Translation Of Durar al-Bahiyyah



In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.


It is only to Allah that we turn for help in matters of this world and religion.


Praise be to Allah. Allah’s peace and blessings be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad, his companions and family. Companions and his family. .


Amma ba’du:


Everyone who has a clean heart and a healthy mind must already know that the glory of knowledge is undeniable. The evidence for the superiority of knowledge is endless. Allah, the Almighty, says:


“Say: “Are those who know equal to those who do not know?” (QS. Az Zumar: 9)


“Surely Allah will elevate those who believe among you and those who are given knowledge by several degrees.” (QS. Mujadilah: 11)


The Prophet said:


“Seeking knowledge is fardlu for every Muslim and Muslimah.”


“Whoever follows a path in search of knowledge (religion), Allah facilitates his way to Paradise.”


It was narrated from Uthman bin Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet said: “On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will accept the intercession of three groups: the prophets, then the scholars and then the martyrs.”


Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) and Abu Dhar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “We would rather learn one chapter of knowledge than a thousand raka’ats of supererogatory prayer.”


Imam Ash-Shafi’i said: “Busying oneself with knowledge is better than the supererogatory prayers.”


Ash-Shafi’i also said: “Nothing is more important than seeking knowledge after the obligatory acts of worship.”


Know that the most important and highest knowledge is the science of fiqh, which is derived from the Qur’an and Hadith. Science


“Fiqh guarantees that the one who practices it will enter Paradise, because the benefits of fiqh are general and distinguish between what is lawful and what is unlawful. Sufyan bin Uyainah said: “After Prophethood, no one was given anything better than knowledge and fiqh.”


May Allah swt. make it easy for us to learn fiqh and know our religion. And may Allah open our hearts, as He opens the hearts of His beloved. With the means of the Prophet, his family and companions.







In the hadith it is mentioned that the Prophet said:


“If Allah wills good for His servant, then He puts confidence and trust in his heart. If Allah wills bad for him, then Allah puts doubt in his heart.”


Allah said:


“Whomsoever Allah wills to guide, He wills to make wide his chest for his misguidance, but He will make his chest tight and narrow.” (QS. Al An’am: 125)


According to Ahlis Sunnah Wal Jama’ah, the only people who are considered believers and will not remain in hell are those who have embraced Islam firmly without doubt and are willing to say the two sentences of the shahada.


Amirul Mukminin Umar bin Khathab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “One day when we were sitting near the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), suddenly there appeared to us a man dressed in very white clothes and with very black hair; there was no sign of travel on him and none of us knew him, so he sat down in front of the Prophet, leaned his knee on the Prophet’s knee and put his hand on the Prophet’s thigh, and said: “O Muhammad, tell me about Islam!” The Prophet replied: “Islam is that you should testify that there is no God but Allah, and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Thou shalt establish prayer, and give alms, and thou shalt fast in the month of Ramadlan, and thou shalt perform Hajj to the House of Allah (Makkah), if thou art able to do so.”


The man said: “It is true.” So we were astonished, he asked and he also confirmed it. So the man asked again: “Then tell me about Faith.” The Prophet replied: “Believe in Allah, in His angels, in His books, in His messengers, in the Day of Judgment, and believe in the good and bad Qadr.” The man said: “Yes.” The man asked again: “Then tell me about Ihsan.” The Prophet replied: “You should worship Allah as if you see Him, even if you cannot see Him, He sees you.” The man asked again: “Tell me about Qiamat.” The Prophet replied: “The one who is asked about it knows no more than he himself.”


The man asked again: “Tell me about the signs.” The Prophet replied: “Among them are when a servant gives birth to his master, and when you see a man who was poor, in rags, and a goat herder: he has become so well-off that he competes in the splendor of buildings.” Then the man left. I remained quiet for a while, then the Prophet said to me: “O Umar, do you know who the questioner was?” I replied: “Allah and His Messenger know better.” The Prophet said: “He is Gabriel, come to you to teach you about your religion.” (HR Muslim)


The scholars who are the heirs of the prophets said:


“Whoever believes and is a Muslim is a perfect believer. Whoever does not believe and is not Muslim is a perfect disbeliever. He who does not believe in Islam but has faith is a deficient believer. He who does not believe and is a Muslim is a hypocrite.”


The meaning of believing in Allah is to believe that Allah is One, there is no other in His substance, His attributes and His actions and there is no partner for Him as a god.


The meaning of believing in angels is to believe that angels are noble creatures. They never disobey Allah’s commands and always do what they are told. They are always honest about what they preach.


The meaning of believing in the scriptures is to believe that they are the words of Allah in the Substance of Allah, that they are letterless and soundless, that all of them are true, that Allah sent them down to some messengers with new sentences,


The meaning of believing in the messengers is to believe that Allah sent them to the creation, purifying them from all disgrace and faults. They were ma’shum (guarded from sinning) before being appointed as prophets and afterward.


The last day is from death to the occurrence of the Day of Judgment. The meaning of believing in the Last Day is to believe that the Day of Judgment will occur. Belief in the questioning of the two angels, the blessings of the grave, the punishment of the grave, the resurrection after death, the recompense of deeds, the calculation of deeds, the scales, the bridge of the hereafter, and heaven and hell.


The meaning of faith in destiny is to believe that what is destined by Allah must happen. What Allah has not predestined will not happen. And believing that Allah has predestined good and bad before creating creatures. And that everything that happens is the destiny and will of Allah.








According to Islamic law, all believers must know the obligatory, impossible and permissible attributes of Allah. The total number of Allah’s attributes is forty-one.


The obligatory attributes of Allah are twenty, the impossible attributes of Allah are twenty and the jaiz attributes of Allah are one.


  1. Allah’s obligatory attribute is wajud (existence) and his impossible attribute is adam (non-existence).


  1. The obligatory attribute of Allah is qidam (Former), meaning that there is no beginning to the existence of Allah. His impossible attribute is hudus (there is a beginning to the existence of Allah).


  1. The obligatory attribute of Allah is baga (Eternal). This means that there is no end to the existence of Allah. His impossible attribute is fana (impermanent).


4 Allah’s obligatory attributes are mukhalafah lil hawadith (different from creatures), both His substance, His attributes and His actions. His mustahiI nature is mumatsalah (equal to creatures).


5, Allah’s obligatory attribute is qiyamuhu binafsihi (Standing alone).

This means that Allah does not need an object to occupy and a creator to create Him. The impossible property is that Allah does not stand alone.


  1. Allah’s obligatory attribute is wahdaniyah (One). This means that Allah is one in His substance, attributes and actions. His impossible attribute is fa’addud (multiple, not one).


  1. The obligatory attribute of Allah is qudrah (power) and the impossible attribute is ajz (weakness).


  1. The obligatory attribute of Allah is iradah (Willing) and the impossible attribute is karahah (compulsion).


  1. The obligatory attribute of Allah is knowledge (Knowing) and the impossible attribute is Jahlu (ignorance).


  1. The obligatory attribute of Allah is hayat (life) and the impossible attribute is maut (death).


  1. The obligatory attribute of Allah is sama’ (Hearing) and the impossible attribute is shamam (deafness).


  1. The obligatory attribute of Allah is bashar (Seeing) and the impossible attribute is ‘ama (blind):


  1. The obligatory attribute of Allah is kalam (speaking) and the impossible attribute is bakam (mute).


  1. Allah’s obligatory attribute is kaunuhu gadiran (the Almighty) and his impossible attribute is kaunuhu ajizan (the weak).


  1. Allah’s obligatory attribute is kaunuhu muridan (the All-Willing) and his impossible attribute is kaunuhu mukrahan (the compelled).


  1. Allah’s obligatory attribute is kaunuhu aliman (the All-Knowing) and his impossible attribute is kaunuhu jahilan (the ignorant).


  1. The obligatory attribute of Allah is kaunuhu hayyan (the One Who is the Living) and the impossible attribute is kaunuhu mayyitan (the dead).


  1. Allah’s obligatory attribute is kaunuhu sami’an (One who hears) and his impossible attribute is kaunuhu ashamma (one who is deaf).


19, Allah’s obligatory attribute is kaunuhu bashiran (the All-Seeing) and his impossible attribute is kaunuhu a’ma (the blind).


  1. Allah’s obligatory attribute is kaunuhu mutakalliman (the One who speaks) and his impossible attribute is kaunuhu abkama (the silent one),


The above-mentioned attributes of Allah are forty in number. Twenty are obligatory and twenty are impossible.


The forty-first attribute of Allah is the jaiz attribute for Allah, which is to do what is possible and not to do.


The believer must also know the proofs for the forty-one attributes of Allah above, even if they are global. The global proof for all of the above attributes of Allah is the existence of all creatures, such as the heavens and the earth.


The believer must also know the attributes of the messengers of Allah, whether they are obligatory, impossible or permissible.


The number of attributes of the apostles is nine. The obligatory attributes of the messengers are as follows:


  1. Sidiq (Honest in everything that is conveyed).
  2. Amanah (trustworthy).
  3. Tabligh (Conveying the teachings/revelations).
  4. Fathanah (clever/intelligent).


While their impossible characteristics are as follows:


  1. Kidzib (Lie).
  2. Khiyanah (Berkhiana).
  3. Kitman (Keeping the teachings).
  4. Baladah (Fool).


Their jaiz are human things that do not detract from their dignity. For example, eating, drinking, sexual intercourse and minor illnesses. They are the most perfect people of intellect and knowledge. Allah sent them and confirmed their truth with miracles. They conveyed His commands and prohibitions, His promises and His threats.


The believer must also recognize the messengers who are mentioned in the Qur’an in detail. They are twenty-five in number. Other than them, he should only know them globally. ..:


The believer must also believe that God sent the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who was an Arab, from the Ouraisy tribe and the grandson of Hashim. God sent him to all creatures, both Arab and Ajam (non-Arab), angels, humans, jinn and inanimate objects. And that the legislation of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) copies all previous legislation. And that Allah made the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) superior to all creatures.


One’s tawhid is not valid by simply saying “Laa ilaaha illalah.” He must supplement it with “Muhammadur Rasulullah.” Allah requires mankind to believe in all the news brought by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), both the affairs of this world and the affairs of the Hereafter.


Mukallaf should also know that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was born in Makah, was sent in Makah, migrated to Medina, died in Medina and was buried in Medina. And that the skin of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH was white slightly reddish. And that the Prophet Muhammad was the most perfect human being, both in character and stature.


The believer must also recognize or know the lineage of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), both from father and mother. His paternal lineage is: Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim bin Abdi Manaf bin Qushaiy bin Kilab bin Murrah bin . Ka’ab bin Luaiy bin Ghalib bin Fihr (Quraysh) bin Malik bin An Nadhr bin Kinanah bin Khuzaimah bin Mudrikah bin Ilyas bin Mudhar bin Nizar bin Ma’ad bin Adnan. The Prophet Muhammad’s lineage from his mother was Muhammad bin Aminah bint Wahb bin Abdi Manaf (another Abdi Manaf from Abdullah) bin Zuhrah bin Kilab.


In addition, every mukallaf should also recognize the seven sons of the Prophet. Three were male and four were female. In the order of their birth, they are as follows:


  1. Qasim, the eldest son.
  2. Zainab.
  3. Ruqayyah.

4, Fatimah.

5, Umi Kultsum.

  1. Abdullah. Who was called Thayib and Thahir.

The six children were by his wife Khadija ra.

  1. Ibrahim. From wife Mariyah who was from the tribe of Kibti, . Egypt.


The wives of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) whom he left behind at the time of his death were nine:


  1. Aisha bint Abu Bakr ra.
  2. Hafshah bint Umar ra. .
  3. Shaudah ra.

4.Shafiyyah ra.

  1. Maimunah ra.
  2. Ramlah ra.
  3. Hindun ra.

8.Zainab ra.

9.Juwairiyah ra.


They are the mothers of the Muslims. May Allah be pleased with them all. Amen.






All mukallaf must fulfill what Allah has obligated them to do. He must do it with all its pillars and conditions and avoid the things that invalidate it. When a person becomes a mukallaf (adult), he must resolve to fulfill all obligations that he is capable of doing and avoid all that is forbidden.






Religion is the laws legislated by Allah The laws are seven, namely:


  1. Required:
  2. Haram.
  3. Circumcision.

4, Makruh.

5, Permissible.

  1. Cancel.
  2. Legitimate.


There are four religious affairs, namely:


  1. Honest with intent. That is, doing worship with intention and sincerity.
  2. Correct belief. This means believing that Allah is One, has all the attributes of perfection and is far from any defects.
  3. Fulfilling the promise. This means fulfilling all the obligatory duties within their due time.
  4. Avoiding limits. This means avoiding all things that are forbidden by Allah.







It is not valid to remove impurity or najis except with absolute water. Absolute water is water that is pure, purifies, is not impure, is not musta’mal, does not change much because of the holy things that mix with it and the water does not need it. Mutanajjis water is water with a lot of impurity that is not musta’mal and does not change, or water with a little impurity, although it does not change. A lot of water is water in which there are two bowls and a little water is water in which there are not two bowls. Two kulah is approximately 216 liters.


Musta’mal is a small amount of water that has been used to remove impurity or remove najis. Water that has changed a lot because of the holy things mixed with it is water that cannot be called absolute water anymore and has another name, such as soup water.”






People who relieve themselves, whether large or small, are encouraged to do the following:

  1. Wearing sandals.
  2. Cover the head.
  3. Prepare stones or water.
  4. Putting the left foot first when entering the toilet while saying:


“In the name of Allah. Verily I seek refuge with You from the male devil and the female devil.”

  1. Putting the right foot first when leaving the toilet while saying:


“I seek Your forgiveness, praise be to Allah who has removed the dross from me and made me well.”

  1. Not facing the qiblah. It is haraam to relieve oneself in a field if certain conditions are met. The person who is relieving himself should not speak unless he has to. He should not take off his clothes all at once. He should undress little by little, until he is close to the ground. He should not look at the sky, his private parts or the excrement that comes out. He should not play around. He should take off his clothes before getting up.






Istinja’ is obligatory because of the discharge of impure wet matter, either from the front or the back of the penis. Istinja’ must be done with water or a stone or something that acts like a stone, i.e. a solid object that is pure, can remove impurity and is not dishonorable. It is best to do istinja’ with a stone first, then continue with water. If one wants to do istinja’ with either, it is better to do it with water.


After istinja’, circumcision is said:


“O Allah, purify my heart from hypocrisy and guard my private parts from abominable sin.”


The proof that istinja’ is obligatory is the hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him) as follows


“Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) went to the latrine, a boy my age and I would bring him water and a short stick, and he would do urination with that water.”








Wudoo’ has conditions, obligatory requirements, Sunnahs, makroohs and things that invalidate it.


Wudlu Requirements

There are ten conditions of wudlu, namely:

  1. Islam.


  1. Pure from menstruation and postpartum bleeding.
  2. Clean from things that prevent water from reaching the skin.
  3. There is nothing that can change the water on the parts of wudoo’, such as za’faran.
  4. Understand the nature of the obligation of ablution.
  5. Not believing in or considering circumcision of things that are fard.
  6. It’s already time (for prayer).
  7. Successive ablutions for someone who is constantly experiencing hadas.
  8. Water that purifies.


Fardlu Wudlu

There are six fardlu-wudlu:


  1. Intention. Intention should be made at the time of washing the face. The place of intention is in the heart. It is Sunnah to utter the intention with the tongue. An example of a wudlu intention is: “I intend to remove impurity.” Or just intend to do wudlu.
  2. Washing the face, both length and breadth.
  3. Washing two hands up to two elbows.
  4. Wiping or sweeping a part of the head.
  5. Washing the two feet up to the ankles.
  6. Orderly (sequential). That is washing the face first, then washing the hands, then sweeping the head, then washing the feet.


Circumcision of Wudlu

There are many circumcisions of wudoo’. Among them are the following:


  1. Face the qibla.
  2. Use a toothbrush.
  3. Reciting Basmalah at the beginning of wudlu.
  4. Washing two palms.

5, Gargle.

  1. Inserting water into the nose.
  2. Wiping the entire head.
  3. Wipe both ears.

9, Scrubbing.

  1. Stroking a thick beard.
  2. Give precedence to the right.
  3. Consecutive.


Makruh Wudlu

The makroohs of wudoo’ are as follows:


  1. Overuse of water.
  2. Wash the inside of the eye.

3, Prioritize the left over the right.

  1. More than three times.
  2. Less than three times. :


Things that invalidate wudlu “

There are four things that invalidate wudlu:


  1. Anything that comes out of one of the private parts, wind or otherwise, except sperm.
  2. Loss of consciousness due to sleep or otherwise, except for the sleep of one who sticks his buttocks to the ground.
  3. Direct skin-to-skin contact between a man and a woman who have both grown up and there is no muhrm relationship between them.
  4. Touching a human genitalia or touching the anal roundabout with the palm of the inner hand or the inner fingers








Wiping the khufoof (slippers) has conditions, pillars and things that invalidate it.


Conditions for Wiping the Khuf (Slippers)

The conditions for wiping over the khufoof (slippers) are three, namely:


  1. Start wearing two khufoof (slippers) after complete purification.
  2. Two khufoof (slippers) cover the part of the foot that must be washed during wudlu.
  3. Two khufs (slippers) can be worn to walk continuously.


Circumcision of Wiping the Khuf (Slippers)

The Sunnah of wiping over the khufoof (slippers) is as follows:


  1. Stroking it in stripes.
  2. Place the left hand under the heel.
  3. Place the right hand on the toes.
  4. Move the left hand to the tip of the toes.
  5. Move the right hand to the end of the calf.


Things that invalidate wiping the Khuf (slippers)

There are three things that invalidate wiping over the khufoof (slippers):


  1. Khuf (shoe slippers) come off.
  2. Running out of wiping time.
  3. Occurrence of things that require bathing.


A resident may wipe over his khufoof (slippers) for one day and one night. A traveler may wipe over his khufoof for three days and nights. The beginning of the time for wiping over the khufoof (slippers) is the end of the ablution that occurs after putting on the khufoof (slippers).






Tayammum has causes, conditions, obligatory duties, mustahabbos and things that invalidate it.


The reason for Tayammum

There are three reasons for tayammum:

  1. There is no water.
  2. It hurts.
  3. Needs water because of the thirst of honorable living beings.


Conditions of Tayamum

The conditions of tayammum are ten:


  1. Using dust.
  2. Dust must be pure.
  3. Dust is not musta’mal.
  4. Dust not mixed with flour or the like.
  5. Intend to do tayammum.
  6. Wiping the face and two hands with two strokes.
  7. Uncleanliness is removed first.
  8. Trying to find the Qibla.
  9. Tayammum is performed after the time for prayer.
  10. Tayamum for every fard prayer.


Fardlu Tayamum

There are five fard obligations of tayammum, namely:


  1. Moving dust.
  2. The intention validates the fard prayer. The place of intention is when moving the dust. The intention must still be present when wiping part of the face.
  3. Wipe the face.
  4. Wiping two hands up to two elbows.
  5. The sequence between two swipes.


Circumcision Tayammum

The Sunnahs of tayammum are:


  1. Recite the Basmalah at the beginning.
  2. Right side first.
  3. Minimize dust.


Things that invalidate Tayammum

There are three things that invalidate tayammum:


  1. Anything that invalidates wudlu.
  2. Apostasy.
  3. The reason for doing tayammum is lost.






Things that Make Bathing Obligatory

There are six things that make ghusl obligatory:


1, Entry of the tip of the penis into the woman’s vagina.

  1. Discharge of sperm, whether in a dream or otherwise.

3, Menstruation

  1. Postpartum,

5, Maternity.

  1. Die.


Fardhu Mandi

 The fard of bathing is twofold:


  1. Intention.
  2. Evenly distribute the water over the body.


Bath Circumcision

The circumcisions of bathing are many, including the following:


  1. Complete wudlu before bathing.
  2. Start the bath by washing the right side of the body.
  3. Scrubbing.
  4. Repeating the bath three times.
  5. Face the qibla.


It is makrooh to take a bath, such as using too much water.






It is recommended to do ghusl for the following reasons:


  1. Attend Friday prayers.
  2. ‘Id prayer.
  3. Eclipse prayers, both solar and moon.
  4. Istisqa’ prayer.
  5. Ihram.
  6. Enter Makah or Medina.
  7. Wukuf in Arafat.
  8. Tawaf.

9, The bath of a disbeliever when he converts to Islam.

  1. Bathing the dead.
  2. After cupping.
  3. Wake up from madness for example.







The things that are forbidden because of minor impurity are as follows:



  1. Tawaf.
  2. Touching a part of the Qur’an.
  3. Carrying a portion of the Qur’an.


The things that are forbidden because of major impurity are as mentioned in minor impurity, namely:


  1. Prayer.
  2. Tawaf.
  3. Touching a part of the Qur’an.
  4. Carrying a portion of the Quran.



  1. Silence in the mosque.
  2. Reading Al Our’an with the intention of Al Our’an (without touching).


These things are all forbidden for women who are menstruating or postpartum plus:

  1. Fasting.
  2. Pass by the mosque if you are afraid of defiling it.
  3. Revel in the limbs between the knees and the navel.







Menstruation is the blood that comes out of a woman’s private parts in good health without any cause. The minimum age of a menstruating woman is nine Hijri years. The minimum period of menstruation is one day and one night. The maximum period of menstrual blood is fifteen days and fifteen nights. Usually a woman’s monthly period is six or seven days and nights. If the blood is less than one day and night (with accumulation) or more than the maximum period, it is called istihadlah blood. The minimum period of purity between two periods is fifteen days. There is no maximum for this period of purity.


The evidence that menstruation makes ghusl obligatory is found in the Qur’an as follows:


“And they ask you (Muhammad) about menstruation. Say: “It is an impurity.” Therefore, avoid your wives during their menses, and do not approach them until they are pure. When they are pure, mix with them as Allah has commanded you.” (QS. Al Baqarah: 222)







Nifas is the blood that comes out of a woman’s private parts after childbirth. The minimum period of puerperium is a drop. It usually lasts forty days. The maximum of nifaas is sixty days. More than that is istihadlah blood. Explanation:


Blood that comes out during contractions or at the same time as the child comes out is not considered postpartum blood because it comes out first. Rather, it is considered to be impure blood. Hence, prayer is still obligatory at the time of contraction even if the blood is visible. If the woman is unable to do so, she must make it up.






All animals are pure, except dogs and pigs and animals born from them or from one of them. All carcasses are unclean, except humans, fish and locusts.


Everything that comes out of the two private parts is unclean, except for sperm, wind and pebbles if they are not formed from urine.




There are three kinds of impurity, namely:

  1. Mukhaffafah,
  2. Mughallazhah,
  3. Mutawassithah.


Mukhafafah impurity is the urine of a little boy who has not swallowed anything other than milk and has not reached the age of two years. The place of this impurity is purified by sprinkling water.


The mughallazhah impurities are dogs, pigs and their offspring. These impurities cannot be purified unless they are washed with seven washes, one of which is mixed with purifying soil.


Mutawassithah is an impurity other than the two above. This unclean place can be purified by running water once.


All three of these impurities can be purified on condition that they have been removed and have no taste, color or smell. Uncleanliness that has lost its taste, color and smell is called najis hukmiyah. If one of the four things above is still present, it is called najis ainiyah. Najis ainiyah is not pure unless the four things are removed. If it is difficult to remove the color or smell of the impurity, it is forgiven.


The same applies to blood that comes out of the body, even if it turns into pus, whether a little or a lot, except for blood that comes out of the hollow parts of the body, such as the eyes, nose and ears. Blood that comes out as a result of a misdeed and blood that passes through the place, only a little of it is forgiven. If it is much, it is not forgiven.


Anything that comes out of an unclean source is not forgiven at all. For example, the urine and anus. The same applies to impurities that are mixed with other things, such as dog impurities and pig impurities, even if they turn into pus.


The blood of mosquitoes, lice, and flies is forgiven, so long as it is not self-inflicted. If it is self-inflicted, then it is forgiven if it is small. The reference to much or little is according to custom. What is said to be little by custom is little. The same applies to what is much.


Nothing that is najis ‘ain (the object itself is najis) can become pure, except animal skins when tanned and wine when it transforms itself into wine. If the change occurs because the object was dropped into the wine before it turned into wine, even though the object was pure and remained in the wine until it turned into wine, then the wine remains unclean.






The time of Zhuhr is from the time the sun slips until the shadow of the object is equal to the object plus the shadow at istiwa’.


The time of ‘Asr is from the time Zhuhr ends until sunset.


Maghrib time is from sunset until the setting of the red mega.


The time of Isha’ is from the setting of the red sun until the dawn of Shadiq.


The time of Fajr is from dawn until sunrise.






A voluntary prayer that has no accompanying or preceding cause is forbidden to be performed at the following five times:


  1. After Fajr prayer until sunrise.
  2. After ‘Asr prayer until the sun turns yellow.
  3. When the sun turns yellow until it sets.
  4. When the sun rises to its full height.
  5. When the sun is in the center of the sky until it slips, except on Friday.






Prayer has conditions, pillars, things that invalidate, Sunnahs and things that are makrooh.


Conditions of Prayer

There are fifteen conditions of prayer, namely:

  1. Islam.
  2. Tamyiz.
  3. Entry time.
  4. Understand the necessity of prayer.

5 Not believing (considering) things that are fardlu as sunat (recommended)

  1. Clean from major and minor impurity.
  2. Clean from impurity in clothes, body and place.
  3. Covering the aurat.
  4. Face the qibla.
  5. Not talking.
  6. Not doing much
  7. Neither eat nor drink.
  8. Not doing the pillar of gauli (the pillar of speech) if one is uncertain about the intention of prayer or has been uncertain for a long time.
  9. Not intending to stop the prayer.
  10. Not depending on the invalidation of the prayer on something or worrying about invalidating the prayer.


The pillars of prayer.

There are seventeen pillars of prayer, namely:


  1. Intention. If the prayer being performed is an absolute voluntary prayer, then the intention is only ushallii (I pray). If it is a prayer that has a limited time or a reason, then the intention must specify the reason or the time. If it is a fard prayer, then three things must be included in the intention: intending to do it, specifying the prayer and mentioning the word fardlu.
  2. Takbiratul ihram is accompanied by the intention.
  3. Standing for those who are able.
  4. Recite Surah Fatihah.
  5. Ruku’.
  6. Thuma’ninah during ruku’.
  7. I’tidal.
  8. Thuma’ninah when I’tidal.
  9. Prostrate twice.
  10. Thuma’ninah when prostrating.

11: Sitting between two prostrations,

  1. Thuma’ninah when sitting.
  2. The final tashahhud.
  3. Sitting during the final tashahhud.
  4. Reciting salawat to the Prophet.
  5. Recite the first greeting.
  6. Orderly (sequential)


Things that invalidate prayer

The things that invalidate prayer are the absence of one of the conditions of prayer or the failure to perform one of the pillars of prayer. In Az Zubad it is said:


The prayer is invalidated by the absence of one of its conditions, or the absence of one of its pillars.”


Sunnah Prayer

There are many circumcisions of prayer, some of which are performed outside of prayer, namely the adhan and iqamah (commands).


Sunnah Rawatib Prayers

There are twenty-two raka’ats of voluntary prayers. Of which ten raka’at are muakkad, namely:

  1. Two raka’at qabliyah Shubuh.
  2. Two raka’at of qabliyah Zhuhr.
  3. Two raka’ats ba’diyah Zhuhr.
  4. Two raka’ats ba’diyah Maghrib.
  5. Two raka’ats ba’diyah Isha’.


The twenty-two raka’at are not muakadd, namely:

  1. Two raka’at qabliyah Zhuhr.
  2. Two raka’at of ba’diyah Zhuhr in addition to the muakhad.
  3. Four raka’at qabliyah Asr.
  4. Two raka’at qabliyah Maghrib.
  5. Two raka’at qabliyah Isha’.


Witr prayer.

As for the Witr prayer, it is a voluntary prayer on its own. The minimum is one raka’at. The maximum is eleven raka’at. The perfect minimum is three raka’at.


There are some Sunnahs that are enjoined in prayer. There are two types of Sunnah: Ab’adl and Haiat.


Circumcision Ab’adi

There are seven circumcisions of Ab’adl, namely:

  1. The initial Tashahhud.
  2. Sitting the initial tashahhud.
  3. Reciting salawat to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) during the initial Sashahhud.
  4. Reciting salawat to the Prophet in the final tashahhud.
  5. Reciting Qunut.
  6. Standing for qunut.
  7. Reciting salawat and salam to the Prophet during the qunut.


If one of the seven circumcisions of Ab’adl is not performed, the circumcision is replaced by prostration.


Haiat Circumcision

The circumcision of Haiat is many, including:

  1. Raising two hands in four places.
  2. Place the right hand over the left hand.
  3. Doalftitah.
  4. Ta’awwudz before reciting the Fatihah.
  5. Saying “Aameen” after reciting the Fatihah.
  6. Read the letter after saying “Aamiin.”
  7. Slow down and louden the recitation in its place.
  8. Takbir Intiqal.
  9. Tasbih ruku’ and sujud.
  10. Saying: “May Allah hear those who praise Him.”
  11. Placing two hands on the thighs when sitting. The kin hand is stretched out and the right hand is clasped, except for the eggjuk finger.
  12. Sitting Iftirasy on the entire sitting.
  13. Sitting Tawarruk in the last sitting.

14 Second greeting.


If one of the circumcisions is not performed, it cannot be replaced by prostration.


Things that are makrooh in prayer

 The things that are makrooh in prayer are as follows:


  1. Placing the hands on the collar of the shirt during Takbiratul Ihram, ruku, sujud
  2. Turn your head with your face.
  3. Loudening the recitation in the place of soft recitation and vice versa.
  4. Putting the hands on the waist (malangkerik: Javanese).
  5. Haste.
  6. Look up at the sky.
  7. Close your eyes if you are worried about a problem.
  8. Spit forward or to the right.
  9. Not wearing headgear.
  10. Resisting impurity.
  11. Praying at the graveyard.



One should start the prayer with enthusiasm, an empty heart, calmness, contemplating the recitation and constantly looking at the place of prostration.






It is fard al-kifayah for men who have reached puberty, are free (not slaves), reside in the area, are able to cover their ‘awrah and are not unable to do so. The congregation must be in a place that shows the greatness of Islam. If people do not pray in congregation, then they are sinning and deserve to be fought by the government. Jama’ah in prayer can be attained by a person if he has made Takbiratul Ihram and the imam has not yet greeted him.


Terms of validity-jama’ah

The conditions for the validity of the jama’ah are eleven, namely:


  1. The place of the praying person is not more advanced than that of the imam. What is regarded in terms of place are the heels when standing and the buttocks when sitting.


  1. The mum knows the imam’s movements.


  1. The intention of the congregation or the intention of the congregation. However, the imam is not required to make the intention of congregation except in Jumu’ah prayers, i’adah prayers (repeated prayers), congregational prayers due to rain and vowed congregational prayers. In these prayers, the imam must make the intention of jama’ah.


  1. The physical actions of the imam and the mimum are compatible. It is not valid for a person who prays Zhuhr to pray for an eclipse or a funeral prayer.


  1. The mum follows the imam if the imam performs the prostration of recitation and the initial tashahhud or does not do so. If the imam does not do the resting sitting, then it is permissible for the congregation not to do it.


  1. The congregation and the imam are together in one mosque, even if they are far away. If they are outside the mosque, the distance between them should be no more than three hundred cubits (about 180 meters).


  1. The mum follows the imam. That is, the takbiratul ihram of the mum comes after the takbiratul ihram of the imam, and the mum does not precede the imam in the two pillars of the fi’li (pillars that are actions) and does not fall behind in the two pillars of the fi’li without a hindrance. If there is an impediment, such as the mum reciting slowly and the imam reciting quickly, then the mum may lag behind the imam with three long pillars. (Long pillars are other than i’tidal and sitting between two prostrations).


  1. The mimum does not know whether the imam has aborted the prayer due to hadas or otherwise.


  1. The mum does not believe that the imam should repeat the prayer.


  1. The imam is not the congregation.


11 The imam is not umi if the congregation is not umi (an umi is someone whose recitation of Fatihah is not good).







 Jumu’ah prayer is fardlu ‘ain if the conditions are met.


Conditions for Jumu’ah Prayer

There are six conditions for the validity of the Friday prayer, namely:


  1. The Jumu’ah prayer is offered in a building, whether it is in a town or a village. It is not valid to pray Jumu’ah in a field, even if there is a tent.


  1. The performers of the Jumu’ah prayer are forty men who are mukallaf, free and residing in the area. They do not move, whether it is the dry season or the rainy season, except out of necessity.


  1. Friday prayers are performed during the Zhuhr prayer.


  1. Jama’ah in the first raka’at.


  1. There is no other Friday prayer in that place, unless it is difficult for the people to gather in one place.


  1. Two khutbahs precede the Jumu’ah prayer.


The pillars of the Khutbah”. There are five pillars of the khutbah, namely:


  1. Praising Allah in two khutbahs.


  1. Reciting salawat to the Prophet in the two khutbahs.


  1. Mandating piety in the two khutbahs.


  1. Reciting one verse with its meaning understood in one of the khutbahs. But it is better to read it in the first khutbah.


  1. Praying for male and female believers in the second sermon.






The people who attend Jum’atan have six parts, namely:

  1. The one who authorizes the Jumu’ah prayer. That is a mukallaf, male, free and resident. :


  1. The one who is obliged to pray Jumu’ah and it is valid to do so, but he does not validate it. This is the one who is a resident but does not live there, and the one who hears the call to Jumu’ah but is not in the area where the Jumu’ah prayer is offered.


  1. The one who has to pray Jumu’ah, does not validate it and it is not valid to do so. That is the apostate. The apostate must pray Jumu’ah, but the procedure is that he should first convert to Islam and then pray Jumu’ah. Otherwise, his Jumu’ah prayer is not valid. |


  1. Those who do not have to pray Jumu’ah and do not validate it, and it is not valid to do so, are the original disbelievers (not apostates), children who are not yet tamyiz, the insane, the unconscious and the accidentally drunk.


  1. Those who do not have to pray Jumu’ah and do not validate it, but it is valid to do so. These are young children who have reached the age of puberty, slaves, women, transvestites and travelers.


  1. The one who does not have to pray Jumu’ah, has it validated and it is valid to do so. These are sick people and other people who are unable to pray.







It is permissible for a traveler to shorten the ruba’iyyah prayer (a prayer of four raka’ats) on condition that he has traveled a long distance (about 85 km), that his travel is permissible, that he has left his territory, that he intends to shorten it when he says Takbirat al-Ihram, that he is still a traveler until his prayer is completed, and that he does not pray four raka’ats.


It is also permissible for the traveler to combine Zhuhr with ‘Asr and Maghrib with ‘Isha’, either tagdim (combining Zhuhr and Maghrib prayers) or ta’khir (combining Asr and ‘Isha’ prayers).


The conditions for jamaa’ in general are that the travel is permissible and that the traveler has left his territory.” For jama’ Tagdim, the following conditions apply:


  1. The first prayer is performed first.
  2. Intend jama’ before the salam of the first prayer.
  3. Not separating the first prayer from the second prayer with enough time to do two raka’ats briefly.
  4. He was still a traveler until he entered ihram for the second prayer.


In jama’ Ta’khir the following conditions apply:

  1. Intention of jama’ before the time for the first prayer.
  2. Still a traveler until the end of the second prayer.







There are many voluntary prayers. Among them are the Rawatib prayers mentioned earlier. The Witr prayer has also been mentioned.


Among the other supererogatory prayers are the following:


  1. Tarawih. The time is after performing the Isha’ prayer until the break of dawn. The Tarawih prayer has twenty raka’at and must be performed in two or two raka’ats with ten salams. This prayer is performed on every night of Ramadlan and is recommended, in congregation…


  1. Dluha. This prayer is also called isyrag prayer. It is timed from the time the sun rises halfway until the sun slips. The minimum is two raka’at and the best is eight raka’at.


  1. Tahiyat of the mosque. It is two raka’ats and is Sunnah for the one who enters the mosque before sitting down, whenever he enters the mosque. Tahiyat of the mosque is recommended many times because of entering the mosque many times.


  1. ‘Id (feast day) prayer. Two raka’at. In the first raka’at, takbir seven times before ta’awwudz. That is in addition to takbiratul ihram. -. In the second raka’at, takbir five times. It is Sunnah to pray the Eid prayer in congregation. It is Sunnah to deliver the khutbah twice afterwards like the Friday khutbah. The khathib makes nine takbirs in the first khutbah and seven in the second:


  1. Istisqa’ prayer. Two raka’at like the ‘Id prayer. In the first raka’at, takbir is seven times and in the second raka’at takbir is five times. This prayer is also recommended to be performed in congregation. The imam is required to deliver a khutbah twice after the prayer like the khutbah of the ‘Eid prayer, but the takbirs are replaced by istighfar.


  1. Eclipse Prayer. The minimum is two raka’at like any other prayer. The most perfect is to add standing and ruku’ to each raka’at. It is Sunnah to raise the recitation in the lunar eclipse prayer and lower the recitation in the solar eclipse prayer. The sunnah eclipse prayer is performed in the mosque. The imam makes two khutbahs like the Friday khutbah.







Bathing the deceased, shrouding him, praying for him and burying him is fard al-kifayah on those who know of his death, whether relatives or others. If one of us fulfills these four obligations, even if he is not a mukallaf, then there is no sin on us. If no one does, then everyone is sinning.


A person who is martyred on the battlefield against the disbelievers should not be washed and should not be offered funeral prayers. Shrouding him and burying him is still obligatory.


There are several possibilities for a baby who is miscarried. If it is clearly alive, then it must be washed, shrouded, prayed for and buried. If it was never alive at all, then it must be washed, shrouded, buried and not prayed for. If it is not human at all, then there are no obligations. However, it is recommended to cover it with a cloth and bury it.


The minimum for bathing a corpse is to spread the water over its entire body. The most perfect way to bathe a corpse is to repeat it three times, the corpse is washed in a quiet fold, in a bracket, in a high place and with cold water. Unless there is a necessity, such as the corpse has dirt on it or the weather is cold, then it is better to use heated water.


The minimum kafan is a cloth that covers the entire body of the deceased. The most perfect shroud for a male corpse is a three-layer cloth. And for women is a bracket, veil, jarik and two layers of cloth.


The pillars of the funeral prayer

There are seven pillars of the funeral prayer:


  1. Intention.
  2. Four times takbir.
  3. Stand up if you can.

4, Recite Surah Al Fatihah.

5: Reciting salawat to the Prophet after the second takbir.

  1. Praying for the deceased after the third takbir.
  2. Greetings.


The minimum grave is the excavation that covers the smell of the corpse and protects it from wild animals. The corpse must be faced towards the qibla.


If the body is not facing the qiblah, then the grave must be dug and the body faced towards the qiblah if it has not changed. The most perfect grave is that the grave is dug as deep as an adult standing while waving his hands, the corpse is tilted at the right waist, his back is leaned against bricks or dust and his cheek is pressed against the ground.






If a person is going to perform the funeral prayer, he should first perform ablution. Then face the qiblah and say:


“I intend to pray over this dead person four takbirs fardlu kifayah facing the qiblah for the sake of Allah.”


Then recite Al Fatihah. When finished, recite takbir:


“Allah is great.”


Then recite shalawat:


“Praise be to Allah. O Allah, send blessings upon our Lord Muhammad and the family of our Lord Muhammad. Just as You saluted our lord Ibrahim and the family of our lord Ibrahim. Bless our lord Muhammad and the family of our lord Muhammad. As You have blessed our lord Ibrhaim and the family of our lord Ibrahim among the universe. Indeed, You are the Most Praiseworthy and the Most Great. And grant salvation indeed. O Allah, forgive the believing men and women, the living and the dead.”


Then read:


“Allah is great. O Allah, forgive him, have mercy on him, forgive his faults and prosper him, honor his coming and make room for his dwelling, cleanse him from sin as a white cloth is cleansed from dirt, replace for him a better house than his former house, and replace his family members with better ones than his former family members. Give him a spouse better than his former wife. Enter him into Paradise and save him from the torment of the grave, the trial of the grave and the torment of Hell. O Allah, forgive those who are alive among us and those who have died, those who are before us and those who are far away from us, our men and women, and bring them to life in a state of faith. And whoever You kill among us, kill him in a state of faith. O Allah, do not deprive us of its reward. And do not mislead us after death.”


Then read:


“Allah is great. O Allah, do not deprive us of his reward, do not slander him after his departure and forgive us and him.”


Then say your greetings:


“May salvation be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessings.”


If the deceased is a child, say the following prayer:


“O Allah, forgive him and have mercy on him. O Allah, forgive those who are alive among us and those who are weary of death, those who are before us and those who are far from us, our men and our women, then bring him to life in a state of faith. And whoever You kill among us, then kill him in a state of faith. O Allah, do not deprive us of its reward. And do not mislead us after death.” O Allah, make him a preliminary deposit for his parents and a trust, an obligation that comes first, and a teaching of example and syafa’at for his parents. And weigh the scales of his parents for him, and grant patience in the hearts of his parents. And do not make a fimah for his father and mother after him, and let not God deprive his parents of their reward.”




Zakat is a thing that is issued in the name of property and body,


Zakat Mal is obligatory on eight items, namely:

  1. Gold,

2 Silver,

  1. Camel,
  2. Cattle (or buffalo),
  3. Goat.
  4. Staple food.
  5. Dried dates.
  6. Dry wine. .


Requirement of Zakat

There are six conditions for zakat to be obligatory, namely:

  1. Islam.

2 Merdeka.

  1. Perfect possession.


  1. A year’s time on a particular object.
  2. Animals that are grazed.






The nisaab of gold is twenty mithgol (77 grams) and the nisaab of silver is two hundred dirhams (550 grams). Gold and silver are subject to zakaah after one year has passed, except for gold and silver that is produced from mines or obtained from treasure. Apart from treasure, zakaah on gold and silver is 1/40 or 2.5% Treasure is the hidden treasure of the Jahiliyyah. Its zakaah is 1/5.


The nishab of tijarah (trade) is the nishab of the currency used to purchase the trade. This nishab is only calculated at the end of the year. Zakat on tijarah is 2.5%






The initial nishab of camels is five. Five camels give one goat as zakaah. Ten camels give two goats as zakaah. Fifteen camels give three goats as zakaah. Twenty camels give four goats as zakaah. Twenty-five camels are zakaah on a bintu makhadh camel, a year-old she-camel. Thirty-six camels are zakaah on a bintu labun, a two-year-old she-camel. Forty-six camels are zakaah on a higgah camel, a female camel three years old. Sixty-one camels are a jadza’ah, a four-year-old female camel. Seventy-six camels are zakaah on two bintu labun. Ninety-one camels, two hiqqah camels. One hundred and twenty-one camels, three bintu labun camels. Above the number 121, for every hundred camels the zakaah is bintu labun, for every fifty camels the zakaah is higgah.








The beginning of the nishab of cattle is thirty heads. Thirty cows are zakaah tabi’, a year-old calf. Forty cows are musinah, a two-year-old cow. And so on.


The starting nishab of goats, both sheep and Javanese goats, is forty camels. Forty goats give zakaah on one goat, a year-old sheep goat or a two-year-old Javanese goat. One hundred and twenty goats give two goats as zakaah. Two hundred and one goats give three goats as zakaah. Four hundred goats zakaah four goats. After that, for every hundred goats, the zakaah is one goat.







Namely grains that are used as staple food by humans under normal circumstances. For example, rice, wheat and corn. The nisaab of grapes and dates is the same as that of staple foods.


The beginning of the nisaab of staple food is five wasaq. A wasaq is sixty saa’. One saa’ is four mud (approximately 6 ounces). One mud is one third of a ritl. (Wasaq is approximately 60 X 6: 360 ounces, 360 X 5: 1080 kilograms). The staple food that is weighed is dried.


Zakaah on staple food is 1/10 if it is watered without cost, such as rainwater. If it is watered at a cost, such as watering cans, then the zakaah is 1/20.


Zakat must be paid when the grains have hardened for dates and grapes.







Zakat Fitrah or body zakat. Zakat al-fitr is obligatory on every Muslim who is a mukallaf. He must pay his own zakat al-fitr and the zakat al-fitr of the Muslims whom he is obliged to support, whether free or slave, small or large, male or otherwise. Zakat al-fitr is obligatory because the sun sets on the last day of Ramadlan and one is still alive at the beginning of Shawwal, and there is a surplus for his own expenses and the expenses of his family for that night and the next day.



Zakat al-fitr is one saa’ (about 2.5 kilograms) of the local staple food, such as rice, gandung, himas seeds, dates and grapes. If the staple food of a region is only rice, then it is not valid to give zakat al-fitr on anything other than rice.






The people who are entitled to receive zakat are eight groups, namely:

  1. Fakir.
  2. Poor.

3, Amil

  1. Muallaf.

5, Mukatab slaves.

  1. Gharim.
  2. Fighters of Islam.
  3. Traveler.


Amil includes zakat recorders and zakat collectors. Muallaf is a person who converts to Islam, but his intention is still weak. Or his intention to convert to Islam is strong, but if he is given zakat, then there are other people who convert to Islam. Mukatab is a special slave. Gharim is someone who owes money to himself and the debt is due, but he is unable to pay it. A warrior is one who volunteers to fight in the cause of Allah at his own expense. A traveler is one who is traveling and his traveling is permissible.


Muzakki (the person who is obliged to give zakat) must give his zakat to the above eight groups. Each group should have at least three people, with the exception of the amil. According to the correct opinion, it is permissible to give mal zakaah to three people. One zakat-ul-fitr may be given to one person only. It is not permissible to give zakat al-fitr to disbelievers, slaves other than mukatab, young children and the insane. Zakat may be given to guardians (caretakers of young children and the insane). Zakat is not to be given to the children of Hashim, the children of Muthalib, slaves freed by them, people who are able to work or are able to support others, and people who must be supported by the zakat payer, whether parents, children, wives or slaves.







Fasting Ramadlan is obligatory because the month of Sha’ban has completed thirty days. Or because a reliable person saw the new moon. The one who is obliged to fast Ramadlan is every Muslim who is mukallaf and is able to fast. Fasting Ramadlan is not obligatory for disbelievers, children, the insane, people who are unable to fast because of old age or because their illness has no hope of recovery. Those who are unable to fast because of old age must pay one mud of food for each day. Fasting is not obligatory for menstruating women and post-partum women, as they are considered incapable of following the laws of Islam.


Fardlu Fasting

There are two fard fasts, namely:


  1. Intention every day.
  2. Refraining from things that invalidate the fast.


The intention to fast must be made at night. The time is long, from sunset to dawn. The minimum valid Ramadlan fasting intention is:


“I intend to fast Ramadan.”


The most complete Ramadlan fasting intention is:


“I intend to fast tomorrow to fulfill the obligatory fast of Ramadlan this year for the sake of Allah Ta’ala.”


After breaking the fast, it is circumcision to say:


“O Allah, it is for Your sake that I fast, for Your provision that I break my fast, in You I believe, in You I surrender and in You I put my trust. The thirst has been quenched and the sinews have been moistened, and may the reward remain if Allah Ta’ala wills. O Lord of vast grace, forgive me. Praise be to Allah who nourishes me then I fast and gives me sustenance then I break my fast. O Allah, grant us the ability to fast. Give us the strength to pray at night. Give us help to pray the night prayer when mankind sleeps. Enter us into Paradise with prosperity.”






There are four things that invalidate the fast, namely:

  1. Any object that enters an open body cavity, such as the throat and the inside of the ear.
  2. Making an effort to vomit. However, if vomiting is involuntary, it does not invalidate the fast.
  3. Intentional ejaculation of sperm. Either by masturbation, skin-to-skin contact with another person or kissing without a veil. But if the sperm comes out on its own, or by looking, or by daydreaming, or by dreaming. Then it does not invalidate.
  4. Intercourse. By inserting the tip of the penis into the woman’s vagina. This breaks the fast if it is done deliberately, knowing that one is fasting and on one’s own initiative. If a person eats or drinks or masturbates or wants to vomit because he forgot, then his fast is not broken. The same applies if one does not know or is forced to do so.






There are four kinds of fasting, namely:


  1. Fard fasting. These are the fasts of Ramadlan, the fasts of vows, the fasts of expiation and the fasts of expiation, such as the expiation of zihar or the expiation of murder.


  1. Unlawful fasting. These are fasting on the days of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, fasting the days of Tasyrik, fasting menstruating women, fasting postpartum women and fasting the days of Shakk (doubt) if there is no cause.


One of the haraam fasts is fasting the second Nishfu Sha’ban (starting on the 16th), unless one fasts the 15th or fasts for a reason.


3: Makrooh fasting, which is fasting on Friday only or Saturday only or Sunday only. Likewise, fasting dahr (annual fasts) for people who fear harm or not fulfilling obligations.


4 Circumcised fasts. These include fasting Arafat for those who are not on Hajj, fasting Ashura’ (10th of Muharram), Tasua’ (9th of Muharram), the 11th of Muharram, fasting six days of Shawwal, fasting Ayyamul Bidi (days of light nights) which are the 13th, 14th and 15th of each month, Ayyamus Sud (days of dark nights) which are the 28th, 29th and 30th of each month. The six-day fast of Syawwal is directly circumcised on the 2nd to 7th of Syawwal.



With circumcision fasts, the intention does not have to be made at night, nor does it have to determine the fast that is being done. Circumcision fasts may be broken without making up the fast.






i’tikaf is recommended at all times, especially during the month of Ramadlan. Especially the last ten nights of the fasting month to obtain Lailatul Oadar which is better than a thousand months.


Conditions of I’tikaf 

There are seven conditions for i’tikaaf, namely:

  1. Islam. ,
  2. Normal sense.
  3. Pure from menstruation.
  4. Pure from puerperium.
  5. Remaining silent on the huma’ninah of prayer
  6. Performed inside the mosque.
  7. Intent on I’tikaf.


The fard intention is obligatory if you vowed to do I’tikaf,

I’tikaaf is invalidated if the person leaves the mosque without a reason, due to apostasy, drunkenness, menstruation, postpartum period, intercourse and sperm emission due to skin contact.


The reward of I’tikaf downstream is for swearing or using lies or fighting or eating haraam things.



One who enters the mosque should put the right foot first Take the word:


“I seek refuge in Allah the Great, His glorious Substance and His former dominion, from the accursed devil. In the name of Allah. Praise be to Allah. O Allah, bless our Lord Muhammad and the family of our Lord Muhammad and grant him salvation. O Allah, forgive me my sins. Open the doors of your mercy for me. Make easy for me the doors of Your sustenance.


When you go out, you should say the above dhikr, but only the last part:


replaced with:


“Open for me the doors of your grace. Guard me from Selan and his army.”






Hajj and Umrah are obligatory on Muslims who are free, mukallaf and able to perform them once in a lifetime. To be able to do so is to have provisions and a vehicle, to provide for those who must be provided for during the journey and return home, and to travel safely.


Hajj has pillars, obligations and circumcisions.


Pillars of Hajj

There are six pillars of Hajj, namely:

  1. Intention.
  2. Wukuf in Arafat.
  3. Tawaf.
  4. Sa’i.
  5. Shaving the hair or cutting the hair.
  6. Orderly.


All the pillars of Hajj are pillars of ‘Umrah, except for wukuf in Arafat.


Obligatory Hajj. There are five obligations of Hajj, namely:

1.Ihram from the mikot.

  1. Mabit (stay overnight in Muzdalifah).
  2. Overnight in Mina.
  3. Laying the Jamaraat.
  4. Avoiding things that are forbidden during ihram.


Hajj Circumcision

The circumcisions of Hajj are many, including the following:

  1. Bathing because of ihram.
  2. Bathing because of wukuf.
  3. Bathing for stoning the Jamaraat on the days of Eid.

4 Wearing perfume before entering ihram.

  1. Wearing white and new cloth.


If a person does not perform one of the pillars of Hajj, his Hajj is not valid. A pillar cannot be replaced by a compensatory sacrifice. There are three pillars that must not be abandoned, namely: Tawaf, Sa’i and Tahallul. If a person does not perform the obligatory parts of Hajj, then his Hajj is valid and he must pay a compensatory sacrifice. If a person does not do any of the Sunnahs of Hajj, then there is no effect, but he does not gain any fadlilah.






The things that are forbidden during ihram are as follows:

  1. Wearing perfumed oil.
  2. Oiling the head and beard.
  3. Nail trimming.
  4. Cutting hair.
  5. Intercourse and its preliminaries.

6.Marriage ceremony.

  1. Hunting.
  2. Cutting the sacred ground tree.


All of these (i.e., the things mentioned above) are forbidden for men and women. , .


Especially for men, it is forbidden to do: .

  1. Cover the head.
  2. Wearing sewn clothes. ,


And for women it is forbidden:

  1. Cover the face.
  2. Wearing gloves on the palms.


These things are forbidden if they are intentional, knowing of the prohibition, not being forced and being a mukallaf. If one of these four conditions is not present, then it is not haraam. All of these haraam things have a fidyah, with the exception of the marriage contract. There are details as to whether the fidyah is obligatory. With regard to destructive actions, such as killing game, cutting trees and shaving the head, the fidyah must be paid without the condition that it was done deliberately and knowingly. With regard to actions that are done for pleasure, such as wearing perfume, sewing clothes and having intercourse, the fidyah is required to be knowingly and intentionally.







Conditions of tawaaf

There are seven conditions for tawaaf, namely:


  1. Clean from impurity, both minor and major, clean from impurity in clothes, body and place of tawaaf.


  1. Covering the aurat.


  1. Starting tawaaf from Hajar Aswad and aligning the left shoulder with the precious stone.


  1. Placing the Ka’bah on the left side while walking towards Hajar Aswad, while the body and clothes come out of the Ka’bah, Syazarwan and Hjjir Ismail.


  1. Being inside the Grand Mosque.


  1. Seven times with confidence.


  1. Not intending anything other than tawaaf. –


If the tawaaf is not one of the pillars of ‘Umrah, then the intention is required. If it is one of the pillars of Umrah Hajj, no intention is required.


Circumcision of Tawaf

There are many circumcisions of tawaf, including: .


  1. Walking the entire tawaaf, unless one is unable to do so.


  1. Wiping Hajar Aswad with the hands at the beginning of tawaaf.


  1. Kissing Hajar Aswad three times.


  1. Placing the forehead on Hajar Aswad.


  1. Men walk fast on the first three laps if after tawaaf they do sa’i.


  1. Idhthiba’. This means placing the middle of the rida’ under the right shoulder and placing the end of the rida’ over the left shoulder.


  1. The man draws close to the Kaaba.


  1. Consecutive,


  1. After finishing, pray two raka’ats behind Ibrahim’s Tomb if you can.


  1. Touching Hajar Aswad after finishing the prayer.







The conditions of Sa’i are four, namely:

1 . Sa’i is done after a valid tawaaf, either the complete tawaaf or tawaaf qudum.

  1. Starting sa’i from Shata.
  2. Passing through the entire terrain of sa’i.
  3. Sa’i seven times with confidence.


Important note:

Pilgrimage to the grave of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is highly recommended, even for those who are not performing Hajj or Umrah. Many hadiths explain the blessings of this pilgrimage. Wallahu a’lam.






May we close our lives with husnul khatimah. Amen. Every person who is mukallaf is obliged to repent immediately from all sins, both minor and major.


Allah swt. said:


“And repent to Allah, O you who believe, that you may prosper.” (QS. An Nur: 31)


The Prophet, peace be upon him, said:


“Repent ye unto Allah, for verily I repent unto Him a hundred times each day.” :


Every mukallaf is obliged to empty and guard his heart from all despicable traits. Examples of despicable traits are as follows: 


  1. Wondering whether God exists or not.
  2. Feeling safe from God’s treachery.
  3. Despairing of God’s mercy.
  4. Arrogant. ‘
  5. Ujub (boasting)
  6. Riya’ (not sincere). , .
  7. Hasud (envy),
  8. Revenge.


And adorn yourself with praiseworthy traits. Examples of praiseworthy traits are as follows:


  1. Ikhlas.
  2. Tawadlu’.

3 Ridla to Allah.

4, Tawakkal to Allah.

5: Patience with calamities and trials.

  1. Patience in performing acts of worship.
  2. Patience in avoiding sin.
  3. Believing that Allah will definitely give him sustenance.

9, Hating the world,

  1. Hostile to lust and Satan.


The Mukallaf must guard his seven limbs from all sins, He must guard his eyes from:


1, Looking at other women (not muhrim and wife).

2.Looking at the aurat.

3, Looking at Muslims with contempt,

  1. Looking into someone else’s house without permission.


He must guard his tongue from:

  1. Lying.
  2. Backbiting, which is speaking ill of a Muslim, even if it is true.
  3. Adu domba, which is pitting two parties in a dispute against each other.
  4. Laughing at fellow Muslims.


He must keep his ears off:

1 Hearing gossip.

  1. Heard of divide and conquer.
  2. Hearing all forbidden speech.


He must keep his hands off:

1-Reducing scales or measures.

  1. Betrayal.
  2. Stealing.
  3. Killing.
  4. Hitting without right.


He has to keep his feet off:

  1. Walking to slander fellow Muslims.
  2. Walking to kill Muslims.
  3. Walking to harm Muslims.


He must guard his private parts from:


  1. Sodomy (even on one’s own wife).
  2. Masturbation with his own hand.


He has to keep his stomach from:

  1. Eating usury.
  2. Drinking intoxicating beverages. Kn
  3. Eating the property of orphans.
  4. Food and drink that Allah has forbidden.


A clever believer should have the following qualities:

  1. Khusyu’.
  2. Tawadlu’.
  3. Fear of God.

4.Zuhud to the world.

  1. Qana’ah even if you are barely making ends meet.
  2. Giving away more than one needs.
  3. Loving the servants of Allah.
  4. Amar ma’ruf.

9, Nahi mungkar.

  1. Do good immediately.
  2. Always perform acts of worship.
  3. Inviting others to piety.
  4. Shy.
  5. Minimize things that hurt others.
  6. Honest in his speech.
  7. Little talk.
  8. Filial piety to two parents.

18, Friendship with relatives

19, Compassion for fellow Muslims.

  1. Expect the mercy of Allah.
  2. Giving because of God.
  3. Not giving because of God.
  4. Love because of God.”
  5. Hate because of Allah.
  6. Love of Allah, the Prophet, his Companions, the children and grandchildren of the Prophet, the scholars and the righteous.
  7. Be kind to all Muslims.”


May Allah grant us all the praiseworthy qualities and keep us away from all the blameworthy qualities May we follow in the footsteps of the Prophet, peace be upon him, in all our words and deeds. Verily, Allah is the Almighty to answer prayers,


This is the end of the book Ad Durar Al Bahiyyah which explains the fardlu ‘ain for the mukallaf. May Allah make me sincere in compiling this little book. May this book be a stepping stone for me to reach the blissful paradise:


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. May Allah give peace and blessings to our beloved Prophet Muhammad, his family and friends. Amen.


This book was completed by its compiler Abu Bakr bin Muhammad Shatha at Asr time, on Monday, the 9th of Dhulqa’dah, 1303 AH.




Intention for Zhuhr Prayer:


“I intend to pray ardlu Zhuhur four raka’at facing the qiblah at its time for the sake of Allah.”


Intention for Asr Prayer:


“I intend to pray four raka’ats of the obligatory ‘Asr prayer facing the Qiblah at its proper time for the sake of Allah.”


Intention for Maghrib Prayer:


“I intend to pray three raka’at of the obligatory Maghrib prayer facing the Qiblah at its proper time for the sake of Allah.”


Intention to pray Isha’:


“I intend to pray the fard Isha’ prayer of four raka’at facing the Qiblah at its proper time for the sake of Allah.”


Intention of Fajr Prayer:


“I intend to pray two raka’ats of the Fajr prayer facing the Qiblah at its proper time for the sake of Allah.”


Intention of Tarawih Prayer:


“I intend to pray two raka’ats of the Tarawih prayer (ma’mum/priest) for the sake of Allah.”


Tarawih Prayer:


“O Allah, make us (those) whose faith is perfect, can fulfill all the ardlu, keep the prayer, pay the zakat, demand to seek all the good in Your side, hope for Your forgiveness, always hold fast to Your instructions, regardless of all deviations and zuhud in the world and love charity for provisions in the hereafter and steadfast (patience) accept trials, grateful for all Your favors and may on the Day of Resurrection we are in one row under the auspices of the banner of our lord Prophet Muhammad PBUH. And through the cool lake, enter heaven, avoid the fire of hell and sit on the throne of honor, accompanied by the angels of heaven, and wearing great clothes of sundud silk, ibrik silk, dibaj silk, enjoying the delicious food of heaven, drinking clean pure milk and honey in glasses and jugs that flow, together with those whom You have favored them from among the Prophets, shiddigin and martyrs, and the righteous. And it is good that they are our companions. Such is the favor of Allah and the sufficiency of Allah, the All-Knowing. And all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.”


Intention of Witr Prayer:


“I intend to pray two raka’at of the Sunnah Witr (ma’mum imam) for the sake of Allah,”


“I intend to pray one raka’at of Sunnah Witr (ma’mum imam) for the sake of Allah.”


Prayer of Witr: |


“O Allah our Lord, we ask You for lasting faith, and we ask You for solemn hearts, and we ask You for knowledge that is beneficial, and we ask You for right belief, and we ask You for righteous deeds, and we ask You to remain in Islam, and we ask for forgiveness and health, and we ask for perfect health, and we ask for gratitude for our health, and we ask for sufficiency. O Allah our Lord, accept our prayers, our fasting, our bowing, and our khushu’ and our devotion, and perfect what we do during prayer, O Allah, O Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate. And may the blessings of Allah be upon the best of His creation, Muhammad (peace be upon him), and his family and companions, and all praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.”


Intention of Istikharah Prayer:


“I intend to pray two raka’at of the circumcision of Istikharah for the sake of Allah.”


Istikharah Prayer:


“O Allah, I truly ask that God choose what is good according to You, O Allah. And I ask God to give certainty with Your decree and I ask with the mercy of the Great and Great God. For it is indeed God who is in charge, while I do not know and it is God who knows everything that is still hidden. O Allah, if the Lord knows that this matter is good for me, in my religion and in my livelihood, and that its consequences are good for me, then grant this matter to me and make it easy for me, then grant me blessings in it. O Allah, if the Lord knows that this is not good for me, for my religion, and for my livelihood, and that it is not good for me, then keep it away from me, and keep me away from it. And grant me good wherever I am, then make me one who is willing to accept Your grace.”


Intention of Hajat Prayer:


“I intend to pray two raka’ats for the sake of Allah.”


Hajat Prayer Prayer:


“There is no God but Allah, the Most Merciful and Gracious. Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the Most Great Throne. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. It is to You that I ask for that which obliges Your mercy, and that which brings Your forgiveness, and gains in every sin. Do not let any sin from me go unpunished except that You forgive it, and there is no need except that You provide a way out, and there is no need that finds favor with You except that You grant it. O most gracious and merciful Lord.”


Intention of Tahajjud Prayer:


“I intend to pray two rak’ahs of Tahajjud for the sake of Allah.”


Tahajjud Prayer –


“O Allah, to You be all praise. You are the upholder of the heavens and the earth and the universe and everything in it. To You be all praise. You are the ruler of the heavens and the earth. To You belongs all praise, the transmitter of the light of the heavens and the earth. To You belongs all praise. You are the right one, and Your promise is true, and Your meeting is true, and Your Word is true, and heaven is true, and hell is true, and the prophets are true, and the Hour is true. O Allah, it is to You that we surrender (berrawakkal), it is to You that we return, and it is to You that we yearn, and it is to You that we resort. Forgive us for the wrongs we have done and those before, whether hidden or revealed. You are the Lord of the former and the Lord of the latter. There is no God but You, Allah Rabbul ‘alamin. There is no power and no strength except with Allah.”


Intention of Dluha Prayer:


“I intend to pray two raka’ats of voluntary Dluha prayer (ma’mum imam) for the sake of Allah.”


Dluha Prayer:


“O Allah, that the time of sorrow is the time of Your sorrow, the splendor is Your splendor (majesty): the beauty is Your beauty: the strength is Your strength, the power is Your power: and the protection is Your protection. O Allah, if my sustenance is still in the sky, send it down and if it is in the earth, bring it out, if it is difficult make it easy, if it is unclean purify it, if it is far away bring it near, thanks to your dawn time, majesty, beauty, strength and power, bestow upon us as you have bestowed’ upon your righteous servants.”


Intention of the Sunnah Fast:


“I intend to fast tomorrow for the sake of Allah Ta’ala.”


Intention of Compulsory Fasting:


“I intend to fast tomorrow to observe the ardlunya of Ramadlan this year for the sake of Allah Ta’ala.”


Intention to Fast Ramadlan Qadla’:


“I intend to fast tomorrow to make up this year’s Ramadlan for the sake of Allah.”


Prayer when breaking the fast:


“I testify that there is no God but Allah, I ask Allah for forgiveness, I ask You for Paradise, and I seek refuge with You from the punishment of Hell, O Allah, surely You are the Most Forgiving, the Most Noble, the Most Forgiving, so forgive me.”


Intention of Zakat Fitrah for Yourself: 


“I intend to pay zakat al-fitr on myself ardlu for the sake of Allah.”


Intention of Zakat Fitrah for Others:



“I intend to give zakaat al-fitr on behalf of (my son, my wife, my father, my mother, and the like) fard for the sake of Allah.”


Intention of Zakat Fitrah for Yourself and Others:


“I intend to pay zakaat al-fitr on myself and on behalf of (my son, my wife, my father, my mother, and the like) fard for the sake of Allah.”


Prayer After Paying Zakat:


 “O our Lord, accept our deeds of worship. Indeed, You are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.”


Prayer When Receiving Zakat:


“May Allah reward you for your gift, and be able to shower you and bless you with what you have.”