In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful


O Allah, send blessings upon Muhammad, Your beloved who is showered with Your blessings. .


O Allah, send blessings upon Muhammad, the glory of creation, in its majesty and rank.


O Allah send blessings upon Muhammad, the most exalted of Creation, above all Creation.


O Allah send blessings upon Muhammad, guide us O Lord to the most righteous path (the path of Your Prophet).


O Allah bestow blessings upon Muhammad, heal us from all complaints of illness,


O Allah bestow blessings upon Muhammad, mend hearts and forgive, and grant us (all) benefits.


O Allah bestow blessings upon Muhammad, fortify us from that which is hostile to us and avert us from the enemies that will come upon us.


O Allah bestow blessings upon Muhammad, We take refuge in your fortress that protects from all harm.


O Allah send blessings upon Muhammad, O Allah please us with Your great pleasure.


O Allah send blessings upon Muhammad, Make us gather with Your Prophet in Paradise.


O Allah send blessings upon Muhammad, Make us always be side by side with the best of Your creation. O Allah send blessings upon Muhammad,


O Allah send blessings upon him and peace be upon him.


O Allah send blessings and peace and blessings upon him and his family.









I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan in the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful.


“Verily we have spread out for you (O Muhammad, peace be upon him) a glorious victory. That He may forgive you your previous and future sins. And perfect His favor upon you (O Muhammad Saw), and He (Allah) guide you to the straight path, and Allah will help you with a glorious help.”


“Verily, there has come to you a messenger from among your people, and it is very hard for him (Muhammad) to bear what befalls you, and to guard you (from the wrath of Allah and Hell), and he is very gentle and compassionate towards the believers.”


“So if they disbelieve then say: Allah’s help is sufficient for me, there is no god but Him, and to Him I surrender, and He is the Master of the great Throne.”


“Verily, Allah and His Angels make peace upon the Prophet (S); O you who believe, make peace upon him, and greet him with the best of peace.”


O Allah bestow peace and blessings on him and his family.


Praise be to Allah who has given us guidance, through His chosen Servant (Saw) who has called us.


To Him with His Permission, and indeed He (Saw) has called us, we come to you O one who has guided us to the right path (we come to your call O Prophet Saw), and who has called us with gentleness and beautiful language.


Blessings on you from Allah who created you, with whom you, the bearer of peace, have made us chosen and beloved.


Also on your holy Family, as the sources of your high secrets, hence they are the ark of salvation that fortifies us.


And to your noble Companions, who are the wall of safety for your teachings and the role models for their lovers (Saw).


Also to the tabi’in after them, who followed them honestly and earnestly, much to the praise of the longing that breaks down sorrow.


By Allah, if the name of the Beloved (S) is not heard by the one who loves him, there will be a jolt of joy and all distress will disappear.


Where are the lovers, who are willing to sacrifice their lives and despise the precious things (of the worldly nature).


Do they not hear the mention of the Name of Thaahaa Al Musthafa (Saw), then the spirit rises and all Distress disappears.


So tremble the spirits longing for the encounter, and moaning for the pleasure of their Lord.


Such is the state of the Lovers so listen to


The life journey of the Bearer of Paradise and concentrate on hearing. Then listen to the attributes of Thaahaa (S), the Chosen Imam, and present your heart, surely your heart will be filled with Longing for him (S).


O Our Lord Bestow Peace and Blessings Forever on Your Beloved Who Called Us to You O Allah Bestow Peace and Blessings on him and his family.


So there has come news from the one who said: “Light has come to you. (OS Al Maidah: 15), Glory be to Him Who has revealed it to us.


And the light of Thaahaa His Servant, is shed by remembering him (Saw), so Glorify the Giver of Grace


He (Saw) is the Grace of the Creator, so reflect on His Word: “So rejoice,” Say: with the coming of Allah’s grace and mercy, so rejoice” so hasten to rejoice with his (Saw) Arrival.


By clinging to the strongest rope (the Qur’an and Hadith) and strive always to be in the way of Allah, who created us.


Reflect on the light of the Messenger (SAW) who when it was said to him (SAW) “Since when is your Prophethood?”, then he said my Prophethood since Adam As.


Was still between Water and Earth” then you realize from your negligence and rise to consciousness.


So understand the secrets of my Lord who always moves me (Saw) between the veins of the noble to the veins of the noble and chosen.


I was not separated from the two groups (tribes)…


..except that I am among the best, and so it was until I was born.


So I am the chosen of the chosen, and I was born of a marriage that my Lord has preserved.


Allah has purified (Saw), and guarded and chosen him (Saw), so never has Allah brought forth a man resembling him (Saw).


And by loving him and remembering him and helping his Shari’ah and by honoring him (Saw) Allah


the Creator of the Throne has instructed us. O Our Lord, bestow peace and blessings forever on Your Beloved, who called us to You.


O Allah bestow peace and blessings on him and his family.


On his Family That is so, and God has spread about his (Saw) attributes in the previous scriptures and the Gur’an which explains them clearly.


He (Allah) has taken a covenant from the Prophets when I brought you wisdom and glory.


And there came to you (O Prophets) Our Messenger (Saw) so that you (O Prophets) would believe in him, and you (O Prophets) would support him (Saw), and so that you (O Prophets) would be his followers.


And that the Prophets of old gave glad tidings to their people of the coming of the chosen prophet, so honor his dignity and position. So when the Day of Judgment comes, the previous Prophets will walk under the banner of the Prophet (S) who has called out to us.


O Muslims, I was the first to be the Giver of Paradise and the first to spread it, and I did not hesitate or delay.


Until it was called upon me (when prostrating to ask for shafa’at) raise your head (O Muhammad), and say your request and I will grant your request and speak and I will hear your speech, indeed the Star of your Glory (O Prophet) is clear and bright.


And the banner of praise to Allah the Mighty is in my hand and I am the first human being to approach His Paradise.


And I (Saw) have become the most noble creation in the sight of Allah, so indeed you (O prophet) have been preserved by Allah with His compassion.


“And He will bestow upon you (Saw) Our grace until you (Saw) are pleased” (and this verse) is a sign of the greatness of the Giver, and the gift is something that the mind finds difficult to accept (like the many of His Mukzijat). For the sake of Allah, repeat the reminder of the attributes of Muhammad, so that it will be an antidote and eradicate the impurities of the heart.


O our Lord, bestow peace and blessings forever on Your Beloved who called us to You.


O Allah bestow peace and blessings on him and his family When the time came for the birth of Ahmad (Saw) from His permission, who, if He wills anything, will not be hindered,


He (Saw) was in the womb of his mother Aminah bint Wahb, for whom Allah has honored her dignity (as the mother of the best of creation),


From the father of the chosen Servant (Saw), namely (his father was) Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib who saw the signs (of prophethood),


It has happened that his (father’s) face was illuminated by the Light of Thaahaa (Saw) which then passed on to this awake Son (the light) was clearly seen,


And he is a noble and mighty descendant of Hashim,


The son of Abdu Manaaf, a descendant of Qushay of old.


His father was called Hakiim (the just) and his personality was well known, so be proud of that personality.


And memorize the genealogy of the descendants of the chosen Prophet until you find his genealogy in (his grandfather) Adnan.


When you reach Adnan then stop, (that after Adnan, there are many different narrations) and know that his lineage goes all the way back to Ishmael (son of Ibrahim (peace be upon him)) who was a supporter of his father (Ibrahim (peace be upon him)).


And when Aminah (ra) conceived him (Saw) she (his mother ra) did not feel pain as pregnant women complain. For her (Aminah ra) a veil of tenderness from Allah the Sustainer of the Heavens, removed all disturbance, anxiety and sadness,


Then she (Aminah ra) witnessed as she already knew, that the Sustainer had glorified the Universe.


With the purity of the baby in her womb, so she rejoiced when the time of birth approached, then the overflow of His pleasure, (Tasbih, Tahmid, Tahlil, Takbir, 4X)


Then lights appear from all directions and the moment of birth arrives.


A few moments before dawn the Sun of Hidayah appeared, the glorified and awake Beloved was born.


(O Allah send blessings upon Muhammad, O Allah send peace upon him)


Mahallul Qiyam (Standing)


O Prophet peace be upon you, O Messenger peace be upon you. O Beloved, peace be upon you, Allah’s peace be upon you. It has arrived by the will of Allah the giver of peace, Who has a glorified degree. So the overflow of light filled all directions, covering the entire universe.


So fell the idol statues in the Kaaba, And fell the joints of polytheism. Then the hour of guidance approached, and the stronghold of disbelief was shaken.


Peace be upon your arrival O the possessor of the noble degrees. O Imam and leader of the Messengers by whom calamities are erased.


You are the only hope on the Day of Judgment to whom the entire creation has taken refuge from the wrath of God. Then they come calling you with hope when they witness the enormity of hardships and obstacles. Welcome, O soother of my eyes, Welcome, grandfather of Hasan Hussein.


So that is why you (Saw) prostrate before your Lord, Then it is called upon you to give intercession, because you are allowed to give intercession.


So upon you is the blessing of Allah, While the light still shines brightly. And with you (Saw) we invoke Ar-Rahmaan, so the creator of the Throne hears our prayer.


O giver of glorious grace, O Lord, gather us with Al-Musthafa (Saw). And for the sake of Him (Saw), then look upon us with your compassion, and grant us everything we desire.


And avert us from all calamities, And keep away all hardships, and lift us as far as possible.


And shower O my Lord and help us, With the abundant outpouring of your mercy. And end our age with husnul khatimah, And accept us well when we return to You.


And blessings of Allah be upon him (Saw) in whom all good things are gathered.


The holiest Ahmad and his family, and his companions as much as the incandescence of light.


O Allah, bestow peace and blessings on him and his family.


When the Beloved was born, he bowed down to Allah who brought us to life and created us.


And the guidance of the Creator overshadowed him at all times, hidden and overt.


He was followed by his mother and then by Tsuwaibah ra.


Then Halimah rha who received the good news that she would enter Paradise.


And when Tsuwaibah ra conveyed the news to his master about the birth of Muhammad Saw, Abu Lahab freed him as a sign of joy.


God Almighty has not forgotten his (Abu Lahab’s) joy.


With the birth of Musthofa (Saw) as stated in the Hadith.


That Abu Lahab’s torment is alleviated on every Monday because of his joy at the birth of someone who has fulfilled his duty to us. Such is the mercy of Allah towards a disbeliever, it is inconceivable when the joy of a believer whose heart is filled with faith.


So Halimah ra witnessed so many incidents of Muhammad’s blessings that logic could not accept. Among the flowing of her milk (Halimah Ra), which previously her child never stopped crying (because of hunger because her milk did not flow at all, because ja was starving).


But that night, since the arrival of the Beloved (Saw), her son (Halimah Ra’s biological son) slept soundly and was full (because her milk flowed profusely).


And the milk of his camel also flowed, and he became strong and healthy, and this was the most amazing thing.


This puzzled the friends who were with her (Halimah Ra), and she heard the greetings of peace from the trees and rocks to our Leader (Saw).


Glory be to Allah who has made the trees and rocks speak, welcoming the chosen Prophet (Saw), so Glory be to Him Allah Swt.


O Our Lord Bestow Peace and Blessings Forever on Your Beloved Who Called Us to You.


O Allah bestow peace and blessings on him and his family.


So grew up the Beloved, with a life history that was always in pleasure and he (Saw) did not disobey.


Guided in the sight of Allah’s gentleness who has educated his character with the best of prophetic character. And his (Saw) maturity day by day grew honesty, noble character, honor, chivalry, trustworthiness, friendliness and helpfulness.


The possessor of enthusiasm, courage, calmness and silence, and countless other noble traits.


He (Saw) was called Al-Amin (the trustworthy one) and to the inhabitants of the heavens


He (Saw) is Nikmal Amin (the best who does not lie) and for him (Saw) the Sustainer (Allah) always covers him.


His (Saw) mother took him to visit his father’s grave in Medina, where his father met his death.


And when his father died, Prophet Al-Mustofa Saw was still in his mother’s womb.


And when he was six years old his mother died, on her way home. So he was lovingly raised by Abdul Muttalib.


Two years later he (Abdul Muttalib) died. He was then taken care of by his uncle Abu Talib with great care and tenderness.


He (Saw) was proposed to by Khadijah bint Khuwaylid when he was 25 years old because Khadijah had heard the wonders of the Intercessor (Saw).


So Allah granted his wish and Khadija gained prosperity and dignity.


Then he (Saw) witnessed the problem of misunderstanding when the Hajar Aswad was placed after the renewal of the Ka’bah.


From the breadth of his mind and his intelligent and meticulous prophetic thinking. Glory be to Allah who taught him and sheltered him.


O Our Lord, bestow peace and blessings forever on Your Beloved, who called us to You.


O Allah bestow peace and blessings on him and his family.


The Angel Gabriel (peace be upon him) came to him with revelation at the Cave of Hira while he was worshipping Allah Ar-Rahman.


Jibril (peace be upon him) embraced him three times and then released him and said, “Recite for the sake of your Lord who gives knowledge to man.”


Then he preached in secret for three years until the order came to openly explain the command of Allah.


There were many obstacles, but he was very patient with his Lord’s decree, and he was very grateful and did not hesitate in carrying out his da’wah.


Then the death of Khadijah Ra, and Abu Talib


when he was 50 years old, then the various disturbances became even more intense.


Once when he visited Bani Tsaqifah (Thaif) to preach, he was stoned and even chased and mocked by children. The angel of the mountain ruler came and said, “Shall I make the mountains fall upon them?” And he


(Saw) said “No, but I hope their descendants will embrace Islam.” Then the Creator made him walk to the Masjidil Agsha and the Messengers prayed behind him. The Beloved (Saw) then witnessed the Realm of Barzah and Heaven.


The Beloved ascended through the highest layers of the heavens and the Arsh and Al-Kursy, then with our Creator.


Then came the permission to migrate to Yatrib (Medina) where the noble and heeded region was adorned.


So the Prophet (S) settled in Madinah for ten years as a Da’i and Mujahid whose companions became his supporters.


They did not raise their voices in his presence nor did they raise their heads in his presence. They did not raise their voices in his presence, nor did they raise their heads in his presence, out of respect and reverence for the glory of Muhammad (S) which they had read and found in the Qur’an.


They have seen his noble character and they have witnessed many things that are beyond logic.


Generous, forgiving, giving, humble, for whom the date palm trunk (his pulpit) was heard sobbing because of his longing and love. And water gushed from between his fingers in torrents,


The Companions drank so much that their thirst was quenched.


By Allah, glorified are the miracles of Ahmad (PBUH) and has been exalted by the Sustainer to a high degree.


He has fought 27 battles with his companions on foot.


So glorify (yourselves) with him and with his companions and with the tabi’in.


O our Lord, meet us with their deeds and deeds.


O our Lord, bestow peace and blessings forever on Your Beloved, who has called us to You.




I have hinted to characterize the character of (the Prophet’s) character that revives and shakes off anxiety.


And Allah has praised him so what is the meaning of our praise and how (our praise) is called praise.


But the love in the heart has demanded to praise the chosen servant of our Creator who has called us with tenderness, So after we combine with love and affection (towards the Prophet) then here is where


we raise our humble hands to pray with hope.


To God Who is the Only One in His Oneness, and the Most Noble by interceding for those who have called us to Him.


His chosen servant, His Beloved and His foremost servant and the best of creation in the Universe by which (Saw) Allah has created us.


O our Lord, O our Lord, O our Lord, for the sake of the Chosen Prophet accept us and fulfill our prayers.


Only You are our hope, only You are our hope, O the only place of supplication and hope in this World and in the Hereafter,


Improve our condition and forgive our sins.


and do not be angry with us when we do wrong.


And make us always walk in the teachings of the chosen Prophet Thaahaa (S) and strengthen and steady our steps on the path trodden by the Beloved (S).


And show us by Your grace, the Face of Your Prophet in Glorious joy with the gaze of love and pleasure always upon us.


And bind us always with him (Saw) in all our movements, and also those who follow us and love us.


As well as those who do righteous deeds and those who listen to our da’wah, those to whom we are indebted and those who seek our advice.


Also on the attendees and organizers,


then O Allah Here we are before Thee and Thou Seest Us.


And that we Hope in You, so grant our supplication and hear for the sake of Your mercy, our supplication O All-Hearing One.


And choose us as helpers of the sunnah of Thaahaa (Saw) in all corners of the earth, and destroy all those who are hostile to us.


And look upon us with your compassion and give us drink from the cups (of the Prophet’s Mahabbah) and heal the sickness that is in us immediately.


And grant all our wishes and end our lives with goodness and make it good on the next day. O Allah gather us with our lovers.


in your Paradise, O Allah, to whom only we hope.


For the sake of the chosen Servant (Saw) for whom the blessings of Allah be upon him and his family and descendants as much as the wind blows in the morning.


Glory be to Your Lord, the Creator, the All-Powerful, from what they attribute.


And peace and blessings be upon the Messengers, and all praise be to Allah, the Creator of the Worlds.


Peace and blessings be upon you, O Leader of the Messengers Peace and blessings be upon you, O Seal of the Prophets.


Peace and blessings be upon you, the one sent by Allah as a mercy to all the worlds, and may Allah be pleased with all the Companions of the Messenger, Aameen.