Chapter 1: The Genesis of the Great Spirit, the Nur of Our Lord and Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.


It has been narrated in a hadith that Allah created a tree with four branches and called it the “Tree of Faith”. Then Allah created Nur Muhamrhad in a veil of white diamond, like a peacock, then Allah placed this peacock on the tree, so this peacock recited tasbeeh on the tree for about 70,000 years.

Then Allah created the mirror of life and placed it in front of the beautiful peacock-like Nur Muhammad.

When the peacock saw itself in the mirror, it became aware of the beauty of its appearance and the beauty of its behavior. So the bird felt ashamed of Allah Ta’ala, (so) it sweated, the sweat dripped (up to) six drops. Then Allah Ta’ala created from the first drop Abu Bakr ra. And from the second drop Allah created Umar ra. From the third drop, Allah created Uthman. From the fourth drop, Allah Ta’ala created Ali ra. And from the fifth drop, Allah Ta’ala created the rose. From the sixth drop, Allah Ta’ala created the rice plant.

Then the Prophet prostrated five times, so it became obligatory for us some of these prostrations, the obligatory ones. Allah Ta’ala made the five prayers obligatory on Muhammad and his Ummah.

From the sweat of his nose, Allah created the angels and from the sweat of his face, Allah created the Throne, the Kursy, the Lauh, the Qalam, the Sun, the Moon, the Hijab, some Stars and everything in the sky.

From the sweat of his brow, Allah Ta’ala created the Prophets, the Messengers, the Scholars, the Martyrs and the righteous.

From the sweat of his back, Allah Ta’ala created Baitul Ma’mur, Ka’bah, Baitul Maqdis and several mosques in the world.

From the sweat of his brow, Allah Ta’ala created the Ummah of Muhammad consisting of believers and believers, Muslims and Muslim women.

From the sweat of his two ears, Allah Ta’ala created some souls of Jews, Nasarani, Majusi and deniers, and hypocrites.

From the sweat of his feet, Allah Ta’ala created the earth from east to west, and all that is in it.

Then Allah Ta’ala said to the nur: “Look in front of you, O Nur Muhammad!” So the Nur Muhammad saw in front of him a Nur, behind him a Nur, in front of him a Nur, and in front of him a Nur. They were Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali (may Allah be pleased with them), so he recited tasbih for 70,000 years.

Then Allah created the nur of the Prophets from the nur of Muhammad (peace be upon him). Allah Ta’ala saw the nur, then made from that nur some of the Prophets i.e., created some of the spirits of the Prophets from the sweat of Muhammad’s spirit. And Allah Ta’ala created some of the spirits of the people of the Prophets from the sweat of the Prophets. That is, some of the spirits of each nation were created from the sweat of His Prophet. Whereas some of the spirits of the believers who are the people of Muhammad were created from the sweat of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). So the ummah is equally saying:


“There is no God but Allah, Prophet Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”

Then Allah Ta’ala created a lamp (made) of red carnelian, which could be seen inside from the outside. Then Allah created the form of Muhammad (peace be upon him), as he was in the world, then Allah placed the form of Muhammad in the lamp, so the Prophet Muhammad stood in the lamp as he stood in prayer. While the spirits of the Prophets surrounding him stood in prayer. And the spirits of the Prophets who surrounded were on the left and right of Nur Muhammad (peace be upon him). Then they both recited tasbih and recited tahlil for about 100 years.

Then Allah Ta’ala commanded every soul to look at the Nur of Muhammad, and they did.

Some of them saw the head of Nur Muhammad, so he became the caliph and head of government (sultan) among all creatures. And among them is one who sees the forehead of Nur Muhammad, so he will be a just King (queen). Some of them will see the eyes of Muhammad, and he will be the one who memorizes the words of Allah. Among them was one who saw the two eyebrows of Nur Muhammad, and he became a painter. And among them is one who sees the two ears of Nur Muhammad, so he will be a good-looking and intelligent person.

And among them was one who saw the two lips of Nur Muhammad, so he became a minister. And among them was one who saw the nose of Nur Muhammad, and he became a judge and a doctor of keen intellect.


And among them was one who saw the mouth of Nur Muhammad. so he became a fasting person. Among them was one who saw the teeth of Nur Muhammad, so he became a messenger among the kings.

Some of them saw Muhammad’s beard, so he became a man of fatwa and advice, and a muadzin (caller to prayer). And among them was one who saw the beard of Muhammad, so he became a warrior in the cause of Allah.

Some of them saw the neck of Nur Muhammad, so he became a merchant. And among them were those who saw the two arms of Nur Muhammad, hence he became a horseman and wielded a sword. Among them was one who saw the right arm of Nur Muhammad, so he became a beautician. And among them was one who saw the left arm of Muhammad, and he became a fool.

And among them was one who saw the right hand of Nur Muhammad, so he became an exchanger and an embroiderer of cloth. And some of them saw the left hand of Nur Muhammad, and he became a taker. And among them was one who saw the two hands of Nur Muhammad, so he became a generous and clever man.

Among them was one who saw the back of Nur Muhammad’s right palm, so he became a cook. Among them was one who saw the left fingertip of Nur Muhammad, so he became a secretary.

And among them is one who sees the chest of Nur Muhammad, so he becomes a pious person who is honored and careful. And among them is one who sees the back of Muhammad, so he will be one who is tawadlu’ (polite) and obedient to the commands of shara’ (religion).


And among them was one who saw the two hulls of Muhammad’s nur, so he became a warrior. And among them was one who saw the stomach of Nur Muhammad, and he became a receptive person and austere.

And some of them saw the knees of Nur Muhammad, so he became a man of bowing and prostration. And some of them saw his feet, so he became an expert in hunting.

Some of them saw the shadow of Muhammad’s Nur, so they became singers and musicians. And among them are those who do not know anything of the Nur Muhammad, so that group is the Jews, Christians, disbelievers or the Magi.

And some of them did not see anything of Muhammad’s Nur, so they became those who claimed to be God, like Pharaoh and others among the disbelievers.

And know, verily Allah Ta’ala commands His creatures to pray, with the symbolic names Ahmad and Muhammad. So standing (in prayer) is like the letter Alif, bowing is like the letter Ha, prostration is like the letter Mim, sitting is like the letter Dal. And Allah made the form of the name Muhammad, peace be upon him, so that the head is round like the first Mim, the body is like the letter Ha, the stomach is like the second Mim. And the feet are like the letter Dal. None of the disbelievers will be burned in the form of a human being, but their form will be replaced by the form of a pig, then burned on the fire of hell.



Chapter 2: The Genesis of Adam As.


Ibn Abbas ra. said: “Allah Ta’ala created the body of Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) from several lands of the world. His head was taken from the land of the Ka’bah, his chest was taken from some places of the earth, his back and stomach were taken from the land of India, his hands from the land of Masyrig, his feet from the land of Maghrib.”

Wanab bin Muhabbin said: “Allah Ta’ala created Adam (as) from seven earths, his head from the first earth, his neck from the second earth, his chest from the third earth, his hands from the fourth earth, his back and stomach from the fifth earth, his thighs and buttocks from the sixth earth and his calves from the seventh earth.”

In another narration Ibn Abbas ra. said: “Allah Ta’ala created Prophet Adam (peace be upon him). his head from the land of Bayt al-Maqdis, his face from the land of Paradise, his ears from the land of Thurisaina, his forehead from the land of Iraq, his teeth from the land of the pool of Kautsar, his right hand and fingers from the land of the Kaaba, his left hand from the land of Paris, his feet and calves from the land of India, his bones from the land of the mountain, his body from the land of Babylon, his back from the land of Iraq, his belly from the land of Khurasan, his heart from the land of Paradise, his tongue from the land of Thaif, and his eyes from the land of the lake of Kautsar.”

When his head (was made) of the soil of Bait al-Maqdis, then it became a place of reason, intelligence, and speech. When his ears are made of the soil of Thurisaina, then they will be the place of advice. And when his forehead is made of the soil of Irag, it becomes a place of prostration to Allah. When his face is made of the soil of Paradise, it becomes a place of beauty and adornment. And when his teeth were made of the soil of the lake of Kautsar, they became a place of sweetness. When his right hand is made of the soil of the Ka’bah, it becomes a place of blessing and help in life, and is generous. And when his left hand was made of the soil of Persia, then it became a place of purification and istinjak (wiping). When his belly was made of the soil of Khurasan, it became a place of hunger. And when it is made of the land of Babylon, it becomes a place of lust, treachery and deceit. When his bones are made of the earth of the mountains, they become a place of hardness. And when his heart was made of the soil of Paradise, it became a place of faith. When his tongue is made of the soil of Thaif, it becomes a place of Shahada, humbling oneself and praying to Allah.

Allah Ta’ala made in Adam as. (to have) seven holes, seven of which were on his head, namely his two eyes, his two ears, his two nostrils and his mouth. And two holes were in his body, namely the hollow (pubic) and the rectum (anus).

Allah Ta’ala made Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) to have five senses, sight in the eyes, hearing in the two ears, taste in the mouth, touch in the two hands and smell in the nose.

It is said: “When Allah Ta’ala was about to blow the spirit into Prophet Adam (peace be upon him), Allah Ta’ala ordered the spirit to enter into Adam (peace be upon him).”

According to one narration, it is said: “Verily, the spirit entered from his brain, then circled in the brain for about two hundred years, then the spirit descended on the eyes of Prophet Adam (peace be upon him), then Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) saw himself, it appeared to him, he was still a dry clay, when the spirit reached his ears, he heard the recitation of tasbih of the angels. (could) look at himself, it appeared to him, he was still a dry clay, when the spirit reached his ears, he heard the recitation of tasbih of the angels. Then the spirit descended on the bridge of Adam’s nose, so he sneezed. And when Adam (peace be upon him) finished sneezing, the spirit descended to his mouth and tongue, and his two ears, then Allah Ta’ala taught Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) to say:      (Praise be to Allah) so Allah answered him: (Your Lord have mercy on you, O Adam) then the spirit descended to his chest, then he hurried to stand up, but he was unable to. Therefore, Allah Ta’ala said:


“That man is always in a hurry.”

And when the spirit reached his stomach, Prophet Adam craved for food, then the spirit flattened (entered) all over his body. So Adam’s body became flesh, blood, sweat and muscle, then Allah Ta’ala clothed him with a garment from his nails, which increased every day because of its beauty and beauty. When the Prophet Adam committed a sin, Allah Ta’ala replaced his nails with skin, until finally there was little left of the nails on some fingers, this was to remind the Prophet Adam.

Thus, the first process of the state of Prophet Adam (peace be upon him), then Allah Ta’ala completed the creation of Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) and blew the spirit in his body, and gave him clothes from the clothes of heaven, while the Nur Muhammad (peace be upon him) shone on his face like the moon on a full night.

Then Prophet Adam was lifted up on a bed and carried on the necks of the angels. Then Allah, the Exalted, said: “Take the ddam to the heavens on his bed, so that he may know some of the wonders of the heavens and what is in them, which may increase his confidence (in Allah’s power).” Then the angel said:


“O our Lord, we hear and we obey.”

Finally, the angel took Prophet Adam on his neck to travel around in the sky for about 100 years. Then Allah Ta’ala created for Adam a horse (made) of white myrrh that had a pungent odor. And some say that the horse’s name was Maimun, which had two wings of diamond and marjan (a type of gem). Then the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) mounted the horse, and Jibril held the reins, while Mikail (peace be upon him) was on the right side of the horse, Israfil was on the left side of the horse. Then the angels took the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) to all parts of the heavens. and the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) always greeted the angels (whom he met) with the words: then the angels answered the same:        Allah Ta’ala said: “O Adam, this is your salutation and the salutation of the believers from your descendants, among them fellow believers until tomorrow on the Day of Resurrection.”





Chapter 3: Angels and Their Attributes


Know that Allah Ta’ala created four noble angels: Israfil (as), Mikail (as), Jibril (as) and Izrail (as). Allah put in the hands of these angels to take care of the creatures and organize the entire world. Then Allah made the angel Gabriel to be the one to send down revelation and to be the messenger. Allah made the angel Mikail (peace be upon him) to send down rain and blessings. Allah made the angel Izrail (peace be upon him) to take life. And made the angel Israfil (peace be upon him) to blow the trumpet.

Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Indeed, the angel Israfil (peace be upon him) asked Allah to give him the power to carry the seven heavens, so Allah gave him the power to carry the seven earths, and gave him the power to control the wind, Allah also gave him the power to uproot mountains, Allah gave him the power to carry two loads. Allah also gave him the power of holding wild animals, and Allah gave him hair from the bottom of his feet to his head, while some of his mouths and tongues were covered with some veils, the same reciting tasbeeh to Allah on every tongue with a thousand languages. And Allah, the Exalted, made from him a thousand angels who will recite the same praise to Allah until the Day of Resurrection. They are equally close to Allah.”

For the angels who carry the Throne and the angels of Kiraman Katibin (angels who write down deeds) they are all similar in form to the angel Israfil (peace be upon him).

The angel Israfil looks into hell three times a day and three times a night. He humbles himself and weeps until he becomes weak, (because of his weakness) he becomes like a drumstring. And Israfil’s weeping is so great that if Allah had not prevented the tears from coming from Israfil’s weeping, the earth would have been filled with his tears, and they would have been like the flood of Noah’s (peace be upon him) tears. This is the result of Israfil’s great size; if all the water of the seas and rivers were to be poured over his head, it would fall like a drop of water from the earth.


Archangel Mikail

As for the angel Mikail (peace be upon him). Allah Ta’ala made him after the angel Israfil (peace be upon him). in a period of 500 years, from his head to the soles of his feet were some hairs of za ‘faran, and his wings of green zabarjad, on each hair there were a million faces, and on each face there were a million eyes, the weeping of each eye was a mercy for those who sinned from the believers, and in each face there are a million mouths, in the mouth there are a million tongues (tongue) and each tongue speaks with a million languages, each tongue also begs forgiveness to Allah Ta ala for believers and sinners, and each eye sheds 70.000 teardrops. So Allah made for each teardrop an angel resembling Mikail (peace be upon him) who will be reciting tasbih to Allah until the Day of Resurrection, and their name will be the angels of Karrubiyyun, all of whom will assist the angel Mikail (peace be upon him) who is entrusted with the rain, vegetation and sustenance, including fruits.

There is nothing that is in the sea, nor the fruit that clings to the trees, nor the vegetation that is on the earth, except that there is an angel over it.


Archangel Gabriel

As for Jibril (peace be upon him), Allah created him after Mikail (peace be upon him) within 500 years, and he had 600 wings, from his head to the soles of his feet were hairs of za’faran, and the sun was between his eyes, and each hair was like the moon and the stars. Every day Jibril enters the sea of light (nur) 370 times, when Jibril comes out (of the sea of light) then drips on each wing a million drops, then Allah Ta’ala makes from each drop an angel similar to the angel Jibril (peace be upon him) who is the same reciting tasbih to Allah Ta’ala until the Day of Resurrection. They are the angels of Ruhaniyyun.


Angel of Death

The shape of the angel of death is like the angel Israfil (peace be upon him) in the shape of his face, some of his tongues, his wings, his size and strength, without adding or subtracting.





Chapter 4: The Angel Izrail, the Angel of Death (the Grim Reaper)


It is mentioned in a hadith from the Prophet: “When Allah Ta’ala created the angel of death, some creatures were covered with a million veils, while the size of the veil was greater than the size of some of the heavens and some of the earth, if all the water of the oceans and rivers were poured over his head, not a drop of water would fall to the earth.

Verily, the east of the earth and the west of the earth are between his two hands (before him) like a table (in front of him), on which are placed all things, which are put before a man to eat, and he eats from what is on the table as he wishes.

Thus, the angel of death turns the world upside down, just as the son of Adam turns upside down the dirham that is before him. And he has been bound with seventy thousand chains, each chain about the length of a thousand years’ journey, while the angels do not approach the angel of death, nor do they know his place, nor do they hear his voice, nor do they see his condition, nor do they know where he is going.

When Allah Ta’ala made the angel of death, then Allah ordered the angel of death to hold death (take life). Then the angel of death said: “O my Lord, what is death?” So Allah ordered the veil to be lifted so that the angel of death could see death:

Then Allah Ta’ala said to the angels: “Come near and see the angel of death.” So all the angels came near. And Allah Ta’ala said (to the angel of death): “Fly above them, and spread all your wings, and open all your eyes!” When the angel of death flew, and the angels saw him, they all fell down and fainted for 1000 years.

When the angels recovered (from their stupor), they all said: “O our Lord, why did You create something greater than this creature?” Allah Ta’ala replied: “I created it, and I am greater than it, and all creatures will feel from it.” Then Allah Ta’ala said: “O Izrail, take the life (death) that I have entrusted to you to take.” So he said: “O my Lord, by what power shall I take away death, for surely death is greater than me?” Then Allah Ta’ala gave Izrail the power, then he took the life (of death), so death (death) stayed in his hand. So death said: “O my Lord, grant me permission so that I may call throughout the heavens once.” Then Allah Ta’ala granted him permission. So death called out in a loud voice: “I am death, which separates lovers, I am death, which separates husband and wife, I am death, which separates son and mother. I am death, which separates brother and sister. I am death, which enlivens the grave. I am death, which hunts you down and finds you, even if you are in a locked iron building, and there is no creature but will feel me.”

Verily, the disbelievers and the hypocrites are among the wretched; when death comes to them, there descends on the left side of the disbeliever an angel of Adhāb, whose face is black and whose eyes glare, and he wears the garment of punishment. Then the angel of Adzab sits away from the disbeliever, until the angel of Death comes. And when the angel of death came to one of them, the angel of death stood before him in a terrifying form. Then the Soul of that person said: “Who are you, and what do you want? Then the angel of death answered: “I am the angel of death who will take you out of the world, and make your children orphans and your wife a widow, your property becomes an inheritance in the hands of your heirs, those you did not like while you were alive, indeed you did not prioritize the good for yourself, and you did not prioritize the good for your hereafter, so today I have come to you to take your life.”

When the one who was about to die heard the words of the angel of death, he turned toward the wall (fence). then it appeared to him that the angel of death was standing in front of him, then he turned his face in another direction, then it appeared that the angel of death was standing in front of him, then the angel said: “Do you not know me? I am the angel of death (Izrail) who took the lives of your parents, and you saw them, and your existence could not benefit your parents, today I will take your life so that it can be seen by your children, your relatives, your friends so that they give you advice. On this day, I am the angel of death who has more power than you, who has more wealth than you, who has more children than your children.”

Then the angel of death said to the person: “How do you see the world?” The man replied: “I see the world as a deception that breaks promises.” Then Allah Ta’ala created the world in the form of a creature, so the world said: “O transgressor, are you not ashamed that you sinned in the world, and you did not prevent yourself from disobedience, indeed you sought me but I did not seek you, and you did not separate between the lawful and the unlawful, you thought that you would not be separated from the world, then indeed I (the world) will be free from you and from your deeds.”

When the man saw that his treasure had fallen into the possession of another, it said: “O transgressor, you sought me in a way that was not right, and did not spend me, nor did you give me in charity to the poor and needy. Today I have fallen into the possession of another.”

This is what is stated in the words of Allah Ta’ala:


“(That is) on the Day when wealth and sons will be of no use except to those who approach Allah with a clean heart.” (QS. Ash-Shu’araa’: 88-89)

So the man said:


“O my Lord, bring me back so that I can do the righteous deeds that I left behind.”

So Allah Ta’ala says:


“When their time comes, they cannot delay it for a moment, nor can they hasten it.” (QS. Yunus: 49)

Then the angel of death takes his life, if the person believes will feel happy, and if the person disbelieves or hypocrites will feel wretched, as Allah Ta’ala says:



“Never cheat, for surely the book of the ungodly is kept in the sijjin.” (QS. Al-Muthaffifin: 7)




Chapter 5: The State of the Angel of Death and How He Takes Life


It is mentioned in the book of As-Suluki from Mugatil ibn Sulaiman: “The angel of death has a bed in the seventh heaven, some say in the fourth heaven. Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, created the Angel of Death from nur (light), and he has seventy thousand feet and four hundred wings, and his whole body is filled with eyes and tongues, and not a single creature from the descendants of Adam and the birds, including all those who have life except for him, is found in his body. He has a face, eyes, hands and ears that are as numerous as the number of all human beings, so he takes the soul with his hands, and he looks with his face, which can be right on the face of a human being. This is how he takes the lives of creatures in every place. When a person dies, the image of that person disappears from his body.

According to one narration, the angel has four faces, one in front of him, the second on top of his head, the third on his back, and the fourth under the soles of his feet. When he takes away the souls of the Prophets and Angels it is from the face on his head. When he takes the lives of the believers from the face that is before him. When he takes the life of the disbelievers from the face that is on his back. And when he takes the lives of the Jinn from the face that is on the soles of his feet. One of his feet is on the footbridge of Hell, the other is on the bed of Paradise.

According to one narration, the body of the angel of death is so big that if all the water of the ocean were poured over his head, not a drop of water would fall on the earth.


In another narration, it is stated that Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, made the whole world in the stomach of the angel of death, which is like a table that has been placed before a person to eat from what is in front of him, according to what he wants. Thus, the angel of death (faces) all creatures, and he turns the world over as the son of Adam turns over the dirham.

And there are those who say that the Angel of Death does not descend except to the Prophets and Messengers, and he has a khalifah to take the lives of wild animals and some other animals.”

Someone said: “Verily, when Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, corrupts any of His creatures, human or otherwise, He corrupts the eyes that are in the bodies of the angels of death, until eight of them remain. Thus they are Israil, Mikail, Gabriel, Izrail, and the four angels who carry the Throne.”


How the Grim Reaper Knows Death

As for knowing the end of some deaths, the angel of death always gets the text of the sudden death or pain of a servant. At that time the Angel of Death says: “O my Lord, when shall I take the life of this servant, and under what circumstances and in what manner shall I take away his soul?” So Allah Ta’ala says: “O angel of death, this belongs to My unseen knowledge, which no one can see except Me, aka “but I inform you of the coming of the time, and I will give you some addresses, which you will carry out (orders) upon the addresses.” Men will come to you, saying: “So-and-so’s life has been completed.” And the angel who is entrusted with his sustenance and deeds will say: So-and-so’s provision and deeds have been completed. And if he is a happy man, his name will appear in the book that is before the angel of death, with the writing of the white nur (light) on either side of his name. If he is a blameworthy person, it will be evident from the writing of his name that there is a black writing. Then the angel of death, not knowing this, falls on a leaf from the tree under the Throne, on which is written the name of the person whose life is to be taken at this time.

It was narrated from Ka’ab al-Akhbar: “Verily, Allah has created a tree under the Throne, and on that tree there are many leaves according to the number of all creatures. And when the death of a servant comes, and he has forty days left, the leaves fall on the place of Izrail (peace be upon him). With that he knew that he was ordered to take the life of that servant. After that, the angels called him dead in the heavens, while he was still alive on the earth forty days.”

It is said that the angel Mikail (peace be upon him) came down to the angel of death with a book from Allah, may He be exalted, in which was written the name of the person whose life he was ordered to take, and the place where the angel of death took his life, and the reasons why the angel of death took his life.


How the Grim Reaper Knows the Good and Bad of the Person He’s About to Take Away

Imam Abu Laits ra. mentioned: “Two drops have fallen from under the Throne, on the name of the one who has the drops, one of the two drops (is) green, and the other is white. So when the green drop falls on the name of the one who was dropped, it can be known that the one who fell (the green drop) is among the wretched. And when the white drop falls on the name of the one on whom it falls, it is known that the name of the one on whom it falls (the white drop) is one of the fortunate (happy) ones.”


Place of Servant’s Death

As for knowing the place of death of a slave, it is said that Allah, may He be exalted, has made an angel to take care of every baby that is born, and this angel is called “Angel Arham”.

When Allah created the child, Allah commanded the angel Arham to enter the sperm in his mother’s womb with soil from the earth, where he would die. So the servant will go around (on the surface of the earth) wherever he goes around (on the surface of the earth). Then he will return from the soil of that place, so that he dies in that place. And this points to the words of Allah Ta’ala:


“Say: If you had stayed in your houses, those who were destined to be killed would have gone out to where they were killed.” (QS. Ali Imran: 154)

One day, the Angel of Death picked up the Prophet Solomon (peace be upon him) who happened to have a young man as a guest in his room. The Angel of Death kept looking at the young man. The young man was trembling with fear. When the Angel of Death in human form left, the young man asked the Prophet Solomon (peace be upon him): “Who is the guest who just came out?” The Prophet Solomon (peace be upon him) replied: “He is the Angel of Death.” The young man was even more frightened, then he said: “O Prophet of God, I beg you to command the wind to take me to China or India.” The Prophet Solomon (peace be upon him) then commanded the wind and immediately took him to China. After that the Angel of Death returned to Prophet Solomon (peace be upon him) and he asked him about his constant looking at the young man. The Angel of Death replied: “I was ordered to take the young man’s life today in China, but he is still here and I am astonished.” The Prophet Solomon (peace be upon him) then told the story of the young man who asked to be sent to China through the wind and I immediately ordered the wind to take him to China immediately. The Angel of Death said to Prophet Solomon: “I have taken the young man’s life at that very moment upon his arrival in China.”

In a hadith, it is mentioned that the Angel of Death has helpers who assist him in carrying out the task of taking the lives of creatures.

It is mentioned in some narrations that there was a person who always prayed with supplication:


“O my Lord, forgive me and forgive the guardian angel of the sun.”

The guardian angel of the sun then asked Allah’s permission to visit the man. When the guardian angel of the sun came down to the man, he said to him: “You have always prayed for me, and now what is your need?” The man replied: “I want you to take me to your place, and I want you to ask the Angel of Death about my death.” The guardian angel of the sun then took him, and placed him in the sun, then he went to the Angel of Death and said: “There is a man who prays for me after every prayer, and he has asked me to ask you when his death will come so that he can prepare for it.” The Angel of Death then opened his notebook. The Angel of Death said: “Your friend is truly extraordinary, he will not die unless he is sitting in your place, near the sun.” The angel guarding the sun said: “He is now in my place near the sun.” The angel of death said: “He has died in the place of our messengers and he does not know it.”

In a hadith, from the Prophet, he said: “The death of every animal is in the remembrance of Allah, and if it abandons the remembrance of Allah, Allah will take away its life. And there is nothing for the angel of death from the taking of that life.”

It has been said: “Verily, Allah is the One who takes away some lives, but it is based on the angel of death, just as death is based on the one who kills, and death is caused by sickness.” This points to the words of Allah, may He be exalted:


“Allah holds the soul at the time of death and (holds) the soul of the one who has not died in his sleep, so He restrains the soul of the one whom He has decreed to die and He releases the soul of the other until the appointed time. Surely in such are signs of Allah’s power for those who think.” (QS. Az Zumar: 42)



Chapter 6: Dialogue Between the Spirit and Angels


It has come in a hadith : When the angel of death wishes to take the life of a believer, the soul says: “I will not obey you until you have been commanded to do so.” Then the angel of death says: “I have been commanded to take life.” So the soul asked the angel of death for an address and proof, and the soul said, “My Lord made you and put you in my body, and you were not there when it happened, so now you want to take me away.”

Then the angel of death returned to Allah Ta’ala, so Allah Ta’ala asked: “Have you taken the life of My servant?” The angel of death replied: “O my Lord, indeed your servant said such…… and such….. he asked me for a sign.” So Allah, the Exalted, said: “The soul of My servant is true.” Then Allah Ta’ala said: “O angel of death, go to heaven and take an apple, on which is My sign, and show the apple to the spirit of My servant.”

Then the angel of death went to heaven and took an apple, on the apple was written: “Bismillaahir rahmanir rahiim.”

When the angel of death showed the apple to the soul of a servant, the soul came out smart and felt good and clear to die.






A Dialogue Between the Body and the Grim Reaper When it’s Taken Away


It is narrated in a hadith: “When Allah, the Almighty, wants to take away the soul of a servant, the angel of death comes from the direction of his mouth, to take away his soul from the direction of the mouth.” Then the dhikr comes out of his mouth, saying: “There is no way for you from this direction; this tongue has long been used for the remembrance of your Lord.” The angel of death then returned to Allah, saying: “Thus….. thus…..(mentioning what was experienced).” Allah said: “Take his life from another direction”, so the angel of death came from the direction of his hand, then came out with charity, saying: “There is no way for you to take his life, indeed this servant has used me to give much charity, and used me to wipe the hands of orphans, and used me to write with galam, and hit the neck of the disbeliever Guga using me).” Then the angel of death came from the direction of his feet, and the feet said: “There is no way for you to take life from me; indeed, this foot of mine is used by me to walk in congregation and some of the Eid prayers, and to attend the gathering of knowledge and the gathering of Ta’lim.” Then the angel of death came from the direction of the ear, so the ear said: “There is no way for you from my direction, so indeed this servant is used by me to hear the Qur’an and the call to prayer and dhikr.” Then the Angel of Death came to his eyes and said to them: “There is no way for you from us, indeed this servant uses us for his parents, and (to see) the faces of the righteous.”


So the angel of death went to Allah, the Almighty, and said: “O my Lord, surely Your servant has said such….. and such…. (meaning what he experienced).” Then Allah said: “O angel of death, hang My name upon the palm of your hand, and show My name to the soul of My servant, so that it may see My name, and come out.”

Then the angel of death wrote the name of Allah on the palm of his hand, then the angel of death revealed the name of Allah to the spirit of this servant, so the spirit granted the angel, (finally) the life of this servant came out thanks to the asma of Allah. Finally, the servant’s pain disappears when the soul comes out. Doesn’t a person’s pain disappear when the name of Allah, may He be exalted, is written on his chest? Because of the words of Allah, may He be glorified and exalted:


“So what are those whose hearts Allah opens to Islam and they receive light from their Lord?” (QS. Az-Zumar: 22)

Is it not lost on them that there is a punishment and a fearful thing on the day of judgment?

A hadith narrates: “There are five things as poisons that kill, and there are also five other things as antidotes. So the world is the poison that kills, and zuhud is the antidote. Wealth is the poison that kills, zakat is the antidote. Talking is a poison that kills, and dhikr of Allah is the antidote. All life is a poison that kills, and ta’at is the antidote. The whole year is a poison that kills, the month of fasting is the antidote.”

It is narrated in the hadith: “When a slave is in the state of naza’ (the moment of the soul’s departure), a caller calls out from the presence of Allah: “Leave the servant, so that he may rest for a while.” When the soul reached his chest, Allah said: “Leave the servant so that he may rest for a while.” And likewise, when the soul has reached the throat then the caller comes: “Leave the servant so that the members of the body ask for leave from some of the other members.” So the one eye begs from the other eye, the eye says: “Inside beg for himself:


“May salvation be upon you until the Day of Judgment.”

Likewise, the two ears ask for themselves, the two hands ask for themselves, the two feet ask for themselves, and the spirit (also) asks for itself from the body, faith asks for itself with the tongue. Therefore, we seek refuge from Allah, so that we may be prevented from asking the heart for ma’rifat and faith.

In the end, there are no hands, no feet, no eyes, no eyesight, no ears, no earsight, and no spirit in the body. And if the tongue remains without faith, and the heart remains without ma’rifat, then what is the state of the servant in the porcupine’s burrow? He cannot see anyone, cannot see his father, mother, children, siblings and friends. And in the porcupine burrow there is no mat and no veil. And if he cannot see the Lord of Glory, then he has really lost a lot, a great loss.

Imam Abu Hanifah said: “There are many things that tear the faith of a slave, namely during the time of naza May Allah preserve us and you from the tearing of faith.





Chapter 8: Satan and How He Tears at Faith


In the hadith it is narrated: “Verily, the devil la’natullaah ‘alaihi came and sat on the head of a servant and said to him: Abandon this religion, and say that there are two gods, so that you may be saved from pain.” When this happens, it is a terrible danger and a great fear. Therefore, make it a point to always weep and humble yourself, and spend the night bowing and prostrating yourself, so that you may be saved from the punishment of Allah.

Abu Hanifah was asked: “Which is the most worrying sin that tears the faith?” He replied: “It is giving up gratitude for faith, and giving up fear at the end of life, and mistreating some servants. Indeed, the one in whose heart these three things are found, generally comes out of this world a disbeliever. Except for the one who finds good fortune.”

It is said that the most painful state of the dead is in the state of thirst and burning of the heart. At that time, Satan had the opportunity to release the believer’s faith, because he was very thirsty at that time. Then Satan came near his head, carrying a bowl of thick water, then Satan moved the bowl to the believer. Then the believer said: “Give me water.” At that time the believer did not know that the one carrying the bowl of water was actually Satan. So the devil said to the believer: “Say that no one created this world, so I gave you water.” Then the devil came (again) towards the soles of his feet, moving the bowl towards the believer, and the believer said: “Give me water.” So the devil said: “Say that the messenger is a liar, so that I may give you water.” And whoever gets harm, he will answer to the command of the devil. For indeed that person is impatient of thirst, then he comes out of the world in a state of disbelief. Na’uzhu billah. And whoever is fortunate, he will return the words of the devil, and think about who is in front of him.

There is a narration: “Abu Zakariyah was a zuhud person, and when he was nearing death, his friends came to him. At that time, he was in a state of death, then his friend taught him the phrase thayyibah, namely lafazh :


“There is no God but Allah. And Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”

So he turned his face away from his friend, not uttering a word. Then his friend said it to him a second time. He still turned his face away from his friend. When his friend said it to him the third time, he said: “I will not say it.” Abu Zakariyah’s friend became confused (by Zakariyah’s words). When Abu Zakariyah had recovered after an hour (in the state of death), and he felt light, he opened his eyes, and said to his friends: “Have you all said anything to me?” They replied: Yes, we have shown you the creed three times, and you turned away twice, saying the third time: “I will not say it.” So Abu Zakariyah said: “There came to me a devil, he brought a bowl of water, he stood on my right side, and moved the bowl, and asked me: Do you need water?” I replied: “Yes.” Then the devil said: “Say that Jesus is the son of God.” Then I turned away from the direction of my feet. He spoke to me as before. And the third time he said: “Say, There is no God.” So I answered: “No, I will not say.” Then the devil slammed his bowl on the earth, and retreated running. This I reject to the devil, not to all of you. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.

Based on this hadith, there is a narration from Manshur ibn Ammar. He said: “When the death of a servant is imminent, his state is divided into five parts: his wealth for his heirs, his soul for the angel of death, his flesh for the food of worms, his bones for the earth, his kindness for his enemies, and the devil to tear his faith.”

Then he said (again): “If the heir takes away his property it is permitted. If the grim reaper takes away a life, it is permissible. If the worm eats his flesh it is permissible. And if his enemies deprive him of good, it is permissible. May faith not be lost when one dies; indeed, the loss of faith means separation from religion. Whereas the separation of the soul from the body is not separation from God. And the separation of the soul, no one knows after the separation. And it is a loss until the separation of faith.”





Chapter 9: The Caller


It is narrated in the hadith: When the soul separates from the body, it is summoned from the sky with three cries: “O son of Adam, are you leaving the world or is the world leaving you? Are you gathering the world or is the world gathering you? Do you kill the world or does the world kill you?”

When the corpse was placed on the bathing place, it was called out three times: “Son of Adam, where is your strong body, and what has made you weak? Where is your eloquent tongue, and what has made you silent; where are your lovers, and what has made them dislike you?”

And when the corpse was placed in the shroud, the corpse was summoned with three cries: “Son of Adam, you will go on a long journey with no provisions. You will go out of your house, and you will not return. And you who are accustomed to riding a horse will not be able to ride a horse forever, you will go to a home that is more frightening.”

When the corpse is carried on the coffin, it is called out three times: “O son of Adam, happy for you, if you are among those who repent. Happy for you, if your deeds are good deeds. Happy for you, if your companion is the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala. And woe to you, if your companion is the wrath of Allah Ta’ala.”


When the corpse is laid out for funeral prayer it is called out three times: “O son of Adam, every deed you do you will see, if your deed is good, then you will see good. And if your deeds are bad, then you will see badness.”

When the coffin was placed on the edge of the grave, the deceased was called out three times: “O son of Adam, you will not bring provisions from a crowded place to a corrupt place. And you will not bring from your wealth to this poverty. And you will not bring light to this place of darkness.”

When the corpse is placed in the pit of the hedgehog (grave), it is called out three times: “O son of Adam, you were on my back laughing, and (now) you are in my belly weeping. You were on my back rejoicing, (now) you are in my belly in distress. And you (when) you were on my back could speak, (now) you are in my belly in silence.”

When the people turned away from the deceased, Allah said: “O my servant, (now) you are alone and alone, while the same people left you in the darkness of the grave. You have disobeyed Me because of man, and because of wife, and because of children. And I have loved you more this day with a mercy, from which some creatures may be astonished. And I have more compassion on you than a mother has on her child.”





Chapter 10: The State of the Earth and the Grave


Earth Cry

Anas bin Malik ra. said: Verily the earth calls every day with ten sentences, it says: “O son of Adam, you walk on my back and you will return in my belly. You transgress on my back and you will be tortured in my belly. You laugh on my back and you will weep in my belly. You eat unlawful things on my back and you will be eaten by worms in my belly. You rejoice on my back and you will be distressed in my belly. You gather unlawful things on my back and you will be destroyed in my belly. You are arrogant on my back and you will be despised in my belly. You walk happily on my back and you will be crushed in my belly. You walk in the light on my back, and you will sit in the darkness of my belly. You walked with a multitude on my back, and you will sit alone in my belly.”


Graveyard Call

In the hadith we are told: Verily the grave calls out three times every day: “I am the house of the lonely, the house of grief, the house of scorpions, the house of snakes. I am the house of darkness. And I am the house of the worm, and what have you prepared for me?”


Someone narrated: Verily, the grave calls five times every day, saying: “I am a house of loneliness, so make me a tame companion by reciting the Qur’an. I am a house of darkness, so enlighten me with night prayers. I am a house of dust, so bring a mat, by doing good deeds. I am a house of big snakes, so bring an antidote: and shed tears (out of fear of Allah). And I am the house of the questions of Munkar and Nakir, so recite on my back: so that you may be able to answer questions.”





Chapter 11: Calling the Soul After It Comes Out of the Body


It was narrated from ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) who said: I was sitting cross-legged in my house when the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) entered, and he greeted me, and I was about to stand up to honor him, as is my custom when he enters the house. So the Messenger of Allah said: “Sit where you are; there is nothing for you to stand up, O believer.” Then ‘Ā’ishah said: Then the Prophet sat down and put his head on my lap, he slept on his back, and on the nape of his neck, I searched for the gray hairs of his beard, finally I saw in the Prophet’s beard 11 white hairs. Then I thought to myself and said that the Prophet would die before me and the Ummah would be left without a Prophet. Then I cried. so that my tears flowed down my cheeks, and my tears fell on the face of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) so he woke up from his sleep and asked: “What made you cry O ummu mukminin.” Then I told the Prophet a story. Then the Prophet asked: “What is the most painful situation for the dead!” I replied: There is no more painful situation for a dead person than when he leaves his house and his children mourn behind him, saying: “Ouch…. father, ouch…. mother and father say Ouch…. children.” So the Prophet said: “This is more grievous. And what is more painful than that?” I replied: There is no situation more painful for the dead person when he is placed in the grave and he is covered with earth, his relatives, his children, and his lovers return, all of them handing over the dead person to Allah Ta’ala along with his deeds. Then came Munkar and Nakir in his grave. So the Prophet said: “What is more painful than that?” I replied: “Allah and His Messenger know better.” The Prophet said: “O ‘Ā’ishah, the most grievous state of a dead person is when the batterer enters him to bathe him, then the batterer takes the ring of the young dead person off his fingers, and the batterer takes the wedding garment off his body, and takes the turban of the old dead person and the pious dead person off his head for bathing. Then at that time, his spirit called out while seeing the corpse in a state of support, with a voice that could be heard by all creatures except jinn and humans.” The spirit said: “O one who bathes, I ask you, by Allah, that you remove my clothes gently, for indeed I at this moment really want to rest due to the pain of the death angel’s pull.”

When the water was poured over the dead body, the dead body cried out as before, saying: “O batterer, by Allah, you do not make your water hot, and you do not make it hot, and you do not make it cold; surely my body has been burnt (as a result) of the dislocation of the soul.”

When the same people were bathing the dead, the soul said: “By Allah, you who are bathing, do not touch me with force, for surely my body has been injured by the departure of the spirit.”

When he has finished bathing the dead person, he is placed in his shroud and his feet are tied together. The corpse called out: “By Allah, O one who washes, do not tie the shroud over my head so that I can see the faces of my wife, my children and my relatives; surely this is the last time I will see them, and I will be separated from them today, and I will not see them until the Day of Resurrection.”

When the dead person is taken out of the house, the dead person calls out: “By Allah, my people, I have left my wife a widow, so you should not harm her, and I have left my children orphans, so you should not harm them, indeed I am this day leaving my house, and I will not return to them forever.”

When the corpse was placed on the coffin, it called out: “By Allah, O my people, do not hasten to carry me, so that I may hear the voice of my wife, and my children, and my relatives, surely I shall this day be separated from them until the Day of Resurrection.”

When the corpse is carried on the coffin, and the people (who are delivering) have taken three steps, (suddenly) there is a caller with a voice that can be heard by everything except humans and jinn. And the spirit said: “O my lovers, O my brothers, and O my children, do not be deceived by the world, as it deceived me, and do not be deceived by the times, as the times have deceived me, and learn from me, for I have left all that I have accumulated for my heirs, and they will not bear any of my wrongs. And over the world Allah Ta’ala judges me, and you all take pleasure in the world, then you will not pray for me, when you offer funeral prayer over the dead.”


And (when) some of his experts and his companions returned from the place of prayer. The dead man said: “By Allah, O my brethren, verily I know that the dead man forgets in his lifetime, but you do not forget me with this speed before you plant me, so that I may see my place. O my brothers, verily I know that the face of the dead is colder than the cold water in some hearts of the living, but do not return at this speed.”

When the people laid the dead man by his grave, he said: “By Allah, my people, and my brothers, I prayed for you, (but) you did not pray for me.”

When they put the dead man in his grave, he said: “By Allah, my heirs, I have not accumulated much wealth from this world except that I leave it for you, so remember me by multiplying your kindnesses which I taught you about the Qur’an and manners, so do not forget me from praying for me.”

Based on this hadith, there is a story from Abi Qilabah (may Allah be pleased with him), the hikayat is told: Abi Qilabah (may Allah be pleased with him) had a dream in his sleep, as if the grave had been broken open and the same dead bodies had come out of the grave, then the dead bodies were sitting on the edge of the grave, as if between the hands of each one of them was a tray made of nur, so I asked him: “I do not see any nur between your hands.” Then the corpse said: “Verily, they have children and friends who do them good, they give alms (in this world) to them (the dead) and this nur is the result of what they give to them (the dead), and I have a son who is not pious, and does not pray for me, and does not address me, therefore, I do not have nur, and I am ashamed among my neighbors.”

When Abi Qilabah awoke, he called his son, and told him what he had dreamed, and his son said: “I repent before the Lord, and I will not return to what (I had done) forever.” Then the son was occupied with obedience (to Allah), and prayed, and gave alms to his father.

And when a (long) period had passed over him, Abi Qalabah dreamed again in his sleep about the grave and its condition, and he saw a nur in front of the man, and it was brighter than the sun, and more abundant than the nur of his companions. So the man said: “May Allah reward you for your kindness, and I have been saved from the shame of my neighbors.”

In a hadith narrated: The angel of death entered a man in the land of Iskandaria, and the man asked: “Who are you?” The angel replied: “I am the Angel of Death.” The man was trembling in his vertebrae, which is the flesh between his stomach and shoulders. The angel of death said to the man: “What is this that I see?” The man replied: “Because I am afraid of the fire of hell.” The angel said to the man: “I will write for you a word that will save you from the fire of hell.” The man said: “Yes.” So the angel asked for a book and wrote down the words, saying: “This sentence can deliver from hellfire.”


There was a wise man who listened to a man reciting and he said: “The name of the Beloved is in this sentence, so he can see his beloved.” Then people said: “Surely this world and its grim reaper cannot equal even a little (to the weight of Bismillahirrahmannirrahim).” And I said: “Indeed, the world without the angel of death is not worth anything at all, for indeed the angel of death conveys the beloved to the beloved.”





Chapter 12: The Calamity of the Dead


It is narrated in a hadith: “Verily, the one who is afflicted with calamity (death), by tearing his clothes or beating his chest, is as if he has taken a spear to fight Allah.”

It is reported that the Prophet said: “Whoever blackens a door or a garment in the event of a calamity, or beats up his shop or cuts down a tree, or cuts off a hair, a house from Hellfire will be built for him for every hair. Allah Ta’ala will not accept his alms and charity as long as it remains black on his door. And Allah will make the grave of the deceased clean, and will strengthen his reckoning, and he will be cursed by all the angels in the heavens and the earth, and a thousand faults will be written upon him, and he will rise from the grave naked. Whoever tears his pocket, (when) afflicted with a calamity, Allah will tear his religion. And if he slaps his cheeks or scratches his face, Allah will forbid him to see His Glorious Essence.”

In the hadith we are told: When the son of Adam died, there was a cry in his house, so the angel of death stood at the door of his house, saying to them: “What is this cry, by Allah, I have not deprived any of you of life, nor have I deprived any of you of sustenance, nor have I wronged any of you, if your cry is from me, then I am a servant under orders, and if it is from the dead, then it is of necessity. And if the cry is from Allah, then you are all ignorant of Allah, by Allah, verily I will return to you and then return again.”




Chapter 13: Weeping over the Dead


Al-Faqih Abu Laits said: “Mourning for the dead is haraam, and there is nothing wrong with weeping for the dead, but patience is better.” Allah swt. said:


“Verily, Allah, the Exalted, keeps His promise of rewarding those who are patient without being judged.” ‘ (QS. Az-Zumar: 10)

It was narrated from the Prophet: The Prophet said: “The one who weeps with lamentation and those around him listen to his weeping, they will all receive the curse of Allah and the curse of the angels and all people.”

There is a narration: When Hasan bin Ali died, his wife waited at his grave for one year, when at the beginning of the year, she raised her voice, so that it could be heard from the direction of the grave: “Have you all gained what you have lost.” And they hear also a voice from the other side of the grave exclaiming: “You have all done badly, so disperse.”

It is narrated from the Prophet: The Prophet, when his son Ibrahim (peace be upon him) died, shed tears. Abdurrahman bin Auf said to the Prophet: “O Messenger of Allah, have you not prevented us from crying?” The Prophet replied: “Indeed, I prevented you from two sounds, the rate of both, the foolishness of both, namely the sound of weeping and the sound of singing, by scorching his face and tearing his shirt pocket, but this (flowing of my tears) is mercy, Allah Ta’ala makes mercy in the hearts of those who are merciful.” The Prophet said: “When the heart is troubled, tears will flow.”

It was narrated from Wahb bin Kisan (may Allah be pleased with him): “Umar saw a woman weeping over a dead person, so he stopped her.” So the Prophet said: “Leave her, O father of Hafsah, verily the weeping eyes indicate a troubled heart, and the promise is recent.”





Chapter 14: Patience with Calamities


It was narrated from Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet said: The first thing that was written with galam in the Lauhul Mahfudh regarding the commands of Allah Ta’ala was:


 “Verily I am Allah, there is no God but Me, Muhammad is My servant and My messenger, and My choice of My creatures is the one who surrenders to My decree, and is patient with My trials, and is grateful for My favors, so I write him as a righteous man. I will raise him up with the righteous on the Day of Resurrection. And whoever does not surrender to My decrees and is not patient with My trials, and does not give thanks for My favors, then let him come out from under My heavens, and seek a god besides Me.”

Imam Abu Al-Laits said: “Being patient with trials, and remembering Allah when calamities occur are part of something that is obligatory upon man, because indeed when remembering Allah in that place, this (means) that man is content with the provisions of Allah with provisions and can humiliate the devil.”

Ali ibn Abi Talib karramallahu wajhah said: “There are three kinds of patience: First, patience with obedience. Second, patience (in forsaking) disobedience. Third, patience with calamities. So whoever is patient with obedience, Allah will give him a hundred degrees, each degree (the distance) between heaven and earth. And whoever is patient with calamity, Allah will give him reward without being judged.”

Chapter 15: The Exit of the Spirit from the Body


In the hadith it is narrated: When a servant is in a state of naza’, his tongue is stopped and four angels enter him and say: “May salvation be upon you, I am the angel entrusted with your sustenance, I have searched the east and west of the earth, and I have not found a morsel of your sustenance.” As the time of death approached, a second angel entered and said: “May salvation be upon you, I am the angel entrusted with your drink of water and other things, I have searched the east and west of the earth, and I have not found for you a drink of water.” As the time of death approached, a third angel entered and said: “May salvation be upon you, I am the angel entrusted with your breath, I have searched the east and west of the earth, and I have not found one breath of your breath.” Then a fourth angel entered and said: “May salvation be upon you, I am the angel entrusted with your death, I have searched the east and the west, and I have not found for you one hour.” Then “the angels of Kiraman Katibin (the angels who record people’s deeds) entered from the right side and from the left side, so the angel on the right side said: “May salvation be upon you, I am the angel who is charged with writing down your good deeds.” Then the angel took out a white book and showed it to the servant and said: “Look at your deeds!” When the servant saw the record of his deeds, he was happy and pleased. And the angel on his left said: “May salvation be upon you, I am the angel entrusted with your bad deeds.” Then the angel took out a black book and showed it to the servant, saying: “Look at the record of your deeds.” The angel took out the black book and showed it to the servant, saying: “Look at the record of your deeds.” So the sweat poured out, and the servant looked to his right and left, because he was afraid of reading the book (the record of his deeds), so the angel took hold of the book and threw it on his pillow, then the angel turned away (and left). Then the angel of death entered, and on his right was the angel of mercy, and on his left was the angel of punishment.”

And among mankind there are those whose souls are drawn by a drawer, among mankind there are those whose souls are taken away by a drawer, and among mankind there are those whose souls are passed away by a strong passer.

When the soul reaches the throat, then the angel of death takes it, if the person is from among the fortunate (happy) experts, then call the angel of mercy. And if he is one of the wretched, then the angel of punishment will call him. Then the angel takes the soul and brings it up to the presence of the Lord of the Worlds. If the person is one of the fortunate ones, then Allah says: “Return the soul to the body, so that it may see what happened to the body.” Then the angel descends with the soul, and the angels place the soul in the middle of the house. Finally, the soul saw the one who was distressed over his death and the one who was not distressed over his death, but the soul was unable to speak.


When the body is taken to its grave, Allah commands the soul to return to the body as it did in the world.

There are several opinions about this narration: Some scholars said: “The soul is returned in its body, as it was in the world, then it sits and is questioned.”

Some scholars said: “The question is to the soul, not to the body.”

Some other scholars said: “The soul enters the body up to the chest.”

Another scholar said: “The existence of the soul is between the body and the shroud.”

In each of these opinions, there is information from some of the atasar (sayings) and saheeh hadeeths, according to the scholars, so that a person recognizes the punishment of the grave, and is not preoccupied with how the dead person is doing.


The Beginning that Leads to Salvation from the Torment of the Grave

Abu Al Laits said: “Whoever wants to be saved from the torment of the grave, it is obligatory for him to establish four things and avoid four things.”

As for the four things to be observed, they are: maintaining prayer, giving alms, reciting the Qur’an and reciting tasbeeh; indeed, these things can illuminate the grave and make it spacious. The four things that must be avoided include: lying, betrayal, backbiting and urinating on the body.

The Prophet said:


“Purify the urine, for indeed much of the torment of the grave results from urine.”

Then two rough angels, who could tear the earth with their nails, descended; they were Munkar and Nakir, and they sat down and asked the deceased: “Who is your Lord?” until the end of the question. If the deceased is one of the fortunate ones, then he will answer: “Allah is my Lord, Muhammad is my Prophet, Islam is my religion. ” The two angels will say to the deceased: “Sleep, as a new bride sleeps.” Then they open a hole for him near his head, so that he can see through it to his home and place in Paradise. Finally the two angels returned with the soul to the heavens, and made the soul to be in the chandelier that was hung on the Throne.


Signs of a Fortunate and Unfortunate Servant

It was narrated from Abu Hurairah (ra) that he said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that Allah, the Almighty, says: “I do not take a servant out of My servants, when I want to forgive him, except that I will subtract something from his deeds by giving him a disease in his body, or by giving him a hardship in his livelihood, or by giving him something that will cause sorrow in his heart. If the servant still has something bad on him, then I will burden him when he dies, so that he meets Me. If there is no badness upon him, then by My glory, and by My majesty, I do not expel a servant from My servants and I desire to forgive him except I will keep the promise to him on every good deed he does, and give him health in his body, and give him joy including spaciousness in his provision. And if he continues to do good, then I will make it easy for him when he dies so that he will see Me.”

Abu Aswad said: We were near ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) when the khimah fell on the people, so they laughed and then ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: None of the believers is pricked by a thorn except that good is raised for him and evil is taken away from him.”

In a narration it is stated: “There is no good in a body that is not afflicted with disease, and there is no good in wealth that is not afflicted with trials.”


The state of a believer when he dies

In the hadith it is told: Verily, when a believer dies and faces the Hereafter, he is visited by angels from the sky whose faces are white, as if the faces of the angels were the sun, and the angels carry shrouds from the shrouds of heaven and carry sandalwood from the sandalwood of heaven, then the angels sit near the servant as far as the vision, then comes the angel of death, and sits near his head and says:


“O tranquil soul, return to your Lord with a heart that is satisfied and pleased with Him.” (QS. Al Fajr: 27-28)

The Prophet said: “Then the soul comes out and flows from the body, as a drop of water flows from a drink, then the angels take the soul and put it on something that is before it, then put it in the shroud, then out of the shroud comes a smell, like the smell of myrrh.”

The Prophet said: The angels do not ascend above the angels unless they ask the same question: “What is this sweet smell?” The angel replies: “This is the odor of so-and-so’s soul.” Then the angel mentioned the goodness of his name Fulan, just as Fulan was called by his soul in the world. When the angels carrying the soul reached the heavens, they asked for the doors of the heavens to be opened for them, so the angels carried the soul from each heaven to the seventh heaven. Once there there was a caller from the presence of Allah: “Write in the book of the dead in a high place.” Then the angel returned the soul of the deceased to the earth, because the deceased was made from the earth, as explained in the words of Allah:


“It is from the earth that We have made you, and to it We will return you, and from it We will bring you out at another time.” (QS. Thaha: 55)

The Prophet said: Finally the angel returned the soul to the body, then came to the corpse two very frightening angels, these two angels sat the corpse down and asked the corpse: “Who is your Lord?” until the end of the question. Then the two angels asked the deceased: “What do you say to this man who was sent to you, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)?” So the dead man said: “He is the messenger of Allah to whom Allah has revealed the Qur’an, and I believe in him and confirm him.” Then there was a caller from the sky: “This is my servant, so make for him a mat from Paradise, and clothe him with garments from Paradise, and open for him a door from Paradise!”

The Prophet said: “The smell of Paradise will reach the servant, including the fragrance of Paradise, and the grave will be opened for him as far as the eye can see.”

The Prophet said: Then there came to the deceased a man whose face was beautiful and whose clothes smelled good, the man said to the deceased: “Rejoice in what you can rejoice in, this is your day, which you were promised.” So the corpse said to the man: “Who are you, may Allah have mercy on you, I have never seen in the world a more handsome man than you?” The man said to the dead man: “I am your righteous deed.” So the dead man said: “Has the Day of Resurrection come, so that I may return to my expert?”


The state of an ugly person when they die

The Prophet said: If the servant is among the wretched when his death comes, then an angel will descend upon him from the sky, and he will be clothed in the garment of punishment, and will sit away from him, then the angel of death will come and sit near his head and say: “O filthy soul, come out to the wrath of Allah.”

The Prophet said: Finally, the soul comes out of the body, just as water comes out of a wet hair. When the soul comes out of the body, it is cursed by everything that encounters it between the heavens and the earth, and all but the jinn and humans hear its cry. When the angel carrying the soul reaches the heavens, the doors of the heavens are closed because of the soul, then there is a call from the presence of Allah (the Most Merciful): “Return the soul to its bed.” The angel returned the soul to its grave, then the angels Munkar and Nakir came to the corpse with a form more terrifying than anything terrifying and their voice was like thunder, their sight was like lightning, and they could tear the earth with their fangs, then they sat the corpse down, asking: “Who is your Lord?” The corpse replied: “I do not understand.” Then there was a caller from the side of the grave: “Strike the corpse.” The two angels struck the corpse with an iron cudgel. If all creatures were gathered together, they would not be able to move the cudgel (from its place), as a result of the lash, the fire from the cudgel ignited, then the grave narrowed the corpse, finally the ribs became mixed. Then there came to this corpse a very ugly man with a foul smelling face. The man said: “May Allah reward you for your ugliness, by Allah you have never done righteous deeds, rather you have been negligent by being slow to do ta’at, and quick to commit sins. And this corpse asked: “Who are you, I have never seen anyone as bad as you?” The man replied: “I am your dirty deeds.” Then the door to hell was opened for him, and he saw his place in hell. And there was no cessation of such punishment until the Day of Judgment. And there are those who say: “The believer is tormented in his grave for seven days, while the disbeliever is tormented in his grave for forty days.”


Privileges of the One Who Dies on Friday

The Prophet said: “Whoever dies on the day of Jumu’ah, Allah will protect him from the trial of the grave.”


Charity that causes torment in the grave

Narrated Abu Umamah Al Bahili (may Allah be pleased with him): When a man dies and is laid to rest, then the angel of death comes and sits by his head, then tortures the servant, and strikes him with one blow with (a) hammer, so that nothing of the servant’s body remains except dismembered, and fire licks in his grave. Then the angel said: “Stand up with the permission of Allah.” When the servant sat up straight, the servant cried out with a cry that could be heard by everything between the heavens and the earth except the jinn and humans. And the servant said to the angel: “Why do you do this, and why do you torment me, when I actually pray, and give alms, and I fast in the month of Ramadlan.” The angel replied: “I am tormenting you because you passed by a wronged person one day and he asked you for help, but you did not help him. And one day you prayed, (and) you did not purify your urine.”

It is clear from this hadeeth that helping the wronged is obligatory, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) reported: “Whoever sees a wronged person and asks him for help and does not help him, this person will be beaten in his grave with one hundred lashes from Hell.”

It was narrated from the Prophet: There are four groups for whom Allah will bring them tomorrow on the Day of Resurrection on a platform of nur, and Allah will include them in His mercy. Then it was asked: “Who are they, O Messenger of Allah?” The Prophet replied: “Those who feed the hungry, or provide for those who fight in the cause of Allah, or help the weak, and rescue the wronged.”

And it was narrated from Anas bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) that he said: The Prophet said: “When a dead person is laid in the grave and the grave is dug up with earth, then his experts and his children say: O lord…., O noble one ….!” The angel in charge of the dead said: “Yes, I heard.” The angel said: “You are one of the noble ones.” The servant said: “They say so, may they be silent.” Then the grave crushed the corpse, and all his ribs were mixed together, and the corpse lamented in the grave: “Alas for my bones, alas for my place, alas for my misery, alas for the harsh questions of Munkar and Nakir.” This continues until the night of the first Friday of Rajab from the year of his death, therefore, Allah Ta’ala says: “You see, My angels, indeed I forgive his bad deeds, and I make up for his mistakes during his lifetime on this night.”





Chapter 16: Angels Who Entered Before Munkar-Nakir


Narrated Abdullah bin Salam: There was an angel who came to the corpse in its grave before the entry of the angels Munkar and Nakir whose faces were bright like the sun, his name was “Rumman”, he entered the corpse, then sat down and said to the corpse: “Write down your deeds of good and bad.” The corpse said to the angel: “What shall I write with, where is my pen and ink and inkwell?” So the angel said to him: “Your saliva is your ink and your pen is your finger.” The dead man said: “What shall I write on when I have no book?” The Prophet said: So the angel tore off a piece of his shroud and gave it to him, saying: “This is your book so write.” So the corpse wrote down the deeds he did in this world about his good deeds, when it came to his bad deeds he felt ashamed to write them down. Then the angel asked: “O guilty one, why didn’t you feel ashamed of the One who created you in doing that evil in the world, now you feel ashamed of me.” So the angel raised his cudgel and struck the corpse, and the corpse said: “Wake me up so that I write down the evil”, finally the corpse wrote down his evil (including) all his good and bad, Then the angel ordered the corpse to fold the book and stamp it, then the corpse folded the book and said: “With what do I seal it, when I do not have a seal.” The angel said: “Stamp the book with your nails.” So the dead man stamped the book with his nails and the dead man hung the book around his neck until the Day of Resurrection. As Allah says:


“And for every man We have fixed his deeds (as a collar) around his neck. And We bring out for him on the Day of Resurrection a book which he will find open.” (QS. Al-Isra’: 13)

Then the angels Munkar and Nakir enter after him, just as the first angel entered. When the sinner looks at his book on the Day of Judgment, Allah commands him to read it, so the servant reads about his good deeds, and when he comes to his bad deeds he remains silent, so Allah says: “Why did you not read?” The servant replied: “I feel ashamed of You.” Allah says: “Why didn’t you feel ashamed when you were in the world, and now you feel ashamed of Me.” Then the servant regretted and his regret was of no benefit. Allah says:


“(Allah said): Take hold of him and put his hands around his neck. Then throw him into the blazing fire of Hell.” (QS. Al Haqqah: 30-31)





Chapter 17: Answering the Munkar-Nakir Question


In the hadith it is narrated: When the deceased was placed in the grave, two black angels came, who had bulging eyes, a voice like thunder and vision like lightning, the two angels came from the direction of the head of the deceased, so the prayer said: “You two do not come towards me, because this corpse performs several prayers, both at night and during the day because of his fear of this place.”

Then the two angels came from the direction of his feet, so these feet said: “You two do not come from my direction, indeed this corpse uses me to walk in congregation, because there is fear from this place.”

So the two angels came from his right, saying: “You two do not come from my direction, Verily the corpse has really done charity with me, for there is fear from this place.”

Then the two angels came from his left, saying: “You two do not come from my direction, so this corpse has really been hungry and thirsty, because there is fear from this place.” Then the corpse woke up as a sleeping person wakes up, saying: “What do you two want?” The two angels replied: “We want your belief in Allah.”

Then the dead person said:


“I bear witness that there is no God but Allah.” The two angels said: “What do you say to, Muhammad (peace be upon him)?” The corpse said:


“I testify that Muhammad is the servant of Allah and His messenger”

Then the two angels said: “You lived a believer and you died a believer.”

The wisdom contained in the questioning of the two angels, is that the angels would revile the descendants of the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him), when the angels asked (to Allah Ta’ala):


“They said: “Why do you intend to set on the earth one who will make mischief and shed blood, while we praise you and purify you?” (Al-Baqarah: 30)

In reaction to God’s announcement to them in His word:


“Indeed, I want to make a caliph on earth.” (QS. Al Baqarah: 30)

So Allah, may He be exalted, rejected the words of the angels, in which case Allah, may He be exalted, says:


“Indeed, I know what you do not know.” (QS. Al Baqarah: 30)


Then Allah sends two angels to the grave of the believer so that they ask the dead person: “Who is your Lord?” until the end of the question.

Allah Ta’ala ordered them to testify before the angels what they had heard from a believing servant, because the testimony is at least two. Then God said: “O My angels, I have taken away the soul of a servant, and I have left his property for another, and his wife (is) in another’s place, and his Jartyah for another, and his property for another.” So the two angels asked the servant in the bowels of the earth. The servant was not willing except from Me, and would not answer (the question) of anyone except from Me. So the servant said: “Allah is my Lord, and Muhammad is my Prophet, and Islam is my religion.”

O My angels, do you not all now know, as I have spoken:


“Indeed, I know what you do not know.” (QS. Al Baqarah: 30)





Chapter 18: Characterizing Angels “Kiraman Katibin”


It is narrated: “Verily, every human being has two angels with him, one of whom is on his right side, who writes down good deeds without any witnesses, and the other on his left side, who writes down bad deeds. And this angel does not write bad deeds except with the witness of his companion.

When a man sits, one of the two angels is on his right side. And the other, on his left side. When the man walks, one of the two angels will be behind him. And the other is in front of him. When a man sleeps, one of the two angels is near his head. And the other is near his feet.”

In another narration: “There are five angels, two of whom are in the night, two of whom are in the day, and one of whom is not separated in time from any other time. This is what is stated in the words of Allah:


“For man there are angels who follow him in turn, before him and behind him, guarding him at the command of Allah.” (QS. Ar-Ra’d: 11)

What is meant by the phrase: “Mu’aqqibat” means the angels of the night and the angels of the day, who guard the jinn and humans, and the devils. The two angels who write the good and the bad are between the shoulders, and their pens are their tongues, their mouths their ink, and their saliva their ink. These two angels write the deeds of man until his death.

And it was narrated from the Prophet: Verily, the angel who guards the right side believes in the angel who guards the left side who writes the bad deeds of a servant. When a person commits a bad deed and the angel on the left is about to write his bad deed, the angel on the right says to the angel on the left: “Wait for seven hours.” If the servant asks Allah for forgiveness, then the angel guarding the left will not write down his bad deeds. And if he does not seek forgiveness from Allah, then the angel guarding the left side will write down his bad deeds. When a servant is taken away and placed in his grave, the two angels say: “O our Lord, we have handed over your servant, we have written down his deeds, and you have taken away his soul, so please allow us to ascend to the heavens.” Then Allah said: “This sky is full of angels who recite tasbih, so return to you both, and recite tasbih to Me over the grave of My servant, recite takbir and tahlil and write for My servant, until I raise him from the grave,” and Allah Ta’ala said:


“The noble (in the sight of Allah) and those who record (your work). They know what you do.” (QS. Al-Infithaar: 11-12)

The angels are called “Kiraman Katibin” because when they write a good deed, they take it up to the sky and offer it to Allah. The angels bear witness to this action. So they say: “Verily your servant so-and-so …. has done such-and-such a good deed ……..” And when the angels write to a servant about a bad deed, the angels take him up to the heavens to present the bad deed with grief. So Allah Ta’ala asks: “O angels of Kiraman Katibin, what has My servant done?” The angels remained silent, so asked a second time, and a third time. The angels said: “O our Lord, You are the One who covers all reproaches. Surely they are the same who recite Your Book every day, and they expect us to cover them.” And the servants read:

“Those who are honorable (with Allah) and those who record (your works). They know what you do.” (QS. Al-Infithaar: 11-12)

And You are the One Who knows the unseen, and this is why the angels are called “Kiraman Katibin”.





Chapter 19: The Outgoing Spirit Comes to His Grave and Home


The Prophet said: When the soul comes out of the body of the son of Adam, and three days have passed, the soul says: “O my Lord, grant me permission so that I may walk and look at my body, where I was once in that body.” So Allah Ta’ala granted permission to the soul. Then the spirit came to his grave, he looked at his body from afar, and blood had indeed flowed from both his nose and his mouth, so he wept a long cry. Then the spirit said: “O poor body, my beloved, do you remember the days of your life, this is the house, which is the house of grief and the house of trials, the house of sorrow, the house of distress and the house of regret.” Then the spirit departed.

When five days have passed, the soul says: “O my Lord, grant me permission so that I may see my body.” So Allah Ta’ala granted permission to the soul. Then the soul comes to its grave, and it sees from afar, and indeed there is flowing from its two noses and its mouth and its two ears thick pus and pus (mixed with blood), so the soul cries out with a (loud) cry. Then it said: “O poor body, do you remember the days of your life, this is the house of sorrow of the heart, the house of grief, the house of worms the house of scorpions, and the worms have indeed eaten and torn your skin and your limbs.” Then the spirit passed by.


So when seven days had passed, the soul said: “O my Lord, grant me permission so that I may see my body.” So Allah Ta’ala granted him permission. Then the soul came to the grave and saw from afar, and indeed there were many worms in the body, so the soul cried out with a great cry, saying: “O my body, do you remember the day of your life, where are your children, where are your relatives, where are your aurat, where are your brothers, where are your close friends, where are your companions, and where are your neighbors, those who are your neighbors, on this day they weep for me and for you.”

And narrated from Abu Hurairah ra..: When a believer dies, his soul revolves around his house for one month. So this spirit looks at what he left behind (among others) from his property, how (how) the property was divided. And how his debts were paid. When one month is completed, the soul returns to its grave, and then it revolves after that, so that one year is completed for the deceased, then it looks at the one who prayed for him, and whoever grieves for the deceased when one year is completed, then his soul is taken up to the gathering of souls until the Day of Resurrection, i.e. the day of the trumpet blowing. Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):


“That night the angels and Archangel Jibril descended with the permission of their Lord to manage all affairs.” (QS. Al-Qadr: 4)

Some say that what is with the angels is the spirit and the raihan. And there are those who say: That what is meant by the spirit in the verse above is the great angel who descends to serve the believers, as stated in the words of Allah Ta’ala:


“On the day when the soul and the angels will stand in rows” (QS. An-Naba’: 38).

Some say that the meaning of the phrase: spirit is the descendant of Adam, and some say that the phrase is the angel Gabriel (peace be upon him). And some say that it is the soul of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that is under the Throne. This spirit asked Allah Ta’ala for permission on the night of Qadr (lailatul Qadr) to descend to greet all believers and believers, so the spirit walked over their (places).

Some say that the souls are the souls of dead relatives, and the souls say: “O our Lord, please allow us to see our children and our families.” So the spirit descended on the night of Qadr (lailatul qadr).

As Ibn Abbas said: On the day of the Feast, the day of ‘Ashoora’, the first Friday of Rajab, the middle night of Sha’ban, the night of Qadr, and the night of Jumu’ah, the souls of the dead come out of their graves and stand at the door of their houses, saying: “Have mercy on us on this blessed night by giving us charity or food for charity, we are in need of charity, if you are stingy and do not want to give us charity, then remember us by reciting Al Fatihah on this blessed night, is there anyone who has mercy on us? Is there anyone who remembers our wanderings? O one who dwells in our homes! O the one who married the wife of Kamil Ial the one who occupied the spaciousness of our building! We are now in the narrowness of the grave O one who divided our wealth! Hat the one who still remembers our wanderings, and your book is still held. And there is no clothing for the dead in the grave, so you do not forget us with your piece of bread (for alms) and your prayer. Then indeed we are in need of you forever,”

If the dead person receives alms and prayers from his family, then he returns happy and rejoicing. And if he does not get (alms and prayers from the living), then he returns saddened and hindered and cut off from his family.

There is an opinion that says: “Verily, the soul is in the company of some animals, not in the body but in one part of several parts, which cannot be proven by evidence. Indeed, if a person is wounded with a single wound, he will die, because the wound hits the place where the soul resides.”


The place of the spirit in a living body

Some say that the soul is in the whole body, because death is in the whole body, and the words of Allah, may He be exalted, point to the soul:


“Say: He will be revived by the Lord who created him the first time. And He is All-Knowing of all creatures.” (QS. Yaasiin: 79)


The Difference Between Ruh and Rawan (Sukma)

And if it is asked what is the difference between the soul and the prone, then we answer: they are one, there is no difference between them, just as the body and the hand are one, but the hand can go and come, while the body cannot move at all. And likewise, the cartilage can go and come, while the spirit cannot move at all.

Then the place of the soul in the body cannot be proven (scientifically). And the place of vulnerability is between the eyebrows, so when the spirit is gone, the servant dies without any doubt. And when it is gone, the servant sleeps, just as when water is poured into a dish and placed in a house, then the sunlight falls on the dish through a hole, while the sunlight is on the roof of the house, and cannot move the dish from its place, so that is how the spirit resides in the body. And the light of the sun is on the Throne, the light is prone, which can see dreams in sleep, and the light is in the realm of angels.


The place of the soul after it is taken away from the body

As for the place of the soul after it is removed from the body or body, it is still debated. Some say, its place is in the sangkala, and in the sangkala there are holes (which are numbered) according to the number of all animals created until the Day of Resurrection. And there are some souls who get pleasure in that place, and some who get torment in that place.

Some say that the souls of the believers are in the cache of the green bird on high, while the souls of the disbelievers are in the cache of the black bird in Hell.


There are also those who say that the souls of believers when they are uprooted are lifted up by the angels of Mercy to the seventh heaven because they glorify and exalt. then there is a caller from before Allah (the Most Merciful): “Write this soul in a high place.” Then the angel returns the soul to its body, and the door to Paradise is opened for the soul of the believer, so he can see his place in Paradise, until the Day of Resurrection. Whereas the souls of the disbelievers are taken up by the angels of punishment to the heavens of this world, then the doors of the heavens are closed because of the souls, then the order is given to return them to their bodies, and the grave is narrowed, then the door to hell is opened for the souls of the disbelievers, so they can see their place in heaven, until the Day of Resurrection. Based on the above information, this is what the Prophet said:


“Verily, the dead hear the sound of your sandals, but they are prevented from speaking.”

And some of the wise men were asked about the place of the soul after death. Some of the wise men replied: “Verily, the souls of the Prophets (peace be upon them) are in Paradise Adan, and the souls in the graves (hedgehog holes) (only) obtain pleasure for their bodies, and the bodies prostrate to their Lord. And the souls of the martyrs are in Paradise, in the midst of Paradise, in the guts of the sparrows of Paradise. And the souls of the children of the polytheists revolve in Paradise, they have no place until the Day of Resurrection, then they serve the believers, and the souls of the believers, who have debts, are suspended in the air, not reaching Paradise and not reaching the sky, so that the soul’s debt is paid and the wrongdoer is rewarded. While the soul of the Muslim who sins is tormented in the grave with his body. The souls of the disbelievers and hypocrites are in Sijjin in the Hell of Jahannam, and are shown in the Hell in the morning and evening.”


Definition of Ruh

Some say: Verily the soul is a subtle body. Therefore, it is not permissible to say: “That Allah has a soul, because it is impossible for Allah to have a soul, like some bodies.” And there are those who say: “The soul is an attribute.” Some say: “It is a fragment of air.” These are the words of those who deny the punishment of the grave.

It is mentioned in a hadith: The Jews came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and asked him about the soul and the one who has a book, and about King Dhulkarnain, so the verse about their situation was revealed, Surah Kahfi, and the verse about the soul was revealed. The words of Allah Ta’ala:


“And they ask you about the soul. Say: The soul is a matter for My Lord, and you have been given no knowledge but a little.” (QS. Al Isra’: 85)

It is said, the meaning of the above verse: (That is the knowledge of my Lord, while I have no knowledge of the soul). Some say: “Verily, the soul is not a creature, because the soul is the command of Allah, and the command of Allah is the word of Allah.”

Some say: The meaning is that the soul is in my Lord with the word Kun. This is because there are two kinds of commands: (first) permanent commands, as Allah commands His slaves to do, such as prayer, fasting, Hajj and Zakah. (Secondly) Takwin commands, which are commands to manifest (create), as Allah says:


“Say: Be ye all stone or iron or some other creature of which it is impossible to conceive.” (QS. Al Isra”: 50-51)

As Allah Ta’ala says:


“Indeed, when He wills something, He only says to it: “Let there be”, and there it is.” (QS. Yaasiin: 82)

As for the words of Allah Ta’ala:


He was brought down by Ar-Ruh Al-Amin (Gabriel). (QS. Ash Shu’ara: 193)

Allah Ta’ala says:


“On the day when the souls and the angels stand in rows, they will not speak, except for whom God, the Most Gracious, has given them permission, and they will speak the truth.” (QS. An-Naba’: 38)

There are those who say that the meaning of the spirit in the verse above is the son of Adam, which means that the spirit (from the verse above) is a large angel standing one by one in rows. As for the words of Allah Ta’ala to Prophet Adam (peace be upon him):


“So when I have perfected its creation, and have breathed into it My spirit.” (QS. Al Hijr: 29)

The meaning of the above is: When Allah made the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him). Then I breathed into Adam’s body the spirit. And this word ruh is attributed to its occurrence. Some say: It is attributed to Takrim (honoring).

As for the words of Allah Ta’ala:


“And (remember the story of) Maryam who kept her chastity, and We breathed into her a spirit from Us, and We made her and her son a great sign to the worlds.” (QS. Al-Anbiya’: 91)

So it is attributed to takrim (honoring). Lafazh.     (indicating) something that we have explained and said: That the meaning of lafazh: (9) means the angel Gabriel (peace be upon him). Whereas in the verse (above), the word Ruh refers to the spirit of the Prophet Jesus ibn Maryam, because the Prophet Jesus was created from the breath of the angel Gabriel (peace be upon him). And it is said: That the meaning of the spirit is mercy. The words of Allah Ta’ala:


“And strengthened them with help.” (QS. Al Mujadilah: 22)






Chapter 20: The Trumpet of Death, the Day of Resurrection and the Wilderness


Behold, the angel Israfil (peace be upon him) has horns. And Allah, the Almighty, made the Tablet of the Holy of Holies from a white diamond, the length of which is between the heavens and the earth times seven, then Allah favored it on the Throne, and it was written in the Tablet of the Holy of Holies, something that will remain until the Day of Resurrection.

For the angel Israfil has four wings, one wing is in the east and one wing is in the west, one wing (again) covers him, and the (fourth) wing covers his head. The face of the angel Israfil is yellow, because of the fear of Allah, who bows his head, who looks towards the Throne. And one of his feet is the Throne by the power of Allah. For indeed Israfil is yellow, (out of) fear of Allah, yellow like a sparrow.

So when Allah established something in the Lauh, and uncovered Israfil’s face. At last he can look at something that Allah has established from a law and command. And there is none among the angels who is closer to the Throne than the angel Israfil (peace be upon him); the distance between Israfil and the Throne is seven veils of several veils, up to several veils (approximately the distance) of a journey of 500 years. And the distance between Jibril and Israfil is 70 veils.

And the trumpet has been placed on his right thigh, and the tip of the trumpet (has been) over his mouth, so Israfil just waits for the command of Allah Ta’ala, when the command comes, then he just blows in the trumpet.


When the time (age) of the world has expired, the trumpet is brought near to the face of Israfil, then Israfil gathers his four wings. then he blows the trumpet.

Some say: The Angel of Death placed one of his hands under the seventh heaven, and the other under the seventh heaven, so he took away all the souls of the inhabitants of the heavens and the inhabitants of the earth. There was no one left on the earth except Iblis (peace be upon him), and there was no one left in the heavens except Jibril, Mikail, Israfil and Izrail (peace be upon them), and they were among those whom Allah, may He be exalted, had exempted. In the words of Allah:


“And blow the trumpet, then die whoever is in the heavens and the earth, except whom Allah wills.” (QS. Az Zumar: 68)


Sangkala Shape Overview

Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet said: “Verily Allah Ta’ala created the trumpet to have four branches, one of which is in maghrib (west). one branch is in masyrig (east), one branch is under the lower seventh earth, and one branch is located above the upper seventh heaven. In the trance there are several doors (according to) the number of spirits. There are seventy houses, and in one of the seventy houses is the soul of the angels, in one of the seventy houses is the soul of the jinn, in one of the seventy houses is the soul of human beings, in one of the seventy houses is the soul of the devils, in one of the seventy houses is the soul of the lowly animals and creeping things, even ants, until there are seventy kinds. Then Allah Ta’ala gave this trumpet to Israfil (peace be upon him), and Israfil placed the trumpet in his mouth, waiting to see when he would be commanded to blow the trumpet, so he blew three times. The first blow, shocking. The second blow, death. The third blow, revives.”

Khudaifah asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what will be the state of the creatures when the trumpet is blown?” The Prophet replied: “O Khudaifah, by the One in Whose Hand I am, (when) the trumpet is blown, the Hour will occur; a person who takes a bite of food to his mouth will not have eaten it; and a jug that is in the mouth of a person who is about to drink it will not have drunk it before he has drunk it.”





Chapter 21: A Startling Blast, Then a Deadly Blast


And when the trumpet was blown, the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth were startled, except as Allah willed, and the mountains moved with their feet, and the heavens shook with a great shaking, and the earth quaked with a great earthquake, And the earth was shaken with a great earthquake, like a boat tossed on the water; and pregnant women gave birth to their wombs; and young men became gray; and the devils became confused; and the stars fell upon the devils; and the sun was moved; and the heavens were broken up from above the creatures. And mankind, when this happened, was in a state of forgetfulness. Thus says Allah Ta’ala:


            “Verily, the shaking of the Day of Resurrection is a very great event.” (QS. Al Hajj: 1)

it happened (for) forty days.

And it was narrated from Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: The Prophet: recited the words of Allah:


O mankind, fear your Lord; indeed, the shaking of the Day of Resurrection is a very great event. (Remember) on the day (when) you see the shaking, all the women who nurse their children will cease to nurse, and all the pregnant women will fall pregnant, and you will see people drunk, but they are not drunk, but the punishment of Allah is very severe.” (QS. Al Hajj: 1-2)

The Prophet said: “Do you know what day it is?” They replied: “Allah and His Messenger know.” So the Prophet said: On that day Allah said to Prophet Adam (peace be upon him): “Arise and choose from your children the choice of hell.” So Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) said: “How many out of every thousand of my people.” Allah Ta’ala replied: “Out of every thousand there are 999 who go to hell, and one who goes to heaven.” So the events of that day became heavy on a people, and they wept bitterly and grieved. So the Prophet said: “Verily, I wish that a quarter of you would become members of Paradise.” Then the Prophet said: “I wish that half of you would become members of Paradise.” So the companions were equally delighted. Then the Prophet said: “Rejoice, all of you; verily, you are in a number of nations like the hair of one in the stomach of a camel, only you are one part of a thousand parts.”

Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet said:


“Verily, Allah, the Almighty, has one hundred mercies, and of these one hundred mercies has been sent down to mankind and Jinn, as well as to some of the animals and insects that are on the earth, so with this one mercy, there is love and affection, and with this one mercy, there is love and affection, while Allah, the Almighty, still has ninety-nine mercies, and He will love with these ninety-nine mercies to His servant tomorrow on the Day of Resurrection.”


Then Allah Ta’ala ordered Israfil to blow once more to kill. So Israfil blew (the trumpet) and he said: “O naked souls, come out by the command of Allah.” Then the souls perished, and all the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth died except those whom Allah willed. Some say that they are the martyrs, but they are living near their Lord, as Allah, the Exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):


“And do not say of those who fall in the cause of Allah (that they are) dead: rather (they are) alive, but you do not realize it.” (QS. Al Baqarah: 154)

In a hadith narrated from the Prophet: “Verily, Allah has bestowed on the martyrs five glories, and Allah has never bestowed these five glories on anyone, and I was not one of those who received them.”

First: Verily, the souls of the Prophets were taken away by the angel of death, and so was mine. Whereas the souls of the martyrs are taken away by Allah Ta’ala.

Second: Verily the Prophets were washed after their death, and I, too. But the martyrs are not washed after death.

Third: Verily, the Prophets were shrouded, and I, too. But the martyrs are not shrouded.

Fourthly: Verily, the Prophets were called by the name of “death”, and I, too. It is said: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) died, but the martyrs lived, and they were not called “dead”, but were said to be alive.

Fifth: Verily, the Prophets are the same on the Day of Resurrection, and I am the same. But the martyrs offer intercession every day until the Day of Resurrection.

And it says in the meaning of the phrase: “Illaa man ShaAllaah” i.e.: the remaining 12 souls are: Jibril, Israfil, Mikail Izrail (peace be upon them) and the eight angels who carry the Throne.

So the world remains, with no people, no jinn, no devils and no wild stars. Then Allah says: O angel of death, verily I made you by the count of the first creatures to the last creatures, as helpers, and I made you to have the power of the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth, verily I clothe you this day with the garment of wrath, So come down with My wrath and My scourge to Iblis (peace be upon him), give Iblis the taste of death, bring the bitter taste of death (from) the first creature to the last creature to Iblis, from jinn and humans with multiplication, and let those who accompany you be from the angels of Zabaniyah as many as 70.000, each angel (carrying) a chain from some of the chains of the heraka Lazha then Izrail calls the angels to open all the gates of hell, so the angel of death descends by opening the gates of hell. The angel of death descended in his true form. If the inhabitants of the seventh heaven and earth saw him, they would all die (because of his terrifying form). Then Izrail came to Iblis and held him with a firm grip, and suddenly he perished, and he had a terrible voice (moaning), and if the inhabitants of heaven and earth had heard the voice (moaning) of Iblis, they would have perished, because of that voice. Then the angel of death (Izrail) said: “O filthy creature, I will surely make you feel the pain of death this day. How much of your life did you gain? And how many groups have you misled?”

Then this devil ran towards the east, then suddenly the angel was near him. The angel continued to come, where the devil ran, then the devil stood in the middle of the world near the grave of the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) and said: “O son of Adam, from (the cause of) your direction I became a cursed and cursed and rejected creature.” Then he said (again): “O angel of death, with what cup did you give me drink, and with what torment did you take away my spirit?” Then the angel Izrail said: “With the cup of drink of the hell of Lazha and the hell of sa’ir” And the devil fell up and down on the ground, so that when (it reached) a place where the devil was lowered, cursed on the spot then Zabaniyah actually stabbed the devil with several staves, Zabaniyah took the devil and stabbed him again (with staves), so in the end the devil remained in a state of naza’ and death. Something that Allah Ta’ala willed.





Chapter 22: The Destruction of Things by the Command of Allah Ta’ala


The angels of death are commanded to destroy the sea, as Allah says:


“Everything perishes, except Allah.” (QS. Al Qashash: 88)

Then the angel of death came to the sea, saying: “Indeed, your time has come to an end.” The ocean said: “Permit me to weep over myself.” He said: “Where are my waves? Where is my beauty?” And indeed the command of Allah Ta’ala came, so to the sea the angel of death cried out with one cry, (with that cry) immediately the water of the sea was not there. Then the angel of death came to the mountain. He said: “Your time has indeed expired.” So the mountain said: “Permit me, that I may weep over myself.” He said: “Where is my ladder of ascent, and where is my strength?” Indeed, the command of Allah Ta’ala had come, so the angel of death cried out to the mountain with one cry, and the mountain was destroyed. Then the angel of death came to the earth, saying: “Your time has expired.” So the earth said: “Permit me to weep over myself.” She said: “Where is my kingdom, and where are my trees, my rivers, and my various kinds of vegetation?” Then the angel of death cried out to the earth with one cry, and the fences of the earth fell down, and the springs of the earth became deep, and the angel of death ascended to the heavens and cried out, and the sun and moon were eclipsed, and the stars fell. Then Allah Ta’ala said: “O angel of death, who remains of my creatures?” The angel of death said: “O my Lord, You are the One who lives and will not die, what remains is Jibril, Mikail, Israfil and the angel who carries the Throne, and I am Your servant who is dha’if.” So Allah Ta’ala said: “O angels of death, have you not heard My words:


“Every soul will taste death.” (QS. Ali Imran: 185)

Then the angel of death died.”

In another hadeeth, Allah, the Almighty, commanded the angel of death to take away his own soul, so the angel of death came to the place between heaven and hell, then he turned his gaze to the sky, to take away his own soul, then he cried out with one cry, if there were all creatures (still) alive. surely they will perish (as a result) of the cry of the angel of death. Then the angel of death said: “If I had known that the release of the soul is very painful, I would have removed the soul of the believer with more pity.” Then the angel of death died, and there was not a single creature left.

In another hadith, Allah says: “Go and die between Paradise and Hell.” The angel of death then died in that place, and finally there was nothing but Allah, so the world remained in a state of corruption, something that Allah, may He be exalted, had intended.





Chapter 23: Allah Gathers Something from the Angels


In the hadith it is stated: When Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, desires to gather the creation, He gives life to the angels Jibril and Mikail (peace be upon them), and to the angels Israfil and Izrail (peace be upon them). The first creature to be revived by Allah was Israfil, then Israfil took the trumpet from the Throne, then Allah revived the angel Ridwan, saying: “O Ridwan, treasure the heavens and prepare clothes for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his people.” Then the angels came with the buraq and Ahmad’s crown and flag, including two garments from the garments of heaven.

The first animal that Allah brought to life was the buraq, and Allah said: “Dress this buraq!” The angels put on the tortoise a saddle studded with jewels of red yakut (a kind of beautiful jewel), and the reins of green zabar jambrut, both garments one of which was green and the other yellow. Then Allah Ta’ala said: “Go to the grave of Muhammad (peace be upon him).” So the angels departed, and indeed the earth was still empty and flat, and the angels did not know where the grave of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was. Then there appeared to them like a pillar from the grave that penetrated to the middle of the sky. Jibril (peace be upon him) said: “O Israfil who calls (Muhammad), then by the intercession of your hand Allah Ta’ala gathers the creatures through your hand. Then Israfil said to Gabriel: “You are the one who calls! because you were his lover when he was in the world.” Gabriel replied: “I feel ashamed of Muhammad, peace be upon him.” So Israfil said (to his friend) Mikail: “O Mikat you are the one who calls out to Muhammad.” So Archangel Mikail said (to Muhammad’s grave): “Assalamu ‘alaikum yg Muhammad.” So the Prophet Muhammad did not answer him. Then the three angels said to the angel of death: “You alone call.” So the angel of death said: “O pure spirit, return to the pure body.” The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not answer. Then Israfil (peace be upon him) called out: “O pure ruk, enter the pure body.” The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not reply. Then Izrail (peace be upon him) called out to him: “O Muhammad get up, to decide the punishment and accountability and to face the Most Merciful.”

Finally, the grave was broken, at that time, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sitting in his grave cleaning the dust from his head and beard. Then the angel Gabriel (peace be upon him) gave the Prophet two garments and a buraq. The Prophet said: “O Gabriel, what day is this?” Gabriel replied: “It is the Day of Judgment, the Day of Loss, the Day of Regret, the Day of the Buraq, the Day of Parting, and the Day of Meeting.” So the Prophet Muhammad said: “O Gabriel, cheer me up.” Gabriel said: “Paradise has indeed been beautified because of your coming, and hell has indeed been closed.” The Prophet Muhammad said: “I do not ask you from this matter, but I ask you about my people who are equally sinful lest you leave them on the shirath (bridge).” So Israfil said: “By the glory of my Lord, O Muhammad, I have not blown the trumpet (to) resurrect before you rise (first).” The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Now my heart is happy and my eyes are refreshed.” Then the Prophet took a crown and a garment and put them on (then) he mounted the buraq.



Chapter 24: The Nature and Condition of Buraq


This Buraq has two wings (whose length is) between the sky and the earth, its face is like that of a man, its tongue is like that of an Arab, its eyebrows are bright, its two horns are large, its two ears are thin, and its two ears are made of green zambrut, its two eyes are black, and it is said to be like shining stars, its crest is of green yakut, its tail is like the tail of a cow sprinkled with red gold. And it is said: “That the buraq is in its beauty like a peacock, which is higher (than) the khimar and lower (than) the donkey.”

Verily, the buraq is called buraq because its path and speed are like lightning. When the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) approached to mount, (suddenly) the buraq shook. Buraq said: “By the glory of my Lord, no one can mount me except the Prophet of the Hashimites, the Ibnthiyans, the Qurayshites, Muhammad bin Abdullah who has the Qur’an.” Then the Prophet said: “I am Muhammad b. ‘Abd Allah.” So the Prophet Muhammad could ride the buraq and then go to heaven.

Then the Prophet bowed in prostration, then there was a call from Allah: “Raise your head O Muhammad, this is not the day of bowing and prostration, but it is the day of reckoning and retribution, raise your head and ask, you will be given.” The Prophet Muhammad said: “O my Lord, what have you promised me about my people?” Allah replied: “I give you a pleasure.” As in the words of Allah:


“And your Lord will surely give you His bounty, and then you will be satisfied.” (QS. Adh-Dhuhaa: 5)

Then Allah, the Exalted, commanded the heavens to rain down water, like a man’s semen, for forty days, and when the water was over everything about twelve zhira’ deep, some creatures grew out of it, just as vegetables grow out of it. So that the bodies of those creatures are complete, just as they were in the world.

Then Allah Ta’ala replaced the earth, which had been used for sin by the disobedient, by pouring over the surface of the earth hot water from the Hellfire. And Allah also made the earth of white silver, and poured over it the water of Paradise.

It was narrated from ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) that she said: “O Messenger of Allah, on the day when the earth is replaced by another earth, where will people be?” The Prophet replied: “O ‘Ā’ishah, you are asking me about a great matter, and no one has ever asked me about it except you; the people will be on the shirath in the middle of hell on that day.”



Chapter 25: The Trumpet Blast to Awaken


Then Allah Ta’ala said: “O Israfil, arise and blow in the trumpet with an awakening blast.” So the angel Israfil blew, calling out: “O spirits that have come forth and bones that have been broken, bodies that have rotted, muscles that have been severed, skins that have been torn, and hairs that have fallen out, rise up all of you for the judgment.” So they all rose up at the command of Allah. And such is the word of Allah:


“Then the trumpet was blown again, and suddenly they stood waiting (for their verdict).” (QS. Az Zumar: 68)

They are like waiting (by looking) at the heavens, which have indeed been walked upon, and (looking) at the earth, which has indeed been changed, and at the pregnant camels, which have been left behind, and at the wild animals, which have been gathered, and at the seas, which have been made to overflow, and at the spirits, which have been brought together, and at the Zabaniyah angels, which have been brought in, and at Paradise, which has been brought near, then each soul will know what it has done. And this is what Allah says:


“They said: O woe is us! Who will raise us from our beds (graves)?” (QS. Yaasiin: 52)

The believers replied:



“This is the promise of (God) the Gracious and true are His messengers.” (QS. Yaasiin: 52)

Then the disbelievers are taken out of their graves barefoot and completely naked.

The Prophet was asked about the meaning of Allah’s words:



“………. That is the day when the trumpet will be blown and you will come in groups.” (QS. An Naba’: 18)

So the Prophet wept, then he said: “O questioner, you are asking me about a great matter; indeed, that time is the Day of Resurrection when some of the people of my Ummah will be gathered into twelve parts.”

First: They are gathered in the form of apes, these are the ones who like to slander people, as Allah says:


“And fitnah is more dangerous than murder.” (QS. Al Baqarah: 191)

Second: They are collected in the form of pigs, these are the people who are experts in eating haraam things. As Allah says:


“They are those who love to hear false news and eat much of what is unlawful.” (QS. Al Ma’idah: 42)

Third: They are gathered blind and confused, and they are held up by (other) people. These are the ones who cross the line in the law. As Allah says:


“Verily, Allah enjoins you to deliver the trust to those to whom it is due, and (enjoins you) when you judge among men to judge justly. Verily, Allah gives you the best teaching. Verily, Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.” (QS. An Nisa’: 58)

Fourth: They are gathered deaf and dumb. These are those who boast about their deeds. As Allah says:


“Verily, Allah does not like those who are arrogant in their boasting.” (QS. An Nisa’: 36)

Fifth: They are gathered with pus in their mouths, and they plant their tongues together. These are the scholars who deviated in their words from their deeds. As Allah says:


“Why do you ask others to perform acts of worship, while you forget your own (obligations), while you read the Book (Torah)? Then do you not think?” (Al-Baqarah: 44)

Sixth: They are gathered where there are many wounds on their bodies from hellfire. These are the ones who bear witness falsely.

Seventh: They are gathered with the soles of their feet on their foreheads, tied to the crests of their heads; they (smell) worse than carrion. These are the ones who follow lust and pleasure, and forbidden things. As Allah says:


“These are they who buy the life of this world for the life of the Hereafter; their torment will not be alleviated, nor will they be helped.” (QS. Al Baqarah: 86)

Eighth: They are gathered in a state of drunkenness, falling to the right and to the left. These are the ones who prevent the right of Allah. As Allah says:


“O you who believe, spend (in the cause of Allah) some of what you have earned and some of what We bring forth from the earth for you. And choose not that which is bad, and spend of it, when you would not take it but by straining your eyes against it. And know that Allah is All-Rich, All-Praised.” (QS. Al Baqarah: 267)

Ninth: They are gathered on whom is a reproach made of red copper. These are the ones who did not refrain from gossiping. As Allah says:


“O you who have believed, avoid most prejudices, for some of them are sins, and do not find fault with people, and do not backbite one another. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Then surely you would be disgusted with him. and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is Oft-returning, Most Merciful.” (QS. Al Hujurat: 12)

Tenth: They are gathered (in a state) where the tongue comes out of the back of the head. These are the ones who (like) to fight.

Eleventh: They are gathered (in a state of) drunkenness. These are the same people who talk in the mosque about worldly matters. As Allah Ta’ala said:


“And verily the mosques belong to Allah. So worship no one in them beside Allah.” (QS. Al Jin: 18)

Twelfth: They are gathered in the form of pigs. These are the ones who eat usury. As Allah says:


“O you who have believed, do not eat usury with double and fear Allah so that you may have good fortune.” (QS. Ali Imran: 130)

In another hadith, Mu’adz bin Jabal (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: “On the Day of Resurrection, which is a day of loss and regret, Allah will gather my people from their graves in twelve parts.”


First: They are gathered from their graves, they have no hands and feet. Then there is a caller from the presence of the Most Merciful. These are the ones who hurt their neighbors, they died before repenting. So this is their retribution. And the place of their return is to Hell. As Allah says:


“And near neighbors and far neighbors, and close friends.” (QS. An Nisa’: 36)

Second: They are gathered from their graves in the form of an animal. Some say that the animal is a pig. So there is a caller from the presence of the Most Merciful: These are the same people who disdained prayer, they died before repenting, so this is their retribution, and their place of return is hell. As Allah says:


“Then misfortune will befall those who pray, those who neglect their prayers.” (QS. Al Ma’un: 4-5)

Third: They are gathered from their graves, their bellies like mountains, filled with snakes and scorpions, and they are like donkeys. Then there is a caller from the presence of the Most Merciful: These are the ones who prevented paying zakat, and they died before repenting. So this is their retribution, and their place of return is Hell. As Allah says:


“And those who store up gold and silver and do not spend it in the cause of Allah, then let them know (that they will have) a painful punishment. On the day when the gold and silver will be heated in Hellfire.” (QS. At-Taubah: 34-35)

Allah Ta’ala makes every piece of gold (a) board from the fire of hell. As in the words of Allah:


“And they burned their foreheads, their stomachs and their backs (and said) to them: This is your wealth that you have kept for yourselves, so now taste the consequences of what you have kept.” (QS. At Taubah: 35)

Fourth: They are gathered from their graves, and blood flows from their mouths, and their intestines sink into the earth, and fire comes out of their mouths. Then there is a caller from the presence of the Most Merciful: These are the liars in selling and buying, and they died before repenting, so this is their recompense, and their place of return is Hellfire. As Allah says:


“Indeed, those who exchange the promise of Allah and their oaths for a small price.” (QS. Ali Imran: 77)

Fifth: They are gathered from their graves (in a state of) stench, their odor more foul than carrion. Then there is a caller from the presence of the Most Merciful: These are those who kept their sins vaguely before men and did not fear Allah. They die before repenting, so this is their retribution, and their return is to Hell. As Allah says:


“They hide from men, but they do not hide from Allah, but Allah is with them, when one night they made a secret decision which Allah did not approve of. And Allah is well aware of what they do.” (QS. An Nisa’: 108)

Sixth: They are gathered from their graves in a state in which their throats are cut from the nape of their necks. Then there is a caller from the presence of the Most Merciful: These are the ones who testified with lies and deceit, and they died before repenting. So this is their retribution and their return is to Hell. As Allah says:


“And those who do not bear false witness, and when they meet those who do unwholesome deeds, they pass over them with dignity.” (QS. Al Furqan: 72)

Seventh: They are gathered from their graves (with) no tongue, and blood and pus flowing from their mouths. Then there is a caller from the presence of the Most Merciful: These are the ones who prevented giving true testimony, they died before repenting. So this is their retribution, and their place of return is Hell. As Allah says:


“And do not conceal your testimony. And whoever conceals it, then surely he is the sinner of his heart: and Allah knows best what you do.” (QS. Al Baqarah: 283)

Eighth: They are gathered from their graves with their heads bowed, their feet on their heads, and from their farjas flow rivers of pus (mixed with blood) and thick pus. Then the caller who calls out in the presence of the Most Merciful: These are the adulterers, they died before repenting, so this is their recompense, and their return is to hell. As Allah says:


“And do not approach adultery; indeed, adultery is an abominable deed. And a bad way.” (QS. Al Isra’: 32)

Ninth: They are gathered from their graves (in a state) black in face and bulging in eyes and their bellies filled with fire. Then there is a caller from the presence of the Most Merciful: These are the ones who ate the property of orphans wrongfully, and they died before repenting. So this is their vengeance, and their return is to hell. As Allah says:


“Verily, those who eat the property of orphans unjustly, they have swallowed fire in their bellies, and they will enter into a flaming fire (hell).” (QS. An Nisa”: 10)

Tenth: They are gathered from their graves (in a state of) leprosy and stripes. Then there is a caller from the presence of the Most Merciful: These are those who disobeyed their parents and died before repenting, so this is their recompense, and their place of return is Hellfire. As Allah says:


“Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him. And do good to two mothers and fathers.” (QS. An Nisa’: 36)

Eleventh: They are gathered from their graves blind in heart, and their teeth are like the horns of cattle, and their lips are asunder on their chests, and their tongues asunder on their bellies, and their bellies asunder on their thighs, and dung comes out of their bellies. Then there is a caller from the presence of the Most Merciful: These are the people who drank alcohol, and they died before repenting, so this is their recompense, and their place of return is Hellfire. As Allah says:


“O you who believe, verily (drinking) wine, gambling (sacrificing to) idols, casting lots with arrows, are abominable deeds among the deeds of the devil.” (QS. Al Ma’idah: 90)

Twelfth: They are gathered from their graves, where their faces are like the moon, on the full moon, they pass through the shirath like lightning. Then there is a caller who calls from the presence of the Most Merciful: These are the people who did righteous deeds and avoided disobedience, and kept the five daily prayers in congregation, and they died in a state of repentance. So this is their recompense, and their place of return is Paradise. (They are in) forgiveness, pleasure, mercy and enjoyment, because they are pleased with Allah, and Allah is pleased with them. As Allah says:


“Indeed, those who say: “Our Lord is Allah, then they establish their stand, then angels will descend upon them (saying : “Fear not, nor be grieved, and rejoice in the Paradise which Allah has promised you.”” (QS. Fushshilat: 30)





Chapter 26: Beings Who Come to Life After Death from the Grave


It is said: “Verily, when beings are raised from their graves, they stand upright on the spot from which they were raised for 40 years, neither eating nor drinking, nor sitting, nor speaking.”

It was asked: “O Messenger of Allah, by what will the believers be known on the Day of Judgment?” The Prophet replied: “Verily, my Ummah will have white faces as a result of ablution.”

It is stated in the hadeeth: “On the Day of Resurrection, Allah, the Exalted, will raise people from their graves. The angels will come to their graves, and they will wipe away the dust from the believers, except for the place of prostration. Finally, the dust is not removed from the place of prostration. Then there is a caller who calls out: “The dust is not the dust of their graves, but the dust of their mihrab (qiblah), leave the dust on them until they pass the shirath and enter Paradise, so that everyone who looks at them knows that they are my servants and my servants.”

It was narrated from Jabir bin Abdullah (ra) that he said: The Prophet said: “When the Day of Judgment occurs, and what is in the graves is raised, Allah Ta’ala will give a revelation to the angel Ridwan: “O Ridwan, surely I have brought out the fasting people from their graves (hungry and thirsty), welcome them with roasted food and fruits from Paradise,” then Ridwan called out: “O Ghilham, O Wildan (i.e. the servants of Paradise consisting of children who have not yet reached puberty),” then they came with trays of nur, they gathered near Ridwan, (the number of) them was more than the count of the raindrops and the animals of the sky and the leaves of the trees. They all brought abundant fruits, (various) foods, ghee and delicious drinks. They picked up the fasting person and gave food to the fasting person, saying: “Eat and drink with pleasure what you have given up in the past days.”

And it was narrated from Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: The Prophet said: “There are three people whom the angels will save on the day the creatures are brought out of their graves: the martyrs, the fasters of Ramadan, and the fasters of the day of Arafat.”

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “Verily in Paradise are palaces of diamonds and yakut, of emeralds, of gold, of silver.” I asked: “O Messenger of Allah, who is this palace for?” The Prophet replied: “For the one who fasts on the day of Arafat.” The Prophet said: “O ‘Ā’ishah, surely the days that Allah loves the most are Jumu’ah and the day of ‘Arafah, for what is on those days is mercy. And indeed the days that Satan hates the most are Friday and the day of ‘Arafah. O ‘Ā’ishah, whoever fasts the day of ‘Arafah early in the morning, Allah will open for him 30 doors of goodness, and Allah will lock from him 30 doors of evil. When he breaks his fast by drinking water, Allah will forgive him for every drop of sweat on his body, and he will pray: O Allah, have mercy on him until dawn breaks.”

And in another hadith: The same fasting people come out of their graves, and it can be known by the odor of their mouths because of their fasting, they are greeted with some dishes and some jugs. Then it is said to them: “Eat, the guest is really hungry when others are full, and drink, you are really thirsty when others are refreshed, and rest you.” Then they ate and drank and rested. Then they ate and drank and rested, while the people were still in reckoning.”

It has come in the hadith: There are 10 people whose bodies will not rot:

  1. The bodies of the Prophets.
  2. The body is that of a warrior.
  3. The body is that of a pious person.
  4. The body of a martyr.
  5. The body of a person who memorized the Qur’an.
  6. The body of a just Imam.
  7. The body of the one who called to prayer.
  8. The body of a woman who died in her puerperium.
  9. The body of a person who was killed violently.
  10. The body of one who died on Friday and that night.

There is a statement in the hadith, from the Prophet: “People will be gathered on the Day of Resurrection as they were when they were born to their mothers, naked and barefoot.” Then ‘Ā’ishah said: “Are men and women together?” The Prophet replied: “Yes, together.” Then ‘Ā’ishah said: “O how ugly, as they can see in some others.” Then the Prophet placed his hand on her shoulder, saying: “O daughter of Abu Quhafah! On that day people will be equally occupied (unable) to see, their eyes will all be fixed on the sky, they will stand (in makhsyar) for about 40 years. They neither eat nor drink, and every one of them sweats out of shame of Allah, from among them there is one whose sweat reaches to his feet, and from among them there is one whose sweat reaches to his stomach, from among them there is one whose sweat reaches to his face. And the sweat will remain as long as they stand in the Hereafter.”

Aisha ra. asked: “O Messenger of Allah, is there anyone who will be gathered by drinking on the Day of Judgment?” The Prophet replied: “They are the Prophets and their families, those who fasted Rajab and Sha’ban, and fasted Ramadan consecutively. And all people on that day will be hungry except the Prophets and their families, and those who fasted Rajab and Sha’ban and Ramadan. For indeed they are the same full, neither hungry nor thirsty.”

And some say: Allah led all of mankind to the land of gathering, which is near Bait al-Maqdith, the land is called Sahirah as Allah says:


“Verily, the return is but a deception. Then immediately they return to the surface of the earth.” (QS. An-Naziat: 13-14)

Some say that the creatures will be in the courtyard on the Day of Resurrection for 120 rows, each row 40 years in length, and each row 120 years in width.

Some say from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that my Ummah is 120 rows, and this is the more authentic hadith, regarding the characteristics of the believers, that they are white and shining.

As for the characteristics of the disbelievers, they are black in the face and join hands with the devil.

Chapter 27: Gathering the Creatures to the Plain of Makkah


It is said: “The disbelievers are led by the soles of their feet, while the believers are led by their sacrifices and their vehicles.”

As Allah says:


“(Remember) the day (when) We will gather those who fear God the Gracious as an honorable mission. And We will send those who disobeyed to Hellfire Jahannam in a state of thirst.” (QS. Maryam: 85-86)

Ali karamallahu wajhah said: The believers will be gathered on the Day of Resurrection riding on their sacrificial animals. Allah Ta’ala says on the Day of Resurrection: “O My angels, do not gather My walking servants; rather, bring them up on their sacrificial animals. Indeed, they were accustomed to ascending while in this world. And the first place of ascension is the rib of his father, then after that, is his mother’s stomach to be their place of ascension for nine months. And when his mother gave birth to him, he was in his mother’s lap for two years to suckle, and (this is also) their riding place, so that when they reached adulthood then the neck (back) of their father became their riding place, then horses and donkeys, including khimar became their riding place on land, and boats (became their riding place) on the sea. When they rise from their graves, then you do not run them on foot. Indeed, the believers usually ride, and the believers are not able to walk and offer them the vehicle of “Najaib” which is the sacrificial animal, and they are equally preceded to the Lord, the Great and the Glorious.”

Hence the Prophet said:


“Raise your sacrificial animal, then surely it will be your vehicle on the Day of Resurrection, i.e. the one you ride on.”





Chapter 28: The Heat of the Last Days


In the hadith we are told: When the Hour occurs, Allah will gather the first and the last of the creatures in a large field, and the sun will be brought close to the heads of the creatures, and the heat of the sun will be increased on the Day of Resurrection for the creatures, so animals will come out of the fire like shadows. Then there is a caller: “O people of the creatures, go to the shadows,” so they all go, they become three groups, the first group, the believers, the second group, the hypocrites and the third group, the disbelievers.

When the creatures reached the shadows, the shadows were divided into three parts: the first part for heat, the second part for smoke, and the third part for nur.

Hence, Allah Ta’ala says:


“Go you to the shade that has three branches.” (QS. Al-Mursalat: 30)

And the hot shade is over the heads of the hypocrites, for indeed they share the same heat in the world. As it is said to them (hypocrites).


“Those who were left behind (did not join the war), were happy with their stay behind the Messenger of Allah, and they did not like to strive with their wealth and souls in the cause of Allah and they said: “Do not set out in this heat.” Say: “The fire of Hell is more intense, if they knew.” (QS. At-Taubah: 81)

And the smoke is upon the heads of the disbelievers, for indeed while in this world they are in light and in the Hereafter in darkness. Thus says Allah:


“And those who disbelieve, their protectors are the shaytans, who turn them from light to darkness (disbelief). They are the inhabitants of hell; they will abide therein.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 257)

But the light is upon the heads of the believers, for they were in darkness in this world and will be in light in the Hereafter. As Allah says:


“Allah is the protector of those who believe: He brings them out of darkness (disbelief) into light (faith).” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 257)

And the words of Allah Ta’ala in characterizing the believer on the Day of Judgment:


“(That is) on the day when you will see male and female believers, with their lights shining before them and on their right, (it will be said to them), on this day there is good news for you, (namely) paradise with rivers flowing underneath, in which you will remain forever, that is great good fortune.” (QS. Al-Hadid: 12)


People Who Will Receive Special Shade

The Prophet said: “There are seven groups who will have the shade of Allah Ta’ala, under the shade of the Throne, on which day there will be no shade except the shade of Allah Ta’ala: First: A just Imam. Second: The young man who increases his worship of Allah. Third: Two people who are friends (love each other) for the sake of Allah Ta’ala. Fourth: A man who is asked to commit adultery by a beautiful woman, saying: “Verily, I fear Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.” Fifth: A person who remembers Allah in times of silence, and his tears flow because of his fear of Allah. Sixth: One who gives charity with his right hand, and conceals it from his left hand. Seventh: One who hangs his heart on the mosque.”

The Prophet said: When Allah Ta’ala gathers the creatures, there is a caller: “Where is the one who is the ultimate expert.” Then people stand up and they walk quickly to Paradise. Then the angels greet them, saying: “I saw you walking quickly to heaven, so who are you?” They replied: “We are the master experts,” the angels asked: “What is your virtue?” They replied: “When we are wronged we are patient, and when we are hurt we forgive.” So the angel said: “Enter Paradise, for the best reward is the one who does.”

Then there is a caller: “Where is the man of patience?” Then people stand up and walk swiftly to heaven. Then the angels greeted them, saying: “Indeed we saw you walking quickly to heaven, so who are you?” They replied: “We are patient in obeying Allah, and we are patient in disobeying Allah.” So the angels said: “Enter you into Paradise.”

The Prophet said: “The balance is placed according to the count of those who enter Paradise. As for the flag “Ahmad”, it is above the sky. The Prophet was asked by a Companion about the flag of Ahmad and its width and length. The Prophet replied: The length of the flag is about a thousand years, and on it is written: (            ) While the width of the flag is (approximately) the distance between heaven and earth, the needle is of red yakut and the handle is of white silver and green zambrut, the flag has three striped bonds of nur, one striped bond is in the east, another is in the middle of the world, and another is in the west. And in the flag there is a three-line inscription. The first inscription: (.      ) The   second inscription:   (. )       And the third inscription:     (. ) the             length of each line is about the journey of 1000 years and near that flag there are 70,000 flags, under each flag there are 70,000 lines (consisting) of angels, and each line, there are 500,000 angels who are the same reciting tasbih to Allah, and purifying Allah.”

Al-Jurjaniy said: The meaning of the Prophet’s statement: “That the flag of “Ahmad” is in my hand. When the Hour comes, the flag will be raised in front of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the believers will be around the flag, starting from the Prophet Adam to the people of the Hour. As for the disbelievers, they will be in the enjoyment of Hell as long as the flag remains in place. When the flag is removed, that is when the disbelievers are led to Hell.”

In the hadith it is narrated: When the Hour comes, the flag of “Truth” will be raised and handed over to Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him), and every truthful person will be under that flag. The flag of “Fuqaha” will be raised and handed over to Mu’adz bin Jabal (may Allah be pleased with him) and every jurist will be under it. The flag of “suhud” was set up and handed over to Abi Darrin ra. and every zuhud person is under that flag. The flag: “Faqir” was installed and handed over to Abi Darda’ ra. and every poor person is under that flag. The flag “Generous” was set up and handed over to Uthman ra. and every generous person is under that flag. The flag of the “Martyr” was set up and handed over to Ali ra. and every martyr was under that flag. The flag of the “Qurra” (reciter of the Qur’an) was set up and handed over to Ubaiy bin Ka’ab, and every Qari’ was under that flag. The flag of the “Muadzdzin” was set up and handed over to Bilal ra. and every Muadzdzin was under that flag. The flag of “The wrongfully killed” was put up and handed over to Husayn ra. and every wrongfully killed person was under that flag. Hence, the words of Allah Ta’ala:


“(Remember) a day (on which) We will call every nation to its leader.” (QS. Al-Isra: 71)

In the hadith, it is narrated that when the Day of Judgment occurs, the creatures will rise up (in a state of) extreme thirst, they will be controlled by sweat. Then Allah Ta’ala sent Jibril to the Prophet. Gabriel said: “O Muhammad, tell your Ummah to pray to Me by mentioning the asma (name), just as you prayed to Me in the world when you were in a state of distress.” So the Prophet Muhammad called upon his people to pray as Jibril had recommended. Then they said the same: (. ) At that time, Allah decided the law among the creatures. Then Allah Ta’ala said to the other nations: “If you do not call upon Me with this asma (name), then surely I will let you decide the law, (so) for a thousand years.”

Then Allah Ta’ala ruled between wild animals and some other animals, until Allah Ta’ala ruled between hornless animals and animals with horns. Then Allah said to the wild animals and the other animals: “Be all of you dust.” When that happened. The disbelievers said:


“May I become dust.”


Animals that Enter Heaven

Muqatil said: “There are ten animals that enter Paradise:

  1. The camel of Prophet Shalih.
  2. Prophet Ibrahim’s calf.
  3. The wild goat of Prophet Ismail.
  4. Prophet Moses’ cow.
  5. Prophet Jonah’s fish
  6. Prophet Jonah’s khimar.
  7. Prophet Solomon’s ant.
  8. The hud-hud of Queen Bilqis (peace be upon her).
  9. The camel of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
  10. His dog Ashabul Kahfi.

Then Allah made the dog into the shape of a gibbous goat, then admitted it to Paradise.”

Do you know! Verily the dog can enter Paradise in the midst of Allah’s love, and the sinner is not denied Tawheed for 50 years, or denied the mercy of Allah. The dog’s name is Zail, the people of Paradise call it Tawarrum, some say it is Qithmir and some say it is Huban and its color is yellow.

It is said that on the Day of Judgment, a pious person will be brought from the community of Muhammad, and this pious person will be presented before Allah. So Allah says: “O Gabriel, take him by the hand and bring him to his Prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him).”

Then Gabriel came with this pious man to the Prophet. At that time, the Prophet was at the bank of the lake of Kautsar, giving drink to people with a vessel. (It was the turn of the scholars), so the Prophet stood up to give the scholars a drink with the palm of his hand. Then the same people asked: “O Messenger of Allah, are you giving drink to the scholars with your palm?” The Prophet replied: “Because people are as busy in this world with their merchandise as the scholars are with their knowledge.”

Al Faqih said: “The best of deeds is to love the guardians of Allah, may He be exalted, and to be hostile to the enemies of Allah, may He be exalted.” A hadeeth has come to this conclusion: The Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) was supplicating to Allah. Allah, may He be exalted, said: “Have you done any deed for Me?” Prophet Moses replied: “O my Lord, we pray for You, we fast for You, we give alms to You, we read Your book and we remember You.” Then Allah Ta ala said: “O Moses, as for prayer for you, it is a sign, as for fasting for you, it is a shield, and almsgiving for you, it is a shade, and tasbih for you, it is a tree in heaven, as for the reading of My book, it will be for you a palace and an angel, as for your remembrance of Me, it will be a nur (light), so these are all deeds for you O Moses, which deeds do you do for Me?” Prophet Musa said: “O my Lord, show me the deeds that are for You!” Then Allah Ta’ala said: “O Moses, do you love a saint for My sake alone? Do you antagonize My enemies for My sake alone?” Finally Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) came to understand that the best of deeds is to love that which is pleasing to Allah, and to hate that which is hostile to Allah.


Retribution for Sins Against Fellow Creatures

Then Allah Ta’ala decides the law among the creatures, when the creatures stand before Allah Ta’ala. Then it was said to them: “Where is the one who has persecution?” Then two people came forward. Then a favor was taken from the wrongdoer and given to the wronged. On this day there is no dinar and no dirham. Then the good of the persecutor is taken away (to be given to the persecuted) until there is no good left (for the persecutor) and then the bad of the persecuted is taken away, to be given to the persecutor. When his (the persecutor’s) goodness is exhausted, it is said: “Return to your mother, the hell of Hawiyah.” So on this day there is no persecution.


“Verily, Allah is the One who hastens reckoning.”

And to this opinion, a hadith has come: Allah Ta’ala Revealed to Prophet Moses (peace be upon him): That you should say to your people: “If they do a thing, then Uu will admit them to Paradise.” Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) asked: What is that thing?” Then Allah Ta’ala answered: “It is for them to ask their opponents to agree to a debate.” Prophet Moses said: “O my Lord, if they were dead.” So Allah Ta’ala replied: “O Moses, then verily I am the living Essence, I shall not die forever, Tell them, that they may ask Me for favor.” Prophet Moses asked: “How can they ask You for favor?” Allah answered: “With four things:

  1. There is regret in the heart.
  2. Pleading for forgiveness verbally.
  3. Shedding tears (weeping over a sin).
  4. His movements are anggauta (in carrying out His commands).”





Chapter 29: The Nearness of Heaven


Allah Ta’ala says:


“And (on that Day) Paradise will be brought near to the pious, and the Hell of Jahim will be clearly shown to those who go astray.” (QS. Ash-Shu’ara: 90-91)

In the hadith it is narrated: At the time of the Hour, Allah, the Almighty, said: “O Gabriel, bring Paradise near to those who believe, and show clearly the Hell of Jahim to those who go astray.”

So it was that Paradise was on the right side of the Throne, and the shirath was above Hell, and a balance was established. Then Allah Ta’ala said: “Where is My beloved Adam? And where is My beloved Abraham? Where is My sentence of Moses? And where is my spirit Isa? And where is my beloved Muhammad (peace be upon him)? Stand on the right side of the balance.” Then Allah Ta’ala said: “O Ridwan, open all the doors of Paradise! and O Malik, open all the doors of Hell!” Then came the angels of Mercy with jewelry, while the angels of Adzab came with shackles and chains, and garments of (hot) copper. Then there was a caller: “O people of the creatures, look at the balance, for surely (at this time) the deeds of so and so are being weighed.” Then there is a caller: “O inhabitants of Paradise, remain (in Paradise) without dying. And O inhabitants of Hell, remain in Hell without dying.” Hence the words of Allah Ta’ala:



“And warn them of the day of regret, (that is) when all matters will be decided. And they are in negligence and they do not believe.” (QS. Maryam: 39)





Chapter 30: The Magnitude of the Last Days


In the hadith we are told: Verily, the greatness of the Day of Resurrection will be when a person is returned to the world, when the soul comes out, when his eyes are bulging, his nose is running, his lips and beard have fallen off, sweat is pouring down his forehead, his ears are blocked, and his tongue is frozen, his eyes are sunken, his sinews have sagged, his relatives have broken up, his lover has hated him, his relatives have separated from him, and the angels have left him. Then the servant is left in confusion, his mind has changed. This allows Satan to take away the servant’s faith at that great time, while the door of repentance is closed. Therefore, the most important thing a person can say at that time is the shahada.


“I bear witness that there is no God but Allah.”

As for the magnitude of the Day of Judgment, when a servant is rejected in the Hereafter. When the trumpet is blown, the creatures will rise from their graves, and the wronged will depend on the wrongdoer; the witnesses will be the angels, and the questioner will be Allah; the punishment will be in Jahannam, but the pleasure will be in Paradise. And every pregnant woman gives birth to her womb, and you see people drunk, but Allah’s punishment is more painful. And the little ones will have gray hair on that day. As Allah says:


“How then will you preserve yourselves, if you disbelieve in the day when children turn gray?” (QS. Al-Muzammil: 17)

Allah Ta’ala says:


“There is no punishment for them but one cry.” (QS. Yaasiin: 29)


“Then those who feared their Lord equally were led into Paradise in groups.” (QS. Az-Zumar: 73)

Some say that the ones who bear witness to the creatures are 7:

  1. Place: as Allah says:


“On that day the earth will tell its story.” (QS. Al-Zalzalah: 4)

  1. Zaman: as stated in the hadeeth:


“Every day there is a caller: I am a new day, and what you do I witness.”

  1. Oral: As Allah Ta’ala says in Surah Nur:


“On the day (when) their tongues, hands, and feet bear witness against them of what they used to do.” (QS. An-Nur: 24)

  1. Anggauta: it bears witness. As Allah says:


“And their hands testify to us and their feet testify to what they used to do.” (QS. Yaasiin: 65)

  1. Two Guardian Angels: as Allah says:


“Yet surely for you there are angels who watch over your work. Who are Honorable (with Allah) and who record (the works). They know what you do.” (QS. Al-Infithar: 10-12)

  1. The record book of deeds: it (also) bears witness. As Allah says:


“(Allah said): This is the book (of records) We have told you truthfully. Indeed, We have caused to be recorded what you have done.” (QS. Al-Jaatsiyah: 29)

  1. The Most Merciful: this (also) bears witness. As Allah says:


“We are witnesses against you when you do it.” (QS. Yunus: 61)


Now what is your situation, O transgressor! After all have witnessed your deeds, with these (many) witnesses.



Chapter 31: The Flight of Books on the Day of Judgment


It was narrated from Abu Dzarin ra. verily he said: The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “There is none of the believers except that he has a new book, when the book is rolled up in which there is no istighfar, the book becomes dark. And when it is rolled up and there is istighfar in it, it has a luminous nourishment.”

Al-Faqih (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “There is no person in this world except for two angels whom Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, has entrusted to watch over him by night and by day, and they write down his deeds, the good and the bad, and the place where he does them and the conditions under which he does them.” Allah says:


“And there are angels for you who watch over your work.” (QS. Al Infithar: 10)

Then that person’s book is lifted up every day, and every nature’s book is collected every year on the middle night of Sha’ban. And the useless words of that person are discarded, and the useless deeds of that person are discarded. The book (record of deeds) is collected every year in the “Sijjil”, When the death of a person at the time of naza’ then the book that is in the “Sijjil” is collected and so on, and when the soul comes out, the book is rolled up and put around his neck, and on the book is stamped (to be) followed with him in the grave, And this is the meaning (of) the words of Allah Ta’ala:


“And for every man We have fixed his deeds (as a collar is fixed) on his neck,” (Al Isra’: 13).

The meaning of the above verse is that we put the record of the person’s deeds around his neck, because the neck is the place of the necklace, and it is also the place of jewelry (beautiful things) and bad things. The record of his deeds will be revealed to him on the Day of Judgment. As He said:


“And We will bring forth for him on the Day of Resurrection a book which he will find open.” (QS. Al Isra’: 13)

Then he was ordered to read it himself. As Allah swt said:


“Read your book; yourselves are sufficient at this time to judge you.” (QS. Al Isra’: 14)


How to pick up the Charity Notebook

When Allah Ta’ala gathers the creatures in the courtyard of the Hour, and desires (to) judge them, then the books of the creatures float above them, like dew. Then there will be a caller from the presence of the Most Merciful: “O Fulan, take your book with your right hand! O Fulan, take your book from your left hand! And O So-and-so, take your book from behind your back”, then a person will not be able to take his book, except by what Allah Ta’ala has commanded.

To those who are pious their book is given with their right hand. And those who disobey will have their book given to them with their left hand. And the disbelievers will have their Book given to them from behind their backs. As Allah says:


“As for the one to whom the Book is given from his right hand, he will be examined with an easy examination, and he will return to his people with joy.” (QS. Al Insyiqaq: 7-9)

Those who disobey will receive their account books with their left hands. Allah swt. says:


“As for the man to whom his book is given from his left, he says: O how good it is that my book was not given to me.” (OS. Al Haqqah: 25)

The disbelievers will receive (take) the record book of their deeds from behind their backs. Allah swt. says:


“As for the one to whom the Book is given from behind. Then he will cry out: “Woe is me.” And he will enter into the blazing fire of Hell.” (QS. Al Insyiqaq: 10-12)


Types of Hisab Process

Thus, there are three classes of people who are judged. First: The group that will be judged with an easy reckoning, namely those who have piety. Second: Those who are judged with great judgment, then they are corrupted, i.e. the disbelievers. Third: Those who are judged and scrutinized, then they are saved; these are the disbelievers.

In a hadith (narrated) from the Prophet (peace be upon him) he said: “A servant keeps standing before Allah Ta’ala until he is asked about his age. What was his life spent on? And (he is asked) about his wealth. Where did it come from, and where did it go?”

And (also) is asked about what is in his book, when it comes to the end of (the question that is in) his book. Allah Ta’ala says: “O My servant, these are your deeds, indeed My angels add to me in your book.” The servant said: “No, but I did all the deeds.” So Allah, the Exalted, said: “I am the One who has covered you this day, so go your way, indeed I have forgiven you.” This is the state of the person who is scrutinized in the hadeeth and then saved by the grace of Allah.

As for the one who is judged with a light reckoning, then he is among those mentioned in the words of Allah:


“As for the one to whom the Book is given from his right hand. Then he will be examined with an easy examination.” (QS. Al Insyiqaq: 7-8)


Easy Hisab

The Prophet (peace be upon him) was asked about the light hadeeth. The Prophet replied: “A person looks at his book and passes by the place of reckoning.”

Some say: Allah’s judgment on the believers on the Day of Resurrection is like that of the Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him) on his brothers, if he had said to them: “There is no blemish on you this day”. Likewise, Allah says to His servant: “O My servant, you should not fear, nor should you grieve. Yusuf said: Do you know what you have done to Joseph?” (QS. Yusuf: 89). Likewise, Allah says to His servant: “Do you know (the evil) of what you did when you transgressed (or disobeyed) My command, do you remember (the deeds) you did when you transgressed.”

In the hadith it is narrated: When Allah Ta’ala was about to judge the creatures, there was a caller from the presence of the Most Merciful: “Where is the Prophet (of) the nation of Hashim?” Then the Prophet came before his Lord, he praised and praised his Lord, so the creatures were equally amazed at the Prophet, he begged his Lord not to reveal the disgrace of his people. Allah Ta’ala said: “Show.” So each man stood on his grave, and on his head was placed a crown of gold sprinkled with diamonds and farar, and he was clothed with 70 garments, and three bracelets were also put on (him), one bracelet of gold, one bracelet of silver, and one bracelet of pearls. Then this servant returned to his believing brother, they did not know from (where) the greatness of this servant, in his right hand was a book of records of his good deeds and his deliverance from hell, and (his) eternity in paradise, so he said (to his believing brother): “Do you not know me? I am So-and-so, I have glorified Allah, and Allah has delivered me from the fire of Hell, and kept me in the house of Paradise.”

Thus, the words of Allah Ta’ala:


 “As for the one to whom the book is given from his right hand.

Then he will be examined with a mild examination. And ja will return to his people with joy.” (QS. Al Insyiqaq: 7-9)

As for the one to whom the book is given (from) his left, then he says: “May I not be given a book (of deeds).” And Allah says:


“As for the one to whom the book is given from his left, he says: O how good it is that my book was not given to me.” (QS. Al Haqqah: 25)

The disbelievers will receive (take) the record book of their deeds from behind their backs. Allah swt. says:


“As for the one to whom the book is given from behind. Then he will cry out: “Woe is me.” And he will enter into the blazing fire of Hell.” (QS. Al Insyiqaq: 10-12)

And every good thing that he does is recorded in his book, (while) every evil thing that he does is in the outer shell of his book. And whoever is given the Book with his left hand is in torment, even if he has good deeds, like the disbelievers. For surely the good that is with disbelief has no reward.

Among the characteristics of the disbeliever is that his body is like Mount Hira’ and Mount Abu Qubais, these two mountains are in Makkah, on his head there is a crown of fire, he is given a garment of molten copper, and on his neck there are burning coals of fire, and his hands are shackled to his neck, his face is very black, his eyes are bulging, so he (disbeliever) returns to his brothers. When his brothers saw him, they were equally surprised and ran away from him. His brothers did not recognize him, so he said: “I am Fulan bin Fulan.”” Then the angel drew his face to hell. These are the disbelievers, whose book was given to them with their left hand. But they could not take the book with their left hand, so they took the book from behind their backs.

As narrated from the Prophet: “When the disbeliever is called to be judged by name, an angel from the angels of punishment comes forward and breaks the disbeliever’s breast, then his left hand is pulled behind his back (placed) between his shoulders, then his book is given.”





Chapter 32: The Establishment of Balances


It was narrated from Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) that he said: “The balance sheet will be set up on the Day of Resurrection on pillars, the length of each pillar will be between the east and the west, and the bowl of the balance sheet will be like the width of the earth, its length and width will be one, and one of the two bowls will be on the right side of the Throne, which is the bowl for good, and the other will be on the left side of the Throne, which is the bowl for bad. The day of the reckoning will be approximately 50,000 years.”

The Prophet said: “A man was brought, who had with him 77 tablets (records of his deeds), each tablet (long) as far as the eye could see, and in the tablets were his faults and sins. Then they were placed in the bowl of the scales, and a paper (record of deeds) as big as a finger was brought out for this man, and in the paper was the word of testimony: (“The paper is placed in another bowl, and it will weigh down all his sins.” Thus says Allah Ta’ala:


“And as for those who weigh the scales (of good), then they are in a satisfying life.” (QS. Al Qari’ah: 6-7)

That is, the weight of the scales of his good, i.e., his virtue and obedience (outweighs) his evil, so he is in a satisfying life. (Surat Al Qari’ah verse: 7). This means a life in Paradise that is pleasing to Allah. Then Allah says:


“And as for those who are light in their scales (of good). And do you know what is the Hell of Hawiyah? It is a raging fire.” (QS. Al Qari’ah: 8-11)





Chapter 33: Installation of the Mizan (Balance Sheet)


Verily, Allah Ta’ala has created a bridge over Hell, the Shirath, which is located (exactly) in the middle of Jahannam, which is very slippery, and can derail. This shirath has seven stations (substations), each station (the distance) in a journey of 3000 years, a thousand years (the way) up, a thousand years (the way) flat, a thousand years (the way) down. its shape is softer than hair, which is sharper than a sword. and darker than the night.

And at each post there are seven branches shaped like long sticks, which have sharpened ends, then a servant will sit on the post and be asked about the things commanded by Allah Ta’ala. In the first post: If he is free from disbelief and riya’, then he will be free, and if he is not, then he will be rejected into Hell. And in the second post: A servant will be asked about his prayers. In the third post: A servant will be asked about his zakat. In the fourth post: A servant will be asked about his fasting. In the fifth heading: A servant will be asked about his Hajj and Umrah. In the sixth post: A servant will be asked about his wudlu, ghusl and jinabat. In the seventh heading: A servant will be asked about doing good to parents, strengthening friendship, and persecution. If a servant survives these questions, then he is free (to reach heaven), and if he does not, then he is rejected into hell.

Wahab said: Verily the Prophet prayed:


“O my Lord, save my people, my people.”

So the creatures went up (over) the bridge, so that some of them rose above others. And the bridge was tossed about like a boat on the sea that is (struck by) a strong wind.

Then pass over the first group: Like lightning that strikes. The second group: Like a strong wind. The third group: Like a swift bird. Fourth class: Like a good horse. Fifth class: Like one who walks fast. Sixth class: Like the running of an animal (buffalo, cow) and the seventh group: About a day and a night; (according to) some men, about a month; and (according to) some of them, about a year, two years, and three years; so that (the length of) the last time for the one who passes through the shirath is 15,000 years from the year of the world.

And it was narrated: “Verily, when people pass through the way, the fire of Hell will be under their feet and over their heads, and it will be on their right side and on their left side, and behind them and in front of them.”

Hence Allah Ta’ala says:


“And there is not one of you, but goes to them. That for your Lord is a fixed certainty. Then We will save the pious and leave the wrongdoers in Hell on their knees.” (QS. Maryam: 71-72)

The Hellfire always eats up the bodies of people (who are on the bridge) from their skin and flesh, so that the people who pass over the shirath are like black charcoal, – except for the survivors of the Hellfire, among whom there is a person who does not fear anything frightening – the severity of the Hellfire), and he does not get the fire of the Hellfire when he passes over the shirath, so he says: “Where is the Shirath?” and it is said to him that he passed through the Shirath without any hardship because of the mercy of Allah.

It has been stated in the hadith: “When the Hour comes, there will come a people, and when this people ascends on the shirath, the Prophet (peace be upon him) will look at them and ask: Who are you all?” They replied: “We are your Ummah.” The Prophet asked (again): “Do you observe my laws?” So they replied: “No.” Then the Prophet let them go and left them. Subsequently this ummah fell into the hell of Jahannam.

Then came another community, so the Prophet asked: Are you practicing the shari’a of your Prophet, and are you practicing the way of the Prophet?” If this community answered with: “Yes” then they will pass the shirath, and if they answer: “No,” then they will fall into hell. After this ummah enters hell, they then hope for the Prophet’s intercession,

And in a hadith it is told: There came a people, they stood by the shirath, saying: “Who can save us from the Fire?” And they did not go forward on the path, and they wept. So Jibril (peace be upon him) came and asked them: “What prevents you from passing through this shirath?” They replied: “We fear hell.” Jibril asked (again): “Your kumu in the world is facing the deep sea, how can you pass through?” They replied: “By using a boat.” Then Jibril came with a mosque, which this people (used to) pray in, (it was) like a boat. So they sat on the mosque, and the people passed by on the shirath. So it was said to them: “These are your mosques, in which you used to pray in congregation.”


The Virtue of Loving Scholars

It is narrated in the hadith: Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, when He judged a servant, found that his bad deeds outweighed his good deeds, so He ordered him to be taken to Hell, and when he left, Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, said to Jibril (peace be upon him): “Find My servant and ask him if he sat with the scholars when he was in this world, then I will forgive him with the intercession of the scholars.” Then the angel Gabriel asked him, and the servant replied: “No.” Then Jibril (peace be upon him) reported (to Allah): “O my Lord, surely You are the One Who knows best about the condition of Your servant.” Then Allah Ta’ala said: “Ask him, does he love the scholars?” So Jibril asked him. The servant replied: “No.” Then Allah Ta’ala said: “Ask him, has he ever sat on a meal of scholars?” Then Jibril asked him. The servant replied: “Never.” Allah said: “Does he ever reside in a place occupied by the pious?” Then Jibril asked him. The servant replied: “Never.” Allah said to Jibril: “Ask him, does he love someone who loves scholars?” The servant replied: “Yes” So Allah said to Jibril: “Take his hand and send him to Paradise. Verily, this servant loved someone during the worldly life, and that person loved the scholars, so I forgive him, because of the blessing of that person.”

And based on this has come a hadith: Allah Ta’ala gathers some of the mosques of the world on the Day of Resurrection in the shape of a camel, its legs of diamond, its neck of za’faran, its head of fragrant misik, its back of green zamrut, who can ride the camel is the jama’ah, and the people who call to prayer lead the camel, while the imam leads the camel. Then they all pass through the courtyard of the Hour. Then there is a caller: “O people of the courtyard, these are not of the angels who are close to Allah, nor are they of the ‘abi and the messengers, but they are of the Ummah of Muhammad who keep their prayers in congregation.”

Some say: Allah, the Almighty, has created an angel, of whom it is said that his name is “Angel Darda’il” and he has two wings, one in the west made of red yakut, and the other in the east made of green zambrut sprinkled with pearls and yakut and marjan, his head under the Throne and his feet under the seventh earth. So he calls out every night of the month of Ramadan: “Is there anyone who prays for whom his prayer will be granted? Is there anyone who asks, and his request will be granted? Is there anyone who repents, and his repentance will be accepted? If anyone seeks forgiveness, he will be forgiven until dawn breaks.”



Chapter 34: Hell and Its Contents

In the hadith it is narrated: Gabriel (peace be upon him) came to the Prophet and the Prophet said: “O Gabriel, tell me about hell!” Gabriel said: “Verily, Allah has created hell, and Allah lit the fire of hell a thousand years ago, so that they became black, that hell is as black as a dark night, and the fire of hell that licks it is never extinguished, and its embers never die.”

Mujahid said: “Verily, Jahannam has snakes as big as camels’ necks and scorpions as big as donkeys, so the people of Hell will run to the same Hell (because of the size of the snakes and scorpions), and the snakes will take the lips of the people of Hell and peel off the skin between the hair and the nails. So there is nothing that can save the people of Hell from torment, except fleeing to (another) Hell.”

It was narrated from Abdullah ibn Abbas that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Verily, there are snakes in Hell, the size of a camel’s neck, and if a snake bites one of the inhabitants of Hell with one bite, it will be found painful for forty years.”

It was narrated from Zayd bin Wahab from Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: “Verily, this fire of yours is a part of the seventy-five juz of Hellfire, and if it had not been put into the ocean twice, you would not have been able to derive any benefit from it.”

Mujahid said: “Verily this fire of yours, invokes protection from the fire of Jahannam.”

It is narrated in the hadeeth: “Verily, when Allah ta’ala sent Jibril (peace be upon him) to the angel guarding hell, he went to get fire to give to the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) so that he could cook food with fire. to get fire to give to Prophet Adam (peace be upon him), so that he could cook food with fire. So the angel Malik said: “O Gabriel, how much do you want of this fire?” Gabriel replied: “I want from this fire about the size of a date palm.” Angel Malik said: “O Gabriel, if I were to give you a fire about the size of a date palm, the seven heavens and several earths would be destroyed from the heat of the fire.” Gabriel said: “About the size of a date palm.” Angel Malik said: “If I give you what you want, not a drop of water will come down from the sky, nor will any vegetation grow in the earth.” Then Gabriel reported: “O my Lord, how much shall I take from the fire?” So Allah Ta’ala said: “Take about the size of a small ant. Then Jibril took about the size of a small ant, then he immersed the fire in the river 70 times. Then Gabriel came with the fire to Prophet Adam (peace be upon him). Then Jibril put the fire on a high mountain, then the mountain was destroyed, then Jibril returned the ant-sized fire to its place, namely in hell. Where the smoke of the fire still remains in some stones and iron, until our day, then this fire that exists, is from the smoke of the fire of hell the size of an ant earlier. Take a lesson from this fire O believers!”

The Prophet said: “Verily, the lightest of the punishments of the Hellfire is that a man is given two sandals of fire, and his brain boils (because) of the two sandals, just as the boiling (of water in) a pitcher. And his neighbor also hears the boiling of the brain, his molars (become) coals of fire, his lips (become) coals of fire, the flame of the fire comes out of his stomach, and from the soles of his feet. He considers himself to be one of the inhabitants of Hell, whose torment is very severe. (He considers himself one of the inhabitants of Hell, whose punishment is mild.”

Ashim said: Verily, the inhabitants of hell (always) call out to the angel (who guards hell), and this angel does not answer them for 40 years, then this angel answers them, saying: “Be still!” That is, remain forever. Then they called out to their Lord: “O our Lord, take us out of this hell, if we return (disobey) then we are among the wrongdoers.” Finally there was no answer for them, about the length of going around the world twice. Then Allah answered them with His words:


“Allah says: “Dwell humbly therein, and speak not with Me.” (QS. Al Mukminun: 108)

The Prophet said: “So by Allah, that people could not speak after the word of Allah, (even) with one sentence. And there is nothing after that, except shouting and moaning in hell, their voices resembling khimar, the first sound is shouting, and the last sound is moaning.”

Jibril (peace be upon him) said: “By the One Who sent you as a Prophet, if the Hellfire were to be opened to the size of a pinhole from the east, the inhabitants of the west would be burned, (because) of the intense heat of the Hellfire. By the One Who sent you rightly as a Prophet, if a garment from the garments of the inhabitants of Hell were hung between heaven and earth, the inhabitants of the earth would surely die, (because of) the heat of the garment. By the One Who sent you as a Prophet. If one dira’ of the chains (of Hell) mentioned by Allah in His Book were to be placed on a mountain, it would surely be shattered to the bottom of the seventh earth. By the One Who sent you righteously as a Prophet, if one person from the inhabitants of Hell is tormented from the west, it will surely burn those who are in the east, (because) of the severity of the torment, and the intense heat of the fire of Hell. The bottom of Hell is very deep, the wood of Hell is made up of men and stones, and the drink of Hell is hot copper.”





Chapter 35: Defining the Gates of Hell


Hell has seven gates, each of which has a portion, divided for men and women.

It was narrated from the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) that he asked Jibril (peace be upon him): “Are the gates of hell like ours?” Jibril replied: “No, the doors of Hell open downward. Therefore, some of them are lower than others, and the distance from one door to the other is 700 years, and each door of Hell is hotter than the one next to it by a difference of 70 times.”

The Prophet asked: “Who occupies the doors?” Gabriel replied: “As for the lowest door, it is occupied by the hypocrites and disbelievers including the one who has a dish, as well as the family of Fir’aun. That door is called “HAWIYAH” The second door: Inside is occupied by the polytheists, its name: “JAHIM”. The third door: It is occupied by those who worship idols, its name is: “SAQAR”. The fourth door: It is occupied by Satan and those who follow him, as well as the Magi, whose name is: “LAZHA”. The fifth door: It is occupied by the Jews, whose name is: “HUTHAMAH”. Sixth door: It is occupied by the Christian, his name is: “SA’IR”.” Then Gabriel remained silent, so the Prophet said: “O Gabriel why don’t you tell me about the one who occupies the seventh door?” Gabriel said: “Are you asking me about the one who occupies the seventh door?” The Prophet replied: “Yes.” So Gabriel said: “O Muhammad, the one who occupies the seventh door is the one who commits a major sin from your community and dies before repenting.” (Hearing that) the Prophet fell unconscious. When the Prophet recovered (from his stupor) he said: “O Gabriel, my calamity is great and I am very much afraid that my Ummah will be sent to Hell.” Gabriel said: “Yes, those who commit major sins from your Ummah will be sent to Hell.” Then the Prophet wept, and Gabriel also wept because of the Prophet’s weeping.

And the Prophet said: “O Gabriel, why are you crying (are you not) the Ruhul Al Amin (the safe spirit),” Gabriel replied: “I fear that I may be tempted from what was tempted to the angels Harut and Marut, therefore, I weep. “

So Allah Ta’ala gave the revelation: “O Gabriel, and O Muhammad, verily I keep you both away from hell, but do not feel safe from My punishment.”





Chapter 36: Hell Jahannam


It was narrated from Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him): “The Hell of Jahannam will be brought on the Day of Resurrection, and around Jahannam there will be 70,000 rows of angels, each row (more) than (the number of) jinn and humans, they are equally close and (hold) the control of Jahannam. And Jahannam (also) has four legs, (the distance) between each leg traveling 1000 years. It has 30 heads, 30,000 mouths in each head, and 30,000 molars in each mouth, each of which is as big as Mount Uhud a thousand times over. For each mouth, there are two lips, and each lip is like the breadth of the world. And within the two lips are chains of iron. For every one of these chains, there are 70,000 rings held by countless angels.”

So Jahannam was brought from the left side of the Throne. And that is what is in the words of Allah Ta’ala:


“Verily, Hell throws forth sparks of fire as great and as high as a palace.” (QS. Al Mursalat: 32)





Chapter 37: Leading Marusia to Hell


The enemies of Allah were led to hell, their faces black, their eyes bulging, their mouths drawn. When they reached the door of hell, they were greeted by the angel Zabaniyah with some shackles and chains, the chain was placed in the mouth of the disbeliever and taken out of his anus, When they reach the door of Hell, they are met by the angels of Zabaniyah with chains and antai, and the chains are put in the mouths of the disbelievers and their anal juice is taken out, and their left hand is shackled to their necks, and their right hand is put into their chests and taken out from between their shoulders, and they are bound with chains, and each son of Adam is joined with Satan in one antai, and then they are dragged by their faces, and the angels beat them with iron maces.

When the disbelievers want to get out of Hell, the angels return them to Hell, and say to them:


“Taste the torment of this hell, (which) you all used to deny.” (QS. As Sajdah: 20)

Then Fatimah ra. asked: “O Messenger of Allah, did you not ask about your people, how the angels entered your people?” The Prophet replied: “The angels led my Ummah to Hell, and their faces were not black, and they did not glare, and their mouths were not locked, and they were not joined to the devil, and chains were not placed on them, and shackles.”

So Fatimah ra. asked: “O Messenger of Allah, how do the angels guide the people?” The Prophet replied: “As for the old man and the young man, then both are held by their beards. As for women, they will be held by their hair and the crown of their head, so many people who have gray hair from my Ummah are plucked out and led to hell, and they scream: Alas!…. my youth, alas!…. My weakness.” And many a young man of my Ummah had his beard plucked out and was led to Hell, and he cried out: “Alas for my Moluccas, alas for my cap,” until the Ummah reached the angel Malik, and when Malik saw them, he asked the angel (who brought them): “Who are these people, there has never come to me a more astonishingly wretched people than these, their faces are not black, while there are chains and fetters around their necks.” The angel (who brought them) replied: “We were commanded to bring them in this state,” then the angel Malik asked them: “O wretched ones, who are you?” They replied: “We are the people of Muhammad (peace be upon him).”

And it is narrated in another narration: “When the angels led them, they called out to each other: Ouch….. Prophet Muhammad,” and when they saw the angel Malik, they forgot the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a result of their fear of the angel Malik. Angel Malik asked them: “Who are you all?” They replied: “We are from the community to which Allah sent down the Qur’an, and we are the community that fasts in Ramadlan.” Then angel Malik said: “The Qur’an was not revealed except upon Muhammad, when they heard the name of Muhammad they all cried out, we are of his Ummah.” So he said to them: “Is there nothing in the Qur’an for you that forbids you to do evil?” When they stopped at the edge of Jahannam, they looked into hell and (looked) at the angel Zabaniyah. So they said: “O angel Malik, grant us permission, we will weep for ourselves.” So the angel Malik granted them permission. Then they wept (with) tears, so that not a single tear remained. Then they wept (with) blood. So the angel Malik said: “This weeping would have been better had it been done in this world (out of) fear of Allah, then surely the fire of Hell would not have befallen you.”





Chapter 38: Characterizing the Angel of Zabaniyah


Manshur ibn Ummar said: It has come to me that the angels who guard Hell have hands and feet according to the number of the people of Hell. Each of his feet and hands stands and sits, and can shackle and chain whomever he wishes.

When the angel Malik looked at the Hellfire, the Hellfire ate some of it, out of fear of the angel Malik. There are nineteen letters in the Basmalah, and there are nineteen heads of the angels of Zabaniyah. When the angel of Zabaniyah takes the people of Hell, he uses his hands and feet, for he knows with his feet as he knows with his hands.

So one of the angels can take 10,000 disbelievers with one hand, and 10,000 with the other hand, and 10,000 with one foot, and 10,000 with the other foot and throw them into hell. So 40,000 disbelievers, with one take. The angels who are in charge of the angels are Malik, who guards Hell, and 18 angels who look like Malik, and they are in charge of other angels, who are under the command of each of them. They are among the angels who guard things that cannot be counted, unless Allah knows the number.

And the eyes of the angels are like lightning that strikes, their teeth are white like cow horns, while the lips of the angels touch the soles of their feet, fire always licks out of their mouths. And the distance between the shoulders of each of the Zabaniyah angels is as far as a year’s journey. Allah did not create in the hearts of these angels, mercy, and gentleness about the size of a small ant. If one of these angels dives into the sea of hell for about seventy years, no harm will come to him from the fire of hell, for indeed nur can overcome fire. Hence we seek refuge with Allah to be kept away from the fire of Hell.

Then angel Malik said to Zabaniyah: “Throw them into Hell.” When the angel Zabaniyah threw them into Hell, they all cried out: Laa ilaaha illallaah, finally the hell returned them, then the angel Malik said: “O fire, take them!” So the fire said: “How can I take them, (when) they say: Laa ilaaha illallaah.” Angel Malik said that he would take them, (based on) the command of his Lord the Great Throne. Finally the fire took them, so among the people of hell there were people who were taken on two knees, among them there were people who were taken by the navel, among them there were people who were taken by the neck, when the fire was near their faces, the angel Malik said: “Do not burn their faces, indeed they are people who prostrate with their faces to the Most Merciful. And do not burn their hearts, for they are the place of tawhid, ma’rifat and faith, and they have long been thirsty in Ramadlan. So they have determined in their hearts what Allah wills.”




Chapter 39: Characterizing the People of Hell, and Their Food and Drink


The Form of the Inhabitants of Hell

The Prophet said: “That the people of Hell are black in face, dark in vision, lost in reason, and the head of every one of them is like a dome, their bodies (large) like mountains their eyes bulge, their height like mountains, and their hair like feathers, for them there is no death, where they can die, and no life, where they can live. Every one of them has 70 skins that have seven layers of hellfire, and in their bellies, there are snakes from hell, they can listen to the sound of snakes (in their bellies) like the sound of wild animals, then the chains of shackles are draped, and some mace (a type of hammer) is struck (on their bodies), then they are dragged on their faces.”

The Prophet said: “The poor people of Hell are always crying out: “O our Lord, this punishment has come upon us,” and they are imprisoned in hell, they are shackled with the chains of hell, if they are silent, they are not loved. If they are patient, they are not answered. If they are silent, they are not loved; if they are patient, they are not answered. They all cry out with corruption…, and cry out with humiliation…they are held together in everlasting prison and are filled with remorse. Their torment is long, their entrance narrow, their pus flowing, their veils exposed, their colors changed.”

Those wretched ones said: “O our Lord, misguidance has overtaken us, and we are of a misguided people. O our Lord, remove from us this torment; surely we are of the believers.”

The Prophet said: “The poorest of the people of Hell is that Allah, the Almighty, has created for them a mountain, and it is said that its name is Mount Su’ud, and the people of Hell ascend the mountain by dragging their faces for a thousand years so that they can ascend to the top of the mountain, and then the mountain throws them down to the bottom of Jahannam, and they all regret it.”

The Prophet said: “The poorest of the people of Hell is when they ask for rain, then a black cloud comes over them and they say: “The rain has come from the Most Merciful.” So what rained down on them were stones from the fire, which fell directly on their heads, then the stones came out of their rectums. Then they begged Allah for a thousand years to provide them with rain, then there appeared a black cloud (over them), they said: “This is the rain.” It turned out that what was raining on them were snakes the size of a camel’s neck. And whoever is bitten by the snake, with one bite. And whoever is bitten by that snake, with one bite, will not get rid of the pain caused by that bite for a thousand years.” And this is the meaning of Allah’s words:


“Those who disbelieve and obstruct (people) from the way of Allah, We will add to them torment upon torment, for they always do mischief.” (QS. An Nahi: 88)


Hell Dwellers Drink

The Prophet said: “The poorest of the people of Hell are those who call out to the angels for 70,000 years and do not receive any answer, then they report: “O our Lord, indeed the angel Malik does not answer us.” So Allah said: “O Malik, answer the people of Hell,” then Malik said: “What do you say, O people of Allah’s wrath, O people of hell?” Then they said: “We ask for a drink of water so that we may be happy, for the fire of hell has eaten our flesh and bones, and it has peeled off our skin, and torn our bones and cut our hearts.” Then the angels gave them a drink of boiling water; if they received the water with their hands, their fingers would fall off. And if the water reached his face, his eyes would fall (melt) along with his cheeks. When the water enters his stomach, his intestines and liver will be cut into pieces.”


Food for the Inhabitants of Hell

The Prophet said: “The poorest of the people of Hell is when they ask for help with food, then Zagum wood is brought to them, when the Zagum wood comes, they immediately eat it, then it boils what is in their stomachs, and their brains, and their molars. Then there came out of their mouths a licking fire, and their bodies fell between the soles of their feet.”


Hell Dwellers’ Clothes

The Prophet said: “The poorest of the people of Hell are those who wear a garment of copper (hot), when the garment is placed on the body, the skin peels off. And that the wretched remain in hell, they are blind and cannot see, they are dumb and cannot speak, they are deaf and cannot hear. That everyone who is hungry wants food, except the people of Hell. Likewise, every naked person wants clothes, except for the people of Hell. And every dead person desires life except the people of Hell. So indeed, the people of Hell wish for death (but they cannot die).”





Chapter 40: Different kinds of torment according to the estimation of one’s deeds


The torment of those who break promises and trusts

The Prophet said: “My Ummah will be saved from Hellfire after ten hundred and sixty years, that is, the people who have a lot of flesh, they are the people who deny religion, who wear clothes, but are naked from obedience (to Allah), they know, and do in their dhahir for the life of the world, and always give importance to the life of the world rather than the Hereafter, they are forgetful, meaning: ignorant. And they are the people of the market who follow their lusts, and they work where they can get their wealth (i.e. they do what they want without thinking about what is lawful and unlawful). So Allah does not care which door they will enter Hell from. Allah says: “O Moses, if you had known those who break promises and trusts, they would have been dragged with their faces to Hell. When they fall into Jahannam, every limb of their bodies will be destroyed in one place, every muscle will be destroyed in one place, and their hearts will be destroyed in one place.”

Allah Ta’ala says: “The Hell of Wail is for those who break promises and trusts, you will see Moses, (they) are overtaken on the zagum tree, then the fire of Hell enters from his rectum and then comes out of his mouth, and (comes out of) his two ears and his two eyes.” Allah says: “O Moses, if you knew a man who breaks promises and trusts, that man would indeed be joined to the devil in chains and fetters, hung with his tongue, so that his brain flows from both nostrils, ja cannot sleep (even) for a blink of an eye, and they do not find pleasure (even) for a blink of an eye, so that the disbeliever hopes for safety with death rather than punishment. Such is the torment of those who break their promises; they always hope for the security of death.”

Those who commit adultery, those who eat usury, and those who neglect prayer, they will be tormented in Hell for many centuries. Allah, the Almighty, says: “O Moses, if the waters of the sea were ink, and the trees were pens, and men and jinn were writing, the pens would be exhausted, until men and jinn would disappear, and the waters of the sea would be dried up, and the centuries of Jahannam would not be exhausted for writing.”

Hence, Allah Ta’ala says:


“They dwell therein for centuries. They feel no coolness therein, nor do they get any drink. Other than boiling water and pus. As a just retribution.” (QS. An-Naba’: 23-26)


Comparison of Worldly and Hereafter Times

The Prophet asked Gabriel: “What is Hugub?” Gabriel (peace be upon him) replied: “It is a period of 4000 years.” The Prophet asked (again): “How many months are there in a year?” Gabriel replied: “That is 4000 months.” The Prophet asked: “How many days are there in one month?” Gabriel replied: “That is 4000 days.” The Prophet asked: “How many hours are there in one day?” Gabriel (peace be upon him) replied: “There are 7000 hours, and each hour is a year of the world year.”


The torment of those who neglect prayer, zakaah, drink alcohol and eat usury

And it was narrated from Abu Hurairah ra. he said: The Prophet said: When the Day of Resurrection occurs, a creature named “Harisy” will come out of Hell, which was born by a scorpion, its head will be in the seventh heaven, its tail will be at the bottom of the earth, and Harisy will call out 70 times: “Where is the one who reveals to the Most Merciful? Where is the one who illuminates the Most Merciful?” So Jibril (peace be upon him) said: “What do you want, Harisy?” Then Harisy replied: “I desire five things. Where is the one who leaves the prayer? Where is the one who prevents paying zakat? And where is the one who drinks alcohol (khamer)? Where is the one who eats usury? Where is the one who talks about the world in the mosque?”

So this Harisy gathered them all in his mouth, and returned them to Jahannam. “We seek refuge with Allah from the company of the wretched.”





Chapter 41: The State of the One Who Drinks Wine (Khamer)


It was narrated from Ubaiy bin Ka’ab that the Prophet said: There will come on the Day of Judgment a man who drinks khamer (wine) and a jug hangs around his neck, while the thanbur (sounding instrument) is in his two palms, so that he is crucified on the wood of hell. Then there was a caller: “This is Fulan bin Fulan from that place….” then the odor of khamer (wine) comes out of his mouth, which can make sick those who stand (in his makhsar) so that they ask Allah for help, due to the stench of the man who drank wine. Then their place of return is to hell. When they fall into Hell, they scream (for) 1000 years: “I am thirsty,” then they call out to the angel Malik, then they do not get an answer for about (80) years, their sweat is very basin, which can hurt their neighbors, and they (always) call out: “O our Lord, remove this sweat from us.” So (the sweat) is not removed from them, then they are brought to hell. So that they are returned in (the form of) a new creature, or returned (again) to hell, with their hands shackled, then dragged to hell, with their faces chained, then they drink the water, then hot water is poured (on them), when they drink the water, then their intestines are cut into pieces. Then they asked for help with food, so it was brought (to them) zagum food, when it came they immediately ate it, as a result of which what was in their stomachs, and what was in their brains, boiled, then came out of their mouths a licking fire, (so that) their scabs (internal organs) fell on the soles of their feet. Then every one of them was put into a chest (made) of coals for a thousand years’ fire, and the entrance was very narrow. Then (they are) taken out of the chest after a thousand years, then (they are) put in the prison of hell, and bound with fire. Then they scream (for) a thousand months: “Ouch…. thirsty I am,” they remain unloved, in that prison there are also snakes and scorpions, as big as a camel, which can bite both soles of his feet, so he cannot attack (on the snake that bites). A crown of fire was placed on his head. And there was iron in every joint of his body, chains around his neck, and fetters on his hands.

Then they are expelled after 1000 years, after which they are immediately put into the Hell of Wail, the Hell of Wail is the name of the abyss of Hell Jahannam, the heat is more intense, and the bottom is very deep. Inside there are many chains, snakes and scorpions. They remained in Wail for about 1000 years.

Then they cried out: “Alas…, Muhammad.” Then the Prophet heard their voices, saying: “O my Lord, I have heard the voice of one of my people.” So Allah Ta’ala said: “This is the voice of one who drank alcohol while in the world, and he died drunk. So he will be resurrected on the Day of Resurrection in a state of drunkenness.” Then the Prophet said: “O my Lord, take him out of hell, by my intercession.” Finally none of Muhammad’s Ummah was left with an eternity in hell.





Chapter 42: The One Who Came Out of Hell


Then there are screams in hell: “Ya Hannan Ya Mannan” for a thousand years and “Ya Qayyum” for a thousand years, and “Ya Arhamarraahimin” for a thousand years. When Allah, the Almighty, had passed judgment on them and had punished them (according to their faults), then Allah, the Almighty, commanded Jibril (peace be upon him) and said: “O Jibril, what do the disobedient people of Muhammad’s Ummah do?” Gabriel replied: “O my Lord, You know more about their condition than I do.” Allah Ta’ala said: “Go and see how they are.” Finally, Archangel Gabriel went to Archangel Malik, at that time, Archangel Malik was on a pulpit of fire in the middle of Jahannam. When he saw Gabriel (peace be upon him) coming, he stood up to honor him and asked: “O Gabriel, what brings you to this place?” So Jibril asked back: “What do you do with the disobedient people of Muhammad’s Ummah?” Angel Malik said: “Alas… their condition is very bad, their place is very narrow, the fire of hell has burned their flesh, and all that remains is their faces, their hearts remain bright, because in their hearts there is the nur of faith.” Then Gabriel said: “Lift up this veil, so that I may see them.” So the angel Malik ordered the angel Khazanah, then the veil was lifted from them, when the people of hell looked at Jibril, they considered Jibril (among) the best of creatures. They understood that he was not one of the angels of punishment. So the people of Hell asked: “Who is this servant that no creature has ever come here that is better than him?” Then angel Malik answered: “This is Jibril (peace be upon him) who came to Prophet Muhammad with a revelation.” When they heard the name of Muhammad (peace be upon him) mentioned, they all screamed and cried, saying: “O Gabriel, convey to Muhammad our greetings, and tell him about our bad condition, the Prophet has completely forgotten our condition and left us in hell.”

So Jibril departed, until he stood before Allah. Then Allah Ta’ala asked: “How do you know the people of Muhammad?” Gabriel replied: “O my Lord, their condition is worse, and their place is narrower.” Then Allah Ta’ala said: “Did they ask you for anything?” Gabriel replied: “Yes, they asked, O my Lord, that I recite to Muhammad the greeting of peace from them, and inform him of the ugliness of their situation.” Then Allah Ta’ala said: “Go to Muhammad, and tell him.” So Jibril (peace be upon him) went to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) crying, at that time, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was in Paradise under the Thubah tree in a khimah (made) of white diamond, the khimah had 4000 doors, each door had two doors, one door of gold, and one door of white silver. The Prophet asked: “What causes you to cry, O my brother, O Gabriel.” Gabriel replied: “O Muhammad, if you had known what I know, you would have wept more than you wept over me, I have come from the place where your people are in disobedience, they have all been tortured, and they have sent greetings to you, they have cried the same: Alas for our wretchedness, and the narrowness of our place, and they cried out: Alas …. Muhammad.”

Then Gabriel said: “Listen to their screams, and they say: Ouch… Muhammad.” So the Prophet Muhammad listened to them and said: “Labbaikum… Labbaikum O my people.” Then the Prophet stood up weeping, he came near the Throne, (while) the Prophets were behind him, then the Prophet fell prostrate, and praised Allah Ta’ala with a praise, which no one had ever praised like the Prophet. Then Allah Ta’ala said: “O Muhammad, raise your head, and ask, you will be granted, and ask for intercession, you will be granted intercession.” So the Prophet said: “O my Lord, the wretched of my Ummah, on whom your judgment and the ruling of your case have been exhausted, You do not torment them, may You grant me peace about them.” Allah, the Exalted, said: “I have interceded for you concerning them.”

Then came the Prophet with the Prophets to expel everyone who had ever recited: “Laa ilaaha illallaah Muhammadur Rasulullah.”

So the Prophet departed. When the angel Malik saw the arrival of the Prophet he stood up in honor of the Prophet. Then the Prophet said to Angel Malik: “What is the condition of my wretched people?” Angel Malik replied: “Alas….. their condition is very bad, their place is very narrow.” The Prophet said: “Open the door and raise your hand.” The Prophet said. So when the people of hell looked at the Prophet they all screamed, saying: Ouch! Muhammad this fire of hell has really burned our skin, and our flesh, you have really left us, and forgotten us who are in hell.” So the Prophet gave them an excuse: “I did not know your situation.” Then they were taken out of hell in a black state, where the fire of hell had consumed them, then the Prophet went to the river near the door of heaven, the river was called: “The river of life”. Then all the people of Hell were bathed, young and handsome, middle-aged and disfigured, as if their faces were like the moon, and it was written among them: “Delivered by Allah from Hell.” Then they entered Paradise, but in Paradise they were ashamed, so they prayed to Allah to remove the writing from them. So Allah erased the writing from them.


The Regret of the Unbelievers

When the people of Hell learned that the Muslims had come out of Hell, they said: “May we be among the Muslims and we will be able to get out of Hell.” In this regard, Allah says:


“Those who disbelieve often (in Hell) wish that they had been Muslims.” (QS. Al-Hijr: 2)

It is narrated that the Prophet said: “Death will be brought on the Day of Resurrection as if it were a fine gibbous goat.” It was said: “O people of Paradise, do you know this animal?” They replied: “Yes, they know that it is death.” And it was said: “O people of Hell, do you know this beast?” And they answered: “Yes, they know that it is indeed death.” Then the beast was slaughtered between Paradise and Hell. Then it was said (to them): “People of Paradise, you will never die in Paradise. O people of hell, you will not die in hell.”

Because Allah Ta’ala says:


“And warn them of the day of regret, (that is) when all matters will be decided. And they are in negligence and they do not believe.” (QS. Maryam: 39)

And in the hadith it is narrated: “When Jahannam was brought, and he breathed out in one breath, the whole Ummah fell on their knees (out of) fear and confusion.” In this regard, Allah, may He be exalted, says:


“And (on that day) you will see every community kneeling. Each of you will be called to see the record of your deeds. On that day you will be rewarded for what you have done.” (QS. Al-Jatsiyah: 28)

When they look into hell and hear his breathing. As Allah Ta’ala said. They could hear (the rumbling) of the rough hell and its breathing, approximately from a distance of 500 years of travel, so each one said: “Ouch….. myself, ouch….. myself,” including Prophet Ibrahim Al Khalil and Prophet Musa Al Kalim. Except Prophet Muhammad Al Habib. So the Prophet said: “Alas!my Ummah, alas my Ummah!my Ummah!

When the hell was near, the Prophet said: “O hell, with the right of the one who prays, and with the right of the one who gives alms, and with the right of the one who is solemn, and with the right of the one who is patient, return you.” The hell did not return. Then Jibril (peace be upon him) said to hell: “By the right of the repentant, and by the tears of those who weep for their sins, return.” So they returned, and the tears of the transgressor were brought and sprinkled on Jahannam. Then it was extinguished so that it became like the fire of the world, which can be extinguished with water and dust.


A Lash to Save from Torment

And in the hadith we are told: “When the Day of Judgment comes, the creatures will be gathered in the field of Makhshyar, and the open doors of Hell will be brought to them, and it will surround the people of Makhshyar from their front side, and from their right side, and from their left side. Finally they asked for help from the Prophet and from the angel Gabriel (peace be upon him). Then Allah said: “O Muhammad do not fear, and dust off the dust on your head. Allah will make the dust on your head into a cloud of rain, which will rest on the heads of the believers.”

Then Allah Ta’ala said: “O Muhammad wipe the dust from your beard,” so the Prophet wiped off the dust, and Allah made the dust that was in the Prophet’s beard, a screen between the believers and the hell Lazha because of the blessing of the Prophet.

And there is information in the hadeeth: “A servant will be brought on the Day of Resurrection, and his bad deeds will weigh on his good deeds, and he will be ordered to be taken to Hell. The hairs of his eyes will say: “O my Lord, your messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “O my Lord, verily your messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: ‘The eye that weeps (out of) fear of Allah Ta’ala, Allah forbids it from the fire of hell, and I have wept (out of) fear of Allah Ta’ala, so keep me away from hell’.” Finally Allah Ta’ala forgave him, and saved him from Hell because of the blessing of weeping (out of) fear of Allah (while) in the world. Then there was a caller: “Fulan bin Fulan has been saved because of the blessing of one hair.”





Chapter 43: Defining the Seven Heavens


Wahab said: “Verily, Allah Ta’ala created Paradise on the day it was made. The extent of Paradise is like the extent of the heavens and the earth, and the length of Paradise no one knows except Allah.

When the Day of Resurrection comes, the seven earths and the seven heavens will disappear, and the place of the two will be the extent of Paradise. And it will be enlarged to the extent that it will contain its inhabitants.

The heavens are all one hundred degrees (the distance between each) two degrees (approximately in the course of) 500 years. Its rivers flow, its fruits hang. In Paradise there is (everything) according to the desire of the heart, and the eye (also) feels pleasure.

In Paradise there are also chaste wives, from the angels. Allah Ta’ala created angels from nur, as if they were yakut and marjan (a type of beautiful gem). The angels are (very) modest always lowering their gaze from other than their husbands, they do not (ever) see anyone other than their husbands, never touched by humans before them (the inhabitants of heaven who are her husbands) and not by the jinn. When her husband has intercourse with her, he will (always) obtain her virginity.

And angels (wear) 70 garments, each garment having a (different) color, how to wear 70 kinds of garments, lighter than hair. In her body can be seen from the outside of her flesh including the marrow of her calves, bones, and skin, as can be seen the red drink from the green glass, and (he can see) the red drink from the white glass. His head wears a crown of diamonds sprinkled with yakut.”





Chapter 44: The Gates of Heaven


Ibn Abbas ra. said: Paradise has eight doors of gold sprinkled with jauhar (a type of pearl) and written on the first door: (. ) that is the door of the Prophets and messengers, including the door of the martyrs, and the benefactors. The second door: the door of those who pray diligently, and those who improve their ablutions and complete the pillars of their prayers. The third door: It is the door of the one who gives zakat with sincerity of heart. The fourth door: It is the door of the one who commands good and forbids evil. The fifth door: It is the door of the one who cuts off his passions from his soul, and prevents his lusts. The sixth door: It is the door of the one who performs Hajj and Umrah. The seventh door: It is the door of the one who does Jihad. The eighth door: It is the door of the pious, the one who closes his eyes from haram goods, and those who do good deeds, including: doing good to parents, and strengthening friendships and other than that.

And there are eight kinds of heaven, the first is called “Darul Jalal”: the best heaven made of white pearls. The second is “Darul Salam”: which is a paradise made of red pearls. The third name is “Jannatul Ma’wa”: which is a paradise made of green zambrut. The fourth name is “Jannatul Khuldi”: which is a paradise made of red marjan (a type of beautiful pearl). The fifth name is “Jannatul Na’im”: which is a paradise made of white silver. The sixth name is “Jannatul Firdaus”: which is a paradise made of red gold. The seventh name is “Jannatul Adn”: which is a paradise made of white diamonds. The eighth name is “Darul Qarar”: which is a paradise made of red gold. And Darur Qarar is the last heaven.

Paradise “Darul Qarar” is the highest heaven above all the heavens. This paradise has two doors and two shutters, one shutter of gold, the other shutter of silver, the distance between the sky each shutter as the distance between the sky and the earth. As for the buildings that are in it are made of gold bricks, and silver bricks, and the soil is from misik, the dust is from anbar, the grass is from za’faran, the palaces are from pearls, the stage is from yakut, the door is from Jauhar.

In this paradise, there is a river of “Mercy” whose waters flow throughout paradise, its pebbles of very white pearls whiter than dew water, sweeter (than) than honey.

In Paradise (also) there is the river “Kautsar” which is the river of our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and its trees are of diamond and yakut. In Paradise (also) there is the river “Kafur”, there is the river “Tasnim”, there is the river “Salsabil”, and there is (also) the river “Rahiqul Makhtum”, and behind these rivers, there are countless rivers.

In the hadith, from the Prophet, he said: “The night I was taken up to the heavens, all of Paradise was shown to me, and I saw four rivers: one of water, which changes its color. Second, a river of milk, which does not change its flavor. Third, a river of wine (khamer). Fourth, a river of honey that is very clear. As Allah says:


“In which are rivers of water that does not change its taste and smell, rivers of milk that does not change its taste, rivers of wine that is delicious to the drinker and rivers of filtered honey.” (QS. Muhammad: 15)

So I asked: “O Gabriel, where do these rivers come from, and where do they go.” Gabriel replied: “The course of this river is to the pool of Kautsar, and I do not understand from whence it comes. Ask Allah to tell you or you can see.” So the Prophet prayed to his Lord. Then an angel came and greeted the Prophet and the angel said: “O Muhammad, close your eyes.” So I closed my eyes. Then the angel said: “Open your eyes!” I saw a dome of white diamond; this dome had a door of green yakut, and the lock was of red gold; if the whole world, consisting of jinns and humans, were on top of that dome, they would be like birds sitting on a mountain. I saw four rivers flowing under this dome. So when I wanted to return, the angel said: “Why did you not enter the dome?” I replied: “How can I enter, (while) the door of this dome is locked.” The angel replied: “Open the door!” I said: “How to open it.” Then the angel replied: “The key is already in your hand.” I asked: “What is the key?” The angel replied: “It is the phrase: “Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.” When I approached the door, I recited: “Bismillahirrahmanirrahim” and the lock was opened, and I entered the dome. I saw these rivers flowing from the four pillars of the dome. When I wanted (to) come out of the dome.” The angel said to me: “Do you want to see and know the inside?” I replied: “Yes,” and the angel said to me: “Look again!” So when I looked, I saw that there was an inscription on four pillars, and the inscription was: “Bismillahirrahmanirrahim” I saw rivers of water coming out of the Mim of the phrase: “Bismi”, the river of milk came out of the Ha’of the words: “Allah”, while the river of wine comes out of the Mim of “Ar Rahman” and the river of honey comes out of the Mm of “Ar Rahim”. So I do not understand that the origin of these four rivers comes from the phrase “BASMALAH”.

Allah said: “O Muhammad, whoever calls me by this name from your people. Then the Prophet said with a sincere heart the words: “Bismillahirrahmanirrahim”, then I will give him drink from the four rivers.”

Then Allah Ta’ala gave the people of Paradise a drink on Saturday, from the water of Paradise, on Sunday, they drank the same from the honey of Paradise, on Monday, they drank from the milk of Paradise, on Tuesday, they drank from the wine of Paradise. When they drink wine, they become all drunk, they are intoxicated, by flying for 1000 years until they reach a great mountain made of very smelly (fragrant) clean misik. And the river salsabil came out from under that mountain. Then they drank the water of the salsabil river. At that time, it was Wednesday.

Then they flew for 1000 years, until they came to a high palace, in that palace there was a high bed, and several glasses that had been provided as stated in the verse. So each one of them sat on the bed, then came to them the drink of zanjabil, then, they drank from the drink, at that time it was Thursday. Then they were showered by a white cloud for 1000 years, until they reached the seat of the righteous, at that time, Friday, they sat on the eternal dish, then the drink of Rahiqum Makhtum, covered with myrrh, came down to them, then they opened the lid and drank from it.

The Prophet said: “Those are the ones who do righteous deeds and avoid sin.”


Nature of the Trees of Heaven

Ka’b said: “I asked the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) about the trees of Paradise, (which) do not dry up their branches, do not shed their leaves, do not spoil their fruits. Indeed, the greatest tree of Paradise is the Thuba tree, whose roots are of diamond, its trunk of yakut, its branches of zambrut, its leaves of sundus silk. This tree has 70,000 branches, each of which touches the Throne, and the lower branches of this tree are in the heavens of the world.

There is no room in Paradise, no dome, and no chamber, except that there is the material of the tree, which provides shade above Paradise. The tree brings forth fruit (according to) what the heart desires. Its comparison in the world is like the sun, from where it is in the sky and its rays reach everywhere.”

‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I declare from several hadiths that the tree of Paradise is of silver in origin, some of its leaves are of silver, and some are of gold. If the roots of this tree are of gold, then its branches are of silver, and if its roots are of silver, then its branches are of gold.

As for the trees of the world, their roots are in the earth, their branches in the air, for indeed the world is a house of corruption. And it is not so with the tree of Paradise; indeed, the roots of the tree of Paradise are in the air, and its branches are in the earth.”

as Allah Ta’ala says:


“Its fruits are near, (to them it is said): “Eat and drink pleasantly on account of the deeds you have done in the past days.” (QS. Al Haqqah: 23-24)

The dust of the earth is misik, amber and kafur, and the river is milk, honey, khamer and clear water. When the wind blows, the leaves touch one another, and there is a sound (resulting from) the friction of the leaves, a very melodious sound.

It is narrated from ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) that he said: “That the Prophet said: Verily in Paradise, there is a tree, and out of the top of the tree a garment from underneath is a horse, which has wings, which is saddled. which is controlled, which is sprinkled with yakut diamonds, (this horse) will not defecate, and does not urinate, who rides on it are the saints of Allah, this horse will fly with (carrying) the saints in Paradise. Then said the one who was in them: “O my Lord, by what did your servant come to such glory?” Allah Ta’ala answered them: “They are the ones who pray, (while) all of you sleep; they fast, (while) you break your fast. They strive (while) you sit by your wives. And they spend their wealth in My way. (while) you are all stingy.””

Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “Verily, in Paradise there is a tree, the one who ascends it can walk under its shade for a hundred years, and the shade will not be broken. As Allah says:


“And a shade that spreads out, and water that gushes forth, and fruits that are plentiful. Which do not cease, nor is it forbidden to take them.” (QS. Al-Waqi’ah:30-33)

The comparison (time) in the world, is the time before sunrise and after sunset, until the disappearance of the mega, then the darkness of the night of the world. Then indeed that time is a shade that is spread out. As Allah says:


“Have you not considered the creation of your Lord, how He lengthens (and shortens) the shadows, and if He willed He would have made them fixed, then We made the sun a guide over them.” (QS. Al-Furqan: 45)

That is: before sunrise and after sunset, until the darkness of night sets in.

It was narrated from the Prophet that he said: “Have I not told you about the Sa’at which resembles some of the Sa’ats of Paradise, the Sa’at which is the time before the sun rises, its shadow is long, and its mercy is evenly distributed, and its blessings are many.”





Chapter 45: Defining the Angel


In the hadith, it is narrated that the Prophet said: “Allah Ta’ala created the form of angels from four colors: white, green, yellow, and red. Allah created her body from za’faran, misik, anbar, and kafur. Her hair was of silk, (glorious) from her toes to her knees of za’faran giving fragrance, (starting) from her knees to her breasts, of misik. And (from) her breasts to her neck, from anbar. (From her neck to her head, from the kafur. If she spits in one go in the world, it will be misik (all the water in the world). In it is written the name of her husband, and the name of some of the names of Allah. On each of her hands are ten bracelets of gold, on her fingers are ten rings, and on her feet are ten bangles of farar and pearls.”

It was narrated from Ibn Abbas ra. The Prophet said: “Verily in Paradise, there are angels. It was said to him, the name ” ‘Aina”, she was created from four things: from misik, kafur, amber and za’faran, dyed the soil with the water of life.

            All the angels long for their husbands; if she were to spit in the sea, with a single spit, the sea would surely become fresh (because) of her saliva. Written on the lower neck: “Whoever likes himself to be like me, then let him act in obedience to his Lord.”

And in the hadith, from Ibn Mas’ud ra. verily he said: “The Prophet said: When Allah created Paradise Adn, He called Gabriel and said to him: “Go to Paradise! And see what I have created for My servants and My lovers.'”

Then Jibril went and circumambulated the heaven, then (there came) a Jariyah from the angels approaching him, she was from the palaces of heaven, the angel smiled at Jibril, so the heaven of Adn became radiant (due to) the rays of her teeth. Then Jibril prostrated himself, thinking that the light was from the Nur of the Lord of Glory, so the Jariyah called out to Jibril: “O trustworthy one of God, do you not understand for whom I was created?” Jibril replied: “No (I do not understand).” The Jariyah said: “Verily, Allah created me for the one who chooses Allah’s pleasure over his lusts.”

And based on this information, it has come in the hadith: “Verily the Prophet said: I saw in Paradise angels building a palace, the bricks of which were of silver, and the other bricks of gold, and they continued to build. When they stopped building, I asked: “Why did you stop building?” They replied: “We have completely exhausted our provisions.” I asked: “What are all your provisions?” They replied: “The remembrance of Allah, for indeed the one who owns this palace is the one who remembers Allah, and when that person stops remembrance of Allah, then we stop building the palace.”

And it is explained: “No slave fasts Ramadan unless Allah marries him to a wife from the angels in a khimah of white diamonds.” As Allah says:


“Beautiful, pure white angels are confined to their houses.” (QS. Ar-Rahman: 72)

That is, that which is kept, that which is covered in the khimah.

And each of the angels, (wears) 70 garments. And for every man there are seventy beds of red yakut, on each bed there are seventy mats, and on each mat there are angels, and each angel has a thousand servants, and each servant has a plate of gold, on which her husband will eat. All this is for the one who fasts in Ramadan, in addition to the good deeds done in Ramadan.





Chapter 46: Characterizing the People of Paradise and Their Pleasures


In the hadith it is narrated: “Indeed, from behind the shirath, there is a field, in that field there are trees that smell good, under each tree there are two springs that flow from heaven, one of them from the right direction and the other from the left direction. The believers pass through the shirath, after rising from the grave, they stand to be judged, and stop (in the heat) of the sun, (after) reading his book, and after passing through the fire, then they all come to the field, then drink from one of the springs, when the water of the source has reached their chests, then what is in (the body) of the believer, (including) from envy, deceit, hasud, (all) disappear from his chest. When the water in the stomach, (among other things) from destructive things, and diseases, including urine. Then they become pure inwardly and outwardly.

Then they came to another spring, then they bathed in that spring, then it became their faces like the moon in the full moon, their selves smelled sweet, their hearts smelled sweet, and their bodies (also) smelled sweet, like myrrh, then they arrived at the door of heaven, they then knocked on the door of heaven, they were immediately greeted by an angel carrying several plates in his hand, so the angel came out to meet the one who had it, then he embraced the one who had him, saying: “You are my beloved, I am willing for you, and I love you forever.” Then, she entered with her husband into his house.

And in the house there are 70 beds, on each bed there are 70 mats, on each mat there is an angel, this angel (wears) 70 clothes, the marrow of her calves is visible because of the fine (and thin) clothes she wears. If one hair from the hair of the women of Paradise fell to the earth, it would illuminate the inhabitants of the earth.”

The Prophet said: “The garments of Paradise are white and brilliant, and in Paradise there is no sun, no night, and no sleep, for sleep is the brother of death. The fences of Paradise are seven, covering the whole of Paradise: First, of silver. Second, of gold. Third, of zabarjan. Fourth, of pearls. Fifth, of diamond. Sixth, of yakut. Seventh, of shimmering nur (light). And the distance between each two fences is (approximately) a journey of 500 years.

As for the inhabitants of Paradise, they are all young men with handsome faces, all of whom are shapely. And the men have green whiskers, which are thin, which glisten. And it is not found on women, because it is to distinguish between women and men.”

In the hadith it is narrated: “Indeed, the people of Paradise, (each) one of them (wears) 70 garments, each garment of various colors, at each hour (changing) with 70 colors. And his face can be seen on his wife’s face, and his wife’s face can be seen on his face. And on the breasts of angels and the calves of angels, (depicted) on the breasts of her husband and the calves of her husband.

And the people of Paradise do not spit, do not snot, and they have no hair, except for two eyebrows, hair on the head and eyelashes.”

Abu Hurairah reported: “By the One who revealed the Book (Qur’an) to his Prophet: “Verily, the people of Paradise increase in beauty and handsomeness every day. Just as youth and old age increase in this world. A man is empowered with 100 times, in the matter of eating, drinking and intercourse. So a husband will have intercourse with his wife, just as he had intercourse with her in the world for several winds. In one wind there are 80 years, and in the intercourse on the part of the husband and the angel, no sperm (semen) is released. And every day one hundred meals are obtained.”

Ibn Abbas ra. said: “When this beloved of Allah, ate the desired fruits. Then Allah, the Exalted, commanded a food to be brought to him, (then) the angels came to him with seventy trays, seventy dishes of diamonds and yakut, and for each dish there were one thousand plates of gold and several glasses.”


“There will be circulated to them plates of gold and trophies, and in Paradise there will be everything that the heart desires and the eyes delight in, and you will remain therein forever.” (QS. Az Zukhruf: 71)

And in Paradise, there is (everything) that the heart desires, and some eyes can feel pleasure (looking at it), and all of you in Paradise are eternal. And on every plate, there is a variety of food, which is not touched by fire, and not cooked by cooks, and not made in copper pots and other things, but Allah Ta’ala says to the food: “Be ye (food). “, so it became food, without difficulty, and without being made. Then this beloved of Allah, ate from the several plates, according to what he wanted to eat. When he was full, there descended upon him a bird of birds: the bird of Paradise, which is as large as a camel, and it rested (flew) with its wings upon the head of the beloved of Allah, saying: “Eat fresh meat, O lover of Allah, I am such ….demikian….., and I have drunk the water of the river salsabil, and the water of the river kafur, and I have eaten (plants) from the gardens of Paradise, so there was a desire (in the heart) of the lover of Allah (to eat) the meat of the bird.” Then Allah commanded the bird to fall upon the dish of whichever kind he desired. So the bird was fried, and the beloved of Allah ate the meat immediately. Then, with Allah’s permission, the bird returned to its original form. In Paradise, the food will not run out, and if it is eaten, it will not decrease at all. The comparison in this world is the Qur’an, which has been studied by man, and then man teaches the Qur’an to others, so the Qur’an remains in its original state, not diminishing one bit of it.

The Prophet said: “Verily, the people of Paradise eat and drink alike, then there will come out of their bodies a wind (odor) like the smell of myrrh, and so it will be forever.”

And may Allah have mercy on our lord Muhammad (peace be upon him), who has been the lord of the messengers, and also on his family and companions, who are equally pure.

And all praise is due to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. …..Amin.