyah surahs, all of its verses are muhkam, and in it there are only nasikh verses but there are no mansukh verses. The nasikh verse is His words:
It is the same for them whether you ask forgiveness for them or not (Q.S. 63 Al-Munafigun, 6). ….
Surah At-Taqabun
This surah belongs to the group of Madaniyyah surahs, in which there are only nasikh verses, while there are no mansukh verses. The nasikh verse is His words:
So fear Allah according to your ability. (Q.S. 64 At-Taqabun, 16)
Surah At-Talaq
This surah belongs to the group of Madaniyyah surahs, all of whose verses are muhkam: in it there are only nasikh verses, while there are no mansikh verses. The ndsikh verse is His words:
And testify with two sak”. who are just among you. (Q.S. 65 At-Talaq.2)
Surah At-Tahrim
This Surah belongs to the group of Madaniyyan Surahs, all of its verses are muhkam, there is no nisikh or mansiikh.
Surah Al-Mulk
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, in which there are no ndsikh or mansiikh verses.
Surah Nun or Surah Al-Qalam
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs: all of its verses are muhkam, except for two verses. The first verse is His words:
So leave (O Muhammad) to Me (the affairs) of those who deny this word (the Qur’an). (Q.S. 68 Al-Qalam, 44)
This verse is annulled by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif. The second verse is His words:
So be patient (O Muhammad) with the decree of your Lord (Q.S. 68 Al-Qalam, 48).
This verse was also annulled by Ayatus Saif.
Surah Al-Haqqah
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, in which there are no nasikh or mansikh verses.
Surah Al-Ma’arij
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, all its verses are muhkam except for one verse, which is His words:
So let them sink (in falsehood) and play .. (Q.S. 70 Al-Mararij, 42).
This verse is signified by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif,
Surah Noah
This Surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah Surahs, all its verses are muhkam, none of them are nisikh or mansiikh.
Surah Al-Jin
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, all its verses are muhkam, there are no ndsikh or mansukh verses.
Surah Al-Muzzammil
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs: it contains six verses that are mansheh.
The first verse is His words:
O you who are covered (Muhammad), rise (for prayer) in the night, except a little (of it). (Q.S. 73 Al-Muzzammil, 1-2) This verse is superseded by His words:
(i.e.) half of it. (Q.S. 73 Al-Muzzammil, 3)
Then this verse is also annulled by the next verse, which is His words:
Or subtract a little from the half. (Q.S. 73 Al-Muzzammil, 3)
That is, less than one-half, that is, up to one-third. The third verse is His words:
Surely We will send down upon you a hard word. (Q.S. 73 Al-Muzzammil, 5)
This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by His words: .
Allah wants to give you relief. (Q.S. 4 An-Nisa, 28) The fourth verse is His words: .
And avoid them in a good way. (Q.S. 73 Al-Muzzammil, 10)
This verse is annulled by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif. The fifth verse is His words:
And let Me (alone) act against those who deny. (Q.S. 73 Al-Muzzammil, 11)
This verse was also annulled by Ayatus Saif. The sixth verse is His words:
So whoever wills, will surely take the path (that leads) to his Lord. (Q.S. 73 Al-Muzzammil, 19)
This verse is abrogated by another verse, namely by His words:
And you will not take the path except as Allah wills. (Q.S. 81 At-Takwir 29)
However, according to another opinion, this verse is superseded by Ayatus Saif.
Surah Al-MuddaSsir
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs: all of its verses are muhkam, except for one verse, which is His words: ,
Let Me act towards the one whom I have created alone. (Q.S. 74 Al-Muddassir, 11)
The person referred to in this verse is Al-Walid ibnul Mugirah, Al-Makhzumi: later this verse was abrogated by Ayatus Saif.
This Surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah Surahs: all of its verses are muhkam only His words: ..
Do not move your tongue to (recite) the Qur’an for the sake of hastening (to master) it. (Q.S. 75 Al-Qiyamah, 16)
The meaning of this verse is transcended, while the lafazah is not. Another verse that transcends it is His words:
We will recite (the Quran) to you (Muhammad) and you will not forget. (Q.S. 87 AL-A’la, 6)
Surah Al-Insan or Surah Ad-Dahr
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, but its Makkiyyah is still disputed because some say that this surah is Madaniyyah. It contains two verses that are transcended, while most of them are muhkam. The first verse that is annulled is His words:
So stand up for the decree of your Lord, and do not follow the sinners and the disbelievers among them. (Q.S. 76 Al-Insan, 24) This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif. The second verse is His words: –
Surely this (verse) is a warning: so whoever desires (good for himself), surely he takes the way to his Lord. (Q.S. 76 Al-Insan, 29)
This verse is recited by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif.
Surah Al-Mursalat
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, all of whose verses are muhkam.
Surah An-Naba
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, all its verses are muhkam.
Surah An-Nazi’at
This surah belongs to the Makkiyyah group of surahs, all its verses are muhkam.
Surat ‘Abasa
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, all of whose verses are muhkam except only His words:
Never (so)! Verily, the teachings of the Lord are a warning, so whoever wills, will surely take heed. (Q.S. 80 ‘Abasa, 11-12)
This verse is followed by another verse, which says:
And you do not will (to take that path) except as Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, wills. (Q.S. 81 At-Takwir, 29)
Surah Al-infitar
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, all its verses are muhkam.
Surah Al-Mutaffifin
This surah was revealed during the hijrah, between Mecca and Medina, and all its verses are muhkam.
Surat At-Tariq
This Surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah Surahs, all its verses are muhkam except for one verse, which is His words: .
So give the disbelievers respite, give them respite for a little while. (Q.S. 86 At-Tariq, 17)
This verse is superseded by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif,
Surah AI-A’Ia
This Surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah Surahs, all its verses are muhkam, in which there are only nasikh verses, while there are no mansiikh verses. The nasikh verse is His words:
We will recite (the Quran) to you (Muhammad), then you will not forget. (Q.S. 87 Al-A’la, 6)
Surah Al-Gashiyah
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs: it contains only one verse that was transcended, namely His words:
You are not in authority over them. (Q.S. 88 Al-Gashiyah, 22) This verse was transcended by Ayatus Saif.
Surah Al-Fajr
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, all its verses are muhkam.
Surah Al-Balad
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, all its verses are muhkam.
Surah Ash-Shams
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, all its verses are muhkam.
Surat Al-Lail
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, all its verses are muhkam.
Surah Ad-Duha
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, all of its verses are muhkam.
Surah Alam Nasyrah or Surah Al-insyirah
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, all its verses are muhkam.
Surah At-Tin
This Surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah Surahs, all its verses are muhkam except for one verse, which is His words:
Is not Allah the most just Judge? (Q.S. 95 At-Tin, 8)
The meaning of this verse is signified by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif.
Surah Al-‘Alaq
This Surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyahy Surahs and all its verses are muhkam.
Surah Al-Gadar
This surah belongs to the group of Madaniyyah surahs, all its verses are muhkam.
Surah Al-Bayyinah
This surah belongs to the group of Madaniyyah surahs, all its verses are muhkam.
Surat Az-Zalzalah
This surah belongs to the group of Madaniyyah surahs, all its verses are muhkam.
Surat Al-‘Adiyat
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, all its verses are muhkam.
Surat Al-Qari’ah
This surah belongs to the Makkiyyah group of surahs, all its verses are muhkam.
Surat At-TakaSur
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, all its verses are muhkam.
Surat Al-‘Asr
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs: all its verses are muhkam, however, its Makkiyyah is disputed because there is another opinion that says that this surah belongs to the group of Madaniyyah surahs. All of its verses are muhkam with the exception of one verse, which is His words:
Verily, man is truly in loss. (Q.S. 103 Al-‘Asr, 2)
This verse is then mansikhed through the expression istisna or exception mentioned in the next verse, namely through His words:
except those who believe and do righteous deeds…. (Q.S. 103 Al-‘Asr, 3)
Surah Al-Humazah
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, all of whose verses are muhkam.
Surah Al-FIL
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, all its verses are muhkam. ..:
Surah Al-Quraisy
This surah belongs to the Makkiyyah group of surahs, all its verses are muhkam.
Surah Ad-DIn or Surah Al-Ma’un
Half of this Surah belongs to the Makkiyyah group, and the other half belongs to the Madaniyyah group. The first verse reaches His words: –
and does not recommend feeding the poor (O.S. 107 AlMa’un, 3).
These verses were revealed in Mecca regarding the attitude of Al-‘As ibnu Wa’il As-Sahmi. From verse four to the end of the Surah, they were revealed in Medina with regard to the attitude of Abdullah ibn Ubay ibn Salul, the leader of the hypocrites. All the verses of this Surah are muhkam.
Surah Al-Kausar
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, all its verses are muhkam. Surah Al-Kafirun In this surah there is one verse that is transcended, namely His words:
For you is your religion, and for me is my religion. (Q.S. 109 AlKafirun, 6)
This verse was superseded by another verse, namely by Ayatus Saif.
Surah An-Nasr
This surah belongs to the group of Madaniyyah surahs, all of whose verses are muhkam.
Surah Tabbat or Surah Al-Lahab
This surah belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs, all its verses are muhkam.
Surah Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, and An-Nas The commentators differ on the place where these surahs were revealed: most of them are of the opinion that they belong to the group of Madaniyyah surahs. According to Ad-Dahhak and As-Saddi, they belong to the group of Makkiyyah surahs. All of its verses are muhkam, and there are no nasikh or mansukh verses.