Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, with praise that is worthy of His favors and sufficient with His additions. May Allah always bestow peace and blessings upon Sayyidina Muhammad and his family and companions. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:


“Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim and Muslim woman” (This hadith was narrated by Ibn Majah from Sayyidina Anas bin Malik r.a.) ..The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:


“Whoever takes a path in search of knowledge, Allah makes easy for him the path to Paradise.” (Hadith narrated by Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi from Sayyidina Abi Darda”)


Furthermore, this treatise (book) is a collection of several short issues, most of which are taken from several books by Hujjatul Islam Al-Ghazali. Whoever knows them and practices them, we hope for him from Allah to make him a man of knowledge inwardly and outwardly, and to Allah alone we look for His guidance.







There are five pillars of Islam:


  1. Syahadat (testifying) that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
  2. Establish prayer.
  3. Distributing zakat.
  4. Fasting in the month of Ramadan.
  5. Going on Hajj to the House of Allah for those who can afford it.


All of that is done with sincerity and belief, Whoever is not sincere then ja is a hypocrite, and whoever does not believe with his heart, then he is a disbeliever.




The basis of faith is that you believe that Allah Ta’ala exists and Allah Ta’ala is One, there is no partner for Him. there is nothing like Him and there is nothing like Him, “There is nothing that resembles Him and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing”. (GS Ash-Shura: 11)


 “He (Allah) created the heavens and the earth. death and life. obedience and disobedience. health and sickness. the whole of nature and everything in it.”


Allah creates creatures and their actions, determines their sustenance and their doom, and does not increase or decrease. Nothing happens except by His decree, destiny and will.


And that Allah Ta’ala: All-Living, All-Knowing, All-Willing. All-powerful, All-speaking, All-hearing and All-seeing. He knows the treacherous eye and what the heart conceals, He knows all secrets and what is more hidden. He created all things and He is the One, the Mighty.


And Allah Ta’ala sent Sayyidina Muhammad, His servant and messenger to all people to guide them and to perfect their livelihood and hereafter and strengthened him with many clear miracles.


And that the Prophet (SAW) has conveyed truthfully all the news from Allah Ta’ala about the ash-shirat (the bridge that stretches over the Hellfire that every human being must pass through), the mizan (balance of deeds), the lake and other than that, the affairs of the Hereafter and the beyond, the questioning of the two angels (Munkar Nakir), the punishment of the grave and its pleasures.


And believe that the Qur’an and all the revealed books of Allah are true, the angels, heaven, hell and all that was reported by Sayyidina Muhammad (peace be upon him) is true.








Fard of ablution


The obligations of ablution are six:

  1. Intention.
  2. Washing the face: The length of the face is from where the hair grows on the head to the end of the jaw and chin, and the width is from one ear to the other.
  3. Washing both hands up to the elbows.
  4. Rubbing a part of the scalp or a part of the hair that is still within the confines of the head.
  5. Washing both feet up to the ankles.
  6. Order (in sequence) according to the above order.





If he experiences janabah (major impurity) because of intercourse or ejaculation during sleep or otherwise, he must wash his entire body with the intention of removing the janabah (major impurity).


Things that invalidate Wudhu’


What invalidates wudoo’ is something that comes out of one of the two ways, namely the genitals and the anus as usual.


Wudoo’ is invalidated by loss of consciousness caused by sleep or otherwise, unless the sleeper is sitting with his buttocks against the floor.


Wudoo’ is invalidated by touching a person’s private parts or anus, whether his own or someone else’s, with the lower part of the palm of the hand or the fingers, whether he is an adult or a child, even his own child, or a dead person.


Wudoo’ is invalidated if the skin of a man and a non-mahram adult woman touch each other without a barrier, except for nails or hair or teeth, which do not invalidate wudoo’.





And the conditions for the validity of prayer are :


– Knowing the time of entry with certainty or ijtihad (finding out) or a strong guess. If he prays in a state of doubt, then his prayer is not valid.

– Knowing the Qibla direction.

– It is obligatory to cover the ‘awrah with clothes (coverings) that are pure and permissible (halal) .

– It is obligatory to remove najasah from clothes and body and place.


And it is obligatory for those who are able to perform the obligatory prayers while standing.


The pillars of prayer:


– Intention.


– Takbiratul ihram is accompanied by the intention.


– Recite Al-Fatihah with basmalah.


– Pronouncing the fourteen tashdids (places of the syaddah), and distinguishing the pronunciation of dlaad ( ) from dhaa’ ( ). Because there are no letters in Al-Fatihah…


– Rukuk and bowing is obligatory if the palms of the hands can hold the knees and thuma’ninah is obligatory at that time until the limbs are calm.


– I’tidaal (rising from bowing) and tuma’ninah is obligatory in that state.


– Prostration twice


– Sitting between two prostrations and tuma’ninah are obligatory in all these situations.


And do the next raka’ats in the same way.

And the first tashahhud and sitting are Sunnah.


– The final tashahhud and sitting are fardhu (obligatory).


– It is fard to say salawat upon the Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) after reciting tashahhud and before saying salam.


– It is fard to say the salam of prayer and the minimum salam is to say: Assalaamu ‘Alaikum.


The least tashahhud that must be recited is :


“All honor is to Allah. Peace be upon you O Prophet and Allah’s mercy and blessings. Peace be upon us and the righteous servants of Allah. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is His servant and messenger.”


The least amount of salawat for the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is :


“O Allah send blessings on the prophet Muhammad”


One should strive to do all the numerous Sunnahs of prayer, and should pay attention to sincerity, namely: Doing good deeds only for the sake of Allah.


He should pray with hudhur, that is, knowing what he is saying and doing, and with khushu’, that is, calmness of the limbs and presence of mind, contemplating the recitation and understanding it, because Allah only accepts a person’s prayer according to the degree of his hudhur.


It is forbidden to do riya’ in prayer and so on, i.e. to do good deeds for the sake of the people.


Things that invalidate prayer :


– The prayer is invalidated if one speaks deliberately, even if it is two letters, or if one speaks a lot because he forgot.


– The prayer is invalidated by moving a lot, such as taking three steps, eating and drinking, and by exposing one’s private parts if one does not cover them immediately. And the fall of najasah, if it is not thrown away immediately without carrying the najasah.


– The prayer becomes invalid if the mum precedes the imam with two fi’liy pillars. The same applies if he misses two pillars without an excuse.


– Prayer is not valid behind a disbeliever, a woman, or a khuntsa.





Jumu’ah prayer is obligatory upon every free male Muslim who is present (not a traveler), without a shar’i excuse such as sickness or rain.


Among the conditions for the Jumu’ah prayer to be valid are two khutbahs.


The pillars of the two khutbahs :


– Recite Alhamdu lillah,

– Saying salawat upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him),

– Advise to fear Allah,

– Recite one intelligible verse from the Qur’an in one of the two khutbahs.

– Praying for the believers in the last sermon.



What is required of the imam during the khutbah:


– The Imam must preach while standing in a state of purity (from both major and minor impurity) and covered.


– The Imam must sit between the two khutbahs longer than the tuma’ninah in prayer and wmuwaalah (continuous).


Jamaa’ah prayers and funeral prayers are fardhu kifayah. The two Eid prayers (ledul Fithri and ledul Adha), the two eclipse prayers and the Witr prayer are sunnah muakkadah. The same applies to the Rawatib prayers, (i.e. the voluntary prayers associated with the fard prayers).


Dhuha and Tarawih prayers are sunnahs that have great virtue and reward.






Fasting is the third pillar of Islam, which is refraining from certain actions in certain ways. Among these are making the intention every day and doing it at night.


And refraining from the things that invalidate the fast: eating and drinking, sexual intercourse, masturbation (ejaculation) and vomiting intentionally.


The perfection of fasting is that it prevents the body from committing acts that Allah, may He be exalted, hates, of which seven will be mentioned (after the chapter on Hajj). The hadith says:


“Five things that invalidate a fasting person: lying, gossiping, namimah (backbiting), perjury and looking with lust.”


Part of the perfection of fasting is breaking the fast with halal food and not eating too much.


One should increase fasting, especially on the days that are honored according to sharee’ah. Allah knows best and He is the One who gives the guidance.





Zakat is the fourth pillar of Islam. Muslims must know the types of wealth that are subject to zakaah: livestock, nagdaani (gold and silver), merchandise, rikaaz, mined goods,


mu’asysyaraat are grains and fruits.


There is no zakaah on anything other than livestock that is grazed and requires a haul.


The same applies to gold and silver and merchandise, and the nishab (minimum threshold) is required for all the assets that are subject to zakaah.


Zakaah on gold, silver and merchandise: 2.5%


Zakaah on grains and fruits that are irrigated at a cost is 5% and 10% on those that are not.


Zakat fithrah


Zakaat al-fitr is obligatory on every Muslim if he has surplus food for himself and his dependents on the day of Eid and the night of Eid, and he should pay four mudd of zakaat al-fitr according to the Prophet’s mudd, and he should intend it.


Giving Zakat


It is not permissible to give zakaah on wealth and zakat al-fitr except to a free Muslim who possesses one of the eight characteristics: the poor and the needy.


And this person is not from the descendants of the Banu Hashim or the Banu Muththalib and is not a former slave of either of them.


And it is obligatory to distribute zakat equally to those who are entitled to receive it.




Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam and is obligatory upon every free, mukallaf Muslim, as is Umrah once in a lifetime.


The condition is ability, which means having the necessary provisions to travel to and from Hajj, and to provide for the one who is obliged to provide for him until he returns.


The practices of Hajj are of three kinds: essential, obligatory and optional.


The pillars of Hajj


The pillars of Hajj are five:


  1. Ihram, which is the intention of entering Hajj or Umrah and is recommended to be said together:


I intend to perform Hajj or ‘Umrah and enter ihram with it for the sake of Allah Ta’ala.


It is not valid to enter ihram for Hajj except during its months, namely: Shawwal, Dhu’l-Qa’dah, the ten days of Dhu’l-Hijjah, and the end of the time for Hajj is when the dawn breaks on the night of Eid al-Adha.


The other pillars are:


  1. Wukuf in Arafat.


  1. Tawaf Ifadhah.


  1. Sa’i.


  1. Shaving the hair or cutting off part of it.


The pillars of Umrah are the same as the pillars of Hajj, except for wukuf which is not one of the pillars of Umrah.


To do tawaaf, one must cover the ‘awrah, be pure from both minor and major impurity and najasah. It is obligatory to do tawaaf seven times in the Grand Mosque and the Ka’bah is on his left, while he is outside it.


It is obligatory to perform Sa’i seven times after tawaf and starts from Shafa and ends at Marwah.


Obligations of Hajj


The obligations of Hajj are:


  1. Ihram from Miqat.
  2. Staying overnight in Muzdalifah on the night of Eid al-Adha.
  3. Staying overnight on the nights of Tashriq in Mina.
  4. Stoning the Jamrah.
  5. Tawaf Wada’.


Sunnahs of Hajj


As for the Sunnahs, they are all actions other than the essentials and obligatory ones. If a person omits a pillar, his Hajj is not valid and he is not free from ihram until he does it, and he cannot make up for it by paying a compensatory sacrifice or anything else.


There are three pillars that a person does not lose the opportunity to perform while he is still alive: tawaf, sa’i and shaving the head.


If a person omits any of the obligatory acts, his Hajj is invalid and he has to offer a compensatory sacrifice, and he bears the sin if he does them without an excuse.


If a person omits some of the Sunnahs of Hajj, then he does not have to do anything, but he does not have the virtue of Hajj.


Things that are forbidden during Ihram It is forbidden to cover the head of a man and the face of a woman in Ihram or to cover part of it; it is also forbidden to cut the nails and hair, to oil the head and beard, and to put perfume on the whole body.


It is also forbidden to marry, to have intercourse and its preliminaries, and to kill land and wild animals whose meat is edible. The ruling on women is the same as that of men with regard to the things that are forbidden.





Guarding the heart from sinful acts is obligatory upon every Muslim. Similarly, guarding the seven limbs is fardhu ain for every Muslim.


Among the sinful deeds of the heart are doubting the existence of Allaah, feeling safe from the punishment of Allaah, despairing of the mercy of Allaah, boasting about the servants of Allaah, being proud, boasting about one’s obedience to Allaah, envy and resentment towards the servants of Allaah.


The meaning of hasad is a feeling of displeasure and feeling heavy-hearted about the enjoyment that a Muslim gets.


These include continually disobeying Allah, being miserly with what Allah has obligated, prejudice against Allah and Allah’s creatures, underestimating the obedience or disobedience that Allah or the Qur’an or knowledge or heaven or hell has brought up.


All of these are disobedience and evil deeds that are destructive, and some of them may even lead to kufr. May Allah Ta’ala protect us from them.





The obedience of the heart includes faith in Allah, belief, sincerity, tawadhu’ (humbleness), advice to Muslims, generosity, goodwill and glorifying the symbols of Allah.


And being grateful for Allah’s favors such as Islam, obedience to Allah and other favors.


Patience in facing trials such as illness, disaster, death of loved ones, loss of property, injustice of people, patience in doing obedience and patience to stay away from sin and believe that sustenance is from Allah.


Other than that is hating the world, being hostile to lust and the devil, loving Allah and His messengers and companions and the members of His house, the tabi’in, and the righteous, being content with Allah, having trust in Him and other obligations of the heart that lead to salvation.





The sins of the limbs are: Abdominal sin – such as eating usury, drinking intoxicants, eating the wealth of orphans and eating food and drink that Allah has forbidden. Allah and His Messenger have cursed the usury eater and everyone who helps to eat it and cursed the drinker of alcohol and everyone who helps to drink it up to the seller.


Oral sin


– There are many kinds of verbal disobedience: such as gossip, which is telling (gossiping) about something that is disliked in your fellow Muslim, even if you are telling the truth. Next is namimah (complaining). lying, reviling and reviling others and cursing them and so on.


Immorality of the Eye


Eye sins include looking at a strange woman (not her mahram), looking at the ‘awrah, looking contemptuously at Muslims and looking into other people’s houses without their permission.


The sin of the ear


The disobedience of the ear includes listening to gossip and other haraam actions.


Disobedience of the Hand


The disobedience of the hand is such as reducing the measure and balance, betrayal, stealing, and other prohibited actions such as killing and beating without just cause.


Foot Wickedness


The disobedience of the feet includes walking to harm a Muslim or to kill him, or to harm him without just cause, and it is also haraam to walk to do so.


Penile Immorality


Sexual immorality includes adultery, sodomy, hand masturbation and other sexual immorality.


Bodily Immorality


Disobedience with the whole body is such as disobeying one’s parents, fleeing from battle is a major sin, and other than that, such as breaking ties of kinship and mistreating others.


It is only Allah who gives Taufiq and help to do deeds that are pleasing and acceptable to Him. May Allah always bestow peace and blessings upon Sayyidina Muhammad and his family and companions.




“O Allah, guide us among those whom You guide and grant us health among those whom You grant health. Help us among those whom You help and bless us in what You give and protect us from the evil of all that You ordain.


Indeed, You are the one who decides and You do not accept decisions. Verily, it is not despised whom You love nor honored whom You oppose. Glory be to You, our Lord and Most High. So to You be all praise for what You decide and to You be all gratitude for the favors You give and bestow. We ask forgiveness and repent to You.


May Allah shower peace and blessings on the best of His creation Muhammad and his family and companions.”