Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Peace and blessings be upon the Prophet, his family and his companions.


Dear Muslims, may Allah make us familiar with our religion of Islam. And may Allah always show us the truth and may Allah guard us from the evil of our passions. Ameen.


You should know that the five daily prayers are the pillars of Islam. Therefore, whoever establishes it is establishing Islam. And whoever neglects it is tearing down Islam.


Among the greatest calamities, the worst deeds and the most severe defects is underestimating the five daily prayers, neglecting Friday prayers and congregational prayers. Whereas with prayer, Allah elevates a person’s degree and covers his defects. The inhabitants of the earth and the sky worship Allah with prayer.


No one abandons prayer and no one is distracted by possessions from prayer, except the one whom Allah has destined for harm, great punishment, loss of transactions and long regret,


Therefore, the one who does not pray will be wrathful to Allah, will die without bringing the religion of Islam, will become an inhabitant of hell and Hawiyah will be his place to roll. He is wrathful to Allah and expelled from Allah’s earth and heavens.


It was narrated from Sayidina Ali Kwh, that he heard the Prophet say:


“There is no believing servant who leaves the prayer and does not perform it, except that Allah writes on his face: “He is out of the mercy of Allah. So I wash my hands from him.” If a slave does not perform one of the obligatory prayers, Allah writes his name on the door of Hellfire.”


At the end of the hadith narrated by Umar bin Khathab and Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with them) from the Prophet (peace be upon him), it is said that he said: “Jibril (peace be upon him) descended upon me and said: “Read!” Gabriel replied: “What do I read?” Gabriel replied:


“Then there will come after them (bad) successors who will waste their prayers and indulge in their lusts, and they will meet with misguidance”. (QS. Maryam: 59)


That is, after the prophets, there will be a generation that ignores prayer like the Jews and Christians and indulges in lust. People of this nature will be thrown into Hellfire.


I said: “O Gabriel, will my Ummah waste the prayer after me?” Gabriel replied: “Yes. At the end of time there will come some people from your Ummah who will waste the prayer and delay it from its time and follow their desires. A dinar for them is better than their prayer.” Allah swt. said:


“They are not entitled to intercession except those who have made a covenant with God, the Most Gracious.” (Maryam: 87)


The Prophet said in interpretation of the verse: “The covenant is the five daily prayers”


The Prophet, peace be upon him, said:


“After Tawheed, Allah has not enjoined anything that He loves more than prayer. Had there been anything He preferred over it, His angels would have worshipped with it. Some of them would bow, some would prostrate, some would stand and some would sit”,


The five daily prayers are so good that they are imposed on the servants of Allah.


It is said that the angels in charge of prayer are nicknamed ‘the ministering angels of ar-Rahman’. They boast of this nickname to other groups of angels. ,


Abu Darda’ra. said: “The best servants of Allah are those who keep the sun, moon and shadows in remembrance of Allah”. That is, for prayer.


What Abu Darda’ meant was the best of Allah’s servants. That is the one who keeps the time for prayer. It means the one who prays at the beginning of the time.


On the other hand, the worst servants of Allah are those who delay the prayer from its time. Wallahu a’lam.


Narrated hadith:


“The first thing that is judged on the next servant on the Day of Judgment is prayer. If the prayer is found to be perfect, then the prayer is accepted and other actions are accepted. If it turns out to be flawed, then the prayer is rejected and the other deeds are rejected.”


The Prophet said to Abu Hurairah (ra):


“O Abu Hurairah, command your family to pray, for verily Allah brings sustenance to you from where you do not expect”.


The following verse corresponds to the hadith:


“And command your families to establish prayer and be patient in its performance. We do not ask you for sustenance, it is We who provide for you. And that (good) result is for the pious”. (QS. Thaha: 132)


Shaykh Ata’ al-Khurasani said: “There is no servant who prostrates himself to Allah once in any of the places on this earth, unless that place testifies for him on the Day of Resurrection and weeps for him at the time of death”.


The Prophet said:


“Whoever deliberately leaves the prayer, then the responsibility of Muhammad (peace be upon him) is free from him.”


That is, the Prophet no longer took care of him.


The Prophet also said:


“The five daily prayers are enjoined by Allah upon His slaves. Whoever performs them in their due time, they will be a Nur for him and a sign on the Day of Judgment. Whoever neglects it will be gathered with Pharaoh and Haman.”


In a long hadith it is narrated that Jibril (peace be upon him) came down to the Prophet and said:


  1. “O Muhammad, Allah does not accept from the one who does not pray his fast, his alms, his hajj, his charity or his zakat.


  1. People who do not pray are cursed in the Torah, Gospel. Zabur and the Quran.


3, The one who does not pray every day descends upon him a thousand curses and a thousand wraths. And indeed the angels curse him from above the seven heavens.


  1. O Muhammad, the one who does not pray has no share in your portions or your intercession and he does not belong to your Ummah.


5, O Muhammad, the one who does not pray is not visited when he is sick, is not accompanied by his corpse, is not shaken, is not accompanied by food, is not accompanied by drink, is not carried, is not accompanied by sitting, there is no religion for him, no trust for his father, and there is nothing for him in the mercy of Allah. He is with the hypocrites in the lowest level of hell. ?


6, The one who does not pray will have his punishment doubled. On the Day of Resurrection, he will arrive with his hands tied to his neck, the angels will strike him and Jahanam will be opened for him, then he will enter the door of Jahannam like an arrow, then he will descend head first near Karun and Haman in the lowest level of Hell.


  1. The one who does not pray when a bite is brought to his mouth, the bite says to him: “May Allah curse you, O enemy of Allah. You eat the sustenance of Allah and do not fulfill His obligations”,


  1. The one who does not pray, has his clothes washed and says to him: “Had my Lord not subjected me to you, I would have fled from you”. That is, I do not want you to wear it.


  1. The one who does not pray when he leaves his house, the house says to him: “May Allah not accompany you on your journey, not replace you after you leave and not return you to your family safely”.


  1. The one who does not pray is cursed during his life and after his death.


  1. One who does not pray dies as a Jew and is resurrected . as a Christian”.


Thus, O Muslims and Muslim women, the fate of those who do not pray. May Allah protect us from that.


May we all be guided by Allah and His taufik so that we can always pray in congregation. And may our prayers be accepted by Allah. Amen.


Shaykh Imam Ash-Shafi’roni said in al-Uhud al-Muhammadiyyah: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) made a general recommendation to us, that we explain to those who do not pray from among the peasants, laymen and other ignorant people. That we explain the hadith or verse that contains the blessings of the five daily prayers and the blessings of those who perform them in congregation. The explanation should be done in earnest, just as Allah and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) were earnest in explaining it.


Typically, Sufis and santri today do not heed the above command. They want to mingle with someone who does not pray, be it their children, servants, friends or others. They eat with him and laugh with him. They even want to hire him as a worker in their shop, as a mosque caretaker and so on. They do not want to explain the sin of the one who does not pray and the reward of the one who does.


Not explaining or not giving advice is an act that undermines Islam or weakens it.


Therefore, my fellow Muslims, men and women, you should be willing to explain or give understanding to ignorant people about the obligations of Islam that they do not perform. If you do not, then you will be the first to be burned in Hell with those who do not pray (as stated in the sahih hadith above).


You are one of those who have knowledge or know something, but do not want to put it into practice. For anyone who knows something of the rulings of Islamic law, but does not want to put it into practice and does not want to teach it to others, he is one who does not want to put his knowledge into practice.”


Fellow Muslims and Muslim women, in fact, praying the jamaa’ah prayer in congregation on a regular basis, leads to the attainment of many virtues, blessings, raising degrees, repelling evil and warding off prahara and calamities.


Prayer is the basis for piety and piety is the foundation of all perfection. If a person is able to regularly attend the five daily prayers, then he will attain piety and all virtues, such as avoiding sin and evil deeds and sins.


Allah swt. said:


doing it in congregation. The explanation is done in earnest, just as Allah and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) took great pains to explain it.


Typically, Sufis and santri today do not heed the above command. They want to mingle with someone who does not pray, be it their children, servants, friends or others. They eat with him and laugh with him. They even want to hire him as a worker in their shop, as a mosque caretaker and so on. They do not want to explain the sin of the one who does not pray and the reward of the one who does.


Not explaining or not giving advice is an act that undermines Islam or weakens it.


Therefore, my fellow Muslims, men and women, you should be willing to explain or give understanding to ignorant people about the obligations of Islam that they do not perform. If you do not, then you will be the first to be burned in Hell with those who do not pray (as stated in the sahih hadith above).


You are either someone who has knowledge or you have knowledge but you do not want to put it into practice. For anyone who knows something of the rulings of Islamic law, but does not act upon it and does not teach it to others, he is one of those who do not act upon his knowledge.”


Fellow Muslims and Muslim women, praying in congregation regularly leads to the attainment of many virtues, blessings, elevation of status, warding off evil, and warding off disasters and calamities.


Prayer is the basis for piety and piety is the foundation of all perfection. If a person is able to regularly attend the five daily prayers, then he achieves piety and all virtues, such as avoiding sin and immoral deeds and sins.


Allah swt. said:


“If the people of the lands had believed and feared, We would have bestowed upon them blessings from the heavens and the earth” (S?rat al-A’raf: 96).


That is, the existence of faith and piety causes the opening of the door to sustenance from the sky, such as rain. And sustenance from the earth, such as plants and crops.


“Allah swt said:


“And if they had truly observed (the laws of) the Torah and the Gospel and (the Gur’an) revealed to them from their Lord, they would have had food from above and from beneath their feet”. (QS. alMaidah: 66)


From above them, the heavens, and from below them, the earth,


Allah also said:


“And that if they had kept straight on that path (the religion of Islam), indeed We would have given them fresh water to drink (of great sustenance)”. (QS. al-Jin: 14)


Verily, calamity will be removed from a place where people pray. Conversely, calamity descends on a place where people do not pray.


Do not deny the occurrence of earthquakes, landslides and lightning in places where people do not pray.


Do not say or think: “I have prayed. I don’t care about other people who don’t pray. The important thing is that I am not among those who do not pray”.


Do not say so, because calamity, when it descends, affects both the good and the bad. The good one does not want to enjoin the good and forbid the evil against the bad one, who does not want to pray. Allah knows everything.


One day, the Prophet said to the Companions:


“You should say: “O Allah, do not make among us a wretch who is hindered.” Then he said: “Do you know who is the wretch who is hindered?” The Companions replied: “Who is the wretch, O Messenger of Allah?” He replied: “The one who does not pray”.


In the hadith the story of Isra’ Mi’raj is told, when the Prophet PBUH.


Isra’-he saw a group of people whose heads were hit until they were crushed with stones. Once crushed, their heads returned to normal. It happened over and over again without stopping. The Prophet asked: “O Gabriel, what did those people do wrong?”


Jibril replied: “They are those whose heads are heavy for prayer”. Allah swt. said:


“So it is an accident for those who pray, (i.e.) those who neglect their prayers.” (QS. Al-Ma’un: 4-5)


Some of the scholars of tafseer said: “What is meant is those who waste their prayers and take them out of time. Wail is an abyss in the hell of Jahannam. If the mountains of the world were carried there, they would be destroyed because of its extreme heat. Wail is the place of the one who neglects his prayer, unless he repents to Allah and regrets his mistake.”


Prayer is the difference between a believer and a disbeliever The Prophet said:


“Whoever maintains the five daily prayers in congregation, Allah will honor him with five things:


First and second, the narrowness of the grave and the torment of the grave are eliminated.


Thirdly, it is given a book of deeds with the right hand.


Fourth, passing through sirath mustagim like lightning.


Fifth, entering heaven without reckoning.


And whoever disdains his prayer, then Allah will punish him with fifteen kinds of punishment. Six in this world, three at the time of death, three at the time of the grave and three at the time of meeting God on the Day of Judgment.


There are six kinds in the world:


First, the blessing of life is taken away.

 Secondly, the mark of piety will be removed from his face:

Third, all his deeds will not be rewarded.

Fourth, his prayers did not reach Allah.

Fifth, not being able to share in the prayers of the righteous.

Sixth, the soul is taken away from the body without faith. May Allah protect the word.


As for the three punishments of death:


First, to die in a state of humiliation.

The second is to die hungry.

Third, he is very thirsty. Even if all the water in the world is drunk, he is not refreshed. That is, his thirst is not quenched.


As for the three that happen in the grave:


First, the grave is narrowed by pinching it, so that the ribs collide.


Secondly, his grave is ablaze with fire, so that he rolls in the fire. This happens day and night.


Third, a large blind snake overpowered him in the grave The beast tormented him because he had neglected prayer. His torment corresponds to the time of prayer.


As for the three that happened when he met his Lord:


First, when the heavens were divided, he was visited by an angel carrying a chain that was seventy cubits long. The chain was put around his neck, then put into his mouth and taken out of his anus. Then there was a cry from the side of Allah: “This is the punishment of those who neglect the obligatory duties of Allah”.


Ibn Abbas ra. said: “If one loop of the chain fell to the earth, the earth would burn”.


Secondly, Allah does not want to see it.


Third, Allah does not cleanse him and for him is a painful punishment.”


It is narrated in a hadith that the first thing to be black on the Day of Judgment will be the faces of those who do not pray. In hell, there is an abyss called Lamlam. In it there are many snakes. Each snake is as big as a camel’s hump and as long as a month’s journey. The snakes bite those who do not pray. Its venom boils in the person’s body for seventy years. The flesh peels off, how painful.


In another hadith it is stated:


“Whoever always prays the five daily prayers in congregation, Allah will give him five things:


First, Allah will remove economic constraints.

Secondly, Allah will remove the torment of the grave.

Thirdly, Allah will give him the book of deeds with his right hand.

Fourth, he passed through Sirath Mustagim like lightning.

Fifth, he enters Paradise without accountability.


And whoever disdains the five daily prayers in congregation, Allah will torment him with ten things:


First. Allah will deny him the blessings of his work and his sustenance.

Secondly, all his deeds are not accepted.

Third. the mark of piety is removed from his face.

Fourth, it is hated by the hearts of mankind.

Fifth, his life was taken in a state of hunger and thirst.

Sixth, the questions of the grave are burdensome for him.

Seventh, his grave is narrowed and dark.

Eighth, his reckoning will be burdensome on the Day of Judgment.

Ninth, being wrathful to God.

Tenth, God punished him by entering hell”.


Shaykh Qatadah (a Tabi’in) said: “You should always pray, because prayer is the character of the believer”.


The Prophet said:


“My Ummah is a blessed Ummah. Calamities are not removed from them except because of their sincerity, their prayers, their supplications and their weak ones.”


Many hadiths explain the disbelief of the one who does not pray. And many of the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) relied on these hadiths.


Among them were ‘Umar ibn Khathab, ‘Abdur Rahman ibn Auf, Muadz ibn Jabal, Abu Hurairah, Ibn Mas’ud, Ibn ‘Abbas, Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah and Abu Darda’ (ra). The salaf scholars also agreed with them. Among them are Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Ishag bin Rahawaih, Abdullah bin al-Mubarak, an-Nakhai and many more.


My brothers, these hadiths are sufficient for us to know that the one who does not pray is a disbeliever. It is enough for us to follow the opinion of the companions of the Prophet and the scholars who hold this view.


The one who does not pray is turning away from his Lord, who created him perfectly, educated him, fed him, showed him the path of salvation, and explained that his enemy, Satan, will return to Hell.


Then does this lowly and deformed servant dare to disobey his Gracious Lord and follow in the footsteps of the cursed Satan who has expelled his father from Paradise and invites him to misguidance? Clearly not worthy and inappropriate.


Wretched is the one who follows the devil and obeys his invitation and goes against the word of his Lord.


O how terrible is the deed of one who follows the devil. His calamities are great and he is very wretched morning and evening. People who follow the devil are bad and dirty inside and out.


Therefore, let us immediately obey Allah when we hear the adhan. Let us not be tempted by the devil who tempts us to be lazy and delay prayer, because the devil if followed, makes us humiliated and loses.


Muslim brothers and sisters, may Allah guide us. You should know that you must command your wives and children to perform the five daily prayers.


Because children and wives are a mandate from Allah entrusted to you all,


Allah has said:


“O you who believe, betray not Allah and the Messenger (Muhammad), nor betray the trusts entrusted to you, while you know” (QS. al-Anfal: 27).


The Prophet said:


“Fear Allah, fear Allah concerning women, for they are a trust for you”.


Whoever does not make his wife pray and does not teach her to pray is betraying Allah and the Messenger of Allah. He deserves to be tortured by Allah, because he did not heed the words of Allah above.


In a hadith, people who are wretched are mentioned. Among the wretched is the man who does not tell his wife to pray. There is no good in a woman who has no religion and there is no good in a man who does not tell his wife or his son or his brother to pray. His wife is not blessed by Allah and is cursed.


If a wife does not obey her husband, she should be divorced, because she is an enemy of Allah and an enemy of the Prophet.


The woman’s guardian or parents should help the husband. That is, they should help her to pray and obey her husband.


If the wife’s parents do not help the husband, then they will go to Hell and deserve Allah’s wrath and torture.


Therefore, you should help each other to obey Allah, then you will be fortunate and safe from Allah’s punishment.


Do not underestimate this matter.


By Allah, the one who trivializes this matter is the one who has no good and no religion. The torment of Allah will be upon him, for Allah says:


“And there remains for them the decree of the doom of the former nations before them, of Jinn and men; surely they are the losers”. (QS. Fushilat: 25)


Habib Abdullah bin Alawi al-Haddad said in Nashaih ad-Diniyyah:


“Just as you are obliged to observe prayer and it is forbidden to despise it, you are also obliged to order your family and children to pray. The same applies to those who are under your authority. Do not give them excuses for not praying. Whoever does not listen and does not obey, threaten him and punish him. Be angry with him more than you would be angry if he were to damage your property. If you do not do so, then you are among those who despise prayer and your duty to Allah. If he does not comply after you have punished him, then get rid of him and expel him, because he is actually a devil who does no good at all. He should not be loved and married, he should be antagonized and cut off. He is one who is against Allah and the Messenger of Allah. Allah says:


“You will not find those who believe in Allah and the Last Day, loving one another with.those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they are their fathers, or sons, or brothers, or relatives” (QS. al-Mujadilah: 22).


In the above verse, Allah denies the faith of the one who loves the one who opposes Allah and the Messenger, even if he is a very close relative.


Therefore, my brothers, you should always pray in congregation in the mosque. Seek refuge with Allah from taking prayer lightly. You should pray in congregation and always do itikaf in the mosque.


The actions spoken of above are the spoils of the fortunate, the good fortune of the pious, the glad tidings of Paradise, the rest of the pious zuhud, the actions of the guided, the guarantee of the chosen who love Allah, the spoils of those who understand Allah, the medicine of the scholars who practice their knowledge and are not distracted by anything from praying. When prayer comes, they do not care about things that raise or lower their rank. Their hearts always want to pray. If there is a qadla’ prayer, their hearts are sad and grieved. By praying, their hearts are happy, proud and joyful.


May Allah always have mercy on those who promptly obey and are willing to keep the congregational prayers. Keeping the congregational prayers is a great Fortune and a great happiness.


If you listen to the above information and heed it, then you will be a lucky and happy person.


If you all resist and turn away, then you are doomed.


There are no more excuses on your part.


O Allah, save us from the things that cause humiliation. Show us kindness. Multiply our good deeds. Forgive us our bad deeds. Make us fortunate in life in this enviable world and after death. O Lord of virtue, O Sustainer of degrees, O Lord of the heavens and the earth. By the means of our Lord Muhammad, peace be upon him, the best of creatures.


May Allah shower our Lord Muhammad and his family and companions with the best of peace and blessings. May peace be upon the messengers and all praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.






In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.


Allah swt. said:


“Make patience and prayer your helpers. And surely such things are very hard, except for those who are devoted.” (QS. al-Bagarah: 45)


The one who is khushu’ is the one who is given help by Allah.


The Prophet said:


“Praying in congregation is more rewarding than praying alone by twenty-five degrees”. And in one narration, “Twenty-seven degrees.”


The Prophet also said:


“There are no three people in a village or forest for whom congregational prayer is not established, unless Satan overcomes them. That is why you should always pray in congregation, because the wolf only eats the goat that is far away.”


The Prophet also said:


“The perfect hard, disbeliever and hypocrite is the one who hears Allah’s call to prayer, then he does not go to it.” is the adhan.


The Prophet also said:


“It is enough that the believer is harmed and loses if he hears the muadzin calling for prayer, then he does not come to him.”


The Prophet also said: .


“Verily, Satan is a wolf of men like a wolf of goats. He takes the goats that are far away. So avoid the slopes of the mountains”.


That is, do not be scattered away from your friends and always attend the mosque in congregation.


The Prophet also said:


“Whoever hears the call to prayer (i.e. the adhan) when he is able and healthy, and then does not go to the call to prayer, there is no prayer for him.”


That is, the prayer is not perfect.


The Prophet said:


“Whoever hears the call to prayer and has no excuse that prevents him from following it is not accepted. His prayer is not accepted.”


The first is to hear the call to prayer and not to join the congregation.


Abu Said al-Khudri ra. said: “If you see a man making it a habit to pray in congregation in the mosque, then testify that he is a believer. Allah swt. said:


“Only those who prosper the mosques of Allah are those who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and establish prayer, pay the alms, and fear none but Allah.”


The Prophet, peace be upon him, said:


“The mosque is the home of everyone who fears Allah. Allah has guaranteed the one whose mosque is his home that he is comfortable, given mercy and passes through Sirath Mustaqim to the pleasure of Allah, namely to heaven.”


The Prophet said:


“Verily, those who enliven the house of Allah are the family of Allah”.


Those who attend the mosque in congregation are the family of Allah.


“Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Whoever hears the call to prayer and then does not come to it, then he will not see good and will not be favored”.


Abu Hurairah (ra) said: “The ear of the son of Adam is filled with crushed lead, that is better than him hearing the call to prayer, yet not coming to it”.


“The Prophet said:


“Whoever performs ablution in his house, then performs ablution properly, then goes to the mosque, he is a pilgrim of Allah, and it is appropriate that the pilgrim honors the pilgrim”.


That is wudlu in accordance with the conditions and Sunnah of wudlu.


The Prophet said to the Companions:


“Do you not want me to show you something that will cause Allah to erase your faults and exalt your status?” They replied: “Yes, we do, Messenger of Allah”. The Prophet said: “It is the completion of ablution over the hated things, the number of steps to the mosque, . waiting for prayer after prayer. This is what is meant by ribath (three times)”.


Waiting for the prayer after the prayer, if I’m not mistaken, means that you prayed alone, then prayed again because you got a congregation.


The Prophet said:


“Completing wudoo’ for things that are hated, actively walking towards the mosques and waiting for prayer after prayer, can wash away mistakes”.


The Prophet said:


“Whoever goes in the morning and goes in the evening to the mosque, Allah prepares for him a place in Paradise every time he goes in the morning and every time he goes in the evening”.


Ibn Umi Maktum ra. who was blind went to the Prophet. He complained that he was blind. Meanwhile, there were many creeping animals and wells in Madinah.


He said: “Do you not find relief if I pray at home?” The Prophet asked back: Do you hear the call to prayer?” He replied: “Yes, still hearing”, the Prophet said: “O, then. I do not find any relief for you”, i.e. to pray at home, (


The Prophet, peace be upon him, said:


“Three people cursed by Allah”


Among them, the Prophet said the man who heard Hayya alash shalah hayya alal falah. But he did not go to the invitation. (HR. al-Hakim)


That is, he heard the Qomat of prayer. The Prophet said:


“There is no prayer for the neighbors of the mosque, except in the mosque”


That is, there is no perfect prayer.


One of the things that should be done and paid attention to in prayer is to straighten the rows and make them close.


The Prophet, peace be upon him, said:


“Straighten your rows, level your shoulders, be gentle in the hands of your brothers and fill in the gaps, for surely the devil enters among you like a little lamb”.


So if the rows of prayer are not tight, then the intervals are occupied by the devil.


The rule of shaf, besides being straight, is that it must be tight.


Al-Bara’ ibn Azib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Prophet (peace be upon him) would pray, he would come to the side of the Shaf to arrange the chests and shoulders of the people. He said:


“Do not differ, then your hearts are in conflict. Verily, Allah sends blessings upon the first row.”


The salawat of Allah is to give mercy, the salawat of angels is to ask for forgiveness.


The Prophet said:


“Straighten your rows, for verily, straightening the rows

including establishing prayer”.


The Prophet also said:


“Equalize your rows, make them close and level the shoulders. For by Him in Whose hand is my soul, I saw the devil entering from between the rows like a goat.”


The Prophet said:


“Straighten your hearts, then your hearts are the same, you are related and love each other”.


Imam Shuraih said: “i.e. mix you in prayer”.


The Prophet said:


“Straighten up, level your shoulders and fill the gaps in the rows, be gentle with your brother and do not leave any openings for the devil. Whoever joins the rows, Allah joins them. And whoever breaks the row, Allah breaks it.”


Anas reported that he said: “The Prophet said:


“Establish your rows and close them together, for indeed I see you from behind my back”.


So one of us put his shoulder to the other’s shoulder and the sole of his foot to the sole of the other’s foot”.







The Prophet said:


“Whoever prays ‘Isha’ in congregation, it is as if he has prayed half the night. And whoever prays the Fajr prayer in congregation, it will be as if he prayed the whole night.”


The Prophet said:


“The hardest prayers for hypocrites are . Isha’ and Fajr prayers. If the hypocrites knew the reward of praying Isha’ and Fajr in congregation, they would come, even if they crawled. I intended to order the prayers to be recited, so I ordered a man to lead the people in prayer. Then I would go with some men carrying firewood to those who would not pray, and I would burn their houses with fire”.


There is a hadith that says that the Prophet did not see some people who did not join the prayer. So he said:


“I intended to send a man to lead the people in prayer, and then I left some men behind to have their houses burned with wood.”


In a narration, the Prophet said: “If there were no women in the houses from the ‘children and grandchildren, then I would pray the ‘Isha’ prayer, then I would send my youths to burn what is in the houses with fire.”


“Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “If we do not see someone praying ‘Isha’ and Fajr, then we have a bad opinion of him.”


This means that the companions of the Prophet thought he was a hypocrite. |


The Prophet, peace be upon him, said:


“Whoever among you is able to perform the two prayers of ‘Isha’ and Fajr even if he is crawling: then he should do so”.


The Prophet also said:


“Whoever prays ‘Isha’ in congregation, then he takes his share of Laulatul Qadr.”


The Prophet said:


“Whoever prays in congregation in the mosque for forty days. Without missing the takbiratul ihram of the first raka’t, Allah writes for him freedom from Hell.”


The Prophet also said:


“Whoever performs ablution, then goes to the mosque, then prays two raka’as before Fajr prayer, then prays suant, then sits, then prays Fajr, then his prayer on that day – is written as the prayer of the devoted. And he is written among the company of Allah”.


The Prophet said:


“Whoever prays the Fajr prayer in congregation, then he is on Allah’s account. So do not break the promise of Allah. Whoever kills a person who prays Fajr in congregation, Allah will seek him until he is thrown into Hell.”


Because of this hadith, al-Hajjaj (a ruthless general) would not kill anyone who prayed Isha’ and Fajr in congregation. –


The Prophet said: “


“Whoever walks in the darkness of the night towards the mosques, on the Day of Resurrection he will meet Allah with nur (light)”.


The Prophet said:


“Give glad tidings to those who walk much in darkness to the mosques of a perfect light on the Day of Judgment”


Ibn Mas’ud ra. said: “Whoever wants to meet Allah as a Muslim, he should immediately perform the five daily prayers when they are called for. Allah has prescribed many Sunnahs of guidance for your Prophet. And the five daily prayers are among the paths of guidance. If you all pray in your homes, then you are not heeding the sunnah of your Prophet, If you are not heeding the sunnah of your Prophet, then you are going astray. There is no man who performs ablution, then he performs ablution properly in accordance with the conditions and sunnah, then he goes to one of these mosques to join the congregation, except that Allah writes good for every step he takes, raises his rank for every step he takes, and Allah erases the bad with every step. Indeed, no one is left out of the congregation except the hypocrite, who is clearly a hypocrite.”


The Prophet said:


“Whoever performs ablution with complete ablution, then walks to the fard prayer, then prays the fard prayer with the imam, his sins will be forgiven”.


That is, he prays in congregation.


May Allah shower peace and blessings on our lord Muhammad, the leader of the creation, his pure family and his aspiring companions. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds







Imam Ata’ ibn Abu Rabah: “It is not permissible for a person, when he hears the call to prayer, to leave the congregation”.


Imam Al-Auzai said: “The child is not obliged to obey the parents by not praying in congregation”.


Imam Said bin al-Musayyab said: “Since twenty years ago, the muezzin has not called to prayer unless I was in the mosque.”


Some of the salaf scholars said: “We have been told that when the Day of Resurrection comes, a group of people will be resurrected with faces like shining stars: The angels ask them: “What were your deeds?” They replied: “When we heard the call to prayer, we immediately performed ablution. There was nothing “that prevented us from doing so”.


Another group was resurrected with faces like the moon. The angels questioned them: “What are your deeds?” They replied: “We performed ablution before the time of prayer”.


Another group was resurrected with faces like the sun. The angels asked: “What are your deeds?”


They replied: “We were already in the mosque when we heard the call to prayer”.


The salaf, i.e. the ancient scholars, mourned their friend for three days if he missed takbeeratul ihram. And mourn him for seven days if he misses the congregational prayer.


 In conclusion, the five daily congregational prayers, in addition to containing many extraordinary fadlilahs, can also strengthen ties of brotherhood, unity and more.


Imam an-Nakhai said: “According to the scholars of the salaf, walking in the dark to the mosque causes one to enter Paradise.”


The Prophet said:


“The angels will always salute one of you (asking for forgiveness) as long as he remains in the place where he is praying, as long as he has not had a bad breath or spoken.


They said:” O Allah, forgive him. O Allah, have mercy on him.”


Imam Said bin al-Musayyab said: “Whoever sits in the mosque, it is as if he is conversing with Allah. Therefore, he should speak good words.”


If I’m not mistaken, it refers to I’tikaf in the mosque.


Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) was asked about a man who worships at night and fasts during the day, but he does not attend the Friday prayer or the congregational prayer. Ibn Abbas replied: “He will enter Hell”, May Allah protect us from that.


Shaykh Abu Madyan reported that he said: “It was narrated from the Prophet that what is written for a slave from his prayer is only what is present in his heart during the prayer. But that applies to the one who prays alone. As for the one who prays in congregation, Allah completes the prayer of the one whose heart is not ‘present’ with the prayer of the one whose heart is ‘present’ So, Allah returns the blessing of the one whose heart is ‘present’ to the other participants in the congregation, so that their prayer as a whole is written as a perfect prayer, like one body”.


Ka’bul Alibar reported that he said: “I found a statement in the Torah, that a man from the community of Muhammad prostrated himself to Allah, then Allah forgave those who were standing behind him”.


In conclusion, the one who prays in congregation during his prayer, Allah forgives the people behind him.


Some of the salaf scholars said: “When the congregational prayer begins, Allah looks at the heart of the imam of the congregation. If there is goodness in it, then Allah is pleased with the prayers and accepts their prayers and forgives their sins. If there is no good in the imam’s heart, Allah looks at the congregation.


If there are people in whose hearts there is goodness, then Allah is pleased with them and accepts their prayer. If there are no good people among the congregation, then Allah sees their gathering in prayer and their standing in the presence of Allah. Finally, Allah is pleased with all of them and accepts their prayers and forgives their sins. Imam and all the congregation.


Habib Abdullah bin Alawi al-Haddad said: “Only an indecisive hypocrite hears the fadlilah of jamaa’ah and does not want to join it for no reason. He is astray from the truth and his heart is not filled with the light of glorifying Allah. In fact, glorifying Allah is the carrier of happiness and good fortune in this world and the Hereafter. In fact, a slave will not be saved from the punishment and wrath of Allah, except by glorifying Him. How the hypocrite does not like it when he is happy and fortunate. He does not care if he is wretched and perishes, so he does not want to fulfill the fardlu of Allah. May Allah save us from harm and bad destiny.”


Habib Abdullah bin Alawi Al Haddad said in an-Nashaih ad-Diniyyah: “The Prophet said:


“Indeed, praying in congregation exceeds praying alone by twenty-seven degrees.” .


Therefore, whoever underestimates the benefits of this Shari’ah that will be felt in the Hereafter, even though it is so easy and easy to practice, then he has completely forgotten how important Islam is to him and how little love he has for things related to the Hereafter. If he is willing to go to great lengths and trouble for the sake of despicable worldly gains, then he is not. When he succeeds in gaining a small worldly profit but his efforts are very hard, he forgets the effort and he feels that what he has gained is a great profit. Does he not fear that he will be written down in the sight of Allah as a hypocrite and one who is uncertain of Allah’s promise? In the hadiths that have reached us, it is not mentioned at all that the Prophet (peace be upon him) prayed the fard prayer alone, even once. That is why it is unacceptable for a true believer to disdain praying in congregation and praying alone. If so, then he is among those who are threatened with the threat of those who do not: – Jama’ah and the validity of his prayer is disputed by the scholars.”


Ibn Mas’ud, Abu Musa al-Ash’ari and many of the Prophet’s companions were of the view that if a person hears the call to prayer and does not join the congregation, even though there is no excuse, his prayer is not valid. Many of the salaf scholars were of the same opinion as them, including Imam Atha’, Imam ast-Tsauri and Imam Ahmad. These three imams are sufficient examples.


O Allah, grant us the ability to offer prayers in congregation and other acts of worship. Keep us from not joining the fard prayers and keep us from bad things. ‘ Peace be upon our Lord Muhammad, his family and companions. The salutation with which You saved us from all trials, sicknesses and calamities. With it You forgive us our sins, erase our faults, fulfill all our desires, raise us to the highest degree, take us to the farthest peak in all goodness, in this life and after death. O Lord, O Allah, O Lord who answers prayers.


Glory be to my Lord, the Lord who is pure from what they say. And peace be upon the messenger of Allah. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.







  1. Imagining the Salafus Shalih’s reverence when they prayed


This can encourage reverence and encourage emulation of them. If you see one of them standing for prayer, when he stands in his mihrab and begins to recite the words of his Lord, it will occur to him that this Magam (prayer) is the Magam in which all people face the Lord of the worlds. In that way his heart seems to be detached and his mind pondered.”


Mujahid (ra) said: “When one of them (the salaf) prays, he fears Allah, the Most Rahman, and fears that his gaze will glance at something, or turn his head, or turn over a pebble, or play with something, or whisper to his soul about worldly affairs, unless he forgets that he is in prayer.”


Ibn Zubayr, when he was praying, he was like a stick standing up because of his reverence. Then he prostrated. So a manjanig (a stone-throwing tool for warfare in the old days) was placed on him. So a group of people took it from his shirt while he was praying, he did not raise his head at all.


Maslamah Bin Basyar was praying in a mosque when suddenly part of the wall collapsed. People stood up, while Maslamah, he did not feel because of his khushu’nya.


There is a story that has reached us, that when they are praying some of them are like clothes that are lying down. Some of them feel their feelings and their faces turn pale because they feel that they are facing their Lord. Some of them, when they are praying, do not know who is on their right or left. Some of them get yellow in the face when they perform ablution for prayer, so it is said to them: “When you perform ablution we see that you have changed.” He said: “Indeed I know before whom I am to stand facing.”


When Ali Bin Abi Talib prayed, his soul shook and his face turned pale. So it was said to him: “What has happened to you?” He said: “By Allah, the time has come when Allah offered the heavens and the earth and the mountains to carry it but they refused and now I want to carry it.”


Sa’di At-Tanukhi, while praying, had tears streaming down his cheeks and soaking his beard.


A story has reached us that some of the tabi’een, when ja was praying, changed their faces and features. And he said: “Do you know before whom I am facing and supplicating?” “Who among you has such fear in his heart when facing Allah?”


People asked Amir Bin Abdul Oais: “Does anything come to your mind when you pray?” He replied: “Is there anything that I love more than prayer so that it occurs to me?” They said: “Indeed, something occurs to us when we pray.” He said: “Is it about heaven and its angels and so on?” They said, “No, but we think about our families and our possessions.” So he said: “I would much rather be wounded by a spear than be reminded of the things of this world while praying.”


Sa’d ibn Mu’adz said: “I have three things in me that if I were in every situation, I would be myself: If I am praying, I do not talk to myself except with something that I am in, and if I hear a hadith from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), there is no doubt in my mind that it is true. If I am near a dead body, then I do not speak with myself except what the dead person says and what is being said about him.”


Imam Hatim ra. said: “I stand up to fulfill His command, walk with fear, enter with intention, recite takbir with reverence, recite the Qur’an with tertil and tafakkur, bow with solemnity, prostrate with tawadhu’, sit tashahhud with perfection, say salam with intention, end the prayer with ikhlash for the sake of Allah, and I return to myself with fear, if Allah does not accept it from me, and I guard it with earnestness until death comes.”


Abu Bakr Ashidiqhi said: “I know of two Imams from whom it has not been possible for me to gain knowledge, namely: Abu Hatim Ar-Razi and Muhammad ibn Nashr al-Marwaz1. As for Ibn Nashr, I have not seen anyone better at prayer than him. A story has reached me that once a buffalo fly landed on his forehead, then blood flowed down his face while he did not move at all (during prayer). Muhammad bin Ya’qub Al-Akram said: “I did not see anyone better in prayer than Muhammad bin Nashr. There was a fly in his ear, so he did not try to shoo it away. We were amazed and astonished at the greatness of his prayer, his reverence and respect for prayer. He put his chin on his chest, he was like a stake.”


  1. Knowing the Features of Khushu’ in Prayer


Among them is the saying of the Prophet: .


“There is no Muslim who, when the time for the obligatory prayer comes to him, makes his ablution (for prayer), his khushu’ and his bowing, except that the prayer will expiate the sins he committed before it, so long as he did not commit a major sin, and this applies for all time.” (HR Muslim)


The reward that the Mushalli (one who prays) gets is in accordance with the quality of his khushu’s (reverence). This is as he said:



“Verily, the reward that a slave gets for the prayer that is obligatory upon him may be one-tenth, one-ninth, one-eighth, one-seventh, one-sixth, one-fifth, one-fourth, one-third or one-half.” (HR Imam Ahmad)


Indeed, the one who prays will not get the reward of prayer except to the extent that he realizes in it. As narrated by Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him): “You will not be rewarded for your prayer except to the extent that you understand it.”


Indeed, the sins and mistakes of the person who prays will be erased if he performs his prayers with full reverence and perfection. As the Prophet said:


“Verily, when an insipid person stands up to pray, all his sins are brought to him, then they are placed on his head and shoulders, so when he rukoo’ and prostrates, they fall down and become Qur’anic.” (HR. Al-Baihaqi)


Imam al-Manawy said: “The meaning of the hadeeth is that when a person completes a pillar (of prayer), an element of his sins is removed from him. So when he completes the prayer, the process of removing the sin is also completed. This applies to prayers that are accompanied by the completion of the conditions, pillars and khushu’ah. As understood from the words “Al’Abd” and “Al-Oiyaam.” It implies that the servant is standing before the King of Kings while he is a lowly servant.”


The one who is khushu’ in his prayer, when he comes out of it, finds his soul light and unburdened.-He feels the heavy burdens being removed from him. He gets new vigor, vitality, comfort and sportsmanship. So that he hopes as if he will never leave it. Because prayer is the cooler of his eyes (Ourratul ‘ain), the enjoyment of his soul, the heaven of his heart, and his resting place in the world. It is as if life in the world is in prison and narrowness so that when he enters prayer, he feels that he can rest in it instead of feeling rested from it. Beloved ones say: “We perform the prayer and feel rested and relieved by it. As their Imam, role model and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “O Bilal, let us rest by praying.” And he did not say: “Give us rest from prayer.”


  1. The nature of Khushu’


Khushu’ is a great thing. It is very important and is not easily attained except for those who are favored by Allah. Being prevented or kept away from the blessings of khushu’ is a great calamity and a very harmful disaster. That is why the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) used to supplicate to Allah, saying: “O Allah, I seek refuge with You from a heart that is not devoted to prayer.”


People who are khushu’ are categorized on several levels. Khushu’ is a behavior of the heart. It can increase and decrease. There are people whose khushu’ reaches the sky. On the other hand, there are also people who, when they finish their prayers, make no impression or realize anything about them.


There are five levels of people in their prayers:


First, the level of the one who wrongs himself. That is the one who does not complete his ablution, does not maintain its timing, its limitations and its pillars.


The second is the one who observes and pays attention to the times, the limits, the essential parts and completes his ablution, but he does not strive to combat waswaas in himself. So he gets carried away with waswaas and thoughts other than prayer.


Thirdly, the one who maintains and pays attention to its pillars, limitations and is diligent in driving away waswaas and thoughts other than prayer. He is busy with fighting and combating his enemy so as not to steal his prayer. In that state, he is between prayer and jihad (earnestness).


Fourth, the person who, when he stands up to pray, tries to perfect its rights, its pillars, its limits and his heart is so busy to maintain these limits and the rights of prayer that nothing is missing from it (prayer). In fact, all his desires are devoted to establishing the prayer, perfecting it and fulfilling it properly. His heart is so busy with the affairs of prayer and worshipping his Lord in prayer.


Fifth, the one who, when he stands up to pray, is so ready to do it (like the fourth level), but there is the addition that he has taken his heart to be truly placed before his Lord. He sees Him with the eyes of his innermost heart, he always feels under His supervision, his heart is filled with love and adoration for Him. It is as if he sees and witnesses Him directly. As for the misgivings of various whispers of the heart, they have disappeared from him. The veil between him and his Lord is gone. For him, closeness to his Lord during prayer is something that is the greatest and most important of what is between heaven and earth. In prayer, he is so busy with his Lord and so beautiful his eyes look at Him.


The first group will be tortured. The second group will be judged. The third group will be forgiven. The fourth group will be rewarded and the fifth group will be brought closer to their Lord. Because this fifth person belongs to the group of people for whom prayer is a “cooler for the eyes”. Whoever makes prayer a cool eye in this world, will be given a cool eye in the hereafter, namely his closeness to his Lord. And he gets a cool view with Him also in the world. And whoever’s eyes are cool because of seeing Him, then all eyes will feel cool looking at him. But whoever’s eyes are not cool because of Him, then his lust will be cut to pieces for the world and he will lose a great loss.


Finally, we ask Allah to make us people of khushu’ and to accept our repentance. Also, may He reward those who contributed to this treatise, and may He benefit our dear readers. Ameen. And all praise belongs only to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.









Prayer is the pillar of religion, the light of faith, the medicine of the heart, and the joint of all things. Because prayer can prevent from heinous and mungkar deeds and keep away the lust that always encourages to do evil from bad behaviors that naturally lust is always inclined to it.


As we have explained in the previous section, ghusl and ablution have great and great benefits. This is because bathing and ablution are the means to prayer. Then what about the benefits of prayer itself which is the real goal and is the only goal to be achieved in ablution and purification.


A human being is commanded to stand before his Lord five times a day and night in submission, reverence, humiliation before the glory of divinity, and to put his lusts under his feet. This is because all of them are thoroughly directed towards the True God whom no other god deserves to be worshipped but Him. All this is done, until he can see the majesty, greatness and glory of Allah throughout his day.


He is commanded to pray the Fajr prayer at a time when the soul is pure and clean and the spirit is calm. In addition to the ease with which human character will appear clear and shiny when the stars begin to lean towards the west and when the sun is allowed to rise.


When we want to explain how minor sins are erased from the record of the deeds of a person who prays, nothing could be more eloquent than to liken a person who prays and stands up after entering ihram to pray to a man on whose head is a very heavy burden of sins. As soon as he bows his head in ruku’, sits down and puts his forehead down in prostration, and repeats his prostration, ruku’, standing and sitting, the heavy burden falls from the top of his head.


Or to put it in a slightly different way, we would like to refer to a man whose clothes and body are dirty. This man wears a dirty robe covered with the sins and stains of the sins he has committed. So his wudhu and prayers which include certain utterances and behaviors serve to wash away the dirt and stains. Hence, the Prophet said: “The example of the five daily prayers is like a river of fresh water at the door of the house of one of you and if he bathes in the water of that river five times a day, there will be no dirt left on him.”


Among the wisdoms of prayer is the attainment of tranquility in the heart. He will not be sad even though calamities come one after another. Such tranquility will also not hinder the good that is part of it. Because being sad will negate patience, which is the main cause of gaining happiness. Preventing good from others is a great danger. Such an attitude is an indication of a lack of trust in the Creator, the Provider of blessings, and the One who reimburses all that a person has invested in the path of goodness. Allah swt has said:


“Verily, man was created to be complaining and miserly. When he is afflicted, he complains, and when he receives good, he is miserly, except for those who pray.” (QS. Al Ma’aarij: 19-22).


Starting the prayer by reciting the basmalah is a sign that the person praying is asking for help by mentioning the One Who gave him the ability to perform this obligation and everything he does, the One Who has pleased him, brought him closer to His mercy, and kept away from His punishment. Furthermore, he praises the One who has given him the ability to perform this obligation, the One who is the Lord of all beings in this world of existence, and the One who has blessed him with pleasures, both great and small.


It is also because Allah is the Lord of the world and the Hereafter and the Master of the Day of Judgment, on which day a father will not benefit from his son, nor will a son benefit from his father. If this were the case, then we would worship none but Him and associate nothing with Him. We ask Him for help in all our affairs, for power, strength, and authority are all with Him.


You must know that guidance is His guidance. If someone goes astray, there is no one else to guide him but Him. Therefore, we ask Him to give us the pleasure of guidance to always walk on a straight path that does not bend at all. It is the path that Allah favors for those whom He has not angered and not the path of those who go astray. We also ask Him to grant our requests.


There is a hadith qudsi from the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from Allah swt.


that Allah says:” I divide the prayer between Me and My servant into two parts. So when a servant says: “Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds”, Allah will say: “My servant is praising Me.” When the servant says: “Most Gracious, Most Merciful.” Then Allah will say:: “My servant is praising Me.” When the servant says: “The master of the Day of Reckoning.” Then Allah will say: “My servant is glorifying Me.” When the servant says: “Only to You do we worship and only to You do we seek help.” Then Allah will say: “This is between Me and My servant there are two halves. And My servant is entitled to what he asks for.” (Reported by Muslim) In the book of al-Bada’i’ it is explained as follows: “The obligation of prayer has been established in the Qur’an, the Sunnah, the consensus of the scholars, and rational evidence.


The evidence can be found in the Qur’an, following the words of Allah swt in several verses:


“And establish the prayer, pay the zakat and bow with those who bow.” (Al-Baqarah: 43)


Also the word of Allah:


“So when you have completed your prayer, remember Allah while standing, while sitting, and while lying down; then when you feel secure, offer the prayer (as usual). Verily, prayer is a fard that is prescribed for those who believe.” (QS. An-Nisaa’: 103) |


Also the word of Allah:


“Keep all your prayers, and keep the wusthaa prayers. Stand up for Allah (in your prayers) with solemnity.” (QS. Al Bagarah: 238).


The mention of the word prayer is always intended for the prayers that have a fixed time, namely prayers that are performed five times a day and night. Allah says:


“And pray on both sides of the day (morning and evening) and in the first part of the night. Verily, the good deeds expiate the bad deeds. This is a warning for those who remember.” (QS. Huud: 114)


This verse brings together all the times of prayer. The Fajr prayer itself is offered on one of the two edges of the day, while the Zhuhr and ‘Asr prayers are offered on the other edge.


Daytime is divided into two parts: morning and evening. Morning refers to the beginning of the day until noon, while the time after that is called the evening. So if a person swears that he will not eat in the evening, and then eats after noon, he has broken his vow. There are also prayers that are offered on the two sides of the afternoon. These are the prayers that come under the heading of Allah’s words:


“And in the first part of the night.” (QS. Huud: 114)


These are the Maghrib and ‘Isha’ prayers, because they are offered at the beginning of the night, i.e. during the night time.


The word of Allah swt:


“Establish prayer from after the sun has fallen until the darkness of the night and (also establish the prayer) at dawn. Verily, the Fajr prayer is witnessed (by angels).” (QS. Al Israa’: 78